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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  June 26, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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the americans have long made no secret of the fact that they are building biological and chemical laboratories in states bordering russia. their task is to collect data and develop a new type of weapon against you and me. the director of the us department of defense's office of military threat reduction, rebekah hersman, is only on paper responsible for countering the threat posed by chemical biological weapons, but in essence is engaged in it. development, you know what the worst thing in a chemical laboratory is to hear from someone, well, who conducts experiments, some yay. american journalist tucker carlson released a sensational report that lyme disease, transmitted by ticks, was developed with such a thing, oops, leaked into the world. the first infected are already there, ironically in the states themselves, who is to blame, who is in charge of the biolabs and what other terrible... viruses are brewed in
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american laboratories, we’ll figure it out right now, marya butina is with you, this is the heir of the dolls, let’s begin. rebecca hersman, director of the us defense threat reduction agency, or dtra, is a structural unit of the pentagon, officially created to protect states from the threat of mass destruction and support nuclear security, has a stated mission of providing comprehensive solutions to the department of defense. and the government to deter a strategic attack on the united states by its allies, but if you analyze the agency's open procurement, the real direction of activity becomes clear. dtr concludes million-dollar contracts for a wide range of work, from collecting meteorological data to bioexperiments with viruses, so the pentagon’s daughter is accused of developing bacteriological and genetic weapons on the territory of third countries, both by investigators, scientists and journalists, and by officials.
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an expanded version of the dtra report has become available to the russian ministry of defense, which reveals the names, positions of specialists and managers of biological projects, a list of laboratories involved, as well as facts confirming the conduct of training exercises with pathogens of particularly dangerous infections. all these manipulations are carried out by dtr through contractors, including major raytowns associated with us secretary of defense lloyd austin, black and witch, southern research institute and since the ninety- first they took place under the guise of control over the destruction of nuclear weapons in the countries of the former ussr. they continue to operate under veiled objectives to this day. dti has bases all over the world. germany, kazakhstan, azerbaijan, uzbekistan, armenia, kenya, south korea, singapore, georgia, japan. most of
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the staff under hersman's leadership is located at the headquarters of fort belvoir, virginia, part at the kirt air force base and the waitesens missile range in new mexico, the rest at the largest us nuclear test site in nevada. it was there that a chemical experiment with an explosion was carried out a year ago. this happened on the day when russia withdrew its ratification of the nuclear test ban treaty. the measure was a mirror response to the us reluctance to give the document legal force, but an explanation of the reasons. out of the ordinary. we can no longer expect our potential adversaries to operate within our long-standing self-imposed restrictions, especially with regard to conventional and nuclear weapons. among her opponents, hersman, of course, listed russia, china, iran, and north korea. it is these states that are listed as threats in the official us nuclear doctrine. therefore, washington freed its hands after the decision to withdraw from the intermediate- range nuclear forces treaty in 1919. immediately after
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, ground-based versions of tomahawks appeared in service with the pentagon; they are planned to be deployed in japan to counter china. as a response, the dprk will be sent strategic nuclear submarine to the korean peninsula. for the first time since 2008 , missiles will be stationed in the uk at the luckenheath base. it will become the sixth us air base in europe. and at the end of last year, the american department of defense announced the creation of a thermonuclear bomb, the power of which is almost 26 times greater than that dropped on hiroshima. but hursman calmly continues to elaborate on the theses that have already become obvious, accusing everyone except the united states of increasing confrontation before taking up her current position, no matter where she works. everywhere it specialized in nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, therefore , taking into account washington’s rhetoric, one should not expect a constructive dialogue from it, but one can expect everything that directly contradicts the concept of security.
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a sensational report by tucker carlson is being published in the united states about the mysterious lyme disease. it turns out this thing is famous, but let's get started. actually from the interview with takir carlson. that's what they said. if you are 75, then in your childhood no one heard of lyme disease, but if you're 15, you're scared of the prospect of getting lyme disease. this is a relatively short period of time. where did all this even come from? in the course of my research, i found that three truly virulent disease-borne diseases appeared directly in the vicinity of the city of lyme, connecticut, located in... where the headquarters of a division of the american biological weapons program with a specialization in the creation of plant protection products against pests was located . so, it's the end the sixties, this is the very peak of the biological weapons development program in the united states,
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these three strange diseases appear here, namely lyme arthritis, the causative agent of which is spirachete, reketsia, also known as rocky mountain spotted fever, and a large parasite also appeared.
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territory of the soviet union of the former russian federation, and these pathogens circulate in chains from ticks to mammals, from mouse-like rodents to deer. the tick itself is a bloodsucker in wait; it climbs up the grass, spreads its front legs and waits feeder, a year may pass like this. what does it affect in general, what organs, what will happen to you? it depends on whether someone is lucky or unlucky, yes or unlucky, it may all be limited to the skin form, the nervous system may be affected, the joints may be affected, here are the doctors of the nineteenth, the beginning of the 20th century, and even until the middle of the 20th century, this
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disease, which now we know that it is their soda tick-borne barilliosis or lyme disease, which was described under a variety of flags, to the point that, for example, tick-borne... encephalitis with annular erythema, but in the eighty -second year, when willie burdofer, an american military entomologist, found this pathogen in ticks, the cultures were transferred as part of cooperation to all countries, our scientists retrospectively analyzed the sera of those who had recovered from the disease, the disease went away, let’s say under the flag of tick-borne encephalitis , yes, it turned out that no, it was just lyme disease. another interesting fact, when studying ticks that were collected in museums, english, german, at the end of the 19th century, in these ticks they found the dna of bareli burdofer, yes, i have colleagues, a question for everyone, for all of you, this is
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still a problem of the us biological laboratory, the americans have a very rich history of testing, closed testing of various biological substances on their citizens.
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people, but people who have reduced immunity, they had problems, there are still trials going on in america, the americans had to change it to make it secret, well, they sprayed it as a cherry on the cake.
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way that the soviet troops, when they continue their offensive, they will inevitably be slow down in these places, and in these zones, why? because they will have to fight epidemics, they will have to somehow solve this problem. well, in the soviet union, by the way, a vaccine against this epidemic was quickly developed. regarding the united states of america, a book was published by christa newby, which, by the way, in 2019, rep. chris smith. quoted when he made a request to the pentagon regarding the declassification of data on experiments,
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including with baptisms, which means the book was called the secret history of lyme disease and biological weapons. the key point in this book is that in 1953, ford detrick, in the state of connecticut, exactly where the infection was discovered, conducted just these experiments on the use of ticks as, as it is written there, interestingly, anti-personnel. figuratively speaking, enemy soldiers become infected with this mite and cannot continue the offensive, or it is ineffective to continue the offensive in the territory, mainly this prevents the occupation of this territory, if it is soon infected, but apparently, these experiments ended unsuccessfully, because the tick is, well, let’s say, not an urban dweller, but a rural forest dweller, so it is inconvenient to use it as a weapon of mass destruction, besides being a carrier it is extremely slow,
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the moment immediately arises from the fact that she is an international affairs officer at the council on foreign relations and then there is a whole list, almost everywhere you can see weapons of mass destruction, combined in an amazing way with the word healthcare. sergey, add to us, you know, i would also add the beginning, where she studied, in fact, it is very important how a person starts, why she ends up in those closed institutions in which she works and which are actually subordinate. the central intelligence agency, although her job is she works in the pentagon, she, roughly
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speaking, has a work record in the pentagon, and on most issues she reports to the cia, don’t find it strange, but look at duke university, the oldest institute in the united states of america, where she finds a very correct embodiment for herself, today there is one of the best such medical schools at duke university, but she does not focus on medicine, her... her profile is bioweapons maniacs and she really likes this process of bioweapons, and yes, when we talk about infection, how does it happen, and why do they always carry out experiments on their own, they learn how to correctly localize this or that situation, then we will meet her name when victoria, who has left, she will talk about biological laboratories, she, when will tell about biological laboratories, she will again refer to rebecca, in a very simple concept, that this will also be her area of ​​responsibility.
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well, in the future, yes, as we see, she advised congress, then she went to work at the pentagon, and, as we see, yes, that is, this is not the department of energy, by the way, although as we know, yes, the us department of energy is in charge a considerable number of biological laboratories, in fact it is considered to be the most specialized agency of the federal department in this direction, no, she works in the pentagon, and again there are connections with the intelligence services, and at the same time, at the same time, she develops a variety of such programs there for aspiring young leaders in america, those who are interested. the story with these weapons of mass destruction was popular, yes, that is, they actively promoted it in relation to iraq, accusing saddam hussein of allegedly using weapons of mass destruction there, then we remember the beginning of the 2000s, all the scandals within america with these envelopes with white powder, which
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sent to various politicians, senators, congressmen, apparatchiks in the pentagon and so on, and of course very actively... worked in the space of the former soviet union, yes, that is, it was not in vain that this very department that she heads appeared precisely in the nineties, yes, as if its goal, it literally set out that let us slowly buy up certain infrastructure facilities somewhere in ukraine, georgia, central asia and so on, and in fact, here on these same objects, we will be engaged, so to speak, in the destruction of old weapons of mass destruction that remained from soviet times, well, this is...
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this is the history of slime, this is, so to speak, a small piece, in fact, the directions of this research, especially the most modern ones, which are supervised by rebecca hersman, at her operational disposal, think about it, 2.4 billion dollars and more than 2,000 employees in 50 countries of the world, well, as if subordinate to her, that is, this huge money, if you bring in parallel another structure of darpa, the agency for promising innovative projects in the field. defense, there they also hid the budget for a long time, but then in 2010 the first figure appeared: 3.2 billion, now more than 5 billion dollars are already going to various research, and now in relation to russia they have a new very important direction, which both ordinary citizens and especially our intelligence services should take into account, i mean the
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area of ​​​​work that is associated with genetic testing of citizens... the americans, well, 7-8 years ago, a so -called genetic map of the world appeared, this is get to know your relatives, this is the song, you just donate your genetic data, you don’t even have to donate blood, so you donated everything and send it into a test tube , within 10 days the answer comes, 49 pages, so to speak, your genetic personal map , in fact, this is a hidden collection of information about our citizens, and it has taken on a total character, this map is gradually filling in... the amount of data, they want to analyze it and from it draw a conclusion on how to influence a person on a group of people, on an entire country, exactly, well then
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there is, look, if there is deterrence in the factor of nuclear weapons, if, these scientists thought, it would be possible to destroy people in a targeted manner, without others getting hurt, then it would be good, but for this you need to collect a lot of data, and today for ... it’s rebecca hersman who answers, we’ll continue after a short advertisement, beauty, you ’re such a mish, it’s all the same, you’re beautiful, here’s a bear, i’ll never get along with ermakov now, i understand, hands, i see you’re not touchable , we’ll get married anyway, i won’t go for nazar, i love the bear, varka, make up your mind, you have to start a new life, i’ll get a job at a factory, we’ll rent a room somewhere for you too, the rapids
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are ahead, mom, misha, where, they didn’t find him var, father said, you’re on the rapids, you crashed, hold her, jump, i said, you’re now i’ll recover, don’t worry about him killing, father, he ended up on the shore, you found me, who is this, varya, my bride, for happiness you are young, smile, i’m your husband now, otherwise i can teach you, i forgot the whip, two shore, the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, you ’re crazy, don’t touch me, i won’t sleep with you, i wouldn’t live better at all. old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group bourbon сtirsman
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is a product of the stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. cnop gin is a product of stellar group. monteshoka cognac. product of steller group. would have turned 50, she was called the standard of female beauty, both those older and those younger fell in love with her, the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem, she could not overcome one thing, a disease that turned out to be incurable, i i didn’t leave her a single step at all, i slept next to her, just like she i perceived changes in my appearance, i was very sick, we hung up the mirrors and hid. she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success, for her family it was hell, but after only darkness, she hated the light, this death continued, money, threats,
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real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father vladimir friske, if we had not trusted this person, she might have lived for at least another six months, but she would have lived, our exclusive life after life, zhanna, i keep saying, guys, it will be, what will happen, and it cannot be avoided. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first, you are also good, send her to the forest, i’ve already gone crazy with my collective farm, and this is your bear, bring the fashion of the velchus, he’s not mine, i love you, varya, i can’t forget, i’ll leave olga, just tell me, it’s not your daughter who’s getting confused with the teddy bear, damn it, we’ll see for ourselves. crazy? was mishka ermakov here? i find out that i will kill both of them, okay? you missed me, i couldn’t live without you nazarka, stop, you’re disturbing me,
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nazar and i love each other, he’ll kill you, no he’ll kill you, he found someone else for himself, nazar, stop it, because of him you’ve already come close to death twice, which means i love you to death. war was declared, yes, i heard, he writes from home, no, they don’t write, damn it, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, the world media is full of headlines that the head of the british ministry of foreign affairs became a victim of an unknown person who called him on behalf of petro poroshenko. david cameron revealed many secrets of western politics in this conversation. he said that in his opinion putin only needs crimea and donbass, and i said that this is not so, but he allowed the money to be allocated. if we can
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make sure that by november ukraine will be on the front line, then he will want to support the winning side, he essentially said that the next president will be trump, and he influenced the speaker, that is, this is interference in internal affairs, from now on cameron can be considered political dwarf. premiere, show vavan and lexus, today on the first. this year zhanna frieske would have turned 50. she was called the standard of female beauty. both those who were older and those who younger. the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem. she could not overcome one thing: an illness that turned out to be incurable. and i didn’t leave her one step at all. i slept next to her. how did she perceive the changes in appearance? very sick. we hung up the mirrors and hid only in the darkness, she
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hated the light. she hoped, fought, but... burned out at the very pinnacle of success, for her family it was hell, but after death this hell continued, money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and her father zhanna vladimir friske. if we had not trusted this person, she might have lived for at least another six months. our exclusive life after life, zhanna. i always say, guys, what will happen will be. and this cannot be avoided. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere. on saturday on the first, maria butina is with you again, these are the dolls-heir of tootie, today we are looking at the american rebekah kherson, not just an american, but a woman who, so to speak, from school was interested in weapons of mass destruction, well, such an attraction that with over time it grew into a career, and now she is responsible not only for issues
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of biological... chemical, nuclear weapons, but, believe it or not, she speaks out and is interested in the arctic. why is that? let's listen to it first. the arctic is changing right before our eyes; this region is becoming increasingly strategic. this is where the focus of russia's efforts to modernize its nuclear forces lies. and it is here that the predominant part of its armed and nuclear forces is located. this is a very important region for many people. as for the united states itself, despite the fact that we may not invest the same amount of funds in the arctic and do not provide the same level of military presence here as russia, we nevertheless have facilities here that are critical to us in terms of view of the organization of our early warning systems. the arctic has always
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represented. you are doing, i got acquainted with excerpts from her book, the book is called friends are enemies, in this book there was not a word about weapons, about the genome, about lyme disease, what is it about in general, what was the book about, about politics and only about politics, further, if we look at all her speeches, we will note that there is also nothing related to the so
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-called technological... aspects of what she studies, then there is she, an administrator, she is a tribune, anyone, but not the one who is specifically studying this issue, further, everything she says is absolutely accurate, she reads it, that is, this is a question, i understand, a preparation, if we 'll look at all these conferences, she plays the role of a kind of mentor, not a person who understands the topic, but says that guys, come on, tell me, come on, please tell me further, she likes attention, she really likes her word... to be the last, to be final was her word, and i’ll also tell you that she very well takes on the role of the so-called main, leading and mentoring violin, that is, she is exactly the person who, in any form, in any performance, guides everyone, you understand me, in front of us , i believe so, i dare to make a guess, a certain person who himself sees in politics, in a word, an administrator, a kind of political appointee, nikolai, i know you analyzed
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his publications, yes, that means, look how... in the year she became a member of the center for strategic international studies, in the sixteenth year, just a year later , this means that she is publishing an analytical article, i would even say programmatic, it is called on the issue of guarantees of deterrence in the 20th century, which means that the word deterrence appears in each of these articles, which are a continuation of the programmatic article that she published in the sixteenth year, she repeats this word several dozen times, specifically in this article i counted it 14 times - in relation to russia and china, which means what strategic directions she identifies there, both as a politician and...
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from whom else, but not from the united states of america, in this, in this foreground, it operates in such a paradigm, it promotes its own interests, well , not its own, in fact, it works in this paradigm, in general it seems to me that what she proclaims in her publications is is a reflection of the policy that the united are pursuing, then this is still not a person who is a fanatic of science, so to speak, this is still a political appointment, i wanted to clarify.
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the second structure is military medical intelligence, which is also in this pyramid, the third structure is not the medicine of infectious diseases, but is the lead developer of american bioweapons, then the next layer is these private companies, well, now the metabiota, what does the metabiota do ? field research, so-called, is, on the one hand, collecting pathogens, for example, anthrax in cattle burial grounds, on the other hand, the introduction of pathogens. ukraine is very interesting, that is , after the fourteenth year, suddenly the country began to undergo a measles epidemic, in 2017 vos
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called it the capital of european measles, then drug-resistant tuberculosis, hepatitis, polio, these diseases, they seemed to have been, well, practically destroyed there, now they there are flowers and smell. and you know, i wanted, if i might add, a huge amount of research is going on to enhance the functions of bacteria viruses, and this is all in the legal scientific literature, i myself saw in a journal, for example, a publication from 2015, there were participants from the university of north carolina, three more american structures, the zurich institute for biomedical research, what they did, they made a prototype of covid, that is, they are coronavirus , that’s what they call it, the possibility of moving
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to the northern sea route, in addition to the fact that there are stocks of reserves, the northern sea route, in
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the arctic there is a zone of spring zat, we know that we are now shifting due to general climatic reasons, why not there if they have there will be access to the arctic, it’s not possible to collect something in order to use it later, well, we see that they, as they say, collect and then spread these dangerous diseases, they actually modify them, it’s quite possible, after all, for the last time, those things that seemed fantastic to us or just outright nonsense, they are now becoming realities, and what’s more, they are in the public domain. it was rebekah hersman who became the person who helped in every possible way to develop sanctions that affect the promotion of russian interests in the arctic, yes, yes, we had common programs together with the united states of america, specifically we did all sorts of soft pipelines together, she was the person who first introduced...
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the arctic, if we hit america i wanted to add a few words about regarding strategic nuclear weapons, they will just fly through the north pole, and therefore they are focusing on missile defense, let me remind you that interceptor missiles and radars, interceptor missiles of the ids ofshore complex, which they have on the surface and on ships ... they are mainly in the european part from the south, from
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the north they need icebreakers to set this up, it’s not closed there, and this is really a serious problem for them, but why is it actually dealing with the migration issue, the fact is that the agency, which she heads is one of the eight large combat support agencies of the us army, it happened through the merger of three agencies that merged into its structure, this happened in ninety-eight, this is the special weapons agency, the department of defense, these are those. who makes nuclear weapons, these are those who conducted the so-called subcritical experiment in nivada, that is , the detonation of a nuclear warhead, but without starting a nuclear explosion. the japanese are now sounding the alarm about this, that new tests are starting, they seem to be circumventing the international convention on the non-conduct of nuclear tests. the second agency is to combat improvised threats. this includes everything, including the migration crisis, including attacks on agriculture, and so on.
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josh towne is still known for the connection, namely
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recruiting from there to the security forces, because he is located in washington, where key conferences with the security forces always took place. yes, well, as for this george town university, by the way , it’s quite interesting here, yes, because as we see, she received a master’s degree in arabic studies, that is, she worked specifically on the issue of the middle east, again a reference to why she was included raises questions of migration and everything else, especially in the period there in the mid-1990s, when, as we remember... there was a big the migration crisis, yes, connected there with the war in syria and with all other issues, but at the same time you also need to understand that george town is, by the way, one of the main centers of russian and slavic studies in america, yes, that is, it is very serious there . a school of those people who work specifically across space, well, in general russia, eastern europe, eurasia, the cis and so on, that is , here it is, you know, we already have an inter-, well, approach in general there, in different directions it has, by the way, it’s quite there, i’m not surprised the fact that it is now active, of course, we have experts on the arctic, in fact, an expert on
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the cis, an expert on russia, and at the same time, yes, i also fully admit, yes, the point is connected with the fact that it is moving. in line with that agenda, which is currently popular in the pentagon, that is, in fact, yes, if we look, for example, at the story with the arctic, literally every second, third, there is something so serious there and in the pentagon is not discussed without the issue of the arctic, they are pouring huge money, because they themselves admit their colossal lag behind russia, here is the confrontation over the arctic, russia has dozens of icebreakers there, including nuclear icebreakers, in america there is not a single nuclear icebreaker, there are only a few diesel ones, that is, they have... everything relies only on their aircraft carriers, with which they conduct exercises, plus, of course, nuclear submarines, which they constantly send there, but at the same time, of course, they plan to spend a lot of money in this direction, well , again, the same thing applies, for example, here eastern europe, the cis, biological weapons or the middle east, so you see, of course she has a wonderful position here, yes, on
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the one hand, about nothing in particular, on the other hand, about everything at the same time, so she can tell you something about the arctic , and about eastern europe, about... reports, for some reason she reads out from a piece of paper and gets involved in every political issue, including the arctic. where else has rebecca hirsman gone? we began to carefully study its activities and found its trace right on the borders with our country. what was rebecca hersman doing there
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in the so-called nuclear project? a few minutes after a short commercial. you ’re also good, sending her to the forest, you’ve already gone crazy with your collective farm, and this is your bear, he took someone else’s fashion, he’s not mine, i love you, varya, i can’t forget, i’ll leave olga, just tell me, this is your daughter he gets confused with the bear, you're freaking out, we see for ourselves, he's gone crazy, the ermakov bear was here, i find out what?
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writes from home? doesn’t write, the devil knows, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch after the program time, romcastra lar group product, pechora vodka, lar group product, veda vodka.
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“you can kill, you can drive away, who’s there, boy, give me where you took him,
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your boy died, how he died, and he was crying, i heard, it seemed to you, boy, take it to the house, two banks, the premiere of a serial film, look after the program, many years ago my son brought you a child, he is alive! this year zhanna friske would have turned 50, she was called the standard of female beauty, both older and younger people fell in love with her. the star achieved everything. what wanted and could cope with any problem. she could not overcome one thing, an illness that turned out to be incurable. i didn’t leave her one step at all, i slept next to her. how she perceived changes in appearance, very painfully, we covered mirrors, hid only in the darkness, she
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hated the light, she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success, for her family it was hell, but after death this hell continued, money, threats , real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father vladimir friske, if we hadn’t we trusted this person, she might be at least another six months, but she would have lived, our exclusive, life after life. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. the world media is full of headlines that the british foreign secretary has become a victim of an unknown person who called him on behalf of petro poroshenko. david cameron revealed many secrets of western politics in this conversation. what did trump say about the situation in ukraine? he said that... in his opinion, putin only needs crimea and donbass, and i said that this is not yes, but he allowed the money to be allocated, some
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trump, the secret master of the world, trump has all the money, it turns out that if we can make sure that by november ukraine will be on the front line, then he will want to support the winning side, he essentially said that the next president will be trump, and he influenced the speaker, that is, this is interference in internal affairs, from now on cameron can be considered a political dwarf, the prime minister. vavan and lexus show, today on the first, two banks, i love you, varya, i’ll leave olga, again your daughter gets confused with the teddy bear, he will kill you, he will not kill you, he has found someone else, you have already come close to death twice for him, that means i love you to death, premiere, watch the time after the program, i know, you probably don’t want to, but i suggest you turn on the time machine and move in the nineties, this time to kazakhstan, where
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american specialists come to help kazakhstan cope with the nuclear problem, or, more simply put, to take away from them everything related to the soviet nuclear program, the operation is called sapphire, and there we see a trace:
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the containment of such countries by production installing nuclear reactors at nuclear power plants is one of the main tasks: russia is a leader in the world, and we know that the americans always try to put a spoke in their wheels; ukrainian soviet nuclear reactors tried and were converted to american westinghouse nuclear fuel, which works poorly. which we now see with problems at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant there is an open storage facility for spent nuclear fuel using american technology, which is generally unacceptable for us, this is now one of the risk areas, now, including when russia is negotiating with kazakhstan on the construction of a powerful nuclear power plant, such as in belarus or turkey, the new generation of safe americans are slowing down this process, although this is an advanced, one of the advanced technologies, yeah , you know, they have now... america has another interest, in addition to uranium, for a long time now, as if there is a pr campaign going on about what is being prepared for
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construction, the so-called low-power power units. building a small one is not a problem, but the problem will be that the protection system will be exactly the same as that of a large power unit, and this says, well, about 50% of the cost, what the americans are doing now, they are trying to build in ukraine, well, impose their own some kind of experimental ones, they have not yet, even on paper they are, you know, the risk is huge, what do they say, yes, we will make it in the form of a container, we will bury everything in the ground, well, well, they will bury it, then it will explode, it’s normal, what, yes, what problems, not ours , the main thing is not at home, but they want to seize the market, and what?
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europe has powerful nuclear energy, it is ready to supply reactors for export, but the most important thing is not that great britain will be there or, say, the usa or france, the important thing is that russia will not be there, but... to our frankly ardent enemy, the main thing is not to allow russian nuclear energy to spread to kazakhstan, they cannot allow this, this is , accordingly, fuel supplies, andrei fransovich said absolutely correctly, excuse me when you did something and then try to push it there, figuratively speaking, the cartridge is of the wrong caliber, well, as a rule, the barrel will skew or the shot will not fire at all, let's remember this
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funny story with the only submarine that the military man had...
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they are not going to comply with anything in this regard, although, in my opinion , they didn’t comply, please, they’re doing everything here again, well, they’re demonizing russia, they’re lumping everything into one pile, and we don’t want to place any weapons at all in space, in fact, on the nuclear issue, that’s the point here, but we’re not against it, we’ll allow it to be used peaceful nuclear energy in the propulsion of spaceships, satellites, and it’s no secret that we have such developments, but here... we are ahead of the rest, and america says, how can it be, it’s the russians, which means they can do it, they will do it, and we can’t, and since we can’t, that means no one can, they can’t ban us from hypersound, hypersound exists, and now we can attack them, not as andrei fransovich said through the northern policy, but also as our president said , talking about the capabilities of new weapons, in a different way, that is, now their protection, which was directed only through the northern
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policy, no longer works, but here they seem to... they can ban us from the word, saying that let’s do this, space without nuclear technology, and since without nuclear technology, then not only nuclear weapons, but nuclear propulsion, yeah, it’s just a big problem for america, so in this race for peaceful atoms, the united states is already very far behind russia , especially, but also china, that is, we see, for example, what a large number of nuclear power plants russia is building, yes inside russia and in our various allied countries, and we see how difficult everything is inside america, yes, that they have been there for 13 or... 14 years , god forgive me, to build two of these unfortunate power units in georgia, but prices and budgets have increased there several times, in my opinion, they spent 40 billion dollars and somehow built it, in fact , the westenhouse company is a bankrupt company, that is , de facto it declared bankruptcy several years ago, precisely because well, yes, problems with engineers, with personnel, with the fact that they have lost much of their experience in construction and generally working in the nuclear sphere, in the sphere of peaceful atoms, well, the same thing
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actually even applies to the enrichment of uranium or plutonium, they simply have these... technologies a long time ago - have not developed for a long time , now joe biden happily shows these 90 kg and pathetic enriched uranium, despite the fact that russia and kazakhstan enrich it with tons every year, but for america this is already for... about the fact that it can be used there in engines, they have also the theory that russia, together with china , is planning to build a nuclear power plant on the moon, yes, that is, again, it’s as if it’s all a fantasy of the americans, yes, but this also shows the level of hysteria and fear of how they are in this this connection is lagging behind and of course. all these statements, yes, they need to be taken seriously, on the one hand, this is a scam by the americans, an attempt to force us and somehow motivate us to enter into new negotiations on strategic weapons and the way they like to do it every time,
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when they lag behind, and there, as it were, in the seventies, eighties, that is , there is such a history, but one should not forget that the americans themselves, to the best of their ability , are trying to militarize this very space, that is, i will remind you that even during the administration trump, in the eighteenth year they... openly created, but there is a separate direction of troops, this is space force, space forces, they have them, they don’t hide it all, well, of course, they blame us first of all, they blame the chinese, so well, a classic of the genre, of course, the americans actually, colleagues, let's be frank, the americans are leaders in the number of nuclear reactors, they have about 98, so they have the largest consumer market, by the way, we have successfully hooked them on this corner, they are now they are trying to jump off it, we will not buy russian ready-made nuclear... well , go around the market, look, maybe someone will cover such volumes for you, in fact, from the point of view of nuclear technologies in space, they have also been using this for a long time, let me remind you that everyone mars rovers have compact nuclear reactors, which provide them with electricity, they
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have been running around mars for years, it’s not to say they have forgotten, but the most important thing they don’t want to talk about is the program that bowing has been running for more than 10 years, this is the x37 military shuttle, it can stay for 2 to 3 years in space, it can move in orbits like this... the shuttle is reduced in size, it can carry up to a ton on board, it can fly, this is a commercial story, right, this is a military story, the air force launches and is the operator of this object, and no one knows what it carries on board, there may be nuclear warheads that can be launched at any moment, there may be the americans’ favorite arrows of god, as they calculated, if metal rods are made from a refractory material, then simply lowered from orbit, they will already cause enormous damage, in the end... a reconnaissance aircraft that can fly in and simply take the satellite, put it in its belly, close it with it and land. they don’t want to talk about this, this is partial militarization. uh-huh, ah you know, yes, they really have 93
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power units, but they are almost all of the second generation, these are very old power units. we now have 3+ generations and a fourth generation, which no one has at all, this is a fast neutron reactor, a wild lag. and in conclusion, i would like to raise another topic, using the example of biolabs . how the connection between the public and commercial sectors is formed in the united states. so, the structure of management of biological projects in ukraine, where both the us department of defense and we exist we see ukraine, this is actually the director of this military threat reduction agency, and a private company. who is there, who? let's figure it out, but first i'll literally say two words. our heroine receives. after the second world war, this university receives the largest number of bases for the inhabitants of the soviet union, for ethnos, that is , it is there that the bases are stored, how a chechen differs from an avars and how an avar differs
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from lesgin, they understand everything, they create a school on the base, then , this school is from georgetown university, it is also is transmitted absolutely free of charge to the pentagon at mit at the ministry of foreign affairs, which is located in boston, then the agency that our lady heads, she... is supposedly engaged in reducing the threats that exist, but in reality, in reality they are engaged in experiments. we conducted certain investigations and saw how many thousands of people from the ukrainian military passed through certain laboratories. what they were doing? from some they simply collected blood and biomaterial, they had to make sure to clarify whose you would be, you are not just slovenian, please clarify your affiliation, are you?
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not just like that, but for specific commercial companies, for commercial development, how these materials could be implemented into real vaccines, how to make it so that... so that only the slavs could be infected, so that they would die and no one else would be affected, how can we make it so that we can give an antidote to our people? everything will go smoothly, that is, by and large, if we carefully start digging into what... is metabiota? metabiota is a good option, in quotes good, merging the state and commerce, this is a private public partnership, which is built on the extraction of intelligence information. here, perhaps, the only thing missing is the central intelligence agency, which has opened all the data so that these containers can be quickly moved. imagine how good it is, they just keep them secret and take them out under any guise. and yes, there is one more point, besides the fact that... data, they gave vaccines to the ukrainian
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military and watched how they would be infected measles, how they will be infected with any pathogenic viruses, then, then they supposedly do this in order to effectively treat them, in order to develop a formula of medications that would work effectively, here are projects on infection, some, and others on data collection, and they very clearly understand at what stage of development this project is at, so up3, up5. yeah, i want to draw your attention to the fact that yes, indeed, completely, if necessary, if necessary, commerce is now subordinated to the state in the united states, and no one will allow you to take a step left or step to the right, and as for these biological programs, they are now, of course they are facing certain problems, because this is the united states, who is not there by nationality or ethnicity, and there... such voices, we will now
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make a program , which we will introduce something into this virus, which will act only against the slavs, and then it turns out that our people will act in this area, whose ancestors, when they came from the same territories, well, blinkin, in my opinion, from under kiev, came from somewhere, for example, and it’s not a fact that it will only affect them, suddenly it will affect us, this topic is very complex now, the separation of one ethnic group from another in terms of the impact of combat, is very complex. here is the topic of direct impact on people and direct impacts, it is clearly understandable, they pretend that this does not exist, it’s interesting, often, when it comes to the protection of personal data, why russia, for example, decided that all the dna data of our citizens were kept in our country, in order for the servers to be here, then all sorts of liberal figures began to shout that if we put up with this, we need to be connected with the whole... world, so that
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we distribute all our scientific developments everywhere, because we have there will be one global world, everyone will share with us, but look how the world is unfolding, in fact, what should we do? maria butina, the doll of tute's heir, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day: bow shrine vladimir putin at the trinity of andrei rublev, miraculous icon.


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