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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 24, 2024 3:40am-4:26am MSK

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right on this surname, well, yes, because there were also literary newspapers, some other publications with cultural departments, where you mean you praise some wonderful author, who writes entirely in the village, like some person was non-party, became a party member and in general everything began to play with different colors, yes, well, and there it is necessary to say a little that there are such renegades, that is, it is clear that, well, this is not such persecution, when they are deprived of everything, they already have nothing it was, as far as i... understand, that’s what really captivates me about him, even if you look at his photographs, there are memories of people who knew him, and he was very tall, slender, handsome, yes, that is, an officer’s bearing or just some kind of masculine bearing in him, no doubt was, yes, women liked him, but it is also clear that he was such an absolutely unbroken person, yes, that is, he was a non-conformist not only in his poems, not only in his poetics, well , one might say, in general in my appearance, am i right? well, you know, most of them are like that
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literary and artistic circle, my father’s close contacts, i don’t remember anyone with a broken spirit, all the same, there were some incredibly cheerful people, it would seem that this generation survived the war, lost a lot of loved ones there, this is all in general very strong informals who, in general, go under some crazy number of articles, if they decide to get to the bottom of them, and all the time.
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exhibitions are not necessary for a large circle, even for a narrow one, so that life is a joy, and many people go to these apartment buildings, concerts for exhibitions, in fact, not only for art, but in order to get in touch with some kind of life, where someone is at least happy now, but you didn’t find your father like that, but you were born later, no, of course, yeah , you know, this is something just post-war leonozov, probably already ala, dad here is something like 28, maybe 30, maximum, you know, the evolution of people of the post-war generation can be very well judged by their fallen cheeks, you know, when such cheeks, it means something from the fifties, you know, the person has already eaten a little bit, it’s already more full the sixties, well, this is somewhere after the war, after this tribunal zone, dad, well, to be honest, imagine him in a jacket, in a tie, i don’t even think that... and he generally liked
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to dress well , i read, but not always, well , that’s all, it was the most standard clothes, i don’t know everyone there, stakhanovites, well , they dressed exactly the same way, no, well, just in the sense that everyone dressed like that, there was no other fashion, just in my understanding, this is poetic, but he is a conformist, informal, he basically cannot put on a tie, he basically walks, the time is now maybe yes and maybe even in some eighties, but although the seventies eighties men's fashion was very formal, it wasn't uh. well, there were punks in england, they were just beginning, we also had, no, punks were just beginning then, but in general it was, well, relatively speaking, in general , such an informal style, it appeared when it appeared, it appeared with rolling stones, here he looks a little like bulgakov, there is a photo of bulgakov with a comb-over, all the people who have been starving for many years, everyone looks alike, bulgakov, kharms, well, there is a little bit like this their faces also seem to really say yes, yes, everything is all in white.' you know, these
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soviet photographs are certainly with palm trees, okay, but the everyday question is, if the father did not work anywhere, if there were no fees, what kind of money did he have, at first the fees for children's elements were very good, because first of all, dad had a lot was published, he had a lot of books coming out, he and he read these books to you as a child, your childhood he read you his children’s books, well, i don’t remember, i definitely read them myself, because they were on shelves, and so that they were even in the primer especially for me when i was smart at school. cars, something like that, there were a lot, by the way, he started, learned, to trade in antiques, not on a large scale, because there were very large antique dealers, they were threatened, if anything, with a very long sentence, and dad was very, well, just on more or less back and forth , he was bargaining for a not very bad life, this means that when i was born, you already remember him like this, yes, when i was born, someone
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poured it into my ears that children need fresh air, maybe this is true, and he bought a house in a remote village, but this is like my eldest, i have an older sister from my father’s first marriage. and he told her that now i ’m going to infect me with immunity with all this from the fresh air, and then i don’t need this house, my dad is not a summer resident at all, and i choose, there were two offers in the bathhouse, it’s 30 km from moscow, there is some beautiful house there and in a remote village in the ryazan region, it means she chose the ryazan region, so according to my childhood, we are there in the village of nagornaya, my dad and i went to the village and we lived there in groups of... three by four together, and this is our dog, they tried to rob my dad, well , what about this whole antique world, it ’s all clear that according to soviet laws of speculation , and well, it turns out that , like it or not, you are a criminal, yeah, but you could naturally sit quietly, making not
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very large sales, and there are also, well, criminal structures at that time that existed, and of course they too were quite interested in all sorts of eggs... and some more artists, artists, it turned out that they are connected with some kind of crime, they rob apartments, which means that when some guests, they found a fur coat, a sheepskin coat, a coat they needed there, took out the keys, which means they ran there, robbed, then they calmly came, well, this was later revealed, for example, such a wonderful artist eduard steinberg had a brother, borukh steinberg, and less significant. an artist, well , he was just a little bigger than dad, he traded, for some reason he ended up at home, they made a mistake, and he’s still such a big guy alladovlatov, he started to fight with them somehow, in general he remained disabled, they put a knife in his spine, my dad gave me
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to my grandmother, i was 3 years old, which means that, in principle, i lived with my grandmother almost all the time, that’s what it was as if on this very day he asked to pick me up a day earlier, he himself went on a visit, returned, and we had a very complex lower lock there, which , among other things, was open, well, not much was taken away, dad didn’t have anything particularly valuable, so he kept the most valuable thing in plain view. place in some piece of paper, and he got a dog after that, a rottweiler, but in general , you know, it was such an interesting life, in general , quite an artistic informal environment, because everyone was trying to somehow , somehow, ensure their independent creativity , and, accordingly, plus 10 years, this is me 10 years old, we went to vardia in georgia.
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life of the wonderful, i am with you, its host, writer alexey varlamov, today we are talking about the poet igor hollina, my guest is the writer, blogger, journalist, arina hollina, and you too, excuse me, have a very tragic story in general, because as far as i understand, your mother died early, yes, my mother died giving birth to me, but it seems to me more, or it’s more of a tragedy for my dad, because he was an adult person, she was an adult woman, they had a relationship for some time, they understood what they were losing, my level of tragedy, this is only on the psychoanalyst’s couch to understand how your relatives, experiencing this trauma, managed to traumatize you, well, this it’s such a tragedy, nothing more, but tell me after all, it’s about your childhood, about what kind of father he was, how your relationship with him was built, it’s really interesting when there’s such a situation, such an unusual father,
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that’s how everything turned out for you in general in your childhood years, but like you and my dad, everything worked out very well, i was always incredibly interested in him, i was incredibly interested in him since childhood.
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there, visiting someone, it’s also interesting when they started publishing your father, well , adults, so to speak, well, in general, never, well, more than ever, well, probably already in the nineties books have been published for years, no, well, listen, what difference does it make if they were self-published. here’s your father, how did he feel about what was happening in the country, well, glasnost, perestroika, everything that followed? well, with great happiness, he began to travel, yes, yes, but where did he go? well, the first thing dad did was, we went to the czech republic to see vita pivarov, there is a portrait by pivarov, yes.
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i said that we visited endlessly, we lived for 3 months in this village, in the village, yes, yes, dad, of course, we went to the sea, well, i mean, he always went to rest constantly both before me and after me, well , during me, no, for him it was an opportunity to see the world, for him it was just incredible happiness, and dad was a lot where i was...
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about 15 years ago we started traveling as a couple months , either to the czech republic or to cologne, because cologne then, even before the collapse of the wall, it was the artistic center of the berlin wall, the artistic center of germany, western germany, there were also a lot of acquaintances there, and we went there, there was such a slavist professor volgan kazak , who loved russian very much literature, and he invited his father, and he spoke, well, he and georgi were like that, yes, well, there were different ones, yes, but... yes, quite a lot in
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the czech republic and in germany, and my father generally spoke about the same poems there brodsky or some other modern poets? well, you know, dad really loved poetry, yeah, really, and i can’t say that he was something, well, if we’re not talking about mediocrity, well, that’s understandable. let's just say, well, in addition to poetry, as i understand it, in addition to poetry, he also wrote prose, yes, he wrote, for my taste it is of course very loses, he treated your literary experiments favorably, as you say, yes, if i came to him and said, read something written, he always read and praised him. i don’t express critical judgments, you know, but he had this moment, when i arrived, i said, it was rubbish,
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but now it seems to be better, in fact, he practically didn’t live to see this, this moment, then he died , that is, something like this didn’t happen when i already understand whether i’m doing something good or bad, yes when we can already move away from the level of super - praise as encouragement, yeah, yeah, as training. tell me a little about yourself, that’s what you write, what you’ve already written, i’m writing a blog not promarried on telegram, yeah, but if we talk about your books, prose, what’s this about? i don’t write any prose now, but what did they write about before? i had one or two, well, such romance novels, ala bridget jones's diary, then very somehow this thing called chiklit was popular, then i have several novels about witches, such an entertaining mysticism, that’s...
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written, but plus, when you know, when a person does a great job, it’s very difficult to switch the brain to some good, cool, bright literary work, this is understandable, one thing kills the other, well, you would like a biography of your father to appear, just like they wrote about chekhov about diaghilev, so that someone would write, i know how, so i understand the person’s position, for example, the person did not overvalue his past, he doesn’t care at all, well, imagine, he's already been interviewed a lot. he was completely uninterested in talking about it, so if he wasn’t interested, then well, if there wasn’t such a biography, then that ’s fine, i probably, you know, what i would like, i would really like to read something like this myself about this circle, so that , like kotaev’s, my diamond crown, about
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the poets of that time, even like khudavich’s, even because the book is small, so that... something about this time, so to speak, but you see what- then none of them have special biographies, but limonov, he at least has there is a book of the dead, well, yes, well, listen, you know, it seems to me that everything happens somehow, well, logically, yes, if these people were not particularly interested in their own biography, let what remains of them is creativity, as someone said, there are poets with a biography, there are poets without a biography, i couldn’t remember this phrase, yeah, yes, i think that... then of course, your father was a man with a biography, with what kind of biography, but if that was really his desire , such is his will that this biography remain a secret, let it be so, you know, everything is conveyed not necessarily by some obvious things, for example, i, for example, many times, here you and i are sitting, and on the blog, i’m on different blogs, or i just tell my friends as an example,
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well, there’s something to the word, here’s my dad in general, should we be sad, for example, yes - it seems to me that for my friends he has already become some kind of psychotherapeutic example, which means that his mother gave him away as a homeless child, throughout the war passed, and tra-ta-ta, and also had fun with all his might, yes, and i it seems that somehow there may be a nameless echo, maybe even people won’t remember who told this story, about whom, what it was, but they will remember something, that no matter how screwed you are, when people they managed to maintain cheerfulness and it’s also nice to convey with these molecules, it’s from him, it’s not something i made up, but... the character, yes, that he somehow comes into people’s minds is wonderful, it seems to me that you’re doing all this very well formulated, thank you very much, thank you, this was a podcast life of wonderful, i’m with you, its leading writer alexey varlamov, and today we talked about the poet igor kholina, my guest was the writer, blogger, journalist, arina kholina. thank you very much for raising this topic and talking about
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my father, i am very pleased. all podcast lab episodes can be found here. on the website of the first channel hello, the sunday time program is on air, in the studio of ekaterina andreeva, we will talk about the main events of the day of the outgoing week. terrorist attack in sevastopol in ssu hit by american missiles from tacons, fragments fell right on the beach, and it was a day off, immediately after the shelling,
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the president called the governor, reliable partners. state visits of vladimir putin to north korea and vietnam. results of negotiations in hanoi and pyongyang, development of cooperation and strengthening of security. right to defense. the comprehensive partnership agreement provides, among other things, for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this document. russia, judging by footage from north korea, looks stronger after such a visit, true, doesn’t this make the west weaker,
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historical parallels and the balance of power in the region, the main thing for the week about the special operation, here he is now, here he is, our military correspondents in the hottest sectors of the front, and where they are being created. weapons of the future, a couple of drones, each drone will know exactly where it needs to go, how new technologies are changing battle tactics, hunting for ukrainians, but they themselves don’t want to go to war, but of course, well, yes, they’ve been wanting to do it since they were 20, they’re basically eating , standing, catching, what are you catching? got to the front line, they surrendered, they didn’t treat such saber fish, that’s all there on the don, sanitsa kletskaya, here they are enemies,
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why are they enemies, how do zelensky and company continue to destroy ukraine to please washington and nato? hail, flood of death? weather contrasts in central russia. intense heavy precipitation will be observed more and more often. what to expect from the heavenly office? monstrous terrorist attack in sevastopol. ukrainian militants attacked civilians. on sunday, noon, the beach in the area of ​​​​kuchukuevka and lyubimovka - this is in the north of the city, was crowded with people resting.
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popular holiday destinations such as sevastopol residents and vacationers alike, this is uchkuevka beach, it was here that the criminal terrorist strike of the armed forces of ukraine was carried out at noon, when there were hundreds of people here, most families with children, now the beach, as well as the neighboring park uchkuevka, are cordoned off, sappers are inspecting the territory after the strike by the armed forces of ukraine, we saw, within a radius of several hundred meters from... the epicenter itself, craters from cluster munitions, now all this is being examined, sappers and rescuers are also combing the water area, in cars
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that were parked here, next to we knocked out the windows, cut the windows, many people who were here were also injured, we talked with eyewitnesses, elena, she came from the murmansk region, at the very moment of the terrorist attack she was on the beach, that’s what she told us, i took a swim, went out to to my towel at that time i saw two rocket launches, a white trail in the sky, there was a very strong explosion, then all the people began to run in panic, i also grabbed my bag, ran, looking around, there were a lot of people there, you know, as if everything was falling like hail first on the water and then it's like i i’m running away, there’s such a series of fragments behind me, the children were swimming in such small pools around me very... near the beach there are many
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small hotels, campsites, the walls of some tourist houses are stitched with fragments. three people were wounded nearby. muscovite vyacheslav metelev saw how the wounded were taken to the hospital. his family was just getting ready to go to the beach, but before that they decided to go to the dining room, this just saved their lives. i went up to the balcony and saw how the fragments were falling into the sea, when it banged, we saw the wounded lying on the benches here, there were wounded there. there are a lot of people here, the nearest hospital is one and a half kilometers from the beach, in the first minutes all the victims were treated here, and then distributed to other hospitals in the city, here is the latest information about the victims: four people died, two of them children, 144 people sought medical help, of these , 82 were hospitalized, 55 adults and 27 children. a plane is expected to arrive from moscow in the coming hours with the best specialists to hospitalize patients in the capital.
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there is a case when people are simply able they came home in shock, thought that they had received some kind of abrasion, but then they came to the hospital and during x-rays it turned out that they had received shrapnel wounds and...
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the moment of the explosion of an american rocket over sevastopol. on weekends there are hundreds of vacationers on the beach, many children. the barbaric tactics of ukrainian terrorists and their western handlers. the attack missiles shot down in the area of ​​uchkuevka and lyubimovka, near the bay - this is the northern part of sevastopol. both locals and tourists relax here. today at 12:15 a deliberate terrorist attack was committed missile strike on the city of sevastopol by five american operational units. the explosion of the fragmentation warhead of the fifth american missile in the air led to numerous casualties among civilians in sevastopol. all flight missions for the american atakms operational-tactical missiles are entered by american specialists based on their own us satellite reconnaissance data. therefore, responsibility for the deliberate missile attack
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on civilians in sevastopol is not. people got hurt. ambulance crews were immediately sent to the scene of the tragedy. to the governor in sevastopol, the president called mikhail razvazhaev and expressed condolences. the flight was sent from moscow, which means that the children, as soon as they receive first resuscitation aid, can be sent to receive medical care at the best moscow children's hospital. vladimirovich putin, our president, called
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almost immediately. all orders were given to all federal authorities to provide all necessary assistance to sevastopol. currently all of these solutions. vladimir putin is in constant contact with the social bloc government and military. the main thing now is to help the victims. specialists from moscow flew to sevastopol doctors. the capital’s clinics and medical institutions in neighboring regions are also ready to receive victims. on behalf of russian president vladimir putin , a combined team of specialists from the federal center for disaster medicine of the russian ministry of health was sent to sevastopol to provide assistance to those injured as a result of shelling by the ukrainian nazis. federal medical centers. hospitals in moscow. based on the results of joint inspections patients, decisions will be made on further treatment tactics, including the need for medical evacuation. it is reported that among the dead is the daughter of deputy mayor of magadan oleg overyanov. the girl was 9 years old. i will avenge every
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murdered child who suffered on this beach. for everyone. the american atacoms missile is equipped with cluster munitions and has a range of 300 km. cluster munitions are prohibited from entering. kiev regime, it was carried out in close coordination with the united states of america, american weapons were used, we are talking about operational-tactical missiles, attacks equipped with cluster warheads, the gunners and ideological inspirers are nato members in their entirety. this is another manifestation of international terrorism, which is now thriving in ukraine. the kiev regime is its executor. after the attack on sevastopol , the investigative committee opened a criminal case.
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the main investigation department of the investigative committee of russia opened a criminal case under the article “terrorist act” regarding the attack of the ukrainian armed forces on the city of sevastopol, which resulted in the death of civilians, including a minor. the investigative committee of russia is establishing the circumstances of the incident and the persons involved in the terrorist attack, whose actions will be given a legal assessment. investigators and forensic investigators are on the scene. as a result of the attack , a residential building caught fire in the sevastopol area, and a forest covering an area of ​​150 km caught fire not far from the lazur boarding house; fire crews went there. mourning has been declared in crimea tomorrow. irina kuksenkova, khristina ivanova and alexander anonichev, channel one. and today, ukrainian formations attacked populated areas of the belgorod region in the city of graiveren. a kamika drone flew into the parking lot of an apartment building, killing a civilian and injuring three more. later, the head of the region,
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vyacheslav glatkov, reported drone strikes on the villages of gruzskoye, bezyminovo, dubovaya, demidovka, krasnoye and murom. there were three casualties in the latter. private houses and infrastructure facilities were damaged. unlike the kyiv terrorists, the russian army attacks only enemy military targets, in a week there have been 16 long-range strikes with precision weapons, one of them today at the training site of ukrainian military pilots and technicians, also among the targets hit are energy facilities that provide the needs of the ukrainian military-industrial complex, ammunition depots, hangars with unmanned boats for militants foreign mercenaries. explosions occurred, including in vinnitsa, khmelnytsky, volyn, dnepropetrovsk and... frankivsk and lvov regions. regarding the situation at the front, our troops have improved the situation in key areas. over the course of a week, the enemy lost almost 17,500 people and equipment, american hymers rocket launchers, a german leopard tank, a canadian
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senator armored car and much more. and this is footage of the use of our mvks three-ton high-explosive bomb with a planning and correction module. ammunition of enormous destructive power destroyed the temporary deployment point of militants in the village of lip. kharkov region. one of the hottest spots on the front right now is chasov yar. he is located in part of the dpr, temporarily occupied by kiev. liberating a city is a complex and multi-stage task. a powerful bridgehead of ukrainian formations, which, moreover, is covered by a chain of fortifications located along the coastline of the seversky danets-donbass canal. our fighters are now actively making their way to it in order to force it later. side by side with the military. the film crew of amir iusupov is working, here is his report, here is the watch maker, here he is, the clock can be seen from the highway leading from artyomovsk.
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militants, like in mariupol, like in artyomovsk, and further down the list they take refuge in a high-rise building, our artillery knocks them out. our ata, mortars are working around the city, dismantling fortifications in the forest belts leading to the city. stormtroopers of the volunteer corps, together with fighters from other units, are now making their way to the seversky donetsk-donbass canal, which separates it on the northern flank. forest area away from urban development, the enemy is already retreating to the other side, but in some places he is still snarling, good morning, exchange of shells immediately after dawn, here, as they say, it’s cool, we’re moving towards side of the canal along with soldiers of the caspian and donetsk battalions of the terek brigade, high.
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it’s normal, the bad thing is that with cassettes, of course, you can still avoid a projectile with sound, but the cassette will run in which direction, that’s the problem, you only hope in god. this is how
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cluster munitions explode. they explode in the air at a low altitude and cover several tens of square meters with fragments. some submunitions do not work and stick to the ground. here's another tape right on the trail. look.
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this is personal, there are relatives and friends there remained, well, in general, i know that ukraine is now going the wrong way, and for a second he is 63 years old, the harm of the russian armed forces did not want to take him for a very long time, only a specialty that was in short supply helped him get to the front, he is sorely lacking.
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like moscow, this is all, nothing. there was one 2 km away, but here
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the enemy had a well-built defense system; all these heights were occupied by ukrainian armed forces fighters, and as soon as our guys entered the houses, heavy fire immediately began from all heights from all guns, it was difficult for the guys to gain a foothold, but nothing, they tore into every house, advanced along the way, clearing just these heights, bogdanovka and the heights around were recaptured from the enemy by the soldiers of the 200th guards motorized rifle. this forest regiment, they covered bogdanovka, there were large fortified areas everywhere with branched lines of trenches and concrete pillboxes. they prepared, they waited, they understood that we would come, but we still struck, now we are already following them. great respect to the people who went through them, who
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went through them, did a very great job, it was very difficult. only after release bogdanovka, our troops managed to advance to... the seversky donetsk-donbass canal. in the forests on the way to it lie dozens of nato weapons. whose equipment is this and what weapons are they? please pay attention. almost everything has american markings. here is the m70-73 anti-tank mine. here are the propellant charges for the m-777 artillery systems. more shots for an automatic grenade launcher and anti-tank missile systems. the list could take a long time. and this is nato’s usa army. it’s just the people who have fallen asleep here forever, the ukrainians, that’s it and we are passing by liquidated ukrainian militants, all the landings are strewn with them, the smell is, frankly speaking, not the most pleasant, they tell our stormtroopers that they are even distributing
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respirators, because when they consolidate on enemy positions, everything there is also littered with bodies, some kind of... at that time our soldiers have to live in dugouts next to the dead, here they are, here are the burnt bodies, they were overwhelmed, just, yes, yes, they were overwhelmed, the enemy himself does not take his two hundredth, he does not allow ours to carry them out from the front line, or at least bury here, leaving the fortified area, immediately tries to raze it to the ground, points all the guns there, let me take him now, wait, hold him, wait, let's switch, you're tired, even our wounded soldiers take hours to pull out, here she is. i, here it hangs, footage taken by our soldiers, mines exploded a few meters from them, come on, they took it, they managed to pull out one wounded man
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only on the sixth day, both his legs were broken, he couldn’t walk on his own, the evacuation group simply couldn’t let in needed. connections, flint, connections, i haven’t woken up that far, they were still covering, the artillery was working endlessly, fpvs, drones were flying in, the fighter was lying alone in the dugout all this time, it was as if the task was to get out the three hundredth, there were no exact coordinates, they said that somewhere in this area, they came out here, no one responded , we shout, we shout, we heard. whistle, we asked him to make a shot, he made a shot, only at the sound of the shot we came to that point, that dugout, where he lay for 5 days, 2 days without water, i was an eyewitness when they brought him, we were all in a crowd let's run, we really have this it felt as if my own brother had arrived,
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he was russian from the urals, when he asked us where you were from, he said, boys, he said, i speak from dagestan, he said that i... am very glad that the dagestanis pulled me out and will come to dagestan, in short, and i will , as they say, say hello to every person and yes, kiss their hand and thank you, i said that the fighter on the left with the call sign count followed orders back in afghanistan in the late eighties, the one in the middle of argun participated in the counter-terrorist operation in caucasus in in the late nineties, only the one on the right of the young demon had his first armed conflict. three generations of russian men who are forging our victory today in the northern military district zone. how far is it from here to the canal? 700-800 meters. every day we advance 200-300 m. there is very little left to the seversky donetsk-donbass canal, then it will be necessary to force it only after that to gain a foothold in...


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