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tv   Novosti  1TV  June 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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the kiev regime, it itself is nazi, nazi regimes, they are not shy about their means, but for a long time we did not understand the nazi nature, in fact, those regimes that stand behind kiev, this is the concept of the fourth reich, in relation to the united states, in my opinion look, it is now clearer than ever that this is essentially the same nazi reich that attacked us. june 22, 1941, only now they were joined by the united states and great britain, but the methods and means are absolutely the same, so our cause is just, the enemy must be defeated and will be defeated, victory will be ours. we'll hand over to the news and see you again at 5:00 p.m.
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this is news first. hello, in valery koravlev's studio in this episode. where do the tracks lead? dagestan after a series of militant attacks. five terrorists are looking for liquidated accomplices; the case has been transferred to the central office . page. they worked well. aviation, missile forces, artillery. the ministry of defense reported that a large logistics center in the ukrainian armed forces, where it was stored, was hit. top-level modern technologies, record profits, big plans for future, report to vladimir putin, head of vtb andrey kostin. everything to save the wounded, the most serious patients from sevastopol will be transported to moscow, the us ambassador to russia demarche for the terrorist attack america bears responsibility equal to the list regimes. the investigation into the case
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of a militant attack in dagestan has been transferred to the central office of the investigative committee. five terrorists were killed. now they are looking for accomplices and establishing the entire chain of suspects. it is already clear that the massive attack was planned from abroad. orthodox churches, synagogue, traffic police post, a whole series of attacks in derbint and makhachkala. according to the latest data , 15 law enforcement officers and four civilians, including a priest, were killed. another 25 people were injured. as the press secretary noted. ramzan kirimova. and the battle goes on, the battle goes on. the shooting on the streets of delbent and makhachkala did not stop until late at night. special forces stormed the building where the terrorists were hiding. judging by the sounds of shots, the militants resisted desperately. for some time in derebenti, in the city center , the electricity was even cut off, the terrorists were blocked in one of the districts. the first reports of shooting
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in magachkala appeared the day before at around 7:00 pm. these shots show the first minutes of the attack. the militants do not hide their faces; they are well armed. in the hands of a rifle with an optical sight, the traffic police post immediately came under fire. while two are shooting, a third is seen searching the seized police uaz, possibly looking for ammunition. having broken up into groups, the terrorists are causing real chaos on the streets of the city.
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they helped there, lifted me into the ambulance and loaded me. the special forces destroyed all the attackers and took them out parishioners from the church. residents flocked to the site, everyone helped in any way they could. bottles of water and food are brought to the police at the cordon. we see that everyone is thirsty, that is , they are standing at their posts, so we ran, quickly cooperated, took water, but we also thought that we would provide some kind of overwhelming help. having received resistance, the attackers tried to escape. two of them decided to get lost among the vacationers on the beach of makhachkala; they were quickly identified and detained. one of the vacationers managed to film this moment on the phone, the comments behind the scenes speak about the attitude residents to what is happening. at the same time, in derbent, a column of black smoke rises into the sky; this is the oldest synagogue in the city burning after an attack by militants. at the same time , terrorists broke into the church of the intercession of the most holy theotokos and brutally dealt with the sixty-six-year-old rector nikolai kotelnikov, killing a guard, all this on a major orthodox holiday, the day of the holy trinity. this is the moment of neutralizing
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criminals in the sergokala region of dagestan, it was here that two terrorists who attacked makhachkala lived, according to according to preliminary data, these are the brothers osman and adil omarov, sons of the head of serga of the kolinsky district. magomed omarov, the official was detained, searches were carried out in his house, and in total the battles between security forces and terrorists lasted almost 7 hours. there are dead and wounded among law enforcement officers and civilians. explosive technicians are working at the scene of the clashes, and small arms and ammunition have been seized. the intelligence services continue to identify accomplices of terrorists, who, according to the head of dagestan, were preparing, among other things, because milestone. of course, we understand who is behind the organization of these. we understand what goal the organizers were trying to achieve; subsequent operational search and investigative measures will be carried out until all participants in these sleeper cells are identified, which were certainly being prepared, including
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from abroad. i would like to ask all of you, dear dagestanis, dear guests of the republic, to remain calm, the situation is controlled by the authorities. criminal actions, five persons involved in the attacks were eliminated, their identities have been identified, in addition, the investigation has identified other persons involved in the commission of crimes, having heard a report on the progress...
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stated the speaker of the federation council, valentina matvienko recalled that the enemy is looking for any ways to try to sow panic and discord, so now it is extremely important to unite and not give in to emotions. i believe that the main defense mechanism for us is a clear understanding that what happened does not have
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any objective prerequisites. it is alien to us and is an absolutely cynical provocation. carefully planned from abroad by our enemies, financed by them and designed precisely for this... in order to sow discord, this is their plan, and we must remember this all the time, not being able to inflict defeat on russia from the outside, the enemy is looking for any ways to blow up our society from the inside, and of course, the key, basic features of our statehood, multinationality and multi-religiousness, are under attack. of course, we can be sure that the naga security agencies will promptly clear out extremist cells, complete investigative actions and will reliably establish where, to which customers the threads of what has already been confirmed lead...
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the speaker of the lower house of parliament did not rule out that the customers in both cases are the same. words of support are coming from all over the world in connection with the attack in dagestan; the president sent condolences to vladimir. the telegram came from armenian prime minister nikol pashinyan. the foreign ministries of iran, israel and egypt expressed condolences to the russians. on other topics, vtb bank branches will open in our new regions this year. the plan for the next 3 years is to expand the network of offices throughout the country. about i reported this to vladimir putin today in the kremlin. head of the credit institution andrey kostin, talk about the latest achievements and promising areas of work, how the results work, which means that it seems to me that there is really enough work to be done, we have fulfilled all our plans, received a record profit, completed
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the digital transformation of the bank, today it is completely different bank - in terms of modern technologies, i must say that at the end of last year the supervisory board of our bank adopted. the bank's new strategy for the next 3 years, well, the main directions, they remain, are lending to the real sector of the economy, primarily high-tech and... import substitution, this is work with small and medium-sized businesses, and this is active work with the population, including in the regions, we are this has been put at the forefront for the next 3 years, the campaign seems to be more active in the regions, today our bank covers approximately 50 million citizens with its network, in 3 years we plan to have 100, we want to open 300 new offices in these 3 years, of these, 200 are where we are not present today, these are mainly in small medium-sized cities, and thus, at the end of... the three-year plan, we plan that our offices will be in all 89 regions
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of the russian federation and in approximately 700 cities, this is the plan for the next 3 years in donbass and novorossia, you heard your call, and we are opening this year, and i would also like to say about crimea, we have a subsidiary bank there, it is the largest in crimea, called rnkb, we created it at one time , this is about 2 seconds... joint work to combat terrorism,
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they also talked about their readiness to increase the condemnation of the terrorist attack in dagestan. the president of kazakhstan, let me remind you, strongly expressed condolences in connection with the terrorist attack, he also condemned the barbaric missile attack on civilians in sevastopol. in the city, as in the entire peninsula, today is a day of mourning, four victims of the monstrous terrorist attack. vacationers carry soft toys and flowers;
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candles are lit near the beach where the tragedy occurred in memory of the victims. in moscow, people leave carnations at the stela to the city of hero of sevastopol in the alexander garden. in donesk flowers were laid on the embankment at the anchor, which was given to the city by sevastopol sailors. the same action took place in the zaporozhye region. the united states bears equal responsibility with the kiev regime for the terrorist attack in sevastopol. this was stated to the american ambassador lyn tracy. today they called her to our midfield and made a demarche. washington is waging a hybrid war against russia and has actually become a party to the conflict, supplying ukraine with modern weapons, including missiles and cluster munitions, which were used to attack civilians in sevastopol. in the foreign ministry was reminded that targeting, flight missions for nato missiles with the help of space reconnaissance, all this is the work of western specialists, so it was issued. for kiev, the so -called permission to strike russian territory is essentially permission for
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themselves. the ambassador was told that such us actions would not go unanswered. a new report from the ministry of defense reports an attack on a large logistics center of the ukrainian armed forces, where weapons were stored and redistributed, including missiles from nato countries. the military did a good job aviation, drones, missile forces and artillery. in addition, seven field ammunition depots were destroyed by the southern group. the situation in... the west has been improved; units from the north have defeated brigades of the national guard and the armed forces of ukraine, including in the area of ​​the village of livtsy, kharkov region. a large-scale program for the eightieth anniversary of the great victory, exhibitions, conferences, lectures, a big date next year, but already now in russia they are preparing for the celebration. what else were discussed in the plans today in moscow at the round table, dedicated to the anniversary of the parade. then the event became a symbol of the incredible resilience of the soviet people and the special role of modern
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parades, the chairman of the russian historical society, director of the svr sergei naryshkin spoke about this. over the years, holding victory parades on red square has become the most important tradition that unites our country. its resumption already in the post-soviet period marked the connection of times. today. the military parade is one of the most popular symbols of victory day, a visual reminder to the whole world of the decisive contribution our country in the defeat of nazism. a visible embodiment of the power of the russian army, our ability to confidently defend our national interests. the big premiere at the first multi-part film two shores about how to preserve love when it seems that the whole world is against it. drama against the backdrop of historical events. two warring families and
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children in love, a star cast, as well as breathtaking landscapes of the ural mountains and everyday details that... incredible.


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