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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 24, 2024 12:15pm-2:57pm MSK

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generations will grow up, and young heroes will reach a venerable age, each will have their own burden. my grandmother was stunned, of course, yes, but she was very worried there, you can’t make such terrible films, because of course my irishka has a fate, it’s worse than all the fates that exist there, really. this story began more than a century ago. the voice of the author, from which the television film begins with the viewer until the end of the story. moreover, it is in this off-screen character.
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so, two shores, we are watching the first episode today immediately after the program time. and on this concludes our release. we are monitoring the development of the event. the information channel on the first will continue with the program “time will tell.” good afternoon everyone, congratulations on the start of a new work week. the information channel on the first continues its work with the live program “time will tell.” anatoly kuzichev is with you. this weekend took place in russia. day of remembrance and sorrow, the country remembered how on june 22, 1941, nazi germany attacked the soviet union, for all of us, i wrote about it yesterday in the cart, well, i’ll repeat it just in case, well, not just just in case, i’ll just repeat, we all have the same association, but when these words are heard, this combination of words, june 22nd is the same burning association, so you have to keep it to yourself, well, in fact, we take care and... we remember,
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because it’s a day of remembrance and mourning, yesterday, interestingly, the twenty-second, i don’t know, by accident, not by accident, but a blow was struck on the beach in sevastopol, just as cynically, just as vilely, summer sunday, a lot of people with children gathered there, here is an american atacoms rocket, with a cassette warhead, this is for the maximum destruction of enemy manpower, here it is manpower, you see it on the beach, which means this blow was struck. the attack killed four people, two of them children. it is known that a three-year-old boy and a nine-year-old girl died. the wounded, think about it, are 151 people, many of them also children. five are in serious condition, i heard the governor say that six people are in serious condition, god bless them. and the russian ministry of defense reported that responsibility for the deliberate missile attack on civilians in sevastopol lies primarily with attention. i’ll add on my own behalf, these are not the words
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of the ministry of defense, but my personal ones, remember how many discussions there were, so to speak, about whether to apply it, not to apply it, to allow it, not to allow it, well, okay, we allow it, it’s allowed, this is just in light of the fact that what does washington have to do with it, they allowed it, they used it, but it’s interesting that the use of such weapons in such a way, i don’t know...
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what wise words, and the famous american journalist jackson hinkle called what happened an act of war by the united states against russia, these are his words, today in the united states they corrected a missile that killed russian civilians in crimea, this is an act of war, complex feelings of course are now overwhelming me, on the one hand it’s completely human, yes, it’s clear that i want to, but even more so mina crow said washington was responsible. jackson, you see, hinkle, confirmed that this is an adjustment, so to speak, of the us air force, moreover, as he intensified, he said that this is an act of war, and so, i repeat, human emotions are raging in me, i want to take it with all my might, by all possible means, to punish for this, well, he is fighting with a person, i don’t know, an analyst who says, no, don’t let yourself be drawn in, this is an act of war, what do you think? many of
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us share these emotions, first of all , condolences to the loved ones of the victims, but... hand on heart, no one wants war with the nato alliance now, yes, they understand that we have red lines, some want, some... whoever wants it, the one who dealt this blow, of course wants it, there are constant provocations from the other side, but i’m still sure that washington doesn’t want this, they want this in kiev, they have a long-standing idea to draw as many foreign forces as possible into this conflict, since they themselves do not...
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what was it needed for, well, of course, to try to implement this particular strategy in order to russia responded, but it’s clear, we are so smart, that’s it, we understand everything, haha, you can’t fool us, but here it’s impossible to just remain silent and be smart if moscow attacks decision-making centers, if moscow strikes at the energy infrastructure ukraine, if moscow will use conventional weapons, non- nuclear, tactical, all conventional capabilities.
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if it were possible to insure against terrorism, it would have exhausted itself long ago, it would not be relevant, no one would need it, no one would use it, so terrorist acts are possible in dagestan, they are possible in moscow, unfortunately, we experienced this in 90s, recently, yes, they are possible in israel. they are possible in the united states of america, they are possible everywhere, so of course this is an act of terrorism, which, of course, we need to respond as harshly as possible, with the capabilities that law enforcement agencies once had, and the military once had, but in addition to such situational responses, the search for punishment of specific perpetrators
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for specific terrorist acts, of course, it is necessary to create a system where with all this, we will be maximally, but not 100%, but maximally protected from all sorts of things.
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and you have, i don’t know, an understanding of how i repeat, here is a complex, complex situation, such a complex scheme, that is, it seems it’s simple, because we look at it, we’ve laid it out, we need to involve nato, there’s no other chance, so they’re pulling it in, but despite all the apparent simplicity, the difficulty is how to answer, i want to correct a couple of things here, the first thing, permission of permission, on crimea they beat us like this before, secondly, this is a direct attack by america, and let’s not insert the ukrainian armed forces into this, this is a direct attack by the american army on russian
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civilians, american mercenaries are behind hymerz, these are american military men under some pretext some other contract which fire these missiles, it is impossible to arm these missiles without american secret passwords, which are from the american state, the missiles fly on american satellites, the missiles are aimed at the target by the americans in america, there is a base that directs this, they knew where they were shooting. they knew 100%, they deliberately shot at civilians to kill children and women, and the only way, the first thing, let's say it straight, the world is an illusion, now one second, we need to clarify, wait, when you say that they hit purposefully on women and children, but obviously not only and not just there from hatred for these, for muscovites there and for russians, not only, apparently there was some kind of calculation behind this, cynical, subtle, that is, sophisticated, but calculation, what was the calculation? calculation, calculation as always to try to rock the state, rock society with terrorist attacks.
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america is the first main thing - it is the source of the world terrorist attack in the modern world, it all goes from the islamic terrorist attack to the terrorism that they created in afghanistan, to these nazis who are sitting in ukraine, which they also created. in the end, the new york times told us the mouth of the cia, that for 10 years there were 12 bases creating a modern armed forces of ukraine. sbu, they are trying to shake up, shake up society and lead to the collapse of the state, they did the same thing when they bombed the germans of the second world war, of the 6 million german civilians who died in the second world war, 5 million died from the americans and the british, when all the cities were burned, not only drezzon, everyone remembers drezzon, all the cities were burned, in one raid on tokyo they burned half a million people, this is the standard american approach, the extermination of civilians,
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yes, this is, so to speak, maybe not, so to speak, not a central political figure, but noticeable, we know her, such is florian philippot, the leader of the french patriots party , so he called the attack by ukrainian forces on the beach in sevastopol, an escalation, that nato wants to unleash a total, read world war iii, with all the attendant war, what georgievich was talking about, i quote: yesterday’s ukrainian attack on civilians in sevastopol on a crowded beach in crimea that left several people dead, including two children, is a horrific escalation by the hawk. they want a total war, and none of the three blocs of candidates for the parliamentary elections are talking about this, well, of course,
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this is so to speak, he’s already talking about his own political things, but look, yes, well, people are slowly starting to get scared, that is, they suddenly, i don’t know, we have reason to believe that they, so that many suddenly realize that this is not just a chess game, that this smacks of death, not some kind of abstract somewhere in the assholes of europe, some ukrainians, some russians there, something there, no, by your death, i don’t... i don’t know, the hope is that they are starting to feel this smell, which means they will act a little more responsibly, or or the problem is that now the danger of a third world war is being talked about in the west by the same people who warned that the supply of new weapons, especially longer-range missiles to zelensky and his team, would lead to a dangerous escalation, this the same people who said don't send weapons to ukraine, but that's it. decisions are made by completely different people, and even olaf scholz in germany, he doubted,
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hesitated, was afraid, it was visible in him, in his face, but he was persuaded, they put pressure on him, look what the situation is now, but about scholz, and those who put the pressure, now look triumphant, says, well, we were right, well, nothing particularly terrible is happening, we were right, scholz, he says, well, in general, in a sense, yes, says scholz , everyone else, they say: we were you’re right, so i’m trying to get it out of you, but what do you mean not kindly? how is that not kind? again, striking at the energy infrastructure, at the centers of political adoption, means little, means not enough, you know, yes, please, the belfest treaties, which ended the active phase of the civil war in northern ireland, came when the northern irish army realized
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that that killing english soldiers and police is pointless, these are black people, the elite. just don't care, they'll just send more once they've turned this war into london began to hit this aristocracy, immediately there was peace, because now the aristocracy is starting, the same thing with america, of course, of course, we started with you on the day of remembrance and the destruction of june 22, but for some this is a day of remembrance and sorrow, but for some, i apologize, just like may 9, for some it is a day of victory, and for others , of course, a day of heavy defeat, but this is a fact, you understand, and on june 22 , 1941, sevastopol was ... june, this is generally national, sorry, i ’m not exaggerating, i’m not making it up, i’m not i’m pulling for it, this is a holiday, i’m not talking about the ukrainian nazis, excuse me, 22 ukrainians, but about, so
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to speak, the banderaites, the pro-bandera nazis, who are ukrainian in the political sense. one of the newspapers of ukrainian collaborators, accomplices, therefore wrote on june 22 , 1941, that listen, you think, germany’s attack on the ussr is a great success for the inhabitants of ukraine, because now they are germans, and now pay attention, what rhyme with modern ones, so to speak , mantras, the germans will let them into the closed club of the united europe, here you go, this fragment is june 22 , 1941, this is a historical date that opens. a new better europe. june 22 is also the date from which the new life of ukraine begins. it was then, on that memorable morning , that the gates to the family of cultural european nations opened before ukraine. ukraine under german leadership is on the threshold of a new, unprecedented prosperity. greater germany liberated us and the stormy wind of europe completely developed a terrible fog, higher above
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the ukraine. please note, i misspoke, but it’s good, that means we’ll reverse it attention. this.
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just a complete turnaround, the situation is upside down, on this, nazism has always, throughout its entire activity from the moment hitler came to power to the current situation around zelensky, always been associated with lies, deception , bloodshed, this may be a conscious lie, so to speak, or maybe just stupidity, excuse me, what does it consist of, well , look, the division of the ssginsky people in this case doesn’t matter, because the consequences are still yes, but nevertheless no, i’m trying to understand, i’m trying to understand the logic of the authors, i she seems like that.
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besides the fact that this is an instrument, because apparently there are different forces, in this case, although we usually say, there is a collective west, but let’s, so to speak, separate europe from the states in this. their general ideology of attitude towards russia is of course the same, but so to speak, the technology and prospects, oddly enough, are diametrically opposed to completely different, because if the states, so to speak,
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make money from this, they have a pure continuous profit everywhere, then europe of course it suffers and i don’t know, sorry, it’s destroyed, so that’s it very characteristic comments, well, kind of small, kind of not so generalizing, not broad political science, philosophical, but very characteristic, very interesting. this means that the head of the csu opposition party in the german bundestag, alexander dobrind, that’s his name, demanded that the ukrainians be sent home, because somehow they had become too expensive for the germans and germany, look, we need stricter requirements for ukrainian refugees , in terms of hiring, they must receive a job offer and this must to be part of the integration process, the basic principle must apply: either you start working in germany, or return to the western...
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german television, they said on average germany loses 250,000 germans every year, but in reality they say twice as many there, they leave for poland, they leave for hungary, yes, the germans, because they settle there,
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because their women can go out at night, because their children ca n’t go to school without it in germany, and for 8 years the ministry of employment in germany she said that in 8 years there was an achievement, half of these migrants who are pale. anatoly, but a number of european countries, including germany, need a war in ukraine, because this, among other things, ensures the influx of that very labor force that the burger does not need, the average person does not need, but
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german capital needs, these voices are needed will be used in order to ultimately force these people to work, not to receive benefits, but to come and work in the interests of german business, that’s what we’re talking about, that’s why they need a war on ukraine, as i said.
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he is a direct negotiator, against the backdrop of billions of dollars in expenses, he was caught directly for corruption, there was lobbying for digital companies, lobbying for an airline, how not to end up on trial or to save his wife, he is ready for anything. sanchez is meeting with soros, trump, by the way, showed him your place there, yes, that is, he did not talk to him, and trump knows that this is a man of the us democratic party, absolutely aimed at destroying europe, pedro sanchez, a rare pedro , dolls, heir.
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set up a factory, we’ll also rent a room somewhere, the thresholds are ahead, mom, misha, where, they didn’t find him var, father said, you’re on the thresholds, you crashed, hold her, jump, i said, i’ll shoot now, don’t, who he killed, father, how did you end up on the shore, you found me, who is it, varya, my bride, smile, i’m your husband now, otherwise i can teach you, i forgot the whip, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch it’s time after the program, you ’re crazy, don’t touch me, i won’t sleep with you, i’d rather not live at all, prime minister spain, pedro sanchez is actively involved in the so-called european diplomacy and...
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and trump knows that this is a person from the us democratic party, absolutely aimed at destroying europe, pedro sanchez, rare pedro, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, with varka and the child will be nazar, she is heavy, the women were chatting just now,
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what should i do? wife, you're carrying around the bear's bastard, you can kill him, you can drive him away, who's there, boy, give me where you took him, your boy died, how he died, and he was crying, i heard it seemed to you, boy, take it to house, two shores, premiere of a serial film, watch after the program time. many years ago, my son brought you a child. he's alive. the prime minister of spain, pedro sanchez, is actively involved in so-called european diplomacy and is even more actively working against russia. global consequences of the ukrainian conflict, humanitarian crisis, worsening food crisis and fear of nuclear disaster. zelensky
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signed an agreement with him.
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will not remain, retaliatory measures will follow, end of quote, these are the words of the russian foreign ministry, please firstly, in this case, mead’s assessment of the guilt of the west and farage’s assessment came together, this is what the west provoked, this is really obvious to many in the west, but it seems to me that the main thing, very important, is one word that was used in his comment , this is the word of the people, when he talks about something, he speaks when we assess the prospects of the situation in the west, because today the one who is silent
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on the other hand, this is exactly what the average person needs, who can be hung noodles on his ears, who will be indignant, maybe there in germany, france, united states america is all in the kitchen, if tomorrow this man in the street becomes the people, then the people will come out. on the street he will be able to say his word, because the war that the west is unleashing is not in our interests, of course, but it is also not in the interests of the peoples of the west itself, not in the interests of the peoples of those countries that are in... one more phrase : it means trump-pump-pum the expansion of nato into the eu to the east, gave
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russia a reason to tell its people that they will come for us again and start a war again, but in my opinion it was quite a recognition that this is a war not only of the russian authorities, that it war a truly anti-nazi, anti-militarist war for defending our national interest, which is backed, generally speaking, by world interests, the interests of a fair multipolar world, as it will now have to be said in political language, yes, of course.
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he is still inclined to save his strength, save his strength, until it becomes mainstream, so general, no one will, so to speak, strain like this, sit, i repeat, get out of the emotional comfort zone and come up with something for yourself that really everything is not the way we like it explained, but what are you talking about, but farat also pricked those of his opponents who hoped that they would shake up the internal political situation in russia, that that very fifth column would arise, which itself would solve the problem of russia for the west, would help solve it, so there is a very multi-layered story here it worked out. we
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were talking about europe, let me still insist that despite all the closeness, so to speak, they also have an alliance, i don’t know, a common ideology, a common hatred, a common enemy, and so on, but slightly different the situation, that means europe, well, stanislav mikhailovich described it quite colorfully, so to speak, and about the outflow - the biden administration recently signed
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a ten-year bilateral security agreement with ukraine, thereby going even deeper into the shadows of the united states and the west in a proxy war with russia. biden's insistence on ukraine's admission to nato is not due to his desire to defend democracy. the interest of the united states is extremely prosaic. the expansion of the alliance promises huge profits in new markets weapons raw materials. so, okay, there is such a point of view. here's more for you. this means that this is also a judging freedom channel, canadian journalist aaron mate suggested that all washington’s actions in ukraine are not at all an attempt to earn extra money, no, he believes, the logic there is a little different, that’s what it is, listen, the $50 billion agreement signed by joe biden, then there are 5 billion annually for 10 years, this is not an agreement ratified by the senate, he simply put his signature on the document, that is, this agreement is purely for show. yes, all this is for the sake of external effect, most of the money in question is
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actually a loan that ukraine will have to repay, but yes, biden is not offering ukraine any more direct path to nato, because he has already made it clear that all he wants is to use it as an indirect force for the russian border, promise ukraine the prospect of joining nato for its further militarization, turning the open door to nato into an opportunity to fight with russia through the back door. the attitude towards ukraine is completely like expendable material, and zelensky continues. convince yourself that somehow all this brings him closer to nato, no, it doesn’t bring him closer, well, i’m telling you, there’s one big sss division the size of a country, like a golyachka, well, at least if you believe this guy, by the way, did you notice who he yes...
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they started the program, that you remember, he says, like scholz is ours, olaf, our sausage is our dear, that means he was hesitating, excuse me, liver, of course, yes, that means he was hesitating, and didn’t want to, well that means , and couldn’t, oh well, well, in short, he caved in, but look now, here’s how bilt writes, how has changed since then, when olaf everything, it means, was lamenting, embarrassed, how the modality has changed in general, listen to the build,
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how cunning they are, how clever, how quickly they leave, come, these are the germans writing to us, the germans, the germans, damn it, and today i’ll remind you on june 24, and 2 days on...
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for some reason, then they continued to expand the alliance that is unfriendly to us, understandable, understandable,
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that means, as you said, a kind word will not solve anything, but a kind word will solve a gun, yes please , or better yet a grenade, thank you very much for your comment, flirting the west in the nineties, this must also be remembered, was not only a consequence of the monstrous political choice of that time, but... the aviation industry, when we lost economic weakness, the economic collapse that then occurred in our country, when entire regions collapsed, when the side of this flirting was also ours in entire industries, machine tool building, and so on, so we must always remember that any successes at the front, in the end, and stalin, by the way, understood well when organizing victory in year of the great patriotic war, these military victories should always be based on a successful, efficiently operating economy, task number one, understanding... that the confrontation with the west is not for six months or a year and a half, for a much longer period, this is our key task today in order to once again build
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an effective economic model in russia , we need to focus on this; not only representatives of the communist parties, but also people far from communist ideology started talking about the fact that if you fight at the front, you have no maybe separately, but the ground forces and some separate tasks that are completely unrelated to the ground forces are decided by aviation, no, this is a single set of tasks aimed at victory, in the same way , our economy, our industry, must be a single complex that will be effective work, the financial sphere, the industrial sphere, agriculture, everything must work together to achieve a common victory, so we cannot escape from strengthening the planned beginnings of all the talk about the proposal for privatization and the past chimeras of the nineties, with it’s time to finally put an end to this, and this, unfortunately, is still going on with us, well, understanding this is a separate conversation, in fact,
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we still have this great work ahead of us, which is already underway to unite the global world majority to defeat the aggressors, over those who is trying
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to drag the world into a new world war, we need to be strong, first of all we need to be strong economically, we can actually argue with dmitry gorgivich, we can discuss how and so on, but what we need, well, excuse me, it may sound trivial, then that we need to concentrate, that we need to get together, that we have many, many years ahead of us, not necessarily direct and immediate, so to speak, mutually. so to speak, combat contact, but rivalry at a minimum, well, this is a fact, and for this there is no arguing, yes, for this it is better to be, so to speak, strong, thank you all for your attention, i leave the studio to you, dear friends, in the care of ruslan and olesya, see you soon on the air, thank you, you’re also good at sending her to the forest, you’ve already gone crazy with your collective farm, and... your bear, moduvel, bring strangers, he’s not mine, i love you, varya, i can’t forget, i’ll leave olga, just tell me,
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your daughter is confused with the teddy bear, you’re fucking crazy, let’s go ourselves. “are you crazy, bear ermakov was here, i find out that i’ll kill both of them, clearly, you missed me, i couldn’t live without you nazar, little lady, stop, you’re disturbing me, nazar and i love each other, he’ll kill you, he won’t kill, he found someone else for himself, he’s an ardor, but stop it, because of him you’ve already come close to death twice, which means i love you to death.” war was declared, yes, i heard, he writes from home, no, no they write, damn it, two shores, the premiere of a multi-part film, watch the time after the program, the prime minister of spain, pedro sanchez, is actively involved in the so -called european diplomacy and is even more
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actively working against russia. global consequences of the ukrainian conflict. humanitarian crisis, worsening food crisis and fear of nuclear disaster. zelensky signed an agreement with him there for 1.1 billion. old tanks are going to ukraine, and their place is ours, american ones. american scheme, corrupt, this is his mission, his wife is a direct negotiator, against the backdrop of billions of dollars in expenses, they were caught directly for corruption. there was lobbying for digital companies, lobbying for airlines. how to avoid being put on trial or to save his wife, he is ready to do anything. sanchez is dating. trump, by the way, showed him your place there, yes, that is, he did not talk to him, and trump knows that this is a man of the us democratic party, absolutely aimed at destroying europe. pedro sanchez, rare pedro, tutti heir dolls, today on the first. without you i won’t have a life, just like you, without me, i honestly tried to forget you, mish, me too,
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our love will destroy us. “i won’t go back to her, you’ve gone completely crazy, and i ’m sick of looking at her, she ’s carrying your child under her heart, as you say, the name of those fists you came to declare, two banks, the premiere of a serial film, watch after the program time, what happened, the creature of siberia has left you, no, it’s not..." prime minister of spain pedro sanchez is actively involved in the so-called european diplomacy and is even more actively working against russia. global consequences of the ukrainian conflict, humanitarian crisis, worsening food crisis and fear of nuclear disaster. zelensky signed an agreement with him there for 1.1 billion, old tanks to ukraine, and their place is ours, american ones. the american scheme
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is corrupt, this is his mission, this is his wife. is a direct negotiator, against the backdrop of billions of dollars in expenses , they were caught directly for corruption, there was lobbying of digital companies, airline lobbying, how not to get caught defendants or to save his wife, he is ready to do anything. sanchez meets soros. trump, by the way, showed him your place there, yes, that is, he did not talk to him. and trump knows that this is a man of the us democratic party. absolutely aimed at the destruction of europe. pedro sanchez is a rare pedro. heir dolls. tutte is on first today. two banks. rapids ahead. mom, misha, where? they didn’t find him, how did you end up on the shore? you found me. premiere. look, it's time after the program. prime minister of spain, pedro sanchez is active is involved in so-called european
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diplomacy, and is even more actively working against russia. and the consequences of the ukrainian conflict, the humanitarian crisis, the worsening food crisis and the fear of nuclear disaster. zelensky signed an agreement with him for 1.1 billion, old tanks to ukraine, instead of them our american ones. the american scheme, his mission is corrupt, his wife is a direct negotiator, against the backdrop of billions of dollars in expenses , they were caught directly for corruption, there was lobbying of digital companies, lobbying airlines, how to avoid being put on trial or to save his wife, he is ready. anyway, sanchez is meeting with sorace, trump, by the way, showed him your place there, yes, that is, he didn’t talk to him, and trump knows that this is a man of the us democratic party, absolutely aimed at destroying europe, pedro sanchez, rare pedro, dolls of tutti's heir, today on the first. two shores, premiere of the serial film, watch after
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the program time. information channel first continues, program time will show, we are working live, on sunday at noon the ukrainian nonhumans struck. a missile strike on the resort areas of sevastopol, targeted civilians on the beach, as a result of the attack four people were killed, two of them were children, a three-year-old boy and a 9-year-old girl were killed, 153 people were injured, among them there were also many children, six now are in serious condition, doctors are fighting for their lives, according to the federal center for disaster medicine, 11 children suffered from... russia, unlike the criminal regime zelensky carries out strikes so that civilians are not harmed in any way, this
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weekend our armed forces carried out a number of strikes on military targets in the zhytomyr, ternopil, kiev, dnepropetrovsk and kharkov regions. one of the priority targets was the vasilkov airfield in the kiev region. western ukrainian power plants became another target for our strikes. this morning, in odessa , warehouses that are actively used by the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed; impressive footage of such a fire was published by local residents. in turn, the armed forces of ukraine this weekend they continued attacks on the energy dar, where the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is located. the strikes near the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant were condemned in magata. the head of the organization, rafael grossi, called for an end to strikes near the nuclear power plant, but naturally. it is said who is delivering these blows, everyone understands, but grossi does not say this. it was against this background that american general mark mealy started talking about peace negotiations on ukraine and immediately assured that russia
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was not ready for these negotiations. it is unlikely that anyone will be able to achieve political solution through military means, so both sides must admit that to find an alternative method of solving the political problem, this will be negotiations. but the fact is that you need to be realistic, the russians are clearly not ready for negotiations, i’m not a diplomat, but in the future a diplomatic solution will be found, i don’t see that this will be solved by military means, you see, the americans, they believe that their the proposal looks more convincing as force is used, which is why they beat, as if calling russia to negotiate, throwing in all these words, let's maybe think about it through some third parties, look, yes... this is a savage attack, and on such a sacred day for all orthodox christians, the day of the holy trinity. andrey frantsivich, why doesn’t mark milley believe in a military solution to this conflict? because he is a military
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professional. let me remind you that mark milley has long been the equivalent of the american general staff. this is the man who brought journalists to the pentagon and showed them the 24-hour situation center that monitors the fighting in ukraine. he almost until last year we had this commander, of course, he understands the real situation, he understands that the power that russia, the military-industrial complex, civil society has gained, we make a great contribution and the armed forces can only be stopped together american troops, not european ones, even the europeans will not have enough strength, this must be a large intervention of the american armed forces, he understands perfectly well that the americans do not want to do this, this will lead to a big war. he understands that ukraine will launch a large, serious attack so that several settlements that they will capture will be used, in their understanding, they will be able to capture, use the election campaigns
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of trump, or rather biden, which will be in the fall, but in reality i was struck by his others the words that the russians are not ready for negotiations come after our president clearly outlined the conditions after which hostilities immediately stop, and not because the russians are not ready. but because americans cannot even consider that negotiations can be on our terms or even some kind of comparison, sit down at the table to talk about something, negotiations can only be on their terms, moreover, i remind you that the americans are always accustomed to acting from a position of strength, they do not hide it, we want to create conditions there at the front to speak with the russians from a position of strength, or for example, their notorious wording means escalation of the conflict in order to end it on favorable terms for... for ourselves, and by escalation of the conflict it means not only the use of nuclear weapons, they know how to do this, and the mass death of civilians, i remind you, the second world war, everyone counted how many residents died in
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herashima nagasaki, but everyone forgets that the main element that influenced the japanese to capitulate, go to these political settlements, there was a massive bombing of tokyo with incendiary bombs, which killed more than 200,000 civilians. because the houses were all wooden, there was a fiery death, this is generally a very rare phenomenon, so it had a stunning action, for some reason the world does not remember the barbaric bombing of iraq by the americans in...
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it cannot admit it, it is scary, although i will remind you that american politicians and the military , including the military, begin to talk about some kind of reality only then, when he leaves office, there is no longer this corporate ethics, when you have to defend what was written in the white house, everything that andrei fransovich said fits very easily into then, which means the attack on the beach in sevastopol, which means according to the energy gift, blows, it is clear that they show us.
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on the one hand, this is another reminder that those who go beyond this vicious circle of corporate ethics, all these numerous red flags and taboos that exist there, including the taboo on uttering the word negotiations with russia, of course, someday they can, maybe in a tongue twister, maybe somehow reluctantly, but say something that differs from this mainstream. point of view,
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but again, this is this act of state terrorism, which happened in sevastopol, this is in fact and the united states together with ukraine bears equal responsibility for it, even moreover, if you think about it, i’m not a military expert, but as far as i understand, i looked, so to speak, understood what military experts say about in this regard, really...
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it didn’t work, and we are forced, having gathered all our will into a fist, to still understand what is at stake, what is the stake, what is the price of the issue here and not to deviate from that line, not to shy away from side to side side, that line, which we elected, but we understand perfectly well, yes, in america, i just don’t know, it feels like they are really playing with fire, because there are a million ways, it means, to lure the bear out of berlogia, but no, a candidate for us president robert kennedy jr. said that participation in the ukrainian conflict could be as destructive for america as the invasion of vietnam and , most importantly, destroys such an attractive image, in particular the investment one, including the united states throughout the world.
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escalation has its own terrible logic, we should have learned this in vietnam, we will end up having to take out their supply line advisors, exhausted, wounded and having accomplished nothing. except death, destruction and new levels of global hostility. it was the vietnam war that changed global perceptions of us moral leadership. it is ukraine that will cement these ideas in the minds of the victims of their many allies. many of those who have not yet decided are now choosing brix over nato for moral and economic reasons that are easy to understand. in this war, america risks dying by its own sword. and it turns out that the united states, if you believe the words of this kennedy. craves such changes that they are even ready for self-destruction, but here vladimir vladimirovich, the question is: how important is the issue of prestige, some kind of image, for america today, because america is the hegemon, and in general, how can one argue with the fact that there is only one america , everyone else just
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so america can be on the throne? american political face, it is different, one for russia, another for europe, the third for arabic.
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after all, while ukraine and russia are sorting things out, america is tearing apart the industrial power of germany, america is limiting china completely, that is, this is not destructive for america, as he says, i don’t think it’s destructive for america, and kennedy, when he spoke in europe, he was practically welcomed only right-wing forces, and he is precisely saying that the dictatorship of democracy, what has now fascinated the west, the dictatorship of democracy, should be a united front, it has no chance. strike at rivne or
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i can imagine what will happen if the chernobyl nuclear power plant has substations there, there are substations there too. i haven’t seen a single message that there is any destruction happening there or someone is bombing these substations, there will be fear, because if the wind blows to the west, it blows radioactive wind, there are wild boars running around poland to this day, who have had overwhelming radiation since those times since chernobya, that they eat some mushrooms, the americans don’t care, the americans don’t care, americans don’t care, they are happy, and you need to understand that the answer of the americans, you know, today you read, the demarche was an announcement thinking about how...
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we are so decent, we do not interfere in the electoral system, but maybe it’s time to openly interfere in the electoral system who supports russia, we give funding, guys, whoever restores nord stream 2, we give funding, who opposes arms supplies, we give funding. maybe this financing will not work now in 20 years in the form of investments and shares, but about that we can say, i believe that the pressure that is in the thoughts of the military, it is constantly present in all conversations in europe, they say that russia will only understand the conversation from the point of view of force, from the point of view of force of which, when the civilian population in russia begins to die, this is power, isn't it? no, of course, when europe realizes that, in principle, if russian troops approach the czech republic, the french will not think of dropping a nuclear bomb on the czech republic. everything has been cleared, there are no people responsible, it seems like ukraine is shooting, it seems like the americans are aiming, it seems
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how the poles delivered, no, guys, everything is much worse here, and of course, an escalation will happen, that’s understandable, it has already happened because the factories used, when they talked about it, when they warned, it seems like they were doing it again, oh, in russia there is nothing, she won’t answer anything, we won’t be afraid of her, russia is not able to answer, this is constant western propaganda, that’s why the russian media is banned there so that no one voices the truth. so i think america doesn’t really care what face it has in front of the arab world they can no longer restrain any defensive proposals, they have lost their petrodollar, before the arab world they cannot regulate israeli relations, but they don’t care, this, by the way, is very dangerous when nothing is restrained, even the preservation of their own image, image and reputation, it’s dangerous when they say that we don’t respond in any way, it’s time to respond, i’m actually very careful about this here.
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will lose their superpower status for the same reason as their predecessors. the country will be crushed by a mountain of debts that it’s convenient for politicians to ignore. the united states' century of leadership is coming to an end faster than expected, with interest payments on the debt exceeding defense spending earlier this month, but it is not force of arms that will bring the country down. any great power that spends more on debt servicing than on defense will not remain great for long. everything is clear, the united states behaves according to the principle of the more. the bolder face should be, but this same publication writes that the us final
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may indeed be much closer than all of us even the supposed one, it’s all the fault of the current us president joe biden, who due to his age simply cannot cope with his responsibilities, taking into account that joe biden’s main competitor in the upcoming presidential elections, donald trump, he recently called himself the official status of a criminal, let me remind you that the jury already admitted. guilty, america clearly faces difficult trials ahead and debates, in my opinion, are starting almost today there, well, in the near future for sure, memes on this topic are increasingly appearing on the internet of what the upcoming debates in the usa will look like, here is one of the last ones on your screens, well, it says circus, in general we need to stop offending circus artists by comparing them with these comrades, this is much worse, well, no matter what happens at these debates, so as not to... said, it means that biden will blame the prompter for everything, for them the prompter bears all responsibility and no one
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else. sergei vladlyanovich, well, here i am again raising the topic that we are not answering, but it is obvious to everyone now that there is on some brink, that’s what this brink is, this is the brink of either a global war, or this is the brink of a split in the united states and the collapse of the united states, it seems to me that this, in my opinion, is already obvious to everyone, because there are two ways out here: either fall apart, or with whom. look, well, well, so to speak, they cut off oxygen to our media, they don’t allow
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us to talk about all this, but it’s impossible to hide these things like an awl in a sack, anyway, your media, which you can’t close anymore, then so to speak, it’s simply impossible, all this do, they say the same thing as what they said, we continue to write and talk, this is what it says, it says that it is simply impossible with such manipulative actions... to take refuge, to hide from that reality, really, so to speak, and the approaching one, either a catastrophe, or at least, a very serious crisis that has already hung like a pre-mocles sword over the united states, this debate, which, so to speak, is the upcoming debate of two contenders, the main contenders, since , so to speak, it is obvious that there is no alternative, kennedy does not choose. although he says some alternative things remind us of what really is, and america is choosing between
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bad, very bad, it is unclear what is very bad and what is bad and... this pause, so to speak, before this debate, like before a boxing match , you know, when , like the opening act, there are some, so to speak, politicians there, so to speak, the media, some kind of propaganda firecrackers around all this, but in fact these debates reveal a void, when on the one hand there is the current president, who is not a fact that in general, he can simply, so to speak, hold on. literally and figuratively until the end of these debates and not to forget your name, even now they are seriously training with a coach, the ability to stand for 90 minutes just physically stand 90 minutes of a special trainer was hired to prepare for this biden, on the other hand there is another contender , who seems to be standing
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firmly on his feet, who remembers his name, his name is donald trump, who can pronounce... states, so it was classically believed that there should be a president who unites a nation, when at least half of the nations say that this is not our president, we are ready for biden, even for a dead man, dig him out of the grave, we’d rather vote for a dead man, yes, if it’s not donald trump, donald trump, then what can wait for this
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country, this is not some kind of propaganda, this is reality,
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yes, now processes are beginning to accelerate very much, look, forty-seven, britain, a large, major maritime power, 82% of the pound is used as a reserve currency throughout the world, forty seventh year cutoff, india becomes independent, in 10 years the figure drops from 82 to 10%. now america is the country that
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has a trade balance of minus a trillion dollars every year, an external trade balance, that is, it takes more goods than it sends anything. this is all printed money sent to the external circuit, due to this inflation is growing all over the world, the budget of the armed forces is almost 900 billion, and most importantly, they already have more than a trillion every year, they have to pay for their own debts, which they have inflated, that is all this the situation no longer works, that is, the car won’t go, they need to do something about it, and this is all controlled, while this is all controlled, so the decline of the empire comes when they stop receiving money from... the metropolis, or, let’s put it this way , they spend more on maintaining the military-industrial machine than they get from it. this process has come a long time ago; 2.0 bases around the world cost a lot of money. therefore, as a global business, it is he who controls america and sees this entire structure. without a big, large-scale conflict that would allow exchange printed money for real
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assets, which will be received virtually free of charge, for a reason, linte grem said that ukraine is worth 15 trillion dollars. by the way, 70% of them are in the donbass, which we control, and this stops them from starting negotiations, they are fighting for money; the second element they want to profit from is the marshal’s second plan, this is europe. to make the poor hungry, the destitute, to restore europe, to earn assets again, that is , this leap, please note, there is such a correlation, when their printed money is compared with the real economy, now the figure is much higher than in the second world war, then there is a real growth in the real sector of the economy, this percentage begins to fall, so now they urgently need to convert this into real, real assets, how to do it? when in their understanding the enemy has already united, these are russia and china, and there is a new world that we have outlined, which is built on different principles, this is very difficult, well, in this
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during the election race, donald trump, of course , is also trying to earn points for himself; he has already said that if he wins, he will definitely strengthen the air defense of the united states to protect against any threats. we will build a huge iron air defense dome over our country, a dome the likes of which have never been seen before. a state-of-the-art missile defense shield that will be built entirely in america and give everyone a job. well, really, this means that other countries will not get air defense systems then, now all possible air defense systems of their own, america supplies kiev, but this system is not enough, even for washington’s closest allies. the other day, the president of poland, andrzej duda, complained that kiev’s ambitions were preventing warsaw from receiving what it had long ago ordered.
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that if the russian army comes, steals children by force of women, that is, fears are created, we are building a dome, accordingly, the most basic question is, do you have machine production there, so come to our dome, you produced chemistry, let’s also come to us dome, you see, this is really a theft, such a very competent one, for years calculated, launched, and indeed there is a large relocation of assets, a large relocation of supermanagers who know how to raise, how to control, how to create. businesses, how to expand them, this is the robbery of europe, it does not concern russia, america does not bring its machines or russian machines
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to its territory, only europe is being robbed, and of course it is profitable for them, it is profitable for them and the patriots cannot be supplied, precisely for the fact that you are not protected, who can then protect, well then two aircraft carriers should to approach, they will probably go by land, in this regard, the point is not about patriots, of course, the point is about the meaning of the existence of the united states. in america, they lose position after position. america is no longer the policeman on this planet. you can't turn to america and say, help me, it doesn't save me. the american dollar, the arabs inflicted a severe blow, not renewing the oil dollar. this means that the mmmash system cannot be saved, but everyone is under them, you know, no one can get out, you know, from this slavery. when the robber indeed, in the forest he takes money from everyone, then sometimes it might be better to be friends with this robber. this is philosophy. which is hammered into the thinking of european politicians, no more and no less, and some kind of third world, some kind of gas station, yes obama said, a gas station, russia decided to rebel against
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what, against our power, dollar oil, against our vassals, there are no europeans, of course, and america’s entire pre-election fear, you know, everything revolves around one thing, hysteria, that is, i can’t say that it will collapse there, it’s like the roman empire, america, no, there are methods in hysterics, how to stop this hysteria, sometimes you need... he says, sometimes you need to give counting, sometimes you need to take antidepressants, so america is now in hysterics, this hysteria is not connected with ukraine, it is connected precisely with the loss of hegemony, this is due to the fact that the dollar is getting thinner and thinner. here all the methods are good, according to the logic of things, now the last robbery of europe is underway, it already happened in the second world war, also america earned very good money, so in in this regard, history goes on, the scheme does not change, this american scheme, its opposition in the form of brix, this is the biggest fear, and of course, russia needs to be promoted in such a way, so that russia’s nerves are irritated, so that there is a strong escalation, so that china refuses, so that india refused to boast that vietnam is a strategic partner, they cut everything off and shared friendship.
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funds were invested in building this entire system, i would say that now the nuts have become loose, and the mechanism is already malfunctioning, somewhere at idle, but it is still at the very least, how it works like this, confirmation of what it serves, in particular the same alliances in the indo-pacific region, with japan, with south korea, an attempt to create new alliances, such as the quad, like
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the aucus too, that is no, they...
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i think that the united states, vladimir vladimirovich correctly said, is very bright and good and imaginative, they are actually very resourceful and they don’t just provoke, but they, look how interesting, they dehumanize us , while understanding that there is probably no one more humane than us in the world, because that we approach everything very responsibly, they understand perfectly well that there is a powerful answer, yes, to all these crimes of theirs, to attacks on civilians, well, of course they would like... to see a powerful answer from us, but they understand that we are hyper-responsible, that we think very well about the consequences, so they give themselves a free hand like this, but as long as andrei fransovich this can continue, unfortunately, the americans probably perceive our decency or some warnings in advance as weakness, and i will remind what's in america case law applies in their jurisprudence, that is, if there was some
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example of... some kind of court decision, then this becomes, relatively speaking, law. let me remind you that americans in reality only understand force, this really brings them to their senses, the twentieth year of operation martyr of sulaymaniyah, when the iranians directly hit american bases in iraq with their fotech-110 missiles, the americans did not start any war, trump was then management pretended that nothing had happened. let me remind you, direct blows mean houthis on american ships.
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spanish prime minister pedro sanchez is actively involved in so-called european diplomacy and is even more actively working against russia. the global consequences of the ukrainian conflict are a humanitarian crisis. worsening food crisis and fear of nuclear disaster. zelensky signed an agreement with him for 1.1 billion, old tanks to ukraine, in their place ours, american ones. american scheme, corrupt. this is his mission, his wife is the direct negotiator, in the background billions of dollars in expenses were caught directly in corruption, there was lobbying for digital companies, lobbying for airlines, how to avoid being put on trial or to save his wife, he is ready to do anything. sanchez meets soros.
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trump, by the way, showed him your place there, yes, that is, he did not talk to him. and trump knows that this is a man of the us democratic party, absolutely aimed at destroying europe. pedro sanchez is a rare pedro. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. what a beauty you are, mish, it’s all the same, you’re beautiful. here you go, bear, don't mind i won’t spend my life with ermakov now, understand? hands, yush, you’re not touchable, we’ll still get married, i won’t follow nazar, i love the bear, varka, make up your mind. i need to start a new life, i’ll get a job at a factory, we’ll rent a room somewhere for you too, the rapids are ahead, mom, misha, where they didn’t find him var, father said, you’re on the rapids, you crashed, hold her,
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jump, i said, now i’ll shoot, i don’t care that he killed him, father, how did you end up on the shore, you found me, who is it, varya?
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you're also good at sending her to the forest, she's already crazy i came down with my collective farm, and this is your bear, he led the fashion, to bring strangers, he is not mine, i love you, var, i can’t forget, i’ll leave olga, just tell me, it’s your daughter
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who gets confused with the bear, you’re fucking, we see for ourselves, you’re with i’ve lost my mind, teddy bear ermakov was here, i find out that i’ll kill both of them, clearly, you missed me, i couldn’t live without you. marka, stop, you're disturbing me, nazar and i love each other, he will kill you, he won't kill you, he found someone else for himself, nazar, stop it, because of him you've already come close to death twice, that means i love you death, war was declared, yes, i heard, they pulled additional resources here, including unmanned battalions, which were very actively working on... with our units carrying out rotation, the enemy himself also rotates his fighters regularly, one way or another until now for now, he is constantly bringing in reserves from other fronts, including from the artyomovsky front from other
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directions, that is, there is actually such a serious concentration of enemy forces happening here at the moment, we said when we went on air to you a little more, probably two weeks ago that the enemy... yes, what i mean is that when you drive a wedge into the enemy’s positions, then fire comes at you from left to right and, in general, from the front, that is , it turns out that you are essentially. you are under fire from three sides, and of course, the situation
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is not easy, but our boys, not only heroically holding on, do not allow the enemy to take away those territories that we have already liberated, yes, and we nevertheless continue to move forward, but on our own in fact, you know, now we have an extremely non-trivial situation, in the sense that the war war, yes, but there are moments that are connected specifically with life, and i understand that... and tragic events took place the day before, war is always blood and death, but life in war also takes place, and next to me now is a fighter, an absolutely legendary boy from the leningrad military district, he will now tell about himself a little later, and the event is really non-trivial, i know that he wants to say a few words now - to the most beloved person in the world at the moment, cartoon. this is your call sign, well, i mean he knows, i’m explaining this to you, yes, this is
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a fighter with the call sign of a cartoon, he wants to make a very important geopolitical statement for his girlfriend, karina, i know that you are watching this, i love you very much, i miss you very much while you are watching this, i’m asking you to marry me, and since we don’t have jewelry stores, the ring will only be like this for now, listen, well , thank you, head.
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trinity is a holiday for most russians, at first it was an attack by an american-made atak ms missile on the sevastopol beach, the missile was equipped with a cluster doctors are fighting against a battle designed for many more. 20 people were killed as a result of a terrorist attack organized by a group of militants, islamists, and this blow, a double blow, was dealt to our hearts, like the terrorist attack in crocus city at one time, a blow that was supposed to suppress our will, divide our peoples, which should ...was to make us believe that we can be defeated, but
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it is quite obvious that the enemy will never achieve this, because in such moments we all become more united, we become stronger. president putin expressed his condolences to the relatives of the victims, that’s what his press secretary, dmitry peskov, said. the president works in the kremlin, he continues to receive information about how assistance is being provided to the victims of the missile attack on crimea, how assistance is being provided to those who were wounded, and relatives who lost relatives as a result of the attack by criminals in dagestan. yesterday, the president constantly received reports and gave the necessary instructions. the president deeply sympathizes with all those who lost their loved ones in crimea in as a result of the missile attack, the relatives and friends of those killed in dagestan will all be provided with appropriate assistance. but this is what patriarch
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kirill of moscow said to the russians. the cold-blooded cruelty and amazing cynicism of the perpetrators of the terrorist act, timed to coincide with the great orthodox holiday of the holy trinity, once again testifies to the abyss of spiritual and moral decline of the perpetrators of the crime, for whom there is truly nothing sacred left. ivan pavlovich, attack on sevastopol. same it was clearly a targeted attack. equipped, which obviously means
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cluster munitions, respectively, a large urban agglomeration, wherever these missiles would fly, even taking into account the fact that , for example, all means would stop them. in any case, air defense means they will cover civilians, in any case they will hit ordinary people, this was a completely obvious calculation. ah, unfortunately, this happened, but we still have to give credit to our anti-aircraft gunners, our air defense guys, they did a great job, again great, well, when something like this intensity, when they throw more and more similar ammunition in our direction, of course, but... but since it’s not that it’s difficult to sort of hold positions, but uh, what happened this time, the ammunition exploded just over the beach, by the way, you can to raise the question, and it wasn’t planned, it was in advance, that just so that it would fly there and explode there, covering just a large, large area, and you
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know what’s interesting, today, for example, there was a discussion between two presidents, and this trump and... you and i know the american approach, especially when you need to wrap up one story, you need to arrange another story, this, well, of course this is terrible blasphemy, but on the other hand, remember, they once spared children, how many children they killed in donetsk, in other places, they generally once believed that they are doing this based solely on their political needs.
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but to be honest, i didn’t expect anything else from the pentagon, since it’s well known that the pentagon is the place where the coordinates of targets for american targets are actually entered atak ms missiles that hit the beach of sevastopol, so i think there should be no questions here, and the fact that cluster munitions were used, cluster munitions are a prohibited weapon for the mass destruction of people and nothing else. it was these cluster warheads that were installed on american missiles, which were controlled from the pentagon, but probably one of the goals was to cause an excessive reaction on our part, attacks there on the civilian population of ukraine, but i don’t think that we will ever
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be able to stoop to such tactics because that we are people, unlike the non-humans who are fighting on the other side. to them , human life is truly nothing, especially, of course, for the americans, who are responsible for the lives of tens of millions of people around the globe over the past many decades, but there was a retaliatory strike, a strike was on odessa, on a military facility that is burning to this day, and of course, we continued the offensive on the fronts of a special military operation, because our offensive there... so far nothing can be opposed, i think, now this will be confirmed by boris aleksandrovich rozhin, our permanent military expert, boris aleksandrovich, good afternoon, the floor is yours, and good afternoon, yes, it is worth noting the attack on odessa, where a large ammunition depot was hit, and odessa residents confirm that it was a military facility that was hit today with a precision strike, that is, this is again
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a difference, that is, we are not fighting with civilians , unlike the enemy, just as we defeated nazi germany without stooping to genocide and concentration camps. in the same way there will be a destroyed nazi ukraine, which regarding the situation at the front, yes, the enemy continues to experience serious difficulties in holding the front, over the past few days over the weekend, today our troops have advanced a little on the rabotinsky ledge, there is progress on the temporary ledge in harvest, there is serious advance in the ugledar direction east of the highway konstandinivka coal in the vladimirovka region, our troops have advanced quite seriously to the west, there is an advance into... krasnogorka in the northern part of the city , the southwestern outskirts of the western part have already been completely cleared the outskirts of krasnogorovka, to the west of avdeyka , the successful offensive of our troops continues, there is an advance at karlovka, north of tumansky, and after the occupation of aleksandrovka, our troops are already attacking vozdvizhenka, sokol has also, for the most part, already
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come under the control of russian troops, there is also the advance of our troops near kalinov, in the area of ​​​​new york and the north is already complete. they started the village of shumy, the total advance was from 2.5 km, the enemy missed this blow there, now there is a showdown, well, with threats to remove some commanders in this direction, which means
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the situation on the fronts of the northern military district, thank you, indeed, we retain the strategic initiative, and largely because of this, now washington, london, kiev are inventing various kinds of terrorist acts in order to subvert our will, because they are nothing can oppose us on the battlefield, and the ministry of defense of the russian federation has precisely determined who is actually responsible for the attack on... while repelling a missile attack , four american missiles were intercepted by the air defense forces on duty
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atakoms. the detonation of the fragmentation warhead of the fifth american missile in the air led to numerous casualties among civilians in sevastopol. all flight missions for the american atacoms operational-tactical missiles are entered by american specialists based on their own us satellite reconnaissance data. therefore, responsibility for the deliberate missile attack on civilians in sevastopol lies primarily. to washington, which supplied these weapons to ukraine, as well as the kiev regime from whose territory these the blow was struck. such actions will not go unanswered. and today , the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation summoned the ambassador of the united states, len tracy, who was told that washington’s actions aimed at encouraging the pro-nazi authorities of ukraine to continue hostilities will not go unpunished. chelf alekseevich, a very important point, when from the point of view of law we are talking about the involvement of one or another party in the conflict, now it seems to me that no one
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has at least one illusion that the united states of america, western companies, great britain, they are parties to the conflict. the fact is that there are very simple indicators: if your weapon, into which the coordinates for carrying out terrorist attacks on foreign territory are entered using your own satellite systems, then this is an act of aggression in any case.
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according to the rear units, which are detected on the approach to the city and the internal traffic police and the accumulation of armored vehicles are working systematically, clearly, accurately. with minimal, as they say, proofreading, i myself was in the positions artillerymen of the volunteer corps, the ministry of defense saw how the guys work, very harmoniously, precisely, that's... with minimal adjustments, well, in the kanal microdistrict - this is the eastern microdistrict, hours of yar, there is an advance, the fighting is fierce, the enemy is really resisting, aggressively, but nevertheless , our heroic paratroopers have already reached the western part, and there they are gaining a foothold, according to some data , the ukranazis are already withdrawing some units to the western bank of the seversky canal donetsk, donbass, and are already gaining a foothold there in the main
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parts of the city, this suggests that... psychologically, they are probably ready for that, i already have movement in the canal microdistrict, well , i mean among the kronazis, that in the near future we will completely liberate this part of the city, in parallel, the fighters of the volunteer corps they are clearing the northeastern forest, from bogdanovka to kalinovka, there are still remnants of the ukronazis there, but nevertheless artillery is clearly working on them, our assault groups are entering, and systematic work is being carried out also from the south from... from the village of krasnoe and there is pressure on the southern part, and where the seversky donetsk-donbass canal leaves the yar clock, there are also fierce battles, we also have tactical successes, in general, in the chasovorsky direction we can say that the advance is going the same way as in the others sections of the front. yes, thank you very much, pavel kukushkin, for the information about the chasyarsk sector
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of the front, where we are making good progress. thank you very much, we are waiting for your reports, well, in our studio too, take care of yourself, thank you, i will definitely be there, i’ll try my best, the americans defiantly controlled the attack on sevastopol, at least the american global hock, it actually flew all the time over the black sea, according to my information it continues to fly to this day, having now shifted a little there to the southwest.
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to go to the end precisely in complete destruction and war of everyone with everyone, and similarly, we did not receive condolences or words of sympathy from any of the unfriendly countries, that is , we tried not to notice all this, if you look at the statement...
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of course, powerful efforts are being made, undermine us from within, destroy interethnic, interfaith peace, such an attempt we have just clearly demonstrated. seen in dagestan, more about that after the advertisement. the prime minister of spain, pedro sanchez, is actively involved in so-called european
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diplomacy and is even more actively working against russia. global consequences of the ukrainian conflict, humanitarian crisis, worsening food crisis and fear of nuclear disaster. zelensky signed an agreement with him there for 1.1 billion old tanks to ukraine, and their place. the american scheme, his mission is corrupt, his wife is a direct negotiator, against the backdrop of billions of dollars in expenses , they were caught directly for corruption, there was lobbying for digital companies, lobbying for airlines, how not to get caught with hundreds of defendants or to save his wife, he is ready for anything. sanchez is meeting with soros, trump, by the way, showed him your place there, yes, that is, he did not talk to him, and trump knows that this is a man of the us democratic party, absolutely aimed at destroying europe, pedro sanchez. rare pedra, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, vodka veda, a product of the stellor group,
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you are also good, send her to the forest, you’ve already gone crazy with your collective farm, and this is your bear to bring fashion-zholchuk. he’s not mine, i love you, varya, i can’t forget, i’ll leave olga, just tell me, your daughter is getting confused with the bear, you’re fucking, we see for ourselves, you’ve gone crazy, ermakov the bear was here, i find out that i’ll kill both of them, clearly, i missed you me, i couldn’t live without you nazark, barka, stop, you’re disturbing me, nazar and i love each other, he’ll kill you, he won’t kill you, he’s just...
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look how sashka belikov looks at you, lucky, no, i knew that the girls were falling in stacks from me, why is it like that, why are you making noise, guys, sashka, you’ve decided to get married, who is unmarried, irinka, ermakova, you don’t love, you he will suffer, why did he get it, that i don’t love him, because you are mine, well, stay away from these scoundrels. two shores, the premiere of a multi-part film, watch the time after the program, and i’m expecting a child, what other child, ours, the prime minister
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of spain, pedro sanchez, is actively involved in the so -called european diplomacy and even more is actively working against russia, the global consequences of the ukrainian conflict, the humanitarian crisis, the worsening food crisis and... fear and nuclear disasters. zelensky signed an agreement with him there for 1.1 billion, old tanks to ukraine, instead of them ours, american with an american scheme, corruption, this is his mission, his wife is a direct negotiator, against the backdrop of billions of dollars in expenses they were caught directly for corruption, there was lobbying digital companies, airline lobbying, how to avoid getting caught to become defendants or to save his wife, he is ready to do anything. sanchez meets soros. trump, by the way, showed him your place there, yes, that is, he didn’t. talk and trump knows that this is a man of the us democratic party, absolutely aimed at destroying europe. pedro sanchez, rare pedro, heir dolls here. today
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there are two banks on the first, rapids ahead, mom, misha, where, they didn’t find him, it’s like you ended up on the bank, you found me, premiere, watch the time after the program. big game live. dagestan - ancient glorious earth. derbend is probably the most ancient city in the russian federation. this is a very distinctive region, where many peoples have always lived, where there are many official languages, where people heroically defended our homeland, and during the great patriotic war they are still fighting on the fronts of a special military operation. we demonstrate courage, it was in
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dagestan that a tragedy happened, which now really forced the whole country to join the mourning that is now declared in dagestan. dagestan has always been and multinational, and multi-confessional, and there is even a monument there: a monument on which a mullah, a rabbi and an orthodox priest are represented, here he is in the center, and the prototype of this orthodox priest was archpriest nikolai kotelnikov, it was him who was stabbed to death by these non-humans yesterday during a service in honor of holy trinity. everlasting memory. in total, they
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took the lives of twenty people, and these were mainly law enforcement officers of dagestan, police officers; it must be said that these people were most likely muslims; synagogue, that is, in fact, the blow was delivered to the heart. our consent, interethnic, interreligious, and they did it consciously, militants, well trained, motivated, representing the golden youth, makhachkala, derbent, a terrible situation, behind which, of course, there are external forces, of course, they are playing on this, trying to blow up our society from the inside, as they once already succeeded.
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the united states supplies missiles with cluster charges to bandera and helps guide them to the target. bastards in kyiv target the beach with peaceful people, they press the button, and both of them will burn into the water, i hope, not only in sacred fire, but even earlier in earthly fire. everything that happened was not a military action, but a vile and vile terrorist attack against our people, committed on an orthodox holiday, like the massacre in dagestan, which was carried out by extremists. therefore, now all of them, the american authorities, the bandera regime and crazy fanatics, are no different for us.
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apparently, this means they burned a synagogue, two churches, and stabbed to death an exemplary orthodox russian priest, that is, this is a comprehensive approach to unfortunately, it’s hard for me to say this, but it’s true, and we just can’t do it any other way, i don’t think this is just my opinion, but i think it’s an obvious fact that such crap could again be planned and coordinated. all this was arranged there,
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especially since everything coincided with a strike, a missile strike by the kiev nazis, a day, a holy day for us. for everyone there is a trinity, all this happens at the same time, but we understand that in this world it’s like this, such coincidences are impossible, so i think that over time ae are competent the authorities will spin this whole situation to the end and , most importantly, will spin it to the end , so to speak, deny it to the customers of this whole thing that happened, and they, too , will sit on one of the defendants’ stones along with those who just gave orders for the strike on sevastopol, who gave orders for various terrorist acts, then gave orders and jointly coordinated the actions of various western intelligence services and terrorists in a circle near sitihole, all of
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them, sooner or later we will gather them all together, oh, i would like to hope so, but for now of course we have to. an assessment of what is happening, well , this clear assessment is already being given not only in our country, but abroad, in my opinion, scott ritter, a famous military analyst, he very accurately determined what happened yesterday. the ukrainians have decided to use atacoms missiles equipped with cluster munitions against civilians, this is an act of terrorism, this is consistent with the actions of ukraine that have occurred over the past several years. when ukraine started shelling in 2014 russian civilian objects, cities, villages, towns with the sole purpose of causing death and destruction to the russian civilian population, this is an act of terrorism, and given that the missile system cannot be deployed by the ukrainians without extensive intelligence support from the united states, then
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this is an act of terrorism by the united states against russia. the same can be said about the terrorist attacks in dagestan, they are deliberately aimed at disrupting civil life in the russian federation. we don't need a nuclear war, but it is in this direction we are moving, if we don't stop it, it's madness, and stopping this madness means stopping the united states, stopping nato, stopping europe from further facilitating these terrorist attacks by ukraine against russia. scott ritter experienced first-hand, excuse me, what democracy is like in america when they simply did not allow him to fly out of this super-free country. today, the united states of america does not just give permission; rather, they coordinate.
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it is clear that it is quite easy for us to understand that there is no concept of just the dagestan language, there are avars, there are kumyks, there are lizgins, there are many different ethnic groups, but at the same time i somehow came across an interesting study from george washington university, i thought, why the hell do you need to analyze in such detail how the nagais are different from the kumyks, but it’s clear why, it’s still clear, you initially wanted to lay this ethnic war mine back in the seventies...
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two dimensions, one is foreign policy, it’s clear even before the ukrainian conference in switzerland there were leaks into the ukrainian channel, that sullivan got biden the go-ahead for... islam, which, unfortunately, is promoted as the most advanced, although in fact it is the most primitive, the simplest, by and large cannot compete with traditional deep philosophical islam, which is actually
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organic to the caucasus , and this is a problem that probably needs to be solved, because traditional islam, with its deep philosophical dimension, should probably be the only legitimate one in the caucasus, without all sorts of, strictly speaking, sages from outside, who would bring their radical, simplified formulations, but so effective on fragile brains. this is a lot of work to be done. you know, what we also paid attention to was how the western media reacted to the terrorist attacks. well, in general, the american media have always boasted that they were the first to report the most important news in the world. but in recent years, something has changed. they choose to ignore the most important news that happens in the world, simply ignore it. here. yulia kanina, journalist drew attention to how the american media itself reacted to the terrorist attack in
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sevastopol. more than 3 hours have passed since ukraine struck civilians on the beach of sevastopol, and not a single american media reported about it, even reuters wrote: “russia said, just complete radio silence on all major channels, i remember this the same silence when donbass was bombed." this is an information policy of hushing up everything in general, this is also part of a psychological war, without any doubt, well, we remember that there is a hybrid war, hybrid war includes any means, this is a conventional war, this is a guerrilla war, this is an information war, so in the information war the united states, you know, logically began to lose, as soon as the collective front began to sag in principle. against russia, that is, successes, concrete, simply conventional successes of the russian army
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on the battlefield, and they in general have already begun to entail, let’s say, failures in the information war, which is the main failure of the information war wars are always when the consumer of this information asks the question: why do i know one thing, but i haven’t heard the other, why don’t you give me the whole picture, by the way, this mrs. kanina, she’s talking about exactly this: american of course... the listener, viewer and so on, the reader, he is quite inexperienced, in general, he is mainly interested in internal events, but since everything that happens in ukraine, in europe and throughout the world is already interconnected, taiwan comes here by the way, you also need to turn it on, it turns out, but he, this concerns him wallet, he is concerned about his own life, he sees that his life is sagging, i’m not talking about the european, for whom this life is definitely failing, but he wants to know, the european wants to know why... why am i suffering, they don’t tell him this, when he, when he doesn’t hear it, doesn’t see it and doesn’t hear that
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a terrorist act has been committed, he still learns this from other sources, but this is just called a failure in the information war, the whole system is superbly designed, worked great the americans have their satellites, she began to work against them, that is, the whole system is built on the fact that in order to destroy russia, it began to work for the self-destruction of the collective west. here we can say that the concept of cancel culture is actually falling apart, because the americans have been building it for so long that there is only what we talk about, if we don’t talk about it, then it simply doesn’t exist, it simply doesn’t exist, but that’s what was visualized in avatar, when , in fact, you need to connect to the tree, you need to connect to the internet to find out what is happening there, if you i didn’t receive information, it means it doesn’t exist, and the fact that such questions are asked means that people turn out to be smarter than... cancel culture believes, yes, this is a serious challenge, because, let’s say, the simplification and
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degradation of the intellectual level of western man , have not reached the normative limits that those people who cancel culture intended as the norm and as a rule would have liked? well, i think there is still a limit there, of course, you can still dig, dig, dig, of course, american society has already been dubilized to the limit, but there are still reserves and... naturally, the journalists themselves even then began to ask some about what actually happened and what the pentagon’s reaction was; the pentagon did not answer at first. and then they answered, let’s listen to what the pentagon actually answered. the pentagon is aware of the reports of the shelling of sevastopol by american atacoms missiles, we saw these reports, we have nothing to say, says a written response from a representative of the us department of defense, that is, the first manual, we do not comment on anything, we seem to have nothing to do with it, our hands are here, here they are, although in fact we
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know who set the target for this missile launch, but then we’ll see.
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spanish prime minister pedro sanchez is actively involved in so-called european diplomacy and is even more actively working against russia. global consequences of the ukrainian conflict, humanitarian crisis, worsening food crisis and fear and nuclear disasters. zelensky signed an agreement with him there for 1.1 billion, old tanks to ukraine, and their place is ours,
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american ones. american scheme corruption, this is his mission, his wife is the direct negotiator. on the first, you’re also good, send her to the forest, you’ve already gone crazy with your collective farm, and this is your bear, it’s fashionable to bring strangers, he’s not mine, i love you, varin, i can’t forget, i’ll leave olga, just tell me, it’s your daughter who’s getting confused with the bear, you’re fucking crazy, we can see for ourselves,
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you’ve gone crazy, ermakov the bear was here, i’ll find out that i’ll kill both of them, okay? you missed me, i couldn’t live without you nazarka, parka, stop, you’re disturbing me, nazar and i love each other, he’ll kill he won’t kill you, he found someone else, it hurts nazar, stop it, because of him you’ve already come close to death twice, that means i love you to death, war has been declared, yes, i heard he’s writing from home? doesn’t write, damn it, two banks, the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, the prime minister from...
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“i won’t live without you, just like you without me, i honestly tried to forget you, mish, me too , our love will destroy us, i won’t
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return to her, you’ve gone completely crazy, but i’m sick of looking at her, she’s your child under your heart wears, as you say, the surname of those kulaks you came to declare?" " american scheme, his mission is corrupt,
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his wife is a direct negotiator, against the backdrop of billions of dollars in expenses they were caught directly for corruption, there was lobbying of digital companies, lobbying airlines, how to avoid getting caught by the defendants or to save his wife, he is ready to do anything. sanchez is meeting with soros, trump, by the way, showed him, this is where you belong, yes, that is, he did not talk to him. knows that this is a man of the democratic party the usa is absolutely aimed at destroying europe. pedro sanchez is a rare pedro. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. two banks. premiere of a serial film. watch the time after the program. a big game on the first, we continue to discuss the consequences of the terrible terrorist attacks in sevastopol in dagestan, which were carried out clearly at
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the instigation of the american british military command. well, the reaction, of course, is expected, but the cynicism is off the charts, to be honest , especially of course. ukrainian side, here is the famous character podalyak, so commented on the terrorist attack in sevastopol. in crimea there are not and cannot be any beaches, tourist areas and other far-fetched signs of peaceful life. crimea is a large military camp and warehouse with hundreds of military installations, which the russians are cynically trying to hide and cover up with their civilians, who in turn are considered civilian occupiers. that's it, amazing, of course, yes. you know, podaljak at one time made a very surprising statement, he told the whole story that tsk are creating, these are territorial recruitment centers,
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ukrainian military commissars, collecting people, mocking them, killing them, lack of training, sending them straight to the front, who immediately die there, and he told it all, said that this was happening in russia, it was so, it produced such a shock , even to ukrainian society, they said, what are you doing, how can you lie like that, what? only the occupiers live, yes, that is, on the beaches here we are, that is, everyone sees peaceful people, completely, obviously, without any military training, and so on, who
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resting. does this mean they are civilian occupiers? unfortunately for me, you see, what’s surprising is that podalyak has relatives, he has a russian brother, but he’s no longer russian, as he says, and mr. syrsky, who commands the armed forces of ukraine, we also all know that he’s russian, but in fact , he has already been abandoned by him, his own family, does not want to know him, and these people, any american military analyst should be very , as it were... wary of such people, because these people, once betrayers, traitors, they will betray as many times as they want, of course, it’s amazing when they seem to be fighting to recapture crimea there, because who lives there, their people, that is, citizens of ukraine, it seems like from the point of view of their official propaganda and so on, they kill them, they call them civilian occupiers, amazing cynicism that really
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goes off scale, here... the american tv channel cnn, how it analyzes what happened in dagestan and why, in their opinion, these people commit terrorist attacks, let's see. the north caucasus has always been a hot spot for islamic extremism. russia has already encountered this. i'm talking about chechnya, two bloody warriors. now dagestan youths are being forced to fight in ukraine. this likely increased extremism in the region. that is. carry out terrorist attacks because they are being driven to war with ukraine, it turns out, yes, it is understandable that when they immediately impose their interpretation, which should be convincing for the american viewer, who may even go to dagestan, which they will even believe in, and which in any case it will be divisive, the same old principle, divide conquer, this is always necessary to give rise to internal conflicts, the anglo-accession knows how to do this
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brilliantly. and it’s true that the british are better than the americans, but both of them are quite sophisticated in this regard, in this regard, when for the american viewer, and therefore for the international viewer, after all, everything is a global company, an interpretation is introduced that it turns out that russia and dagestan - these are supposedly different things, and dagestanis are supposedly forced to fight for something they don’t want, right away a picture emerges that is very understandable for the western viewer, wild for us, unnatural for... exactly the picture that cnn and its customer need today, the desire to understand what happened there and is happening in the united states exists, here is mejari greene, congressman, from the republican party, she just
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drew attention to... these are the flights of an american drone, which was directed at by atak ms. and this is what she said after studying this information. imagine if russia, using a russian satellite, fired cluster munitions onto a florida beach, the only border our us military is supposed to protect is our own border, and the constitution obliges the federal one.
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of course, they will be right, she talks about this, but she also says that the world is actually on the verge of a major nuclear war, that the current policy of the white house is doing everything to take leaps and bounds towards a nuclear conflict, we must pay tribute that this senator today this congressman today the day is supported not only by her home state, but by a huge number, including journalists, who quote her and say that these are some echoes of reason that should be listened to. carefully, well, a huge number of american journalists consider her an extremist, keep silent and so on, the overwhelming majority, i would say, but american newspapers give complete, complete scope for ukrainian propaganda, any ukrainian figure can publish any material at any time in any american newspaper, so kirill budanov, chief the main intelligence directorate, the ministry of defense published an article by the philadelphia inquirer, let's listen, while the war...
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is on our territory, it does not affect russia, that is why since the spring of 2022 we began to conduct significant operations on russian territory, and we will continue to do so, atacoms long-range missiles can... destroy the bridge, you should read the technical manuals, the only question is the quantity, but in principle, these missiles will allow us to complete such a mission. a response to russia's superiority in manpower are technologies for introducing combat operations. technology will be quite important in this war , allowing us not to fight the war to the last citizen. the good news is that armageddon will not happen, the bad news is that the situation is quite difficult, it will remain so for at least a month. of course, arms supplies are moving quickly.
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-is not really considered, their entire technological blow, in fact, all this cynicism, all this inhumanity, comes down to a very simple thing, so that biden has a chance to win this election, and budanov is now playing up, in fact trying to pour water on this little thing, explaining that yes the technologies will work, yes these missiles and technologies will bring an inevitable result, and even for this you won’t have to pay such a terrible price price, you are going the right way and continuing to invest in us, well, i must say that relying on technological superiority cannot work, because now our military-industrial complex is clearly increasing its turnover, including in terms of quality respect, surpassing the main american weapons systems, which have not
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been modernized for many decades in many of their components, and of course our assessment of what happened is quite clear, and it was well formulated by our ministry of foreign affairs. which just released a statement. there is no doubt about the involvement of the united states in this sinister crime. washington and its satellites created and raised a neo-nazi regime in kiev, actively nurture and support their ukrainian puppets, and wage war with their hands. against russia and encourage them to commit acts of international terrorism, killing peaceful russian citizens, including using one of the most terrible types of inhumane weapons, cluster munitions. a response to this crime is mandatory.
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the united states, in my opinion, now understands more than ever, in essence, this is the same nazi reich that attacked us on june 22, 1941, only now they have also been joined by the heads of their united states or... britain, but methods, means
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absolutely the same, therefore our cause is just, the enemy must be defeated and will be defeated, victory will be ours. we'll hand over to the news and see you again at 5:00 p.m.


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