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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  June 26, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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peacekeeping contingents in order to suppress resistance in haiti, that is , there are very complex relationships there, so it’s really not worth considering this in the context of the confrontation between russia and the united states, but in the context of the peoples of africa declaring themselves, it’s worth it, but our business right, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. we hand over to the news, the big game returns at 11:00 p.m. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. the state duma adopted the bill in the second and third readings on the indexation of pensions for working pensioners. this decision will affect millions of russians. three launches at once. the highmars loading
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machine installations of the ministry of defense reported an attack on american weapons to western specialists who were servicing them. applause at canbera airport. asansh returned home after years of imprisonment in london. the guilty plea hearing was fast paced. i felt something was wrong, but managed to blab a lot of unnecessary things. british foreign minister cameron talked with our pranksters vavan and lexus. significant date for the nuclear industry around the world. exactly 70 years ago the obnensk npp was put into operation. there are big celebrations in the city today. and congratulations are accepted by gennady syuganov, the permanent leader of the communist party of the russian federation on his eightieth birthday shared his plans for the future and the secrets of his excellent form.
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the most important bill, which will affect almost 8 million of our citizens, was adopted today by the state duma in its final reading. now pensions for working pensioners will be indexed again. deputies supported the document unanimously. the procedure was suspended in 2016. it was proposed by the governor of st. petersburg, alexander beglov, to resume it during a meeting with vladimir putin on the sidelines of the recent st. petersburg economic forum. anyone who decides to continue working after retiring will receive an increase.
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in relation to people who continue to work, have not retired, and this emphasizes the president’s attitude towards the older generation, this decision will keep hundreds of thousands of our citizens working in the economy, so let’s look to the future with confidence. such priorities of our president speak about one thing: russia is a social state. in derbent today they said goodbye to archpriest nikolai kotelnikov, who died as a result of a terrorist attack on an orthodox church. the panekhida took place in the very church where the rector served. hundreds of people came to see him off on his last journey. for many, father nikolai was not just a clergyman, but a spiritual mentor and friend.
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as well as the place where this crime took place, and the very possibility of killing a clergyman, as they say, for nothing, about nothing, this, of course, testifies to the corresponding moral and spiritual decline, not only of those people among whom this murderer was raised, but in general, perhaps, in that part of society that, unfortunately, does not offer the necessary resistance. due to the emergence of such
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terrorist sentiments, i consider it necessary to award him the order of the holy blessed grand duke alexander nevsky. not posthumously. and also from those who can be a real example for the younger generation, to two boys, who distributed water to law enforcement officers during the counter-terrorism operation in dagestan, today presented letters of gratitude and gifts. footage of the guys carrying heavy packaging with bottles is still discussed on social networks, but the schoolchildren themselves do not consider their act heroic and modestly tell how it all happened. i came up with the idea to buy water. dad bought us seven boxes of water.
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in the irkutsk region , yars mobile strategic complexes are involved, part of russia’s nuclear account, how everything was, they told the ministry of defense, a hundred-kilometer forced march, then the formidable vehicles dispersed in the forest, combat positions were equipped, camouflage, security and counteraction
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to possible saboteurs were organized. such exercises make it possible to improve the training of personnel, the military department emphasized. i will add that yarsa is a modern strategic missile system, mobile and silo-based. it is capable of hitting targets at a distance of 12.00 km, and is equipped with a multiple warhead with maneuvering units. and crews trained in kamchatka and the kuril islands berg complexes into the bastion of the pacific fleet. during the maneuvers , electronic launches of onix missiles were successfully carried out against targets that simulate enemy landings. our fighters did not allow the saboteurs to land on the coast. the world's attention today was focused on the island of saipan in the pacific ocean, where... the us federal district court put an end to the case of julian asandge, the founder of wikileaks was released, for this he had to make a deal with prosecutors, partially admit guilt, after which the journalist was sentenced to the term he had already spent in british prison. washington sought extradition for more than five years, and sanja all after
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his sensational exposure of the crimes of the american military in iraq, afghanistan and at cia facilities. in fact, the australian literally faced death for telling the world the truth. behind bars, but now all this horror is behind us, now the founder of wikileaks is already in his homeland. here is footage of the long-awaited meeting with the family; reporters, who were also on duty at canbera airport, greeted assange with thunderous applause. meanwhile in america itself heated debate, many believe the release of asandge is a thoughtful move by the white house ahead of tomorrow's debate, which will pit joe biden and donald trump. now about the revelation. british foreign minister david cameron, who thought he was talking to petro poroshenko. as it became known, the minister received a call from russian pranksters at avanny lexus. it all happened in early june. the politician assured that he immediately suspected something was wrong, however, he still managed to tell a lot, for example, about helping the kiev
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regime and not only. then he recorded a video to justify the conversation. with details pavel krasnov. lord cameron became suspicious after an exchange of text messages and a short video call.
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that if foreign troops are brought into ukraine, then a target will appear for putin, then the question will arise of how to react if they are hit. i really like the french enthusiasm, but i'm not sure that... there is a part that is not very supportive of ukraine, not very supportive of what they consider, you know, foreign conflicts. trump thinks it's possible
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make some easy deal. he said that in his opinion, putin only needs crimea and donbass. and i said that's not true. for kiev, the main issue remains support from nato. here the head of the british foreign ministry disappointed his wards, although he did not reveal the secret that in the foreseeable future ukraine will not become a member of the bloc. we should not have a dispute between nato and ukraine before the summit. i support ukraine's membership in nato. i've always done this and i'm sure it will happen, but we won't get that invitation this time. so i think it's important not to argue about this. the next nato summit will take place in july, just in the usa, where ukraine is expected to receive statements of firm support and open doors.
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into management activities, to invite them to government bodies, to state corporations, as
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vladimir vladimirovich said, these are the people who live the fate of the country, who will never let you down, they certainly deserve to take part in government in a variety of different areas. valentin ivanovna, i am very glad to be your ward, if you can call it that. of course, in the zone of a special military operation i had to try on the role of a manager when my head of medical service was wounded, and i had to take his place and take on these responsibilities. law as the basis for the global balance of interaction between states in a multipolar world. this is the main theme of the twelfth international legal forum. which opened today in st. petersburg. more than 4.00 of the best specialists in
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this field came to the city of nanev for 3 days. politicians, business representatives and the law enforcement community, the topic of ukraine was also heard at the largest legal platform. pavel pcholkin, about how the first day went. for 3 days, st. petersburg became the capital of international law, according to which most of humanity tries to live. while the west imposes on the world a certain order based on rules. in order to maintain its dominance, this forum is a clear response to such attempts; it is argued here that it is law and sovereignty, the basis of balance in the world. today alone we counted 46 round tables and discussions; in just 3 days of the forum there will be more than 120 of them. of course, the participants assess the ongoing crimes of the kiev regime. maria zakharova spoke about how the western rules-based order was evident in the reaction of brussels and kiev to the killing of russian civilians by a ukrainian missile .
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in order for every criminal of the kiev regime to receive a well-deserved punishment, according to the deputy head of the investigative committee, it is necessary to change russian legislation, which has gaps. these gaps include the inability to recognition as criminals of persons who have committed grave crimes against the national security of the russian federation in cases where such persons are no longer alive.
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a paradoxical situation arises when there is evidence.
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will finally destroy, so to speak, this system that our ancestors created, starting in 1945, leading lawyers from russia from almost eighty friendly countries and territories gathered, came here to work on creating a just world, more than 45 participants, including three dozen ministers of justice from different states, within the framework of the forum today, on the initiative of the minister of justice konstantin chuichenko , a monument to the outstanding lawyer anatoly koni was solemnly unveiled. it was installed on moskovsky prospekt in front of the russian national library in honor of the 180th anniversary of the jurist anatol fevich kone , our great compatriot who left a huge legacy, and, probably, this legacy is connected not so much with jurisprudence as with the humanitarian component of our life.
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by the way, it should be noted that he was an academician not in the field of law, in the field.
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in general, this figure is the same as for the previous period; the prime minister asked to pay attention to expanding the flow of goods that go across the border, which is very important given the constant pressure of sanctions. read more about everything by konstantin vanyushkin. as head of the federal customs service, valery pekalev worked as vice-governor of st. petersburg for a month and a half before heading customs, and before that as deputy chairman of the government of the leningrad region for security. i hope that
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cargo flowing across the border is carried out by according to the principles of a risk-based approach, risk profiles are classified, but it is obvious that the departure of a company with a tarnished reputation is checked more often. from january 1 to may 31 of this
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year, this approach brought the budget an additional more than 9 billion rubles in penalties. control after the release of goods allowed us to additionally accrue over 26 billion rubles. and over 21 billion have already been recovered. additionally, mobile groups of the federal customs service, that is, often literally identify them on the highways.
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training of new managerial elite from among participants of the nvo time of heroes. according to the head of the federal customs service, 32 people have already passed the selection process. konstantin panyushkin, anna zayakina, dmitry letvinenko, channel one. a landmark day for the russian
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nuclear industry. exactly 70 years ago, on june 26 , 1954 , the world's first nuclear power plant was launched in obnensk. net power - 5.00 kw. now these figures at the most modern nuclear power plants are exceeded thousands of times. but then for the whole world it was great news, essentially changing the energy future, giving unimaginable prospects for the development of peaceful atom. the station, including as an experimental site, worked for almost half a century and was stopped only at the beginning of the 200th century. now it is a large museum and memorial complex. the president congratulated those gathered on this significant date; his address was read by deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko. advanced nuclear technologies open up new possibilities. in energy and medicine, in the harmonious development of the arctic territories, the implementation of the national space program, in others spheres and state corporation rosatom carefully preserve
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the unique intellectual, scientific, and technological heritage of many generations of predecessors. it is deeply symbolic that just these days the international youth nuclear forum omninsk new is taking place in the city. i wish you success, the implementation of your plans , all the best, vladimir vladimirovich putin, leadership must be fixed, and today we are fixing it with the construction of everything that rosatom is, further it must be maintained and developed, having new technologies, we and thermoyats were given to the world by 50, in the fifties the whole world, having added up 20 billion, was building and ter in the south of france, which is called by the russian word current, like a satellite camera with magnetic codes, everything was invented. this is the answer, and today we must maintain this leadership, congratulations on his birthday, today he is receiving one of the most famous political figures in the country, gennady
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zyuganov, he is 80 years old, the permanent leader of the communist party of the russian federation, a deputy of all eight convocations of the state duma, he is still full of energy today and legislative ideas, for their contribution to the development russian statehood, vladimir putin awarded gennady zyuganov the title of hero of labor, plans for the future and how to stay in great shape. at the same time, he notices it not without nostalgia,
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otherwise i can use a tractor, if anything. at school i started on a belarusian tractor, then gas 51.53, i love driving. for several decades , the government boarding house snegeri has been like a home for gennady zyuganov, they take care of him, and he takes care of the boarding house. the regular inhabitants of the bullfinches recognize the general secretary’s car from afar, and he says that is proud of the new residents of the boarding house, every month there are two streams of 200 people, almost 17 children from donbass were able to. rest here, we have a lot of children, there was a condition, i helped the management, i said, we will create everything we have for the children, well , here are the children of donbass. on the occasion of his anniversaries, gennady zyuganov prefers to meet with journalists in this pink house of the secretary general and is happy to conduct excursions around it every time. for three decades, he says, he has planted hundreds of bushes and trees here. here he is in his the seventieth year is planting, let’s approach the black soil
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and... water it and there will be great conditions, here 75 is watering, you see, i water them regularly, very well, everything is accepted with me, 80 years of proactive answers to an unasked question, you see, they don’t retire, statesmen, people with such experience as mine should serve the country, china saved him. was more than 8 years old, he saved china, his personal drama, says zyuganov, is that he, too, was a communist andropov’s call to save the ussr in the ninety-first year managed. when the leadership rotted, we did not have a group of people, or even two or three people, who could overcome this crisis. historical russia had to pay dearly for the events of the late eighties and early nineties, for experiments with reforms
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in the leadership of the cpsu as a leader.
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country as an almost artistic metaphor explaining the logic of gennady zyuganov, his story about childhood and his mother-teacher, who for him is the prototype of his homeland, in fact, when i was 7 years old, she called me, said, i will be with you teach, you see the threshold, i see, so i crossed, i’m a teacher, we came back, i’m a mother, i studied with her for 4 years, i really wanted to get an a, i say, give it to nikolai...
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