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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  June 25, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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aksyusha is so pleasant up close, in fact, very full of life, as it turned out, through the screen it’s not really like that, they actually feel it, but we still have one fiance, come in, arthur, 36 years old, programmer, dreams of creating his own business, gets a big pension, is proud because he did not go to prison for stealing a goose, he admits that he would like to move to live on the woman’s territory. arthur is sure that his personal life is not working out due to the fact that his mother does not allow him to bring his chosen ones home, ksenia hopes that. can find
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common language with a potential mother-in-law. hello, arthur. programmers, by the way, are paid very well, a very honorable profession, now it is in our country, everything related to it technologies is cool, it can bring a lot of money. why do you still live with your mother, since she won’t interfere in your personal life, why don’t you separate? larisa, i can say this, well, there are a lot of advantages, even today, when... i was going to the show, but who ironed my t-shirt, of course my mother, and where is my mother’s apartment, that it’s on your territory i arrived, and this is your apartment, but this is my apartment according to the documents, yes, and where is it, there is a complicated family history, with her father, her father left her without property, there was a division, well, as they say, these are all these squabbles, as they say, which, of course , there is no option to leave with my mother, but muscovites have been spoiled by the housing problem, right? no, i
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was born in the city of ufa, but i received two higher educations in moscow, two prestigious universities, you know, i would like to add, despite having two higher educations, mentally i am working class, mentally, despite, it’s nice to hear me, normal, means a normal person, well, an interesting guy, by the way, for her, from the point of view that there is an apartment in moscow, there is a mother who can help with the children. but he doesn’t have children of his own, does his mother work? no, retired, okay, mom is bossy? yes, i wouldn’t say, she probably means a lot to me, no, she’s not a dictator, no way. melderson, please tell me what percentage of men in russia continue to live with their mothers in adulthood. as of last year , 28% of russians under 35 live with their parents, 43% in their own apartments and...
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and the fact that you live with your mother, you have a family, you see how you say it’s an advantage, your mother ironed your t-shirt, and no matter how you quarrel with her, you will still be together, because there are a lot of conveniences, and your mother herself without wanting to, i tied you to myself, and you yourself became attached, i’m here with larisa rarely, as they say, i cooperate in this matter, but here i will support her, in your case, yes, rent an apartment , the girl will appear right away. yeah, but for now show me the surprise, and ksyusha, dance, we have a dance, when you haven’t prepared a surprise, just dance, well damn, you're worried, no, there was supposed to be a song, but i prepared for this song, oh, tactility, you know, tactility. this is unexpected, by the way, from
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him, he is so modest, but at the same time, he is modest, but he immediately took him into the dance, give me a spin, i can’t, you say, you can’t. okay, thank you, i’ll go to my place, dear, everything to myself, the main thing is that he felt her. was next to her, this is very important, kinesthetics, by the way, are good, you looked like a pleasant young man, and you have a big apartment, you arthur isn’t living his life a little bit, he’s a little tied up by his mother, maybe his mother is a bit of a harsh dictator, so he
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’s a good guy, and of course, i just bought his phrase from me, that he’s a mental worker, a cool guy, cool, i recommend arthur, it’s necessary boy. you see, he can’t do it that way, your situation, as they say, is terrible, so i think it’s quite, ksenia is very sexy, when we danced, i felt it, she’s a sexy girl, and her eyes are beautiful, so well, i i was very pleasantly impressed, so to speak, by the physical and verbal contact, all the suitors are complex, everyone, i think that, strangely enough, denis, the second groom for you, with whom you can try, well, in terms of temperament , he is closest to them, with him , zhelezochka, do you think that yes, as our third groom said, loneliness in moscow is really a scourge,
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especially if you live in lyubertsy, and ksenia, i recommend that you brighten up your loneliness with the arts of denis, you always have him with you. in any case, whoever you go to, we will let's support, come in, if she comes here, i 'll come out for her, i invite everyone to come out and support ksenia. hello, again, hello, i want to chat with you more closely, perhaps help you with your creative ideas, i will be glad, i want this, great, we have a couple ksenia and denis, if you are single or you like someone of
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the participants in today's program, write to the website of the first channel, and i am larisa guzeeva, i wish that your loved one will definitely tell you, let's get married. abandon your simple child altogether as much as possible, but your mother drinks, she will be 40 years old , she drinks for half of her life, darling, forgive me, please, forgive me, where did you stumble, i’m embarrassed to ask, we had a fight with a girl, why did you leave her, i’m in my heart i’m not refusing it. you settled in well, she was always naked and always had a piece of bread clutched in her hand, why did you hit her in the eye, i didn’t give it to her, she came to me in such a state, how could the passport end up with aunt valya, who sells moonshine? , i took a hangover, she had a bottle, i thought that i’ll get drunk, i can
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to lose, alice has become kind of scary, it’s just terrible, so i want her to be helped, that is, for a whole year you can go on this therapeutic... journey, you are going to be treated, good afternoon, for her 23 years, our today’s heroine i saw...
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did you come to us? i came so that you could help my mother recover from alcoholism and give her a chance for a new life. does your mother drink? yes, how old is she? she will be 40 years old , she has been drinking for half her life, well, 23 years exactly, as far as i know, she has been drinking, as i exist, and she gave birth quite early, very early, yes, she gave birth to me, well, 16-17 years old, how yes, she got along with my father even earlier, about 14 years old, she was, but how old was my father? well, he would be about 52 years old now, maybe he was older than her, that is, at the time when she got together with your father, he was about 20 years old. 25, yes, somewhere like that , she was 14, i don’t understand why he wasn’t in prison, but they
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were officially married, no, they weren’t married, where is your father now, he died when i was 4 years old, and what did he die from? hit him on the head with an ax, he had a wound, well, he didn’t die from this right away, maybe he had some kind of hematoma there, i don’t remember either, i was still little, his mother knows that, yeah. that is, your father died, your mother stayed with you - she didn’t stay, she abandoned me, wrote a refusal letter after he died, yes, she is mine, well, it turns out, my mother, my grandmother, who is raising me, she offered her, olesya, stay, live, raise, i will help you, everything will be fine, they stayed there for the winter, but she refused, since then how many times have you we saw her three, four times, well, i don’t remember exactly, but the memories are just like that, that she herself three times... and the fourth time, i already showed her the initiative, i called her, invited her to help with some clothes
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give her something, feed her, at least, well, also ask if she wants to change at all or not, yeah, that is, you took on the functions of a mother in relation to your mother, that’s right, you were at the moment when you called her, and they wanted to take care of her, they knew that she drinks, yes, that is, you still lived not far from each other a friend, but in the village you could walk there , you could find it by car, you could come, she was actually next to me. well, to be honest, stranger, why did you come to us to ask us to cure a stranger of penance? i just want to give her a chance for a new life anyway, she also has a grandson, who maybe she will justify herself to her grandson somehow, this is your son, yeah, but he will be 2 years old, that is, you don’t hold a grudge against her , i can’t answer yet, maybe... the resentment still sits when it comes to it, you know, you after all, you told us that you
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lived without your mother, despite the fact that it was quite difficult with your grandmother and relatives, let’s see, i had a dream, like, well, like in my class, everyone had mothers, mothers, grandmothers, the children lived there with their mothers and went to visit their grandmothers. everything, so that i could say that i have a mother who is so beautiful, kind, and helps me there, so that at first, before, i somehow justified her, i didn’t have a child, i could justify her, then what there, young, stupid, well, when i gave birth to a child myself, i just didn’t i understand how easy it is to give up yours. child in general as possible, well, this is the situation, the fact that the mother refused, the father
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died, for some reason i have developed this from childhood until now, i can only feel comfortable with loved ones, in other companies mainly i constantly think too much, i think, well, if i was abandoned, i don’t know, somehow because of this i couldn’t have a normal relationship myself either. and then, when i grew up, i dreamed of a family for my child, one that i didn’t have, so that he had a father, so that his mother had everything, so that they would love him and take care of him, well , he has a mother, and his father himself will then decide whether he will have him or not, i thought that you looked as if you don’t have any grudges, but there’s such pain sitting inside... and yet you want to help your mother and are evil and don’t want to? of course
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, i don’t wish harm, i want to help somehow, to save her anyway, so that she can still live, because the person will only be 40 years old, when was the last time you saw her? i was in my first year, well, that’s when you wrote to her yourself, yes, she called herself, yes, when i was there collecting my clothes for her, listen, where do you live now, in angarsk, with your grandmother? no, i got an apartment as an orphan, and as an orphan they got an apartment, who do you live with in this apartment, i live, my son and my grandmother, and where is the child’s father, we broke up, right?
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how do you live, okay, this is our apartment, i got it from the state, mom, what will we have for lunch today, i’ll make a salad, boil some potatoes? we often eat, our grandmother makes preparations, she loves pickles, jam, mushrooms, tomato, so i cooked rice with chicken, let's go wash all our hands for morality, let's go wash, wash our hands, wash, wash, soap, soap, give us a hand, here we are giving him a bath, wash his
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hands, he loves to swim, this is generally his favorite , likes to climb into cars himself, wash something, throw something in. and here we play, spend time, basically we are always here, and this is where we sleep, here is our bedroom with bogdan, when we go to bed, i move the crib like this, i lie him down, i lie down in the bottle next to him, that’s all. bogdan, no time him, he put on glasses, come to me, i am very grateful to my grandmother for taking me, raising me since childhood, thank you for everything that i have, let’s imagine the ideal option, your mother agrees to treatment, she’s cured, everything
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is fine, wonderful, where can she go, i’ll help her with work, with renting an apartment, somewhere, well... well , i won’t be able to come to her, i don’t know, maybe the resentment in me is still talking, but for now i’m not she’s ready for herself, mm, you’re saying the word for now, that is, there is a chance, perhaps there is, we found olesya, we persuaded your mother, we persuaded her to come to this program, where she apparently expected, or maybe did not expect, that she would meet her daughter after what 6 years, or something like that, 6 years you have not seen each other. yes, something like this, let's call her, maybe even more, i'm wondering whether you recognize her now or not, oles, come to us, daughter, forgive me, please, forgive me, okay, i 'll do everything, i'll go and get cured, i i’ll do everything,
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i won’t do it again, just forgive me, please, where will you go for treatment? well, i’ll try myself, for the sake of my grandson, for the sake of my daughter, i i’ll try to quit myself, even you’re 40 years old, you’ll be 39, yes 39, now you’re still fat, and where did you stumble, i’m embarrassed to ask, i mean you tripped, you have a bruise under your leg, yes , that’s how it happened with us, it’s just drunkenness again , what happened, we got into a fight with a girl? with a girl, yes, with a girlfriend, well, with a girlfriend, you and your girlfriend got drunk and fought, yes, girl, girl, apparently the same age looks like 70, and you look 67, i understand correctly, but what did you fight about, yes , i’m already sure, well, we quarreled, word for word, she told you she smeared it, well, yes, but at least you smeared it on her, well, she
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turned out to be healthier than me, huh? you’re also good at sending her to the forest, you’ve already gone crazy with your collective farm, and this is your bear, moduvel, bring strangers, it’s not mine, i love you, varya, i can’t forget, i’ll leave olga, just tell me, your daughter with the bear you're confused, you're freaking out, let's go ourselves. i'm crazy, mishka ermakov was here, i find out that i'll kill both of them, clearly, you missed me, i couldn't live without you, nazarka. stop, you are disturbing me, nazar and i love each other, he will kill you, he will not kill you, he has found someone else. you
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because of him, i’ve already come close to death twice, which means i love him to death, war has been declared, yes, i heard, he writes from home, he doesn’t write, the devil knows, the two banks of the prime minister. a lot of changes in appearance, very painful, we hung mirrors, hid only in the dark, she hated the light, she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success, for her family it was hell, but after
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death this hell continued, money, threats, sales real estate, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father vladimir friske, if we had not trusted this to a person, she may have lived for at least another six months, but she lived, our exclusive life after life, zhanna, i keep saying, guys... what will happen will be, and it cannot be avoided. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. how did it happen that your daughter grew up without you? tell me, why did you leave her? no matter how much i abandoned her, in my heart i don’t give up on her.
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i lived with my father in sharagai, well, not yet pregnant, no, i was still just friends with him, and why he was imprisoned, well, he herded collective farm horses there, in my opinion, he sold that or half, well, i mean, in short, he came out, and you were waiting for him, you got back together with him, yes, yes, well... we knew each other before that, and then we met, i was still very little, i was 11 years old, he was 21 years old, but he was just so into it, as if he
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just treated me, so he kept saying, he says, if only you were older, i would take you as my wife, now you are older for 3 years, for four, and he took you as his wife, yes, well, he didn’t take you, you weren’t signed up, no, well... who hit him on the head with why did he die? well, he was there even before that , something worked out for them there, i didn’t live with him then, it was still before the zone. good, and how did it happen that he died, and the child suddenly ends up living not with you, with his mother, when he died, i began to sing. my mother-in-law is with me, well, yes, i just did you drink before? no, a lot, well, we drank with him, yes, i don’t argue, but then, when he
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was gone, you became two people, on the eve of the program you told us in detail why you wrote a refusal from your daughter, let’s listen, which i refused from my daughter because i decided so. mother-in-law, at that time i was stupid, stupid, no, nothing, i didn’t realize it, i was left alone, no work, nothing, well, my mother-in-law told me, suggested that they would take her to the orphanage, it didn’t matter, olesya said, or she will be with her grandmother and next to you, you can see her every day, i agreed to this because it was myself... the best choice, not to the shelter, because i began to drink, to the point that they came from guardianship and found me here in
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standing like that... and they forced me to sign a waiver, she still came to visit me, well, since it was rare, then it became less and less, that i began to drink, she began to come to me less often, and that’s why i, well , i decided to leave, now, when i have matured over the years, i realized, of course, i regret that i wrote a refusal, that i lost the most precious thing that i had? i hoped, i think, time would pass, maybe she herself would want to find me, no matter how i didn’t look for her, because i was ashamed to look her in the eyes, daughter, forgive me, please, my soul will feel better, this makes me so sad, your girl, living an independent life, who has her own child, your grandson...
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i said here: i have a grudge against my mother, but in order to forgive her, i i want you to cure her, you heard this, i heard, then you lived, as i understand it, with your brother, yes, how long until he died, brother, when he died, 2019, you know, we visited with you at your brother’s cemetery, and there you said one amazing phrase that will sound: at the end plot, and if after this you explain to us where this phrase came from, i will be very grateful to you, let's see, this is the reason why i started drinking, my brother is buried here, my, as they say, support is the support that was in my life, so i brought him candy everything i have, he’s been gone for 4 years now, it’s september 9th, but... i
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still can’t get used to it, it’s been 4 years already and every time i live it like the first time, yes, my brother is dearer to me than my daughter, my most precious thing that i lost, well, we all have this now i heard that my brother is his daughter’s, well, not exactly dearer, he was just always there, next to me.
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i live here, this is my house, ziranda, i don’t have a vegetable garden, i don’t plant it, i don’t cultivate it, as if i offered it, i gave it away, they don’t want to take it, here i’m collecting firewood, as if with lumps of wood, here this is how we chop firewood in the winter, here i have... like a kitchen, a washbasin, a refrigerator on my virat, because it’s humming, just the warmest room, here i made a nursery, here there is water, and a kettle, a wood-burning stove, this is the tile i have, on which
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we cook when we don’t heat the stove... the period here is where the kids come and sleep at my place on the weekends, this is my living room, this is where we relax, this is where we spend our evenings, this is a refrigerator instead of a closet, i have documents there, this is the top compartment, i also have documents here, because i have nothing to store in this refrigerator, things, here i have a closet, like... with olesya, here we have a bed sheet, everything it’s lying here with us, so what are we going to do next, live, let’s go normally, drink, quit, finish work, start, mother-in-law, i want to call your ex here, this is anya’s grandmother, who actually raised her, tatyana
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sopova, tatyana ivanovna, come to us. “hello, studios, hello, hello, olesya, hello, i didn’t expect to see you as myself, neither did i.” well, how did you come to this life? olesya, you told a lot of lies, seryozha was not imprisoned because he had horses, he didn’t steal any horses, his grandmother plokhotnikova wrote a statement, but he told me that, it’s not true, no, let’s not get into the criminal situation there now, tell me, when your son brought, brought alesya, how old was she, well, she was 14 years old then, and how you reacted, well, i was against it. i even chased her away, listen, weren’t you afraid that your son would go to jail a second time? well, i wasn’t afraid, of course i was afraid, i persuaded him, said that she was young, they could put you in prison, but he didn’t listen to me, anya, when she was born
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they brought the child to your house, yes, yes, well, and you helped, of course, then they left, and they took anya, where, well, the house became vacant, they there... that's it, i'm taking it, i won't give it to you anymore.
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this bird was hidden in a golden cage in special privileged conditions from persecution by the americans. he is the master in this prison, he sneezed on them all, but why am i here?
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what did trump say about the situation in ukraine? he said that in his opinion putin only needs crimea and donbass. and i said that this was not so, but he allowed the money to be allocated. trump is the secret master of the world. trump, if we can make sure that by november ukraine will be there. you told them that putin wants to take them over
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state, that means they are scared, yes, the scandal is humanly exposing both trump and the minister of foreign affairs of kazakhstan, they will not forgive him for this, from now on cameron can be considered. political dwarf premiere of the show vavan and lexus. tomorrow on the first. this year zhanna frisky would have turned 50. she was called the standard of female beauty. both those older and those younger fell in love with her. the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem. she could not overcome one thing, the disease, which turned out to be incurable. and she didn’t leave her one step. in general, i slept next to her, how did she perceive the changes in appearance? very painful, we covered the mirrors, hid only in the darkness, she hated the light, she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success, for her relatives it was hell, but after
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death this continued, money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father vladimir friske, if we had not trusted this man, she might have lived for at least another six months, but she would have lived, our exclusive. life after life, zhanna. i always say, guys, what will happen will be. and this cannot be avoided. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. on saturday on the first, we understand that your son was not included in the birth certificate or was, why was i a mother, at first there was a single mother, and then he sort of adopted her, he adopted her, she now has his last name, her own daughter adopted, of course, yes, i understand establishing paternity, and then... how did you get it? well, i got social security
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when she wrote a refusal, was it after your death? yes, yes, and they offered me to take it she’s under guardianship, i say, how can i take her under guardianship, she’s still my little blood, i won’t leave her anyway, but they told me, well, that’s it, write that you have extra money, well, here i am you were given custody, but she was deprived of parental rights, her parents deprived her, why did you refuse the elements, well, i mean, where does she not work anywhere? “i don’t believe in this, but i would like, i
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would like for her to be cured, and for her to take the righteous path, after all, she is still young, everything is ahead of her, why did i start talking about the elements, because there is one woman who right now could be involved in this case, perhaps this woman caused this trauma to you, perhaps this woman does not drink, but you drink like crazy when visiting her, who is this, ekaterina krivtsova, that’s right, your friend, yes ? hello, hello, you and olesya sabutylnitsa, well , like a sabotilnitsa, she turned to me for help, i helped her, why did you, why did you hit her in the eye, i didn’t give it to her, she came to me in such a state, yeah, eh what kind of help did she turn to you for, she came to me late, but... one might say already deep,
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she said that they seemed to have quarreled, they didn’t share something, and who are they ? kicked you out, yes, for what, for the fact that i was drinking with her brother, in short, you open the door, your girlfriend is standing here, covered in bruises, and what... she’s asking, she told me, she says, there’s nowhere to go, can you i’ll stay with you, i say, okay, well, stay, come in, where can i spend the night, i’ll look, well, i want to tell you, that you have such cleanliness, order, everything is out, neat, you are also preparing for the arrival of some children, of course, what kind of children are these, these are my two sons, and how old are they, 15 and 13, and where do they come to you from? on a visit, from your grandmother, that is, your two sons live. with grandma? yes, long ago? 5 years ago and you
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are deprived? yes, for what? also for drinking? kat, do you think it was easy to bring you to the program or not? no, why? well , in order to travel somewhere, you need documents. i have all the documents, would you like them? yes, passport? where was he? passport? i'm a woman i left it because... i was walking in soyansk, i was afraid, let’s see how we get this passport so that it’s in the bag, we thought it was in the refrigerator, we opened it, it’s not there, she said, the documents are all here, in refrigerator, no, how did we get this passport, let's see, you're passing through, don't lie, but god, what are you doing with this, who are you doing, so stop, and girls, stop sneaking, and god, stop, stop, stop. check your passport,
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she borrowed money from me, she won’t give it back, i told you how much i borrowed, i’ll give it back when i arrive, and this is who is tyutvala in sayansk selling moonshine, no, we just watched a story where there’s just a fight, they almost threw you down the stairs, you hit the floor with your muzzle, who is this, and this is aunt valya, just visiting a fairy tale, this is aunt valya, you didn’t recognize, now listen to me, like a passport, a citizen of the russian federation could end up with aunt valya, who sells moonshine, only as a deposit, no, she left it with... because she was driving home and took a bottle from her because of a hangover, i thought that if i got drunk, i might lose it, and this is your son, that’s right, who comes to visit you, elders, yes, because he lives with his grandmother, hello, hello, now you go to visit your mother, yes, well, once a week, once a month, like how i go out, well, what like i go out
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for a walk, i’m free when i pass by the house , i come in, mom, well, when i come in, right? it happens, and before we were taken to my grandmother, what i told her, stop drinking, regain your rights, that we will gladly come to you, mom is sitting here, contact her directly now, well, stop drinking, please restore your rights and we will live normally, i’ll try, tomorrow where you should be, well, i think it’s home, because you have a debt of 2 million in elements. a criminal case has already been opened, the policeman released you to the local police station only until tomorrow, you arrive, the process will begin and you will go to 3 years, not 3 years, how many months 29 days, this is a month and 29 days in prison, no, a penal colony, they
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have already told you that, yes, that is, you have already been sentenced, yes, this is a criminal offense or no, this is not a crime, look, i’m talking about this and... the name is, yes, she also came to our studio, apparently she has something to tell, hello, hello, studio, recognized me, yes, yes, ales became kind of scary, just terrifying, she was pretty, she was there when i remember her, well, i was probably 27 years old, but she
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was about six years old, younger than me, and she was much, now i haven’t seen her anymore, probably 17-18 years old. it was very terrible when we came from the city, we came to you, we entered through the step, because there was no floor, how could a mother live like that, honestly, yes, you crawled, you were little, yes, i remember this then i was constantly afraid of falling into a pit and there was no food. there was nothing at all, there was a half basin, the baths used to be these painted ones, they were just green, there was water like this, i don’t know, you washed it with this, alesya, you can go back to normal life, like you do you think? i think not, honestly, why? well
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, willpower is needed, but a person doesn’t have willpower, it seems to me, listen, does she even know what a normal life is, to be honest, no, she hasn’t seen it, never, it seems to me, never again. she won't even want her parents drank, her parents, i don’t remember, i don’t know, honestly, your parents drank, yes, well, they said they drank, that’s why you left home so early, i left, yes, that mom, she often drank, it even happened well, she kicked me out there, i went to otta in sharogai, and my father drank everything, my father also drank, but at least he never abandoned me, well, not me, not... at least i would have looked at my parents and concluded that i won’t be that kind of mother, that is, it turns out your mother abandoned you, and you abandoned your daughter, olesya abandoned her, don’t lie, like she abandoned, she went to to another man, she asked you and her father, she left you with her father, and you did
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the same, well, it seems to me that you can pull yourself together to quit all this, but she should have done this before, now it’s useless, i’ll probably ... alive, because you and your girlfriend are in the grave, because of the way you look, period, and then we’ll talk about normal life, katya’s mother, antonina, also came to our studio, it’s interesting to meet her, antonina pavlovna, come to us. hello, antonina pavlovna, i have now my mind will simply collapse, well, you’re a decent woman, yes, but there’s a way out.
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how many boys have you already had under your care for 5 years, and in fact you have been raising them since birth, well , from time to time she goes into retaliation, drinks, in the end she stops and comes to her senses, there are sober periods, yes, but again friends came, that's it. it starts again, i want her to be helped, two
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shores, i love you, var, i’ll leave, again your daughter is getting confused with the teddy bear, he will kill you, he won’t kill you, he found someone else for himself, you’ve already had a hair’s breadth twice because of him passed from death it means i love you to death, premiere, watch. frame time. the world media is full of headlines that the head of the foreign ministry in great britain became the victim of an unknown person who called him on behalf of petro poroshenko. in this conversation, david cameron revealed many secrets of western policy, which trump responded to regarding the situation in ukraine. he said that, in his opinion, putin only needs crimea and donbass. and i said that this was not so, but he allowed the money to be allocated. some trump, the secret master of the world, it turns out trump has all the money.
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"they won't forgive him for this, from now on cameron can be considered a political dwarf. premiere, show of vavan and lexus. tomorrow on the first. this year zhanna friske would have turned 50. she was called the standard of female beauty. both those older and those younger fell in love with her. the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem. she could not overcome one thing: illness.
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the pinnacle of success, for her family it was hell, but she hoped, fought, but burned herself out after death, this hell continued, money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father vladimir to a person, she... maybe even at least friske, if we hadn’t trusted this for six months, but our exclusive would have lived life after life, zhanna. i keep saying, guys, what will happen will happen, and it cannot be avoided. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere. on saturday on the first. we can help her, we can help olesya. if they decide. to help ourselves, i think that everyone should be given a chance, but i’m not really
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impressed here that we are giving up and trying to predict something, whether it will work out or not , and i would generally talk here about that the main character who has collected all this here is anna, yes, for whom this is really very important, and i think here that why this is important to her, i will now explain, because despite the fact that anna is really lucky, and tatyana ivanovna, thank you very much for being so beautiful, grown up, so i look at anya, yes, an adult woman is sitting, i look at olesya, who is sitting as a small child who does not want to take responsibility for anything, it is very important for this adult woman anya , just like any person has a mother inside him, a real mother as a support, not as an external mother, an internal one... this, i don’t know, element of salvation, yes, this desire to save your real mother, nothing more than to build
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this internal support within yourself to save yourself. whether it will work out or not, this is important today for anya, and not for olesya, katya or anyone else, because anya is really important, it can change her life, i think so, and even if it doesn’t work out. on the contrary, i will oppose here, i have 14 adopted children, and alexander said at the beginning that he had never met such a child who came and wanted to save his mother, but i, on the contrary, with my twenty-five years of experience and working with a colossal number of adopted children, it is our great pain that they carry this feeling of guilt , they spend their whole lives then saving them, justifying them, not justifying them and
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living their lives, i know, anyut, and for you ruslan. for example, i believe, i see thousands of alcoholics who are saved, who quit drinking, i believe in this story absolutely, i just won’t talk about them now, my the pain is always for the children, i want to tell you, run, i just beg you, you must understand, these are adults, they make conscious choices every day, you won’t even notice how you find yourself in this circle, in this hole , in this den, you won’t even understand how it ended up there, you know, you won’t repeat this model, please don’t.
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i will give you a referral for treatment to undergo a full course of drug treatment, and you, if you wish, i really want, will go there, and this is how long, it’s 21 days, but i want remind you that this is an appeal only to olesya, because ekaterina is now under investigation, and services can only be provided to her after that, yeah. and there it’s 21 days, so 21 days is the standard that the ministry of health recommends and after that the transfer to a course of rehabilitation treatment from six months to a year, that’s what a full course is, but in a closed way it’s simple, that is, a direction will be given for how this is the case, that is, you can send it for a whole year.


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