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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 26, 2024 2:15am-3:01am MSK

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for its time the text, and not only for its own, yes, it seems to me that now it also looks quite unusual, in fact, no matter how many times i reread kharms, although i have been reading him all my life, this is, in general, not such a large corpus of his prose works , but you can re-read them endlessly and dive even into these short stories, just like in some kind of immersion, but here is a completely otherworldly space that is formed in a completely unexpected way, and you can’t even understand how it is... uh-huh, that’s it what do you say yes, you can’t understand how this is done, it seems to me that this is generally a property of any real art, everything ingenious, everything , yes, everything ingenious, there must be some kind of miracle, something that you , you, you, you think, you, you in a certain stupor, you really find kharms, he is wonderful, probably, and also timelessly wonderful for his time, but it’s hard to imagine these...
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from the first places, and most of those who traveled to the factories along the canals, they are in oblivion , so it happened, yes, well, harms, he was probably confident that he was doing something significant, yes, since we are talking about the fact that he was not worried about the fact that there was no publication, well, of course, he was confident in his significance, i have no doubt about it, i can’t imagine kharms, who doubts...
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straight forward, he walked straight forward, he went the whole long way on foot, he walked forward, he looked, didn’t sleep, didn’t drink, didn’t drink, didn’t sleep, didn’t sleep, didn’t drink , did not eat, then one day a man with a club and a bag on a long journey at dawn he entered a dark forest, from that time, from of that time, from that time he disappeared, disappeared, and if, well, if somehow you happen to meet him, you, then quickly, then quickly, quickly, tell us, terrible, terrible, yes, this is a children’s poem, it’s mystical , it, yes, it is mystical, and in some paradoxical way it reflects the spirit of the times, but it was written in those years when people disappeared somewhere, yes, it was published as a children’s book, and in general , children’s books are absolutely chilling , here she has glassworks, i don’t remember it by heart at all, it’s called about how dad shot me a kharkov. such a name
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, the name itself is already intriguing, but it’s absolutely scary, just as far as i understand, his children’s poems were in the general flow and marshak placed him in these magazines, drew attention to him precisely as a children’s poet, thank you, and a big thank you to him , after all, kharmsu gave him a way to live, and he made money from it, and what’s more. it is a well-known fact that he really did not like children, while he was an outstanding children's writer, and children adored him, there is evidence of how kharms, he is a well-known children's poet, he periodically performed in front of children's audiences, went to pioneer camps, it's also easy to perform to earn money, eyewitnesses tell how kharms performed somewhere near leningrad in some kind of children's camp or something, that's where children, they ’re just...
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in principle, it’s like that, i didn’t read about it specifically, but it’s very much with his image and lifestyle, it’s very, well, it’s impossible to imagine kharms as a father, why, i don’t know why, maybe because he himself was a child felt like - well, there was something in him, well in any case, he had a very unusual view of the world, of course, some kind of vulnerable, but not vulnerable, sensitive, but at the same time there is a lot of sadism in his works, he always has someone
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killing someone , there's pakin and rakukin, there's makarov and peterson, oknonov is killing kozlov, there, oh, we tore off your leg there, well, you're a brother. don't be afraid, we'll strangle you now. yes, he has this sadistic motive very strong, but on the surface lies the fact that this, of course, is a reaction to the cruelty of the world around him. this the podcast is a must read. i'm glayana batnikova. today we are discussing daniil kharms and his creative heritage with dmitry danilov, a writer, poet and playwright. why does kharems mock russian writers? he's an auto
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well, it seems to me that kharms is most likely dostoevsky's man and probably belongs to dostoevsky's camp, it's hard to choose either, of course, of course, kharms was absolutely far from any kind of narcotism, which was very typical of tolstoy, yes, for kharms it was literally disgusting, he is i hated it, that’s why it was important for kharms to see these authors as cults, that they teach us goodness, they teach us morality, he wanted to somehow turn this picture around, yes.
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let's dmitry discuss kharms's personal life,
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he was loved by women, yes, despite his very difficult life, tragic death, and in a prison mental hospital. but we still understand that he was probably happy with women and his personal life was quite varied, yes, he, as far as i know, he... was, i don’t think he could have been happy in general, as a person, you think he’s
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a tragic figure, yes, he’s an absolutely tragic figure, to say that let’s say harns was happy in his marriage, it’s hard to even wrap his head around it, you know, well, well, but his wife marina mallich, she wrote memoirs, in these memoirs, kharems appears as an unfaithful husband and...
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that kharms’s father was very inclined to moralizing, to teaching norms, he wrote religious treatises, he really was a narodnaya volya member, and then , while serving his sentence, he repented of it there was a change of mind, and he became an ultra-dox orthodox philosopher , and he was just inclined to teach, to such things that you have to live somehow, here they are.
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his everyday disorder is unpleasant, as much as i think that even my father was not so much concerned about his incomprehensibility, incomprehensibility and inconsistency with such stupid moral principles, like these, that’s why these are his words, that as long as you are harms, you will be... .
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and the light goes out in the sky, the birds are already flying in dreams, and the janitor with a black mustache is standing. all night under the gate, and scratching the back of his head with dirty hands under his dirty hat, a cheerful cry, the stamping of feet and the clinking of bottles can be heard in the windows, the moon and the sun turned pale, the constellations changed their shape, the movement became viscous and time became like sand, and the janitor with a black mustache stands again under the gate. and scratches the back of his head with dirty hands under his dirty hat; a cheerful scream, the stamping
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of feet, and the clink of bottles can be heard in the windows. amazing, dmitry, thank you very much for the conversation, this was a must-read podcast, my guest was the writer, poet and playwright, dmitry danilov, we discussed danil kharms and his creative heritage. hello, this is the substance deception podcast with you olesya nosova, editor-in-chief. komsomol pravda and with me the famous endocrinologist zukhra sharipovna pavlova. we decided to talk about a hype topic: do we need doctors, doctors, doctors, when there is an excellent search engine, when there is artificial intelligence, and so on. here is zukhra sharipovna, from above, so to speak, the internet? what can you say on this topic? for now, it won’t
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be possible to manage without a doctor, although some things are being resolved. there is less need to do this in hospitals, this artificial intellectual history does an excellent job of this, but as for making a diagnosis, collecting an anamnesis, asking for an examination, this is the doctor. well, i’ll give an example, again to this thesis, that people most often search on the internet, uh, information about headaches, stomach pain. cough, fever, fatigue, weight change, skin change, and so on and so forth, to be honest, these symptoms seem to me to be suitable for almost all e diseases, except for uh, water in the knees, but what was there, but in this wonderful work, well , a headache, when i ask a person,
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do you have a headache, i’ll ask where it hurts, how often does it hurt, when it appeared for the first time, it... tinnitus, do your eyes hurt, what did you eat before, did you sleep well, well, that is, everything, that is , the artificial intelligence will not ask this, and the patient will not ask this question artificial intelligence, so this extraction of information is a medical consequence. medical investigation, like cards in a puzzle, they put together the whole picture, and even after carefully questioning and examining everything about the person, you still won’t treat him, unless it’s a vital situation, right now, and not some kind of appendicitis or something else, bleeding, then you definitely send the person for examination, and
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you know what he needs to get tested and what he doesn’t need, if you just score, let’s say... stomach, pain in the stomach, yes, well -this artificial intelligence will give out there, and if you describe the symptoms or suppose a lump in the throat, but patients often come with this symptom, a lump in the throat, they entered this symptom into a search engine, after some time they were given the probability that they have hypothyroidism, hypothyroidism is a disease in which the condition , in which the synthesis of thyroid hormones and the production of thyroid hormones decreases, hypothyroidism develops, from the word hypolow. stomach, head, weakness, well, i don’t think there’s a cough there, maybe, maybe, there might be one, there ’s a sore throat, which seems to be cough, and so on, you get such a compote, someone, you know, people
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are built differently, someone quickly cut off everything that was interesting to him, what seemed to him, that’s it, he left it, everything else, well how... because of all the possible diagnoses, including, by the way , appendicitis, if there is abdominal pain, he chose hypothyroidism for himself, yes, maybe that’s the case , but the stomach, abdominal pain, hypothyroidism is very often accompanied by constipation, constipation syndrome, when it’s all like this, then the stomach can hurt, so here you go, this is the logic, it’s still is built by a human head, and an experienced head at that, there is also knowledge , experience, many patients in the past, this picture is emerging, so on the one hand it’s good for the doctor, he gets a lot of thesis and extracts, he grows professionally faster, and for the patient, this is a dump where he can
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find something useful in a huge pile, but everything else can be harmful, so understand whether he took it? he needs to see if he went in some wrong direction, and god forbid, in the same place they can give you treatment, and you can buy some drugs available from us, some by prescription, so self-medication begins, well, yes, this is actually a real problem, when everyone, as we found out, has a headache, a stomach ache and so on and so on, it’s the same with a neighbor, with a girlfriend, and so on, and they share pills, by the way, the older generation does this all the time.
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you ask questions, you understand that there is nothing related to hypothyroidism, but the person has such an emotional state, increased anxiety, there is downright anxious syndrome, this is this sensation, it is not associated with an increase in volume. thyroid gland, or sometimes there is a nodule that, well, on something important, there, let’s say, puts pressure, this feeling arises, this is an absolutely neurological situation, sometimes you can help yourself in this situation, when you are really sure that everything it’s connected precisely with this, sometimes you send a person to a neurologist and there, in fact , an appropriate diagnosis is made, the appropriate treatment is prescribed, and the situation ends. that's why, no matter how it is it seemed simple, it is sometimes much more complex and interesting, and not only that, when the doctor looks at the patient, examines him, he can find
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something else that doesn’t hurt at all, at all, it’s more dangerous than the lump he came with, it happens that you start asking a person, and he is so suspicious that he immediately starts to hurt here, so what do you ask him about, about this and how to deal with it? when you see that a person is so thoughtful, you immediately explain to him that this is not at all what you thought, because there would be this, this, this and this, but there is nothing of this, so forget and don’t even think anymore, at the same moment the same people say: doctor, what should i wait for, right now , and what will happen next? i never program such patients, i always say, don’t expect anything, only good things, it will be like this, like this, for some period , a little bit about this, pay attention, here about this. pay attention to the phone, if something happens, write, don’t be afraid of anything, sometimes this phone is just like a lifeline, that’s all, a person knows that if anything, he has this opportunity, and he
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calms down, that’s why any doctor, he’s also a little bit of a psychologist, zukhra, please tell me, what do you think, are there such areas of medicine, that’s where artificial intelligence is 100%, that works better than a human , of course, well, science, medical science, statistics, everything will be considered much better there, moreover, people involved in science have this peculiarity, when they believe in something, they really want the statistics to turn out in the right direction, and artificial intelligence is irreplaceable because he doesn’t have such and some kind of emotional attachments, he will consider that there is probably also the production of medicines, and that too... he should help here, well, he collects some options, well, if there are salad recipes , artificial intelligence can collect, then why can’t it offer
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some options, now the big problem with antibiotics is that antibiotics stop working, bacteria are protected, and the current popular antibiotics stop working, but there are a huge number of others antibiotics that we don’t know about yet, we haven’t identified them yet, and so on, but we still have them. means that, i think, i hope that they will still show themselves very, very well, well, monoclonal antibodies are already everywhere, but bacteriophages are not everywhere yet, on the one hand, they seem to have been experienced, but it seems to me that this is still quite an unrevealed story, so it is artificial intelligence, but it can help here, bacteriophages are microorganisms that feed on bacteria, they are viruses that destroy bacteria, that is, they are antibiotics, on the other hand, but not antibiotics, they also fight, this is a medicine that, well, they have a kind of viral nature that feeds, let's call it that, bacteria,
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our bacteria often harm us, when we use bacteriophages, we use these means, to defeat our enemies, absolutely, if in simple terms, then like this, well, yes, there are these examples when artificial intelligence determines... is able to become more effective than a doctor, well, for example, i had a dream, on such a huge space, a wall, a large
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big wall. angara, try to draw all the relationships of hormones with each other and so on. in the end, i realized that no wall would be enough, this must be a cosmic story, there are a million stars there, they are all interconnected with each other, and these connections are very difficult to trace, that is, useless, so artificial intelligence will most likely be able to hold all this information in your head and understand what affects what, how to prevent it, and so on, but the customer still has to...
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a vivid example is this winter it was when we were growing up that the consumer health authorities tried in every possible way to dissuade us from self-medicating during the flu and covid epidemic, because whether the flu, covid, or orv had exactly the same symptoms, you felt bad. you have a headache, you most likely feel nauseous, weakness, throat, nose, and so on and so forth, but they are treated in radically opposite ways, and if you treat the flu in the same way as covid, then there is no effect, in the opposite direction, moreover that symptomatic treatment is the same everywhere, tea with raspberries, drink more and lie wrapped up, in general here and there, there were people who wanted to
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hack. topic: let’s take drugs for both the flu and covid, and that means we’ll kill two birds with one stone, but this ultimately leads to a disastrous result, because it’s not even a matter of there being only one liver, there are some treatment regimens, they are antagonists, then yes, they can lead to a weakened body, in fact, to death, of course, so, i googled it myself, well, yes, you have snot, what ’s what? there is, after all, one more important component, which, unfortunately, is increasingly in our society, well, it somehow decreases, this is human communication, simashka said, if after communicating with a doctor a person does not feel better, the patient does not feel better, then this means that this is a bad doctor, the human factor is difficult
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to cancel. firstly, an explanation, there is, there is a small category of patients who say: doctor, don’t tell me anything, all this scares me, can i give a treatment regimen and i’ll go, yeah, most people ask, why is this, and why, here i have such and such a fat parameter here highlighted, here is where my uzologist wrote something, but could you explain it to me, and by explaining, you reduce the person’s level of anxiety, moreover, you explain in what timeframe for what... we must achieve how some will go away... then the symptoms, or vice versa, it is necessary to explain that at first there will be a deterioration, this also happens, and then everything will decline, when a person has received these explanations, it is clear to him, well, how such a road map would have been formed, he perceives this whole situation completely differently, well, in general he will calm down, this is already half the treatment, he he will understand that professionals have taken care of it, everything will be done in good hands, everything that is possible, if only, if only it would make him
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feel better, that’s it. in fact, there are a whole bunch of medical specializations that cannot be done without people at all, well, for example, nurses, this is important, nursing, of course, is in many places, we have robots that operate, but the operator is still a person, for now somehow it’s difficult to do without a person, it’s even difficult to imagine this situation for now, although in the future anything is possible, but in our century doctors are still required, right? well, probably, artificial intelligence is important where you need, relatively speaking, a sharp eye, when you need to look at pictures, well, some changes, i saw and i read a study where artificial intelligence surpassed diagnosticians, radiologists and made more accurate diagnoses, yes, but again, but no one was happy about this, apparently.
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let there be this duplicating function, yes, because a person is a person who may be tired, sick, he may have some kind of stressful situation, he may have something may miss. if i start treatment, i may have some kind of adverse reaction or , well, anything, they didn’t sell me the medicine there
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or gave me a replacement, and i don’t understand whether it’s the same thing or not, and i want to have access to a doctor, in order to write at least briefly and get an answer, on the other hand, someone abuses this, and the doctor too, again, this is a person who, when he comes home, also has to forget about work, switch off, relax in order to work fully tomorrow, therefore i give my patients a phone number, but even so, sometimes, here is one of these situations that will probably remain in my head forever, a wonderful patient, such a sincere lady who was embarrassed by me... and read that such and such side effects are most likely associated with
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such and such a medicine, she simply canceled it, and she had a complex therapy, in this complex it was impossible to take out some medications and leave others, then it was already necessary to cancel everything, so... against the background of this, such a resulting hormonal imbalance we got an unpleasant side effect the lack of a good result and the bad result we got was our youth, but they really, really help us in our work, because we don’t take advantage of opportunities so cleverly, and when i defended my doctorate, i had a very large list of literature - one of the opponents asked: are you really all have you read these articles? well, even smiling? i said: yes, but some are only abstracts, she said: why? i say: they are paid, now there are a lot of paid articles,
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you don’t have enough finances to buy all these articles, they don’t always cost, even somehow so accessible, so the guys help with the help of artificial intelligence, and... create a drawing so that it reflects the essence, but does not copy, yes, but i couldn’t do it myself, or they find articles, well, a little more , let's say, volume, when you can get more information and understand, because the abstract sometimes does not fully reflect the essence of the study or some very important details are hidden, therefore - in terms of intellectual and professional development, artificial intelligence is absolutely amazing. thing, we have never had such a volume of knowledge as we have now, because we are constantly, constantly, constantly improving our professional level, this saturation, say, by the fact that we can take
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the most, most valuable, you can use the world, in including experience, in general there is such a very interesting figure that plowed me, in order to be equal in erudition, let’s say, with one of the options for artificial intelligence, if you read one page of a book every minute some, then in order to be equal in number, you need to read around the clock for about 400 years, and the information there doubles every 2 years or for some time, but still, artificial intelligence is what it is, it’s a search average between.
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that antidepressants cannot be taken with certain dietary supplements, because they cause panic attacks and all sorts of severe symptoms, yes, yes, but this is nowhere. direct, so to speak, is not written, and in general - dietary supplements are considered frivolous things, they are generally people how they take vitamins, what is completely unacceptable and wrong, imagine a person, a serious doctor prescribed an antidepressant, and at the same time the person takes these vitamins, he begins to have the most terrible panic attacks, this means that the drug did not work well, no, this is just an addition this bada, here. therefore , there must be trust, and such
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communication, i sometimes establish communication when the situation is somehow special, i literally communicate with a person either every day, or once a week, because i i see that it can get out of control , it helps a lot, because a person, well, such a person is a rebus, and he will have manifestations that you do not expect, so you know for sure that something will happen, but you cannot predict . that it is precisely timely correction that solves such issues, but this is not very possible, because well, you are alone, and there are many patients, in this regard it is good when there are students, they need to gain experience, they are active, they are so eager for it all, that’s when you include them in this process, it works absolutely great, something else the thing is that patients begin to react, well , what am i doing here, some kind of experiment on me, in my opinion, on the contrary, it’s good, because i’m a student. they are corrosive, they are so
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very interested, especially medical students, well, in general, doctors come for a reason, these are people of a very special type, there is also such a very well-known story that if a person takes statins, these are drugs to reduce cholesterol in the blood, they are lifelong, as they say, they, that is, and these are drugs that are not in no case can they be cancelled, no amateur activities are allowed if the doctor has prescribed them. and if you drink it with less water,
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then it can, a large tablet is enough, if it gets somewhere in the esophagus, a terrible pain with burning begins there, uh-huh, a person calls and says: i have a burning sensation behind my sternum, an adult, it seems like it’s a heart attack, and you start asking questions about where there is at least... i barely swallowed this pill, what pill, what pill, yeah, sit down, please, make it smaller pressure, pulse and so on, drink more water, while we were talking, zhenya left, but this doesn’t always happen, again, you can’t always get through to the doctor, the doctor works a lot, and it’s not clear what to write in the search engine.
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and then she decided to improve, they should be taken exclusively on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, she decided to improve her story, she decided to wash them down with a protein shake, because there is always not enough protein in the body, and life and so on, she i also hacked the system, here it turned out to be absolutely true. a fiasco, because it is not absorbed, yes, there will be no effectiveness, the endocrinologist will increase the dosage because it does not work, high hormones that should have decreased. so the dose increases, the effect may already be negative from this dose, but the doctor cannot understand what is actually happening, or else, this is very often associated with people who work with a schedule: you got up, took a pill, then
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you have to wait half an hour, you may not be able to get to work on time, so everyone is trying somehow this is how this is to improve this uh huh. they think that if you combine them, then everything will be fine, unfortunately, no, therefore, if the doctor said strictly natasha, not combining them with anything, then you don’t even need any water with anything acidified or sweetened with anything , just water will be fine , yes, again, returning to the topic of our conversation today, this woman, well, would not have found the answer anywhere, not in any search engine and never, she would not have asked this question correctly to artificial intelligence either, so that to get the right answer, she doesn’t even know what to ask, but in this situation, everything seems to be correct, only the doctor, who will get to the bottom of it, who will conduct a survey, who will compare one and the other, maybe, well, in
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general, as i understand it, doctors will be safe for a long time, according to such and such life, they will be safe for now. off topic, they also say the same thing about journalists, nothing like that, a good journalist, a person who knows who to ask what question, who has information, who can do all this package it in such a way that it is read there, looked at, listened to there with enthusiasm, it will never in life be replaced by any artificial intelligence, well, yes... in this no, but here there, no, the point, the point is not in the soul, too there are a lot of inputs that need to be compared, yes, i wanted to say, there is no soul, but there is intelligence, it turns out, aquatic, it’s not about the soul, you know, that’s when digital photography came to our world, film
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photographers, they’re like they resisted, they said, there is nothing alive in this digital photography, it’s impossible, everyone’s is dead glassy look. eyes, this is terrible, what is it, it hasn’t even passed there, i don’t know how many 10-15 years, everyone just forgot, great, so it’s about the same thing, artificial intelligence, search engines and so on, these are wonderful assistants for the good doctor , who nevertheless knows how to work with a patient, how to help him, how to prescribe everything for him, then in the end write out a prescription ; legible, but i think everything will be fine, with addition some things, but i think that for now a person using artificial intelligence will be needed, maybe in the future, but for now it will be needed. zukhra, do you
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actually use search engines yourself in order to, of course, of course, well, it’s very difficult to do without it, because... even the same medicine has so many names that a patient comes and i ask him, what are you taking? he says: so-and-so, so-and-so, so-and-so, some drugs, i’m hearing for the first time, but i can’t ignore them, suddenly they are, well, as they say, not very compatible, i enter it into a search engine, the directory opens, and i look at the active principle, then i understand everything, please, there are situations when a person comes with some kind of tricky... some kind of disease ... or in general , well, just, well, i don’t know, he has some other kind of disease, i’d like to say it’s not in my specialty, i need to understand what it is, maybe i’ve never encountered this, i don’t know, some kind of syndrome, i ’ll forget i'll read it and take a look.


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