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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 25, 2024 3:05am-3:56am MSK

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state and how it is going to regulate, i think that we will be very glad to see you again as a guest in our program, thank you very much, natalya gennadievich, thank you, this was the podcast easy money, i am its host mikhail khanov, and today we are visiting was the chairman of the state duma committee on financial markets, anatoly gennadievich oksakov. you can see all episodes of the "easy money" podcast on the channel one website. hello everyone, this is a podcast deception of substances, this is zosh for the desperate, and i host it, olesya nosova, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda , endocrinologist pavlova. well, today we ’ll probably talk about something that people don’t actually know about, about proper cooking of food, because how with the help of proper cooking you can improve a product, make it more useful, or, in fact,
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make it worse, for example, the most a simple way is to add extra salt to the dish being prepared, there is such a trick, for example, do not add salt to the dish at all during cooking, but for the vast majority of people, this is unacceptable, they think that the dish becomes somehow different, that’s what you say about this, we have a lot of stereotypes , a lot of habits that have been with us since childhood all our lives, and we often hear about how... as people say: my grandmother, my mother cooked this way, i will cook this way, they refer to their longevity, for example, but what is the point of adding salt to an already prepared dish? the only point is that edible salt, when we add salt to the dish being prepared, it loses this very iodine, that is, well , the most valuable thing, in fact, not only that, when we prepare a dish, these are some large volumes, and we put this salt on the eye, we...
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don’t understand, strictly speaking, whether it’s a tablespoon or two tablespoons, and how much each specific person will then eat, that ’s the meaning the point is not to overeat salt, because this, as it turned out, is the most bad habit that has the most detrimental effect on our health, so when we cook, we should not add salt to the dish, here is the cooked dish, we should add salt to our plates, in this way we understand how much we used salt, and not only that... we can train ourselves not to over-salt this food, this is really a very important point, because as you know, not long ago a study came out that identified the 15 most harmful food habits, such as over-salting, excess salt , this is the first point that has taken such an honorable place in this ranking, so it’s really better to add salt to your plate, well, there are also some very interesting data, here is also the latest study and... it turns out that if a man
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over 50 years old adds salt to food after he has already taken it, so to speak, ready-made, then this shortens his life by more than 2 years, there is a recommendation on how much salt you need to eat per day, yes, and this is also big for many discovery, because in total you need to eat 5 g of salt per day, no more, this is a level teaspoon, as a rule, most people get almost twice as much of this same salt, but why so much? attention to salt, the leading cause of death worldwide is cardiovascular diseases, it is salt that helps to increase blood pressure, and accordingly increases these cardiovascular risks, in fact, there is another interesting fact, scientists agree that the beginning of the path of cardiovascular problems for humanity began from the moment the use of salt began, this is approximately by some
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calculation... a little over 5,000 years ago, when the chinese first discovered that salt is an excellent preservative, we understand that before there were no refrigerators, it was impossible to preserve food in any other way, here is the food, which was salted, added salt, sometimes re-salted, it was preserved, and this was the most important point, because the risk of dying from hunger was, well, so dominant, probably after an infection or some other such dangerous things for humans, so when we over-salt, we we retain... sodium, sodium retains water, here you have, in fact, an increase in the risk of arterial hypertension, and then there are such terrible things as everything went, but here , it’s probably also important to say that it’s not what a person sits down and eats this teaspoon or two tablespoons a day, this is hidden salt, this is what we don’t know, what we don’t notice, for example, if we buy bread, there is salt in the bread, by the way, that’s interesting, but in general, a person can live without salt. if a person just doesn’t
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add salt to anything, well, since we still eat ready-made food, and in many ways, and we can’t fully prepare everything at home, then he won’t be left without salt, that’s absolutely true. it’s true, and if you don’t add too much salt, then a disaster won’t happen, but if you try completely exclude salt from your diet, then this is also not entirely correct, because salt plays an important role in our body, well, banal things, in order for digestive enzymes to be developed, you need certain substances that bring salt, that is, there is sodium, there is chlorine, depending depending on what kind of salt, let’s say sea salt, yes, if it’s not purified salt, then there will be more than eight. also various microelements, they are all very important, but there are not such a large number of them to get an excess, but it is also important to note that when people give preference for some other salt, and let’s not say, not this purified one, then along with useful microelements we
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also receive very harmful substances, salts of heavy metals, cadmium, mercury, what kind of salt are we talking about, what does unrefined mean, let’s say , there are many lovers of himalayan salt, for example, all this exotic expensive salt, right? exotic expensive salt, the fact is that this unrefined salt will also bring in heavy metal salts, and this is very harmful to the body, so i wouldn’t supported this story, and it is better to use purified, addiated salt, preferably, then we get what we understand, what we need, and do not get these heavy metal salts. by the way, regarding himalayan or pink salt, and they often say that there is a lot of... iron, pink with this pink tint is precisely due to iron, nothing like that, of course there is iron there, but there is such a tiny amount of it, so don’t be deceived, don’t overpay, it’s much more expensive than normal purified salt, by the way, poisoning, yes
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they often say that adjudicated salt is more expensive, well, in my opinion, it’s not that serious; in my opinion, the prepayment is only 1 ruble per year; it turns out to be an overpayment according to calculations and... and the benefits are noticeably greater, because our entire country is practically located in the zone iodine deficiency, and if you do not use iodized salt, then the risk of iodine deficiency in our diet is high, with it there are a large number of all sorts of consequences, not only for pregnant women and children, but also for adults, well, of course, that is, the most important thing is how we we understand, use normal salt, do not add salt during the cooking process, add salt only during consumption, then you are guaranteed to eat it. less salt, we have a wonderful method of cooking, which few people actually think about as a useful method - this is a microwave, here is a microwave, unfortunate, shulma, who cares, there - the temperature does not rise above 110°, accordingly less is formed here these end products are glycated, and they demonize
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the microwave, that there are some harmful, ancogenic substances, and so on, that all vitamins are destroyed, well, actually speaking, some of our vitamins are destroyed during cooking, even during cooking, and some , on the contrary... only become available, the temperature effect, either low temperature or high temperature, also changes the balance of vitamins, we lose some, and vice versa we are purchasing, so i wouldn’t demonize the microwave either, but it’s better to use it with water, yes, because the main effect is on water molecules, and people often say that food after the microwave is very dry, hard, it’s hard to eat, add water and there won't be no problem, there is actually a very simple life hack,
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30 is defrosting , desserts are actually warmed up, so the microwave is an absolutely wonderful story, the main thing is to use it correctly, you also know what you wanted to focus on, people often say, you know , we are used to frying everything, if i now start cooking differently, no one will support me, no one will eat it, everything will just be thrown away or i should cook separately for myself, this is a very important point, remember how in the classic film we use a knife and fork let's dig in: and you shouldn't cling to this crust, shortening your life or spoiling relationships in the family, help your loved ones, support them in this initiative to cook
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correctly, well, i, let's say, how i switched my family to porous cutlets, i deboned these cutlets in paprika, then i covered them generously with fresh herbs when... these cutlets were ready, when they ate, i then just asked them if it was delicious, they said oh, so tasty, everything is wonderful, juicy, everything, everything is good, i said , porous, they said, it can't be, maybe so... sometimes you can do this, and you show that everything is delicious, it’s just that stereotypes sometimes prevent people from giving up these harmful ones, yes, i also have similar stories, for example, i don’t fry anything at all, so even if i ’m cooking borscht, again, we talk about borscht all the time, it’s time to cook borscht, but borscht absolutely doesn’t need any frying, or this at all, that’s all, well, an outdated story that we haven’t talked about yet, probably , we also ignored the kebab. there is also an opinion that in the caucasus all one’s life we ate kebabs, but longevity does not
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contradict in any way, no, this is also not a very good cooking process, because it is an open fire, these are very high temperatures, these are a lot of advanced glycation end products, no matter what kind of meat there is, but there is one nuance, of course, meat is usually subjected to pre-processing, yes, it’s either lemon juice, there’s onion, there are also substances that contribute to this preparation, but even with this... preparatory process, high temperature, that’s charring, and there parts of this meat, these are still high levels of end products of gelation, in my opinion, the myth that all caucasians have always eaten barbecue, no, more often they, by the way, eat boiled meat, this is quite developed in culture, including , yes , i think there are a lot of long-livers, not only because they live in high mountains and breathe good air, but there is a lot of meat in their diet, but...
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broccoli, if you put it in the microwave, at the fiftieth second it means it loses the enzyme that then participates in the production of this sulforophane, which is an excellent oncoprotective substance, and so on and so forth, and i got a little tense, i said, here’s a microwave that’s good for everyone, this unfortunate thing means it’s an enzyme, it kills, it probably kills something else, but i started , as they say. further and discovered that regular cooking kills
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this enzyme in the same way, if you overcook, overcook broccoli, cook for more than 4 minutes, and i think that 50 seconds on high microwave power is approximately equivalent to four minutes in boiling water, so to speak, so what should you do with broccoli, so as not to lose this wonderful enzyme? you need to eat it as much as possible. alive, yes, yes, and before that, let me remind you, break it in order to get more of this enzyme, so if we cook, then we leave it, cut it and leave it, so that there is more surface in contact with the air, and if we chew, we can eat it right away without any preparation, just chew it thoroughly, because we produce myrosinase, this whole reaction happens, i forgot the name of merazinase, yes, yes, doctors just have it such a deformation, they... and they can forget aspirin, but they remember ocetylselicylic acid very well, yeah, that’s why there are a lot of
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misconceptions about cooking, it’s also very important to say then about the end products of glycation, the longer we store products, even in refrigerators, the more advanced glycation end products are formed in them, so try to cook more often, but in small portions, yes, that is, well , maybe leave one single soup that you can eat, it only becomes tastier, but also... well, yes, yes , that's why that the end products of glycation are tasty, unfortunately, the mayer reaction, this very cross-linking of proteins, it is also called a tasty reaction, but everything else was better prepared, eaten, but at the most the next morning, we cook again, although it’s clear, in ours like this crazy age, and the pace of such life is high, it’s not very convenient for us to cook often, well, but there is such a non-obvious fact, perhaps for some, that if you want to be slim, healthy... and young for as long as possible, then you should eat at home, you should understand that you are eating, in no case are
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these restaurants, even the most expensive ones, and certainly not fast food, because your cook has completely different tasks, for the cook, what is important is that it tastes good for you, that you come in more often and eat more , so he achieves this in every possible way, and at home you can control the whole thing, what you eat and how you eat, so we encourage everyone... not to be lazy, have fun, and this is a creative process, cooking deliciously is a great pleasure to see, how do your household gobble up this healthy, tasty food and getting healthier, the obugu podcast was with you. irina, another irina, innelli, and our fiance
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is alexey. alexey, 45 years old, got married for the second time thanks to a mortgage. on his ex-wife, but quickly exhausted his credibility when he was caught on a dating site. alexey, an electrical mechanic, lives in ulyanovsk, works part-time as a videographer, plays in an amateur theater, is interested in beekeeping, is proud that he dedicated poems to his mother, dreams of a country house with an automated apiary, admits that he often wears different socks he cleans only before guests arrive, warns that he is a follower of traditional medicine, alexey does not... relate to a lady if she swears, often remembers his former lovers and does not like animals and children. his ideal wife should be a slender, long-haired beauty who can cook deliciously, sing beautifully and agree to regularly watch the movie back to the future with him. hello,
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hello, well-groomed man, blue-eyed, blond, blue. the jacket makes his eyes even brighter. alexey, i don’t understand how - mortgage you brought your wife and you to zaks for the second time? it so happened that the first time my wife and i divorced - almost immediately after the birth of our son, there were problems, and but after a while we, in general, i began to come and visit often, because i love my son, my family, but we have no relationship there wasn’t, because i think that if there’s a divorce, there was a divorce. how do you like your groom? but smart, polite, cultured, what do you think? well, such a respectable man, it’s already clear that he has experience, but what did they get divorced from? it so happened, we lived separately at first, my son was born when - mine mom offered her help, well done, good mom, yes, we thought, and it would be nice if we moved in with her, and didn’t
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pay for renting an apartment, so we moved to her house, that’s it. but precisely because my mother and my wife had different ways of raising children, it was my mother who fought, because of the boy, because of how to raise a child, how to raise a boy, yes, how to raise him, but he is still small was, he was only a year old, not even a year old, well, here i don’t agree with your mother, she, in principle, if she suggested help, then you don’t need anything other than help, just help, and keep everything else to yourself, the main thing is that he is cheerful in character.
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not in any other way, yes, she believed that in this way she saved us from problems, from mistakes, for example, specifically, your mother believed that the child should be given enemas, and his wife believed that it was absolutely not necessary to do this, by itself all this must be happening, some fundamental things, my mother always suggested action, suggested getting ahead of the problem advance worked, you want more children, yes i want children, but that’s why let’s save it right now, what do you want? your ex was not happy with the advice, and you will now pay the nanny better, as i understand it, than the grandmothers, just now i will raise my children myself, because i am now an experienced comrade, everything in this, as it seems to me, i understand a lot about this, but you won’t work, i’ll work, i won’t, but you see, this is not a dotted line of work, raising a child, it’s 24x7,
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if you work, it will be transferred to haydakona with work, it’s still on the shoulders of the wife, and then there’s a nanny or a svika. i don’t think it’s advisable or correct to give up raising children to grandmothers, after all , parents should raise children, and you divorce your wife, my wife and i divorced after that and for a long time, well, for several months , we didn’t have any kind of connection, and what about the mortgage, the mortgage appeared later, i earn money as a videographer, i filmed a wedding and i was invited to various events, in including to the event... that is , you come, and there are hugs and wife, hello, lyosha, yes, we, of course, spent time together, i also stayed with her already... key, we lived for a long time, we believed that there was no need to cement the relationship, but over time we realized that we needed our own home, where the mortgage came from,
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we bought an apartment with a mortgage, but the bank demanded that we be spouses, yeah, and since we, to be co-borrowers, we had to legalize our relationship, listen, well, it’s cool, such a family mortgage, i think ros is for you too it would be worth thinking about it, but what is there? i’m ready, alexey lives in ulyanovsk, and i live in chelyabinsk, it’s very interesting, if he chooses me, will i be able to go to him, well, if
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i think about it like that, i probably can, if after all he finds a common language with my son, look , your daughter was already born, as they say, in a second marriage, but they say you can’t step into the same water twice, as much as possible for the sake of toteka, and then why are you not together, we have this mortgage, it’s a lot of effort . took time and work, with family i visited very rarely, i was looking for opportunities for additional income, well, that’s right, like such a yoke on my neck, of course, for how many years we took her, we took her for about 15 years, but my god, at that time i we were a young family , we were not yet 35 years old, and the state helped us get rid of the mortgage in time, but something happened there, in short, with alexey’s head, and with alexey’s head. what did he do there - after that , after paying off the mortgage and accordingly, i sort of decided that it was time to think about ourselves, about
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us, about entertainment, we can relax, we went on vacation, it’s not interesting to you, how you went, how interesting, you got half a million’s worth of credits, it’s not interesting, it’s very interesting, it all froze, and his wife began to nag him, what is it, they got out of one bondage, got into another again, and he ... works, works, has no strength at all, she nags him, nags him, i wonder if his wife worked, did she sit on his neck, and he worked three jobs, and why did she drag her to the site, but guess what? three times when we, well, at least i was looking for a rich woman there, someone who understood, i really wanted communication, i really i wanted specifically female attention so that on a dating site they would tell me how good you are, how handsome you are. how you can do everything, and how your wife doesn’t understand you, that’s how your wife found out about this, completely by accident, i didn’t close the tabs on the computer, i didn’t meet everyone, but
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i liked to communicate with many of them, because girls are exactly what i am i wanted to hear exactly that understanding, when i was so good, was that really the reason, i would have told my wife, but no, there was nothing there, just a dreamer, are you right? i thought about it and turned to a psychologist, well , the psychologist was so-so, ugh, since you are not together, no, she helped very well, we tried to build our relationship for some time, we restrained ourselves, we were patient, but in the end everyone tried in their own way , and what did you endure, you often heard, heard such a phrase, i do everything for you, i changed for you, but you didn’t change for me, just like i think the same thing, i change for... for her , i’m trying to change, but she’s not, we just don’t understand each other, she’s not changing, because if she tried, she would i would have asked you, whenever i had reproached her, she would have said, lesh, you’re sad, well
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, let’s put it up there on the website, because when you visit someone good there, so kind, your eyes sparkle, and you see how she didn’t understand, personal things, well, really, it’s not worth looking at, well, usually not a mobile phone, well, it’s like it’s personal. thing, it also seems to me that a person’s personal space should remain personal space, okay, alexey, you are 45 years old, why do you need to get married now, have two children, you should have rested already, sat there on the sites no one will ever give up, now i just want to find an understanding, good woman, and if she already has children, by the way he says up to two, if there are two, then fine, you... being younger, more daring , strong, you couldn’t cope, so to speak, with the economic problem in your family, it didn’t work out for you, in principle.
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and this has torn you apart, namely, yes, eternal debts and the inability to live the way you want, and so on, so that with your new children the old problems would not come to light again and this would start to get boring, i was thinking about this, and for this, well, i kind of develop myself and realize myself in another field of activity, in which, i make films, do you seriously want to become a director to engage in this activity, but i like art.
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yoshkerny babay, as they say, this is why i am agitating you to remain electricians, forget about children, not today, tomorrow your grandchildren will go, no need, no need, come on, alexey, unlike rosa, from today i will be very kind, very understanding, and to everyone, re-trained by psychologists and coaches. i i’ll treat you kindly, so i’ll be accepting, in general, we’ll look for one, wait, i’m the most important thing here, you forgot this, why are you giving up traditional medicine, turning everything into some kind of unconventional medicine, and treating everything only with honey , by the way, i’ll give it to someone i came to, brides or i don’t know, with some honey, i’ll just give it to him, i’m eating all of it right now, honey, oh , what, if dark tea with honey is a medicine.
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uh, very good actually, but it doesn’t cure everything and it doesn’t cure hemorrhoids, for example, you know, it cures almost everything, of course i i trust traditional medicine, but it seems to me that you still need to understand it very well so that not only is this medicine useful, but there is no harm. mendelssohn, dear, you, like an artificial creature, but intelligent, can you give examples of the most ridiculous treatment options with this folk medicine, well, they are all ridiculous, here’s how you can... cure a sore throat, step one: catch a frog, yes, you are very common , by the way, this is very easy to do in the city center, which means you catch a frog, squeeze it with your hands, wide you open your mouth and say, toad-toad, stick the sore on your side, by the way, it’s kind of funny, on this optimistic note, i
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think we need to look at it. es: yes, why not, oh, all these sores, fly, fly, don’t hit anyone, but go ahead and meet the first bride, good luck, hello, hello, my name is irina, i’m alexey, very nice, very nice, are you ready to kindle the flame of fiery love? this is a compliment candle, thank you very much, irina, this is for you, oh, thank you, how nice, please, irina, 35 years old, a leading economist at a bank, lives in brest, breeds bees, makes wax candles, collects pusha herbs, is proud to continue the family business, dreams of visiting the carnival
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in brazil. expects that he sleeps with a heating pad in his feet, strokes the yard cats and chats a lot. already during preparations for the wedding, irina realized that her husband’s relatives did not consider her beautiful enough, so upon returning from her honeymoon, she immediately filed for divorce. hello, hello, i came to you with a treat from belarus, wow you, a family apiary, honey, made candles yourself, look, dreams come true, alexey, as asked, like-minded beekeeper, beekeeper, beekeeper, and just handsome, thank you, thank you, how do you yourself rate your appearance on a scale of ten, and i rate at eight, eight. not bad,
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and i, too, would rate my appearance as an 80-plus, but somehow, i guess, i was probably mistaken in thinking about myself. but the girl is pretty in her own way, has a very pleasant face, tell me, you have a wonderful relationship with a young man, since he proposes to you, and you are going to get married, as you heard or found out, they told you to your face that you are not suitable in appearance, they don’t like you, the fact is that perhaps the girl you wanted to see... next to you, no, let’s not fantasize, i don’t like that , irin, let’s talk about the facts, you heard, or as you know, because it seemed blurred, i’m a natural girl, well, i had my nails, i didn’t get them done, maybe they wanted more, so you
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say, maybe you’re sitting here now and you fantasize, there was, there was some reason, you heard, read, or maybe the fool groom told you, you know, here irka, my parents didn’t like you, how natural it is and your nails. returned, filed for divorce, because your appearance did not suit your father-in-law, as it turns out, it seemed to you that you didn’t hear, no one told you this, no, they said who after the wedding, after yes, after the wedding,
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when m, after the wedding we arrived, but they were upset, they wanted a more creative girl, with more, maybe they told you so, we were upset. tell us, the wedding was played with what money, for the groom? well, equally, equally, then
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there were parents on the other side, on your side, and there was nothing about your appearance, there were no conversations at all, by the way, it was the same for me, that i had my first husband, and my mother-in-law didn’t like me, my husband said that i liked it, but... it turns out not, and most likely, because of this we had disagreements, lyudmila, and you were present at this story, maybe you can go into more detail, otherwise our bride is nervous , don’t be nervous, my dear, this is not what we’re doing, we’re not prosecutors, this is what we’re doing here, we just want to know what there it was, look, i think it’s absolutely stupid and i don’t really believe it, because i can’t get an answer from irina, she heard, she fantasized about it herself, because for me irina just...
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yes, only a newly-made family somewhere might have listened to advice, well, it’s not possible, but i listened to my mother’s advice, because my mother is always wiser, well, now you’re talking about her his mother, look, girls, so far there are only your fantasies, no, no, so far only fantasies, you haven’t seen , didn’t hear, didn’t tell you, didn’t call, sms, you didn’t write, i don’t understand, what you have in common, you know, besides what larisa said. dreamers, you are also a supporter of traditional medicine, eco-products, and your feet are cold, maybe cold, cold hands, but a warm heart, blood circulation is not, no, you put a heating pad, it’s with cold feet, but how are you
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already doing this? a cold night will sleep in socks or in heating pads, well, this is interesting, on the contrary, it ’s good, because i will warm up, or so i think, but i don’t sleep with a heating pad, i take a second blanket, let's see the surprise, there lived a honey bee irisha in one belarusian village. she worked day and night for the benefit of her work, pollinated pushcha grasses and dreamed of flying to the brazilian carnival. but one terrible day. her entire bee family gathered and ordered her to become a glamorous
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white bee. bee ilisha was very upset and went to look for a new husband, let’s get married. oh, everything is looking, looking, looking , looking. hey, where are you, my betrothed? larisa, you are definitely a resource. where are you, my mummer, where are you? come and see how sweet she is. and people flocked to her like honey, everyone dreamed of living with her, but irina didn’t like any of them. one seemed too pitiful to her, the second was ruthless, the third was a hairy bumbler. but suddenly, among all this swarm of suitors, irina saw alyosha the bee.
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alyosha had a beehive in ulyanovsk, his own apiary. and then ilisha flew towards her happiness. not a fairy tale, but honey. so cute. so cute. thanks a lot. may you live happily ever after. and here's more for you. daughter, thank you, thank you, and alexei put it on, well, this super, just a king, i don’t know, the king of all bees, the king of all bees, look, he said that he plays in the theater, by the way, he ’s doing quite well, in principle, they just found each other, it seems to me, alexey , what a wonderful surprise, how pleasant it was to look at you, you yourself liked it, it was very close, well, look, it seems to me straight.
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shortcomings, well, i don’t know, maybe this is just an advantage, maybe, by the way, she writes that you will have to come to terms with the fact that she talks a lot, she really doesn’t like it when her interrupts, there’s something wrong, i didn’t see that she too, but i had to pull it out of her with pincers, well, i know how to obey, i think he liked it. participates in the scene with me, they complemented each other well, well, i think too, his eyes were shining, he liked it, and about honey, so i think that maybe we won’t watch any more, no, no, be sure to go ahead and meet the second bride. hello, alexey, my name is irina, and
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by the way, i work as a presenter, i heard that you work part-time as a camera operator, i think that in in the future, you can create a common project, i’m very pleased, i’m alexey, irina, this is very nice for you, irina is 39 years old, host of festive events, lives in chelyabinsk, recently opened a vocal workshop, is proud of the fact that she left the famous one, dreams of buying a car with box. try honey from a honeycomb, admits that she is often late and does not know how to use chopsticks for sushi, warns that occasionally she would like to relax separately from her partner. irina’s marriage to tyrant affected not only her physical health, but also her mental health. her son's condition. she hopes that with alexei she will be able to build the best family in the world. hello, hello larisa, hello rosa, you look great. thank you too, i’ve been wanting to meet you for a long time, to see you in person, by the way,
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i have a surprise for you, and for you, alexey, let me give you a rose, i know that you love the color green, and today i guessed right, i give you this wonderful box, thank you very much, and these earrings, thank you very much, just the mistresses of the poor mountain, larisa, you are radiant, beautiful blue eyes, and here too for you - earrings made of natural stones, this is lapis lazuli. thank you, come on, come on, and of course alexey, how i like all these telling stories, i’m also a natural stone - from our urals, it cleanses the body of negative energy. oh, another girl in red, we haven’t spoken on the phone, a gorgeous girl, a real beauty, i like it. irina, please tell me, you married teran already with a child, as i understand it, yes, how old was your son, at that time the son was about 10 years old. a how long did you
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know your fiancé before agreeing to get married, and for 2 years already, i knew, that is, he communicated with your child , it suited you, since they communicated. i tried to find a common language, i immediately say, he gave some sweets, gifts, took us to cafes, restaurants, that was all, and we even went on vacation, but my son was jealous of me for this man, because everything... still, he hoped that i would get along with my first husband, and that’s where it all started for us, my son started playing a little pranks, cut the wires, he said from the internet, it’s not me, what pranks, that’s all, and here of course he didn’t like it - it was so bad that he even somehow slapped him, there was such a thing, there was also such a moment that i was going to to an event, ironing a suit, i was about to leave, and here the client called him, at that moment i said something to him while he was talking, that is, he turns around,
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what are you, like, with your jargon on me, he started insulting me and i also said something to him in return, he then as if he turned around and seemed to slap me like that, my face was red and the boy saw this, and the boy at that moment it was the weekend, he was at his grandmother’s, thank god he didn’t see it, he’s familiar with this type when i’m all myself, but i really don’t represent anything except beatings, betrayals, and in general there were outbursts of this aggression with the child, there were outbursts with the child, but he could purely in everyday life... something well how can you find fault with me because i brewed the coffee wrong or didn’t remove something else, but that was already during marriage or even before marriage, it turns out we were going to sign, he seemed to have already talked about it and you married him, to be honest, we broke up many times, i left him, but then we got back together again, i don’t know what happened to us, well, sort of we were bored without each other and i was drawn to him, but
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the last straw was such that we had already divorced, we continued to live together for about three months and the child and i were planning to travel to turkey. he again didn’t like something, he directly insulted me in front of departure, one might say, this was the last straw, he also admitted to you that he cheated on you, i saw this myself all the time, and he admitted this to you, what do you worry about most while being in this marriage? that i probably succumbed to this man, believed him, and that i probably didn’t see it in time or believed the man that he could improve, what a difficult husband she has, well, look how much she endures? i had to, well, what a heroic girl she is, how much she endured, please show me the surprise, alexey, can you too, you will my support, 1 2 3,
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impossible to tell. my grief is very difficult, i remember like a dream how i met you, be careful, soon i’ll take off and lose you, i’ll fly away from my love.
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thank you irina, don’t forget to forget the flowers, she sings very beautifully, great voice, i really liked it, how do you like the bride, we say everything frankly here, alexey, an outwardly beautiful, decent girl, it seemed to me that you need a woman with a child in puberty, my own child recently ended puberty, but well, that’s very true it means you already know him, but yes, i’m not sure that he will find a common language with my son, but maybe, meet the third bride, come on in.
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hello, my name is nelly, it means sunny, nice to meet you. hello, my name is alexey, i’m also very pleased to meet you, thank you. 40 years old, assistant manager in a taxi company, lives in ulyanovsk, does home accounting, enjoys modern dancing and modeling, dreams of country life, is proud of his dog’s championship title and victory in beauty contest miss ulyanovsk, admits that she loves to hug, when for her husband nelya virtual life became more important than intimate life, she turned off the electricity in the entire apartment, but thereby completely cut off the power to the marriage, hoping that the relationship with alexey... will always be under the piquant tension, hello, hello, well,
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there won’t be any problems with alexey, because he’ll put some honey on it, everything will be fine, but the truth will dissolve right in a second, today, by the way, we’re all in red, can you imagine, it’s as if we agreed that what happened to you with your husband, how he separated you from your body, and he found himself an online game, a virtual one, in which people communicate like that... and so he was sucked in very strongly, but you had interruptions not only in your intimate life, but also and where you can’t spread honey, but there were interruptions in communication, there were interruptions in joint activities, in some kind of help, and money, well , sometimes he allowed himself not to work, didn’t go to work, didn’t earn money, but intimate life, newlyweds, are you as handsome as he is?
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a couple of months for electricity, when everything will pass out, you simply won’t have any other entertainment in the dark, well, you turned off
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your lights there, well, this went on for about 4 months, i lived in wild tension, that is, well, and for this, before that we slept in the same bed, we slept in the same bed, well, well, how we slept, he went to bed with me at three to five, and for the last two months, no, a month, i probably slept with... my child, because well, i need to sleep at night, and i the keyboard clicking, the lights on talking, all this interferes, i moved into my daughter’s bedroom, but here he is i became a gambling addict already in my marriage, but before that there were no warning signs at all, there were, but not so strong, she made a wise decision, a switch-blade woman, after all, you see, the russian femme fatale, after all, as they say, endured - she endured until the last.


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