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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  June 24, 2024 10:10am-11:00am MSK

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there’s a feeling that this is like your story, you made your own clothes, why did you renounce it? no, well, i didn’t renounce this at all, i just live with my parents, they are already elderly and extra people, extra people who would come, well, they would interfere with them, so i went to meet them halfway, they interfered, they directly said, i mean, or you just a pre-sex, you know, old people sometimes sleep during the day, or something else, then they were 20 years ago, they weren’t such old people. well, why if you have never thought about what would happen it’s not bad to live alone, guys, well, what are you even talking about, she thought about it, but her mother is 90, i would love to, maybe live alone, well, this is just a suggestion for thought, that yes, i all understand everything about there relationship with your parents, but they also have to compromise, if there is some activity that you like, it can really bring you...
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stop blaming her already, yes, grandma really has such a difficult character, and they don’t always say with her, sometimes it’s clear from the look in the granny’s actions that it’s not like well, it shouldn’t be like that, if you have a sister , but in my opinion, grandma didn’t have a favorite daughter, she treated both of them like that, and well, maybe she really doesn’t understand that she did it that way, the second sister, she lives with her parents too, she moved out. wait,
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it’s just that at some point olya didn’t separate, she didn’t move out, she stayed with her parents, that’s all, that’s her choice, so what are we going to talk about now about whether she’s good or bad, well, that’s her choice, that’s her victim , she probably likes being a victim of these circumstances, that's all. it's time to see olga in the third final image. olga, come to the podium. bravo, side, class, i really like this image, you are so light, you are such a girl now, you are so short-haired, you are simple. supermodel, great, arin,
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over to you, you know that, well, life is very different, but it seems to me that you have lived such an amazing life, well, you will live again, of course, yes, but until this moment, first of all, you wildly interesting biography, it’s amazing that you have such relatives who they simply adore you, this means saying something about how you have done a lot of wonderful and right things in life, thank you, evelina, how do you like this transformation, i say, you can sell everything. whatever, i’m a small fan of pink, i’m ready to buy this dress, you couldn’t say it better, olya, we congratulate you on your transformation, i hope it will really benefit you, you’ll look at yourself with different eyes, but i can say one thing for sure, there is no trace left of this brutal security guard, she is light, airy, and you are right now accept the compliments of your loved ones, get up, hug olya, give flowers.
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olga, we hope that the new images will help you to truly love yourself, we give you all three sets of clothes from the program as a fashionable verdict, wear them with pleasure, and if you, like our today’s heroine olga, want to take part in the program, then fill out the form on the first channel website using the link that you see on the screen, or point the camera of your mobile device at the qr code. see you at the first one, everything! good, the first channel presents, a bad apartment, where troubles await you personally in your apartment in the living room, in the bath with toilet, and maybe... in the kitchen,
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let's look into this issue and many other most important and important things in the program to live healthy! so, dear friends, our famous pressure scale, normal pressure, less than 120 and 80, from 120 to 130 is already high blood pressure, and above 130 is already hypertension, and above 180 is already a stroke, this is the scale of our life, we do not we want you to have a stroke, so in our program wonderful project, my pressure, my responsibility, in our...
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practically without a doctor, practically without a doctor , using a special free application called my pressure, gennady evgenievich borisevich, my beloved, i call him to me along with the phone. so, we’ve had the free app for my blood pressure, gennady evgenievich, since march, right? since january, since january, god, i'm the first participant, the first participant, turn on your phone, he had it. second degree hypertension, that is, the pressure was persistently higher than 150 and higher than 90, now i want them to show us on the screen what our wonderful gennady evgenievich’s blood pressure looks like now, now it doesn’t
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rise above 120 at all, only sometimes the diastolic pressure is a little higher, but this sometimes happens... i just want to say that these are yellow values, because sometimes there are 90 below, 90 is already hypertension, 120 is already high blood pressure, so even when 120 is a yellow bar, but in comparison with the red that was 150, 145, everything was red on the man, everything was red, germanscheik, 145.98, 150. there is an application and there is an application to the application, these are doctors, these are doctors, for our
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group this is us, but we tell everyone who uses this application, of course, it allows you to control the doctor, but of course , the doctor still has to confirm, although... germanch, i tell you sincerely, in the near future these, this artificial intelligence, he will simply remove the initial examination, we will get to know each other, he is disciplined, because unlike the doctor , this thing is always next to you, this the best thing, we were all compensated, everyone was compensated, we have an honored employee of our program, in quotes, a person who had, read, remember, 204 had pressure, we’ll tell you about that later.
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body. i want to say something very interesting: sodium, it retains liquid in a thing: that spoon of soda that you dilute in a glass of water is a spoonful of salt, this is more than the daily norm of salt, the daily norm is
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a quarter spoon. look at what happens to yours, ours, or basically human vessels. here is such a vessel. here with him got up, you got heartburn, you ate a spoonful of soda, sodium entered the vascular wall, it drained, and blood pressure increased. because it’s leaking, because there’s more blood, because sodium retains fluid, so taking these medications for heartburn is one of the reasons for uncompensated blood pressure, which means the first one is soda, but there are also other medications, but we sell a lot of them, almagel, phosphorlugel, here we have the drug giviscon, which contains two substances with sodium, that is, with salt, sodiumbi. approximately
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150 recommendation for milligrams of sodium, recommendation to take two sachets up to four times a day, which means from 300 to 4 g 200, that is , this is about half a teaspoon of salt, maybe a little more, and at the same time you also... to another, so , what have you changed, this is an educated person, we have already
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talked about this in health, i now take ameprazole, that is, the first main drug for the treatment of heartburn in the 21st century, these are prozoles, drugs that reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid, but, but , before you prescribe for yourself, you need to go through. acidity, no, no, gastroscopy, gastroscopy, you had a gastroscopy, yes, that’s it, that’s my love, our first meeting he had all the tests electronically, that’s it, this is the only person i didn’t tell, you need to be examined, he... had absolutely everything, look, now on our screen our colleague and friend, dr. igor
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vladimirovich gorodokin, is performing a gastroscopy, and gastritis, now we see gastritis, here these are red spots, they are pink spots, let me show you, now you see the burnt esophagus, this is what it looks like heartburn, the doctor should definitely look at what you have, only this allows you to prescribe the right medications, i repeat once again, the examination is called gastroscopy, it is carried out strictly in your sleep, this is a simple and accessible examination today in moscow, and you should do it all if there are shezho, now the products, do you know the products that you need to exclude, gennady evgenievich, tomato, he is smart, he looks and calls what we have, no, but in principle we must understand that heartburn, and the mechanism of heartburn is throwing away. he
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relaxes, which means we have a flap muscle between the stomach and the esophagus, a flap, a flap, a circular muscle that contracts and closes the entrance to the stomach, there are substances that relax this muscle, this is caffeine, the first is caffeine, a caffeinated drink, chocolate, then any products with mint, that is, where mint is contained, chewing gum, all this worsens heartburn, alcohol worsens heartburn, because it does not, because any alcohol expands the muscle, relaxes this filter, and ketchup, tomato paste, and any , here are all the unhealthy foods, besides garlic and onions, they are also a little. are expanding, this must be excluded, coffee only without coffee, ger shevich and i drink
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prozoles with all our might, none of you drinks, lucky ones, and we already drink only coffee without coffee, well, for this we all drink a blood pressure pill together, but only coffee no caffeine, of course, gennady evgenevich, you are a great fellow, you keep track of everything, thank you, how old are you now? 57, 57, but i can’t. i call you a long happy life, thank you very much, let's take a break for a while and then continue, food for thought. there was such an opinion that whoever eats the seeds with the peel develops acute appendicitis, nonsense, yes, bite the seeds to become smarter, in a drop of blood, we read the tests correctly, an immunogram, and today we are talking about the main group of cells, which are the general
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staff, practically officers of the immune system, what kind of cells? technical helpers and how many should there be? a bad apartment, what in your home can shorten your life and lead to the development of cancer. new studies have shown gas stoves are dangerous to health. what to do? prime minister of spain, pedro sanchez is actively involved.
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the democratic party of the usa, absolutely , and trump knows that this is a man who is aimed at destroying europe. pedro sanchez, rare pedro, dolls of tutti's heir, today on the first.
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oh, this was a dream, but in my opinion, i’m not sleeping, i’m sick of you, god, what a man, i want a son from you, i want a daughter from myself, but no matter what! already divorced, better in an amicable way, drink some water, fantastic, from june 28 to fridays on the first. so, dear friends, i
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am right inside the brain, around me there are nerves through which ... excitement, food runs for the mind, this is the name of the special project of our program, and we will not talk about the benefits of reading, although of course there are great benefits in reading, we will talk about products that are literally food for the mind. please bring us our today's heroes to the studio. today we have sunflower seeds, dear friends, who will start, sunflower, yes, an annual plant, has such a big, big flower, a flower that has this
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property, turns its head behind the sun, here. well, what are the fields like in italy? luxury sunflower? well , we have a huge amount of sunflower seeds and oil we produce number one in the world, number one in the world, so that ’s enough, we directly convey our vibes of love to everyone who works in russian agriculture, that our lactic acid products are the best in the world, it’s just not anywhere, when he ’s already matured, he’s already got his head... yes , why turn there, they’re working, what are you doing there , ger, how does he turn, just interesting, ger, what muscles are scientifically suitable for us? it’s the sunflower he’s asking us, so look, so, sunflower seeds, this luxuriously beautiful flower has been known for a thousand billion years, it is known that there are seeds,
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there is no question, what do we want to say as doctors in particular, what does this have to do with food for thought, let’s go straight to the models, guys, yes, so, food for thought, why, here our mind. the mind really, really needs some ingredients that are in sunflower, there is vitamin b1, thiamide, why is b1 needed, it is needed so that the cells communicate with each other, because with the help of the vitamin acetylcholine is synthesized, and this is the factor that gives opportunity for each, every cell... vitamin b1, which ensures the connection of nerve cells
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with each other, i will include it again, let them be connected, so for the brain it is food in the literal sense of the word, sunflower seeds - food for the brain directly provides connections between nerve cells, connections are memory. this is what we learn and can do, these are the connections of one nerve cell, here we have andrei petrovich connections, just appeared, this whole transmission is vitamin b1, also, and there is also a vitamin in sunflower well, the fact is that this is the eye, there are two lenses in the eye, the cornea and the lens, this is the most important one.
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two daily norms, yes, they conducted research in china, almost 400,000 people, looked at a gigantic study, and found that in the presence of vitamin e 7 mg per day, with consumption and above, the development of age-related cataracts sharply decreases. like this. we have a podium. andrey petrovich, on what basis will we rank you. let's rank the list of honors for thiamine and vitamin e, so that after all there is, well, first, thiamine, since it is the connection of nerve cells with each other, well, we must pay tribute
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, after all, flax seeds and sunflowers are in first place, they share first place among themselves, and pumpkin seeds, well, let’s give it to third about third place, because that this is only 10% of this figure, that is, 10 times less, yes. no, andrey petrovich, we will not give place to pumpkin seeds, this is not food for the mind, this is food, but not for the mind, okay, this is for thiamine, now we protect the eyes with vitamin e, for vitamin e, in first place sunflower, one and a half 1.6, here we have michal, the black one, then semina, well , formally they exist, but here there are very few, but here, well there... he’s so good, so with great respect for him, how to choose, how
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to store and how to eat correctly, you can take one small spoon, a little nasty, just unfortunately, for those people who have polynos and a reaction to birch to sunflower, it’s the seeds that are the problem, because there are cross-allergies, so sunflower.
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this is not proof that the seeds caused appendicitis here, just that there is no evidence, it's all lies. how to choose, how to store and how to eat correctly? first question: how to choose? choose, friends, oh, choose, i think that, well, as always, in appearance, but for beauty, they should already be much more brilliant, without unnecessary things. the smell, in general, is beautiful, well , there are even different varieties here, if you are going to husk them , then it’s better to choose large seeds, in which the kernel is larger, everyone knows that, well, here’s how to store it correctly, well, of course it’s better to store in a cool, dry place a place where direct sunlight does not reach, ideally. all
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nuts and seeds should be stored in the refrigerator, why? because this is oil, it will go rancid if you do not store it in the refrigerator, if they are peeled, then this process speeds up much, just like eating sunflower seeds correctly, alexey comes out. so hello, what is this, well, this is a salad and this is a sauce, we understand that they make kholva from the seeds, but everything is so incomprehensible, unhealthful, many people just husk them like this in themselves, yes, but in fact it is very interesting to make bread from them , it’s very interesting to make some kind of sourdough from them, or this kind of variation of nut sauce, what we do is, we take seeds, we take a certain amount of oil, it is advisable to take unrefined oil, so that there is some kind of playful tint, lemon juice, you can add vinegar, you don’t have
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to add it if you want it to last longer...
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this is a program to live healthy, dear friends, this is the word we have written: the thick letter is “helpers”. move back, camera, show us this beautiful word: t helpers. in general, these are all lymphocytes. and we continue talking about immunity check. if you think your immune system is weakened, you need to do a test called what? immunogram. analysis. let's show an immunogram on the screen, today we are interested in a special group of cells called t-helpers, these are lymphocytes, that is, white blood cells. andrei petrovich, i invite you to our medical site, because you must understand how an immunogram is done, what you need to take to determine what is wrong with your immunity, what test you have just taken, blood test, blood test, blood test, yes. an immunogram is an analysis
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that is done on the patient’s blood, when lymphocyte cells are isolated and these lymphocytes are divided into certain groups using special markers, and today we are talking about the main group of cells, which are the general staff, practically officers of the immune system, they are called helper cells or cells assistants, and in fact commanders of immune reactions. now on our screen there will be a norm, what is the norm of t-helpers? please look at the screen, we are this to our nine they took a test, but ksenya is visiting us today; we looked at ksyusha’s tests before the program, we know her fate very well. ksenia had an episode where the tech helpers were reduced, but now everything is fine, right?
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do you know what the function of these is? our own and someone else’s, look, this is our big lymphocyte thelka, respectively, these our officers, t-helpers, when they meet some kind of stranger or, in principle, some kind of tissue, cancer cell or infection, a check arises, like a key to a lock, it's checked, yeah, one's own or someone else's, only after that a command is given:
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if they had not received a command and would not have isolated antibodies, so this is really the general staff, he says: the coronavirus has arrived, isolate antibodies against the coronavirus , the influenza virus has arrived, isolate against it, some other virus has arrived, fight it, all these commands are given by the t-helper, our body is a divine miracle, but we manage to kill it, kill it even sometimes. so, once again, the norm of t-helper cells on the screen, once again, these are lymphocytes, lymphocytes are part of leukocytes, are these white or red blood cells? white, that's right, is white blood cells. our
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ksyusha had a moment when she began to get sick, didn’t she? tell us about it. the most terrible moment in my life, the most terrible day of my life was when i found out that...
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everything is normal, all indicators are also normal, and the tech helpers are also normal, the virus is practically undetectable, treatment is received regularly, my health is ksyusha is wonderful, there are no illnesses, but why were there illnesses, because the officers did not work , unfortunately, people who did not have them receive treatment, have such a problem, severe infections arise and occur.
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no one will live yet, but we wish you to live an ordinary life, ksyusha, fortunately, has a family, she has children, everything is fine with her, everyone around her is healthy, she is a heroic person, i repeat once again, you
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cannot hand over the conscience of your parents to a child condom, just be aware of it. ksyusha, what do you want to tell us? i want to wish everyone good health. in any case, and take care of yourself, your children, your parents, love your parents, act. love your children no matter what situation in life overtakes you, because there are situations where it’s not your fault, really, because andrei petrovich, i don’t want to talk about ksyusha’s situation, i’ll only say one thing, she’s big, big, well done, thank you, thank you, sit down, please, here is a story about tech helpers, if they are reduced, you need to look for the immunodeficiency virus, this is very... it is important to understand the sign, you are sick, sick,
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sick and sick, what you are sick with, what you are sick with, it is not clear, then herpes, then a cold, then a cold , then herpes, here is the navich analysis, today there are rapid tests, these rapid tests can be done by anyone at home, just buy them at the pharmacy and do the test, of course, but if those helper levels are reduced, you must do this test, we’ll pause for a while, and then continue. a bad apartment, what in your home can shorten your life and lead to cancer? new studies have shown that gas stoves are dangerous to health, what to do? look how sashka belikov looks at you, lucky! no, i knew that the girls
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were falling in stacks from me, so what, why make so much noise? guys, sashka, i’ve decided to get married, who ’s the bride, irinka, ermakova, you don’t love him, he’ll suffer, why did you get the idea that i don’t love you, because you’re mine, well, stay away from these screwed up ones, from they have troubles, alone, on two shores, the premiere of a serial film, for... after the program time, i ’m waiting for a child, what other child, ours with you, i love russia because it is my homeland, for the smart and wonderful people who they live and work here, a russian person for me is a person who has... honor, dignity, happiness - this means enjoying every second,
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every minute spent in this wonderful world. a large family is good, firstly, it’s fun, not only for parents, but also for children. all the time is devoted only to family, children, yes, who else do you have? dad, sister, so that you respect each other, listen to each other and always give in, this is what the family rests on. wishes in the year of the family for all families of our country - well, friends, a bad apartment, this is how i rotate this compartment, where different rooms are located in our apartment, a bad apartment, what in your house can shorten your life and bring. to the development of cancer, this is what
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the project is dedicated to, which we called a bad apartment, today we have a kitchen under our gun, i want the kitchen to appear on our screen, and let's start by looking at the kitchen on the screen and seeing a gas stove there , andrey petrovich, over to you, well, a gas stove, in fact, i personally find it more pleasant to always cook on a gas stove... in a gas oven, well, apparently, i’m just used to it, but i don’t like a gas stove and a gas stove oven, because i'm terribly afraid that this gas it will leak somewhere, now you are really right, and speaking objectively, this is the most unsafe thing compared to electric or induction, why? yes, because when they measured the amount of benzene that is released into the environment...
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they don’t turn on the hood and don’t open the windows, when they also cook on two burners, they showed that if the gas oven is still burning at the same time, then the amount of benzene. 50 times higher than with an electric stove, and induction stoves do not give any results at all for benzene, that is, there zero, safe, means first, comrades, alas, gas stoves have nothing good, the advice is simple, if you have a gas stove,
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you need to open the windows, doors, in short, turn on the hood, or you can replace the gas stove with an electric one. in my old house , it was possible to replace the gas stove initially with an electric one, but for this you had to go through a certain test there, a special electrical connection is made 380 and you connect it, if you can change it, it’s better to change it, the second point is plastic dishes, they is everywhere, even at work impossible because plastic utensils are everywhere. what you need to know is that before you use plastic utensils, you must learn the labeling, because they may contain substances that cause cancer, such as phenol-free or polychlorine vinyl or polycarbonate. we will now show the designation,
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because in general these designations exist, here it is plastic dishes, please show us the designation of the bad components in plastic dishes? look, if it’s in a plastic container, in a triangle like this, number three or seven, this dish is not intended for storing food, that is, it is not for food at all, three to seven, remember, three, seven, ace, and the old woman was killed, three is seven, the dish is not suitable for food at all, nor for cold, nor for hot, then... the next marking, that is, five, this plastic, it is suitable for storing both cold and hot products, easy to remember, five is the best rating, five means everything
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is possible, both hot and cold and heat up, of course, five, the following numbers: 1, 2, 4, 6, this. can only be used for cold foods. german6, now we have these cups, does anyone know whether they can be used for hot dishes or not? 90% of people, they, they are the densest, pay attention, know that for hot drinks these are not allowed, these are possible, number six, but it turns out, number six, you can only drink cold drinks, from these glasses, which are very often in ... they put them in - offices, in these - machines where there is cold and hot water, these glasses, they are also suitable for heated water, because there is, wait, let's say the number, five, but i have four, but i have four, german-shach, and i have five, but i have four,
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four, six is ​​not allowed for hot, only five is allowed, if not a five , you can’t, that’s it. everything, externally - it’s exactly the same glass, well, just a little different, yours are more, more matte, yes, and herman schalch’s one is kind of thin, mine is still quite thick, it’s just a visual deception, sorry, you see , these glasses seem to be suitable, but they are forbidden, but this is a thin glass that you can drink and water, hot, i understand, that means only an a is allowed, the rest is not allowed.
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we must understand and we know this that when heated above 250° teflon releases carcinogens, substances that can potentially be dangerous and cause cancer, ovarian cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, pancreas and so on, torus actanoic acid is released when heated . but i just want to say, you need to understand this, friends, so we think when it heats up to 200°, every time the oil smokes. years ago i personally won the case because we moreover, i want to say that several
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made a large health program about the dangers of teflon, the teflon manufacturers sued us , and i personally went to this court with such a stack of data from the european commission.
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there are none, that’s all we wanted to tell you today, it’s time for us to finish, and as always, in the end, we had a good time with you, may you live healthy. hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, time will tell this program, in the studio ruslan nastashko and olesya loseva, she can’t
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help but call this a good day, however, just like yesterday, sunday at noon, ukrainian militants launched a missile attack on the resort areas of sevastopol, hit civilians, the attack killed four people, and two of them - these are innocent children. it is known that a three-year-old boy died. a nine-year-old girl, 151 people were injured, many of them were children, five are now in intensive care, doctors are fighting for their lives. the militants deliberately beat the day off beach, knowing full well that on this sunny , cloudless day, there are a lot of vacationing families with children there. by the way, this is very reminiscent of nazi germany, which attacked the soviet union at night. its owners once again showed all their brutal fascist essence and today in
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sevastopol in crimea has been declared a day of mourning, a spontaneous memorial has been formed in the city park, people are carrying candles, children's toys and flowers. we’ll find out what’s happening in sevastopol right now from the tv channel’s correspondent crimea-24, elena naskovay, she is in direct contact with us. elena, hello! how can you hear us, because we know that the connection is now in sevastopol, we understand that you are practically fine, i want to note that today in sevastopol is a day of mourning, federal medical, but...


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