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tv   Shipi belikh roz  1TV  June 23, 2024 5:05pm-6:00pm MSK

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tanya, oh, anatoly, hello, have a seat, good morning, but i thought i remembered the stop incorrectly, i was already about to go on the fourth lap, uh-huh, by the way, tanya, where were you yesterday? i fixed the car, thank you, i wanted to show off, i thought you would come, here i am, but you never came. i just messed around with stel. with kostya? yes. oh, i hope he didn't bore you too much. he is such, such a talented guy, but such a bigot. sometimes i listen to him and yes, we had a good time with him. i even gave him a couple of pieces of advice, but i really didn’t like him these pants, which, like sailors’ , flare out at the bottom with a skirt. these are flared pants. and the jacket is also strange, the collar of it is like beer in shock. this is a naru jacket, corden invented it in 1959. tanya, i
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should leave in one, i wanted to ask you an important question, suggest getting married, why should i get married right away, first to the theater, no, to a concert, no, to the circus, i haven’t been to the circus yet, well then to the circus, we agreed , deal. where have you been? i'll keep you up all night. hello, natalia. hello joseph. where is your artist? i left last night and still haven't returned. yes. why do you need it? all the better. pack your things. post any things? and where to? let's come live with me from chania. what do you mean why? no, wait, i am. i can’t,
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so, patient, you can’t give me these, please, because i am responsible for your health with my head, and either you come with me, or forced hospitalization, you don’t feel sorry for people, what kind of people, ordinary people, orderlies , nanny, by the way, they received a severe reprimand for your escape, and i, as best i could, softened the situation, as gratitude i ask only one thing, obey. that is, me, uh-huh, i repeat the question again, do you have any things here, yes, can i put on a raincoat, can i put on a raincoat, can i leave a note, can’t leave a note, the car is waiting, the meter is ticking, uh-huh, please.
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what do we have here? the rape of europa. lep, get in the car, natasha! i say: get in the car right now, hear you, intellectual, if you ever lay a finger on it, i ’ll beat your liver, i’m a doctor, i know how to beat you so that you’re only released from intensive care for may day demonstrations, you heard me, but your hands are shaking, intellectual, for the first time you’re threatening to get into intensive care, come on, show me where to hit, otherwise i’ll guess at everything. “i
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thought so, you’re playing with this, or she’s playing with you, return it, i understand, i still have to write it, in general, until the very morning and we talked, i don’t even remember when we went to bed, six picked him up, let me think, i’ll try once again, by the way, as usual." but at this time for men, please spare us the details, really, ekaterina, everything is somehow unclean, just wow, one closet for 10 families, that’s unclean, study while i’m here with you, they are resting in the tybet sanatoriums for general’s wives, girls, and we can come to you, iskra markovna, you are always welcome, please come in, and you, lida, lida, yes, they wanted to call lizaveta , but dad was against it. says
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lisa, “lisa, that’s a thing of the past, we decided to go out of style, we really need to go for a walk, she, you know, is getting married soon, right in front of her and down the aisle.” we need something so that the groom sees it right away and wants it, yes mom, oh, oh, i’m getting married, i’m very happy for you, then this is really needed pick up something special, let me help, well, the more help, the better, and you ’re new, i haven’t seen you here before, yes, the name is tatyana, tatyana, yes, very nice, what’s your last name, oh, just please don't worry, okay, why? girls, are you okay? we just want to go to the grocery store, we need to buy some gifts, and, you know, our groom is a very difficult person, until you find something he won’t turn up his nose at, then maybe we’ll go in
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and take care of our bride, yes, not like human beings this is how the bride dresses her groom. in its try to live life for a change, it can be shorter, my mother is ready to let me out on red square in negligence for the sake of business, don’t pay attention, what did you say your name is? tanya, a beautiful name, but an ordinary one, yours will be more beautiful. yes, and it’s rare, can you imagine, there were as many as five tans at school, lida was not alone, just a minute, please, nazarova, come out, nazarova,
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well, almost everyone is assembled, konstantina, i see, no, it’s okay, he’s on his own he’ll tell you everything about himself, and you’ll get up and listen. meet, comrades, a young specialist will do an internship with us, my temporary deputy, vladimir, i apologize, i don’t know his middle name, sergeyech, but you can just by name, but i apologize, ivan ivanovich, and if he is your deputy, then am i the boss or not, i just want to understand the chain of command. hello lida.
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new year's eve 2023 on channel one, by this time yuri shatunov himself has been gone for six months, but his voice and his smile are still with us. yura shatunov left a big mark on another generation and even our grandchildren, i think they will listen to these songs too will be in love with them.
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scheduled for may, june 2022, will definitely take place. yuri shutunov kept his word. in less than 2 months of the tour, he gave concerts in fourteen cities. the last one was june 20, 2020 in podolsk near moscow. 3 days before his untimely departure. thank you so much for the gifts and notes. for the flowers and just thank you for everything, really for me, however, as always, it was a great pleasure to sing for you. in communicating with fans, shitunov always appeared sincere and open, but he didn’t like giving interviews to journalists, but in the celebrity community he was known as a reserved person. he
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was modest, shy, in some sense a guy; it was probably difficult for him to overcome the noglas who surrounded him. it felt like he was caught in something. because the precedent pressure of razin, who set these boundaries for him there, is a very positive guy, without showing off, without unnecessary things, much more. journalists calculated that yuri shitunov gave almost 500 concerts during his career, his heart
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could not withstand the crazy rhythm of life. in on the fiftieth birthday of yuri shatunov , the closest relatives gathered at the troykurovsky cemetery. widow svetlana and children, denis. the day before, a bronze monument to yuri shitunov was erected here. i wanted to convey precisely a not strong smile, such a calm state of his, somehow so bright, kind, calm, so. to people, i somehow immediately formed this
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image, so simple, calm, beautiful, nothing superfluous, without any clutter, because yura held huge stadiums alone, without any dancing, he didn’t need it there there were, after all, bronze roses, of course, beautiful, but they had to be alive. at his feet and next to him there are only living, white ones, i so want to warm them with glass, but white roses, in front of everyone, i am ready to kiss and stroke, white roses, white roses without... shitunov is called
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the golden boy. shitunov said, let 's pay me money. here. razen said: “no problem, but you’ll just have to carry them yourself.” his concerts bring in incredible fees. he takes out two of these huge suitcases from under the bed. creative contacts, stop communicating with former colleagues, hello, the phenomenon of shatunov
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is that he doesn’t do anything bad to anyone, he doesn’t talk bad about anyone, what forced shatunov to flee from wild popularity and huge fees, why did he decide to change his life so dramatically, leave the group, get a new one profession, move to another country, they can write whatever they want. i can’t forbid anyone to write this or not write that; the story of triumph and then flight from fame of yura shatunov still raises many questions. today the true story those who watched shitunov grow up, with whom he was friends and whom he loved will tell about him. many stories will be heard for the first time.
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oh, you know, i’m having some troubles again, memories, tatyana vasiyarova, first love, yura shtunovok. until now , few people knew about their relationship, today tatyana for the first time decided to talk about her feelings, but there was such a childish love, purely so beautiful, like that of a prince and a princess, the village of old joy can barely be seen on the map of bashkartastan, here is kumer millions
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spent the happiest years of his life difficult childhood. here is our sports ground, look, oh, it hasn’t even changed at all, it remains the same, the last time yura and tanya saw each other was 25 years ago, when they were both 15, she carried the memories of that meeting throughout her life, he came here when there were already hits everywhere on tv, and you know, they specifically showed him on tv in this jacket with these hundred shoes, and he was sitting next to me. in the same jacket, i even took a rivet from him, he had such rivets on his shoulders, he white roses, sang a song, ready, who did you think would greet you in winter, oh white roses, take cruel packs, cold winds into the world, and
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in the morning a taxi came for him from orenburg, and he left, it was... love at first look, she is an excellent student, the most beautiful girl in the class, everyone always fell in love with her, all the boys fell in love with her for some reason, he is a two-student, the most famous bully in school, there were bullies in general, if they catch a mouse , they chase us with this mouse throughout the school. news that yura is being sent to children's. house it was a complete surprise for tanya, i refused until the last moment to believe that he would be sent to an orphanage at home, they didn’t yet understand that their paths would never cross again, he came once and said, if i become famous, will you marry me, i say , i went out, i ran into you, well, under the moonlight, we kissed, once
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like this, like this, like this, like little children and that’s it. just 3 years later, in 1988 , laskovy may would blow up discos and become the most famous pop group in the soviet union. i remember this reaction from the stadiums of the northern kazakhstan, this is maktyubensk, such cities, when this project called tender may, simply blew people’s minds. and i realized that this was something really serious. a unique video from the personal archive of tender may fans. an ordinary soviet boy, yura shatunov, just goes on stage and just sings. the chief interlogist of our program. it was like this in every city, at
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every concert, an orphan singing songs about love, the soviet stage had never seen anything like this, in the same shatunov they created the image of this guy from the orphanage, who, look there, vasya, lena, petya, you can do the same, look, he sings just like you, he feels just like you, for these guys there is a treasure, like one of ours broke through, what do they call it?
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generations of pupils, but the history of the appearance of the cult group within these walls is carefully preserved. the most famous graduate of our childhood home is yura shatunov. this is the room in which yura once lived, when he was here, his place of residence was here, well, that room, it may still be filled with that spirit of him. today's orphanage students dream of life outside the government walls, just like yura once did. while i was little, i was a bully. there is even his room where he slept, at one time everything was covered with his posters, we have girls here, and even boys
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who listen to exactly what’s new, the day when shatunov appeared in the boarding school is still remembered here , i was immediately drawn to him, he had a large shaggy hat on his head, his ears held this hat, because it was not large in size. and from under this hat there were such huge eyes, two bottomless wells, i sat down next to him, i looked, i thought, well, such a kind boy, you can see him right in his eyes. valentina tazikenova, at that time the director of the orphanage, was immediately warned that yura , a hooligan, could escape. friends even called him a connecting rod. when they started characterizing him , they honestly admitted that he was a runner. i also thought at first, maybe it was his nickname shatun, not his surname shatunov, when they started writing out a ticket for me, it said shatunov yuri vasilyevich, i then believed that his surname was that, right here in
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in orenburg in 1986, the head of a local music group, sergei kuznetsov, came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a group of orphanage boys. he immediately chose yura for the role of vocalist. his mother, his own mother, aunt vera, she sang very well, apparently he inherited this. at first he tried on other people’s guitars, he didn’t have his own guitar, because there was no one to buy him, by the way, he very quickly started playing on other people’s guitars, then he was simply squandered. always for him to play for someone, two stars, fathers and sons, watch after the evening news, lesha, let's turn it on so that
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there is something, now we'll start to figure it out, so why figure it out, i want to show a movie to a person, there are people who make movies out of thin air, and i’m out of my mind, and you don’t have to tell me anything, i know everything. i know a lot of bandits, i go to the bathhouse, brother, you’re brother, seryozha, he’s not an artist, he’s a personality, i think that power is in truth, he ended up in the caucasus, strictly speaking, because of me, we we filmed there, there’s no need to relax, guys, the war is going on when seryozha left, something left my world, but it just became more difficult for me, because i had a death, there was such a person, he forced me to carry it for easter.
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the founder of the group, sergei kuznetsov, offered a quote from their song summer. it sounded like this: affectionate may will come into its own, so he says:
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i offer him affectionate may, here i am honestly, i thought i heard some kind of affectionate enamel there, i don’t know, i thought so, some kind of nonsense, well, then i somehow later it’s like, like my caress, and my caress will go, that’s it. the difficult fate of yura shatunov was mourned millions of fans across the country, but hardly any of them knew what this charming guy really had to go through.
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city of kumertao, bashkartastan. shitunov was born in an ambulance on the way to the maternity hospital. yura's mother just turned 18 years old. after discharge, she went to stay with relatives in the village of staraya otrada. his grandmother lived here.
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died, they were even at the graves, they died all the time, they died so much that he works on the car, and we have an emergency car in this box, here is the very last box, the twelfth, after his divorce from his wife, shatunov’s father did not showed interest in his son, caring for him fell entirely on the shoulders of his mother,
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the atk motor transport office. the bus conductor was a beautiful woman, black hair, dark blue eyes, strong build, cheerful. vera shatunova never lost heart. fellow villagers still remember her laughter and clear voice. she was very smart, cheerful, loved to sing, like the subbotniks, there is a school there and we study. she washes the windows, she washes the windows and sings. yura grew up like an ordinary village boy, he loved apples from neighboring orchards. and we, firstly, have our own there were apples, but for some reason the neighbors in the garden tasted better. and he fought with local boys. here i am about 12 years old, well, we got it right, the neighbor’s nephew, yury shtunov, was captured in this very place
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holding my leg. yes, somewhere. we are right next to this fence, in my opinion, maybe here, or maybe there, in the old consolation yura went to school, a good-natured, blue-eyed boy made all his classmates fall in love with him from the first day, i sat at the first game and he was taken in, he has this smile all the time, it seems to me that day and night he smiled, even if they scolded him, he walked away and smiled, that’s it, all words end.
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of course, the turning point was strong, from that day yura shatunov’s life changed forever, a misfortune happened and we felt so sorry for him, indeed, we are all with our parents, we are all with our mothers, everyone goes to their own home, but we , like children, could not do anything for him we couldn’t express this, our grief, our sadness, we couldn’t express it, he became... withdrawn, he became somehow unattainable. my own father did not show the boy with a squinty face showed no interest, did not try to help or take him in. yura initially remained in the care of his stepfather. he started missing a lot of classes, so we went. in the evening a boy sits next to him, like this.
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like ours, and it’s already dark, near, in the corner, there in the house, such a little house, you can hear songs from the house, drunken songs. look at everything, he’s sitting like this on the wing with his sweatshirt, sitting, looking out, what are you, yura, why don’t you go to school, there’s no reason, yura was taken in by his mother’s sister, lyuba. she soon sent shatunov to the nursery house, they had a misfortune in the family and it turned out that aunt lyuba’s husband ended up in prison, he hit a man there, or something, well, i don’t know, he said so, and aunt
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lyuba, she has two small children in her arms, completely tiny, still a nephew, i had to give him this to this in orenburg. and there he just found his destiny. shotunov’s uncle, alexey makarov, was released from prison and returned to his native village of tyulgan, orenburg region. here he still lives with his wife lyuba. this is the same apartment in which once upon a time there was a place for little yuri shatunov. from here he was taken to an orphanage. reproaches addressed to him from shatunov’s fans, his aunt ignores him, categorically refuses interviews, i of course condemn my aunt for such an act, well, she did not do well, she simply
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traumatized the child, you know from childhood, how shitunov himself felt about the actions of his relatives, did he feel offended? him on this path, however, who knows how shitunov’s fate would have turned out if in 1986 his music had not been heard by the administrator of the mirage group, andrei razen. i don't know if he remembers
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is it razin, i’ll remind him, this, it was in the city of almaat, the song summer summer was played in the performance of affectionate may, no one had ever heard this group, but why did we pay attention to it, we approached this merchant. who immediately told us everything about this group, it says: an orphanage from orenburg, a boy, such an orphan, andrei razin, 10 years older than shitunov, he was also brought up in an orphanage, his parents died in a car accident when the boy was only a year old . we must give due credit to andrei razin’s entrepreneurial spirit, because literally by the evening of that day his trace had disappeared. that is, he flew to moscow, then to orenburg to look for a group. razin decided to transfer shatunov to moscow. arriving in orenburg, he introduced himself to the director of the boarding school, an official of the ministry of culture.
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and stap bender is resting. don't cut this place out. the most interesting thing, i’ll tell you, is this folder, leather, brown. and below it says: ministry of culture of the rsfsr, razin aaa. moscow boarding school number 24. when i entered, i saw such a dark-haired, unwashed guy, dressed, just, like, i don’t even know, nowadays you don’t see him on the streets, for some reason
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he always rubbed his eyes, i thought, what’s the matter, it turns out he forgot to wash himself on the train when they brought shatunova, i just remembered why, because he was such a frail, completely downtrodden boy , so wild, little wolf, right. of course, he didn’t even have anything to wear, i remember that i just gave him a black t-shirt, they changed his clothes, because in the rags he was in, of course, this was impossible. here, by the way, is a memorial plaque, here is a place, here , here, yuri shotunov recorded. matvey anechkin remembers how the first professional recordings of tender may took place. here in this building there used to be a cultural center of metrostroy. when we acquired this building, we decided to make a story here, which was called the pop music record studio. the only place where it was possible to record songs with high quality was the record studio in moscow, where the entire
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soviet union was being written at that time, and an hour of recording cost 50 rubles; to record a quick song, it took about 8 hours. play there what you played on those two songs that we wrote, because there’s something like a harsh voice in the microphone again. high-quality sound, fashionable arrangements, all this is good, but not enough. in order for the whole country to know about gentle may, andrei razin goes on television. he appeared like gorbachev spitting, there at the big television boss to put on his video, which means in the morning mail, and the morning mail was, i don’t know what is now number one in the rating, then and so on, in general, this is also was happening, he drove up to zilin on good government, it turned out that one of his...
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shuttunov, i can’t tell you. the
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daily routine is almost stricter than in a boarding school, only instead of labor lessons, there are endless concerts. the tender may group could give seven or eight events, and due to the fact that the program was only about an hour, it could run like a movie show, that is, at 10 am, at 12:00, at 2:00, 7, 9, they will laugh at me more from their own. lvov, kharkov, zaporozhye, dnepropetrovsk, kiev, rostov on don, sold out everywhere, what were called concerts suits, t-shirts, jeans, uh, they bought more at local markets, teenagers have no time to study, teachers are sent on tours with artists, give us a state construction, wherever, but you never know, then they ’ll get punished.
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from may '89 to may '90 alone, the group gave about 2,000 concerts, an average of four performances a day. and the very image of yura shatunov, and the repertoire, and what stood behind this group, what the guys seem to be publishing at home, this determined, this is its own, absolutely precise sector audience, from the point of view of production,
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pr, this was done very, very accurately. one of the group's lead singers remembers how their lives were controlled then. no one could leave the hotel just like that, without permission, without special sanction. a strict ban on girls, because they cause nothing but problems. the auditoriums and loudspeakers were literally stormed by fans. at every concert , shutunov was recognized. in love with hundreds of girls, in voronezh i watched a picture of how a crowd of fans, which means - simply - demolished the police cordon, people just went crazy about him, once again you break through this defense, the concert will be over through your fault, i still
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remember this, we wake up in the morning, i say, does that mean we have to go like this? have breakfast, i say, i ’m the first to go out, you quickly close, and i run, so i jumped out and ran, there was a crowd behind me, really, there were terrible things, it’s just that they tore my clothes on the jura several times, and there, well, quite seriously they scratched, well, they almost bit, well, yura , of course, had a bodyguard there, there was a bodyguard there, who we somehow saved. tour pace to withstand everything it’s more difficult, the team is forced to expand, under the brand of people from the orphanage , children from quite happy families appear on stage, the main thing is a pretty face and sadness in their eyes. the voice of yura shatunov still sounds on the soundtrack. a bunch of orders, one soloist, well, how
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can you imagine if on the same day several dozen cities ask to organize a concert. the situation itself prompted the creation of this cloning, anton tokarev worked in leningrad as a felcher on an ambulance in the evenings and rehearsed with a local group. chance meeting with andrey razin radically changed his life. at the first meeting, i asked andrey a question, i said, how much will my salary be? he says, nusya will arrange a ruble for you, but he received 120 rubles from helping out. for a concert, i say, but how many concerts, he says, i don’t know, there are 20-30 together, then i just realized, but it’s not bad to be an artist, it’s surprising, but the false shatunovs have never been beaten up by disappointed window-dressers in any city, not without you it
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suddenly became so empty, what’s wrong with me, what’s wrong with me?
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when i once went to see andryusha razin in number and he just looked so puzzled , i said, what happened? he says: but i can’t understand what to do with all this, i say: in what sense? well, he pulls out from under the bed these two such huge suitcases, and then he opens it, and there it is full of these three rubles, fives, tens, that is, the day, i remember one case when razen was barely a doctor in two healthy... a bag with money and says: we need to exchange them for larger ones, i thought there were 3-5 rubles, but there were stacked and compressed packs of 50 bank packages.
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no, it means envy, and if he lets you ride out of his kindness, then by the evening there will be nothing left of this motorcycle, and the motorcycle was a honda, expensive. shatunov receives cash only occasionally, but his untold wealth is the stuff of legends throughout the union. the only thing i heard from his aunt was that yura enters the bathhouse, takes a bath, and after himself even...
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on september 6, 1991, shatunov turns 18 years old, he no longer needs state guardianship, he can finally manage his own life. the first solution that accepts the idol of millions, leave the tender may group. i think that yura was just tired of all this, that is, he was tired, he just wanted an ordinary, normal life.
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sochi, rostov nadnu, i transport various cargoes, fulfill orders, earn a living. in the end, yura decides to immigrate, he leaves for germany, where he opens a small private studio. is going to study to become a sound engineer, he may be such a simple guy from the next door, but he clearly understands, he has moral
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values, he has a certain life they can give you adequacy, a push, but you can only stay in the rut, stay in what you are doing, more comfortable in any way, because i am represented to myself, i am free to do whatever i want, and not what what someone wants is not what someone wants... in a creative sense, but in a kind of human sense, when you depend on someone, it constrains you, when you are presented to yourself, you can take long strides towards your goal, your dream . kandemirovskaya street, building 5, building 4, every self-respecting fan of yura shunov should know this address. the entrance was old
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all covered in writing, especially around the apartment. yura, we love you. katerina's fan experience is 25 years. this is my wealth. once upon a time, while waiting for shatunov, she spent days in kantemirovsk, and today she comes in from time to time. oh, i can say that if you can’t get yura shtonov, then you can give birth to him. katya named her son yuri, after the idol of youth. the door, by the way, is the same as 10 years ago; for some reason it never closes, even though it is iron. the beige walls were written off there, too, near the elevator with all sorts of things
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inscriptions, yura, we love you. well, all sorts of things, it seems that yura shtunov finally found what he was looking for for so long. now he has a family, a home. he finally found what he lost in early childhood, what he could not buy with his exorbitant fees. now he is a happy husband and father. the moment came when my son was born. that is, it was like such a turning point, everything, i understood one thing, that where my family is, there is my home. shitunov met his wife quite by accident in germany, the girl’s family moved there a long time ago from the ussr. svetlana didn’t even know about the existence of such a group - affectionate may. the name yura shatunov meant nothing to her. if
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she were a fan of mine, let's just say this, i 'll just say it briefly. nothing would have worked out, now she knows my work , who i am and what i am, at that time, thank god, this question did not come up, svetochka is very kind, i communicated with sveta on skype, i gave sveta a large orenburg down scarf white, she says, i wore it with pleasure in germany, that is , now he has two children, a boy and it's a girl. he was able to overcome everything, those limitations and those adversities that were in life developed certain qualities in him, they developed one main quality - the desire to live, planted a tree, built a house, had a son and gave birth, three commandments that everyone needs to fulfill a man or bring it to life for every man, i did it, but there are some other things that are personally interesting to me, that is
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, musically, creatively, in terms of sound engineering. and so on and so forth, that is, there are many things that, which i would like to implement, thank you, and as they say, hello everyone, in fact, i am very happy to present you my new album and new program, looking at this stage, it may seem that in shatunov’s life everything is as it was at concerts the same songs are playing, there is still no way from the fans, thank you very much, i won’t, thank you, i won’t be with you either, and even if you really ask, i still won’t, they want to see him, an orphan from a small bashshkir village, who, having survived many tragedies and temptations, i was able to in the end, you will find a chill in yourself, but
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what the word “affectionate mother” means to you is nothing to me. i know you are waiting, i know that i am needed, i am not alone at all. hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. more than 100 victims, among them dozens of children, death toll.


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