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tv   Novosti  1TV  June 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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americans, it clearly confirms what sergei viktorovich lavrov said today, that american hegemony is doomed to failure, to collapse, that the attempts of the united states through confrontation with russia, china, iran , north korea and so on, their struggle against the world majority extending the life of this hegemony only accelerates the collapse, we really see this in the example of american domestic politics very, very clearly, well, now we give the floor to the news and the big game will return at 17. 0:0 not skip. this is news on the first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. in this issue. immediately in the second and third readings, the state duma adopted a law on the resumption of indexation of pensions for working pensioners. millions of russians will receive an increase. regional cooperation instead of
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globalization, more and more countries are getting rid of the influence of the west, about the new world architecture and more, a statement by sergei lavrov at an authoritative international forum. the candidacy has been approved as the new secretary general of nato will become prime minister of the netherlands mark rutte when he will replace jens stoltenberg in this post and how this appointment was commented on in the kremlin. so, the most important decision for millions of russians, the law that since 2025 will return the indexation of pensions for working pensioners, was adopted by the state duma immediately in the second and third readings. the deputies voted unanimously. the first reading of the document took place the day before. the measure will help retain experienced employees in production companies, which will certainly have a positive impact on the economy. question about restarting indexing raised by the governor of st. petersburg alexander beglov at a meeting with vladimir.
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people who continue to work have not retired, and this emphasizes the president’s attitude towards the older generation, this decision will keep hundreds of thousands of our citizens working in the economy, so let’s look to the future with confidence, such priorities. our president is told about
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one thing: russia is a social state. a new report from the ministry of defense, the north group of troops, destroyed the american bradley infantry fighting vehicle. seven defeated brigades of the ukrainian armed forces, including the marine corps of the national guard. in several directions, our military managed to occupy more advantageous positions. the center's fighters repelled seven enemy attacks and destroyed ammunition depots. in addition, three missile launchers were hit. about building a new security system in eurasia, multipolarity, a big conversation at the international forum in moscow, primakov readings, an authoritative platform, as our foreign minister sergei lavrov said, more and more countries are getting rid of the influence of the west and strive for... rightful mutually beneficial
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cooperation, exactly what russia offers, what should the new world architecture be like? olga knyazeva listened attentively. the direction for the work of a participant in the tenth primakov readings was recently given by vladimir putin; at a meeting with the leadership of the ministry of foreign affairs, he stated that it is necessary to create a new security system in eurasia. experts believe that the step is most timely and important; nato’s short-lived relationship within the alliance runs counter to global trends. they are becoming obsolete objectively, because now the head.
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at that time, as you understand, absolutely revolutionary. in 1997, the commonality of approaches between russia and china was recorded in the russian-chinese joint declaration on a multipolar world and the formation of a new international order. this was the first foreign policy document in history on the topic of multipolarity, before our eyes the contours of a fairer, multipolar, polycentric architecture are being formed, they say in different ways. just 2 days ago, the russian foreign ministers and belarus in a joint statement expressed their intention to resist us attempts to dominate the world. moscow and minsk have also called
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on other states to take this approach, and we are ready for a constructive dialogue, even with those who are trying to maintain a balance of ties with russia and the west. for example, we have a special privileged strategic partnership with india. we. question from a german journalist: how does lavrov assess russia’s relations with germany, yesterday, today, tomorrow. we have never had a negative attitude towards germany when the war was ending when the first columns of captured germans were already grandmothers who had lost
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children, grandchildren, husbands, who came out and treated them to bread and water, but this is probably part of the russian soul.
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together we mean the member countries under the direct leadership of the united states of america, together, as the north atlantic alliance, work to strategically suppress the russian federation. at the moment, this is an enemy alliance for us. the growth of trade turnover with
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friendly states under western sanctions pressure is one of the the most important tasks for the country, the implementation of which is maximally facilitated by the federal customs service. mikhail mishustin spoke today about the effectiveness of its work. with the head of the department, valery, separately focused on supporting the participants in the special operation. konstantin panyushkin, more details about everything. as head of the federal customs service, valery pekalev spent a month and a half, before heading customs, as vice-governor of st. petersburg, and before that as deputy chairman of the government of the leningrad region for security. hope your experience is great will allow us to organize work related to the efficient functioning of customs, this will also expand the flow of goods that go across the border. very important given the constant pressure of sanctions, these are priorities for domestic producers, taking into account national security requirements and in close interaction with our trading partners from friendly countries, and at the same time , the implementation of each individual task of the federal customs service should contribute to the replenishment of the federal
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budget. if we talk about the structure of receipt of customs duties, then for import 2.66 billion accounts for exports, 467 billion. the figures for foreign trade turnover in... for 2024 are comparable to the data for the same period in 2023. trade turnover, not including ias countries, as of june 1, 2024, amounted to 21,708. rub. of these, for exports - 13.336 billion. for imports - 8.373 billion rubles. if we talk about cargo turnover, we have exceeded 333 million tons, exports are almost 312 , imports are 22 million. control of cargo crossing the border is carried out according to the principles of a risk-based approach. risk profiles are classified, but it is clear that the shipment companies with a tarnished reputation are checked more often. from january 1 to may 31 this year. this approach brought the budget an additional 9 billion rubles in penalties. control after the release
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of goods allowed us to additionally accrue over 26 billion rubles. and over 21 billion have already been collected. additionally, mobile groups of the federal customs service, that is, often literally on the highways, thousands of violations are detected in 2024 alone, amounting to more than 6 billion rubles. the uninterrupted supply of our industry depends on the work of customs. our economy with raw materials and goods and, in general , all export supplies, it is very important to continue digitalization, customs services to interact with business, receive feedback, develop electronic declaration. among the total volume of declarations, which is over one and a half million, almost 99% are processed in electronic declaration centers. clearance times were 46 minutes for import and 21 minutes for export, and 89% of all goods declarations were issued within 4 hours. and even at a meeting with the head of the federal customs service, the prime minister was what to discuss in the context of a special operation. among
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the customs officers there are members of the svo. currently, 81 customs officers are directly involved in the combat zone, and 70 people have already returned from the combat zone and are serving in the customs authorities, and 19 of them occupy leadership positions from deputy head of department and above. it is very important what you said about our participants in the special military operation that you are involved in. the president has repeatedly said exactly what. participants in a special military operation, our defenders should occupy positions in public administration, the federal customs service is a place where absolutely many of the skills of the guys who defend our country would be useful, thank you for being attentive to this, so many customs officers decided to try themselves in the presidential training project of the new managerial elite from among the participants of the svo , the time of heroes, according to the head of the federal customs service, 32 people have already passed the selection. konstantin panyushkin, anna zayakina, dmitry letvinenko, channel one. long-awaited meeting in australia, a few hours ago
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julian asandge’s plane landed there and the first touching shots, a priceless hug with his wife and father. the founder of wikileaks flew to hanberu from the american island of saipan, where the court put an end to the journalist’s case: a deal with justice, a partial admission of guilt in exchange for punishment, which is fully covered by the years already spent in a british prison. for more than 5 years, washington sought julian's extradition. to the states, where he faced a total of 175 years in prison. main a whistleblower of american crimes was persecuted, essentially for doing his job honestly. at his last trial, asansh said he acted in accordance with the first amendment of the us constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech. however, there is also a rule that contradicts this amendment with the espionage law. asansh admitted that this provision had been violated. today in dagestan they say goodbye to protereus. kotelnikov, who was killed by terrorists during an attack on the orthodox church, victims of that attack in derbent and makhachkala, let me remind you,
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became 21 people, police and civilian. the sixty-six-year-old rector served in the temple for more than 40 years, willingly helping everyone who asked for help. in the city there is a famous monument to the friendship of three religions; father nikolai became the prototype of the figure that symbolizes christianity. by the decision of the president, he was posthumously awarded the order of courage, and... patriarch kirill, during a meeting of the supreme church council of the russian orthodox church , proposed awarding the murdered party leader the order of the holy prince alexander nevsky to the first degrees. i would like to start with a heavy tragic topic. the murder of protereus nikolai kotelnikov, who was killed in the temple, not for any crimes. only because some evil force required
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this death for this suffering that the late father nikolai endured, i consider it necessary to award him the order of the holy blessed grand duke alexander nevsky, first degree, posthumously. beautiful view from the moscow sun ferris wheel. the gift certificate was presented to egor morozov, who came from volgograd together with wife and two sons, ahead of the family.


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