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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 26, 2024 6:30pm-7:55pm MSK

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you see the threshold, i see, so i crossed, i’m a teacher, we came back, i’m a mother, i studied with her for 4 years, i really wanted to get an a, i say, nikolai got an a, but i didn’t, she looked at me very sternly and said , my main task is to teach you to work, it was a very good lesson, zyuganov always tried to study perfectly, the seventeen millionth visitor to the large-scale forum russia today was egor morozov from volgograd, he came to the main exhibition of the country with his wife olga and her sons ivan and andrey, the family was presented with a certificate for a trip to the nizhny novgorod region, the program includes the main cultural sites of the region, for example, the famous kremlin and the picturesque arrow, this is... the place where the ak and the volga merge.
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now, according to the organizers, the exhibition is experiencing a maximum flow of visitors, at least 100,000 guests per day, this has not happened throughout the entire forum. and that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, well, right now on the first, watch the program, time will tell. hello, at live on channel one, the program “time will tell.” today we will, as always, discuss the most important, most current events, but let’s start with an important and relevant event today, a pleasant one, today gennady andreevich zyuganov, the leader of the communist party of the russian federation, is 80 years old, and today gennady andreevich received the title of hero of labor of the russian federation, in my opinion sight. this
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is absolutely deserved, because you can have different attitudes towards communist ideology, but no one will argue with the fact that gennady andreevich is a person who his daily activities and the activities of his party, well, it kind of confirms that politics is still work, but the most important thing is not that he guarded our politics, but that he went through all the most difficult stages together with his party, together with the state duma, but for me, i know gennady andreevich and talked with him, and for me the most important impression about him and it coincides with my idea of ​​politics, what i say again, is how you want to relate to ideology, to the party, and so on, but a politician must be adequate to the people of the country in which he lives, gennady andreevich is absolutely adequate in this sense to the people of our country, because... well, when
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you communicate with him or listen to what he says, you understand that well enough a large number of people in our country, they see themselves in the zyuganov type, and it seems to me that this is very important for a politician, it is very important for a person that people see good things in him. gennady andreevich, happy birthday, happy anniversary, happy summer. we have advertising, we'll be back after advertising to other important and relevant events of today. the director of the us department of defense's office of military threat reduction, rebekah hersman, is only on paper responsible for countering the threat posed by chemical biological weapons, but in essence is engaged in their development. the arctic has always been a truly important area for ensuring the depth of our strategic defense. pathogens
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that can be obtained in the arctic, she can make a great political career, her laboratories are appearing more and more on space of the former soviet union. a huge amount of research is going on to enhance the functions of bacterial viruses. how to make it so that only the slavs can be infected, so that they die, and no one else is affected. she is an expert on the cis, an expert on russia. she works in the pentagon, and on most issues she reports to the cia. what are biological weapons in the american understanding? and how can they use it against us? rebecca hersman, you can’t be more precise, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, beauty, you are so mish, it’s all the same, you beautiful, here’s a bear for you, i won’t ever marry ermakov now, i understand, don’t touch hands, we’ll get married anyway, i won’t marry... varka, make up your mind, i need
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to start a new life, i’ll get a job at a factory, you too somewhere. take off the room, the thresholds in front, mom, misha, where, they didn’t find him var, father said, you are on the thresholds, you crashed, hold her, jump, i said, i’ll shoot now, little one, no need, who killed him, father, how are you i ended up on the shore, you found me, who is it, varya, my bride, for the happiness of the young! smile, i’m your husband now, otherwise i can teach you, i forgot the whip, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, you’re crazy, i won’t sleep with you,
6:36 pm
i’d rather not live at all, this year zhanna would have turned 50, she was called the standard of women. those who were older and those who were younger fell in love with her, the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem, she could not overcome one thing, an illness that turned out to be incurable, i did not leave her one step at all, i slept next to her, how she perceived changes in appearance, very painful, we covered the mirrors, hid only in the darkness, she hated the light, she hoped to fight, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success, for her family it was hell, but after death this...
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it will be like you without me, i honestly tried for you forget, mish, me too, love will destroy us, but it makes me sick to look at her, she carries your child under her heart, as you say, the names of those fists you came to declare, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, look at...
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the arctic has always been a truly important area of ​​ensuring our depth of strategic defense due to those pathogens that can be obtained in the arctic, it can make a big political one. biological weapons are no longer affected by this, she works in the pentagon, and on most issues she reports to the cia. what is how to make it so that only the slavs can be infected so that they die, and no one in the american sense and how can they use it against us? rebecca hersman, cis expert, russia expert, she couldn’t be more precise. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, time will tell the program,
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we continue to work live, and another good and worthy person would turn 48 years old today, today would be the day. that a lot of what is happening now would raise questions in him, a lot of people understood what is happening now, i think that what is happening now would probably cause him bewilderment, although i think that he would not before that, because he would have fought, i think, in the forefront simply
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at the front and would have been in the thick of these events, with on the other hand, i don’t know if he could, he, of course, had what is called... in politics such a vision, this vision of this future, i don’t know how much in his vision he could imagine that through what - that time in june a... twenty-four , the ministers of defense of the russian federation of the united states of america will call, and about, objectively, we do not know for what specific reason they called, we can assume that this conversation took place after how the tragedy happened in sevastopol, when american missiles were used by a terrorist entity, ukroreich died. people on the beach in sevastopol, these were cassettes, these were missiles with cluster munitions, and at the same time
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the ministry of defense made a harsh statement, immediately calling it officially a terrorist act, saying that it would not have an impact, would not go unanswered, we can assume that in addition to those goals , which are indicated in the message of the ministry of defense, that andrei belousov pointed out the danger of further escalation of the situation in we will establish connections with ongoing ones.
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we talked, this is what is on the surface,
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what is revealed by logic, logic, well, then the question arises, to what extent is it possible or worth it that this has been publicly stated, that they link this conversation to the current agenda, in particular the supply of weapons, the tragedy in sevastopol , that is, this is some kind of local story that is of mutual, mutual importance and interest, or from this... it is still very important for our viewers to understand us, that is, if you say,
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they made a mess, then you mean what, what are they - what exactly is the problem, that is, they wanted to hit the beach, but then it’s a mess, but not a problem, i agree, absolutely, or or they, well, how did it happen that they were like, what is it flew along the beach, but should not have flown, then it’s like... in the task of american missiles, this is a combination of circumstances unfavorable for
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the americans in this case, and for the americans too , for us it’s just a tragedy, for us it’s a tragedy, but for us it’s not coincidence of circumstances, and for them it is unfavorable coincidence of circumstances, and there are several, as it were, intelligence signs, relatively speaking, yes, that were immediately visible, which had to be interpreted correctly, the americans, judging by the call, interpreted them correctly, the first ministry. the press secretary who personally, informationally and the president, the supreme commander-in-chief,
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then added a telegram from emotionally to this sevastopol story, i don’t remember this in the last months there, this. is also an important sign for enemies too, because thereby vladimir vladimirovich, as if he said, i am personally involved in this, this is also a very strong, this is a strong signal for the enemy, well, and the most obvious one, they immediately understood, after this, that there would be a response, just like ours the military, mathematics here and there, sat down to count the possible options, most likely they calculated the simplest , most... obvious, the next morning they returned their large drone from the black sea to the base in italy, so dorlo and his crew went instead, yeah, with living people, they also calculated this option, but because after that our supreme, as he likes, keeps pauses, yeah, uh, they blinked first, yeah, here, but this is like one layer
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of this call, that is, i agree with your conclusion, sevastopol became, of course, before you you'll move on. to another layer, to the layer in which you are already located, i just want to add, without making any analogies, and we do not have any official confirmation of why this drone returned, as a result of which it returned, after which it returned, that happened to him, i don't spend no analogies, but - just yesterday, when this conversation took place, i wrote that it is clear that we will not know, as it were - the reasons, well, all the reasons for everything.
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was devoted to an exchange of views on the causes and consequences of the incident with the crash of a us unmanned aerial vehicle on march 14 in the black sea, the same one that fell completely by accident under a stream of kerosene from our plane, so this was the reason for the call, i say again, i don’t i’m drawing parallels, but apparently this kind of thing can become tactical reasons for this kind of calls from americans to us, that is , they see it... they hear it, which means for them this is a certain sensitivity, further to another layer, please, that means, this is just another layer in a broader context, here i can’t help but refer to my beloved , standing right in this same place here in your studio, i said that the moment would come when the white house would call the kremlin, uh-huh, i gave a clear definition when, as soon as our big offensive began, the white
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house would call to the kremlin, i meant of course, the president and the president, yes. as the situation at the front is not so obvious, so it’s not the presidents who are calling, but the minister of defense, because on the one hand, if we look at the western press, and not only, that is, i’m not talking about the tabloid at all, but also western american analytical materials in particular . everyone is stating the fact that russia is conducting a major offensive operation, just not as we are used to in films about the great patriotic war, there are all tank breakthroughs, but nevertheless along the entire length of the front line the dynamics are the same, that is, advancement to the west, in this sense, and deliveries of western weapons have already begun, this is what the guys from
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the front say, the situation is beginning to level out even in terms of artillery, that is, in terms of ammunition they again have nothing. yes, they don’t seem to be counting according to fpv and there wasn’t, and they weren’t building up quite right, which means it turns out that the minister of defense is sitting there, reporting to his president or someone instead of him, i doubt that this reports to biden because it’s useless, well, i’ve been washing biden like this for five days now, nobody doesn’t report anything, because he’s getting ready to train for an hour and a half to just stand and try not to fall, plus also to follow the speech in the debate. for their own, yes, well, so the minister of defense in this situation, when not today, but tomorrow will have to admit that western supplies are not helping, and after that, given that they are giving up for now...
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on the part of our supreme, that we will think about changing the nuclear doctrine and many, many other things and instructions from his side about special nuclear weapons, americans they know well what it is, because they don’t have tiao, but they have special nuclear weapons, these suitcases there are well developed and all that other bullshit, against this general background it was time to call, but not the president, because there is no our offensive , which suggests that the kira regime will collapse tomorrow, the front did not collapse. we understand that the front has not collapsed, i will even say that it will not collapse tomorrow, but the pressure on the front has been daily for a long time, unchanged, with
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tactical breakthroughs in different sectors, which they while the enemy cannot restrain, but at the very least the enemy cannot restrain in some sectors, in other sectors he periodically goes into counter, which are also not very successful, but nevertheless he holds back, well, that is, the front seems to live.
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first of all, on our part, we actually have in battle those builders who build defensive fortifications behind
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our formations, behind us, they are constantly under attack, that is, artyom is absolutely right, i’m telling the audience that this is not only about that thin line of combat contacts, the front is deep and it is practically all in a state, we are there, and they are accordingly trying here , that is, returning to...
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this movement is constantly going on, by the way, adding to what you said, the same patrick ryder in this briefing, for example, he addressed... here, speaking about
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what are the options for our responses and reactions, which our president and supreme commander-in-chief have already voiced, he said, for example, that they will very closely monitor north korea, won't he send it? they are some units, that means there, he said that if i hadn’t sent them in their place, i also wouldn’t have done a lot of things in the place of the american generals, i thought at that moment, so here, well, since the north korean comrades are good at dig, i wouldn’t be surprised if... well , they also need combat experience and jokes aside, but the americans, of course, can’t help but think about it, but against this background it’s very interesting for me, and well, here the word is interesting and, as it were, indicative of against the background of the tragedy that occurred, they look, well, so strange,
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but... what i mean is that when this happened on sunday, one of my first thoughts, well, after the emotions had passed, was that this was still arriving along the negotiation track, before the emerging, well, peace initiatives , which the west doesn’t want to hear yet, but nevertheless they are on the table, and i thought that this was once again, as has happened more than once with the shelling of belgorod and with me, that this again would be like a breakdown, that we again... we find ourselves in a period of time when talking about this is, well, emotionally impossible, it’s quite significant for me that this sevastopol story is tragic, it didn’t have much impact on the strategic track, yeah, and our peace proposals continue to be heard at the highest level,
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the composition of the russian federation, as if, well, as they say, this there is no option, and it will be even more difficult in the future, however, the question is who are we addressing with these proposals, so, probably, we are addressing those who make the decision, they are still, well, apparently, they are calling each other somewhere, one getting ready for debate this means that biden is being pumped up with something there, or they are pumping him up, or they are not pumping him up, i don’t know, time will tell, minister of defense.
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unfortunately, russia does not want peace, but ukraine wants a just peace without submission and fear of new aggression, this is what ukraine's peace plan stands for, this is what the peace conference that recently
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took place in switzerland stands for. when i listened to scholz, i thought, this is what her scholz is just somehow behind a few steps, because he says some things. as if he's out of context, but he's great understands, and in the west they write about this openly and say that the swiss meeting was a failure, but he cannot help but understand that about zelensky’s plan, to which he refers, but no one spoke, even at this swiss meeting, and he was cut up to three meaningless plans, everyone distanced themselves from him as much as possible, including, by the way, him who left on the first day, but nevertheless he continues this rhetoric, i...
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it started and is happening, well, first of all, i agree with you that the decision, unfortunately, will have to be made not in berlin, but in this in terms, modern germany, alas, has repeatedly given us reasons to be convinced that it does not show independence, it continues to lose its subjectivity, that is, in this regard, i agree with this assessment that scholz is saying what he has become accustomed to saying in recent months, because for some reason... then he didn’t receive any new materials, in this regard he continues to tell these stories, but in fact the track was precisely that russia will not stop at ukraine, it will go further, he actually proceeds from this that putin’s proposal, accordingly, in his i understand that this, well, apparently, is some kind of insidious
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plan related to the fact that if the west agrees with these proposals, we will be happy, we will consider that they have given up the slack, then, that means, we will already go to birnie, well, that.
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and the united states wants to find a way out of this story, then it is really necessary to at least enter into conversations, it is logical to see in this call from the minister of defense a desire to start negotiations, i would be glad to do this, but it still seems to me that there is a contingency moment here and i would add what you said the fact that everything that is happening now in the united states is subordinated exclusively to november 5, that is , the elections come first in the minds of the american elites. usa, in the second election in the usa, in the third election in the usa, everything else is there next, everything that happens in the world is considered solely as a projection, and how will this affect the election campaign, in this regard, the debates you mentioned that will begin in a few hours, this is the most important
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moment of the election campaign, and even you know, in the united states it is already there they are talking about the topic: if biden loses, then maybe they will make an extraordinary move and even change him, despite the results of the primaries. everything is possible, in fact, everything is possible, at least this shows the concern of the democratic party, they are nervous, and indeed the debates will be very interesting, i myself am waiting for them with interest, just even as a political scientist, this is how it will look technologically , not just what they will say, but how it will be shown, in this regard, i think that this call may well be part of the preparation for this debate, why because biden ’s only chance, in my understanding , to get out relatively unscathed with the debate is that the conversation will be divided into two parts, that is, the host will not conduct a debate, he will, as it were, conduct two monologues, then there is communicating with trump, communicating with biden, as cnn organizes the debates, respectively, and sort of separating them
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so that everyone is talking to the host and not to each other. trump will naturally try to talk to biden, but it is important to at least show that biden is at least somewhat is in a relative, relatively changeable state, and deprive trump of the program.
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everything is prepared there, if anything happens, yes, if anything, democracy is in danger, but if it comes to a threat to us, our minister will simply pick up the phone, as it were, and explain everything there, and there, of course, they will listen to us, but what about us don’t listen, and even putin will seem to be scared and cross some lines, so it seems to me that everything that is happening in america, including sending sanzhe to australia, where he must sit in silence, dedicated specifically to the election campaign, specifically to these debates, which...
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for the same elections, well, everything that is possible,
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yesterday they discussed assange, everyone said that these were also the democrats, but the administration did it for the debates, so that it means , to show trump that you see, we are there for him, well , that is, to steal the victory, today the white house says, we had nothing to do with this at all, we had nothing to do with it at all and in general we don’t even know, we don’t know, but to this is what kirby actually said about this, to no one was not involved in the julian asandge case by decisions made regarding. he saw the sun for an hour a day, and then suddenly after 5 years they think, like, somehow, probably, somehow, probably, it’s not fair, let’s let him go home, organize a trial on the islands, which is unknown, i certainly believe, this same one, john, there seems to be no question at all, that you had nothing to do with it, you didn’t know, weren’t involved, the same one...
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in the first version, when reuters reported about this, it said at the end, peskov was quoted there, it was said at the end that the ukrainian the ministry of foreign affairs did not respond to a request to comment on this very plan, then they demolished this case, updated this comment, and it means that instead the phrase appeared there that, well, in short, babaega is against it. as if they don’t want anything, and so
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on and so forth, so, accordingly, well , he’s a lowlife, as always, that means he came out, that there’s nothing for us, but he’s a lowlife, but he’s a lowlife, yes, but he’s actually a lowlife, well , that’s also it a story that should be viewed simply as a tactical ploy within the framework of the election campaign, or is this plan of trump's advisers making sense now for... please, i first of all, i want to thank konstantin for this clearly stated version of this call within the framework of the election campaign, just yet i’ll add on my own, and already 10 times, trump accused biden of unleashing the third world war, and here he will say, i’m not unleashing anything, and here the issue of communication is fundamentally important, because
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this is the achievement of the cuban missile crisis after him, that there is constant communication between the united states, the ussr, russia, so that by chance and... the incident does not become the cause of a nuclear war, then, for the sake of fairness, i must say, well, i more or less monitored, like in america this sevastopol the tragedy is being covered, we must pay tribute to the fact that quite a large number of the media, probably republican, pro-republican and pro-trump, they comment quite harshly that we are giving them missiles and now these missiles have arrived, which means they have killed children on the beach in sevastopol and peaceful people.
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commander on february 24, 2022 and demilitarization, and denazification, and the rights of russians, that is, he complements all this, that is, it is all in the package, something that vladimir vladimirovich did not expand on then, he was laconic in his proposal, minister of foreign affairs , like the voice of the supreme, added all this to the package, very important words, of course, about the fact that this is a minimum proposal, this is a very important word, thank you. why? because this track, or let's say, in another non-russian word, but more understandable, vector, yes, negotiation, i really like this, no need for imported ones, yes, i read here, it means there is one bill about what it means that many of us are sinning, and with foreign correspondences,
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despite the fact that there are analogues in the russian language, i think, well, okay, the analogue is an absolutely russian word, like, yes, yeah, that means, well, there is. we know very well from history that he is not going anywhere, but the current moment within the framework of this negotiation vector is negotiations about negotiations, yeah, then it becomes within the framework of...
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negotiations and conditions, this is very important, an important addition, transcript, now a short advertisement, then we will continue, do not switch, director of management.
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the arctic has always been a truly important area for ensuring the depth of our strategic defense. thanks to the pathogens that can be obtained in the arctic, she can make a great political career. it is appearing more and more in the former soviet union. a huge amount of research is going on on settlement.
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stellar group, monte shococa cognac, product stellor group, rom castro, stellor group product, pichora vodka, stellar group product, veda vodka. product of stellor group. this year zhanni frizki would have turned 50. she was called the standard of female beauty. both those older and those younger fell in love with her. the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem. she could not overcome one thing: an illness that turned out to be incurable. i didn’t leave her one step at all. i slept next to her. how did she perceive the changes in appearance? hid only in the darkness, she is the light very sick, we hung mirrors, hated, she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success, for her relatives it
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was hell, but after death this hell continued, money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry sheppelev and zhanna’s father vladimir friske . if we had not trusted this person, she might have lived for at least another six months. our exclusive life after life, zhanna. i always say, guys, what will happen will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov premiere on saturday on the first two banks, what to do we’ll be mishkin’s wife, you’re a bastard, you wear it, you can kill you, you can drive him away to where you took him , the prime minister, look after the program, time. this year zhanna friske would have turned 50. she was called the standard of female beauty. both those older and those
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younger fell in love with her. the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem. she could not overcome one thing: an illness that turned out to be incurable. i didn’t leave her one step at all. i slept next to her. how did she perceive the changes in appearance? very sick. we hung up the mirrors and hid only in the darkness, she hated the light. she hoped, fought, but... burned at the very pinnacle of success, for her family it was hell, but after death this hell continued, money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna's father vladimir friske. if we had not trusted this person, she might have lived for at least another six months. our exclusive life after life, zhanna. i keep saying, guys, what will happen will happen, and it cannot be avoided. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere. on saturday at the first, beauty, what a beauty you are, mish, it’s all the same , you’re prettier, here you go, mishka, if you don’t get used to
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ermakov, now i won’t get along, i understand, hands, mish, you’re so touchy, we’ll still get married, i won’t go for nazar, i love the bear, varka, make up your mind, i need to start a new life, i ’ll get a job at a factory, we’ll rent a room somewhere for you too, the rapids are ahead, mom, misha, where? they didn’t find him, father said, you were on the rapids, you crashed, hold it, jump, i said, i’ll shoot now, don’t, who killed him, father, how did you end up on the shore, you me i found out who it is, varya, my bride. for the happiness of the young, smile, i am your husband now, otherwise i can teach you, i forgot the whip, two shores,
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the premiere of the serial film from. watch the time after the program, you're crazy, don't touch me, i won't sleep with you, i'd rather not live at all, time will tell the program, we continue to work live, this is confirmation that we are working live with fights about.. . this concerns the united states in the current perspective, and that’s what the conversation is about, why they suddenly decided to call. are there any tactical reasons for this or more strategic reasons, how
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to approach this, how much it is related to the debate, because. well, it has been said more than once that all foreign policy is a continuation of domestic policy and perhaps this is some kind of move, and in general, as far as current events are concerned, in particular the sunday tragedy, when american missiles were defeated, civilians died, more than 150 people were injured, how this could be some kind of turning point in our. plus just one more thing there is one point that i don't know how to approach in terms of whether this is some kind of development of escalation, or whether it's just something less tactical, let's listen to cnn: the biden administration is moving towards lifting the de facto deployment ban american military contractors in ukraine, they want to make such a decision in order to help the
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ssu maintain and repair weapons systems provided by the united states. according to officials, the white house has not yet received final approval from biden, but if the decision is made, the plan will be implemented in this year, according to officials, the adoption of this decision will not lead to a massive presence of americans in ukraine; they believe that from several dozen to a couple of hundred contractors will be in ukraine at the same time. and here again, i don’t know whether this is another overton window, whether this is another proposal or a distraction from.
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or or what is this? it seems to me that another position is very important here: the united states of america needs to stake out certain areas for itself. it's no secret that american operators both worked and and they work. we all understand perfectly well how starling goes, how she interfaces with all the fighting that is taking place. is this not the american military? yes, american military man. their status does not matter, he quit yesterday, whether he is a representative of a pmc, and how
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this equipment is now maintained, it is not repaired in ukraine at all, but the same. from cnn literally said for 2 weeks that their equipment is also repaired in the fields, but where? by whom? not contractors? that is, the americans themselves suddenly, the equipment in the fields, i think that abrams, in general, i think that they trained the locals there and they did something there, i even saw some footage of them sawing something off from this ambros with a grinder, or i don’t know, they sawed it the other way around, hand over the scrap metal, the point, the point is completely different, if a decision is made that american companies begin to enter the territory of ukraine, this is... a signal, a signal, first of all , to ring up public opinion, but no, not people, no, opinion in the pentagon, how will the pentagon react first of all , and whether the pentagon will be ready to write a directive within which other contingents will go, now
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this is a litmus test, we seem to have heard it now, but it’s okay, well, 200 people will come. they used to be embarrassed about this, they said that it was all russian fakes, now they don’t, they understand perfectly well that no matter how the debate goes, no matter how the election campaign goes as a whole, the united states has a lot of it, the americans are not ashamed, they are not ready for america. curtail the military campaign, but in order to promote it, you need to have a certain military presence, skirmishers, remember how the british were the first to hand over their tank, yes, we will hand over two tanks, the americans
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will also say: listen, our chevkashniks went there, let’s catch up, now it’s very important for america not to stop this conflict under any circumstances, it’s theirs conditions, look, two clarifying questions when you say that someone is conducting a litmus test with this kind of publication. pentagon, i'm wondering who this chemist is, or the litmus test, yes, who is this chemist who examines the pentagon with a litmus test, this is the first, second, when you say that the continuation of the conflict is very important for the americans or america now, you are now talking about who, about the administration, about the military-industrial complex, about this someone with the litmus test of this chemist, this i’ll just give you an example, we talk there all the time, the deep state.
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after all, americans, they understand perfectly well, you have to make money from democrats, from republicans, you can’t put all your eggs in one basket, and people like larry fink, under whom about 10 trillion dollars are under management, this is a lot of money, this is the money that is now, among other things, invested in assets in ukraine, if you look at how they will continue to recapture these assets, it’s very simple, because that land, black soil, everything , what they have received to date from ukraine, they have already prepared a huge number of claims in european and british courts. so that no matter how the results of military operations go, what the results of the military action will be, you can sue your money, these people who are now supposedly not in politics, they play this role, from whom to judge, from the russian federation, to
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seize russian assets so that they do not show themselves that they invested in a dummy, they are doing this, many people wonder: you bought land that now does not belong to you, they say: stop, stop, it doesn’t belong to us, but we can give it up for a certain amount of money, we bought it for a ruble, we’ll sell it for a dollar. let the russians buy this land from us, otherwise they will be in an illegal field, but we want to be in a legal field field, and presidents, and presidents are in the service of people like larry fink, they are not rich, larry fink, he has his own, as he says, i only have a billion dollars, i manage 10 trillion, but i earned myself a billion, but these are the people who know how to manipulate those political movements that go outside the party, now that we see, in fact, both democrats and republicans, they want to come to it... a truce, but they cannot, they are not free, to some kind of truce on the battlefield, yes, that’s right, freezing for them is already the result, for them this is a kind of victory, well , yeah, yeah, i agree, interesting, interesting, and
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when you said that there is a certain deep state, well, which, that is, this is not a conspiracy theory, which has surnames, money and so on and so forth, and that even presidents. the united states, these are, in a sense, people who, yes, who are their managers, against this background i immediately thought that if the secretary general of nato is actually a hired manager, an appointed manager of the americans, then does it make sense to discuss after that, what nato has appeared, well, it will appear soon, but already his last name, we know him, which means comrade. rutte, but nevertheless, after all, this kid, he apparently is now also choosing between who will be his hired manager for another 4
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years, and biden, therefore, is drooling, as alexander yuryevich said here, or trump , which energetically throws out this drool, that’s it, but nevertheless, it depends on the character. here i am today, as it were, against the backdrop of this news that nato has a new secretary general, yes, on the one hand this an absolutely nominal position, which mostly voices something, but on the other hand, no matter how...
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surprise, he has practically no personal life, a single man, he lived in the same modest house with the same furniture, for 30 years, almost no one ever goes there, he never cooks, he cleans himself, he doesn’t even have a coffee machine, he is a real political beast, whose life mainly consists of one job, that’s how, by the way, at the beginning of this article i just now while listening, i read, it means so this is also this: as if the author’s touch to the portrait of this same rutte, when mark rutte visited us president joe biden at the white house in january twenty-three, he told biden: “you asked me twice to become nato secretary general,” and i rejected twice your proposal, if you ask me a third time, i will say yes, apparently, it means that either biden asked, i don’t know why biden needs this particular one. to be honest, after this
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description, i immediately became interested, somehow it seems to me that the basement needs careful attention to study what is in this political basement, well, in the closet, in the basements, because, in this sense, the question as a political scientist, in your opinion, let’s say, generally changes something, that instead of, well, stoltenberg, there will be rutte , this could play some role in the development of the situation there between ukraine and nato, nato’s involvement in the conflict, or... this is a generally insignificant story, i think that, of course, it will not play any influence, in fact, even though you here it is written that he is a real political beast, as i understand it, it’s still more correct translate political animal, if such an established term, but i just think that no, this is not an offensive term, this is just an absolutely normal term, but rutte is not a political animal, why, because rutte is just that. ..
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an ideal example of modern european bureaucracy, absolutely sterile, and the fact that he lives in a modest house with only furniture suggests that he really is a well-bred bureaucrat, and, accordingly, by the way, biden, by the way, also a classic example of a typical official-bureaucrat, who has long since lost the skills of a public politician and turned into a man of function, but sometimes he lived like that.
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we need a coalition, let's go, that is, in this regard, alas, today one can , of course, have different attitudes towards such outstanding politicians as, say, siljo berlusconi, for example, like this is also an obvious example of a politician who came against the backdrop of corruption scandal said, that’s it, we’re kicking these out, now i’m a completely different type of person who comes into politics, once again i say, you can treat him differently, but he was a different type of politician, but he has already died, as we know and... and we can say that
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in italy, by the way, also what we see meloni is a politician close already to such a sterile, sterile official, this is no longer a politician, an official who is grown from a test tube, often studies there in american universities, is actually implanted in europe, and in fact, in this regard, ryut, i think is just an ideal example in this regard this kind of type, unfortunately, it's like since it’s not political.
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already a fresh example, and a tracing paper, and you see that somewhere at some point, chick-chick-chick, then some kind of incubator, then tun tun-tun-tun-tun, let’s go up the steps, in this sense i i see that you wanted to add something, and i wanted to add a short question to you, that is, in light of what konstantin vasilyevich told us, it turns out that according to your scheme, this is already a typical bureaucrat, that is, rutte, who told biden , what if you, that is, he considers himself a biden appointee, and biden is working.
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take everyone by the collar, no, why did they choose rutte, rutte is very clear, the fact is that he is about money, he is like a tax collector, he is the person who can force people to pay. the united states of america now fully funds nato. nato costs 1 trillion 360 billion today. rutte, his most important task will be to maintain this bloc, not to find new members, he will need to maintain the situation if there was another task. oh, this is very interesting, to keep it, and not... well, not surprising, but logical thus, to the cause of the conflict on the territory of the former ukraine, as you remember, it all started with the fact that in the fall of twenty-one we said, guys, you don’t need this new brainless member, which means in the form of
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the ukrainian reich, you don’t need to do this, we were told no, no, no, we will expand, that means everyone has the right, we don’t even want to discuss this, it’s none of your business, we said, guys, well, it will be... what will happen, then what happened, well now, as they say, we’ve been coughing up blood for more than two years now, both sides, what’s up? let’s be honest, but the most surprising thing about the question is about arutta, about the bureaucracy, about what they work for, that on the eve of the next anniversary nato summit, ukroreich is once again shown a carrot with a new word written on it, not the one you we thought, here is a more tricky word that is written on another carrot, that’s how it sounds, please. ukraine will not receive an invitation to the nato summit in july. i think that was clearly stated. in terms of concrete results for ukraine, that will be presented at the summit, it is about providing it
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with an institutional bridge to nato membership. institutional bridge to nato membership. when i said that it was on the carrot, well, the word was not written as expected. institutional bridge, like before this the previous year they were dying, remember, does anyone remember offhand what was written on the carrots before the last summit in vilnius, surely no one remembers what was written on the carrots, before vilnius, before vilnius , i won’t say, oh, here
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even you don’t remember, to be honest, i could have freaked out, but honestly, i didn’t remember and none of my editors remembered, but we remembered that there was something written on the carrot so that this donkey means it’s bandera’s. he grunted for a whole year, it was written there that there was simply incredible progress on the path to nato, there was written the nato council ukraine, and this is also an institutional bridge, yes, that is, and the idea of ​​the nato council ukraine, which began to be presented before the summit as simply a huge advance, it was born here literally almost there counted a week before the summit, just like now, it’s like an institutional bridge, and it ’s all like this, well... you can’t refuse the guys, yes, that is, it’s beautiful for me, it’s a mystery to me why these suckers are doing all this, yes, but the institutional bridge is, as it were,
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right here in general, the question is, is this a bridge to membership or membership, now you have lit, now you have lit, this is a bridge to membership, or membership to a bridge, yeah, but there is a difference too, there is, what am i asking about, membership, membership- then he wants, yes, what should i ask about so as not to go into this cosuistry, although it obviously suggests itself here, that is, the goal of what they seemed to start fighting for, for their right to be in nato. it seems to me that it is completely clear from the institutional bridges and councils of nato and
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europe that no one will ever take them into any nato, or am i mistaken, no, no, no, you’re not mistaken, as for nato itself and the united states, they are every time will come up with new formulations because they cannot officially declare that ukraine will not be in nato, because this is our result their defeat, they will come up with new formulas every time.
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member, this is very creative, but here i , in turn, take half a second, they have such a form, a formula, but they don’t offer it, but ukraine, and the ukrainians are silent, they are not told, the strategic partner is external, absolutely, well , that’s it, that kenya yesterday, kenya yesterday approached in a simply brilliant way, the war immediately begins, and there are, well, not yet riots, but for now there are riots with the participation of obama’s sister, as i understand it with... cousin, but cousin, no, as far as i understand, she half-step, or maybe he has many
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sisters in kenya, everyone is involved in the chaos, these are the ears, well, these are the ears of the united states of america, yes, as far as i know, they have a common dad there, but, but, this is very important, that they really don’t even offer this, yes, what do they offer to kenya, which, as we see with all the respect for kenya, well, to put it mildly, is far from any stable standards, but here... they continue to die for it, here, but here i must say that as uncynical as this might sound, this is how the anglo-saxons know how to work, yeah, to confuse their heads like this, that people in fact do not jump on the maidans, but die, including for this story, you need to be able to do this, by the way, you need to learn this, well, first advertising, director of the office for military threat reduction of the us department of defense, hersman only answers on paper for countering the threat posed by chemical biological
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weapons, but in essence is engaged in their development. the arctic has always represented reality. e weapons in the american sense and how they can use them against us. tribeca hersman, you can’t be more precise. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. you’re also good
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at sending her to the forest, you’ve already gone crazy with your collective farm. and this bear is your model to bring strangers. he’s not mine, i love you, varya, i can’t forget, i’ll leave olga, just tell me, your daughter is getting confused with the bear, you’re fucking, we see for ourselves, you’re crazy, ermakov the bear was here, i find out that i’ll kill both of them, clearly, i’m bored for me, i couldn’t live without you, little lady, stop, you’re disturbing me, nazar and i love each other, he’ll kill you, he won’t kill you, he’s on his own... i found another one, there he is nazar, stop it, because of him you’ve already come close to death twice, that means i love you to death, war has been declared, yes, i heard he’s writing from home, no, he’s not writing, damn, what’s the matter , two shores, the premiere
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of a multi-part film, watch the time after the program, the world media is full of headlines about
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who is the boy, give me where you took him, your boy died, how he died, and he was crying, i heard, it seemed to you, boy, take it to the house, two banks, premiere of a serial film, watch after the program time, a lot years ago. “my son brought you a child, he is alive, this year zhanna friske would have turned 50, she was called the standard of female beauty, both older and younger people fell in love with her, the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem, she couldn’t overcome one thing, an illness that turned out to be incurable, i didn’t leave her
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one step at all, i slept next to her, how did she perceive it?” “changes to make, very sick, we hung mirrors, hid only in the darkness, she hated the light, she hoped, fought, but burned down at the very pinnacle of success, for her family it was hell, but after death this hell continued, money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father vladimir friske. if we had not trusted this person, she might have been at least another six months, our exclusive life after life, zhanna. i always say, guys, what will happen, and it cannot be avoided. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. we just talked about the very important ability of our western
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opponents to work with that very soft by force, yes, you can say that they are zombies there. incubators and so on, but they do it, they, of course, do it very well here, they also have this very important skill of zombifying themselves, and... into something, well, i’ll just give you an example now , well, we all know, yes, that our media there have been tightly blocked for a long time, access to them is prevented, and so on and so forth, we didn’t do this for more than two years of a special military operation, now we did it, what do you think, how did we react v eu? reacted with a simply brilliant phrase: the eu condemns the completely unfounded decision of the russian authorities to block access to more than... media in russia, but that’s okay, russian means of disinformation and propaganda, against which the eu has introduced restrictive measures, are not free, independent media, their broadcasting activities
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in the eu are suspended because these channels are under the control of the russian authorities, play an important role in supporting the aggressive war against ukraine, and respect for freedom of expression of the media is the core value of the eu, that is, roughly speaking, your media is wrong, so we will punish them, our... the horror is that perhaps some of them themselves believe in it, when i wrote about this before, well those words come to mind that i can’t say on air, but in general they come to mind, but words are words, but you need to learn to work just like the guys, well, in order to put something like that on the party board somewhere, well, also grow your own dolls -heir to tuti, sometimes it’s useful, they have it, they pull the strings, everything is fine, we watch, we learn.
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the americans have long made no secret of the fact that they are building biological and chemical laboratories in states bordering russia. their task is to collect data and develop a new type of weapon against you and me. the director of the us department of defense's office of military threat reduction, rebekah hersman, is only on paper responsible for countering the threat posed by chemical biological weapons, but in essence is engaged in their development. do you know what's the worst thing about chemicals? laboratory, to hear from someone, well, who is conducting experiments, a certain oh. american journalist tucker carlson released a sensational report about lyme disease being transmitted by ticks. was developed with something like this, oops, it leaked into the world. first infected.


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