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tv   Aleksei Balabanov  1TV  June 23, 2024 11:55pm-1:21am MSK

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you’re also good at sending her to the forest, you’ve already gone crazy with your collective farm, and this is your bear, it’s fashionable to bring strangers, it’s not mine, i love you, varya, i can’t forget, i’ll leave olga, just tell me, your daughter with the bear he's confused, he's fucking crazy, we see for ourselves, he's gone crazy, bear ermakov was here, i find out that i'll kill both of them, okay? you missed me, i couldn’t live without you , barka, stop, you’re disturbing me , nazar and i love each other, he’ll kill you, he won’t kill you, he found someone else for himself, nazar , stop it, you’re already two because of him i came close to death several times, which means i love you until death, war was declared, but i heard he writes from home? he writes to me, damn it, two shores,
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the premiere of a serial film, tomorrow after the program it’s time, hey, long time no see, the dragon missed you, how are you, take away the ready-made guy.
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god, what a man, i want a son from you, i want a daughter from you, come on, all together, get a divorce already, it’s better in an amicable way, go ahead , fantastic, from june 28 to fridays on the first. he controls a lot of things that come to us from the east from the caucasus, a respectable person, serious, head of the diaspora, andrey, go to him, he will help, thank you, but no, andrey, not a single diaspora will accept such people, no one needs problems. yes, they
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just need temporary shelter for a week maximum, well, there is one person, his name is arthur, young, he has an apartment in moscow, 100 or 200, i can talk to my people, they will connect you with him, okay, thank you, andrey viktorovich, tell me, were you there?
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hasn’t changed, that he’s gone crazy, i can’t understand, now in the east everything is changing very quickly, but how much do they need with this explosive, i think 200-300 kilograms, that’s it? no one will be lucky now, it is very dangerous, except perhaps old caches from the nineties. thank you, zelia mikhail ibragimovich, you are a brave man, andrey viktorovich, may allah grant you many years to come, and to alexander ilvich too, okay, i’ll tell you, have a nice day. in other news: pyotr
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osmolov, the creator of russian wikileaks, yesterday posted another piece of dirt on russian officials. this time the network turned up... hidden mail of the state corporation energia. the documents contain information about tenders won by energy's subsidiaries. the corporation's press service denies the authenticity of the correspondence. the investigative committee began an investigation. well, pyotr vasilyevich, we will assume that the energy documents handed over to you have been verified for authenticity. undoubtedly. with our help, we poked these swindlers well with a stick, but now you want to hit them with this stick, drive a stake into their chest, what do you mean? a secret russian-chinese gas contract, it is in the process of being concluded, and construction contracts have already been signed, i
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have never heard of this project, and no one has heard anything about it, above the game secrecy. what's wrong with these contracts? in the folder there is a list of companies announced for the tender for this contract. the cost of construction work and the tender estimate are inflated several times. i believe this will cause a serious resonance. where did you get this from? part of the company is controlled by former and current employees of the fsb of russia, the highest level. and the evidence is in this folder. well, i need to check this information.
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deals a blow to the security of russia, it is not only economically unprofitable, but 70% consists of multi-level corruption components, please, vera tershitskaya, independent expert, mr. osmolov, you
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are talking about corruption in an interstate contract, meanwhile you do not provide a single fact, do not name a single name or a single ministry, i have a document,
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yes, very nice , i am also your fan, well, fishermen are fishermen, as they say , i congratulate you, by the way, it was a wonderful performance today, i would like to interview you, ivan, you know, this is the situation, 15 interviews, i don’t know, i can do it, vasilievich, i i understand that you are being torn apart today, but still i beg you, find a minute for me, okay, then cafe, okay, what time, let’s do it at 10 o’clock, great, i’ll be there at 10, thank you very much. see you, see you, now i 'll bring you everything, now, attention, attention, guys, i need all the information on the osmologist
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from the moment of conception, antosha, take care of your biography - for compromising evidence, all wives, mistresses, illegitimate children, all zoom senses, come on, please try the contacts with the chens in whose cart? it’s been working for a long time and god forbid there’s another order back lesh take care of the chinese volume of the sales contract investors there and so on, but if you look good. well, that’s normal, what kind of you are needed, look, here you’re making a statement with normal, fveda, you’ve been working for a week, fire him with photographs, just take the touching one, where is he there with the children, there with the pets, and then we’ll show you, come on, okay, go to a minute, i'll do it, okay, uh-huh, welcome again, thus, i openly declare that the gas contract between
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russia and china, which is silent about in the foreign ministry and are silent at mintop energy, it deals a blow to the security of russia, it is not only economical, but by 70%. and then van it turns out that this osmolov is exposing in the interests of his client, a subcontractor who lost the tender, what kind of subcontractor is this, because of which he is not afraid to attack the fsb, and the cir, well, i don’t know, you know very well, who is osmolov, well, well... okay, gorbatova grave, go and meet, just
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don’t try to decipher even in an interview without my permission, you’re afraid that the office will be offended by you, they are offended, vanechka, only exes john and pets. on lubyanka square , houses 1.3 are not considered in such categories. take heart, oleg dmitrievich, when did we start discussing signing a contract with the chinese? a week later. washington is putting pressure on yanukovych from brussels; his position is extremely unstable. and we warned him that sitting on two chairs is a position. always extremely unstable.
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bratfield is sent to moscow. this morning i arrived and headed the residency. this week is shaping up for us. in 2 days they managed to send jihadists and a specialist velvet revolutions. what do we have with zelimkhan? he promised to meet me tomorrow with a person who should help. fine. and yet, this is already in all western news. connect me to mintop-energo. and with whom exactly? of course, it’s not his secretary to talk to urusov. that's just what we lacked right now. i want to ask you, how are you
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doing, what’s going on there? i have order, everything is under control, but then where does cnn get information about the contract, which is a state secret? i consider external penetration? what penetration? i’ll explain now, it was most likely prepared when, by whom did it cook? well, when here we are with you, my friend, you need to prepare for retirement and immediately, it’s a mess, he’s leaking like a bucket, and he’s talking about external penetration, it’s a mess, who is this guy anyway, a lawyer, how they love to call himself, the defense attorney has several cases on illegal construction in moscow, several publications about
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theft of state corporations, mostly paperwork, what does he present to the office, facts? there are no facts, osmolov promised to press conference to provide evidence later, a whole year of work is down the drain. oleg, prepare me information for special messages to the president, yes, decide to go, go. china on the special line alexandrovich, i greet you, mr. li. thank you.
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mr bradfield.
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and i have said many times that your department’s methods are slightly outdated. the chinese do not care that information about their secret negotiations with the russians was leaked to the press, but information about the corruption in which the leadership of the fsb is involved makes them very angry. irritation. you know how they feel about it at home now. further question. proven technologies, and here i rely on you, your precious sleepers. michael, even in egypt everything didn’t go the way we wanted, but here in russia everything will definitely be different. why not? take a look around. here, as everywhere else,
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the system works. the system is a system everywhere. why shouldn't it work here? this. that's why the fire, well, in general, will come to europe in a month, can you imagine how much fifty dollars it looks ok, your restaurant chain, the promotion, in general is packed, elvira, you are dangerous, well... it is clear that i am not his first, but i am not going to marry him, you are not afraid to fall in love, i have already fallen in love, my girl, i am now , let's.
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im done. my name is ivan zhurav. mirror. yes, please, of course, ulechka, please, two more coffees, no, no, no, no, no, thank you, okay, ah, yeah, let's start,
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well, we're going, let's go, then i'll tell you, we'll have someone else we’re waiting, we’ve already waited. thank you, well... and tell me, when are you going to publish these documents? yes literally tomorrow, tomorrow i
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will send to the retors that part of the documents that we talked about, yeah, well, thank you, yes, thank you, and to be honest, i’m very surprised that any of the journalists in this country would dare to talk to me, you know, in this country all the journalists are... yes, of course, of course, i really hope so, goodbye, goodbye, listen, i saw where a man bit a dog 3,000 views, just think, this is just in a week , i mean a little, you can do it yourself, that’s it, you and your parrot first collect at least a hundred, and then blather. what do i know, this video with tractors, i don’t even understand where there are one and a half views, if only they played football with haymakers or
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painted each other, like in deaddrait, remember? yeah, if so many people watched my video, where did this kolhodnik even get the internet from, then let’s get in touch.
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these are the main speakers, these are our aliens , these are these, well, this same lyosha, let’s turn it on so that there is something now, we’ll start to figure it out, so what to figure out, i want to show a movie to a person, you know, boo-boo, although turn it on and boo-boo. there are no high frequencies here, here there are only high frequencies, well, look, how is he, that’s all, that’s all, sasha, thank you, yeah, you’re asking me why i communicate with bandits. that's it, ready, that's it, come on, come in, you can turn it off, yes, turn it off,
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oh my, damn, what is this for life, that's it, that's it,
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i'm a regional center, a great thing, of course, i really liked it at the time, you'll write , 95, it’s not like this for a long time, 15 years more, it doesn’t age at all, i don’t know, and in 100 years it will be, well, we’ve covered it, we’ve covered it these are the entire board.
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there’s nothing left, this brother’s theme, it appeared there the first time, yes, and then it came back later, but i didn’t think about it, but the creator, he’s not the master, others can analyze, he himself can’t do anything, i ca n’t , only i don’t want to, yes, yes, don’t shoot, brother, please don’t shoot, what are you doing, brother, get up, come on, that’s it, i’m sorry, brother, don’t shoot, please don’t kill me, brother. you
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are my brother, you were my father instead of me, i called you dad, you remember, i pierced my leg while fishing, you 10 km away from me, you do you really think that the film brother is not of eternal value, but a film that will become outdated, i got scared, yes, and you laughed at me, it will become outdated, like everything else, it becomes outdated, now there is some kind of 3d, i don’t know anything about it... i understand, that’s it, now my children are sitting near computers, and i’m not even friends with the internet, everything has its time, new people will come, there will be a new movie, and i’m like pyrevo, i’ll easily become outdated, someone is now watching pyrevo with pleasure, tractor drivers there are some
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or... but i can’t do it anymore, i’m no longer interested, it will be the same here, the creator is the hardest thing, the very feeling that it worked, and now everything seems to be fine, but it doesn’t work anymore, you know, it’s very scary to make it worse, my castle movie didn’t work out, i know why now... because it turned out well previous film, i thought a lot to myself, according to the script everything was great, but it didn’t work out for me, mr. land surveyor, i am very unpleasant, mr. land surveyor, please, i
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ask you to forget this unfortunate incident. maybe you need something, i can, here, i have something better, give it to i love it, but the music is kuryokhin, there are brilliant episodes there, just, well, there are some episodes that i came up with, that’s absolutely true.
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i took it from totskogo, i had auditions, i should n’t have taken misha efrimov, he was young, he was handsome, he also auditioned for me, but i didn’t take him, but i took colustot.
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free, absolutely everything, a walk in the park without a dog, it can become too expensive for you, your mother teaches you the basics, the morgue phone number when she is not there, at home for too long, when your father arrives he doesn’t find the door and spits out the cooked dinner. she is older than her mother, her father should become her husband, the first experience of fighting against sweaty hands always comes too early, love is just a face
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on the wall, love is a look from the screen, what time is it. my moscow, everything somehow fell apart, well, with egor, with nastya, i communicate periodically, they also live here in st. petersburg, it
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was slava’s anniversary, everyone gathered at my house, they gave interviews, quietly, hello, hello, and are they celebrating here? no, with age these close, youthful relationships disappear, we had girls in common, cool eagles,
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look, don’t fall. take a pen, great hi, when he agreed, i wrote the script very quickly, just because there were a lot of different ideas, scattered, what do you want, but you don’t have a pill for your headache, pashkarat is injecting drugs, drink vodka better, no, i need a pill, i haven’t yet i don’t know who will be filming. write a script, you know, well, let's go, if that's the case, the story is born in advance, but when you write yourself, you have to write for specific objects and for specific people, i had to figure out where
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to shoot, i've known vitya sukharokov for a long time, well, in general somehow everything should have been like this it’s important for me that there be heroes, heroes all appear. brother brother immediately appeared. on your knees, hands forward, i'm looking for my brother, bogrov, victor, he lived here, i'm younger than my brother, only 2 days in leningrad, my mother gave me his address, car wash one, apartment 8, well, hello, brother, seryozha, unusual, very much such a character, and then we sat on the beach in a cafe. i think they drank beer, i don’t remember, it was during the day
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, it was sunny, it was a day, i told him, let’s make a movie together, but there won’t be any money, he said something like that, he just said, come on, that’s it, why did you say to make a film together, what exactly did you mean, but because i’m not an artist. there he took it from a person who, well, together with me, i wasn’t a director yet, i was so big then, although i had already made three films there before, professional ones, i mean, but i didn’t feel like that, but i knew that if he is an artist, then i have to pay him some money, and i ’m not a producer at all, i know that there is no money for a movie, in fact, there was no script yet, i... i just had an idea, it was one of
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few of my friends, very close ones, then he became, but then i just felt his charm, very, very strong, positive charm, i thought that he could be a bandit, and it would be interesting. i wanted to leave, we almost got killed here, i wanted to leave, i would have left, there was very little money, practically none, on film, on camera,
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the desire to make a film about bandits or the desire to make an action movie for a wide audience or you just wanted to make something... then from a cheerful place, i wanted to make a movie, in general, yes, i’m generally talking about i wanted to shoot freaks, i was very interested in the syama twins, i read books about them, there were also czech girls like them, well, that is, i was interested. about everything so ugly, i
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suddenly read about these, i didn’t know about the fact that people are masochists, hello, huh? i'll call dad, dad, this is for you, what exactly fascinated you about siamese twins? well, first of all, photographs. secondly, chunk and eng were two people who were terribly popular, lived in america, and both had families. and...
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excuse me, are you coming to us? well, no one is in this movie doesn't give you money? no, huh?
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further, if it is large, then everyone will find their own philosophy there, it should be broad, you know, that is, there should not be anything specific there, if it is specific, it is boring and stupid. and what kind of song is this, for me the main thing is the lyrics, if a person is fake, i say stupa, and we shoot a take, but the lyrics suck. and he often proposed his text, who? votrov, never, no, because all the time i have the feeling that he is speaking in the first person, on his own behalf, yes, well, because i didn’t always write it down, he helped me, we discussed it,
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if it was at the level of the script, i agreed with something, if it somehow didn’t contradict my feelings.
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“varka, make up your mind, we need to start a new life, i’ll get you a job at a factory, we’ll rent a room somewhere for you too, the rapids are ahead, mom, misha, where, they didn’t find him, father said, you’re on
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the rapids, you crashed, hold her, jump, i said, i’ll shoot now, don’t worry about him killing him, father”? it’s like you ended up on the shore, you found me, who is varya, my bride, you are young for happiness, smile, i’m your husband now, otherwise i can teach you, whip i forgot, two shores, the premiere of a multi-part film, tomorrow after the program it’s time, you ’re crazy, don’t touch me, i won’t sleep with you, i won’t live better at all.
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in the first brother you used nautilus music, what explained this choice? no, the fact is that the second brother already had money, the first did not, glory would be free and he was an artist and musician for me, because he was like a friend from sverlovsk, vyacheslav butusov, an architect. people are used to listening to western music, any kind of music at all, navel there, pipa there, i don’t remember, figuratively we’ll be there already to put it means, well, everyone there is italian, and so on and so forth, i talked to him and filmed him. my early films, i knew him since 1985 or 1984, now we can offer music that, so to speak, is meaningful and
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generally uh, well, can give some food for thought, those frayed jeans have become too small for me , we have been taught for so long. to love your forbidden fruits, goodby americago, where i will never be, boy, okay, bori, tell me, i’m bringing him a gift, bring us some vodka, i'm sorry, but we don't serve drinks during the climb rally, you don't understand, bring us some vodka, we're flying home when all
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the songs i don't know are silent, in the tart air the last of my paper gunpowder screams. blacks, they are real, well, how was it, how was the contact established, well, they laughed all
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the time, because they had fun acting in films, but they played very well, because they are all americans, they watch films, they they love, i don’t know, they are interested in the fact that the whites came here, but the whites don’t never entered these areas, here we arrived, they liked how... to put whatever they wanted, because he would compensate with his charm, and it would be the other way around, which is what happened, snowball, let's go,
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their second brother, in the first brother , in general, if you take another artist, he’s a negative character, i would have written a different script if it weren’t for him, come home with us? it’s good there, what am i going to do there? what are you doing here? and i like it here, in america all the power of the world, where is the power, brother, that’s what, all the power is in money, brother, money rules the world and the one who has more of them is stronger, okay, here’s a lot of money, and what are you going to do, i’ll buy everyone, including me. yes, he is there as he is, that’s what he is for me, real, he doesn’t play anything there, that’s who he is, and what do you call
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the negative content that you put into his positive image, well, as a person, he kills people, people there in large quantities, it's good, it's bad, but it's absolutely not scary, in this case, when he does it, what? niger is an insulting curse word for them, but that’s what they taught me at school, they live in china the chinese, the germans in germany,
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the jews in israel, the blacks in africa, they are completely different. and not just different people, this is somehow interesting, that he loves his brother, here he uses him, that is, one is good, the other is bad, interesting, interesting, well, i came up with no special philosophical idea , i didn’t have any, it just seems to me , what is interesting, i learned that i have a huge family, a blade of grass or... in a field, every spikelet, river, sky, blue, this is all mine, dear, this is my homeland, there is a huge family, mole, weight, and a hero like danilo bagrov, in your opinion, may become outdated, seryozha
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is a very, very strong person, i say, this is a personality, and his personality is multifaceted... at the same time , people really liked him with this phrase, he said it well, he said it correctly, well, look, for example, he says, i didn’t say much about the jews, he and after that herman stopped saying hello, what’s your name, hoffmann,
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a jew, a german, otherwise... somehow not very much, but the germans? germans are fine, what's the difference? well, something stuck, a talented person is not necessarily smart, and in general talent is not ennobles its bearer, these are completely different parameters, it’s true, i’m really a fool, an absolute fool, but they say that i’m talented, they say definitely, well, that’s also not a fact. tell me, american, what is strength, is it in money, my brother says that it is in money, you have a lot of money, and why, i think that
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strength is in truth, whoever has the truth is... stronger, that’s it. did you deceive someone, squeeze money and become stronger for something? no, no, the point is that there is a story, and there is an image. seryozha, he is not an artist, he is a personality, a strong personality, so he can do this, or edek can do it. he never studied to be an actor or a director, suddenly he became both, a screenwriter, plus he wrote the sisters himself. this is a lot, i only helped him with the music, the only thing i told him was that tsoi, but i really knew the music much better, him, i say, the most cinematic musician is tsoi, tsoi has already been, only his tsoi, not it was, or rather him, he died, about 100 years ago, firstly, he didn’t die,
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he died. and agatha cross, at the end he said goodbye, baby, he chose it himself, i just told him he said, listen, that’s it, come out, and i always check the music, imitate it, that is , i always turned on some kind of ear, watched tv, it’s very simple.
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that is, we really communicated so much that we were friends. they didn’t talk to him about philosophical things, they talked to him about creativity, i told him the idea of ​​​​the film war, i remember, i don’t remember a lot, but in the war he was an absolutely positive character, initially, if he hadn’t existed, there would have been a slightly different movie , because he brought there strongly, depending on him, i have text there.
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that’s where we filmed, that’s where i actually lived, everyone lived in the shtetl, and i lived alone where the zindan was, this one, well, that is
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, everything real was interesting there, there was such a strong energy, well, i when i saw it, i immediately realized that this was a movie, and then i wrote the script. at first i talked to the people who were sitting in these pits, they told me such terrible stories, just like in... in a truck with glass wool they were transporting him there as a young guy, and then they showed him to his father, the guy paid,
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you won’t do anything, bloody, i'll pay, we will cut off your fingers, like the jews had their fingers cut off, these are all real stories, absolutely people told me this, that is, i came up with this thing. as if i didn’t know where, but for a cinematographer it is very important where, when i found this place, everything was determined for me, this was not the first time i had been there, when we were filming, i had been there for a long time and had a rest, when i was a boy i was in kabbari , i just love it there, these mountain rivers, these gorges. this is all very cool, do you also like the way of thinking of the local population? no, i'm not interested in that, that's it
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you remember the scene on the glacier, they are walking on the glacier. englishman, how can it be ugly, because they are naked to the waist walking along...
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how much do the cuckoo tell me about the city's inhabitants on the evacuation grounds. lie like a stone or burn like a star, a star, he took my whole group. there to the cormadon with me, because a lot of people died there, who went with me almost the whole way, there were good people, you know, around.
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well, marinka is like a person, but my mother told me, i gave you a trainer, and you took her into the group, so she attacked me, that’s why she came from her made a second director, well, well, she was great, she was a second director, and you were also my second director, but i’m no good, okay, you won’t like it. no, they are the only ones left, if
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some die and others remain, there should still be a meaning in this, there is a meaning in everything, that’s it, but we don’t know it, and that’s also correct, because when it’s all over, we we’ll find out, but seryozha knew right away, no? he was a person like you and me, that is, he was an ordinary, normal person, he just was, something was given to him, that’s why to some it is given, but to others it is not given, this means some kind of internal strength, the lord knows this.
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are you so afraid, look, he is probably 200 years old, and if he is a maniac, you like to watch people, it seems to me that they have gotten rid of some kind of burden here, i love him, and i don’t need anyone else, female conqueror. my parents insisted for a long time on the wedding without a single defeat, they are delighted with my husband and his activities, there will be no future that you so colorfully paint for us, i can tell our readers about our first once, a film by alexander baluev, hotel, premiere, super-camera movie about the understatement between people that arises and smolders inside for years,
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on saturday on the first. it seems that since he's been gone, it's become much more difficult for you to work, well, i guess you could say that, but i don't think so. so i never thought about it like you say, but it just became more difficult for me because my friend died, and not only him, but half of my group, you know, there are people close to me, in fact, if you have a lot of ideas, you you can find others, well, here is seryozha ostakhov, who filmed everything with us then. he
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had a stroke, although he didn’t drink, never smoked, he just worked a lot, it seems like now he’s made some kind of movie again, well, i found sasha simonov, well, a brilliant cameraman from moscow, we ’ve already made two, in my opinion, or three films they filmed it together, that is, everything was interchangeable, with seryozha it was like, i’m telling you, there was personal, there was friendship. well, maybe, well, of course, when seryozha left, something left my world, what is the most striking episode between you and related to him, well, from a purely personal point of view? it was good, well, firstly, i was
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interested in showing him those places where i would never see you, because we traveled and studied, after all, i lived there and i showed him, and then i filmed there...
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fuck off, i was interested in how mikhalkov would play, to me. and i go to the bathhouse, you know, bandits go to the bathhouse, it was not a tatar, young, and you don’t have to tell me anything, i know everything, yes, yes, they just told me a bunch of stories for the next script, i recorded it on a tape recorder,
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that's it, people there lived a different life, this is the world huge, now they are serious financiers there. there honor is honor, there people don’t deceive each other, in the intelligentsia world, in the last film, where i have two bandits starring absolutely real, let’s
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get together that they come from the army, and what... i lived with one of there were such guys in the room, there was a shared life between two, and in general he told me many things, periodically flew away and arrived, and then i flew to africa, to the middle east, remember how
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you and i swollen masandra in kabul, how we drained this airplane alcohol, but no... “okay, good luck to you, daughters, hello, and how in the sixth year i failed the khan, don’t you remember either, well, i talked with these people, that’s why i have 200 in my load, this is the scene when they bring il-76, pskov regiment, to our division, i would, i would see it all.” where are you thinking about who now, dear, where
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are you thinking about whom now, dear, you have so many of your own and unrealized ideas, and suddenly you made a film based on seryozha’s script, well, yes, i wrote the script for myself, eh.. crucified with cocaine in the wet boulevards of moscow,
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your baby neck is barely covered by a little bun, bald, wet, all funny , like you, girl, you’ve already lost your temper, what do you think, a morphine addict or something? i know what to shout, you can jump crazy, wolves, and our dear doctor almost died, on this bench, nightmare, your lilac corpse will be wrapped, and you, by the way, owe me another 5 grams, please do it, well, yours the masses have not yet been fully realized. projects, not yet, but already, why already, because
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well, they disappear, as if everything has to be done in due time, you don’t need to inspired to a feat, then there won’t be this feeling that the strength is leaving over the years, that everything is not the same, well, what does it mean they leave, no, no, your age is not the age when they leave, and when did seryozha koryokhin die? he was just like that, and we went to book fairs with him, and ilyusha koromets, he was the same age. anything can happen. but not everything happens, all the best people leave early. but still not all, there are good people who stay and live. there are those who leave late, and moreover, from the point of view of eternity, this is generally dumb
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i made a movie in the yakut language, but in the middle of the film we were driving just from stakhov from the shooting, we were from 5 meters, kushina fell headlong, i fell headlong, atuyara, and i knew that it would be a complete success, because... first, if these 40 minutes rang, my parents called me from yakutia and said, we can give our youngest daughter to you so that you can continue making the film, but they don’t understand anything about cinema, that if there is only one person, uh-huh, misha is in charge there. played a role, skrebin, who has now died,
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was in the hospital in luransk, several months, i pressed in the hotel, she hit her head. it’s scary, but i edited 40 minutes with marina, the party that died with seryozha, and these 40 minutes went, the venice festival was a success, byterkhay with a child in her hands with a bag over her shoulders came out of the yurt, a well-fed bear woke up in the ashes and went.
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it’s like ice cream, well, i’m pleased, for example, that my youngest son went to england, when he said that he was balabanov, there are people from moscow, from minsk there, well, from everywhere, but somehow he became respected , not because he, that i, of course, and this it’s nice, of course, it means i didn’t do something in vain.
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that you’re very scared to do something bad now, because before that everything was kind of, well , except for some things, generally good, but i’m afraid to do something bad, i’m afraid that i ’ll let the villager down, but i know that i’ll write this script, i won’t be able to film it adequately, although i know everything, all the artists, all the places, i’ve seen it all, i’ve driven through it all.
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there are people who make movies just out of thin air, and i’m like, uncle fireman, can i take a photo of you, i really like it sit at home, i have a very nice apartment, my stoves are working, i sometimes light the fire, look at the fire, i wished that it would rain, then you will understand everything, only in the sky. emptiness, vanity and washing, carried over into life, purchases have been copied, everything will be put on shelves, there is happiness, there is no point, you know, it’s time, we will have a son,
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now we’re already in the stomach...
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he’s an artist, he took and restored a huge church under the coal, well, people there come to him, i don’t know, immediately, he’s bandits.
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already in connection with some experiences or gradually, but no, i read a lot of books, i i read the bible at the institute. we entered the course, studied together , lived together, everything was together, then one day he disappeared,
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you keep remembering who died, who disappeared, but someone else remained, well, there is no light, no, no, me too i'll be gone soon. we don’t know what will happen, but maybe there will be light, or there won’t be, everyone knows about themselves that they know about themselves, while life is interesting, it’s interesting, then, when it’s not interesting, that’s it, suffering sharpens talent, that is, some factors, which sharpen the senses, while they are present, a person develops. his creativity, art develops when all this stops, everything, and this is no one.


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