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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 24, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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elena naskova, she is in direct contact with us, elena, hello! how can we be heard, because we know that the connection is now clear in sevastopol, you are practically fine, i want to note that today is a day of mourning in sevastopol, federal medical specialists, but...
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15 a deliberate terrorist missile attack was carried out on the city of sevastopol by five american operational -tactical attack missiles equipped with cluster warheads. while repelling a missile attack by air defense forces on duty, four american atacoms missiles were intercepted. the explosion of the fragmentation warhead of the fifth american missile in the air led to numerous casualties among civilians in sevastopol. all flight missions for the american atacoms operational-tactical missiles are conducted by american specialists on a basis. own satellite
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intelligence data of the united states, therefore responsibility for the deliberate missile attack on civilians in sevastopol lies primarily with washington, which supplied these weapons to ukraine, as well as the kiev regime, from whose territory this attack was launched. similar actions will not go unanswered. ivan pavlovich, could the americans not have known about the flight mission and the route that will run over the beach in sevastopol, with the understanding that...
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but on the other hand, it seems to me that, in general, not only zelensky’s actions can be traced here , as the initiator of such terrorist acts, we all know him very well, this drug fuhrer, but the americans are obviously involved here from a political point of view, listen, today,
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how is the situation, how is the situation with the wounded, the current moment, let’s look again at the number of victims and dead, yes ruslan, our communications leave much to be desired, they don’t work. navigators in the city at some hours the connection really just turns off, several times today they couldn’t go on the air, we have to work with wi-fi. and as for the wounded, 35 specialists from the federal center for medical disasters, disaster medicine, the medical-biological agency, and other medical institutions that are subordinate to the russian ministry of health and the department of health arrived in sevastopol at night. moscow health department, and just at these moments the consultation should end. whether it is possible to transport people to the capital, we are talking about about 15-20 patients, including children, yesterday it was known about six minors who are in serious condition, these are the ones we are
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talking about, in total more than 150 citizens applied, and 82 of them were hospitalized, but they are receiving all qualified assistance; there is enough medicine in the city. there is enough donor blood, although there have been attempts from outside enemy to disperse the situation by declaring that we allegedly lack something, doctors from both medical institutions where people are now, this is the fifth children's hospital and the first adult hospital, confirmed that everything is in stock, it is necessary to determine whether people are transportable and whether it is advisable to lead to the capital, those 35 specialists who arrived, they provided advisory assistance all night, examined all those hospitalized and now they are drawing conclusions, as for the city residents who are now just on the streets, the whole situation is calm, many even decided to go to the beach again, with the exception, of course, of uchkuevka, where the tragedy occurred,
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i note that the sevastopol benevolence decided to hold a service there right at the site of the terrorist attack, essentially to pray. for the souls of those killed about the health of those who were still able to escape, but so far they cannot do this, since yesterday the territory has been detached, all emergency services have arrived there, checked both the water area and the coastal zone, since cluster munitions pose a very great danger , and i will note that exactly this is what the ballistic missile was equipped with; it is an established fact that these were cluster munitions. yes, this has been confirmed several times, they continue to examine this place. previously, the investigative committee was involved in a criminal case under the article on a terrorist act and it is necessary to establish all the circumstances of the incident, so that later
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it could be repeated, in fact, the second nuremberg trial and bring the attackers to justice. sevastopol residents note that there is no forgiveness for this, people go to... to the people's memorial, there are already twice as many colors of toys there as there were yesterday at 8:00 pm, and this is not the limit, people are simply in shock, they remember with all the bad words those nazis who did this, they note that this was not an accident, namely at trinity on a church holiday, they hit peaceful people on the beach, and it is worth noting that since yesterday evening people went to churches, went to find out how they can help the victims,
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develop russian civil society, here we must clearly understand that, coupled with americans who bear full responsibility for this, it is not for nothing that there was recently a discussion about what can be worn, what cannot be worn, everything is possible, as it turned out, everything is possible , of course, the answer is in the ukrainian armed forces, of course, in
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the answer are those who are now spreading panic, that’s what your colleagues there said, that there were attempts to enhance the effect, that is, in essence we are dealing with... a very coordinated large-scale action, of course, it needs to be countered with complete calm, and i would draw attention to the fact that not only the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, but also the ministry defense officially stated that this will not remain without consequences, which means that we will act asymmetrically, harshly, i have bad news for our western colleagues, most likely, appropriate measures will be taken against them, they must understand this, or more specifically, more specifically, it is possible, but not advisable, time will tell, we will talk about this as soon as we see it in various government places, for example, in the british parliament or in the united congress. america, we will hear the next whiskey of some congressman or member parliament of britain, regarding the fact that
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the russians are behaving inhumanely, you know that this act took place. igor vladimirovich, last week there was active talk about peace negotiations, the second summit, where russia will be invited, here is the event of yesterday: an accident or a pattern? this is a pattern, it exists, because we talked about... at one time we had a program on information and hybrid warriors and we said that the americans, when they form some kind of special operations, and this is an american special operation, they do it all, so as not to there was zero result, something must happen, and naturally, within the framework of this kind of action, they are planned to deliver a specific blow to specific objects so that little victims appear. but also so that within the framework of the information field
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for them it is some kind of well-favorable result with the result so they raise the stakes russia is not going and vladimi that is, the murder of the children of sevastopol for them is a favorable favorable result within the framework of their olesya you can’t imagine when this happened i i began to remember what happened in mariupol due to the mine , because they understood that we would not enter the water area on landing ships, and we had a land operation, nevertheless , mariupol was mined, that immediately after the special operation, a grandmother and her child died on an anti-landing mine , remember zugress, the fourteenth year on the beach, how they shot, yes, and you will remember golmov, when volunteers died right on the beach near gorlovka, and you will remember how many of our children they killed, for them, for them, this is just a promotion rates. this is for you and me, these are our children, but for them it’s just some kind of political game, and you correctly said that this
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political game is connected with raising the stakes, they realized that russia does not follow their positions, that is, it does not for negotiations, they are now trying to raise the stakes, and for some reason it seems to me that there will be more such terrorist acts, even here we are taking it hypothetically, because they understand that crimea broke records for visitors last year... and so on , this is a blow right on the beach, this that this is a disruption of our tourist season, they are frightening, they are frightening the whole country in this way, why, because people from all regions of russia go to crimea to vacation, that is , this is an increase in rates, and we must respond to this, and let’s say so, this terrorist attack once again showed that this is not a terrorist attack against crimea, this is a terrorist attack against all of russia, against our people, and we must respond adequately to this and i...
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corruption, there was lobbying of digital companies, lobbying of airlines, how not to get caught defendants or to save his wife, he is ready to all. sanchez meets soros. trump, by the way, showed him, this is your place there, yes, that is, he did not talk to him, and trump knows that this is a man of the us democratic party, absolutely aimed at destroying europe. pedro sanchez - rare pedro, doll, heir to tutti,
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today on the first. what a beauty mish, it’s all the same. you are beautiful, here you are, bear, if i don’t get used to it, i won’t get along with ermakov now, i understand, hands, you’re not so touchable, we’ll get married anyway, i won’t go beyond the nazar, i love bear, varka, make up your mind, we need to start a new life, i i’ll get a job at the factory, you’ll also rent a room somewhere, the thresholds are ahead. mom, misha, where? they didn't find him. father said you were on the rapids and crashed. hold it, jump, i said, i’ll shoot now. no, who killed him? father, how did you end up on the shore? you found me. and who is it? varya? my bride.
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for the happiness of the young. smile, i am your husband now. otherwise, i can teach. two shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, you're crazy, don't touch me, i won't sleep with you, it's better in general i won’t live, the prime minister of spain, pedro sanchez, is actively involved in so-called european diplomacy, and is even more actively working against russia, the global consequences of the ukrainian conflict,
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by the way, showed him your place there, yes, that is, he did not talk to him, and trump knows that this is a man of the us democratic party, absolutely directed, the destruction of europe, pedro sanchez, rare pedro, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, varka and nazar will have a child, she is heavy, the women were chatting just now, so what we'll do it, wife, you're wearing a bear's bastard, you can kill him, you can drive him away. who is there, boy, give me where you took him, your boy died, how he died, and he was crying, i heard, it seemed to you, boy, take it to the house, two banks, premiere of a serial
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film, watch after the program time, many years back my son... with you the child, he is alive. the prime minister of spain, pedro sanchez, is actively involved in so-called european diplomacy, and is even more actively working against russia. global consequences of the ukrainian conflict, humanitarian crisis, worsening food crisis and fear of nuclear disaster. zelensky signed an agreement with him there for one to one billions. old tanks are in ukraine, and our american ones are replacing them. american scheme, corrupt.
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heir tutti, today on the first. oh, yesterday the tragedy occurred not only in sevastopol, in dagestan in the cities of makhachkala and derbend, criminals attacked two orthodox churches - a traffic police post synagogue. the first reports of an attack by armed people began to appear on sunday around 18:00 at... at this time in derbent armed criminals attacked an orthodox church, where several dozen parishioners had gathered on the occasion of the holy trinity; according to security forces, they died during this attack. the temple guard and local priest, sixty-six-year-old father nikolai kotelnikov, the temple itself was set on fire, and eventually burned down completely,
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the synagogue was also set on fire, and almost immediately it became known that in makhachkala a group of militants attacked a traffic police post, a video filmed by eyewitnesses went viral, the criminals were armed with machine guns, they did not hide their faces in a shootout with attackers at a traffic police post, one policeman was killed and six were injured. foreign production. to capture all the participants in the attack in dagestan , a counter-terrorist operation regime was introduced. according to the data of the national anti-terrorist committee , the investigative committee now confirms this data; at the moment, during the operation in derbent, two militants were neutralized - by this time it is known about 15. killed law enforcement officers , as well as four civilians, 25 people were injured. at the site of the clash, explosive technicians are currently working,
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the necessary operational search activities are continuing, as well as the search for accomplices of the bandits. the investigative committee of russia opened several criminal cases under articles of an act of terrorism, illegal acquisition, storage and transportation of firearms and theft of firearms. a three-day tram has been announced in dagestan. there is such a thing as timing, that is, timeliness, it is difficult to get rid of the feeling that all the events that happened are tragic events, they they are connected, they can be connected by the activities of western intelligence services, only they are actually coordinating this situation, trying to extract maximum preferences for themselves, trying to undermine not only the international community. a blow to islam, you understand that they are trying
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to build along religious lines, the orthodox church, the holy trinity, and the people who do, yes, they are not people of islam at all, these are radical people, these are satanist people, these are people who cause direct damage confessions, religions, trying... to awaken, discord, hatred, sow this, and usually this unfortunately, unfortunately, western intelligence services are doing this on the territory of the russian federation, this was in the nineties, this was in the 2000s, we all remember this, the agents remain, and it is necessary to work with these agents in the manner in which it is necessary work, the necessary investigative actions are now being carried out, and the most interesting thing is that people from dagestan, the society of dagestan, it is completely adequate. reacted to this, it did not panic, these people are truly warriors, people who will solve this problem, and i i am sure that the neighboring regions that
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profess islam will come to terms with the situation, did you notice that people from different places came to solve this problem, they immediately reacted, they are, unfortunately, among those killed, and this does honor to law enforcement officers who place themselves... above the various contradictions that arise in society, all these things, they will achieve exactly the opposite effect, civil society will unite, an opinion will appear that will extremely negatively perceive any attempts to cause a split and destabilize situation in russia. well, the investigation still has to find out who is behind the attack in dagestan, who is behind the terrorist attack in sevastopol, it is already clear that moscow will... seek a reaction from the international community, our ministry of foreign affairs noted, because the ssu specifically selects for their attacks places of mass gatherings of people, moreover, kiev specifically
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chose the orthodox holiday of the holy trinity to commit such a ritual crime, and so the terrorist attack was commented on by an official representative mit russian federation, maria zakharova. the date for such a blow was not chosen by chance, the day of the holy trinity. and we understand perfectly well what lies within the essence of the kiev regime: this is a deep-seated hatred of everything connected with russia, with russian, russian culture, and of course, orthodoxy and christianity in general, these are literally ritual, ani, i believe, precisely this is how the crimes they commit may be called, coinciding with major holidays. by the way, the pentagon generally refused to comment on the strike on sevastopol with american missiles. so the ms there only reported that the ministry of defense is aware, but they will not comment on anything, so the publication for the telegraph generally called the american atakms missiles that hit
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... civilians on the beach in sevastopol as ukrainian, the americans turn out to be here in general, well, themselves we understand that, as always, it has nothing to do with it, they do not bear responsibility and do not share it, they simply assign it and shift it onto others. there is an interesting fact with this headline: after just a couple of hours, the telegraph publication changed its the headline, completely removing the mention of missiles, which missiles specifically, focusing on russia's accusations against washington , half-founded. we blame them, against the backdrop of the tragedy in sevastopol , information appeared in the american media that the united states allowed ukraine to use american weapons to strike russia at a distance of up to 100 km from the border, this is what the washington post writes. the restrictions imposed by the united states administration on the use of american weapons allegedly do not allow strikes on several key russian airfield. the united states has limited the use of its weapons
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beyond range. from the border. the us has agreed to allow ukraine to fire us-provided weapons into russian territory in areas where russian troops are attempting to seize ukrainian territory. this is not about geography or a certain radius, but if russia attacks or is about to attack ukraine from its territory, then ukraine has the opportunity to strike back at the forces that attack it across the border. kyiv is also allowed use the air defense system supplied by washington to strike russia.
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a few weeks after ukraine was allowed to use american weapons to strike russian territory, the military command of the ukrainian armed forces began to demand the lifting of restrictions on the use of long-range missiles. ukrainian commanders said that without the ability to use long-range guided missiles, such as those with a range of up to 100 km.
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trying in every possible way to achieve this direct orders that it is possible, that it is even necessary, because then their tender places, as they say , will be covered, and that is, this again is about responsibility, of course, because when there is a response, when there is a response, there will definitely be one, the americans will pretend that we are not involved in this, all this, they will blame it all on the ukrainian side, which took on this responsibility, they will imprison you, but maybe they won’t imprison you, i don’t know, they will scold
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some ukrainian officers and so on, so it turns out that then america gives us grounds to recognize oneself as a party to the conflict? alesya, yes, of course, they have already given this permission, they just don’t admit it, they are not ukrainians, ukrainians also play this game, they too, they are passing on an informational pass, yes, we are seeking this permission, in fact, permission has already been received, it’s just needed for the media, it’s needed for the public, the public is now in a state of extreme platoon, especially in europe, it says, where are you going, what are you doing, this
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is actually a nuclear power for a second. that's because that's the question now, the question is: are we in conflict with the nuclear power of russia, or are we not in conflict with the nuclear power of russia? western politicians and military officers hypocritically say: yesterday, ukrainian telegram channels, by the way, revealed the tactics that the ukrainian armed forces are using to strike crimea. listen. our source in the general staff said that the ukrainian armed forces are launching missile attacks on sevastopol and crimea using dry cargo ships, which are carrying
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launchers with atacoms missiles. after launch, the ship leaves for the black sea or odessa cargo port and merges with others bulk carriers that are stationed there. ivan pavlovich, can the ukrainian armed forces really use such tactics? yes, placing weapons there means attacking them, then what does it matter anyway, well, range , you know, well, the cargo ship has gone there, well , 10 km to 20, well, you know - since i know well the tactics of the armed forces of ukraine, this has been fussing for a long time, it appeared back in 2014, so igor also knows about this well, what they did was they placed a 120mm heavy mortar in the trash, which means this vehicle. garbage collection, it is closed, the mortar is not visible, and this the swinging mortar drove by, fired back, drove away, merged with other cars, they are also in the minivans, well, excuse me, that means they cut off the roof of the minivan, yes, and they put a
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lighter mortar there, well, 80 mm, or 60, one, for example, and in the same way i practiced it and i’ll try it in donetsk, you know, where the car passed, they shot somewhere, and then there was a stream of cars, that’s what they did. can you imagine, what a meanness, what an abomination then, they beat people, who came up with this tactic, well, undoubtedly the british, because they are specialists, in principle, meanness, but there is also a historical context in this, namely the british, remember all these african warriors famous where white mercenaries took part, mostly the british were, they came up with these, which means guns with mortars, with recoilless rifles, with machine guns and gradually this was then passed on to their wards in other countries, they taught...
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well, naturally a monster is born , like the kind of monster that hits civilians and then hides among peaceful ships, of course, they don’t always look for shelter, i know, i’ll never forget, it means, in my opinion, 2 years ago, we were broadcasting live, showing how a correspondent of an arabic tv channel, in my opinion, al-jazeera, something from somewhere turned on directly behind him , which means it’s approaching an ambulance , and out of this ambulance it means... these sushniks are armed, he means in such bewilderment in general, well, he was still in shock , and there was a live broadcast, of course, they later tried to somehow cut it all out, but that’s it, everyone has already seen the live broadcast, this is theirs tactics, you know, such a cowardly tactic,
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to take cover, cover up, hide somewhere like that, in the hope that they won’t be found, well , nothing, and cockroaches, you know, they smoke out the sea, pay attention, at the conference in switzerland there was a point about security, food security, where these... they use, what kind of meanness they have, unfortunately, in their arsenal, we must be, we must remember what else they will come up with, we must be prepared, what else to expect from them, it is not known what they will come up with, but in kiev they continue to insist that this summer in the zone
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special operation, a general battle will take place, this is what ex-colonel of the sbu, oleg starikov, spoke about again. in august-september there will be some kind of escalation component, some kind of military event. but i call it a general battle, so i call it a general battle, which will lead to either escalation or de-escalation related to the russian-ukrainian one. on the battlefield, suffered a series of defeats, continues to lose territory,
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settlements, and accordingly, in order to create a certain cutoff, so that you hold on, hold on until such and such a period, and then we will again go on a counter-offensive, that is, on the one hand, yes, they maintain morale like this, on the other hand, yes, measures are being recorded aimed at creating certain reserves that in the medium term can be used for active operations, well , this is primarily the kharkov region and... kherson region, relatively speaking, attempts to resume landing operations like the one that was in the krynki, or to try to achieve some results in the kharkov direction, in order to somehow recoup the costs that were taken for the kharkov battle, well, in the donbass try to hold the line so as not to lose territories so quickly, that is, for now they have two such main motives, well, it’s important to remember that the west is pushing ukraine in every possible way to prepare for some future offensive operations. to buy those supplies that were carried out
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in the interests of continuing the war. how is the situation on the fronts, what has changed over the weekend and maybe also comment on the attack on sevastopol? well , speaking in general, the russian army continues to achieve results in most directions, if small advances on the rabotinsky ledge on the temporary ledge continue to fight for the harvest, but in the gredar direction our army.
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pulled from other sectors of the front, so
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they still consider these attacks as an attempt to somehow use these reserves for something more than just defense, otherwise it turns out that yes, they seem to be stopping our offensive, but in the end it’s just that their front is sagging in a number of directions, so they are driving these deep attacks, volchansky attacks, it was an attempt to somehow convert their results, but it was unsuccessful, that is, the reserves were driven away, well, no, because even volchansky , where they counterattacked. they still lost a number of positions. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich, rozhin, he was in direct contact with us. every day new cadres of draconian mobilization in ukraine arrive, they row everyone right in the middle of broad daylight, nothing else is changing. here is another case, a potential conscript, by the way, a man who is clearly not young, found himself trapped right on the bus. tck employees entered public transport at one of the stops, blocked the doors, and tried to throw the man out.
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i will touch you, roma, don’t touch you, roma. in general, on the streets of ukrainian cities there is already a real war between women and the ethicists, this man was repelled, but the ethicists, the ludolovs, as they have already been called in ukraine itself, do not stop in the suburbs of nikolaev, they are together with the police, by the way, they staged a total raid on the road, however, as one of
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the ukrainian women noted, there was no one left to catch it, which, oh, look,
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grew into a real pursuit in the style of american action films. military commissars fired at the hood of the car in which the children were sitting. taking into account the fact that this is shown, including on ukrainian television, some facts there are of course revealing, but i would like to remind you that according to the official version of the ukrainian authorities, all of these are productions of russian propaganda, so what they fell for is interesting. here's another one fact of the so-called staging: the military commissar in the chernivtsi region decided to speed up the mobilization with the help of a pistol. who you are?
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which should take into account the experience of failures in 2023, the rate set the conditions for retaining syrsky in his position, this is the effectiveness of the new company, which must demonstrate the ability of the armed forces of ukraine to conduct offensive actions in time to pass the elections in the united states. well, complaints against the command of the armed forces of ukraine are heard from the deputies of the rada
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. maryana bezuglaya accused the armed forces of ukraine of moving russian troops forward, but we remember that maryana bezugla is a harbinger of resignations. in the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine igor vladimirovich, syrsky, as if now the question must be understood, he can immediately appoint a cornerless one, immediately win, well , by and large, it seems to me that in the place of the commander-in-chief you can at least appoint a mop, today we talked about american missiles, by and large syrsky, he’s the same unit, you know, which is again controlled from the west, that’s why they put him here in this place, because zaluzhny, after all, was already involved in... politics, he’s very much spoke about the need to save the ukrainian troops, and the syrsky was originally the unit that they really called him a butcher, in principle , and to... therefore, well, what
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some say, that he is a criminal there, is a shame they are controlled from the west, they are controlled very seriously, there is some kind of it, no, in fact it is , and even this element, which you talked a lot about today and showed about the work of the military registration and enlistment offices of these ukrainian centers, is this what the west is working out, we tell you we give weapons, yes, there is a direct instruction there, and you are gathering meat for this, so it’s all a series.
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that sometimes, that there are no calculations within the front line, they don’t understand, that is, it feels like they are doing some kind of cybernetic systems, that is, artificial intelligence, because it’s so cold, sometimes it’s all designed, orders are given on the basis of this, and after all we know certain plans, how many people they are laying down, they even have a calculation of soldiers there who... were supposed to die there in the same artyomovsk or in some other place, he had a lifespan of 16 seconds, it was easy to run with ammunition from one
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building to another, we also know about this, who can count, a person can count, no, a soulless creature like a syrsky can count, they can do it automated systems, that ’s why they installed syrsky, well, that’s why syrsky, that zelensky, they mean these pawns that should, in theory, become checkers from the west, and cut everyone down, but they cut them down...
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the democratic party of the usa, absolutely and trump knows that this is a person aimed at destroying europe. pedro sanchez is a rare pedro. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. you’re also good at sending her to the forest, you’ve already gone crazy with your collective farm, and this is your bear, moduvel, bring strangers,
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he’s not mine, i love you, varya, forget it. mom, i’ll leave olga, just tell me, your daughter is confused with the bear, you’re crazy, let’s go, you’re crazy, ermakov the bear was here, i find out that i’ll kill both of them, clearly, you missed me, i couldn’t live without you nazarka, parka , wait, you are disturbing me, nazar and i love each other, he will kill he won’t kill you, he found someone else for himself, my nazar.
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digital companies, airline lobbyism, how to avoid being put on trial and to save his wife, he is ready to do anything. sanchez meets soros. trump, by the way, showed him your place there, yes, that is, he did not talk to him, and trump knows that this is a man of the us democratic party, absolutely aimed, but the destruction of europe. pedro sanchez is a rare pedro. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. without you
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there will be no life for me, just like... for you without me, i honestly love you i tried to forget, mish, me too, our love will destroy us, i won’t return to her, you’ve gone completely crazy, but i’m sick of looking at her, she carries your child under her heart, as you say, the name of those fists on which you they came to announce, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch after the program time. what's happened? siberia got you off, no, this cannot be. the prime minister of spain, pedro sanchez, is actively involved in so-called european diplomacy, and is even more actively working against russia. global implications ukrainian conflict, humanitarian crisis, worsening food crisis and
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fear of nuclear disaster. zelensky signed an agreement with him there alone. destruction of europe. pedro sanchez is a rare pedro. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. two banks. premiere of a serial film. watch the time after the program. information appeared in telegram channels that
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our assault troops of the center group had broken into the second echelon of defense. in isu, which is also known as the poroshenko line, in the donetsk direction near the village of sookol, we will learn about the overall situation in the donetsk direction from the war correspondent of the volunteer corps of our ministry of defense, pavel kukushkin. pavel, hello, over to you. yes, hello, ruslan and olesya, indeed, now, with intensified fighting , our heroic fighters are advancing along the entire line of the donetsk direction, it is quite a wide area there. there you can even identify several directions, here is the very settlement of sokol, which ruslan, you said, is located in the northern part of the donetsk direction, these are the ocheretin hills, they go there, after our fighters liberated ocheretin, from there they moved in two directions, the first side is in the direction of novoalleksandrovka and arkhangelskoye, they were also recently liberated and are moving north
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in the direction, so to create. there are complexities of ukran-nazi groups there, and in the area of ​​the vozdvizhenka, to the south along the slope from these hills they are already moving in the direction of sokol, novopokrovskaya. novopokrovskoye was liberated the day before, on in sokol, in the populated area itself , quite serious battles are already taking place, and our fighters will continue to advance in the novoselovka first area, to where the rear units are now concentrated, with the help of which they are now reinforcing their advanced units right in that same sokol, if you look further south , we also have successes there, after we liberated umanskoye and nitaylovo in the direction of karlovka. we have advanced quite seriously, fighting is already taking place on both sides of the karlovskoye reservoir and we are caught up our fighters for the eastern already eastern residential development of karlovka, this is also very important,
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it is from this settlement, including from this settlement, that the western regions of donetsk are fired upon, so of course the liberation of karlovka is also very important, now the fighters have already entered this settlement on the eastern outskirts and there are battles further south, also in the direction of kurakhov , we have progress, and after our guys captured georgievka, now there are clashes in maksimilyanovka, and we are advancing there with battles, there from maksimilyanivka to kurakhov is less than 10 km away, kurakhov is also a populated area from where the western regions of donetsk are shelled, and also very important, the second point, the enemy’s ugledar group is supplied from kurakhov. and getting to the flank is very important, there are also successes further south, now some sources say that they have already advanced a couple of kilometers south from novomikhailovka and
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proskoveevka, and there further south in the direction of the route that connects the ugledar group of ukronazis with kurakhov, kurakhova, in fact, is the settlement from which the ugledar group is supplied, this is one of... very seriously, it uses a huge number of uavs of different types, both fpv and with drops, but western weapons, western weapons, how actively do they use
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, of course, they use western weapons, so they don’t have anything of their own left, in fact, they use them quite actively, well , their artillery is all nato, this has been for a long time, they ran out of their shells a long time ago, so of course, mostly. .. now ukronazis are using western weapons, thank you very much, pavel kukushkin, a war correspondent, was in direct contact with us, no matter what anyone says, it is now clear that the diversion of forces, our offensive in the north of the kharkov region has led to the fact that we have great successes in the donetsk direction, and we will, of course , develop these successes and talk about them. next, news on channel one. this is news first. hello, in the studio of valery korablev, in this issue. five terrorists have been eliminated, they are looking for accomplices and where they are leading them
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footprints. a series of militant attacks in dagestan.


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