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tv   Vremya  1TV  June 25, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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cool is around kolomoisky, realizing that he still has a lot of assets, and they, in fact, don’t give a damn about what he had or didn’t have with america, maria butina was with you, the doll of tute’s heir, now the program time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day: bringing death, the moment of a missile terrorist attack in ukraine and the united states.
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new opportunities, kherson region, gasification, new roads, housing and storage for crops, vladimir putin has the head of the region in the kremlin. questions and suggestions, guidelines for the path of our economy to the top four world leaders: small business, digital services, tourism, strategic session, increase of 8 million russians, indexation of pensions for workers, first reading in the duma, the president’s idea was proposed by the governor of st. petersburg. the price of freedom of speech 12 years of london captivity in the past for julian asanshe, what will happen to the main whistleblower of dirt. and an invitation to
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benuade's dance. the ballet festival presents everything that is fresh and relevant in the world of choreography. we checked. footage of the day from surveillance cameras that captured the moment of the american missile strike atakoms on the beach in sevastopol. on sunday, families and children are suddenly pierced by the striking elements of a cluster warhead into the water. the scattering of fragments from each one , according to open sources, is up to 15 m, everything is fast, it’s difficult to escape, that’s the moment, the child is confused, the man manages to reach out and cover him with himself. the result of the terrorist attack: four dead, including two children. for the american rocket, american specialists introduced a flight mission based on coordinates received from an american spy satellite and as a screen for themselves issued permission for such. blows to ukraine,
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we will analyze this cynicism today, but for now about the wounded, there are more than 150 of them, the heaviest in moscow, yulia onishchenko for help. russian children's clinical hospital, operating room. right now, doctors are removing harmful elements from the child’s body. many children were relaxing on the beach in sevastopol, not suspecting anything, not swimming, sunbathing, and first of all they were under attack. as a rule, these are multiple wounds, small fragments passing through the skin and muscles. destroy bones and damage organs. this dark dot is metal elements. according to the surgeon , it is extremely difficult to find and obtain one. the problem with shrapnel mine injury is that these small elements hit soft tissues at high speed and with high energy and cause a lot of trouble along the way. one operation was performed on a child without an incision using a gentle method. despite the penetrating wounds of the semiveral cavity and lung injuries, we performed videotoscopic surgery. successfully, a total
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of four patients were admitted here, the youngest eight, the oldest 15 years old. in the patient diagnosis of the consequences of a mine explosion injury, a comprehensive laboratory instrumental examination was performed. after consultation with a multidisciplinary team of specialists, therapy was prescribed immediately. one child required a blood transfusion; there are currently three patients in the intensive care unit; we transferred one child to a specialized department to continue treatment. it’s not here that the parents are being treated, they also have injuries, they are receiving psychological help, some are still are in a state of shock. in the future, of course, we are planning rehabilitation, depending on the pathology, depending on the severity, it will be carried out here. five small patients were admitted to the intensive care unit of the institute of pediatric traumatology surgery, all of them are in serious condition, some of them are supported by a ventilator, so as not to miss even the smallest details, an accurate diagnosis is needed. first of all, it is a computer one. momography with intravenous
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contrast, the diagnostic algorithm is currently ongoing and will further treatment tactics in the next 24 hours have been determined. okay, and this is the pirogovo surgical center, a round of doctors led by mikhail murashko. among the victims was a man with a shrapnel wound; during the explosion, he, like many parents, covered his ten-year-old son with his body. the boy was not injured. the patient, we visited him, he is in a stable condition, he was transported yesterday. okay, the patient's life is not in danger. a total of 22 people arrived in moscow for treatment, 12 of whom were children. all adult patients are taken to ambulances. they were transported by helicopter to the multidisciplinary clinical moscow hospitals named after bodkin, yudin, inozemtsev and the sklefosovsky institute. now there are two men and one woman in intensive care here. many patients have severe combined injuries, injuries to the abdominal cavity, limbs and chest . the operations were performed back in
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sevastopol, according to specialists, and on -site assistance was provided quickly, clearly and professionally. we hope that the prognosis will be good, but so far the patients have only recently been admitted to us, so we are now let's deal with certain ones. there by operational influences, and then - we will know everything more precisely, so far everything is going well, another 50 people remain in sevastopol for treatment, including 12 children, seven patients have already recovered and returned home to their relatives. yulia anishchenko, nikita sevastyanov, natalya sidorova, alexey klyuchnikov, channel one. the kiev regime and the collective west behind it. the essence of this sequence of filming with which we began the release is in reaction to a terrorist attack on civilians in the midst of a weekend in sevastopol. georgiy alisashvili will continue. footage from surveillance cameras shows how cluster munitions explode, falling into the sea, right on the swimmers, covering panicked tourists fleeing from the sevastopol beach. even more cynical are the words of the adviser to zelensky’s office, mikhail podalek, that crimea is
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supposedly one continuous military base, there are no recreation areas there, all vacationers are occupiers, that is, according to this distorted logic, legitimate goals. this was a frankly cannibalistic statement.
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the ambassador's response boiled down to a routine remark about that washington always regrets the deaths of civilians, however, the official representative of the state department, despite a lot of evidence, even questioned the circumstances of the tragedy on the sevastopol beach. i don't have any ratings.
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it makes its own target decisions and conducts its own military operations, said charlie deets, a pentagon spokesman. formally, the white house allowed kiev to carry out strikes on russian territory, but in essence the permission was given to itself. vasily nebendya illustrated this thesis with an example attacks on sevastopol. ukraine launched five attack missiles filled with cluster munitions. all flight missions were prepared by american experts based on intelligence data.
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draws the states deeper into a dangerous conflict. an even more reckless escalation on the part of ukraine, a us puppet. russia is going to hold the united states accountable for attacks with cassette tapes and ammunition on vacationers on the beach. i finished. that this is a war, while the white house allies are obviously heading towards denial, so the representative of the eu diplomatic service tas stated that the quote considers the information about the victims in sevastopol to be unreliable; it is significant that the un leadership also left the incident without any clear reaction. despite this, as stated in the russian permanent mission, moscow will discuss all the details of the sevastopol tragedy at one of the next meetings of the security council. georgy alsashvili, andrey mikhailov, channel one. terror of kiev and against its own, now about the evidence collected by our investigative committee in the case of the attack
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on the russian il-76 plane in january of this year with ukrainian prisoners, it was established that the shelling of the aircraft in the sky over the belgorod region was from the territory of ukraine from the american anti-aircraft missile complex. materials have been collected confirming the involvement of the ukrainian military leadership in this crime. at the crash site , fragments of cases and... mechanisms marked patriot were found. the missile's destructive element was in the body of one of the victims. the results of complex explosion examinations confirmed that the discovered fragments were parts of two anti-aircraft guns. guided missiles of the american patriot complex. according to the analysis of video recordings from external surveillance cameras, the plane was hit by the first missile at an altitude of about 400 m. the second missile itself did not reach the target. was liquidated. let me remind you that on january 24, the il-76 was carrying
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ukrainian prisoners of war for exchange on the border of the belgorod and sumy regions. the leadership of the ukrainian armed forces knew for sure who exactly was on board. nevertheless, in kiev the order was given to strike the plane. nine russian soldiers and 65 ukrainians were killed. the special operation of the ministry of defense reported destruction of two warehouses of military-technical equipment in the ukrainian armed forces. for the sake of. air detection location station, strikes on concentrations of militants with their armored vehicles in 128 areas. here is a video from the kharkov region, new footage of the use of aerial bombs with a planning and correction unit. in the first case, one and a half tons, in the second - three. a powerful blast wave and colossal destructive force. and the actions of our front-line aviation. a su-34 fighter-bomber delivers a precise strike with kh-38 missiles at an enemy crossing. i aimed the calculation at the target without. together
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open the way for assault troops, report by anna prokofieva. with the sniper group aida of the special forces akhmat, we set out for the task, leave before dawn, so as not to become easy prey for the enemy’s efvedrons, we make our way to the place of work through a dense forest plantation, with a ramrod from...
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“at first the machine gun fired at us, so our response was a sniper shot, a machine gun i'm stuck, well, they're starting to cover us now, uh-huh, they're starting to work on us, yes, we need to leave urgently, the machine gunner has been eliminated, we're quickly leaving for our positions deep into the landing, well today we quickly came in, did our work and left, but it happens that you lie in one place for a long time, for example, it also happens that we spend several days lying down to see the change of rotation, how it happens, where it comes from, at what intervals time, or when heavy equipment is coming, again, where is it coming from, with what interval of equipment, sometimes we lie in bed for two or three days, forest plantings in the work of snipers of the aida special forces group akhmat in the kharkov direction are replaced by urban development, we were abandoned volchansk for... auxiliary work of our attack aircraft, we covered and also
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cleared their approaches, because in volchansk snipers from the opposite side and machine gun points also work very well, the second floor, the second entrance, the sniper machine gun, plus, the sniper was destroyed, on another position of the drone operators of the aida group is already ready. in time, here, here, here, here, look, now, now, now, now, they are finishing off the same target with a mortar, we have completed the first target, now we will work on the lep tower so that they, well, will try to ensure that they are left without communication, there is
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a hit, there is a hit, they say that’s it, now... while the guy is being masked by a mortar, we quickly leave, because maybe a response can come, the fighting is literally fierce, but besides that, that we are faced with the most combat-ready units of the kiev regime, there is also this endless supply of poor mobilized people who are also thrown into these senseless assaults, at the moment we are slowly but surely moving forward in consciousness with the creation of a buffer zone in order to push the enemy away from our borders. the losses of the armed forces of ukraine in the kharkov direction during the offensive of the russian army already number in the thousands, but kiev continues to throw its reserves to slaughter in this sector of the front. anna prokofieva, mikhail fedorov, kharkov direction. first channel. there is an increasing amount of highly hazardous waste in ukraine that can be
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used to create a dirty bomb, said the head of military chemical and biological defense. igor kirillov. according to him , such a dump is growing under the control of kyiv. if a dirty bomb is used, a huge area will be subject to operational and chemical contamination. according to available operational information, radiochemical substances continue to be imported into ukraine for further disposal, which are turning the country into a dump for spent nuclear fuel and waste from hazardous chemical production. the main supply routes are organized through poland and romania. at the same time, organizational, logistics and financial issues are personally supervised by the head of the office of the president of ukraine andrey yarmak. these substances can be used to create a so-called dirty bomb and then use it under a false flag. in other news: housing construction, restoration of electrical networks and gasification are among the top priorities in the kherson region.
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the development of the region was discussed today in the kremlin by vladimir putin with governor vladimir saldo, they said. on the implementation of large investment projects in agriculture, an important industry that is now on the rise. anastasia kobozeva, more details about everything. residential buildings, schools and hospitals in the kherson region often become targets for the ukrainian armed forces. they are hitting civilian targets with nato weapons. the president, at a meeting with governor vladimir saldo, touches on one of the sensitive topics. infrastructure restoration. both the federal center and local authorities must do everything possible. the safety and comfort of people is a priority. housing construction, restoration of infrastructure, road infrastructure, it is planned to restore the entire road network, the region is large, there are many roads, here is their condition of course, it’s quite depressing, as of july 1, we had practically fulfilled the plan for 2 years, and this very well evokes such a good response from the population, namely roads are the number one topic in
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all opinion polls, says the governor, by 2030 a new region. residential sector, as well as industrial facilities, restoration of energy supply, unfortunately, since the previous period, only 27% of the left bank was gasified, so you are fulfilling this order by building gas pipelines that compensate for the capacity. and already this year the genetic agglomeration, like the governor said that there will be a full supply of gas; local residents are concerned about the situation with electricity supply. interruptions cannot be allowed, as happened in winter, due to a sharp temperature change from plus to minus,
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electrical wires broke. in addition, people are often left without electricity due to attacks by ukrainian militants. yes, the rosseti networks have now taken over, we have transferred alternative energy there, there is wind power in the kherson region, the kokhovskaya platinum is standing and the chains there are broken, but now they are building compensating transformer stations for so that it is possible to supply electricity specifically, clearly and without hesitation. talk about the development of the agricultural sector. local farmers are harvesting their crops right now. in the kherson region the land is fertile. everything is here, grains, legumes, fruits, berries and vegetables. there is a lot of grain, despite the fact that, of course, they lost productivity due to the destruction of the kokhov dam, but nevertheless the farmers. there is not enough water, yes, there is not enough water, there was, there was, there was more water, the yield would have been greater, the explosion of the kokhovskaya geological station last summer year - this is the result of sabotage by ukrainian
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militants, they, by the way, are preventing farmers from harvesting crops, hitting granaries, yet work in the fields is in full swing. 1.2343 combines have just started working, there is fuel, thank you, they delivered it, everything, the frosts did not hit us, so all the assets were preserved, the entire region. provides itself with agricultural products and supplies them to other regions of the country, in sevastopol, rostov, moscow; on the shelves you can see fruits and vegetables of kherson farmers. i know that vladimirevich, you are right along the line of development agriculture planned certain investment projects, right? yes, grain storage, elevator facilities, logistics centers for storing vegetables and fruits, we also have a lot of them, and we don’t have enough capacity. because, well, in ukraine it was mostly in private hands, business was carried out, large wax storage facilities are now located on the banks of the dnieper, unfortunately they
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cannot be used, they are partially damaged, well, i think that when next, we will restore them all, logistics centers for the preservation of vegetables and fruits will begin to be built already in the near future, this is one of the president’s instructions. april 1, taking into account the cost of the pension
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coefficient. the minimum amount of increase that pensioners who continue their working career will receive was also announced. i want to emphasize that each person’s pension provision is individual depending on his length of service, and since we index the pension from the first. in february we will start with the accumulated base, then naturally from this accumulated base he will have an increase in those indices that will develop, but we determined for ourselves that the average, the average, i emphasize, the minimum increase should be somewhere around 1,300 rubles. any decisions we make, we calculate not even 3 years in advance, but much more in order to understand that we will always have enough financial... this is
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a law that is supported by parliament, regardless of party affiliation, and is being adopted at a very difficult time , a time of challenge, when our soldiers and officers protect the security of the country, last year economic growth was 3.6%, this year. growth continues, additional funds have become the president uses the money to go to the budget to support people who continue to work, this is his attitude towards the older generation. economic growth must be accompanied by an improvement in the lives of russians. mikhail mishustin announced this today at a core strategic session. according to the head of government, it is important to improve the business environment and quickly introduce a modern management model. three new national projects presented at the session are designed to solve these problems. anna kurbatova about how it will work. efficient and competitive
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economy. the very name of the new national project, which is now preparing to launch, spells out its main goal. well , to be even more detailed, by 2030 the russian economy should become the fourth largest in the world. today this is topic number one at the strategic session in the government. the president instructed to ensure the growth of the domestic grain product. above the world average, this should be accompanied by an increase in the well-being of citizens, enterprise income, and an increase in private investment. we will pay special attention to small medium-sized businesses, so that in the next 6 years the increase in income per employee of such organizations will be 20% greater than the growth rate of the gross domestic product. the country will also continue to create business and technology parks. at least 100 across the country by 2030. such sites have the infrastructure to implement the most modern innovative ideas for which the market is in demand. the task is not only to respond to demand, but
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to form it ourselves, reports. brazil, indonesia, to achieve the goals it is necessary to form a new model of long-term economic growth, its basis is the economics of supply, which will ensure the satisfaction of growing domestic demand. another new national project that will be launched next year: data economy and digital transformation of the state. it's difficult now. imagine that just 5 years ago it was possible to get no more than 5% of socially significant services online, now everything is available, more than 430 million were provided in government services last year alone, already at the end of this year minister shadayev announced to submit an application you can make payments or make an appointment with a doctor using a voice command. the prime minister makes a remark. here i want to especially emphasize that it is necessary to focus on the opinion
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of citizens, be sure to preserve for... the internet on federal highways along the railways, this is also relevant in the context of the development of tourism in the country, a lot has already been done in this area, new routes are opening, the infrastructure of resorts is being updated , here is the result: last year alone our citizens made more than 80 million trips around the country, in the next 6 years this number should almost double in size. of course, this is primarily the result of growing incomes of the population, and people began to plan more, so, but also the development of hotels, resorts,
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transport infrastructure, without this we would not be able to support such an increase in tourist flow, the geography of trips to popular destinations and locations is also expanding , in general, all those factors that we have been observing for the last year and a half. new year-round resorts are also being built from scratch. today we compete with the world's largest tourist countries, in which tourism it has been developing, including with our money , for decades, but we have a lot of way to go.
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with unique natural resources, and of course, enjoy affordable, high-quality service. these and other tasks will be solved within the framework of the updated national tourism project, for the implementation of which more than 400 billion rubles will be allocated until 2030. anna kurbatova, zulfiya khakimova, ekaterina koryaka, veronika elvutchenkova, sergey valetov, channel one. news: lightning from the russian ministry of defense, exchange of prisoners from ukraine,
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from the territory controlled by the kyiv regime. 90 of our military personnel, who faced mortal danger in captivity, were returned, and 90 military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces were transferred in return. our fighters are assisted by doctors and psychologists, then they fly to moscow for treatment and rehabilitation. the united arab emirates took part in the exchange as a humanitarian mediator. at the peter mandryk central military clinical hospital, awards were given to those who distinguished themselves during the special operation. orders and medals for the fighters who are there
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time of heroes is being implemented by the russian academy national economy and civil service on behalf of the president to the master management of senesh. a week and a half ago, vladimir putin visited her, then during a conversation with the soldiers, the president noted that he considers them the support of the homeland and its personnel reserve. regarding the statements of sergei lavrov in belarus, you have already seen one thing, now in detail, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs was received by the union capital at the highest level today, oleg shishkin observed the negotiations. sergei lavrov came to the meeting with alexander lukashenko
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together with his belarusian colleague, sergei aleynik. the conversation took place in the office of the head of the republic in the palace of independence. the official visit of the russian foreign minister is timed to coincide with the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries, the president of belarus noted.
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kachanova by the speaker of the house of representatives igor sergeenko. then sergei lavrov went to the academy of government under the president of belarus. this is one of the leading universities in the republic. teachers and senior students gathered for a meeting with the russian minister. this university is called cousins personnel for government bodies of the republic. most of the ministers of the current government are graduates of this academy. currently, 800 students are studying here and about 2.0 more civil servants are improving their qualifications. communication without restrictions. questions about bilateral relations.
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it is constantly changing, the russian minister emphasized, and not in favor of the kiev regime. oleg shishkin, marad khabibulin, anna zayakina, channel one belarus. the sco summit in astana mentioned in the report will take place, let me remind you, on july 3-4. about personal communication there today we agreed on the phone with the president of russia and turkey. recep tayyip erdogan expressed condolences to vladimir putin in connection with the terrorist attacks in derbent and makhachkala. he condemned the criminal attack of the militants and wished him a speedy recovery. victims,
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it was just announced that the head of the russian state, by his decree, awarded the order of courage to archpriest nikolai kotelnikov and the medal for courage to mikhail vavilin, the guard of the makhachkala church, both died at the hands of terrorists, 20 police officers were also awarded orders of courage, including those killed in execution, 16 law enforcement officers, five civilians, this is the list of victims. stories of heroism, news.
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there were traces of his blood, despite his wounds, khabib continued to pursue the militants, but after 100 m he fell exhausted and died from loss of blood, khabib aliyev was only 23, served in the marine corps, got a job in the traffic police, was planning to get married this year, at the time of the shootout, the owners one of the houses offered to take refuge with them, but khabib refused, probably he was afraid for their lives, the same owner of the house did not want to show his face, but agreed to tell how everything was happening, i wanted to leave the house, i saw this guy running around, it turns out there was blood on his back, i thought, well, i
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already realized that there was a shootout, at that moment the door was open, my wife and i shouted to him to come in, he or i don’t know what happened, he started fighting them off, like my version, what i think, i think he thought that his partner was alive, and he didn’t want to leave him, i know for sure that there are three of them with a machine gun, he with one makaram, what he could have done there, i can’t imagine, he could run into this yard here, and he could run into my yard. well, the guy decided to kind of give a fight, and this is ramazan atsiev, an employee of the russian guard, then duty was supposed to be his last before retirement, the father of three children played football in an amateur team, devoted almost all his free time to his family, but that day no longer returned to his family, he loved his job, first of all he loved his work, fulfilled his duties, challenges, when we had moments, he was the first to go out, this is the first he had such a masculine character character in battle. a policeman from tyumen, vitaly mezentsev, died. on the day of
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the terrorist attack, he defended an orthodox church from them. his colleagues always spoke positively about him and even tried to join him somewhere in the squad. this is not his first business trip. he left her in november last year. upon completion , he was supposed to return by november. a guard of the assumption church is buried in makhachkala. parishioners recall seeing terrorists climb over the church fence. mikhail vavelin told people to hide. came out against the armed machine guns of militants with only one gas pistol, he did not think about himself, he thought first of all about people, of course, it’s a shame that this happened, but... his death probably protected many, saved many lives the day of the terrorist attack on makhachkala derben killed 15 policemen, another seriously wounded died tonight, five died among civilians, all the wounded here in makhachkala were taken to the republican hospital, we talked with one of the wounded policemen, that day he and his colleagues were pursuing
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terrorists driving a patrol car, they noticed this car behind them, well, they increased the speed too quickly. i pressed myself close to them, that they had already started a shootout with us, i saw two who came out with machine guns already aimed at us, and the very moment of the wounding, remember? the very moment of the injury, i already remember, when i was behind the car, my arm was already injured, my leg was injured in the abdominal area. the investigation into the terrorist attack continues, accomplices and customers are being identified, the ex-head of serig, kalinsky district of dagestan, magomed omarov, whose sons and nephew were in number of attackers. arrested for 10 days, he is now being checked for aiding terrorism; he was reportedly aware of the radical views of his children. the head of the republic, sergei melikov, said today that the personal files of all officials in leadership positions and deputies of the people's assembly will also be checked. the fact that our prevention and counteraction to extremism and terrorism requires new approaches is
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clear. it's not even 100, it's as much as 200%. this is a carefully planned action. that is, they were university educated people who have no problems with where to live, yes, where to work, this trend has been noted by us since about 2000, even around 14-15, that is, for 10 years already, this is what happened in dagestan , it turns out
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that other terrorist networks continue to do this, the same son of the head of the district owned a construction company, erected houses, mainly in his native village of sergakola, and not only in the cafe, the same one that was owned by one of the terrorists, osman omarov, is located on shore of the caspian sea, according to local residents, the cafe is not the first month since it was closed, perhaps omarov left the business at the moment when he actively began preparing for a terrorist attack. it is known that he lived in turkey for some time, perhaps omarov was recruited abroad by a radical group, as they say in dagestan, the goal of the terrorists is to discord the multinational republic, where representatives of different faiths live side by side. but they fail. today , thousands of people come to express condolences to the families of the fallen police officers. ramzan kirimov, ibragim amirkhanov, grigory emelyanov, denis larin, alexey vaskov and maria mortanova, channel one. now advertising, see below, juliana asansh is free for the first time in 12 years, the cost of the truth about america's best-kept secrets, unrest in kenya after biden declared him a key ally,
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the middle east crisis, video from scandal to fireworks, to come and much more , do not switch, two shores of the prime minister. watch the serial film after the program time bourbon steersman product steller group whiskey mancacher product stellar group gin сnop product of stellar group cognac monte chococa product of stellar group rom castro product of stellar group. product of stellar group. votka. veda. product of stella group. the world media is full of headlines that the head of meath in the uk became a victim of an unknown person who called him on behalf of petro poroshenko. david cameron revealed many secrets of western politics in this conversation. what did trump say
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about the situation in ukraine? he said that in his opinion, putin only needs crimea and donbass. and i said that's not true, but he allowed to allocate money, some trump, the secret master of the world, yes, trump has all the money, if we can make sure that by november ukraine will be on the front line, then he will want to support the winning side, said that the next president will be trump, and he influenced the speaker, that is, this is interference in internal affairs, he is convinced that putin wants part of northern kazakhstan, you told them that putin wants to seize their state, which means... dwarf. premiere, show of vavan and lexus. tomorrow on the first.
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this year zhanna friske would have turned 50. her called the standard of female beauty. both those older and those younger fell in love with her. the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem. she could not overcome one thing, an illness that turned out to be incurable. and i didn’t leave her one step at all. i slept next to her, the way she perceived changes in appearance was very painful, we covered mirrors, hid only in the darkness, she hated the light, she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success, for her family it was hell, but after death this tat continued, money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father vladimir friske, if we had not trusted this person, she might have lived for at least another six months, but she would have lived, our exclusive life. after zhanna’s life, i keep saying, guys, what will happen will be, and it can’t be avoided, exclusive with dmitry borisov,
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premiere on saturday on the first, what a beauty you are, mish, it’s all the same, you’re more beautiful, here you go, bear, i won’t be able to live with eermakov now, i understand, hands, you’re not so touchable, we’ll get married anyway, i won’t go. i love nazara bear, varka, make up your mind, i need to start a new life, i’ll get a job at a factory, we’ll rent a room somewhere too, the thresholds are ahead, mom, misha, where, they didn’t find him var, father said, you crashed on the thresholds, hold on her, jump, i said, i’ll shoot now, don’t, who killed him, father, how did you end up on the shore, you found me, who is this,
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varya, my bride, for the happiness of the young, smile, i’m a husband now yours, otherwise i can teach you, i forgot the whip, two shores, premiere of a serial film, watch it's time after the program, you're crazy, don't touch me. i won’t sleep with you, i’d rather not live at all. this is the program time and we continue. russia, uzbekistan, cooperation in law enforcement. in tashkent, the head of the ministry of internal affairs, vladimir kolokoltsev. he paid tribute to those who fell during the great patriotic war by laying flowers at the ode to fortitude memorial. i examined the exhibition in the museum of glory. concerning.
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and between the local population, because ill-wishers, enemies, i would call them that, they take every opportunity to to create a rift between the relations of our countries. the mariana islands are the western pacific ocean, and in less than 24 hours they will be at the top of world news. julian asanch, the founder of wikileaks, an internet portal with revelations, is flying there. american war crimes. in the states, he faced 175 years in prison for this. asansh has already spent another 12 years outside of
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freedom, and without any sentence in london. what ultimately happened there if the journalist is now free? pavel krasnov found out on the spot. from his slightly confused the public has already lost the habit of smiling ; julian assange has not been seen in public for too long. the last time he appeared on camera was at one of the court hearings in london. with a grown beard, tired of solitary confinement, and then, due to poor health, he stopped appearing even in court. i am sure that this period of our lives has come to an end, what begins now with the release of julian is a new chapter. a new chapter after 12 years of forced imprisonment. first on the territory of the ecuadorian embassy, ​​then in a prison cell. an imprisonment that millions of julian asange's supporters consider a punishment for his journalism. everything is correct, but numbers will still be written there. the papers signed by the wikileaks founder are likely related to his release on bail.
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american justice sought the extradition of assange, and it must do so. for many years we protested all over the world, the media were involved, they essentially became an integral part of our company, they actively covered the story, it was a global attempt to free julian assange. the assange case has long been global scale, he himself became the most famous political prisoner on the planet. it all started in 2010, when the wikileaks website he founded published video footage of the shooting of iraqi civilians by the american military. afterwards there were several more high-profile leaks, including information about the wiretapping of foreign leaders by us intelligence agencies. for the vast majority, asansh was a hero who brought to light the dirty laundry of the american government, but for exposing the crimes he himself was declared a criminal. julian was taken into custody because he fought for freedom of speech and publication, this is the basis of democracy. this story is full of legal paradoxes; for
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assange to lose his freedom, it did not require a court verdict to return it. i had to admit guilt, but the alternative was extradition to the united states, where asange faced 175 years behind bars. i made it clear that regardless of the opinions of asanji's people and his activities, the matter has taken too long. there will be no benefit to his continued imprisonment and we want him to return home to australia. when they started calling for liberation voices in the west, american justice took a step back. there was talk that the parties wanted to reach an agreement. details of the deal were revealed by the washington post, which published a document from american authorities. we expect that the defendant will plead guilty to conspiracy to unlawfully obtain and distribute classified information relating to the national defense of the united states and will be convicted of this crime. having pleaded guilty, assange will receive 5 years, which he has already spent in a london prison, and after the verdict he will be able to be released. one of conditions, the decision must be announced by an american
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court, which is why from britain home to australia. the united states in london projected the words addressed to biden: let him go joe, apparently, before the elections in the hope of additional points, the white house finally heeded this call, although asange’s wife still called on his supporter today. the united states would have to finally close the case, we will seek clemency in court, but in accordance with the american espionage act, it is necessary to admit guilt in obtaining and disclosing information about national defense. this is quite a serious problem for journalists, and especially for those who want to follow in the footsteps of julian assange. 1901 days, that is, more than 5 years in
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belmer maximum security prison, 7 years in the ecuadorian embassy in total.
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began to cause not just anxiety, but pain in my heart. i realized that they could do anything to this person because he was too uncompromising, honest and principled. i thank you, vladyka, for all the labors that you have endured, for the sorrows that you have endured, for the labors and deeds you have endured, i would like present you with the patriarchal award. holiness, thank you for your efforts, thanks to which i am now in this holy place, in this, where our most holy patriarch is located, the patriarch is a symbol of the entire russian church, so not to disgrace your name was my task, and my
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resistance to evil. in moscow, the primakov readings, an authoritative international forum , is being held for the tenth time. the main topic is the contribution of brix to the formation of a new world. euro-asia is precisely what should replace the euro-atlantic and eurocentric models. we are confident that
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it is now time to seriously think about how to ensure real, real, i emphasize, indivisible security and stability in a vast space, covering both western and eastern states, naturally. germany's christian democratic union leader friedrich merz, who previously advocated for
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more military aid, has changed course and now believes it is time to focus on ending the conflict with russia. the candidate to be germany's next chancellor said it was time to sign peace treaty with russia on ukraine. formerly friedrich merz, leader of the center-right opposition. an hour ago , a state of emergency was declared in kenya in eastern africa, there is great unrest there, the parliament was destroyed by those dissatisfied with the upcoming tax increase. the most unpopular ones, like the sixteen percent vat on bread, were removed from the draft budget, but people believe that the rest will ruin them. around the world, five people have died and from 30 to... in hospitals, in the capital, kenya, nairobi, pogroms, shops, transport are not working, the police are shooting with live fire an army was sent in for reinforcements. there are major internet outages in neighboring countries across the country. users of the telegram where he
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works noted that only yesterday biden added kenya to the list of america’s key allies outside nato. from tear gas in nairobik. by the way, the half-sister of former us president barack obama was allegedly injured. father. one in five residents of the gaza strip suffers from food shortages, the world health organization reported this evening. palestinian enclave since last october attacked by israel in response to an attack by hamas militants. the methods have been criticized more than once at the international level. it looks like the telegram channels where the video appeared will provide a fresh reason. tied to the moving israeli military truck, judging by the description of the filming, is a palestinian, who is clearly. shows signs of life. the ministry of health and gas reports that more than 37,000 people died during the operation, including 13 to 14 thousand children. israel is conducting a ground operation in rafah
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in the south of the strip. the city is considered the last stronghold of hamas.


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