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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  June 26, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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dancers come from china and japan. takiysky ballet developed based on our school, but developed its own special style, while keeping the bar in classical ballet and modern choreography. some artists already have big names and are known. some artists are completely, let’s say, as i say, well, young, young, who come to the big theater for the first time and for them it is a huge event to perform here and receive a nomination, and that is this. in general, such, you know, a completely different age level, performance level, but i must say that this is all, it’s all very bright, it’s all very beautiful, immediately after the award there is a charity concert to support ballet veterans, and tomorrow there will be a performance by the laureates of past years, you will be able to immediately see the best talents of the bolshoi, mariinsky dancers , mikhailovsky and stanislavsky musical theatre. olga knyazeva, pavel alkhaletov, dmitry skvartsov, tatyana shilina and sergey nashchekin. channel one, that’s all,
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well, right now it’s the premiere, drama on both sides, second episode.
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varka and nazar are going to have a baby , she’s heavy, the women were chatting just now, and what, you went to listen to the women, and you don’t snap back, but talk about it, you did it, well done, you should take a closer look at olga, son, a good girl, faithful, about the housework , nimble, over there by our irka, the wind is in her head, then... he forgets
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to heat the stove, then his porridge burns, did you leave it on purpose, did you make a mistake about the wheel, the dogs are lying, and i saw that she doesn’t want to go, you can, well, tomorrow morning i’ll iron everything for you, and then i’ll go, the wheel is ready, i haven’t had time to do it yet, it’s spinning, so i’ll have to you have one more day to stay. where are you going to graze the collective farm horses in the night children, i’ll go and check so that they don’t mischief, then i’ll go to bed, good night, where are you going, on the sinus, and you go to bed here.
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you’re not sleeping, no, neither am i, ira is sleeping, but here i am, toiling. you'll drive away,
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wow, the stars are so huge! something is chilly, hug me!
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that's it, that's it, that's it, that's who it is, boy, boy, give it to me, give it to me, now, wait a minute.
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the road to the cheremis beyond the field, i made an agreement with them, let's go, egor!
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where is he, where did you take him, hush, honey, your boy died. how he died, and he was crying, i heard, he was just crying, it seemed to you, he had an umbilical cord wrapped around his throat, he died, it happens, oh, lord, lord, radkai, i brought a boy, he’s painfully frail, you
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said in the spring you’ll leave here, down on let's go to the big water, i'll go fishing, taira, take it to the house, and you're a hard worker, come on, maybe stop killing your goods like that? six months have already passed, they would have made another child with nazar long ago, i don’t want another, i can’t
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understand you, i can’t understand you, you’re married, you managed to become a mother, and no one can even match me, we played two weddings, in both of them there were brides from neighboring villages, and this is your bear who led the fashion to bring strangers, he’s not mine, is that all? otherwise i went, olya, why did you get up, but stay away, hello, lyub, hello!
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so that means you’ve been sitting at home all day, good evening, irka, why didn’t you go out into the field, you were waiting, you can’t carry it, who will work for you on the collective farm, and who at home? zakhar andreevich, that’s what i asked, it’s not up to you, you’re tired, yes, as little as you feel, you’ve been fighting all day, you kicked me, why should you sit at home, the women were indignant today, the most suffering, everyone will have posters in their final rest. they arranged for us to be overgrown with dirt, mish, you see, the tongue has grown up, so that tomorrow
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she will be mowing, come on, you olka and styopka will go to the forest to collect dead wood, there is some dry land, it’s uneven, it’s about to flare up, dad, she’s the first, and that before they gave birth directly in the field and nothing, i remembered, now it’s part of the soviet government, nothing. it’s not much work to collect dead wood, i’ll give you under the collective farm water, if you still mess around with what i can ask from others, that’s it, we’ve finished the meeting, don’t worry, i’ll handle it.
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i’ve become poor, let me help you, oh, olya, what are you doing, i’ve had a stomach ache in the morning, like a bad press, rest, i can handle it myself, oh, no need, it’s all gone. paul, step, i'm giving birth, like, oh, oh, go away, go away, listen, let's get on the cart, i
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'll get to the city in an instant, i can't, since kolya. well, i can’t, bring water, look, i’ll be there in a moment , i’ll be there in a moment, oh, ol, water, water, ol, oh, olya, olenka, olya, don’t die, olya, chase, olya, olenka, olya, do n’t die , olya, olya, olya, olya, ah!
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and accept, alive, alive! cut it halfway, do you have a knife?
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you're going to kill yourself, your son almost killed her, all the women will give birth, something like that, but you try it yourself, it’s weak, you’re also good, send her to the forest, you’ve already gone crazy with your collective farm, who knew, damn it, they decided to call me anton, very good, my grandfather was antonov, your great-grandfather, come on for my grandson, i need to tell her parents, let them come,
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if they can babysit, a new ermakov has been born. maryusha, give me a son, you have another son now.
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you're lying, tell me what you want, my heart is breaking, maybe we'll really make a baby with you, you'll have a little one, and the longing will calm down. nazar, i keep my word, you remember, why are you torturing me? “i’m a man, but whoever i tell will laugh, but you didn’t use your tongue, you didn’t talk too much, there’s no way for mishka
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to know that you gave birth to him in a hurry, but he won’t even know, he has his own, legitimate birth.” nazar, don’t think so, i see that you care, i treat you well, just wait, i can’t do it now, i’m waiting, var, you see, i’m not touching you, how long will you wait. no matter how much nazar, don’t you dare,
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why don’t you have anything, and the night is midnight, dad, go to the house, i’m coming now. what are you doing? but you yourself don’t see, i see, it’s a good boat, strong, you can take it for a ride, it’s too young to ride,
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it’s too small, i’m 16 already, 16. you’ll drive it away, okay, sit down, i’ll check for leaks, you’ll be pushing it, soot, what kind of sisteroon?
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get out, get out, i say. are you crazy, he’s your husband, you ’ll force me to marry him, so what? humble yourself, varya, humble yourself, because his patience will run out. it will be bad for everyone, i’m not a thing, mom, your truth, var, but the bear got married, he’s raising a child, well, why should you
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walk around in the empty world, nazar is in charge of household, and he’s a distinguished guy, but i’m trying, mom, he’s good, maybe i’ll really get used to it, i tell her, he’ll endure it, he’ll fall in love. mom, mom, what’s in my chest, is baking, father, egor, mom is bad, help, mom, mom, well, i love you more than life, you’ll still be mine, not a match for you, varka. how did it all turn out? but no one noticed us? yes, at least he noticed, don’t give a damn, i’m so happy, let’s lie down some more, it’s so sweet, get dressed! uneven,
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now someone will definitely notice us, why are we talking, it’s a miracle this brisk, behaved as if she had been there many times, and at the very first one, but because of love, you know, on the other bank, the one on the edge, well, i know, i ’ll be there tomorrow evening, come, it’s getting dark, it hurts, i can’t do it in the evening, i have a wife. when you come? i don’t know, come, i’m nazar, even if i’ll wait there all night.
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what's wrong with her, how was she sick? like a stake, he says, let's go, felcher, i, i can't help here, it's a heart attack, maybe a heart attack, let the doctor lie there, but it will go away, wait, maybe some medicine is needed, or to the area, to the hospital, i said don't touch, just rest. she will most likely die what's going on here, your mother is babbling, please go to the area, bring a doctor, go quickly, there's no point in driving, it's not in vain, maybe there is some remedy, maybe he can help her, or
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so on back, wait, where, but soon, as a child i had such a beautiful crib, the backs were carved. rubber wheels on legs, this is in leningrad, they don’t sell them here, well, yes, for some reason the parents haven’t been going for a long time, has something happened, and what could happen, come on, i don’t know, maybe they’re sick, let’s wait a little, what? in vain he’s on you,
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she went home, that’s enough kerazilzhevich, nazar the doctor should bring it, he’s not afraid, he’s in the dark, he’s not foolish enough to break, and the doctor, what’s the point, they’ll come in the morning, i’ll wait a little longer. back, back, back,
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ah! bura, come here, come, my dear, come here, well, kurshai, so, deniska, don’t steal from the dog, your mother feeds you, you thief, fried pig, deniska, and i ’ll get the kvarokhin now, you thief, fried pig, here is the wolf cub, the mother, well, like a mother, she sleeps, seems to breathe, herself. at least i slept, i’m worried, where is nazar, why is the doctor taking so long to get lucky, yes, i’m worried too, my whole heart goes straight i’m sick, barking, give me some water, oh, son, are you on foot, where is the horse, and what happened, it’s mother, nazar, and where is the doctor, why didn’t
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he bring him? the horse stumbled, fell down hard, couldn’t get it out, i was lucky, got into the bushes, then got out, well, why did you ride out at night and wait until the morning? i was bringing medicine, hold it, the doctor said one tablet a day for 40 days and not to get up, myta is alive, thank you, hold it, so now, where, mom, are you lying? well, what did you think, 40 days, and who will feed your father, and take care of the household, and what am i supposed to do? for two houses are you going to burst? it’s okay, i can handle it, run,
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let’s go with yegorusha to lay down the horse, maybe he’s still alive, no, we’ll cut the meat. how was she arrested, and why? it immediately says that they are alien elements,
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they are not to blame for anything, i believe you, you didn’t... know anything, but what should i have known, my parents never did anything bad to anyone, but the fact that they were from the nobility - is this a crime, they won’t arrest us in vain, it means something happened, you just didn’t delve into it, or they didn’t want to involve you, or maybe they were engaged in sabotage activity, when you moved to us, you don’t know for sure, tell me honestly, your parents didn’t like soviet power, you were evicted from the mansion, you moved to the urals, you had to work, why are you poisoning my soul? , what do you want from me, you should renounce them, otherwise
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they’ll come for you now, and then i ’ll be in trouble, and if you’re involved with an alien element from the party, you’ll probably get chased, renounce, write a paper? “i’ll send her to the district for all the cases, this won’t happen, they beat her up, yes, she broke her legs, she was already wheezing when it was found, it's a pity. he was a good horse, he ruined such a horse, you should rip out your legs yourself, but you try, don’t protest to me, you yourself know that
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you are to blame, now you will plow on your own hump. nazar, yes, you lie down on the bed today, and you, i’ll go to my mother and keep watch.
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come on, wait, come on, wash, i won’t let you in, let me in, but wait! well, why are you grabbing me, she’s the one running away, abandoning the child, let me go, let it not be better for everyone, come on, he’s a good loudmouth, let’s go to the house, to the house, let’s go, what if i left him completely i would leave, answer i know, she wants to eat, i won’t let you know, what kind of mother are you after this,
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varyushka, irka, you, who were you waiting for? yes, i was waiting for you, you, i was waiting for you, it took too long, i won’t wait next time, my friends just couldn’t get over it. for you, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, you are a good girl. well, finally, so that i
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can live another day without you, go ahead, come on, eh! hey, where have you been? on business, on what other business, you didn’t spend the night at home, you spent the night. i just went out before the junkie's day to catch crayfish,
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i caught them, my mother will cook them for dinner, look how i pinched my claw, yeah, they didn’t pinch anything else for you there, varya, misha, thought about it, didn’t notice, i’m in a hurry, i need to go to the shop, how are you living, at least tell me, i ’m living well, misha, and you and i, thank god, nazar is not offended, no, think about your family, mish, you have a son. i heard with you and nazar, the boy died, it’s a pity, yes, we have
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a normal guy, he brought matches, he brought them, and he brought salt and matches for you, last time i did. i spent the night with him, you’re lying, you don’t believe me, look, he kissed him hotly, and i don’t believe it, nazar won’t breathe on his wife. when the wedding was running after her, such then he sits near your skirt, or maybe someone else gave you the mark? yes, i say, he is our love, understand, i will bury mine here, who is the last, you will follow me, hello, did
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you forget the money? yes, i’ll say that i’m after you, i’ll quickly run away, okay? i'll come now, barka, barka, wait, wait, we need to talk, speak up, what happened, what? yes, stop it. if you tell me right away, you’ll find out anyway, everyone sees everything on tv, but you won’t be able to hide for long, nazar and i love each other, oili, yes, we meet every night while you sleep, you want to continue in it’s stupid to walk around, yes, but what do you want, let
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him go, but he’s mine, i love him more than life itself, okay, take it. farty, seriously, seriously, mom, where are you, mom, why did you get up, and you’re still working, so father is right, the peas are going to waste, it’s time to dry, so, lie down, immediately, i myself, you and i were there. don’t tell your mother what you came up with, lie down, don’t move, your back is all stiff, mom, doctor nazar explained that there is a rupture in my heart, it should heal, and it will heal that way, what i brought, my things, i left nazar, he will kill won't kill you, he'll do it for himself
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i found another one, but i don’t want to interfere. back, your cooking went home, well, run, call, let him pack dinners, she completely left, packed all her things, forgot her sheepskin coat, came back and left again, and well, hold on, it’s an infection, but now, just wait, i’ll figure it out myself , what are you up to, you've vacated irka's place, more irki, what are you talking about? don’t be stupid, she told me everything herself, be happy, nazar, i won’t interfere, mary, let’s go home, there won’t be any irka, no, i don’t want to be the laughing stock of the whole village, it’s more honest, go back, let me go, go back, let go i, whoever she told me, take her
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back, put me in my place, you’re disgracing your father, bitch, let her go to the military man. nazar, let's be nice, i don't blame you, i understand, you need a woman, so i'll leave, live, i need you, var, you and no one else, why are we torturing each other, tell me, tell me what you if you want, i’ll move mountains for you, you hear, i won’t even look at iru. we made a mistake, nazar, when we got married, now we’re both unhappy, i’m happy, when i imagine getting something, it’s already dark in my eyes, mine, still mine.
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nazarushka, come to me quickly, why, it hurts, it hurts, come back, yes, stop it, eh! what did you say to varika? nothing like that, right? don’t give it to me, she told me to give it to me, since she doesn’t like it, she said, take it! “remember, i love varka more than life itself, if you do anything bad to her, i’ll rip your legs out, you’ll regret
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that the world was born, don’t come to catch up, if you see her on the street, go to the other side, it’s clear why back, she doesn’t need you “i need you, by christ god, i pray!” get away from varka, i will love you so much, you will forget the light,
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she was running around at night, so she ran into trouble, i told you that this wouldn’t end well, keep quiet, she’s barely alive, tomorrow you’ll raise her, tomorrow i’d have no one to raise, misha, get out of here, we and... take it yourself , come on, come on, yeah, well, that's it, that's it, go, everything will be fine, you're my beauty,
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my smart girl, my good one, well, well, you cry, cry, it will be easier, there is no such trouble that you have to go to hell for it, yes, good morning everyone, thank you very much to our colleagues from the news, we wish everyone a wonderful summer day, with you today polina svetkova and sergey babaev, on the calendar june 26 is wednesday, wake up quickly, we have big plans for today, we will answer important questions about school graduation, find out everything about the latest ones. cucumbers, let's calculate whether it is profitable to go on vacation in installments and what conditions do travel agencies offer for loans? let’s talk about those
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peculiar hallucinations when it seems to us that our mobile phone is ringing, but in reality this is not happening. let's celebrate an important historical date, because exactly 70 years ago the first in the world, not only in ours, but in the world, the obninsk nuclear power plant, we’ll visit it and find out what modern nuclear power plants are like now. and this is only a small part of what awaits us today. so we, of course, need a lot of energy, which means charging. good morning, now i'm holding 50 kg on my back. to do push-ups with additional weight, you need a strong muscular frame. before such training, it is important for novice athletes to strengthen their back for at least a month. now i’ll show you an exercise that will help us. on your stomach, spread your arms to the sides and lift your chest off the floor, inhale, we try to bring our shoulder blades together, raise our arms as
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high as possible, exhale, and gently lower ourselves smoothly. we rise again, we do not throw the back of our head back, this is dangerous for the neck and lower back, we keep our head straight, and now we will complicate the exercise, we lift not only the chest, but the entire upper back, we linger in this position, 1 2 3, we breathe calmly and return to the starting position. we continue the training, the exercise strengthens the muscles of the upper back and thoracic spine, and also fights stoop. let's continue. on calendar wednesday, june 26 according to the folk calendar, akulina buckwheat. our ancestors in
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these days cooked buckwheat porridge and ate it without fail. year, sowing was planned from june 10 to 20, but as soon as the equipment entered the field, nature intervened. according to the plans, it was planned to sow in one day, but it didn’t work out in one day, half of it was sown, it rained heavily, which means that everything dried out somewhere for a day. as soon as the agronomist gave permission, work began in two shifts, we managed to meet the schedule, and today the buckwheat began to produce its first shoots. glades were sown with buckwheat
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novosibirsk region, oryol region, and in bashkartastan too. it's already growing in full force. this year, farmers plan to sow almost 1,300,000 hectares. last year, 1,200,000 tons of buckwheat were harvested. but don’t forget that although buckwheat is unpretentious, the harvest also depends on the weather. while the weather days are favorable, it’s hard to say what the harvest will be like. if the hail doesn’t hit, or every year we’ve already got a little hit, hit soybeans, hit wheat, well... the combine will show how much the yield will be. farmers with forecasts always be careful, the wildflower blooms in august, and then the bees fly in. by september you can collect buckwheat honey and buckwheat itself. harvesting begins when we look at the buckwheat , there is a certain amount of it, the mower comes in, mows it down, it sits there for two weeks, dries, and then the combine comes in and removes it. then it is cleaned
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and dried again to 15% humidity. there is always very little time for this, if you delay, the process of self-warming will begin and the quality of the grain will deteriorate, but there is still a whole summer before harvesting, now the main thing is to monitor and clean the sprouts weeds and feed as needed. evgeny andreev, natalya kravchenko, liliya lobkova, channel one. we hope our good and cheerful morning continues and it’s time to find out what yegor uspensky has prepared for us today, what videos will delight us today. i decided to celebrate toothbrush day, because it was on this day, but in 1780 , that mass production of this irreplaceable device began, our russian bear named tom opens the hit parade, several times a week his teeth are brushed with a very ordinary brush, look how it is is happening, a wonderful activity, practically
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no one is afraid, neither the bear, nor the person who... the instructor, i wonder how he came up with this idea, but the gadget works great, it’s probably a little difficult to use, well, although he did some attempts, and as you can see, all the teeth are intact, and the lips are not caved in, and silver in our hit parade goes to the musical ensemble, which consists of two electric toothbrushes, and an iron, despite such a modest assortment of items, they managed
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to perform the music of the deep purple group. quite there were 10 million likes for this testimony. well, the winner of our today's hit parade is a wonderful paddle-eared cat named cornflower. according to the owner, he... he is very attentive and careful about his teeth, brushes them twice a day, apparently, together with the hostess, in the morning and in the evening, so let’s take an example from vasilko, he simply licks the toothpaste, as we did in the pioneer camp, who is the cutest of all, we just sat down from the day from the korean island of chiju, birds spend the day admiring their reflection in the mirror, well, we i agree, it looks great, but what is the reason for such unusual behavior for a drake? they explain that serezny is not interested in communicating with his own kind, so every morning he fights off the pack and admires his amazing reflection in the mirror, a typical narcissist. dear tv viewers, men,
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now our beautiful ladies want to talk about secrets without us, they are curious about what, where will we go, we won’t go anywhere, about morshyns, a very important, burning topic, we will actually deal with them, get rid of them. those who there were also preventive measures to prevent new ones from arising. we collected spinach, i suggest making a rejuvenating face mask from it. we only need a few leaves, wash them, chop them, add liquid cottage cheese and raw yolk. apply the mixture to the face along massage lines, from the middle of the face to the sides. up diagonally, spinach contains substances that maintain skin elasticity, cottage cheese perfectly
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moisturizes, and the yolk smoothes out fine wrinkles, after 10 minutes, carefully wash off the mask, perform the procedure at least once every week, and we also do it every day. for the face, this is a proven way to slow down age-related changes, press your fingers to the middle of the forehead, pull your arms to the sides, easily without effort, at the same time raise your eyebrows, relax, perform 10 repetitions, the exercise will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead, to enhance the effect, add a static exercise: remove your eyebrows and simply hold them in this position with your hands, relax, and now move your fingers up, smooth the skin, the more often you
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relax your forehead, the faster the muscles will get used to it to a new state, i wish you youthful beauty. we give the floor to our colleagues from the information service for a moment. first channel in order to find out what is new in the country and in the world by this hour. our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news, stay with us. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. three civilians were killed and nine wounded as a result of shelling of donetsk by the ukrainian armed forces. it all happened the night before. militants. used multiple launch rocket systems, among the dead was a gas station employee station and two residents of an apartment building. the shelling continued last night. according to the joint center for control and coordination of issues related to war
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crimes of ukraine, 15 nato-caliber shells were fired at the ssu, several districts of the dpr capital, as well as gorlovka, came under fire. 90 russian military personnel were returned from captivity in kiev-controlled territory, as... russian aerospace forces, they will be delivered to moscow for treatment and rehabilitation. about the danger and further escalation of the situation in connection with us supplies of weapons to the armed forces of ukraine, russian defense minister andrei belousov said during a telephone conversation with pentagon head lloyd austin. our military department
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reported that the conversation took place at the initiative of the american side. the ministers exchanged views on the situation around ukraine and discussed other important issues. directly in the northern military district zone, su-25 aircraft of the russian aerospace forces attacked the enemy in the zone. responsibility of the group of troops center. the crews used a pitching technique, fired unguided aircraft missiles, and destroyed the strong point and enemy manpower. then shooting off infrared interference, safe return. to the airfield, on the ground, assault units of the army group of troops vostok from the sakhalin region occupied advantageous positions on the approaches to the konstantinovka force, marinsky district of the dpr, a tank with a roller mine trawl paved the way for the armored group with the landing force. as they approached enemy positions , the fighters, supported by heavy fire from tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, attacked the enemy defensive line. we work separately with assault groups, a small number of people, when there is a large crowd very many people. a lot of drones are working, there are many
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cases where the enemy surrenders, they give up, they hand over their weapons, that’s it, people surrender, they don’t want to die, as if everyone understands this, we take them prisoner, that’s it, we bring them. as our fighters move forward, panic is growing in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces; there are more and more militants who prefer to save their lives and surrender. one of these was interrogated by military personnel from the military group, center. the prisoner told about...
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we’re happy for you, congratulations, well, go through the vlk, you know the combat agenda, everyone i don’t care, we don’t even know where the positions are, where the hell we should run away, even where what positions are, where, who is standing, and so that we don’t even cross each other, i shot at my own people twice, my own people were standing opposite, i see movement, i transmit portions, no one answers, and no one... confirms, and i fired on my own, even. the kiev regime quarreled with the largest maritime carrier. for the first time, a mediterranean shipping company canceled a flight to odessa. this was stated by the association of international freight forwarders of ukraine. foreigners no longer want to tolerate corruption at customs. they write that ships are kept there for an unreasonably long time, checking and rechecking the cargo. these are mainly agricultural products that quickly deteriorate. in addition, you have to pay extra for additional time spent at the port. as a result, the goods
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become more expensive, and companies suffer losses. life under the red banner, one of the most prominent politicians in our country, leader of the communist party, permanent leader of the duma faction, gennady zyuganov today accepts congratulations on his birthday, he is 80. he is a deputy of the state duma of all convocations, starting with the first, who began his work in the ninety-third year, participated in presidential elections four times and always took second place in them. doctor of philosophy. sciences, reserve colonel, author of more than a hundred publications of books, including beekeeping, in the zyuganov family, several generations of beekeepers, and he also has a first category in athletics, military triathlon, volleyball, but most often he was engaged in class struggle, you see, they don’t retire, statesmen, people with experience like mine must serve...
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in moscow obnensk, the first nuclear power plant not only in our country, but in the whole world began operating. right now we will go there with you about modern nuclear power plants and also learn a lot of interesting things. there are more than 200 nuclear power plants in the world, but 70 years ago there was only one here in obninsk. soviet scientists began a unique experiment. on june 26, at 17:45 , the steam supply to
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the turbogenerator was opened, the turbine started working, the turbine started working, the first cloud of steam was seen on the teds building and igor vasilyevich kurchatov congratulated everyone with his famous phrase: happy steam. the current went into the network, scientists, of course, understood what to do theoretically, but in practice no one on the planet could guarantee how a peaceful atom would behave, it’s scary that this is the first time, the first time in the world they are doing this, but really right away after the station was launched, the emergency protection was activated several times a day, you need to understand. what happened, take appropriate measures. in 48 years so much the station did not have a single serious incident, but hundreds of scientific experiments were carried out to make modern reactors, like those at the leningrad nuclear power plant, safe. now they are like a closed capsule, which in the event of an accident falls into a trap. a melt trap is installed under the reactor vessel, a special device with sacrificial material, which is designed to localize the core melt in the event of severe accidents. and then the reactor was closed
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only with a hatch, although the principle of operation did not change. uranium in metal tubes releases heat like a boiler heats water. the steam turns the turbine, generating electricity. this is what it looks like... in this annular gap between the tubes there is fuel, ground grain, and water passes through the central tube, the enormous heat that is generated here is removed by this water that flows through the central tube, today instead of powder there are uranium tablets, in russian fourth -generation reactors, water was completely replaced with liquid metal; all these ideas originated back then in obninsk nuclear power plant, it is not without reason that it is called the grandmother of the energy sector and the nuclear fleet. each power unit of a modern nuclear power plant produces a thousand or even 1,200 mw. the first gave only five. for example, at the balakovo nuclear power plant, recognized this year as the best in russia, there are four reactors of 1,000 megawatts each. what's enough for?
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we can supply two cities, such as st. petersburg and moscow, for at least a day, at least a week, at least a month. there are 12 nuclear power plants operating in our country today. every fifth light bulb in the house is powered by the energy of a peaceful atom. for 70 years. nuclear power plant in egypt ldba, and these are also the grandchildren of the first obnensk nuclear power plant. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia, vladimir repin, channel one. new technologies are of course good, but they also create a lot of new problems, for example, phantom phone calls. who would have thought, this really happens, especially when there is some other extraneous noise, for example, in the bathroom, the water is noisy and the phone seems to be ringing, in fact, no, and there is even such a term: phantom
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vibration syndrome. what it is? this is worth it figure out. sociologists have calculated that at least every third person in russia is familiar with phantom syndrome. vibrates when the phone appears to vibrate. yes, this happens when , for example, it’s a hard day, you’re already tired , at the end of the day strange sounds are heard, once a minute i pull it out somewhere, check, the vibration on the phone is turned off, just a sound, if someone needs me, i’ll hear it, but i just don’t want to twitch, it seems like nothing, in the language of psychologists there is digital anxiety, there are people who cannot live there without coffee, there are people with more severe types of addiction, and there are people who cannot... live without a phone, they are already so accustomed to the fact that it must be constantly connected that they begin to hear these calls, especially if the phone is on 24x7, like a neurorehabilitation specialist elena and stylist ksenia, for us, those who are mainly in risk areas are doctors, well, mainly resuscitators, psychologists who
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deal with crisis patients, teachers, actors, in general everyone who works with people, experiment, leaving gadgets behind, the task is to say when it vibrates, right now vibrate went off, now i hear it, they dialed twice, elena guessed right, ksenia, no, twice, but i thought three, there’s a constant flurry of calls, because of this, sometimes it seems to me that he’s calling me now, just in case, i even go into a message and see if suddenly there’s a message, i constantly feel a false vibration, a signal, the person is either exhausted or very tired, this is the option when it’s time to go on vacation, or there are too many tasks at the same time. when the brain already refuses to work in a structured manner, or speaks of neurosis, when a person you just need to rest and calm down, all this can be aggravated by clothes rubbing against the skin, causing irritation to the same receptors as the vibration alert, especially if things have a zipper or are made of velvet, not only do we feel
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the vibration, but we also seem to hear it. scientists explain this by the similarity with the effect of paroidalia, visual illusions, when, for example, we see a face on the disk of the moon, angels in the sky, reads familiar elements and completes them with what he knows, felt friction, applied vibration, which means it’s time to unload the nervous system when you remove your phone from your sight for at least an hour a day, but here it is important, you know, not to start abruptly right away, because we will go back into stress and it will turn out to be such a vicious circle, that is, gradually, maybe from half an hour we remove it, because studies have proven that the syndrome is most often experienced by those people who carry their phones in their pockets. what should those who are always waiting for an important call do? when i already have something important, i’m waiting for something, either my phone is open, i should see it, or i turn it on low. another option - smart watches, their vibration. harder to miss. yulia molotsa, nikolay korysanov, olga sorokina and sergey morin, channel one.
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today is an extremely important date in the international calendar - the international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking. the name was invented by people unfamiliar with elegant literature, but one way or another, this is a day of the fight against drugs. it seems to me that we need to understand. drug addiction is a terrible disease, of course, but you can get rid of it. it's difficult, but... maybe now we'll go where people suffering from this addiction have a chance to start life from scratch. tatyana comes to the trinity church in kozhevniki a couple of times a week; here , in a small two-story building, there is an orthodox center for helping addicts. tatyana tried drugs for the first time at 18. we were having fun, there were clubs in this club, and harder drugs started. during this period, for some reason i thought that i could. to be friends with my drug, that is, i can control it when i want to use it, and i didn’t
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notice at all how it just sprouted into my life, i managed to get married and give birth, but in the end i left my family, there was no work, i started stealing for a fix, i was in prison three times, then i decided enough was enough, and i realized that i needed people, people who would help me get out of this addiction , because i can’t do it myself, at the rehabilitation center i met such people, there are group classes and personal sessions with a psychologist, there is also online work, classes every day, all this is free, there is a help center for donations, you can leave them by counting the qr code you see on screen, a link to the foundation’s website with detailed instructions will open, and to get to the rehabilitation center, you need to undergo a consultation and 10 days of sobriety, the program lasts from three to four months, and at the same time, we have an individual approach. and sometimes people come in with varying degrees of damage.
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andrey met new friends here, those who understand him and those who do not judge him. we have the truth here, a team in which there is unity, we never get lost, we are always in touch, we support each other, here we are the love is going on so high. this is not the first time andrey has tried to overcome addiction. i had a breakdown in september, so now i have not used for 8 months, but... i think that this is already an achievement, alcohol addiction, drug addiction are diseases that are almost impossible to cope with alone, those closest to you suffer, they work at the life rehabilitation center with loved ones of addicts, it is very important for us to be able to have such an option to help relatives who want to work with their codependency, that’s why we have there is now a separate annual program for loved ones, all this is free of charge , anyone from any corner of our country can ask for help, you can see the hotline phone number on the screen, and
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you can support the orthodox live rehabilitation center using this qr code, just point the camera and follow the link to the fund’s website, any help, even the most minimal, is important. elizaveta nikishova, nikolai krysanov, channel one. june is coming to an end, the holiday season is in full swing, but holidays these days are a very, very important thing. dear, often there is not enough for it, this is where you want to go, but there is no money, then there is such an opportunity as going on vacation in installments, or on credit, just don’t forget that then, of course, you will have to pay for the vacation, so everything is done in advance it is necessary to calculate, valeria shandrovskaya is looking for a trip to turkey for a family of four , costing no more than 150 thousand rubles, wants to arrange an installment plan without interest, calls the tour operator. installment plans without interest
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are most often only for a short period, perhaps 2-3 months, and the limit on the amount that can be approved is up to 100,000 rubles. we, as a family, are not satisfied with taking a tour in installments, since we need to return the payment in a short time. option two is an installment plan with interest, it can be arranged for a longer period, six months and a year, there is a drawing for 4 and 6 months, there will no longer be... interest, with installment plans the interest is really minimal, one or two, as a rule. the third option is also without interest, the so -called split payment in equal parts, but only before departure, he also explains over the phone one tour operator. in any case, this will be payment before departure, but it is possible in installments. option four loan. here, unlike short-term installments, payments can be spread over 2-3 years, but there is interest. big in credit, we now have a key rate of 16%, which means
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that banks issue consumer loans at the level of 20-25%. interest. a little lower, if you apply for a loan not from a bank, a consumer loan, from the travel company itself, specifically for a trip, especially in this case there is a grace period, often up to 120 days, without interest, but the main question is, what if the trip is cancelled, the travel agency will return the money for the trip according to the agreement, and who will pay the interest, several tour operators answered us, the client, even if he got sick on the eve of departure, the girl will still lose some, yes, of course, bank anyway. and financier pavel kobikov had cases when interest was returned. if the terms of the company and the banks provide for the recalculation of these interests, then a recalculation will occur. if there were no such conditions, then there would be no refunds. in general, the main thing find out in advance about all the conditions of an installment plan or loan and choose, like valeria,
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an offer that suits you. anna obrosimova, sergey folendysh, channel one. i’ll get a job at a factory, and you’ll also rent a room somewhere. the rapids are ahead, mom, misha, where? they didn’t find him, varya, father said, you crashed on the rapids, hold her, jump, i said, i’ll shoot now, don’t, it’s him, father, how did you end up on the shore, you found me, who is it, varya, my bride, for the happiness
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of the newlyweds, smile, i am now your husband! otherwise i can teach you, i forgot the whip, two shores, premiere of a multi-part film, watch the time after the program, you're crazy, don't touch me, i won't sleep with you, i'd rather not live at all, the world media is full of headlines that the british foreign minister has become a victim of an unknown person who called him on behalf of petro poroshenko . david cameron revealed many secrets of western politics in this conversation. what did trump say about the situation in ukraine? he said that in his opinion putin only needs crimea and donbass. and i said that this was not so, but he allowed the money to be allocated. some trump, secret trump, it turns out, is the master of the world. if we can make sure that ukraine will be on the front line by november, then he will want to support
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the winning side. he basically said trump will be the next president. and he influenced the speaker, that is, this is interference in the inside. i’m convinced that putin wants part of the north of kazakhstan, you told them that putin wants to seize their states, which means they are scared, yes, this is humanly exposing both trump and the minister of foreign affairs of kazakhstan, they will not forgive him for this, from now on cameron can be considered political dwarf, premiere, show of vavan and lexus, today on the first one, how... they talk a lot about environmental protection now, this is understandable, the issue is more than important and relevant these days. but i want them to not only talk, but little by little act in the direction of improving our ecology. it seems to me that there are no small things, absolutely everything is important. let's cut out the tsar bolshevik, you can glue him right away. the kitchen of the government family
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turned into a film set for several days, on the dining table, and now on the editing table cartoon about hogweed. the plot is basically a battle with a bolshevik, the methods of struggle are working and non-working, the genre is clear, action, the cast is stellar in the role of the hogweed arnold schwarzenegger, the casting for the superhero scientist was serious, i leafed through all the parents’ magazines, i leafed through the magazine, he asked me to took the role of a scientist, this is a fantasy, hundreds of takes on the phone and a three-minute masterpiece is ready, we are meeting, we are drinking... the tapinambu were actively growing and the bolsheviks cannot drive away. the work became one of the best in nomination ecocartoon, international award ecology is everyone's business, 70 countries, 80 thousand participants each with an idea on how to make the world cleaner. polina and semyon veredennikov built an apparatus for sorting plastic waste
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using sound. sound waves travel across the plate. plastic will collect at the knot locations, but different types of plastic will move to the knot locations at different rates. here's how it works. we see that there are different types of plastic. went in different directions. eleventh grader polina knows everything about sorting antonov. for 3 years now he has been talking about this on excursions to the museum of the moscow ecological center. the bases of the skateboards are made of plastic caps, and the mounting wheels are made of spirit materials. he also works with like-minded people in the processing of recycled materials. you can stand behind this heat press for hours, turning crushed lids into sheets. we play with the thickness of the sheets, also with its filling, with colors. we understand what proportions are best to use, then on the milling machine the plastic begins a new beautiful life, how do you like the keychain? to the side
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ecology has already affected the whole family. my dad very often collects jars of different yoghurts, in our family, he has a huge container with these jars, he stores screws and nails there. eco-habits are, in general, not difficult; boarding school students from the chelyabinsk region share theirs, sort garbage, and separate blister caps. and batteries. at the moment, we just handed over everything for recycling, so we are starting a new collection. the girls made themselves fashionable shoppers. replacement with a package. and the most you can adopt an eco-friendly morning habit today. it is enough to turn off the water when we brush our teeth. alena astrakhansova, vasily valetov, evgeny marinkov, channel one. i love summer because you can eat the beds, just these crunchy ones. i really love small cucumbers, they are also called spring cucumbers with pimples. delicious. i understand exactly what u mean. because, of course , these vegetables are on sale all year round, but summer vegetables are especially tasty and aroma, especially from their own garden, well, that’s in general, but it happens that in the summer you buy cucumbers, and they just taste bitter,
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why does this happen, why are these same bumps needed, how do they affect the taste, anastasia telya found out everything, navels are bulges, and in scientific terms, tubercles, they are former thorns, protectors of cucumbers from pests , with age , a little selection disappears. here's a completely smooth cucumber, but does the taste depend on the number of tubercles? we’ll figure it out at the cucumber council of agronomists, maybe texture is also important. experts say, of course, it doesn’t directly affect it, but it definitely prolongs freshness and crispness. large-tubed cucumbers with white spines, they store very well for about 14 days at room temperature, without losing their commercial qualities, and at the same time they will not let you down. marinade, the more, the more evenly it penetrates inside the fruit,
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while smooth-fruited cucumbers are covered with brine only from the outside, the pimply record holder, lukhovitsky cucumber, the names are associated with the place of origin, but there is also a separate variety, it cannot be confused with any other, this short-fruited cucumbers, with such a strongly tuberculated surface, in appearance they seem to be shaved, yes, a little smooth, they have smoothed prickles, unlike other short-dense ones, they are denser, crispy, low-water, and after salting they do not lose their qualities, the bulbs are sweeter, they have such a pleasant sourish taste, even though the pimples directly on the taste is not affected, but tests by agronomists indicate the opposite, maybe it’s a matter of associations, so i... i’ve never seen little eyes in my grandmother’s garden, and when i ate with pimples, i immediately got the feeling that i had plucked it straight from the garden. it is the lumpy ones that most often taste bitter, produces cucurbitocin, temperature differences
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, humidity, severe drought, cucumber, stress, conditions are more difficult to regulate in the south. when the summer is very dry and later, sometimes you come across bitter cucumbers, but then i try them. in large producers, bitterness is less common, but the variety is important. now being grown.
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anyone could try their hand at olympic disciplines. as honored guests, champions and prize-winners of the winter and summer games, each of them is ready not only to share experience and knowledge, but to try their hand at other sports. we tried luge, we really liked it, we think we ’ll go there now and ride. well, of course i’d like to try it, most of the sports here are from sports, we’ve already been invited to
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try curling. and of course we would really like to.
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positive emotions, to paraphrase the words of the founder of the olympic movement pierre de coubertin, sport made everyone a little happier. we briefly give the floor to our colleagues from the information service of channel one in order to find out what is new in the country and in the world at this time. our morning broadcast will continue to release news, stay tuned. this is news on the first one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, 90 russian military personnel have been returned from captivity from kiev-controlled territory, as reported by our ministry of defense, this became possible as a result of the negotiation process with the mediation of the united arab emirates. in captivity, our military was in mortal danger. in exchange , 90 prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces were handed over to the ukrainian side.
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the liberated russians were provided with everything. the group was sent to the airport, from where by plane military transport aviation of the russian aerospace forces, they will be delivered to moscow for treatment and rehabilitation. i was exchanged, that’s it, yes, i’m in russia, i’m very happy, everyone is happy, i say hello to all my family, i’m doing well, i’m alive and well, i’m very, very happy, i’m glad. i was really looking forward to it. three civilians were killed and nine wounded as a result of shelling of donetsk by the ukrainian armed forces. everything happened. the night before , militants used rocket launchers . among the dead were gas station employees and two residents of an apartment building. the shelling continued and last night, according to the joint center for control and coordination of issues related to war crimes of ukraine , 15 nato-caliber shells were fired at the ssu.
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several districts of the capital came under fire. sdnr, as well as gorlovka. russian defense minister andrei belousov spoke about the danger of further escalation of the situation in connection with us supplies of weapons to the armed forces of ukraine during a telephone conversation with pentagon head lloyd ustin. our military department reported that the conversation took place at the initiative of the american sides. the ministers exchanged views on the situation around ukraine and discussed other important issues. now to the events directly in the svo zone, crew. the airborne forces successfully completed their missions to cover their assault units in the orekhovsk direction. the scouts discovered an enemy platoon stronghold and transmitted the coordinates. the crews of the combat vehicles marched, approached the enemy, and opened heavy direct fire on him. in the kharkov direction, snipers from the arctic formation of the dnepr group of troops destroyed enemy fpv drones. the work of fighters is honed
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to the point of automaticity, it is important to take into account. i didn’t let contractors in there. the white house began seriously considering lifting the restrictions in the past few months as russia continued its offensive and aid to ukraine stalled in congress, officials say. by allowing experienced contractors who
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receive u.s. government funding to be present in ukraine, they will be able to repair damaged, valuable military equipment much more quickly, officials say. regular maintenance may be required f-16 fighters that ukraine is due to receive later in the year. american officials are in a hurry to make a reservation, saying that there is no talk of a new escalation, but if there is any point in believing them, especially since the eu, as it became known earlier, is already talking about sending military instructors to ukraine, the proposal comes from the head of european diplomacy, borele, and the head of the hungarian foreign ministry, peter szijart, spoke about him. in his opinion, this could be the first step towards sending soldiers to ukraine. budapest once again emphasized that it is not possible to participate in this will be reminded that
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in addition, you have to pay extra for additional time spent at the port, as a result, the goods become more expensive, and the company suffers losses, according to ukrainian experts, such customs work, if i may say so, jeopardizes all regular container transportation to odessa. juliana sanche is free, officially, the founder of wikileaks left the courtroom on the american island of saipan, to the applause of those gathered. assange was sentenced to a prison term, which he... had already served in return, under the terms of the deal, he had to partially admit guilt and formally did so, but in spirit his statement was far from repentant, he spoke about freedom of speech, for which he fought, about the first amendment in the us constitution, which
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protects this freedom, however, he admitted that he had violated the espionage law, but in all hearings stated that this law contradicts the constitution, now, as the media write, wikileaks will have to destroy the published documents, thanks to which the whole world learned about the crimes. the united states in those countries where it wages wars, and also how it interferes in the affairs of other states, for example, they bug foreign leaders. at the same time, asanje’s lawyer said that work at wikileaks will continue. and that's all for now. and now a word of good morning to my colleagues. good morning, our dear tv viewers, we are very glad that you are starting the day in our company. sergey babaev and polina tsvetkova are with you on the calendar for wednesday, june 26. and this means that the day after tomorrow is the day of farewell to school for graduates, and graduation ceremonies will take place all over the country. yes, this is a wonderful time, if you remember, we are already you talked about the different traditions of this day, found out how much the graduation would cost. and
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today we will definitely continue this topic, raising several questions that still concern the parents of their wonderful children. question one: who is responsible for the children? as soon as the children are issued certificates, they will no longer be students of this school. those children who are 18 years of age or older are responsible for their own responsibility. graduates who have not reached the age of eighteen are responsible their parents will carry them. that is, the school is responsible while the child is a student during school and extracurricular hours. after the issuance of certificates, or rather the signing of all internal documents, the children no longer belong to the educational institution, even if the graduation ceremony itself takes place on the school grounds. question two: can the school not hold the ceremonial part? the very concept of ceremonial presentation of certificates is not provided for in our law, so it’s quite a working story when
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the director, by his internal order, can cancel the solemn part, there is no use in swearing, you can take away the certificates and give them to the children in a solemn atmosphere outside of school. third: can the parents not be invited? graduation, there is an exception, the school may ban it, well, from the latest events, probably the coronavirus, when a lot of events were banned, question four: is it possible to return the money for graduation if the child refused or got sick, it all depends on the timing. a reasonable period here, as a rule, is a month, after that it is already in question, forefather the committee, of course, will, well, i think, be happy to help you, if they are physically able, the latter has this money...
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alcohol cannot be brought onto the school grounds, and if in an unofficial part, children graduating from school, they are usually not allowed 18 years old, of course.
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only about themselves, in general, excellent self-criticism,
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good teachers. good morning, now i'm holding 50 kg on my back. to do push-ups with additional weight, you need a strong muscular frame. before such training , it is important for beginning athletes to strengthen their back for at least a month. now i’ll show you an exercise that... us will help, lie down on your stomach, spread your arms to the sides and lift your chest off the floor, inhale, try to bring your shoulder blades together, raise your arms as high as possible, exhale, gently lower yourself smoothly, rise again, don’t throw the back of your head back, this is dangerous for the neck and lower back, hold head straight. now let’s complicate
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the exercise: we lift not only the chest, but hold the entire upper back in this position. 1 2 3. breathe calmly and return to the starting position. let's continue training. exercise strengthens the muscles of the upper part back and thoracic spine. it also fights fatigue. let's continue. two banks. i love you, varya. i'll leave oriya. again your daughter gets confused with the teddy bear. he will kill you. it won't kill. he found himself another one. because of him, you have already come close to death twice. so, i love you to death. premiere. watch the time after the program. this year zhanna frieske would have turned 50. that's what they called her.
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june 26, and there were various
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signs about this day, but we’d better turn to astrology, right? yes, yes, well, let's note wonderful holiday, cold producers day, we are very grateful to this. june 26, twentieth lunar day, ninth solar day, generally not bad, strong, hardy, businesslike, hard-working, however, for his work to progress, he needs a good mood, but he knows how to create it for himself, it’s generally difficult to seriously upset him with anything, he is also sensitive and responsive, always ready to understand, sympathize and help. this day is very good for those who need to show their talents and loudly express themselves, but it’s also not bad for shopping. on the downside, he often overloads himself with work, overestimates his strength and capabilities, and then suddenly laziness attacks him. on such days we spend extra, we love attention and recognition. aries, remember this when you feel like you're not appreciated enough. dear men, if
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your soulmate is an aries, find a reason to praise her for something, and do not skimp on compliments. towards evening , news may come from someone you... haven't seen. for taurus, a lot will be tied to home, family and family relationships. be ready to help someone in your family, solve children’s problems, something in the house may need repair. however, some pleasant events in this area are also possible, even joyful ones, guests may come to see you in the evening. this day may entice geminis to make easy and quick money; here the stars can only remind them of free light. and one of the twins will be convinced today that it is love at first sight. and it’s not fiction, it’s a good day for cancers, however, creditors may show up or you may be reminded of something you promised but never did, but you’ll sort it out somehow, evening is clearly going to pleasantly surprise you with something. leos will have a chance to correct mistakes, replay something, reboot some business or some relationship. lionesses will
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look in the mirror more often than usual, and the mirror will confirm that they are beautiful. a great day for virgos, when everything is done with pleasure, work is in full swing, almost everything works out, and the opposite regiment is located to you, there is simply zero attention to any well-wishers with their constructive criticism. everything should work out for libra, too, unless there is a risk of getting involved in someone else’s conflict or some kind of conflict. intrigue, but the stars warned you, and then see for yourself, and even today you can buy or sell something at a profit. scorpios may have something like an affair, keep in mind that it may turn out to be much more serious than it initially seemed, otherwise the day is just like a day. just be. be careful with food in all sorts of street cafes, a completely successful day for the sagittarius, after lunch, however, there may be some confusion or confusion, unforeseen expenses cannot be ruled out, but these are all minor things, so be more careful while driving, and if if you go to the beach, don’t overdo the tan. capricorns today are charming, witty,
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ladies, and at the same time full of a special mysterious charm, it will be strange if no one falls in love with them, in addition, the day is very good to tie or strengthen some fragile... both personal and business. aquarians are simply having a good working day, things will go well for those who are busy with creativity or selling something beautiful, but all the other aquarians will not be at a loss, the evening seems to be about to invite you somewhere. u fish, too, everything should work out, however, in the morning, there may be some minor overlaps and inconsistencies, there is a risk of being late somewhere, but just be careful to keep an eye on the time, be that as it may, by lunchtime the situation will improve, evening for sure.
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i think that age is just numbers, and this is confirmed by the heroes of our next report, who are young at heart and will definitely give many young people a head start. just imagine a man who, at 93 years old, flies an airplane and even performs aerobatic maneuvers. lidia semyonovna leonova and chairs 93 of the year. at first glance, she looks like an ordinary pensioner, but only at first glance. now she will show you. after all, it was necessary to write a will with you , well, what are you, your eyes are afraid, your hands are moving, or rather, they remember where the yak 52 is, fuel pressure, oil pressure, how to reduce speed and lower the landing gear, after all, 40 years at the helm have not sat and flew, and liked it so much that i even managed
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to do my favorite trick, a barrel roll, this is when you turn the plane 360°, it seems that i didn’t expect it from myself, great, line, wow, great, i’m shocked, and this is already her darling yak-50, on which lidia semyonovna once began to plow the unbearded tula, she became so carried away.
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i walked 47 km in 14 hours, ask why, but i wanted to see how the new highway was being built, three drivers stopped to pick me up and take me to the yupatora, i... very good-naturedly, so i thanked him and said that i would go on foot, that’s more interesting to me , the walker can handle the road, especially when
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he has supplies of water and crackers in his backpack on his back, he made the first stop after 15 km, stretched his legs so as not to go numb, like this, where he will go to next time, anatoly mikhailovich has not yet come up with an idea, one thing he knows for sure, he will certainly not sit still. elena savina, natalya kravchenko, nazir nagumanov, anna gazhala, channel one. news from the fashion world: burgundy color is back in trend, and this applies not only to clothes, but also to makeup. beauty blogger, makeup artist, risha krylova, will now show you how to make a stunning, spectacular make-up in the bordo style. you have been invited to a party. you need to look not only good, but also fashionable. the trend now is makeup in burgundy tones. wine shades help to highlight. look, but you need to know how to use them, otherwise your eyes may look tear-stained. now i will teach you. first of all, we neutralize
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all the redness on the face with a green makeup base, because in combination with burgundy shadows it will become brighter. blend the product. now we are especially careful to hide the dark circles under the eyes. burgundy can also enhance them. to remove. neva choose a concealer with an orange undertone, if you don’t have such a product, let’s use a trick and add a little orange lipstick to the beige concealer colors, we work on the area around the eyes, apply the product in a very thin layer, cover it with concealer on top without lipstick, so the blue is definitely not visible, now the foundation is next, finally we move on to the main thing: eye makeup at home, apply shadows to the moving eyelid, carefully shade in the direction to the temple, repeating the curve of the eyebrow, look at
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me, now the eyes look tear-stained, to prevent this from happening, you need to make a gradient, that is, a transition from a dark shade to this lighter one, take dark burgundy or a dark brown pencil, we work out the inter-eyelash space and the line along the eyelash contour, both from above and below, shade the lines and fix with sparkling shadows in the color of the pencil. the highlights will add lightness to the image. the highlight of the makeup will be burgundy mascara. and in order not to overdo it with bright colors, we apply light cream blush on the cheeks and transparent ones on the lips. shine, how do you like it, it’s as if we’ve added inner light to your look, with this makeup you will become
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a star of any party, imagine a flowerbed, an alpine hill in the country, and with this few people can be surprised, but it still fascinates, and imagine the same thing under... the windows of an apartment building, your home, it’s just fantastic, amazing, but it’s quite possible, the main thing is that there are people who love and appreciate natural beauty flowers, shrubs, and also have labor, knowledge and talent, inspiration is a must, that’s for sure, a non-forest gardener, a museum of yard landscape art, it turns out that this is possible, the people of yaroslavl have proven this, each flowerbed is a separate composition, a wonderful person is engaged alexander, who takes care of this yard, waters it every day, and also trims the trees and bushes, alexander himself is a modest person,
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does not chase trends, by the way , alpine slides have long gone out of fashion. and even geometry, but here it all looks appropriate. olga pimenova from izhevsk also believes that geometricity is about style. maybe fashionable and natural, the trend for wildflowers on the site looks beautiful, in the city neatness is better, so she alone trims the trees in a figure. i'm making a form called a minaj, yes, that is, it's like this such a thing for serving dishes on the table, that is , these are plates, we have four of them here , now we will grow the fifth one. plates to make izhevsk even more appetizing. krasnodar is ahead of the world in landscape design, here you will find meadows and flowerpots with miscanthum and low-growing shrubs. don't forget the classic petunias and marigolds. and in one of the courtyards there is italy, a whole green wall, and more than one. there was no design as such from the beginning, we did everything locally, we understood what we needed to finish, what we needed to bring here. and it turned out really well
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good, because excursions are introduced here. there are already hundreds of different plants and... figs and lemons, every saturday the neighbors come out to clean, they look after the yard, and this landscaped garden is the work of one very proactive resident of novosibirsk. previously, i also had built-up beds on my site, but about 20 years ago i visited a landscape designer, everything turned upside down in my mind, it turns out that you can combine beauty beds too. natalya ivantsova started with a summer cottage, then created an amateur club gardening, after i decided. set out to prove that in the cold novosibirsk soil both apple trees and roses can grow and go well with conifers, the growth here, by the way, is about 300 species, there are more than 200 conifers, not all differ in shape, in needles, in growth, that is, with green growths, there are ground cover junipers, there are such beautiful fir trees, like in a fairy forest, and in general there are several tens of thousands of plants in the garden, peonies,
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lilacs, petunias instead of a landfill, then 6 years ago it was necessary to remove 120. seven trucks of garbage, and beauty today, all the plants planted at different levels, and the tall ones themselves are combined with the short ones, the selection ones are friends with the field ones, a walk through this park is like a trip through the best imperial gardens. elizaveta nikishova, elena savina, nazir nugumanov, anna gazhala, evgeny andreev, channel one. just don’t miss it, this evening on channel one the continuation of the multi-part saga 2. this is the story of two families that are separated by a river, and in general they are, what can i say, at enmity, there is no agreement between them, there is no happiness in the families themselves, maybe that’s all because that there is no love, watch the new episode today right after the program time, ural village, landscape, breathtaking, you can see through your eyes, i am the mistress of my eyes, i want to go back,
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i want to somehow explore these beauties, i’m even going to honeycombs. every night you are before my eyes, still mine, twilight, varka steals will be born in a shirt, where the eyes look away from her husband, they don’t wait in their home, father, what a monster, you are a cut off piece, varka, mikhail, in love with varya, but married olga, don't get up early, i'm already asleep, it causes bewilderment, the excitement of achieving
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mikhail mutually. olga knew about his feelings, but she closed her eyes, she thought that she would become sweet when you love, you always hope, hope dies last, such a strong , real, deep feeling, such a drama or even tragedy of her fate, in vain she is trying to be an ideal housewife, tomorrow morning i’ll iron everything for you and go, but can your loved ones afford to be cold, impudent, and make a mess? look, they can get away with everything, but nazar, let me go! nazar loves vara, just like mikhail. by the river, two whites! hatred languishes in the village. nazar with a bear they will fight! the history of the country in the family saga of two shores today on channel one. have you heard that there is famine on the volga, people are dying like flies? people
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are chatting in those villages that are closer to the city; surpluses are being taken away from the wealthy. victoria bolenskaya, sofia rizvanova, stanislav khizhnyakov, channel one. for a moment, we give the floor to our colleagues from the information service of channel one. find out what's new in the country and in the world by this hour. our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news, stay with us. this is news from the first studio, maria vasilyeva. hello. three civilians were killed and nine were wounded as a result of shelling of donetsk by the ukrainian armed forces. it all happened the night before. the militants used a jet. multiple launch rocket systems. the dead included a gas station employee and two residents of an apartment building. the shelling continued last night. according to the joint center for control and coordination of issues related to war crimes
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of ukraine, the ukrainian armed forces fired 15 nato caliber shells. several districts of the dpr capital, as well as gorlovka, came under fire. 90 russian military personnel were returned from captivity from territory controlled by kiev. as our ministry of defense reported, this has become the case. perhaps in the mediation participation of the united arab countries as a result of the negotiation process with the emirates. in captivity, our military was in mortal danger. in exchange , 90 prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces were handed over to the ukrainian side. the released russians were provided with all the necessary medical care on buses. the group was sent to the airport, from where they will be transported by military transport aircraft of the russian aerospace forces to moscow for treatment and rehabilitation. and directly in the nwo zone. su-25 aircraft of the russian aerospace forces attacked the enemy in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the center group of forces. the crews used a pitching technique, fired unguided aircraft missiles, and destroyed the enemy stronghold and manpower. then shooting off
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infrared interference, safe return to the airfield. and on the ground, assault units of the army group of troops vostok from the sakhalin region occupied advantageous positions on the approaches to the village of konstantinovka , maryansky district of the dpr. the path of the armored group with by landing. laid a tank with a roller mine trawl; on the approaches to enemy positions, fighters, supported by heavy fire, tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, attacked the enemy defensive line. we work separately with assault groups, a small number of people, when there is a large crowd of people, a lot of drones are working, there are many cases where the enemy surrenders, they give up, they hand over all their weapons, people surrender, they don’t want to die, as if everyone understands this. and one of these who surrendered was interrogated by military personnel in order to save his life. our grouping of troops-center, the prisoner spoke about the disregard
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of commanders, to the rank and file, who are thrown to slaughter like in a meat grinder, about the level of corruption, when those who can pay off the front do not go and those who have no money have to take the rap for them, i went to fight because all these guys forced me... i went home from work to update my data, i updated my data that i joined the army, why don’t i care, we don’t even know where the positions are, where we can fucking escape, i shot twice in my own way, my people stood opposite, i see movement, i pass on portions, no one answers, no one confirms, and i fired at my own people, even the united states may send them to ukraine in a row.
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an offensive was due, and aid to ukraine was stuck in congress, officials say. by allowing experienced contractors who receive u.s. government funding to be present in ukraine, they will be able to repair damaged, valuable military equipment much more quickly, officials say. regular maintenance may be required for the f-16 fighters that ukraine is due to receive later this year. american officials are in a hurry to make a reservation, saying that there is no talk of a new escalation, but is there any point in believing them, especially since... the eu, as it became known earlier, is already talking about sending military instructors to ukraine. the proposal comes from the head of european diplomacy, joseph barel, and the head of the hungarian foreign ministry, petr szijart, spoke about it. in his opinion, it can. become the first step towards
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sending soldiers to ukraine. life under the red banner - one of the most prominent politicians in our country, leader of the communist party and permanent leader of the duma faction, gennady zyuganov today accepts congratulations on his birthday, he is 80. he is a deputy of the state duma of all convocations, starting with the first, which opened its work in the ninety- third year. he participated in presidential elections four times, always took second place, doctor of philosophy, colonel.
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they did it right, very tasty as a side dish , without fail, they cooked buckwheat porridge and poured it with milk for breakfast, great grandmother gave it to me, let’s admire how gryachishka actually grows, this crop , by the way, is the closest relative of sorrel and rhubarb. in altai they have just finished sowing buckwheat. we constantly monitor the temperature, humidity, and watch the plants. the agronomist specifically travels through the fields. he also determines. is the soil warm enough
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for buckwheat in altai this year? sowing was planned from june 10 to 20, but as soon as the equipment entered the field, nature intervened. according to the plans, it was planned to sow in one day, well, in one day i succeeded, half of it was sown, it rained heavily, which means that everything dried out somewhere for a day, as soon as the agronomist gave permission, work began in two shifts, on schedule we managed to meet the deadline, today the buckwheat began to sprout the first shoots, a clearing was sown with buckwheat, novosibirs. region, oryol region, in bashkartastan it is also already growing at full speed. this year, farmers plan to sow almost 1,300. last year we harvested 1,2000 tons of buckwheat, but don’t forget that although buckwheat is not fastidious, the harvest also depends on the weather. while the weather is favorable, as it were, it’s hard to say what the harvest will be like if the hail doesn’t hit us, or if we already get a little hail every year. hooked the soybean
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i caught the wheat, well, the combine will show how much the yield will be. farmers are always careful with forecasts; buckwheat blooms in august, then bees fly in, and by september you can collect buckwheat honey and buckwheat itself. harvesting begins when we look at the grain, there is a certain amount of it, the mower comes in, mows it down, it sits there for two weeks, dries, and then the combine comes in and cleans it up. further. cleaned again , dried to 15% humidity, there is always very little time for this, if you delay, the process of self-warming will begin and the quality of the grain will begin it will get worse, but there is still a whole summer before harvesting, now the main thing is to monitor the sprouts, remove weeds and feed as necessary. evgeny andreev, natalya kravchenko, liliya lobkova, channel one. our hopefully good and cheerful morning continues, and it’s time to find out what egor has prepared for us today.
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what videos will delight us today? he decided to celebrate toothbrush day, since it was on this day, but in 1780 , that mass production of this indispensable device began. our russian bear named tom opens the hit parade several times every week they brush his teeth with an ordinary brush, look how this happens, it’s a wonderful task, practically nothing...
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and as you can see, all his teeth are intact and his lips don’t cave in, and silver in our hit parade goes to a musical ensemble that consists of two electric toothbrushes, and, in fact, an iron, despite such a modest assortment of items, we managed to perform the music of the group deep purple, it worked out quite well and 10 million likes are evidence of this, well, the winner of our today's hit parade is a wonderful one. and cat named vasilek. according to the owner, he is very attentive and careful about his teeth, brushes them twice a day, apparently, together with the owner, morning and evening, so let’s take the cornflower as an example, he simply peels off the toothpaste, as we did in the pioneer camp . dear
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male tv viewers, now our beautiful ladies want to talk about secrets without us, they are curious about what, where will we go, we will not go anywhere, about wrinkles, the belly is very important. hot topic, we will actually deal with them, get rid of those that were and preventive measures to prevent new ones from arising. we collected spinach, i suggest making a rejuvenating face mask from it. we only need a few leaves, wash them, chop them, add liquid cottage cheese and raw yolk. on... we apply the mass to the face along massage lines, from the middle of the face to the sides, up diagonally, spinach contains substances that maintain skin elasticity, cottage cheese perfectly moisturizes, and the yolk smoothes out small
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wrinkles, after 10 minutes, carefully wash off the mask, perform the procedure at least once a week, and also do facial exercises every day, this is a proven way to slow down age-related changes, we press our fingers to the middle of the forehead, pull our arms to the sides easily without effort, at the same time raise our eyebrows, relax, perform 10 repetitions, the exercise will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles on... to enhance the effect , add a static exercise: raise your eyebrows and simply hold them in this position with your hands. we relax, and now we move our fingers upward, smoothing the skin. the
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more often you relax your forehead, the faster the muscles will get used to the new state. i wish you youthful beauty. mineral baths, whether they help or not, are a very serious question: we will reveal the whole truth to you in the “live healthy” program, and as always, we will tell you not only about this, but about much more. today is the first one. old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group. burbo steersman product group whiskey mancacher product steller group gin сnop product stellar group montechoca cognac
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product stellar group. i understand, hands, wish, you ’re not touchable, we’ll still get married, i won’t follow nazar, i love the bear, varka, make up your mind, we need to start a new life, i ’ll get a job at a factory, we’ll rent a room somewhere for you too, the thresholds are ahead, mom, misha, where, they didn’t find him, father said,
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watch the time after the program, you’re crazy, don’t touch him, i won’t sleep with you, i’d rather not live at all, the world media is full of headlines a...
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it’s not an idle question, what should modern urban transport be like, well, comfortable, so that inside outside there is everything that corresponds to the latest achievements of civilization, not true , yes, so that it would be comfortable, so that inside, for example, there would be charging. wi-fi, and the most important thing is that transport should not smoke, should not create smoke for us,
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should not spoil the atmosphere for us, and everything should be environmentally friendly, and there are more and more such transport in our country, and this is wonderful. this is really fast charging, just 20 minutes and the battery of a multi-ton electric bus is 100% charged. you can continue your trip. the trolleybus depot in nizhny novgorod has undergone a large-scale renovation. horned old men are being exchanged for electric buses, the city has already received 70. four cars are equipped with a video surveillance system, very useful function, everything is recorded, 60° around it, the electric bus is low-floor, there is a folding ramp, plus for people with strollers, there are several validators inside for contactless payment, information screens, there are different types of usb connectors throughout the electric bus, and we drive, recharge, but the main advantage is electric traction without exhaust gases, the most expensive and valuable part is the lithium titanate battery, supports ultra-fast
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charging without loss of resource, operates at temperatures from -40 to +40°, power reserve up to 150 km. large cities are relying on electric transport. according to the national project for safe and high-quality roads , 6,000 vehicles have been delivered to the regions over 4 years. these are buses, trolleybuses, trams and electric buses. in ten regions, electric buses appeared for the first time. for example, in kursk, igor bursov, a public transport driver with 31 years of experience, switched from a bus to an electric bus. the controls are very easy, the steering and brakes move off very smoothly, without jerking. drivers say the car is comfortable and easy to drive, automatic transmission, plus an abundance of electronics. everything here is based on sensors, everything works as an alarm, for example, there are even tire pressure sensors, it’s simple. space technology, but how did the passengers in lipetsk get electric buses on the streets this spring? smooth ride,
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very pleasant bus. and the air conditioning system was rated at 22° in both winter and summer. you drive and relax, especially since the engine makes virtually no noise. quiet, my girlfriend and i always drive, chat, we can hear each other. silent and environmentally friendly electric buses ply primarily in the central busy streets. this year the number of new urban transport units. across the country will be replenished by another 7,000. each business certainly has its own little tricks, the nuances and subtleties are very important, and our home craftsmen and skilled chefs are fully aware of them. we need office clips not only in the office, they are very convenient to use at home. i attach the clamps to the edge of the table. i pass it through the charging hole for a smartphone, laptop, and also wind the wire
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for headphones, they turned out to be excellent holders for cables and electrical cords. another situation, you need to attach a basket of rags and sponges to the kitchen cabinet door, this is very simple to do. i glue a hook to the surface, attach a clamp to the boat, and hang it on the hook so that. the sugar did not spill out of the bag, i fold it to the middle and attach it with a paper clip. this method is also suitable for storing cereals and pasta. compact: all products are in sight, how much they talk about environmental protection now, this is understandable, the issue is more than important and relevant these days. but i want not only they talked, but little by little they acted in the direction of improving our ecology, it seems to me that there are no small things, absolutely everything is important. let's cut out the tsar bolshevik, you can glue him right away.
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for several days, the kitchen of the government family turned into a film set for the dining room. now in the editing table there is a cartoon about hogweed, the plot is mainly about the battle with hogweed, methods of control are working and non-working. the genre is clear, action, the cast is stellar, arnold schwarzenegger plays the role of the hogweed, the superhero scientist, casting he was serious, he leafed through all his parents’ magazines, i leafed through the magazine, he asked me to take him for the role of a scientist, this is a fantasy, hundreds of takes on the phone and a three-minute masterpiece is ready. you meet plupin and tapinamba are actively growing and cannot be driven away for more than a century. the work became one of the best in the eco-cartoon category of the international ecology award, the business of every 70 countries, 80 thousand participants each with an idea on how to make the world cleaner. polina and semyon
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veretennikov built an apparatus for sorting plastic waste using sound. as sound waves travel across the plate , plastic will collect at the node locations, but different types of plastic will move toward the node locations at different speeds. here's how it works: we see that different types of plastic have gone in different directions. eleventh-grader polina antonova knows everything about sorting; she has been talking about it on tours of the moscow ecocenter museum for 3 years now. the basis is skateboards, made of plastic caps, and. fastening of spiritual materials, and also engaged in recycling with like-minded people second of raw materials, i can stand behind this heat press for hours, turns the crushed lids into sheets, we play with the thickness of the sheets, also with its filling, with colors, we understand what proportions are best to use, then on the milling machine the plastic begins a new beautiful life, how about a keychain ,
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ecology has already won over the whole family, my dad very often collects jars. different yoghurts, in our family, he has a huge container with these jars, he stores screws, nails there, eco-habits are generally not difficult, they share theirs pupils of a boarding school from the chelyabinsk region sort garbage, separating lids, blisters and batteries. at the moment, we just handed over everything for recycling, so we are starting a new collection. the girls made themselves fashionable shoppers, replaced them with a package, and you can adopt the most eco-friendly morning habit today, just turn it off. water when we brush our teeth. alena astrakhansova, vasily valetov, evgeny marinkov, channel one. today is an extremely important date in the international calendar - international day combating drug abuse and illicit trafficking. the name was invented by people unfamiliar with elegant literature, but one way or another it is the day of the fight against drugs. it seems to me that we need
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to understand. drug addiction is a terrible disease, of course, but you can get rid of it. difficult, but possible. now we will go to a place where people suffering from this addiction have a chance to start life from scratch. tatyana comes to the trinity church in tanneries a couple of times a week, here in a small two-story building orthodox center for helping addicts. tatyana tried drugs for the first time at 18. we had fun, then the clubs started, harder drugs. during this period, for some reason i thought that i could be friends with my own people. a drug, that is, i can control it when i want to use it, and i didn’t notice at all how it just sprouted into my life, i managed to get married and give birth, but in the end i left my family, there is no work, i started stealing for the sake of a dose, i was in prison three times , then i decided that’s enough, i realized that i need people, people, who will help me get out of this
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addiction, because i can’t do it myself, in the rehabilitation center, there are such people... you can leave them by reading the qr code that you can see on the donation help center, you will see on the screen, a link to the fund’s website will open with detailed instructions, and to get to the rehabilitation center, you need to undergo a consultation and 10 days of sobriety, the program lasts from 3 to 4 months, and with everything we have an individual approach and it happens... “we are never lost, we are always in touch , we support each other, right here love is going on, so high, andrey is not the first time trying to overcome addiction,
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i had a breakdown in september, so now i have not used for eight months, but i think that this is already an achievement, alcohol addiction, drug addiction are diseases that can be overcome alone it’s almost impossible, the immediate environment also suffers; in the life rehabilitation center they work with loved ones of addicts. it is very important for us to have the opportunity, to have such an option, and to help relatives who want to work with their codependency, that’s why we have there is now a separate annual program for loved ones. all this is free, and anyone from any corner of our country can seek help. you can see the hotline number on the screen, and you can support the live orthodox rehabilitation center using this qr code. just point your camera and follow the link to the site. fund, any help, even the most minimal, is important. elizaveta nikishova, nikolai krysanov, channel one. a very important
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historical date, because exactly 70 years ago in obnensk near moscow the first, not only in our country, but throughout the world, a nuclear power plant. right now we will go there with you, we will also learn a lot of interesting things about modern nuclear power plants. more than 200 nuclear power plants, and 70 years ago there was only one here in obninsk, soviet scientists began a unique experiment. on june 26, at 17:45, the valve for supplying steam to the turbogenerator was opened, the turbine started working, the turbine started working, the first cloud of steam was seen on the tpp building and igor vasilyevich kurchatov congratulated everyone with his the famous phrase with light steam. the current went into the network, scientists, of course, understood what to do theoretically. but in practice, no one on the planet could guarantee how a peaceful atom would behave. it’s scary that this is the first time, the first time in the world, that they’re doing this. but indeed, immediately after the launch of the station, the emergency protection
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was activated several times a day. we need to understand what happened and take appropriate measures. for 48 years the station has been in operation, not a single serious incident, but hundreds of scientific experiments so that modern reactors, how the leningrad nuclear power plant became safe. now they are already like a closed capsule, which in the event of an accident... falls into a trap under the reactor vessel; a melt trap is mounted, a special device with sacrificial material, which is designed to localize the core melt - in the event of severe accidents, then the reactor was closed only with a hatch, although the principle of operation has not changed: uranium in metal tubes releases heat, like a boiler heats water, steam turns a turbine, electricity is generated, this is what the first one looked like tvel rod: these are two steel tubes inserted into one another, in this annular gap between the tubes there is fuel, like semolina, and water passes through the central tube, the enormous heat that is generated here is removed by this
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water that flows through the central tubes. today, instead of powder, there are uranium tablets, in russian fourth -generation reactors, water has been completely replaced with liquid metal, all these ideas originated back then at the obninsk nuclear power plant, it is not without reason that it is called the grandmother of the energy industry and the nuclear fleet. every the power unit is modern... nuclear power plants produce a thousand and even 1,200 megawatts, the first one produced only five. for example, at the balakovo nuclear power plant, recognized this year as the best in russia, there are four reactors of 1.00 mw each. what's enough for? we can supply two cities, such as st. petersburg and moscow, for at least a day, at least a week, at least a month. there are 12 nuclear power plants operating in our country today. every fifth light bulb in the house is powered by the energy of a peaceful atom. over the course of 70 years, soviet and russian nuclear scientists built dozens of stations all over the world. world, and today rosatam’s orders are full a year ahead. at the stage of active construction is the akue npp in turkey, the rupur npp in
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bangladesh, at the stage of starting construction, a nuclear power plant in egypt, ldba. and these are also the grandchildren of the first obnensk nuclear power plant. sergey abramov, sotnik, anastasia and vladimir repin, channel one. for a moment, we give the floor to our colleagues from the information service. channel in order to find out what is new in the country and in the world by this hour. our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news, stay with us. this is news on the first one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello. in moscow, 90 russian military personnel were delivered by military transport aircraft of the russian aerospace forces. danger. in exchange
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, 90 prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces were handed over to the ukrainian side. the released russians were provided with all necessary medical assistance. in the capital they will undergo the necessary course of treatment and rehabilitation. i was traded. yes, i'm in russia. i’m very happy, everyone is happy. i say hello to all my family. i'm fine, i'm alive and well. i'm very, very happy. i was really looking forward to this day. three civilians were killed and nine were wounded as a result of shelling of donetsk by the ukrainian armed forces. everything happened the night before. the militants used multiple launch rocket systems. the dead included a gas station employee and two residents of an apartment building. the shelling continued last night, according to the joint center for control and coordination of issues related to war crimes of ukraine. the ssu fired 15
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nato-caliber shells. several districts of the dpr capital, as well as gorlovka, came under fire. the minister of defense announced the danger and further escalation of the situation in connection with us supplies of weapons to the armed forces of ukraine russia's andrei belousov during a telephone conversation with pentagon chief lloyd austin. our military department reported that the conversation took place at the initiative of the american side. the ministers exchanged views on the situation around ukraine and discussed other important issues. now to the events directly in the nwo zone. the crews of combat vehicles and the bmd4m landing force of the novorossiysk mountain airborne formation successfully completed tasks to cover their assault units in the orekhovsky direction. the scouts discovered an enemy platoon stronghold and reported coordinates. the crews of the combat vehicles marched, approached the enemy, and opened heavy direct fire on him. in the kharkov direction, a sniper-arctic formation of the dnepr group of troops was destroyed by enemy fpv drones. the work of fighters is honed
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to the point of automaticity, it is important to take into account. leaf, bullet speed and many other factors, on the territory of the kharkov region, the crew of the 133mm m-46 gun, grouping of troops north, with accurate shots razed to the ground a ukrainian opornik, who was interfering with the advancement of our motorized rifles. our battery they call it a machine gun, it has already become famous, and the volume of work and rate of fire is very high among our entire group, so the work is carried out according to planned goals, and even more unplanned goals come. we hit a lot of mortars, 120 hit tanks, shot at armored personnel carriers, and recently destroyed a striker. more about the courage and dedication of our military guards, senior sergeant maxim bavulov discovered a column of enemy vehicles, promptly transferred the coordinates to the artillerymen, and they destroyed all targets. major alexey karavaitsev together with his unit, he was delivering repaired equipment to the front line when he was ambushed, quickly got his bearings, and gave
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the order to his subordinates to join. during the battle he himself opened fire, the militants were eliminated. the kiev regime had a falling out with the largest sea carrier; a flight to odessa was canceled for the first time by a mediterranean shipping company, the association of international freight forwarders of ukraine announced. foreigners no longer want to tolerate corruption at customs, they write that ships are held there for an unreasonably long time, checking, rechecking the cargo. these are mainly agricultural products that quickly deteriorate. in addition, you have to pay extra for additional parking time at the port.
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usa, in those countries where they are waging war. and also how states interfere in the affairs of other people, for example, by wiretapping.
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in the forest, not only the fighters themselves, but also the missile system and the withdrawal of special equipment and a zone of conditional chemical contamination. that's all for now. june is coming to an end, the holiday season is in full swing, but vacation these days is very, very expensive, and often there is no money for it enough, that’s where you want to go, but don’t have the money. then there is such an opportunity as to go here.
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called split payment in equal parts, but only before departure, explains another tour operator over the phone. in any case, this will be payment before departure, but it is possible in installments. option four, credit. here,
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unlike short-term installments, payments can be extended over 2-3 years, but the interest is high. on credit we now have a key rate of 16%. this means that banks are issuing. consumer loans for level 20-25%. the interest is slightly lower if you take out a loan not from a bank, but a consumer one, from the travel company itself, specifically for a trip. moreover, in this case there is a grace period, often up to 120 days, without interest. but the main question is, what if the trip is cancelled, the travel agency will return the money for the trip according to the contract, and who will pay the interest, several tour operators answered us, the client, even if he got sick on the eve of departure. will the girl still have some losses? yes, of course, you owe the bank in any case, but the financier pavel kabyakov there were cases when interest was returned. if the conditions of the company and the banks provide for the recalculation of these interests, then a recalculation will occur,
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but if there were no such conditions, then there will be no refunds. in general, the main thing is to find out in advance about all the conditions of an installment plan or loan and choose, like valeria , an offer that is suitable for yourself. ah... i love summer because you can eat the beds, just these crunchy ones, i really love the little cucumbers, the spring ones are also called with pimples, delicious, i love you so much i understand, because of course it’s a cool year, these vegetables are on sale, but summer ones are especially tasty in terms of aroma, especially from your own garden, well, that ’s generally the case, but it happens that in the summer you buy cucumbers, and they just turn bitter, why does this happen? , why these same pimples are needed and how they affect the taste, anastasia telya found out everything: pimples, or in scientific terms tubercles, and not former spines, protectors of cucumbers from pests, disappear with age, a little selection and here you have a completely smooth cucumber , but does taste depend on
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the number of tubercles, we’ll figure it out at the cucumber council of agronomists, maybe texture is also important, experts say, of course, it doesn’t directly depend, but it definitely prolongs freshness and crunchiness. large-tuberous cucumbers with white spines, they are stored very well for about 14 days at room temperature, without losing their commercial qualities, and at the same time they do not let you down, do not lose color, the stem spines lose in keeping quality, so they are better for pickling, here is the quantity tubercles affects the distribution of the marinade, the more, the it penetrates more evenly into the fruit, while smooth-fruited cucumbers are covered with brine only from the outside. the pimply record holder is the lukhovitsky cucumber, the names are associated with the place of origin, but there is also a separate variety that cannot be confused with any other, these are short-fruited cucumbers, not long, with such a strongly tuberculated
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surface, they look like they are shaved, yes, a little smooth, they have smoothed spines, unlike other short-density ones, they are denser and crispier , low in water, and after salting their... workshop, i ’ve never seen the head of my grandmother’s garden, and when i ate with the bumps, i immediately got the feeling that i picked it straight from the garden, it’s the tubercles that most often taste bitter, produce cucurbitocin, temperature differences in humidity, severe drought , cucumbers, stress, conditions are more difficult to regulate in the south, when the summer is very dry and when it’s later, sometimes you come across bitter cucumbers, but then i try it; among large producers, bitter cucumbers are less common, but the variety is respected. nowadays they grow varieties that do not taste bitter, mainly dutch
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selection, that is, without the gene they are hot, even in salads, even in drinks. anastasia, vasily valetov, natalya koldaeva, channel one. what a beauty it is, a wooden house in the country, it’s cozy, and you can relax there in a very special way, because the wood breathes, and you just dissolve in this house, but this requires a lot of attention and constant investment efforts from the owner. such a house, because the wood needs to be painted, it cracks, it becomes moldy, there are enough problems with it, he knows how to deal with them our home master, alexey baiji. you are repairing a wooden cottage, this is the cheapest block of so-called natural moisture. fresh wood is sawn, treated with a fire-retardant agent, but not dried. i have a moisture meter, come on. let's check the moisture level of the material. now
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it shows 18.5%. if you use the bars right away, during the drying process they will twist like a propeller. a floor made from wet boards will certainly dry out, cracks will appear in it, and over time it will creak. the optimal level of moisture content of lumber, which intended for street finishing 12-14%. for internal use. 8%, so we will dry, i will show how to do this using the example of bars, we will dry on spacers, install them at a distance of a meter from each other, then lay the first row of bars with a gap of 3-5 cm, pay attention, screw the block to the spacers with self-tapping screws, again we install the spacers, lay the second row... the fourth, until all the bars are
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stacked. look, there is a distance between the bars everywhere for free air circulation, this way the material will dry faster and will not leak. we cover our installation with polyethylene on top, it will protect from rain. it can be overlapped. we fix two bars on top with self-tapping screws so that the polyethylene does not blow away. depending on the weather, the wood will take one to two months to dry, so be patient. imagine a flower bed, an alpine hill in a country house, yes, few people can be surprised by this, but it’s still fascinating, and the same thing, imagine under the windows of an apartment building, your home, it’s just fantastic, it’s surprising, but it’s quite perhaps the main thing is that there are people who love and appreciate the natural beauty of flowers and shrubs, and also have the work, knowledge and talent, inspiration is a must, that’s for sure. non-forest garden, museum of yard landscape art,
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it turns out that this is possible, the yaroslavl residents have proven it, each flowerbed is a separate composition, handled by a wonderful person alexander, who takes care of this yard, waters it every day, and also trims the trees and bushes. alexander himself is a modest person and does not chase trends. by the way, they have long gone out of fashion alpine slides and even geometry, but here it all looks appropriate. pimenova from izhevsk also believes that geometricity is about style. maybe fashionable and natural, the trend for wildflowers on the site looks beautiful, in the city neatness is better, so she alone trims the trees in a figure. i’m making a form called a minajnitsa, yes, that is , this is such a thing for serving dishes on the table, that is, these are plates, we have four of them here , we will grow a fifth now, saucers, plates, so that izhevsk will still be more appetizing, krasnodar. shaft design is ahead of the rest, here you have meadow
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flowerpots with miscanthus and low-growing shrubs, don’t forget the classics of petunias and marigolds, in one of the courtyards in italy there is a whole green wall, and not just one, there was no design as such initially, everything was done locally, we understood what we needed to finish, what we needed to bring here, it probably turned out very well, because excursions are introduced here, there are already hundreds of different plants, there are figs and lemons, every saturday the neighbors come out to clean, they look after the yard: and this landscape garden radiance is the work of one very proactive resident of novosibirsk. previously, i also had built-up beds on my site, but i got caught. back on a visit to a landscape designer, everything turned upside down in my mind, it turns out that you can combine beds and beauty. natalya ivantsova started with a summer cottage, then created a club for gardening enthusiasts, and then decided to prove in practice: both apple trees and roses can grow in the cold novosibirsk soil and go well with conifers. by the way, there are about 300 species of growth here,
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there are more than 200 conifers, not all of them differ in shape, in needles, in growth, that is, there are green growths, there is ground cover. there are such beautiful christmas trees, like in a fairy forest, and in general there are several tens of thousands of plants in the garden, peonies, lilacs, petunias instead of a landfill, then 6 years ago 127 trucks of garbage had to be removed, but today it is beautiful, all the plants are planted at different levels, and the tall ones themselves are combined with the short ones, the selection ones are friends with the field ones, a walk through this park is like a journey through the best imperial gardens.
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he essentially said that the next president will be trump, and he influenced the speaker, that is, this is interference in internal affairs, he is convinced that putin wants part of northern kazakhstan, you told them that putin wants to seize their state, which means they are scared, yes this is a scandal. humanly sets up both trump and the minister of foreign affairs of kazakhstan, this will not be forgiven him, from now on cameron can be considered a political dwarf. premiere, show vavan and lexus, today on the first. are you so afraid?
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look, is he 200, probably, and if he... i can tell our readers about our first time, the film by alexander baluev, the hotel premiere, a super-camera movie about the understatement between people that arises smoldering inside for years, black appears in the hidden depths souls, for me this is the movie of a man who needed
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to talk about people who want to talk, on saturday at the first, i can’t imagine everything. morning without coffee, but maybe the american drinks there or the usual espresso are already boring, i want some variety, here is a wonderful version of latte with the taste of sugar cookies, i hope that it is not too cloying, but it will definitely get us out of bed, but we hope that it is very tasty, let's try it, i know dozens of recipes for coffee latte, today there is a version for those with a sweet tooth, we are preparing a drink with taste sugar cookies, for a change i’ll serve them in a glass, but first i decorate them: i mix three parts cane sugar and one part ground cinnamon, mix, dip the edges of the glass first into water and then into cinnamon sugar. while the decor is hardening, i will make a sweet creamy syrup, this is what will give
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the drink tastes like sugar cookies. i add sweet cinnamon and vanilla sugar to the hot cream. stir while the syrup cools, prepare milk foam, add creamy syrup and grated white chocolate to warm milk for a bright, rich taste, when the additives dissolve, beat the mixture with a cappuccino maker, a regular whisk, blender or french press will also work, ready, pour... coffee, spread milk foam, decorate the drink with multi-colored confectionery sprinkles, here it is, invigorating sugar cookies in... help yourself, i think that age is just a number, and this is confirmed by the hero of our next
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report, who are young at heart and will definitely give many young people a head start. but imagine a man who, at 93 years old , flies an airplane and even performs aerobatic maneuvers. lidia semenovna leonova and stula are 93 years old. at first glance, she’s an ordinary pensioner, but only at first glance, now she’s not for you yet... after all, they should have been afraid of the will, hands and feet doing, or rather remembering, writing, they’ve deprived you, what are you, where are the eyes of the yak 52, blood pressure fuel, oil, how to reduce speed and lower the landing gear, after all i haven’t sat at the controls for 40 years and we flew, and i liked it so much that i even managed to do my favorite trick, a barrel roll, this is when you turn the plane 360°, it seems that i didn’t expect it from myself, great, wow, great, i’m in shock, but this is her favorite yak-50, on which
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lidia semyonovna once began to plow the skies of her native tula, she became so carried away that she became the champion of the ussr, europe and the world, you stand beautifully, retirement is not a reason to be bored, on the contrary, there is even more time for what you love more, every day ledia semyonovna has interviews, master classes, meetings with schoolchildren who also dream of flying.
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to stretch, i made the first stop after 15 km, so that my legs didn’t get numb, like that. anatoly mikhailovich has not yet figured out where he will go next time, but he knows one thing for sure: he will certainly not sit still. elena savina,
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natalya kravchenko, nazir nagumanov, anna gazhala, channel one. on june 23, the day the international olympic committee was founded, the all-russian olympic day was held on sakhalin. let's see what happened there, and for this we go to the far, far east. all-russian olympic day. for the headquarters of this event , it is enough to know only two facts: every year there are over a million participants, the geography is the whole country, from kaliningrad to sakhalin island. the russian olympic committee held this sports festival for the thirty-fifth time; yuzhno-sakhalinsk became the capital and central site of the festival. for many athletes, this is a unique chance to look at the size of our great, vast country. very good, so far good, so far good. we are very pleased that... interactive platforms for
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thirty sports are located on at the cosmos stadium in yuzhsalinsk, anyone could try their hand at olympic disciplines. the guests of honor are the champions and prize-winners of the winter and summer games, each of them is ready not only to share their experience and knowledge, but to try their hand at other sports. we tried luge. we really liked it, we think we ’ll go there now, have a ride, and of course i’d like to try most of the sports here, we’ve already been invited to try curling, of course we’d really like to try archery, even the president of the russian olympic committee stanislav poznyakov, by the way a four-time olympic champion in fencing, took the opportunity to remember the past, your feelings.
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venues with famous athletes , be inspired by their example, on such a day dreams become reality. the guys are very inquisitive, they had a lot of questions, but they happily answered them and explained from a professional point of view what beach volleyball is, showed a little master class, and shared technical knowledge. despite the cloudy and cold sakhalin weather, this the holiday brought it to the participants only. that positive emotions, to paraphrase the words of the founder of the olympic movement pierre de coubertin, sport made everyone a little happier. just don’t miss this evening on channel one the continuation of the multi-part saga of two banks, this is the story of two families that are separated by a river, and in general they are, what can i say, at enmity. no, there is no agreement between them, there is no
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happiness in the families themselves, maybe it’s all because there is no love, look. today a new episode immediately after the program time ural village landscape it’s breathtaking to look at my eyes , i’m the hostess, i want to go back, i want to somehow explore these beauties, even a hundredth part the screen doesn’t convey how it really is , it’s only bad here, all the women , as soon as the moon appears, run without looking back , where are you going? come on, stop! alexander sergeevich pushkin said, there is no happiness on earth, but there is peace and will, this is about her. maybe it's all due to an old curse? how are you living, at least tell me. here everyone lives with people they don't love. varya is with nazar, but in her heart is mikhail. i can't forget. every night you're in front of eyes, mine. still mine. twilight, varik will be born in a shirt, where his eyes look away
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from his husband, he is not expected in his home. such a strong present, deep feeling, such a drama or even tragedy of her fate, she is trying in vain to be an ideal housewife, tomorrow morning i will iron everything for you and go, and loved ones can afford to be cold, impudent, make a mess like a boil, they get away with everything , nazar, let me go, nazar loves vara, just like mikhail,
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this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, three civilians killed and nine wounded as a result of shelling of donetsk by the ukrainian armed forces, everything happened. the night before, the militants used salp fire rocket systems. among the dead were a gas station employee and two residents of an apartment building. the shelling continued last night, according to
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the joint center for control and coordination of issues related to war crimes. ukraine fired 15 nato-caliber shells into the ssu, several districts of the dpr capital, as well as gorlovka, came under fire. to moscow by plane military transport aviation of the russian aerospace forces delivered 90 russian military personnel returned from captivity from territory controlled by kiev. as our ministry of defense reported, this became possible as a result of the negotiation process with the mediation of the united arab emirates. in captivity, our military was in mortal danger. in exchange, 90 prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces were handed over to the ukrainian side. the released russians were provided with all necessary medical care. in the capital they will undergo a course of treatment and rehabilitation. now to the topic of svo. su-25 aircraft of the russian aerospace forces struck the enemy in the zone of responsibility of the group of troops in the center. the crews used a pitching technique, fired unguided aircraft missiles, and destroyed
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the enemy stronghold and manpower. then set up infrared jamming, safe return. maryansky district of the dpr. the path to the armored group with landing forces. laid a tank with a roller mine trawl, having overcome a dangerous line, the soldiers, supported by heavy fire from tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, attacked the enemy defensive line, we work separately in assault groups, with a small number of people, when there is a large a crowd of people, a lot of drones are working, there are many cases where the enemy surrenders, they give up, hand over all their weapons, people surrender, they don’t want to die, as if everyone understands this. we take prisoners, that's it, we bring them, here is one of these who surrendered, in order to save his life, the servicemen of our group of forces center interrogated, the prisoner spoke about the disregard for the commanders towards
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the rank and file, who are thrown to slaughter like in a meat grinder, about the level of corruption when they those who can pay off don’t go to the front and those who have i have no money, i could have fought because all these people forced me...
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the officials say. by allowing experienced contractors, who receive funding while aid to ukraine is stuck in congress, from the u.s. government to be present in ukraine, they will be able to repair damaged , valuable military equipment much more quickly, officials say. regular maintenance may be required for the f-16 fighters that ukraine is due to receive later this year. american officials are hastening to make a reservation, saying that we are not talking about a new escalation yes, but is there any point in believing them, especially in the eu? it became known earlier that they are already talking about sending military instructors to ukraine. the proposal comes from the head of european diplomacy, joseph barely, and the head of the hungarian foreign ministry, peter szijart, spoke about it. in his opinion, this could be the first step towards sending soldiers to ukraine. life under
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the red banner. one of the most prominent politicians in our country, leader of the communist party and permanent leader of the duma faction, gennady zyuganov, today accepts congratulations on his birthday. he is 80. he is a deputy. the state duma of all convocations, starting with the first, which opened its work in the ninety-third year, participated in presidential elections four times, always took second place in them, doctor of philosophy, reserve colonel, author of more than a hundred publications of books, including on beekeeping, in the family the zyuganovs have several generations of beekeepers, and he also has the first category in athletics, military triathlon, volleyball, but most often he was engaged in class struggle, you know? don't retire statesmen, people with experience like mine must serve the country, dan chapin
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saved china, he was more than eight years old, he saved china, gennady andreevich has two children, eight grandchildren, after all, he considers the communist party to be his main brainchild , this is the largest opposition political structure, the unconditional priority of which is the interests of the state. good morning, our dear tv viewers, we are very glad that you are starting the day in our company, with you sergey babaev and polina tsvetkova on the calendar wednesday, june 26, and this means that the day after tomorrow is the day of farewell to school for graduates, and graduation ceremonies will take place all over the country. yes, this is a wonderful time, if you remember, we have already talked to you.
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graduates who have not reached the age of eighteen, their parents will be responsible, that is, the school is responsible while the child is a student in academic and extracurricular activities. time after the issuance of certificates, or rather the signing of all internal documents, children no longer belong to the educational institution, even if the graduation ceremony itself takes place on school grounds. question two: can the school not hold the ceremonial part? the very concept of the ceremonial presentation of certificates is not provided for in our law, so it’s quite a working story when the director, by his internal order, can cancel the ceremonial part, it’s useless to swear, you can take away the certificates and issue them.
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children in a formal setting outside of school. third: can parents not be invited to graduation? there is an exception, the school may prohibit it, well, from recent events, probably here is the coronavirus, when mass events were prohibited. question four: is it possible to return the money for graduation if the child refuses or gets sick? it all depends on the timing. a reasonable period here, as a rule, is a month, then this is already in question, the parent committee, of course, will... well , i think i’ll be glad to help you if they are physically able to take this money from the last link in this chain, again can and will be right if they say that they have already spent it, here you need to understand, parental the committee does not provide a service, you do not pay for it, these are just people who help, so they do not owe anything, these are people who voluntarily, with great love , agreed to do this huge thing.
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there will be no, this is obvious, they do not bear any responsibility under the law at all. the last question: you cannot bring alcohol onto the school grounds, and if in an unofficial part, children graduating from school, they are usually under 18 years old, of course, drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited in our country under the age of 18, under the supervision of parents or under the supervision of some other adults , it is still prohibited, they can be brought to administrative responsibility. the minimum fine is from 500 to 1500 rubles. it’s another matter if the graduate is an adult, then the decision is his, again, if the graduation is outside of school. anastasia savileva, sergey morin, dmitry roshkov, channel one. the calendar says june 26, and there were various signs about this day, but we’d better turn to astrology, right? yes, yes, well, let's celebrate a wonderful holiday: houda producers day. we are very we are grateful to these people in the summer for air conditioning and ice cream. for everything else and for our
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good mood, here is the horoscope for today. june 26, twentieth lunar day, ninth solar day, generally not bad, strong, hardy, businesslike, hard-working, however, in order for work to progress, he needs a good mood, but he knows how to create it for himself, it’s generally difficult to seriously upset him with anything, and he is also sensitive, responsive, always ready to understand, sympathize, help, this day is very good for those who need to show their talents and loudly declare: for yourself, but also not bad for shopping. on the minuses, he often overloads himself with work, overestimates his strength and capabilities, and then suddenly he is attacked by laziness. on such days we spend extra, we love attention and recognition. aries, remember this when you feel like you're not appreciated enough. dear men, if your soulmate is an aries, find a reason to praise her for something and do not skimp on compliments. towards the evening you may receive news from someone you have not seen for a long time. taurus will have a lot going on. on house,
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family and family relationships, be prepared to help one of your relatives, solve children’s problems, something in the house may require repairs, however, some pleasant events in this area are also possible, even joyful ones; guests may come to see you in the evening. this day can entice geminis with easy and quick money, here the stars can only remind you about free cheese, and one of the twins will be convinced today that love at first sight is not a fiction at all. not a bad day for crayfish ... creditors may appear or you will remind you of something that you promised, but never did, but you will figure it out somehow, and the evening is clearly going to pleasantly surprise you with something, the lions will have a chance to correct mistakes, replay something, arrange a reboot somehow -in business or some kind of relationship, lionesses will look in the mirror more often than usual, and the mirror will confirm that they are beautiful, a great day for the virgins, when everything is done with pleasure, the work is in full swing, almost everything is a success, and the opposite regiment is... located to you ,
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there is simply zero attention to any well-wishers with their constructive criticism. everything should work out for libra, too, unless there is a risk of getting involved in someone else’s conflict or some kind of intrigue, but the stars warned you, and then see for yourself. and today you can buy or sell something at a profit. scorpios may have something like an affair, keep in mind that it may turn out to be much more serious than it initially seemed, otherwise the day is just like a day. just be careful with food in any street cafes. quite a successful day for sagittarius, after lunch, however, some confusion or confusion is possible, unforeseen events are possible spending, but these are all minor things, be careful while driving, and if you go to the beach... don’t go overboard with your tan. capricorns today are charming, witty, ladies, and at the same time full of a special mysterious charm. it will be strange if no one falls in love with them. in addition, the day is very good for making or strengthening some fragile connections, both personal and business. aquarians are simply
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having a good day at work. things will go well for those who engage in creativity or sell something beautiful, but all the other aquarians will not be at a loss, the evening seems to have come together invite you somewhere. everything should work out for the fish, too, however, in the morning there may be some minor hiccups and inconsistencies, there is a risk of being late somewhere, but just be careful to keep an eye on the time, be that as it may, by lunchtime the situation will improve, it will definitely be evening it will be enjoyable, good luck! news from the fashion world: burgundy color is back in trend, and this applies not only to clothes, but also to makeup. beauty blogger, makeup artist, risha krylova, will now show you how to do it. you have been invited to a party, you need to look not only good, but also fashionable. the trend now is makeup in burgundy tones. wine shades help to
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illuminate the eyes, but you need to know how to use them, otherwise your eyes may look tear-stained. now i will teach you. first of all, we neutralize all the redness on the face with a green makeup base, because in combination with burgundy shadows it will become brighter, blend the product. now we are especially careful to hide the dark circles under the eyes; burgundy can also enhance them. to remove blue, choose a concealer with an orange undertone. if you don't have such a tool, let's use a trick. add a little orange lipstick to the beige concealer. we work on the area around the eyes, apply the product in a very thin layer, cover the top with concealer without lipstick, so the blue is definitely not visible, now the foundation is next, finally we move on to the main burgundy
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eye makeup, apply shadows to the moving eyelid, carefully shade it towards the temple, repeating the arch of the eyebrow, look at me, my eyes look tear-stained, to prevent this from happening, you need to make a gradient, that is, a transition from a dark shade to this, for a lighter color, take a dark burgundy or dark brown pencil, work out the inter-eyelash space and the line along the eyelash contour, both above and below, shade the lines and fix with sparkling shadows in the color of the pencil. highlights will add lightness to the image, the highlight of the makeup will be burgundy mascara, and in order not to overdo it with bright colors, apply light cream blush to the cheeks and transparent gloss to the lips.
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how do you like it, it’s as if we added an inner light to the look. with this makeup you will become a star at any party, at a cook-off with nazar the child will be heavy, she, the women were chatting just now, what are we going to do, wife, you’re carrying around a little teddy bear, you can kill him, you can drive him away, who’s there, boy, let me know where you took him, your boy died, like... he was crying, i heard, it seemed to you, boy, take it to the house, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch after the program time, many years ago my son
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brought you a child, he is alive, rum, product lar group vodka pechora product stellar group vodka veda product stellar group cognac old barrel product lar group this year zhanna frisky would have turned 50, she was called the standard of female beauty, both those older and those younger fell in love with her, the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem, she could not overcome one, a disease that turned out to be incurable, i did not leave her side not a single step at all, i slept next to her. how she perceived changes in appearance, very painfully, we covered
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the mirrors, hid only in the darkness, she hated the light, she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success, for her family this there was hell, but after death this hell continued, money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father vladimir friske, if we had not trusted this person, she might have lived for at least another six months, but she would have lived, our exclusive life after life, genre. i keep saying, guys, what will happen will happen, and it cannot be avoided. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. how much people talk about environmental protection now, this is understandable; the issue is more than important and relevant these days. but i want not to only. as they said, but little by little they acted in the direction of improving our ecology, it seems to me that there are no
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small things, absolutely everything is important, let’s cut out the bolshevik church, you will now glue it right away, the kitchen of a government family for several days turned into a film set, on on the dinner table, and now on the editing table, a cartoon about hogweed, the plot is mainly about the battle with hogweed, the methods of struggle are working and non-working, the genre is clear, action movie, cast, star arnold schwarzenegger in the role of hogweed, on the superhero scientist, the casting was serious, i leafed through all my parents' magazines, i leafed through the magazine, he asked me to take him for the role of a scientist, this is a fantasy, hundreds of takes on the phone and a three-minute masterpiece is ready, meet pepin and tapinamba, they are actively growing, they cannot drive away the bolsheviks, the work became one of the best in the nomination. ecocartoon, international award ecology is everyone's business, 70 countries, 80 thousand participants each with an idea on
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how to make the world cleaner. polina and semyon veretennikov built an apparatus for sorting plastic waste using sound. as sound waves travel across the plate, plastic will collect at the knot locations, but different types of plastic will move toward the knot locations at different speeds. here's how... it works, we see that different types of plastic have gone in different directions. eleventh-grader polina antonova knows everything about sorting; she has been talking about it on tours of the moscow ecocenter museum for 3 years now. the base of these skateboards is made of plastic caps, and the mounting wheels are made of pyrite materials. he also works with like-minded people processing of recyclable materials. you can stand behind this heat press for hours, turning crushed lids into sheets. we play with... the thickness of the sheets, also with its filling, with colors, we understand what proportions are best to use.
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then, on a milling machine, the plastic begins a new beautiful life. how do you like the keychain? the whole family has already been drawn to the side by ecology. my dad very often collects jars of different yoghurts, in our family, he has a huge container with these jars, he stores screws and nails there. eco-habits - in general, this is not difficult; boarding school students share theirs. from the chelyabinsk region, they sort garbage, separating lids, blisters and batteries. at the moment, we just handed over everything for recycling, so we are starting a new collection. the girls made themselves fashionable shoppers, replacing them with bags, and you can adopt the most eco-friendly morning habit today, just turn off the water when you brush your teeth. alena astrakhansova, vasily valetov, evgeny marinkov, channel one. today is an extremely important date in the international calendar - international day struggle. with drug abuse and illicit trafficking. the name
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was invented by people unfamiliar with elegant literature, but one way or another it is the day of the fight against drugs. it seems to me that you need to understand that drug addiction is a terrible disease, of course, but you can get rid of it, it’s difficult, but possible. and now we will go to a place where people suffering from this addiction have a chance to start life from scratch. tatiana a couple comes to the trinity church in tanners. per week, here in a small two-story building is located orthodox center for helping addicts. tatyana tried drugs for the first time 18. we had fun, then the clubs started using harder drugs. during this period, for some reason i thought that i could be friends with my drug, that is, i could control it when i wanted to use it, and i completely did not notice how it simply sprouted into my life. she managed to get married and give birth, but ended up leaving the family. i left, there was no work, i started stealing for a fix, i was in prison three times, then i decided
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enough was enough, and i realized that i needed people, people who would help me get out of this dependencies. because i can’t do it myself , she met such people at the rehabilitation center, there are group classes and personal sessions with a psychologist, there is also online work, classes every day are all free, there is a help center for donations, you can leave them by reading the qr code, which you see on the screen, a link will open to the foundation’s website with detailed instructions, and to get to the rehabilitation center, you need to undergo a consultation and 10 days of sobriety, the program lasts from three to... months, and with everything we have an individual approach, and it happens, people come in varying degrees of damage. andrey met new friends here, those who understand him and those who do not judge him. we really have a team here, in which there is unity, we never get lost, we are always in touch, we support each other, there is such great love going on here. this is not
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the first time andrey has tried to overcome addiction. i had a relapse in september, so now i have not used for 8 months, but i consider this an achievement. alcohol addiction, drug addiction are diseases that can be dealt with which is almost impossible alone, the immediate environment suffers, in the life rehabilitation center they work with loved ones of addicts. it is very important for us to have the opportunity, to have such an option, and to help relatives who want to work with their codependency, which is why we now have a separate annual program. program for loved ones, all this is free, anyone from any corner of our country can ask for help, you can see the hotline phone number on the screen, and you can support the orthodox rehabilitation center using this qr code, just point your camera and follow the link to the foundation’s website, any help, even the most minimal, is important. elizaveta nikishova,
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nikolai krysanov, channel one. what a beauty, wooden! but this requires a lot of attention and constant effort and investment from the owner of such a house, because the wood needs to be painted, it cracks, it becomes moldy, there are a lot of problems with it, our home master alekseyzhi knows how to deal with them. wooden dacha, this is the cheapest block of so-called natural humidity, fresh wood has been sawn, treated with a fire retardant, but not dried, i have a moisture meter, let's check the moisture level of the material, now it shows 18.5%. if you use the bars right away, during
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the drying process they will twist like a propeller. the floor is made of wet boards. it will definitely dry out, cracks will appear in it and over time it will creak. the optimal level of moisture content of lumber, which is intended for outdoor finishing is 12-14%, for indoor use is 8%. so, let's dry it, i'll show you how to do it using the example of bars. we will dry on spacers, install them at a distance of a meter from each other, then lay the first row of the block. pay attention, we screw the block to the spacers with self-tapping screws, install the spacers again, put the second row, the third, the fourth, until all the bars are stacked, look, there is a distance between the bars everywhere for free air circulation, this way the material will dry
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faster and will not move, we cover our installation with polyethylene on top, it... takes one to two months to dry, so be patient, it’s not idle depending on the weather, the pieces of wood will question what modern urban transport should be like, well, comfortable, so that inside and outside there is everything that corresponds to the latest achievements of civilization, isn’t it ? yes, so that it is comfortable, so that inside, for example, there are chargers, wi-fi, and most importantly, that transport should not smoke, should not create smoke for us, should not spoil the atmosphere for us, yes, everything should be environmentally friendly, and there is no such transport in our country it's getting bigger, and it's great, this is really fast charging, only 20 minutes and the battery of the multi-ton electric bus is 100% charged, you can continue the trip.
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the trolleybus depot in nizhny novgorod is undergoing a large-scale renovation, the horned old men are being replaced with electric buses, the city is narrower. received 74 cars, equipped with a video surveillance system, a very useful function, everything is recorded, 360° around it, low-floor electric bus. there is a folding ramp, plus one for people with strollers, inside there are several validators for contactless payment, information screens, throughout the electric bus there are different types of usb connectors and we drive, recharge, but most importantly advantage - electric traction without exhaust gases, the most expensive and valuable part is just the battery, lithium titanate, supports ultra-fast charging without loss of life, operates at temperatures from -40 to +40°, range up to... 150 km. large cities are relying on electric transport. according to the national project for safe and high-quality roads , 6.00 vehicles have been delivered to the regions over 4 years. these are
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buses, trolleybuses, trams and electric buses. in ten regions, electric buses appeared for the first time. for example, in kursk, igor burtsev, a public transport driver with 31 years of experience, switched from a bus to an electric bus. control is very easy, steering, brakes. starts very smoothly, without jerking. drivers say the car is comfortable and easy to drive, automatic transmission, plus an abundance of electronics. everything here is based on sensors, everything works as an alarm system, for example, there are even tire pressure sensors, just space technology. what about the passengers themselves? in lipetsk, electric buses appeared on the streets this spring. soft move very nice bus. and the air conditioning system was rated 22. both in winter and summer, you drive and relax, especially since the engine makes virtually no noise, it’s quiet, my girlfriend and i always drive, chat, we can hear each other, silent and environmentally friendly electric buses
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run primarily in busy central streets, this year the number of new urban transport units throughout the country will be replenished by another 7,000. we briefly give the floor to our colleagues from... channel one information service, in order to find out what's new in the country and in the world by this hour. our morning broadcast will continue to release news, stay with us, this is news from the first studio maria vasilyeva, hello, three civilians were killed and nine wounded as a result of shelling of donetsk by the ukrainian armed forces, it all happened the day before. in the evening, the militants used salp fire rocket systems. among the dead were a gas station employee and two residents of an apartment building. the shelling continued last night, according to
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the joint center for control and coordination of issues related to war crimes of ukraine, 15 shells were fired at the ssu nato caliber. several districts of the dpr capital, as well as gorlovka, came under fire. the russian aerospace forces were delivered to moscow with a military transport aircraft. 90 russian military personnel returned from captivity from territory controlled by kiev, as reported by our ministry of defense, this became possible as a result of the negotiation process with the mediation of the united arab emirates. in captivity, our military was in mortal danger. in exchange, 90 prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces were handed over to the ukrainian side. to the liberated russians all necessary medical care was provided. in the capital they will undergo a course of treatment and rehabilitation. now to the topic of air defense systems, airplanes. 125 russian aerospace forces struck the enemy in the zone of responsibility of the group of troops in the center. the crews used a pitching technique, fired unguided aircraft missiles, and destroyed
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the enemy stronghold and manpower. then setting up infrared jamming, safe return to the airfield. and on the ground, the assault units of the army group of troops vostok from the sakhalin region occupied advantageous borders on the approaches to the village of konstantinovka, maryansky district of the dpr. the path to the armored group with the landing party was paved by a tank with a roller mine. having crossed the dangerous line, the fighters, supported by heavy fire from tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, attacked the enemy stronghold. we work separately with assault groups, a small number of people, when there is a large crowd of people, a lot of drones are working, there are many cases where the enemy surrenders, they give up, they hand over all their weapons, people surrender, they don’t want to die, as if everyone understands this, we take them prisoner , all we bring. and one of these, who surrendered in order to save his life, was interrogated by the servicemen of our group of troops center, the prisoner spoke about the disregard for the commanders towards the rank and file, who
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are thrown into the meat grinder for slaughter, about the level of corruption, when those who can buy into the front do not they go, and those who don’t have money have to take the rap for them, you can probably fight, because they forced all these people to go and update their data with work. updated the information that he joined the army, no one cares, we don’t even know where are the positions, where should we, how the hell can we escape, i shot at mine twice. my own people stood opposite, i see movement, i pass on the portions, no one answers, no one confirms, and i even started shooting at my own people. the united states may send contractors from its defense companies to ukraine to repair equipment, cnn reported, citing american officials. according to them, cars from the states are constantly damaged; to repair them, they have to be sent to poland, romania and other nato countries, which takes a long time.
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the situation is not new; western equipment has been burning in ukraine for several years now. however, washington previously did not allow its military contractors there. the white house began seriously considering lifting the restrictions in the past few months as russia continued its offensive and aid to ukraine stalled in congress, officials said. by allowing experienced contractors who receive funding from the us government to be present in ukraine, they will be able to repair damaged , valuable military equipment much faster. they say.
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life under the red banner, one of the most prominent politicians of our country, leader of the communist party and permanent leader of the duma faction gennady zyuganov today accepts congratulations on his birthday, he is 80. he is a deputy of the state duma of all convocations, starting with the first, which opened its work in the ninety-third year, participated in presidential elections four times, always took second place in them - doctor of philosophy, reserve colonel, author of more than a hundred book publications. including beekeeping. there are several in the zyuganov family generations of beekeepers. he also has the first category in athletics, military triathlon, volleyball, but most often he was engaged and continues to engage in class struggle. you see, they don’t retire; statesmen, people with experience like mine, must serve the country.
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china saved him, he was. on the calendar is wednesday june 26th according to the folk calendar akulina grechishnitsa. our ancestors these days.
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soybeans are caught, wheat is caught, well, the combine will show how much the yield will be. farmers are always careful with forecasts. buckwheat blooms in august, that’s when the bees start flying. by september you can collect buckwheat honey and buckwheat itself. harvesting begins when we look at the grass, there is a certain amount of it, a mower comes in, mows it down, it sits there for a week or two, dries, and then the harvester comes in and cleans it up. next... now the main thing is to monitor the sprouts, remove weeds and feed as necessary. evgeny andreev, natalya kravchenko, liliya lobkova, channel one. new technologies are of course good, but they also create a lot of new
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problems, for example, phantom telephones calls, who would have thought? indeed , this happens, especially when there is some other extraneous noise, for example, the water is noisy in the bathroom and it seems like the phone is ringing, in fact it is not, and there is even such a term as a syndrome. phantom vibrations, what they are, it ’s worth understanding. sociologists have calculated that at least every third person in russia is familiar with phantom vibration syndrome, when it seems that the phone is vibrating. yes, this happens when, for example, it’s a hard day, you’re already tired at the end of the day, strange sounds appear, once a minute i pull it out somewhere, i check that the vibration on the phone is turned off, just the sound, if someone needs me, i’ll hear it, but i just don’t want to twitch.
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there is a constant signal, a person is either exhausted or very tired, this is an option when it’s time to go on vacation, or there are too many tasks at the same time, when the brain already refuses to work in a structured way, or we are talking about neurosis, when
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a person just needs to rest and calm down, all this can aggravate the clothes, rubbing against the skin, causing irritation of the same receptors as the vibration alert, especially if things have a zipper or are made of corduroy; moreover, that we feel vibration, so also... as if we hear, scientists explain this by the similarity with the effect of paroidalia, visual illusions, when, for example, we see a face on the disks of the moon, angels in the sky, the brain reads familiar elements and builds on what he knows, he felt the friction, applied vibration, which means it’s time to unload the nervous system, when you remove the phone from your sight for at least an hour a day, here it is important, you know, not to start abruptly right away. the fact that we will go into stress again, it will turn out to be such a vicious circle, then there is gradually maybe it will work out, we remove it, because studies have proven that more often the syndrome is experienced by those people who carry a phone in their pockets, but what should those who are always waiting for an important call do when i already have something important or i have something... then i wait, either
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my phone is open, i should see it, or i turn it on low. another option is a smart watch, its vibration is more difficult to miss. yulia molosa, nikolai krysanov, olga sorokina and sergey morin, channel one. mineral baths, whether they help or not, are very serious question: we will reveal the whole truth to you in the “live healthy” program, and, as always, we will tell you not only about this, but about many other things. today is the first one. look how sashka belikov looks at you, he’s lucky. oh! “no, i knew that girls were falling in stacks from me, why is it like that, why are you making noise, guys, sashka, he’s decided to get married, who is the bride, irinka, pervakova, you don’t love him, he’ll suffer,
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why did he get it?” , that i don’t like it, because you’re mine, well, stay away from these skolchins, they cause only troubles, two shores, premiere serial film, watch it after the “time” program. am i expecting a baby? what other child? ours with you? the world media is full of headlines that the british foreign secretary has become a victim of an unknown person who called him on behalf of petro poroshenko. david cameron revealed many secrets of western politics in this conversation. what did trump say about the situation in ukraine? he said that in his opinion putin only needs crimea and donbass. and i said that this was not so, but he allowed the money to be allocated. trump is the secret master of the world, it turns out trump has all the money, if we can make sure that by november ukraine will be on the front line, then he will want to support the winning side, he essentially said that... the next president will be trump, and he influenced the speaker, that is, this is
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interference in internal affairs, he is convinced that putin wants part of northern kazakhstan. you told them that putin wants to take over their state, does that mean they are scared? yes, the scandal humanly exposes both trump and the minister of foreign affairs of kazakhstan. they won’t forgive him for this, from now on cameron can be considered political a dwarf. premiere, vavan show. today on the first. a very important historical date, because exactly 70 years ago, the first nuclear power plant, not only in our country, but throughout the world, came into operation in obnensk near moscow. right now we will go there with you, we will also learn a lot of interesting things about modern nuclear power plants. there are more than 200 nuclear power plants in the world, but 70 years
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ago there was only one here in obninsk. soviet scientists began a unique experiment. on june 26, at 17:45 , the steam supply valve to the turbogenerator was opened. and that's it, the turbine started working. the turbine started working, the first cloud of steam was seen on the tets building and igor vasilyevich kurchatov congratulated everyone with his famous phrase: happy steam. the current went into the network. scientists, of course, understand. what to do theoretically, but in practice no one on the planet could give a guarantee of how a peaceful atom would behave, it’s scary that this is the first time, the first time in the world, they are doing this, but indeed, immediately after the launch of the station , the emergency protection was triggered several times a day , we need to understand what happened, accept appropriate measures; in the 48 years the plant has been in operation, there hasn’t been a single serious incident, but there have been hundreds of scientific experiments so that modern reactors, like those at the leningrad nuclear power plant, become safe; now they are already like a closed capsule. which in the event of an accident falls into a trap.
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a melt trap, a special device with sacrificial material, which is designed to localize the core melt in the event of severe accidents, is mounted under the reactor vessel. and then the reactor was closed only with a hatch, although the operating principle was not changed. uranium in metal tubes releases heat, just like a boiler heats water. the steam turns the turbine, generating electricity. this is what the first tvel rod looked like. the other two tubes are inserted into one another, in this annular gap between the tubes there is fuel, like semolina, and water passes through the central tube, the enormous heat that is generated here is removed by this water, which flows through the central tube, today instead of powder uranium tablets in russian reactors of the fourth generations, water was completely replaced with liquid metal, all these ideas originated back then at the obninsk nuclear power plant, it is not without reason that it is called the grandmother of energy and the nuclear fleet. each power unit of a modern nuclear power plant
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produces a thousand or even 1,200 megawatts, the first one produced only five, for example, at the balokovo nuclear power plant, recognized this year as the best in russia, four reactors of 100 megawatts each, what is enough? we can supply two cities, such as st. petersburg and moscow, for at least a day, at least a week, at least a month. in our country today there are 12 nuclear power plants in operation. every fifth light bulb in the house is powered by the energy of a peaceful atom. over the course of 70 years , soviet and russian nuclear scientists built it. dozens of stations around the world, and today rosatom has orders booked for a year in advance, the akuya nuclear power plant in turkey is at the stage of active construction, the rupur nuclear power plant in bangladesh is at the stage of starting construction of the ldba nuclear power plant in egypt, and these are also the grandchildren of the first obnensk nuclear power plant. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia navahatne, vladimir repin, channel one. june is coming to an end, the holiday season itself. in full swing, but rest now
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the business is very, very expensive, often there is not enough for it, this is where you want to go, but there is no money, then there is such an opportunity as going on vacation in installments, or on credit, just don’t forget that then, of course, you will have to pay you have to pay for your vacation, so everything needs to be calculated in advance. valeria shandrovskaya is looking for a trip to turkey for a family of four, costing no more than 150 thousand rubles. wants to register. installments without interest, calls the tour operator, but the only caveat is that it is only for 2 months, yeah, no interest, installments without interest, most often only for a short period, perhaps 2-3 months, and a limit on the amount that can be approved up to 100,000 rubles. we, as a family, are not satisfied with taking a tour in installments, since we need to return the payment in a short time. option two, installment plan with interest, it can be arranged for a longer period, six months or a year.
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here, unlike short-term installments , payments can be extended over 2-3 years, but the interest is high. the key rate on our loans now is 16%. this means that banks are issued by consumers. loans at the level of 20-25%. the interest is slightly lower if you take out a loan not from a bank, but a consumer one, from the travel company itself, specifically for a trip, especially in this case there is a grace period, often up to 120 days without interest. but the main question is, what if the trip is cancelled,
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the travel agency will return the money for the trip according to the contract, and who will pay the interest, several tour operators answered us, the client, even if he got sick on the eve of departure. i love summer because you can eat the beds, just these crunchy ones, i really love these small cucumbers, spring ones are also called with pimples, the taste is for the mother-in-law, i understand you perfectly, because of course it’s a cool year, these vegetables are on sale, but summer ones especially taste the aroma, from their garden, well, that’s
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in general, but it happens , that in the summer you buy cucumbers, and they just turn bitter, why does this happen, why do you need these same pimples like them? cucumbers from pests with age, a little selection disappears and here you have a completely smooth cucumber, but whether the taste depends on the number of tubercles, we’ll figure it out at the cucumber council of agronomists, maybe it’s true that texture is also important, experts say, it doesn’t directly affect it, of course, but it definitely prolongs freshness and crispness. mustard cucumbers with white spines, they are stored very well, about 14 days at room temperature, without losing their commercial qualities, and at the same time they do not let you down, do not lose color, with dark spines they lose in keeping quality, so they are better for pickling, here the number of tubercles
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affects the distribution of the marinade; the more, the more evenly it penetrates inside the fruit, while smooth-fruited cucumbers are covered brine only outside. pimply record holder cucumber lukhovitsky names are associated with the place of origin, but there is also a separate variety type that cannot be confused with any other. these are short-fruited cucumbers, not long, with such a very tuberous surface, they look like they are shaved, yes, a little smooth, they have smoothed spines. unlike other short-density ones, they are more dense, crispy, low-water, and after salting they lose their qualities... flywhisks are sweeter, they have such a pleasant sourish taste, although the pimples don’t directly affect the taste, but agronomists’ tests say otherwise, maybe it’s a matter of associations? i ’ve never seen little eyes in my grandmother’s garden, and when i ate the pimples with them, i immediately got the feeling that i picked them straight from the garden, it’s the tubercles
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that most often taste bitter, produce cucurbitocin, changes in temperature, humidity, severe drought, in cucumbers , stress, conditions are harder to regulate. in the south, when the summer is very dry, when it’s already later, you sometimes come across bitter cucumbers, but then i try them, for large producers, bitterness is less common, but the variety is important. nowadays they grow varieties that do not taste bitter, mostly dutch selection, that is , they are hot without the gene, then they can be used in salads or drinks. anastasia otelya, vasily valetov, natalya kaldaeva, channel one. on june 23, the day of the founding of the international olympic committee, the all-russian olympic day was held on sakhalin, let's see what happened there, and for this we are going to the far east. all-russian olympic day. to appreciate the scale of this event, it is enough to know just two facts: every year there are over a million participants. geography - the whole country, from kaliningrad to
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sakhalin island. the russian olympic committee held this sports festival for the thirty -fifth time. the capital and the central platform. for many athletes, this is a unique chance to look, among other things, at the size of our great, vast country. good, good, good for now. interactive platforms for thirty sports were located at the cosmos stadium in yuzhsalinsk, anyone could try their hand at the olympic disciplines. the guests of honor are the champions and prize-winners of the winter and summer games, each of them is ready not only to share their experience and knowledge, but to try their hand at other sports. we tried it ourselves.
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even the president of the russian olympic committee stanislav poznyakov, by the way a four-time olympic champion in fencing, took advantage of the opportunity to remember the past. to be inspired by their example, for me it’s a little more difficult, well, i wonder when another unique opportunity will arise to play on the same court with famous athletes on such a day dreams become reality. the guys were very inquisitive, they had a lot of questions, but they answered them with joy and explained from a professional point of view what beach volleyball is. showed a little master class and shared technical knowledge. despite the cloudy and cold
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sakhalin weather, this holiday brought only positive emotions to its participants. to paraphrase the words of the founder of the olympic movement, pierre da coubertin, sport has made everyone a little happier. just don’t miss it, there will be a continuation this evening on channel one multi-part saga.
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the surplus is confiscated. victoria bolenskaya, sofia rezvanova, stanislav khizhnyakov, channel one.
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thank you very much for starting today in our company. may everything work out for the best for you. sergei babaev and polina svetkova were with you. have a great day, have a great mood, summer is on the calendar and in the yard. please stay with us on channel one, the news is on air right now. see you. this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev, in this issue. finally, home, and the worst is over. i say hello to all my family, i’m fine, alive and healthy. 90 of our soldiers, released
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from ukrainian captivity, returned to their homeland. the head of the british foreign ministry, cameron, who fell for the bait of our pranksters, vavan and lexus, said too much. early in the morning , a plane landed in the moscow region, on which ninety of our soldiers returned home, they were released from captivity, where they were in mortal danger. the same number of ukrainian armed forces soldiers were transferred to the kiev regime. the exchange took place through the mediation of the dinner.


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