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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 26, 2024 12:00am-12:46am MSK

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they evoke forgiveness from the russians, you know, i think that the federal security service, the foreign intelligence service, is doing a great job of identifying and suppressing these scoundrels, i can’t find another word for their activities, they essentially have no connection with their homeland , they don’t have any sources of information or information here, there are no agents of influence, so they lie there that they have some weight in russian.
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i praise the office where i once served, but because really yes, look how many messages are coming from the federal service security, attempts were stopped, we take this completely calmly, well, attempts were stopped, great, but when god forbid something happens, where do our law enforcement agencies look, and the work is colossal, i just know that the guys are young, they work 24 hours a day 7, with virtually no vacations, they understand that this is such a difficult time for the country. well, i think that everything will be fine, when you say that they do not have any influence, influence is such a very broad concept, well, for example, it is the influence of publishing books in russia, when these books are lying in a moscow store a kilometer from the kremlin, is this influence or not, well, it’s generally a disgrace, if these books are lying, specifically, do you have...
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sources, this is an agent of the central development administration, i’m almost not involved in this i doubt it, he worked with the british intelligence services, worked for his master boris abramovich berezovsky, and he was a co-author of litvinenko, co-author, yes, with litvinenko, i remember their book that they published, the fsb is blowing up russia, ugly, ugly slanderous material, which, excerpts of which were published by the public at that time in a new newspaper.
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boris abramovich berezovsky began to declare anti-russian activities, his fate is also widely known, it was even publicly stated, i understand whether president putin will forgive him, but i want to say that this is the handwriting of the classic british intelligence services, so these people who publish, well this book, i just, as a legislator , will definitely ask on what basis the book of the enemy of our fatherland is being sold, this is how he makes money. at one time they sold icebreaker books, this is a traitor, svorogo, yes, yes, thank you, it was a great game, we’ll see you tomorrow on the air.
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this is the easy money podcast, i am its host , mikhail khanov, and today we will talk about sanctions on financial markets and how an ordinary citizen or an ordinary ordinary retail investor should behave correctly. on june 12, the united states imposed sanctions against the moscow exchange and its subsidiaries, the national krill center of the national reserve depository, completely depriving the moscow exchange of its capabilities. how to conduct trading in such instruments as the dollar, and respectively, associated with it directly with the euro currency. in addition, trading in the hong kong dollar was almost immediately adopted as a currency that is directly tied to the us dollar,
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ilya korovin is helping us deal with this, hello ilya, good evening, a trader with thirty years of experience, a person who has been on the market since ninety- three, a very well-known options trader, one might say top one. the first such general question is: what does the ban on trading in the euro and dollar on the stock exchange mean? well, the main function, which for ordinary citizens took place on these auctions is the determination of the central bank exchange rate, that is , by and large, how much the ruble is worth, first of all , in relation to world currencies, well, since the main world currency is the dollar, everything can be calculated through it, so traditionally all countries of the world count their currencies to dollars. in general, this was a function we had at the moscow exchange. in fact, in the world, this function is usually performed by interbank trading. it has traditionally happened that the moscow exchange, in this sense, was such a place where everything focused specifically on her. what will happen to the course now? the exchange rate will be determined
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in exactly the same way, but not at trading on the moscow exchange, on the interbank market, as is generally done throughout the world. here there are certain difficulties with the readiness of the infrastructure for this, because there must also be an interbank service. organized, at the moment, i would say that trading on the interbank market still does not look transparent enough, but i really hope that the regulator will correct this matter, strengthen it, and we will get a very close picture to what was on the moscow exchange, that’s right, i understand that previously until june 12, well until the 13th, yes, because the twelfth was a holiday, by the way, it’s very good, this is such a kind of gift in the literal sense that the sanctions were introduced on a day off at the stock exchange, because everyone had time to prepare. that is , in principle, everyone was ready, but there was no panic, when suddenly all this became still in the midst of trading, and it was not clear what to do, the most prepared surprise, the central bank issued instructions, a document on how the trading would behave, then there is how the course of the central bank, in the event of such a sanction, issued this
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document in october twenty-two, that is, 2 years ago, well, practically, what is written in these documents that i mentioned, it is written there that the exchange rate of the central bank, which was previously determined by... which are now prohibited, it was determined from 10 am to 15:30 at the average price, during this time the price was taken, then the rate was announced. after about an hour after this, we always got used to the fact that the central bank exchange rate for the whole country. was announced, but for professionals, for speculators it is important not just the central bank rate, it is important how it is formed, how it changes, by and large, banks that work professionally in the market, they also have their own quotes, including interbank ones and in exchange offices, they do not set the central bank rate, they are guided by on a changing chart, because the central bank rate is one figure per day, during the day the rate can change by two percent, and how do we explain that before , futures, well, now they are trading almost up to 12. usa, just in peacetime , as
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they say, in quotes, unauthorized and course i could gap up there in the morning by a ruble, half a ruble, sometimes even 2 rubles , depending on one direction or another, depending on what happened. the central bank has announced that we will now take the interbank rate based on it in the same way from 10am to 3:30pm. these, this interbank, which is broadcast in open sources, corresponds to what the central
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bank will then take as a basis for setting the central bank exchange rate, and it turned out that it is quite relevant, and this is exactly what has become a guideline, by and large, including for futures, well, for those people who understood that they needed to look at the interbank market, because in fact we have both a professional and non -professional market, a large number of people were generally in complete prostration on the 13th, they did not understand where to look, what time the first rate was released central bank, which based. not on the moscow exchange data, on the interbank market, quite late, it came out somewhere around 50 pm, that is, about an hour and a half after it became clear to the central bank, it was about a ruble lower than the day before, and i think that this is actually a very unsightly behavior of some banks, which for the sake of advertising set the rate at 200 there and 150 and 50, and people don’t understand that these are just numbers put up, here it’s very it is important that this is not a course. live, this is not the bank rate at which it makes transactions, it was the selling price at which the bank would like to sell,
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again, where do we get the information, if we take it, go to a regular aggregator, type in the search engine purchase and sale of cash dollar in moscow, we see all the key banks that are quoting at that moment, and yes, indeed, some banks put quotes, buy at 50, sell at 200, but right next to it in the next line there were normal banks that wrote, buy, for example, at 87, selling at 90. in the first moments, when there was, in quotes , pseudo-panic, pseudo-uncertainty, to what heights did the dollar reach relative to the ruble? in fact, again, i can say that futures with the interbank market were very parallel at this moment, trading slightly differently pass, but the numbers were similar, it’s also very important, so i’ll sum it up, because this is a very important point, waiting, the fact is that there are also ruble to dollar exchange rates that you can use in addition to the image bank. in addition to the rate, which, for example, is the rate of a crypt, a cryptoruble, yes, roughly speaking, but
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there are, well, such exchange platforms, worldwide, where you can buy usdt for a ruble, and usdt is a cryptocurrency that is tightly tied to the dollar, and this means that the price there has risen by about 3%. the only landmark at night 12 to 13 there was a crypto exchange, our central bank was 89, and there. the rate reached 95, wow, yes, everyone thought that we would open now at about 94-95, we will open, ilya is talking about futures, yes, not about transactions, but about futures, of course, it’s prohibited here, no one can trade for us , this is a secondary instrument, the moscow exchange could have closed futures for several days, but in order for the situation to calm down, it did not do this, but this is its right, in the end it turned out that the futures were based on the crypt at night, and then it opened at the same time the interbank market opens, and what is the figure, and we see an attempt to leave in...
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realities, well, the average price turned out, in general , according to the results of the central bank, the exchange rate strengthened, well , almost by the ruble, the next day it returned again to 89 with kopecks, where it was 13 numbers. another very important point is that the shares of the moscow exchange itself, they sank the most, they sank approximately at the very bottom by 12%, but they were almost completely bought back, this fall was on the same day, the next day, interestingly,
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they were released on the moscow exchange dividends, dividend cut-off was 6%, it was on friday, when these dividends were in the morning... that is, you and i met in the order book, sold something to each other, it was recorded in the system, then we carry out settlements through the ncc, exactly at ncc was hit with sanctions this time too, yes, well, as a subsidiary, this is the podcast easy money, me and its host mikhail khanov, we continue to deal with how the sanctions imposed on
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the moscow exchange, on other sites, on the dollar, on euros, affect the lives of ordinary citizens. well euro, why euro too, because the european union always automatically joins american sanctions and as for the nsd, the european union imposed sanctions on it back in 2022, all the consequences that could have happened long ago,
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so now the nsd usually sort of mentions it, but it’s not important and no one is discussing precisely this... well, and accordingly regarding blocking, everyone was also very much afraid that if there were sanctions on ncc, then those dollars that citizens have in brokerage accounts, that is, on the stock exchange, because a broker is an intermediary between us, private traders and the exchange, that these dollars will be blocked, why there were these concerns, because we know the precedent with our other exchange. a large number of foreign shares were indeed blocked on the st. petersburg exchange, and people are still solving these problems, now with these secondary sanctions from the united states these problems will worsen, so everyone was afraid that the same would happen with dollars and everyone was ready for this , in fact, the lion's share of how if assets in dollars in euros, which could have been blocked at ncc, left ncc
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back in 2020, i understand correctly that in fact the volumes that remained in ncc in the cleaning center,
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as determined, are determined, only slightly - to another, yes, the participants who determined the exchange rate are approximately the same, the imbalance of supply and demand, if it had previously been on the moscow exchange, it will also be on the interbank market, therefore, from the point of view of the flow of currency from country to country, which in general - then determines the course, but by great demand and proposals, nothing has changed fundamentally, that’s why there shouldn’t be such a frontal reaction, let’s say, carefully yes, because anything can happen, something new, some kind of secondary sanctions can come, that is, maybe the story is not over at all i would like it to happen quickly enough, promptly enough, and such global inconveniences would not occur for anyone. what is the next step: you can
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block another main currency, which recently, over the last few years , has literally become a talk in oyazykh, this is the yuan, now the question is how much chinese banks will be exposed to secondary sanctions, how scared they will be to work with russia for... how much the yuan will be exposed to this influence of sanctions, the second point, we basically have left in the banks, who are not under sanctions, who have the right to conduct transactions with currency, who have the right to store them, i think that the next step, let’s not suggest it, but i think that this is the secret of the palatial, in general, simply cut off the ability of all financial institutions, banks in russia work with the dollar, that's what in this case? let's talk about the yuan first, that's all we said before, we said, as if not noticing the yuan, in fact there is a very serious factor - this is the yuan factor,
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because the yuan is traded on the moscow exchange, continues to be traded on the moscow exchange, already as far as we know, it has exceeded the dollar in terms of trading volume, it exceeded it even before these sanctions, and has long since exceeded it, and moreover, international payments in the dollar, in addition to exchange trading there, are the currency of international payments, we are actually already here by the time of these... sanctions, up to 80% of our turnover, yes, foreign trade, is counted not in dollars or euros, it is primarily the yuan, including the ruble, and some other rupees there and so on further and so on, yes, that is, we, in principle, for international trade are not particularly dependent on the dollar and the euro, but we depend very much on the yuan, this is the main criterion, which is now, by and large, the only criterion that remains on the online exchange , constant, on which trading takes place and on which it is possible to determine what is the price.
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which many people are now afraid of secondary sanctions on the yuan, yes, this is a legal norm that states that if sanctions are imposed, there is a certain list of primary sanctions, for example, on the ncc, then those organizations that directly, as it were, may fall under sanctions they have no relationship with russia, which also has its own commercial relationship with the rcc, and at the same time depends on the dollar, that is, there is a lever by which they can be pressed and pulled. now the main question is, that is, we understand, we we are afraid that the market is afraid that china will fall under these secondary sanctions, if china says, yes, we are like bunnies, we take the lead in complying with the instructions of the us treasury,
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what will this mean for you and me, then exchange trading will stop, in including the ruble in yuan, that is, under sanctions, since we have the moscow exchange and its subsidiaries, the reserve depository and the clearing center are national, then in fact... these platforms will be closed for all transactions, including with the yuan, but also following the example , how this happened with dollars and euros, new so-called interbank banks will arise, in principle, i think that now our financial officers from the sbb are actively working on similar options and similar scenarios, well, here it’s not even just officers from the central bank, i think it’s more at a high level is decided by officers and officials. yes, yes, yes, i think this should be decided at the highest level, because this step would have very big consequences for the entire world economy, because china is the second or first economy in the world, as
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consider, and accordingly, if china and the united states begin, roughly speaking, enter into a dispute over how to interact with russia, then the question here is which side will china take geopolitically in this issue, well, this is really a question of how much china will agree to the extent that it will enter into direct confrontation, well... judging by the latest statements, i don’t think that china will somehow, as quickly as the european union, agree to those norms, those rules of the game that the united states constantly introduces, new, i think that china is the power that first in turn, it defends its interests, so let’s not flatter ourselves with the hope that all this is being done there for the sake of russia, no, this is naturally being done for the interests of china, but not in the interests of china. introduce some, let ’s say, tough measures, following there, not instructions, following an order there that it
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will look exactly like what china is implementing. something will become clearer, perhaps sooner, no one here knows, and i can’t see it either, and no one knows the future, as you and i know, but there is only the probability of certain events, well, from my point of view there is a fairly high probability that there will be no more drastic changes until the end of august. this is the easy money podcast, i am its host, mikhail khanov, and we continue to understand how sanctions affect working with currencies,
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dollars and euros. for ordinary citizens, for banks, for institutional investors, how our platforms will be and how they already work. the next set of questions that i would like to discuss is what ordinary citizens who have become accustomed to having part of their airbag over many, many years should do now, so called, keep part of your savings in foreign currency, here is your advice, how you would do it, so you recommended that ordinary citizens diversify. that is, divide your savings, if these are not rubles, then what? well , i’ll also break it down into two questions, yes, firstly, do you need to change anything in connection with what happened on june 12, but nothing needs to be changed at all, because in this sense nothing has changed for you, but there were dollars for you, okay, let them be, you looked at the dollar exchange rate at the central bank rate, you were guided once a day there or once a week, in the same way you will have a course that you will be guided by, nothing will change in this sense, you should
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only be afraid when all the banks are closed. when it will not be possible for someone to hand over this cash currency within the country, well, the central bank said that this will not happen, we will not stop, cash currency, non-cash accounts that banks have, yes, if you have deposits in dollars, even deposits nothing has been touched now, yes, that is, it has simply ended without the same calculations of the deposits of this specific site and this specific site, more nothing has changed in this sense, of course, maybe later, if such sanctions are imposed that banks are banned altogether, it is not our central bank that will ban, but sanctions that will be banned, then we will see what happens with this.
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that’s what we’re talking about, yes, some switched to the yuan, only in a non-cash form they switched to the yuan, some, yes, to bank or brokerage accounts, yes, and, accordingly, they began to buy on bizhe, yes, then there is what we are talking about, that is, the exchange rate is determined today on the market, including by individuals, they are still, as by the way, the yuan exchange rate has changed over the last year, there is information, well, it actually follows the ruble-dollar exchange rate, about the same dynamics, because the ratio of the yuan to the dollar on the international market, it almost, well, it doesn’t fluctuate much, but that’s good , how many? the yuan costs in rubles now 12 rubles , something like 15, but how much did it cost in 2022? in the twenty-second, well , accordingly, by about 20-30% it was correspondingly stronger, stronger, the ruble fell in price to the dollar to the yuan about the same, that’s what i want to say the main thing, right? well with yours point of view, here you are, as an experienced investor, as a person who has been on the stock exchange and in financial markets in general for 30 years, this is a huge period of time, some of our listeners and viewers are younger, but would you bet on the yuan?
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now it’s not a cash currency, because i don’t think that the yuan, in principle, now in general in the world, is something similar to a reserve currency, that is, a reserve currency is a currency in which you can store your savings and the state itself from this it opens up there and does not want to be, we must understand, china as an economy, yes the first second in the world, a huge economy, yes, but its currency is not the concept of an international currency, a currency of international settlements, a reserve currency. in our world, we only have the dollar and the euro, this is the currency in which everyone counts, the currency in which many central banks hold their assets in dollar-denominated bonds, and the yuan chinese currency is a currency, well, just local the currency, one might say, of a separate country, you also need to understand, well, the chinese economy is still there communist, well, and partly closed, yes, then i’m talking about this as a command, administrative in many ways, yes, that is,
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they can take some kind of law there. east asia, the same united arab emirates, if we consider them as tourist flows, yes, when currency can come in handy, it’s dollars, it’s not even euros, it’s dollars, not to mention, the rest of the world is dollars, yes, also since from
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the point of view of foreign currency savings, i understand that you also do not recommend rushing straight into the yuan, that is, you can slowly start saving something, and counting, well, again, how, how do you get this yuan , yes, where will you sell it later? go through the exchange offices of russian banks, you see a lot of quotes in yuan there, and what they are, yes, that is, the question is, even if they are quoted more actively, there will be spreads there, most likely much wider, because we understand that banks trade in cash in the currency that they have, if they have a lot of currencies and frequently carry out transactions, then the spreads narrow, and the yuan is still very exotic the currency is in cash, we're in a cashless state, and the state and speculators are now trading in the yuan very seriously, turnover is already growing...
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nothing threatens, well, let's just say, it threatens, but so far with a low probability, of course, that this probability will be there, the threat to the supremacy of the dollar will increase and increase, but even if the euro has not been de facto displaced from these positions, well, the euro is a separate patchwork quilt, and there they do not particularly compete with each other, let’s say, they complement each other, but if we're talking about the role of the dollar in the world, all we can state for now is that trust in it is gradually decreasing. and trust is very important in this system of international currency, but it really happens gradually, and the most important thing is that these are only quantitative changes, there must be a qualitative change, in order for some other currency besides the euro and the dollar to claim the role of the world reserve, it needs to go through a huge path, because the dollar
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has traveled this path in 100 years; if we talk about brix, it would most likely be logical to assume that some kind of common a single currency for the entire brix, well, by analogy with the euro for the entire european union, but again this will happen at a stage when relations within the brix will become much... closer than now, this is also a question about the years, well, plus yes i’ll say it again and repeat that in order to become an imitator of a single currency for a group of countries, for the whole world, it doesn’t matter, a different degree of openness is needed, a different degree of transparency of all transactions is needed, which china is not ready for, as ilya said, due to the simple fact a certain state structure , first of all, a certain national mentality, well, financial problems there, let’s call it that way, with the fact that up to now what is, let’s say, on the surface above the water, but the picture may differ from what is there under these are the very skeletons in the closet that will have to be pulled out, disassembled, cleaned, or even better thrown out, yes, i
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think that china is not yet ready for such openness, again yes, do we need this kind of thing now? global task, but that's it some kind of alternative currency, our task is local, our relationship with the world, and russia, has now come down to the fact that we do this through... yuan is quite enough for us, this function is quite enough yuan, for ordinary citizens, for our listeners, yes, that is , i repeat once again, from the point of view of cash currency , nothing has changed here at all, that is, this is how you built your portfolios, how you planned your savings in currencies other than the ruble, this is how you plan, making a forecast about does it make sense to place a bet? there is a strong yuan, as i understand it, it ’s not worth it yet, it’s definitely not in cash, right? yes, because it is associated with the problems that i mentioned, regarding the non-cash form, it is possible now to increase the share of killing by moving away from the non-cash dollar and euro, and this is in any case already,
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if you haven’t done it before, then you will most likely do this now, because well, they are cutting us off in every possible way, and citizens, including private ones, from the dollar and the euro, that’s a fact, from the non-cash dollar and euro, again from non-cash. again, if we are talking about the right approach to investing, we will repeat with you, we need to constantly talk about this, diversification and separation, of course, this is like a key issue when we talk about competent financial. budget planning, both for individuals and foundations, and for states, diversification, so if you act correctly, you have a bunch of cash currency, which ideally is divided into three parts, for example, the ruble, the euro, the dollar , in this sense there is nothing has changed, but you should also have part of your investment portfolio in non-cash currency, that’s where the yuan share can and should grow, well, in fact, up to 100%, judging by what you said, no, well, the non-cash ruble too, and the non-cash . yes, yes, yes, sorry, i’m saying that in currencies that are different from the ruble, this is
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actually 100%, yes, those currencies are non-cash in the non-cash part, the yuan share can increase due to the withdrawn share of the euro and dollar in the non-cash part yes , here’s another question: what else must there be in the portfolio? part, we only closed the currency in cash, we say, we need to say that it will say that we recommend only in foreign currency, no, you should have bonds and shares and deposits , if you wish, there and a piece of gold there, that is, yes i know yours. or to gold, well , let’s say once again that, in fact, with the introduction of this package of sanctions, the non-cash euro and dollar have become not as toxic as possible, but extremely toxic in order to talk about them as highly liquid assets that can be located in a portfolio place, that is, basically here i am i understand that it makes sense to get rid of non-cash euros and dollars, well, with a small amendment, the absolute majority. this had already been done long before these sanctions, it was simply the final
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point that everyone had been waiting for, the only thing where there was still turnover, non-cash ones were those, euros in dollars and euros, those citizens who actively interact abroad in one way or another and sends currency there, there is still a trickle left in this part, and it is also slowly drying up, because the number of banks that can deal international currency transfers and b want. to do this, it is decreasing very much, but for now it is still possible to transfer the dollar and the euro, but again this part is gradually moving to the yuan, and moreover, you won’t believe the rubles, that is, now there is such a direction, when , if you need to transfer currency abroad, you first transfer the ruble to a friendly jurisdiction, for example, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, they are now developing very actively, and there they already have a dollar on the domestic market, well, on the stock exchange. non-cash dollars and
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euros, these are banks of friendly countries, and you don’t transfer dollars and euros there, but you transfer rubles there, you convert there through the national currency, or yes, from your experience, i just know, it’s possible through the ruble, right here you got the ruble and the ruble dollar you can buy there, and banks are calm about it, well, for now, yes, for now, yes, again , i’ll make a reservation, like the central bank with... as it looks for now, you, in principle, can continue to store non-cash dollars and euros in russian banks , that is, this function now there is nowhere to go, but i’m just saying that the risks of this are quite high, well , most likely some kind of normal , comprehensive decision will be made, well, we don’t know what sanctions there will be, how they will be imposed, we said that there is an option that in general , sanctions will be imposed on all banks, and 370 russian banks, well , now sanctions have been imposed on about 70, there are still 300 left, i just don’t see much need. non-cash dollars and euros in russian banks now, provided that
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you have them in cash, in non-cash form form you may have, that is, everything should be balanced in the portfolio, let’s summarize, in fact, throughout the entire program we discussed that the package of sanctions imposed on the moscow exchange on the 12th sounded very scary, but first of all the central bank let us say a huge thank you to the russian federation for this, it was ready for this. 2 years ago, and instructions, circulars, recommendations were issued back in the twenty-second year, because the likelihood of such sanctions was already considered then, nothing for for an ordinary citizen and citizen, and even, probably, for an ordinary investor, this did not happen, there is no need to run anywhere, there is no need to do anything with the cash dollars and euros that you have, the dollar is still accepted in the world, we have a border. open, you can safely withdraw them in defined
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volumes according to the criteria that have been established. if we are talking about non-cash dollars and euros, yes, this is becoming an increasingly toxic asset until it is completely banned, but nevertheless steps are being taken towards this, we will not even predict that it will be, but in principle, if you really need, by the type of activity, by your activity, to work with non-cash dollars and euros, then it’s easier to... do this through banks of friendly jurisdictions, and if you work with non-cash money, currencies and excellent from the ruble here, then this is the yuan, and this is... there is no alternative transition, i repeat, again, from the point of view of cash, nothing has changed, thank you very much, thank you for the fact that we so calmly, thoroughly, analyzed the whole situation with you, like sanctions influence the lives of ordinary citizens, what is introduced constantly, with a certain
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frequency, they impose sanctions on sites, on currencies, on organizations that work with them, we found out that... nothing has changed either for ordinary citizens, or even for retail investors, that basically all the changes that have occurred concern primarily professionals, the so-called institutional market players, in principle , even for them, the changes that have occurred are not critical, not fatal, that is, we will still have the dollar exchange rate , as before, these will not be numbers taken out of thin air or some... but this is exactly how we are used to, this is the balance of demand between sellers and buyers of currency, because externally our country continues to conduct economic activity quite successfully, well, actually we follow the development of events without panic, calmly analyzing information and making informed decisions, thank you,
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thank you for inviting me, you can find all episodes of the easy money podcast on the channel one website. hello, are you looking precious history, my name is ekaterina varkan, today we decided to talk about gogal nikolai vasilyevich and i invited the wonderful russian writer vladislav otroshenko for such a serious interview.
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he is during one of the performances, he comes out of the stage, plays an eighty-year-old man , he plays, so everyone gasped, it’s just that the parents were there, the governor was there, well, a lot of officials watched this performance, everyone’s jaw just dropped because this boy came out, he grunted and coughed like an old man, and after that
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he friends nicknamed the schoolchildren mysterious karla later, when he found himself traveling around europe, he had this trick, he boasted, by the way, that means he told aksakkov about this, that he didn’t show his passport to anyone anywhere in europe. we have a unique opportunity to look at the drawings of vasily dmirich polenov, which are magnificent, which means that this is just a kind of context for gogol’s travels across europe, everything is very similar to the paintings, which were kindly provided to us by the polenovo nature reserve museum, then he would have been there in venice. yes, that means, how interesting, here gogol is traveling with friends, he’s good there, so they say, the police say, bring your passports, gentlemen, yes, and nikolai vasilyevich starts rummaging through some bags, suitcases, all the business, but they don’t let the people go further, and
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pogodin tells him there , well, nikolai vasilyevich, what are you talking about, you have it, you know that you have a passport.


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