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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  June 26, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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reception, but you communicate with her, by the way, yes, of course, but she probably told you that first there’s dasha’s wedding, then only the children, embryonic ones, yes, well, at least, and that the boy shouldn’t be on her territory there , you have to take a closer look and so on, of course, she said, she fell in love, pink, what did you want, she wanted a family with him, but he wanted it, he wanted it, yes, but he didn’t do anything for it, but how could you understand it in 2 weeks there, whether he wanted something or not... he said, listen, it’s amazing, what a fate, here’s a young one, yes, she seems to be so, so young young, a lot in common, yes, he is from a foster family, she is from a foster family, i think they suit each other, they have a lot in common, he wanted this child, yes, when i got pregnant, i called him, i told him that i’m pregnant, i was worried, i’m studying, but how will we, what, he says, you ’re crying, stop, i’m even more happy than that.
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i was upset, how will we somehow cope with the graphy father, what is it worth? dash, well, where is he, and he was present during pregnancy, was he? no, he wasn’t there, he didn’t help in any way when a child was born, you somehow informed him that he had a child, he knew that i gave birth, they told him about it, i was also in the maternity hospital, and someone told him about it, he said , that this is not my child, the terms do not match, but a week later he began to say that i will take this child from you, it may be that the terms do not match. no, this was my first man, this was my first relationship, this is his child, he needs a woman so strong, powerful, he is like a mother and also very powerful, by the way, she is very, as if i’ve already lived half my life, tell me, what’s wrong with the baby, what problems, boy, he has a genetic disease, mucopolysaccharidosis, type 1, a genetic orphan disease, it’s fatal and he’s undergoing a bone marrow transplant,
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5%, wait, when you were pregnant, there the first tests are being done, everyone is checking for this, nothing came to light, it was a wonderful pregnancy, the child was healthy, that is, now the child has had an operation, yes, yes, here he is, thank god, we have a video, oh my god,
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how everyone got emotional, how everyone cried, everyone burst into tears, oh, how sad, the child’s father, he doesn’t know now, and that the child is sick, he also doesn’t know anything, when matvey was 2 months old, he saw him, he asked, i say, of course , the diagnosis is known, but no, then there were only examinations and matve was diagnosed at 3 months. tell me, this is what they did , the operation was performed, your child is not in mortal danger, no, there is no mortal danger, he can be found healthy, he is alive, yes, and he can be absolutely rehabilitated and be healthy, of course, he will go to a regular kindergarten to a regular school, well, thank god, because i’m talking about prohibitions, that is, look, the child is not terminally ill, well, thank god, what you just said, no, he is disabled. no, i can
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say, your ex-boyfriend, no matter how sad it may sound, is a bastard for abandoning such a wonderful child, your program? for my daughter, as if the last hope, i wanted to go to a rehabilitation center for young disabled people, and i liked the man there, i thought that he would like me too, i stayed a little days at his house, spent the night, and then by chance his passport turned up to me, on the last page he had three children, i just said that every person has the right to a secret, he didn’t tell you, marry me, he didn’t promise you anything and too little time has passed. you spend a lot of your daughter’s life interfering in a dialogue with, say, someone, if she builds a relationship, you somehow try to protect her and say, let’s say, he’s not right for you there, or something else, i’m generally constantly with i am present in her life
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constantly, or maybe leave out this situation, you don’t work, i work, no, not about you, olya, i’m talking about your daughter, yes, we mostly read books, she reads... i go to the library i go and read things like this ol, let’s use this pity very well to get our mother, relatives, husband, and so on, all healthy, 38 years old, if in this month you don’t learn how to cook, clean, wash, take care of yourself, take care of your mother courtship, i give you a bad grade in behavior, but forget this married man, i know that... guide, take me with you, of course, no one will consider you frivolous, just think, i wanted to get pregnant from one, got pregnant from another, what so-and-so, at first i thought, well, how to close my eyes to this, i think, well, how to preserve the relationship and to live on, now the child is with whom at the
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moment, so she has two children, we are sitting like this, we are pursing our lips, because we still want to look intelligent so that you don’t get upset, but this is what we have for you, well, how i have at least for sure. questions for you, i believe that my threshold is a man so not will move on, but mommies, it’s you who leave the children alone at home, i don’t leave them alone, the specialist went out and out, but they didn’t get bored, for six months the guardianship couldn’t find them, it only took us a day, we’re talking about finding the children, the children are unkempt , all kind of dirty... drinking friends, everyone around is drinking, she is drinking with them, that’s right, after that the guardianship authorities really came, they didn’t come, not even close, social security came and said: if i go to your program , they are taking my children away, children live in a family of origin, children live with drinking parents, children come three
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o’clock, we drink and didn’t give a penny of this money to our child, i sent a thousand rubles, didn’t even transfer me, stole state money that we allocate for the child. and until now the court has not even limited her parental rights, and then what if the child ends up in an orphanage again? good afternoon for 10 years in this studio we have been talking about the fact that our guardianship authorities need reform, well, in this program we will once again be convinced of this, not only the guardianship authorities, but pddn, and some social services are ours,
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since we now have a vinaigrette, if you like, of these services, but they are of zero use. a few days ago it came to our editorial office. what was the program called millionaire about? my husband died, they are my relatives, they say that i am not raising my child, and mothers, it’s like in general, you leave only children at home, i don’t leave them alone, he leaves you, you killed
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my son, you killed your children too there you go, this is monstrous, this is a child, he probably walked around in one diaper for a week, where are the guardianship authorities? guardianship, some wonderful words, even... it’s simply necessary to deprive alena of parental rights, instantly, and at once, to take away all the children, i want first of all to ask for a penny, of course, please don’t let this go to the point of we are all together and came to your city, well, we will absolutely do this, if you do not take measures in accordance with your responsibilities, our program editor olga krymkina is in the studio today. olga, hello, hello. i received a letter to the editor, what did you do? after we received a letter to the editor, we decided
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to call all the heroes of this program, we called them and decided to find out what was going on there, they told us that alena eremilova was hiding with her children, and there in the village just bolezino, her no one has seen it for a long time, so after that it turns out we went on a business trip, just painfully to the place where she lived, let us now look at your searches, and then... we must, okay, hello, but tell me, please, and alena ermilova, she lives here, this is the administration apartment, they probably rented, alena didn’t live here for long, zalina tsutnusheva in the village, alena ermilova, you know the one, they bought an apartment and left. you know alena yermilo, your neighbor, no, here
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on this site you don’t know for sure he’s like alena yurmilov, she has an apartment on the fifth floor, no, well, i know which apartment, no, i don’t know there at all, there’s something there- then they change, you don’t know alena germilova, in the store it seems, ask there, do you know this one, and when was the last time you saw her. i went to the store here, yes, yes, but she drank, didn’t drink, you don’t know, no, she hasn’t been there for a year, no, she celebrated the new year here, she said not to take the house, i know that she went somewhere to the village, please tell me, this is the eighteenth house, the eighteenth, and you don’t know this one alena, i don’t know, neighbors, we don’t have anyone like that on our street, i’m her. i haven’t seen here lately for a long time, vinzhe didn’t live here, at least she lived in lipovka, and this is where
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she went with a friend, which means that it’s not her registration, nor where she lived before, she’s nowhere to be found, you contacted the guardianship authorities , to the guardianship authorities we contacted, our colleagues went to the guardianship, which is located all over balezino, we also managed to communicate with them and also with the guardianship in izhevsk, which is located, she also managed to communicate, my colleagues also went there, well, let's see. “hello, no, no, no, we can film, wait, wait, you talk to me, please, don’t come to me, device, connect, please, no, we’ll coordinate now, connect, we won’t agree on anything, the first channel has arrived coming to you from moscow, well, let's go, okay, a year ago we there was a program on channel one about alena, this person is not in the balezinsky district now, so you know where he lives, it was broadcast. commission on juvenile affairs of the uskinovsky district, the city of izhivsk,
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it’s difficult for me to say anything, i say, i ’ve never seen this woman, a specialist went and went, but no, they didn’t get through, then that’s why they started asking the police, since no one gave everything to tova. now we’re trying to establish their location, but you can now call the police and say, listen, i need information, yes, the criminal investigation officers are looking for this family, so far, as far as i know, there is no result, she is wanted by this family, the verification material was recently registered with us, so they have not announced a search for her yet, you can help them , how to find some numbers - then, i don’t know, to go to the neighbors, well, to the neighbors - this is their authority to go,
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we found out her address in the village of kes, came to her, we even managed to communicate with her, when we arrived there, then well, we realized that the situation was in no way hasn't changed, children haven't well-groomed, all somehow dirty, shabby, and well, things were all scattered around the house, when she last met with the guardianship authorities or with representatives of the pdn, as she
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told us, that the guardianship officers came to her only once, when she was in izhevsk, they her... you lived, here in izhivsk, yes, yeah, right after she disappeared, then it turns out, well, not right away, for about two weeks, or something painful, from this the boss was immediately removed, she called me into the office after the program, she set conditions for me, said, either you go, well you live, or we steal everything from your children,
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so everything, well, yes, because of this and more because of relatives, what?
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they gave us admission to kindergartens here, they told her, it’s just that there won’t be free meals in the kindergarten, the children, as i understand it, are from lizhevsk, she took them, didn’t put them in school, as if there were no children and no children, the guardianship doesn’t know where these four children, well, he doesn’t even know, although they were registered, but that doesn’t happen, well, that is, there is no control over the conditions in which they live, whether they go to school, to kindergarten, to doctors, do they receive all the support provided by the state? this is not controlled by anyone. the director of the office of military threat reduction of the us department of defense, rebekah hersman, is only on paper responsible for countering the threat posed by chemical biological weapons, but in essence is engaged in their development. the arctic
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has always been a truly important area for ensuring the depth of our strategic defense. due to those pathogens that can be obtained in the arctic, she can make a great political career; more and more laboratories are appearing in the former soviet union. a huge amount of research is going on to enhance the functions of bacterial viruses. how to make it so that only the slavs can be infected, so that they die, and no one else is affected. she is an expert on the cis, an expert on russia, she works in the pentagon, and on most issues she reports to the cia. what is a biological weapon in american? collective farm, and this is your bear, moduvel, bring strangers, it’s not mine, hersman, or rather, you can’t say, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, you’re also good
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at sending her to the forest, i’m already crazy with my love you, varya, i can’t forget. i’ll leave olga, just tell me, your daughter gets confused with the bear, you’re crazy, we see for ourselves, you’ve gone crazy, ermakov the bear was here, i find out that i’ll kill both of them, clearly, you missed me, i couldn’t live without you nazarka, stop, you’re in the way you tell me, nazar and i love each other, will he kill you, won’t he, has he found someone else for himself, is he writing from home? no, he doesn’t write, damn it’s significant, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program! this year
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zhanna frisky would have turned 50, she was called the standard of female beauty, both older and younger people fell in love with her, the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem, she could not overcome one thing: illness. turned out to be incurable, i did not leave her a single step at all, i slept next to her. how she perceived the change in appearance, a very sickness, we hung mirrors, hid only in the darkness, she hated the light, she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very top success, for the family it was hell, but after death this hell continued, money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father vladimir friske, if we had not trusted this man. there may be at least another six months, but she lived, our exclusive life after life, zhanna, i keep saying, guys, what will happen will be, and this cannot be avoided, exclusive with
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dmitry borisov, premiere, on saturday on the first, here julia began by saying that we have been fighting for 10 years so that at least some, at least some, our citizens' appeals are increasing, we are not talking only about guardianship authorities , because we have an extensive system for protecting the rights of children, this includes the police, here is the pdn, this is the commission for
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minors, that’s when we realized that the trend is increasing that we are simply inundated with a huge number of requests, and we know that every second third child suffers, and under the commissioners a program has been created, it is called children in the family, you yuli, this is known because you... are on the council, public council at president, with an authorized president, and this is very important for us, because the more we popularize the topic, the more we naturally get help from public figures, plus the media, so that we can protect the rights of children when we are pregnant to monitoring the state of compliance with the rights of minors in the regions of the russian federation, maria alekseevna lvova ubelova initiated a possible all-russian inspection of authorities throughout... the topic of prevention throughout the russian federation federation, and we are now organizing and doing everything in our power with the involvement, now i would like to draw your attention to all government bodies of the government system,
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executive authorities, and in a year we will be obliged to submit a report to the president on what was successful, where we saw, what are the problem areas, we want to turn the perspective of all bodies towards the concept of family, children in the family, every day we are faced with the same problem, that the guardianship authorities failed to cope, the guardianship authorities did not do something, here in this in this case, this family needs to be raised, helped, well, come on, in this particular case, you can help, you can take this story under your personal control, but this is not even discussed, i will now explain why, but here i see in the legal field the absence of any or possible threats to the life, health of minors, and infantilism on the face, what can i say here, it is clear that the woman is abandoned by herself, i will do everything to advance this story further, you see, even in the footage it is clear that the mother ready to raise minor children,
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let's make sure that at least these three minors do not remain in a children's institution, so of course we will involve the local ombudsman for children's rights, we will help, we will see what social services it is possible in principle to offer to this family, we have two provisions, this is a difficult situation and socially dangerous situation, we very often have organs. they confuse two different concepts of what kind of registration to put a family on. as i see, it is obvious here that the family was placed in a socially dangerous position, of course, with in such circumstances, they should not only be registered, but preventive work should be carried out with this family, as i see, it was not carried out with her for the reason that we did not even know about the movement, any family that is registered, must be continued, that is, it must be prolonged in the future by the organs of the prevention system and picked up by the move. in this case, i see that interdepartmental interaction did not work, but now we need to understand the structure, why they still say that the family has disappeared, the police do not
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initiated. check, let's look at this story, of course, if it is necessary to involve a regional prosecutor, we will certainly connect, thank you, let's watch a fragment of the program unborn nastya, which aired 1807/2023, i seem to be wandering around apartments, i don’t have my own home, i have i had maternal capital, but my brother robbed me from the administration in such a situation for...
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just like that, he takes it and eats it, none of them know any letters or numbers, but they know what it is to drink, what it is to drink, what to have this lovers, i can’t listen to this nonsense, she came for help, after this program the guardianship authorities will come right away, and that will be the end, in our studio, yulia pavlova. from the krasnodar region, hello, hello, nothing has changed, firstly, secondly, i come to me when it’s calm, quiet, calm, how quiet, why is it all for people with coughs, but not for normal people, i can get tested, calmly , why yulia, such injustice, let’s stop crying, in order to understand what happened, you need to calm down calmly tell me, the program was aired, after that the guardianship authorities actually came,
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that is, your ex-husband was released from prison, and why was he in prison? for murder, he was imprisoned for murder, she went with him, and on march 24, 2000 last year he was released, and on june 21 they signed, it will only be a year since they signed, and they gave birth to another child, a child, but he was born sick, they have a child, i’ll say right away, he was born sick, he was in the hospital for a month, she ended up in the ore drunk, it might even give an examination to the birth center, these are all pediatricians, i ran her around
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sanitsa, i was looking for a child to take... and irina vasilievna govarun, if i go to your program, they take the children from me, yes, i was at the airport yesterday, they were already there taking the children, i’m calling here, help, i beg you, or i’ll go back on foot, the story is about the weaning of children, that if you go to the program, we will take the children away from you and so on, she’s just drinking, so listen, let’s, let’s, until you give an assessment, we’re still let’s tell
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this story in a little more detail as it developed. so yulia, getting ready for the program, left the children with grandmother, they found out instantly, as the jackals rushed there already at the airport, they caught her, no, they didn’t catch me, i’ll interrupt alexander, i was at the airport, my grandmother called, she said: the guardianship authorities have arrived, and the defense has arrived, they’re taking the children, we recorded moment of our editor’s conversation with those who came to take the children to their grandmother, the kdn arrived, our social security came because of motivated children, social security is next to me, they all hear you, i’m familiar with...
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article 121 of the family code of the russian federation talks about that the guardianship authorities and guardianship identifies children only if... then you can leave, but these are some egregious cases that, listen, we have now and we are all directed, all of our state initiatives are generally possible, they are all are aimed at preserving grandparents, we are all people, i am leaving my child with my parents and what should i write. please remind me, she had three children, before this child was born, please remind me, the age and gender of the children, sasha, sonya and
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dasha, sasha is a boy, a boy of 9 years old, sonya is 8 years old, and the girls are four, dasha, she doesn’t go to kindergarten, that is, nothing has changed, nothing at all, but they drink, they drink, the children come at three o’clock, we drink. to take away minor children from you, if we are talking about some kind of personal conflict that has occurred, then of course it will be settled after this transfer, let us calm down and i will take your contacts, hear me, i will take your contacts, i am a representative of the authorized representative president
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of russia for children's rights, director of the department for military threat reduction of the ministry us defense. hersman, only on paper is responsible for countering the threat posed by chemical and biological weapons, but in essence is engaged in their development. the arctic has always been a truly important area for ensuring the depth of our strategic defense. due to the potogens that can be obtained in the arctic, she can make a great political career; more and more laboratories are appearing in the former soviet union. a huge amount of research is going on to enhance the functions of viruses and bacteria. how make it so that you can...
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the rapids are ahead, mom, misha, where they didn’t find him , father said, you are on the rapids, you crashed, hold her, jump, i said, i’ll shoot now, i need him to kill him, father,
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how did you end up on the shore, you found me, who is this, varya, my bride, for the happiness of the young, smile, i am your husband now. otherwise i can teach you, i forgot the whip, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, you’re crazy, don’t touch me, i won’t sleep with you, i’d rather not live at all, this year zhanna frisky would have turned 50, she was called the standard. feminine beauty, both those older and those younger fell in love with her, the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem, she could not overcome one thing: an illness that turned out to be incurable, i did not leave her one step in fact, i slept next to her. how she
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perceived changes in appearance, very painfully, we covered the mirrors, hid only in the darkness, she hated the light, she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success, for her family it was hell, but... after death this continued, money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father vladimir friske, if we had not trusted this man, she might have lived for at least another six months, but she would have lived. our exclusive life after life, zhanna. i keep saying, guys, what will happen will happen, and it cannot be avoided. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. look, i actually went to see how nastya lives, and i met her new husband, to be honest, we were told that... he only that he returned from the north, i just didn’t know that
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he was convicted of murder, he sat and talked, he was terrible, and i will never in my life believe that if he talks to me like that, then there are three children, not his children, who live with him under one roof, in a tiny house, they don’t get slapped in the face from him, look for yourself, they do. hello, is mom at home? hello! i need to talk to nastya, about what? well, is there anything to talk about? yes, i don’t think about anything, but why are you coming into my personal life, whore? andrey, they just want to know that everything is fine with you, it’s easy for them i wonder how my fate turned out, a year has passed, and i want to talk to nastya, on what grounds are you filming, i say, you don’t talk to me like that, but how can i not talk to you, you don’t talk to me like that, you’re filming without me sa. well, at one
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time after the transfer they came and checked, now they don’t seem to be like that, social security is coming, everyone is happy, now there’s nothing to take away , i don’t know why anyone said that they have drinking parties here, but they have nothing, they they live normally, and the children have just finished school, first grade, well, sasha seems to have some trouble with her skills, well, a little, but sophie studied with her well, yeah. graduated, both moved to the second grade, tasha will be the youngest, andrei , first of all, almost hit me, he is so very aggressive, every evening there were drinking parties, there were even minors there, absolutely drunk, her children did not go with beer in a bag, i say, this is what it is, they say, but it’s not forbidden, it’s good, who told you this, the district police officer, she walked around drunk when she was pregnant, and there are no guardianship authorities at all, they’re a store they came in, he’s mom, mom, i want. here the kid is eating, she kicked him off her feet,
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said: oh, where to go, i was drinking beer, in your opinion, what would you do, i would take it, that’s not all, well, as if you can’t insert everything into the plot, he went out more than once, he came from the north, well, when he was seven years old he was released from prison for murder, he was in jail, there were two little girls growing up, next to the gate where they didn’t let us in, well, they have every right, of course, not to let us into the house, here no complaints, his mother was standing there, his mother... has no fingers, i tell her, and something happened, i think, maybe somehow, she says, oh, this is a medical error, a medical error, but naturally it turned out that she had been drinking all her life, he grew up in an orphanage, her fingers simply froze when she once again i fell asleep in the snow while drunk, i mean, these people are doing well, yes, these people are doing well, well, that is, everything is fine with them, how can you not control this family, i don’t know, wait , well, then, in my opinion, another incident happened, the fact is that this fighter here, who with north... arrived, he immediately called the district police officer, i received a message
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that specific human rights were being violated, citizen alexey called, said something that violated his rights, you will give an explanation of what was done on the basis of the law, you if you refuse to explain why on earth we are the media, show you your id, now this will be an obstacle to professional activity, in no case, you are now mistaken about children. when i talked to the neighbors, they said that the district police officer should complain
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it’s useless, well, that is, they call him, they call him, he doesn’t come, doesn’t do anything, but apparently to come and arrest yulia boranovskaya, that’s interesting, here are some neighbors, we have them, they’re filmed, but i personally asked our editors don’t broadcast them, because they asked me, yul, please, we told you how it is, don’t show us, but one said, she says, i generally live alone, my husband is always on... not drinking there’s not some kind, but she says i’m just afraid of this new husband of hers, that here we are now we’ll tell everything about the truth about it, and he ’ll just come, speak and kill me, well , where is the district police officer at this moment, who came running to arrest me so quickly, i want to turn to nikita gabov, you promised to write a request on the last program, what’s the matter? ended, we received the following answer,
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which means that the family is registered, the family has improved, stopped drinking, we were told that you understand, colleagues, we say we will not take the children, this is the minsot’s answer, because we are also looking at the characteristics from educational institutions, the characteristics are good, he says, but no one is interested in drawing them, children, as if the situation is improving, i don’t know what characteristics they give from school, well, you can just draw anything you want, right now, look at the plot, as i visited the opika organs, you will understand how they draw everything. hello, regarding the family, can we talk with anastasia shmatkova? we don’t have such a person registered, the children have lived and have been living for a year now with drinking parents, another child was born in this
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family, no one keeps them under control, they they study poorly, the department of social protection of the population, this family is registered.
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situation, then preventive work should not remain only in the role of conversation, then this is real work as a family, we actually have incredible pushes forward when we treat, that is, this story is not hopeless, i asked a question, i asked a question, i she said, if you had the fact that it was established, she confirmed it, about the fact that they drink, and she says, they stopped drinking, i say, well, really, so they took it stopped, yes, i’m saying, what did you do for this, you put them on... did, they would boast a thousand times in order to be praised, in order to, well , you must admit, if they just did something now let’s shout all over the country that we’re great, let’s watch
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a fragment of the program just karina, she’s registered, they go to the doctor, they ’re being monitored somehow, well, there’s silence in response, you know, well, broadcast on may 30, 2023, when your brother, being... karina left you his child, he left, he wrote a power of attorney, according to power of attorney, she lived with me, karina came like little mauli, she was so scared that you are crying, are you afraid, what are you afraid of, that mom will take it away, not guardianship, that’s what she said, guardianship should have gone to court a long time ago to restrict mom in parental rights, you will give birth to yourself, take this one, your words, and my words, children’s money for your child and not a penny of this money was given to your child, i sent a thousand rubles, no one will give you the child if he turns out to be not the father, the child has only one way, to the nursery house, the dna is in my hands, as i already said,
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it’s not yours, girl, now after the program you will write a power of attorney for alu. on your daughter, your baby, as she lived, will continue to live with alla, you will not harm her, al, and you will be ready to let your mother communicate, this is the best proof that you truly love your daughter, in our studio aladein, again in this studio, hello, hello, well, tell me how you are doing, how are we doing, after the program with us? it all started very, very, very badly, lena, firstly, came, it was our program in april, lena arrived on may 7th. brought home everything she could, she brought the police, guardianship, juvenile affairs, wrote a statement against me that i took,
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stole her daughter, that i don’t open it, i don’t take the child to kindergarten, i hide her for 2 weeks, they started ask me, it’s true that i don’t open the door for her, she, i say, she never came, well, everything was resolved there, they forced her to withdraw her application, the guardian told her to come on may 10... they assigned her psychologist together with the child and me, she was about to leave, she didn’t go, karina and i went together, that’s it, then there was a trial, there, of course, in court there was her lawyer, who was only concerned with me, my life, he poured on me all the dirt, i stood there as if i had abandoned the child and i came to court. the director of the office of military threat reduction
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of the us department of defense, rebekah hersman , is only on paper responsible for countering the threat posed by chemical biological weapons, but in essence is engaged in their development. the arctic is always represented a truly important zone to ensure our depth of strategic defense. thanks to the pathogens that can be obtained in the arctic, she can make a great political career. more and more laboratories are appearing in the former soviet union. a huge amount of research is going on to enhance the functions of bacterial viruses. how to make it so that only the slavs can be infected, so that they die, and no one else is affected. she is an expert on the cis, an expert on russia, she works in the pentagon, and she reports to the cia on most issues. what is a biological weapon in the american understanding and how can they use it against us. hersman, you can’t say more precisely, the dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, two
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shores, i love you, varya, i’ll leave, spoilers, again your daughter gets confused with the teddy bear, he will kill you, he won’t kill you, he found someone else for himself, you are because of him i've already come close to death twice, which means i love you to death, premiere, watch the time after the program. would have turned 50, she was called the standard of female beauty, both those older and those younger fell in love with her, the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem, she could not overcome one thing: an illness that turned out to be incurable, i did not leave her one step at all, i was sleeping next to her. how did she perceive the changes in appearance? very painful, we covered the mirrors, hid only in the darkness, she was not the light... she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success. for relatives it was hell, but after death this hell continued, money,
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threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father vladimir friske. if we had not trusted this person, she might have lived for at least another six months. our exclusive life after life, zhanna. i keep saying: guys, what will happen will happen, and it cannot be avoided. exclusive. borisov premiered on saturday at the first. what did the court decide? and this is how the trial has been going on since june 15 , 2023, and even now it’s just been postponed. you have been raising karina since january 1, 2020, yes. during all this time, how many times did she appear? well, after the program, only after the program. well
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, according to her, she transferred you a thousand, okay, we’ll believe you, and so far the court has not even limited her birth rights, no, no, look, again, yes, 4 years, the mother does not see the child, does not participate in any way in raising her, does not pay the child, whether child support was assigned or not, they were assigned, she was withheld for 2 months, she came. let’s do this, she didn’t pay child support, didn’t participate in the child’s financial life, stole state money that we allocate for the child, and these are the grounds for the court not enough to at least limit parental rights, what's going on? and now, karina, on what basis, also by power of attorney, by proxy, power of attorney from someone, from the father, from the brother, here again is a phenomenon, we found out that the father is not the biological father of the child, but according to the documents he the father of the child, until it is proven... the opposite in court, he is the legal representative, in fact, she now lives with you by proxy from your son, from her brother, brother, i mean,
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from her brother, yes, and no steps to legalize.
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mother's parental rights, what in the end? look, in a second this mother will come to her senses, because she has no experience in managing this girl, she hasn’t seen her for 4 years, and then no one will allow the child to end up in an orphanage again, just like that, to take the child and give it to a stranger ourselves or the guardianship authority, this is impossible, so we will do everything to send a letter to the ministry of social development of the region and we will indicate after some time our recommendation, the recommendation of the commissioner for rights of the child. in fact, to be honest, we went to the commissioner for children’s rights after the program went on air, that is, it was a year ago, well, we can even take a look, we will, of course, study this situation from all sides, first turn solely in the interests of the child. i am now already preparing letters and requests to all authorities so that i can collect characterizing material in order to analyze and draw my conclusions, but
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the fact that we are taking control of this situation is unambiguous. but i understand that after program, she doesn’t contact you, no, she called me once, said that we will do this now, that we will only do it for the benefit of the child, no more , the trial has begun, which was initiated by the mother, the prosecutor’s office needs to be involved here, i i see this and well, i see this as a lawyer, first of all, about the human aspects, we are silent only to thank you for picking up this girl and raising her so warmly, so let’s see how to pick her up. this is my bun that i'm from i made him from records that he doesn’t know how to roll on his own, the most beloved, not the dearest, i have a mother, today is a lot of fun, i’ll sing a song for mom, all the flowers in the world, today fuck you, we are cool daughters and
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sons, we are mother’s flowers. it seems to me that at the dna level, at the level, i don’t know, there must be a program built into it, any person who receives a salary from the public sector must remember who he came to serve, he came to serve people, it doesn’t matter whether he came to work .


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