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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 26, 2024 1:30am-2:16am MSK

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i can say that wedge sneakers are outdated, but on the other hand, you look at the catwalk and there seem to be wedges there , and sandal wedges seem to be fashionable, but here in general there is such a set of characteristics when you look at things, they it really seems like it’s from 2010, so if you have this feeling, it means you can definitely get rid of the thing, but it seems to me that today everything is so mixed up that absolutely everything is trendy, the main thing is how deliciously you assemble this construction set from - from togo, what they offer you, i remembered what else makes any completely irrelevant shoes, shoes, sandals, boots, ankle boots and so on, this is a cone-shaped heel, cone-shaped, yes, that is, it is wider at the top and gradually tapering towards the bottom, this is straight the story has a little bit of a retro feel to it, but most often i would say straight out that in 90% of cases it looks out of date, and 10% is when it’s possible somehow with the help of designers that’s the whole point. and what heel are we choosing today?
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choose either wide, stable, or in general, we choose with a platform, you can, under the toe part, you can, but if then there is a wide stable heel, a toe platform and a thin stiletto version - this is not relevant, a wide platform heel yes, just a wide heel, yes, just a platform, yes, a stiletto heel, of course, classics are always relevant, well , plus now kitton hill heels are back in trends, neat, small in the shape of a glass, they also work very well, and heels that are in the form of... a brand logo or in the form of some kind of, i don’t know, figure, this is it still relevant at all? well , these are some complex fantasy options, they are generally in trends, it seems to me, every season, because something so unusual makes our everyday shoes a little more impressive, it can be in the form of a ball, or rather the heel can be in in the form of a ball, maybe in the form of a logo, maybe in the form of some kind of abstraction, maybe in the form of some kind of flower, maybe in the form of a bow, which is also relevant today, of course it looks cool, original and... i i allow you
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to wear this, what is trending and what has already become classic? let's look into a shoe wardrobe together with designer alexander serodikyan and stylist lena chervova. many people, like me, remember you from the fashion police, you had a trio that made noise in its time, well , firstly, you were the most stylish at any event wherever you came, and secondly, you criticized everyone and gave an assessment, and it seemed that... your opinion is really authoritative in terms of fashion, but i was surprised that you ended up choosing such a narrow direction, namely the production of shoes, why so about fresh art, it was so long ago, but it was very fun, very educational, and i think that everything had its time, and...
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look, the stars don’t have enough stylists, what if fresh art got together again today and if you needed to criticize, who would you get? and many? well, i’m not asking you to name names, let’s talk about trends, i think many people can’t be a victim of trends, not everyone needs that treasured bag they’re running after, that is, if a fashion blogger has it, that means they’ve bought that bag into your wardrobe, a person will consider himself fashionable too, why do you need it?
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about couture dresses, because they are still a work of art, yes, but well, but an ordinary denim jacket cannot cost several thousand dollars, or , in no case, can an ordinary leather bag cost? it’s especially funny when on public transport you see a person with this bag, who proudly carries it, i understand that it’s like i don’t know why, and you also see a lot of bags on public transport that are just fakes yes lena, how do you feel about fake brands? and do you see when people think it’s real and when it’s fake? i'm really against fakes, because when you put on fake shoes, take fake bags, put on fake brands, this is a story about appearing, not being, inside a person, when he buys a fake, he still knows that this thing is not real, this feeling, you know, there is such a wonderful
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meme or video that goes around on social networks, when there is a person looking at the street, it’s raining outside, you can immediately see who bought fake, who bought the real one. the owner closes a real bag with an expensive bag so that it doesn’t get wet, but with a fake one, on the contrary, he covers himself from the rain, and this is really about self-awareness , about self-esteem, in general, i’m against fakes, i’m against trying to powder someone’s eyes , that i earn a lot, i can afford it, if you really earn a lot, okay, if not, buy through, live through, very cool, why, if someone, for example, wants somehow. rise to social elevator, and he needs, say, to get some prestigious job, and he wants to demonstrate that he also earned good money at his previous job and could afford it, in these cases, if we buy fakes, because we are deceiving, it means either we didn’t work well, we weren’t paid, or
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we spent this money somewhere, well, in general, the point is not that if we really want to give the impression of a person who earns money, this can be done either selectively, for example, take some one a small detail, say shoes. a good, high-quality, expensive brand, that’s all, with the help of these little shoes alone, the whole image will be read quite good, expensive, make the right impression, but when we put on a fake, a knowledgeable person will always think, he will always see what it is, well , something is wrong, well, you yourself will feel, of course, of course, when we first encountered counterfeits, that is, the shoes were ours so...
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in our account we traveled in different countries, in different cities, in places of worship city, and lisa and i ended up in istanbul and we arrived at the gran bazaar, i put our shoes, photographing them, which means from different sides, we are talking in russian, then a passing seller, having heard russian speech, said that the most unpopular color is ours . much more, it’s interesting, here i just didn’t really understand, that is, he was selling shoes without even realizing that i was the creator of the shoes, and i was photographing the original shoes against the backdrop of the grand bazaar, well, you came in, looked, of course, took pictures, didn’t expose anything, didn’t tell him anything, but i
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showed the most popular colors, a lot of now inspired silhouettes, and this is actually very cool, because the mass market as a whole is now built by the fact that it... recycles, rethinks itself, produces those models that look like expensive luxury ones, but they are without this one is inspired by big fashion houses and branding, without logomania, they are not fakes, they are not fakes, but they also help us create stylish cool images, i have nothing against the mass market, the main thing is that they follow all the rules the design of the shoe so that it does not spoil the foot of the person who is wearing it is a matter of taste. do it, buy it, i’m for the idea, if some beautiful little thing appears in the mass market and i like the idea, then i ’ll definitely have it, i don’t like logos on myself, it’s not the logo that should promote your
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design, after all design, but as a buyer it always captivates me when the brand doesn’t catch my eye on the clothes, because now i was trying to pick up a pair of... dark glasses, i somehow wanted update my collection, and i couldn’t, just being in paris, i couldn’t choose anything, because everywhere, i don’t know at what point i missed this fashion, but gigantic... like on both sides, i would , by the way, changed the legislation in this regard and would oblige, for example, brands, if they produce things with large logos, so that they pay the buyer for placing their advertising on his clothes, and not the buyer pays them, but then the question also seems to be a person, as if who is buying it, is being bought by a person who, as it were, wants to be part of this luxury brand of the world, probably, but either he buys clothes in order to, as it were... wear them to live in, and logomania is generally movieton or is it still acceptable
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today, depending on the request, depending on what you want to show with your image, because when we, in principle, work with our own style, work with our own image, it is important to dress not just fashionably trendy, but i heard that ballet shoes are fashionable, that ballet shoes are a trend, that means i 100% need, no, it’s important to think about what i want to say in my own way, because clothes speak for us, while we are silent, with clothes we help. or, on the contrary, we don’t help, so, if the task is to attract attention, to show, let’s say, that you earn a lot, yes, because logos are usually used by such luxury brands, when you want to somehow stand out, perhaps from your environment, this can be used, but here it is important to maintain a balance, because superlogomania, when you have here, and here, and here, and in general, everything is written like this, on the contrary, it looks tasteless, you know, this is the story, i got money, here...
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use it so that it is hidden somewhere, something like that, or use it delicately, here is one small logo on...
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there is an opinion that it is acceptable if you want to invest in some expensive thing , then let it not be clothes, but shoes, accessories, a bag, this is really so, that is, it is better to make some kind of investment in shoes, then the rest of the image can be from the mass market, and expensive shoes - this will always make your image more expensive, 100 %, this is how it works, yes, that is, if there is a choice, if choice. is not needed, and you can buy yourself both expensive shoes and expensive clothes, of course, what to choose, but when you need to choose and really think about what to invest in, i would recommend investing in shoes, well, including bags, because that this is a small element of the wardrobe that can complement our clothes, our image is complemented, especially since we all live in the modern world and change clothes quite often, well, rarely do any of us wear the same thing 24x7, 30 days a month, that’s all as well as somehow the images change, so shoes still change less often, well... objectively, if you look at your wardrobe, any woman, and even men, always, most often, have fewer shoes than clothes,
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respectively, shoes, they are more precise, they should be more versatile, it should fit into many sets, so of course, if you need to choose, i recommend doing it with shoes, plus m, shoes are more expensive, of higher quality, they wear more, better, longer, and accordingly can help you stay for a long time in stylish, cool fashionable, buying shoes today in... the fourth year, here's what you should pay attention to, it should be, say, a pointed toe, a blunt toe, a thick heel, a thin stiletto heel, what is the best thing to invest in today, the best investment is in education, i'm with you in general , i won’t even argue about this, you know, as khromchenko said, a smart girl can always become a beauty, a beauty will not always be smart, which means shoes are a 100% investment, but here it’s important to approach... wisely, because if we invest into some short-term supertrend, which is there through
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a couple of seasons will pass, and you will look at these beautiful shoes, which are absolutely not always beautiful, by the way, and not always comfortable, by the way, well, i just fell for the trend and bought it, then of course it’s important to approach it wisely, if in general there is a choice about, now i want to invest some slightly larger amount than i usually spend in shoes, what should i buy, i would recommend starting with the base, well, these are some kind of pumps, these are some... . sneakers, these are some kind of basic boots or boots, if we are talking about more. cold season, this is something that will not become an anti-trend, and this is something that can be worn often and will be combined with many looks. i would like to talk about how you feel about agli fashion, crocs, tabi, is this also considered a good investment, or should you give it up because these are fleeting trends? i am the owner of tabi, i will now defend them, because in fact they are very unique shoes that naturally attract attention, and these are shoes that are not absolutely everyone should wear it, it is important
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to wear it for those who are ready to attract attention, who are ready to withstand it, who in general.
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but i like them on others, i don’t feel them on myself, if the aesthetics of the brand really resonates with you, if you like the way it looks on you, if you put on these shoes and enjoy the way you look, it’s 100% worth taking , if this seems strange to you, then i would not recommend trying this trend, so it is very difficult to say that this is a short-term or long-term trend, well because that he is indeed with us more than once seasonally, as for crocs, well, this is kind of a specific story, after all, this is first and foremost... shoes are not for the city, but for some kind of recreation, and if we are talking about the countryside wardrobe, then why not, it can be easy, if we are talking about urban looks, then it is quite difficult to create such a strong, fashionable look with them, but i am sure that only a few will succeed. it also seems to me, len, that there is a moment when shoes like this unusual one become
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a kind of litmus test for a person’s style, because if, let’s say, a girl doesn’t need to revise her wardrobe, or is it not as scary as it seems to me, well, in fact, i’m generally in favor of not being hostage to one style, and we everyone, especially women, are very flighty, i would say, well, today we have one mood, tomorrow we have another, today i’m dear, very gentle, and tomorrow i want to hit the table with my fist and declare
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that i’m kind of what i’m saying here is that in the evening you put together one wardrobe. in the morning you wake up and you think, what kind of nonsense is this, no, i ’m not ready for that, and that’s normal, well, because we all have different states, different moods, and if clothes don’t help, then we experience dissonance, but here’s the story , can you imagine, a girl wakes up in the morning and yes, she feels so straight, i’m ready to move mountains here, i’m ready to win, and in her wardrobe there are only frills, she puts on this cute dress, which makes her such an infantile little girl, she just feels not so and she is not perceived so, yes, she wants... to do this , she looks at her, but what are you doing here, and what i mean is that it is important that in our wardrobe there are different types of looks for our different conditions, and accordingly, if we want to try something new, that’s normal, it happens that our condition, our needs change throughout life, today i want to be a very exemplary
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mother, and in a year i want to be and give the impression of a leader there, does this mean that i can't. relied on someone else's opinion, but they themselves cannot make a decision, sometimes the word of an authority, a stylist, a girlfriend, a husband can really play a role here, at some point she can
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really open up and feel it, but if this feeling is not there, this feeling of pleasure that you are approaching the mirror in this very dress or in this very pair of shoes and you think, damn, what a beauty, then i would remove such things from my wardrobe and replace them with those that would create this feeling, i never buy. thing in case i doubt that i need it, but if in the morning i woke up and realized that i was thinking about it again, then yes, i need it, because it happens that, yes, oh, it’s cool, they sat down nicely, let’s do it in all colors , and then these colors, they just lie in boxes and are waiting to be released somewhere, for some kind of shooting or, well, that is, before buying, it’s better to pause, you liked the thing, if there is such an opportunity, then it’s better to do it pause. if you have a plane in 3 hours, of course you have to take it, these are the most impulsive purchases, then yes, you do you think in what condition i bought them, yes, well , you know, we have such a job that sometimes
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these things that you look at and think, they are relevant, they are needed, yes, suddenly after 10 years you you think , oh, these crazy shoes, which i, in some kind of madness, as you say, bought an hour before the plane, they are just perfect today for this dress code for this very party or event, yes, they are waiting in the wings and this will definitely be used in some kind of photo shoot, will be worn for some artist, it’s not a fact that the shoes will end up on their feet, they can be on the shoulders, on the head, on the table, anywhere. what were your craziest purchases? for example, i bought some kind of headdress from me on the island of bali, someone from the royal family of past centuries, some kind of crazy structure, why did you decide that i need it, you never know how it will be useful, it’s still at home i have this strange structure for... random things still don’t happen, if i need something, it means at that moment i because of this, i enjoy it, i definitely need it, but for a while, then it may seem to be irrelevant, how do you
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generally feel about the fact that now the whole world has changed its shoes to sneakers, i remember those times when stilettos could be considered everyday shoes, but today we often combine sneakers even with evening dresses, with evening outfits, i understand that sneakers are not only comfortable? this is still very trendy, i don’t know how long this trend will last, because ugh, ugh, at some point they were also at everyone, and even at social events people managed to come in ugs, you can probably tell our viewers how to choose the right shoes so that they are comfortable, because there are there are all sorts of life hacks, for example, that you shouldn’t choose shoes in the evening because your feet swell, i don’t believe in these life hacks, or for example... it’s probably wrong to try on nylon tights, probably shoes, because without them they can be uncomfortable , it seems to me that you need to measure what you will wear, if you buy slippers, you don’t try them on with
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socks, the same story with shoes, you don’t wear them with socks or tights, that is, you need to put them on your feet, but another question is shoes, especially with heels, and that’s this is always very difficult, we have a lot of lasts, that is, for example, we produced a shoe, it... went into circulation, during the circulation everything was ok, then it’s like, but it’s not like everyone has 1/39 size the same, yes, everyone’s legs are different, somewhere someone had something, in case someone had more of this somewhere five, then i understand that, apparently, it is possible to refine, complete and improve, change something, but do you think about how many seasons an item will live in the buyer’s wardrobe, no matter how classic a pair of shoes is? it still has a time stamp of when it was produced. to summarize, i would like to wish you to find your ideal pair,
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not only in your personal life, but in your shoe wardrobe; more about fashion trends in other issues are not available on the first website. this podcast is a must read, i’m glana batnikova, my guest today is dmitry danilov, writer, poet, playwright. hello, hello, we are discussing daniil kharms, the founder of the absurd genre, an amazing author, this is a portrait of daniil kharms, painted by alisa ivanovna porett, with whom... he was friends, it seems to me, very expressive, yes, dmitry, how did it happen that kharms was all life worked at the table, only his children's were published.
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just chances, well, well, maybe if he had been a luckier person in life, maybe he would have succeeded somehow, you think he’s unlucky, but it seems to me that history saving his manuscript, it is absolutely fantastic, he is very lucky, posthumously, in life, lucky posthumously, yes, during his life he had a very difficult fate, which is why he initially had practically no chance to publish under soviet censorship. their texts, so here the reasons are on the surface, there ’s nothing, there’s nothing special about it, it’s just that some authors, for example, such as - these are the authors close to kharms, such as vagenov or dobyden, even in the conditions of this censorship of the thirties they are like well, there was a little censorship i was a little blind in places and missed something , so for example, they managed to publish almost everything written, but by chance,
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by chance, an oversight occurred? kharms’s apartment, and it was the blockade of leningrad and druskin could barely walk from exhaustion, they were both, they were both starving, they could barely move, they came to kharms’ apartment, which was already bombed, by the way, the apartment was open, yes, and there there was a suitcase with these manuscripts, and by some miracle it survived, that is, they did not burn it there in the heating oven, they took it to to druskin's home, and druzkin for many years.
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in himself as an author, because it often happens that a person writes and without outside assessment, he doubts what he wrote, whether it is good or bad, but with kharms it seemed to me that there were no such doubts, no, kharums had absolutely no such doubts, he knew his own worth very well, here’s the thing,
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on the one hand, kharums really didn’t...
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as far as i remember about the stables and messes, he said at another performance he had a performance. in some kind of institute, then at a technical school, in some educational institution in front of students, and there people from the audience started giving him some remarks, shouting something, and he said that i
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don’t perform in messy situations, well, that is, he had performances, there were, but somehow the publications didn’t work out at all, now it’s difficult to judge how worried he really was,
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there was no reaction, so i wrote like this for several years, just really on the table, and beyond the circle of my few friends, this is didn’t leave, but that’s in general, but this circle of friends supported me in the same way kind of supported, supported, yes
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supported, and these were very understanding friends, so their assessment would be important to me, but still this is, by and large, writing on the table, that’s why i know this situation, moreover, when i already... i then spent several years in this situation in general, and i somehow left literature studies for several years, and then there, when i was already over 30, already at the very beginning of the 2000s , i again made a second attempt and also it didn’t take long for me to start making some publications, too, well, you know a little i had to hit my head against this wall, well, the man from podolsk probably became the milestone after which this changed. the first milestone was a novel, a horizontal writer's destiny, right, probably, after all , a position that was included in the short list of the big book award, that's when i got some kind of initial fame, well , the play is a man from podolsk, my position
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has greatly improved, let's say, that’s why i imagine myself in the position of an author writing on the table, well , i can imagine, i just had it, of course, i don’t want to compare myself with kharms, it’s somehow in general, it’s both unethical and bad, that’s it. but i understand that this, well, for me it was a rather unpleasant experience, some kind of response is important, feedback is important, and some kind of audience, audience, after all, for me it is, well, i fully admit that there are such giants spirits for whom this is not important, yes, for whom it is important to simply work, there are probably such authors, and i can bow before such an attitude, so, but for me, after all... it was important, and what is a play about a person from podolsk, how did you get inspired for this story? first of all, at i was like that, i had such a desire to write a play, well, i just wanted some variety, and some new
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literary territory to explore, so i accidentally saw a news report about how some person was detained by the police in our russia, and he was subjected to some strange interrogation by the police, he later told reporters that... he was asked some completely wild questions, he still didn’t understand what it was, i somehow immediately latched on to it , i thought that this could be the plot of a play, it took me a long time to come up with this play, literally, you know,
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it means absolutely nothing, it’s an accident, i just could so easily be a person from khimki, from krasnogorsk, from lyubertsy, well, a person from mytishchi is already present there, it doesn’t mean anything, that is, there’s no symbolic here there is no significance in this, i just know podolsk well enough, i lived there near podolsk at one time and visited there often, that is, you yourself are a person with a longer life, well, i myself am from moscow, i was actually born and raised in the center of moscow, the garden ring , here. but i've been there for a while in general, i
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have some connection to podolsk, i know this city quite well, so it’s just natural, it’s important for a writer to write about what he knows, of course, yes, yes, you can recognize this image of a policewoman, she’s very... she is sometimes gentle, she kindly addresses the characters, she seems to soften all the conflicts, but at the same time, in my opinion, she is the most terrible person in this play, and frankly speaking, an icy horror fills her. she just talked to me, i talked to her like that, well, i told her about my people there
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plans, she told me that there was clearly a lack of a female character, i then came up with this woman policeman, but i didn’t have any prototype, it’s just a huge success from my head, well, i also like this image, but how it is, how it’s executed in the film adaptation, you like it, you like it, of course, victoria isaakova played perfectly, wonderfully , she really fits the type incredibly... yes, wonderful, yes, in terms of type, just perfect, and she managed to convey this demonic quality , and at the same time this cat-like softness, specific, this is a wonderful role, i think it's simple. this podcast is a must read, i am glaya nabatnikova. today we are discussing daniil kharms and his creative heritage with dmitry danilov, writer, poet, playwright. dmitry, and you consider boor with yours.
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some kind of communication in life, some kind of contact, well, somehow i don’t really imagine a teacher who passed away several decades before my birth, i probably wouldn’t call him a teacher, but an inspiration, that’s for sure, this is one of the few authors who inspired me to start writing, yes, well, i can’t say that i’m continuing some kind of tradition, i probably wouldn’t do it that way, but i find it like... some kind of nickname in the fact that in your play
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there’s a man from podolsk , something tragic and terrible, but seems funny, kharms also amazingly combines humor with tragedy at the same time, in this sense he is completely unique and inimitable, that through his work we feel both the tragedy of existence and its funniness at the same time. absolutely unique and at the same time aggravated by a tragic worldview, this is the combination these very strong features, it led to this amazing literature of his, in this sense, in principle, i hope that well , if you say that in my texts, too
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, this is the effect of a combination of funny and tragic, but if this is there, i’m glad , that ’s it, but you know, i think that - many authors strive for this effect, it’s a very strong effect when it’s combined, but it’s probably impossible to achieve, but how does kharms achieve it, do you think, with the help of some- then philological techniques, some verbal machine, yes, because in general they are oboriuts, how do they differ, what is the peculiarity of this direction, that is, what manifestos did they have, yes, what were they based on...
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the unification of real, the unification of real art, yes, they started with this, you know , channels of the futuristic, futurism, zaum, kharms and vedensky have quite a lot, here are their early texts, they are somewhere in the mainstream of zaomi, that is, this is a break in semantics, this is onomatopoeia, meaningless letter combinations, the accumulation of all this creates a certain one.
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in all of the genius of everything, there must be some kind of miracle, something that you think, you are in a kind of stupor, he really is kharms, he is wonderful, probably for his time too, wonderful in no time, but it's hard to imagine these...


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