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tv   Dva berega  1TV  June 26, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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on july 8, the russia exhibition closes, those who have not yet made it, you are welcome, we are waiting for everyone, we are very glad to visit this exhibition at all, it is very wonderful that they even came up with such a format, we have already chosen several places where we would like to go, this is very interesting for children, very interesting for the whole family to just come and see what a big, vast country we have, julian asansh today reunited with his family in australia, after traveling halfway around the world from london, where he spent many years in... captivity without trial with a stop to a legal procedure that officially returned his freedom. the founder of the wikileaks portal made a deal with the us authorities to avoid 175 years, that is, death in an american prison. asansh is tight-lipped about the details, but still, why was he released now? report from washington by mikhail okinchenko. how does it feel to be a free man, mr. ahsan? the question, asked after all the legal formalities had been settled, remained unanswered. answer:
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an american judge, as one of the conditions for asandzha’s freedom, demanded that he immediately leave us territory. the founder of wikileaks himself, it seems, did not want to stay in the country where he was initially going to be imprisoned for the rest of his life, and immediately flew home to australia. there , numerous supporters greeted him with applause. however, asansh did not go to the support group, first of all he went to his father and wife who were waiting for him, only here he allowed himself to show emotions. his wife took charge of communicating with journalists; she came out to the cameras and asked everyone to be patient. you have to understand what he 's been through, he needs to recuperate, this takes time, please let us breathe, have privacy, let our family be a family until the moment when he can go out in public, he will choose the time when he can speak. you can really understand asange in 2015, an affair began between him and his wife, lawyer stella morris. at that time, the founder of wikileaks was hiding from the americans. ecuador in
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london, in 2017 the couple had a son, gabriel. a year and a half later , the youngest max was born. relatives only rarely visited assange in prison, and until now they had no opportunities to truly be together. according to the new york times, the journalist spent the last 5 years in solitary confinement. he did not leave her 23 hours a day, living surrounded by 232 books. food was also delivered to his cell. he ate separately from the rest of the prisoners for only one hour a day. decided to play sports in the prison yard. when osange was asked about his pallor, and he had not had the opportunity to go outside for more than 10 years, he laughed it off, saying that it was called prison pallor. now it's clear why during the flight, asansh practically stayed glued to the window, watching the sky. however, not everyone in the united states was ready to share this simple human joy. former vice president mike pence made no secret of his outrage at the man who told the world about america's war crimes. during the iraq
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war he was freed. the biden administration's deal with assange is a miscarriage of justice that dishonors the service and sacrifice of our service members and their families. there should be no litigation deals that allow anyone who jeopardizes the safety of senior military personnel or the national security of the united states to avoid prison, ever. an australian citizen, us authorities tried to prosecute him under the us espionage act. in 2013 , another man was sentenced to 35 years in the same case. key figure, former pentagon employee bradley manning. it was he who conveyed secret information to assange. in prison , mening changed his gender, gave his name as chelsea , and received a pardon from barack obama in 2017. the founder of wikileaks remained a man and did not change his convictions. and even despite the deal with the american authorities, admitting guilt in exchange for freedom, judge juliana sanche made it clear that she did not repent, but only had to agree with the conditions offered to him. washington post newspaper. quotes
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him as saying during the hearing, where he invoked the first amendment to the us constitution, which protects freedom of speech. i acknowledge that this was a violation of the espionage act. i believe that this law is the first amendment are inconsistent, but agree that it would be difficult to win this case, all things considered. another condition of the deal was the requirement for kasange to delete all previously unpublished information. whether he still has anything left in stock is unknown. hundreds of thousands of documents have already seen the light of day. the court decision does not affect, the wikileaks website still has access to the entire military archive, but here’s what ’s noteworthy: documents related to the internal squabbles of the american democratic party have disappeared from the site, it is possible that this the result of unspoken agreements with the current white house administration. in 2016 , the publication of this information did a lot of damage to hillary clinton’s presidential ambitions. it is obvious that joe biden, with his current low ratings, would not want the old one to start being stirred up again on the eve of the new elections. his party's dirty laundry.
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at the same time, the white house demonstrated its mercy to osange’s supporters, and opponents can now take comfort in the court’s decision, in which the journalist was formally recognized as a criminal. work, the question is not an easy one, because now he has he has a family, and also a debt of half a million dollars, which he will have to pay for the flight from prison to his homeland. mikhail akinchenko, andrey mikhailov, stanislav opletin, channel one usa. that's all, well, right now it's a movie about love, life, destinies.
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two shores, third series.
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be careful, the horse won’t get enough of you, it’s good to pin him down, but where are you going, hey, little top, what do you want with us, well, let’s go, you’ll work, he’ll only work with a spoon, well, that’s for you, brother, eh! wait, this is to my liking, let's go out into the clearing, one on one, well let's go out, i said it myself, nazar and the bear
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will fight, nazar and the bear will fight. stop, where are you, dry,
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you’re not a wife to me,
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what do you need, what are you, what are you, you’re running around, and i’ll come back here, i ’ll never come back there again, you’re doing something, lord, my god, what is it rapist, lord, don’t cry like that, but heart, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, lie down, calm down, where is she going to lie down, what are you thinking?
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mother, her skin died, she fell and is not breathing, no, this cannot be, that you are to blame? okay, run, call the bench, you need to wash it and rinse it off, what?
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time flew over the kamenka river, people were born, people died, one skolchin , evdakia, went into the ground, but a new light appeared, antonina, tosya.
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nazar, what are you saying, where is she going to the river? nazar, put the child in the place you told, nazar, leave me alone, that’s it, you creature, nothing will happen to her, wash it! well, why are you always dragging her around with you, let him fuss with the woman and the child, but dad, she doesn’t interfere, she doesn’t interfere, you’re completely crazy, so you look, soon varka will become the head of the family, what’s wrong with you, but everything’s wrong, watch disgusting, are you a man or not, around varka i led round dances, now
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you’re running around with this tsatsiya, the women will sit on your neck, you can’t shake them off, they won’t sit down, they won’t sit down. well, what are you doing, what? do you hear, i think you and i should dig a hole in the barn, why? hide the grain, the unequals will now start taking away, why would you think with your head or not, i heard there is famine on the volga, people are dying like flies, no, listen, people are chatting in those villages that... closer, among the wealthy the surplus is confiscated, then we rent it out according to the norm, for food ourselves and two and two, but who cares how much they need, they’ll scoop up so much, and you’ll die for cheating, uh-huh, take it into the house, let the cooking go around, i’ll finish it, it’s good, the world’s media
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is full of headlines that... britain became a victim of an unknown person who called him on behalf of petro poroshenko . david cameron revealed many secrets to western politics in this conversation. what did trump say about the situation in ukraine? he said that in his opinion putin only needs crimea and donbass. and i said that this was not so, but he allowed the money to be allocated. some kind of trump, the secret master of the world, turns out to be trump. if we we will be able to make sure that by november ukraine will be on the front line. then he will want to support the winning side, he essentially said that the next president will be trump, and he influenced the speaker, that is, this is interference in internal affairs, from now on cameron can be considered a political dwarf, the premiere, the vavan and lexus show, today on the first , magical night, on a dream ship to
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the future, scarlet sails 2000. 24 live broadcast from st. petersburg on friday on the first. this year zhanna frieske would have turned 50. she was called the standard of female beauty. both those older and those younger fell in love with her. the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem. she could not overcome one thing: an illness that turned out to be incurable. things were not going well at all, i slept next to her, how did she perceive the changes in appearance? very painful, we covered the mirrors, hid only in the darkness, she hated the light, she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success, for her relatives it was hell, but after death this hell continued, money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father vladimir
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friske, if we had not trusted this man, she might have lived for at least another six months. our exclusive life after life, zhanna, i keep saying, guys, what will happen will be, and it can’t be avoided, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first, you’ll see it with your eyes, mine. deputy i'm the mistress, wait, wait, wait, wait, girls, let's take a look, let's go, let's go. let's see what's there, now you 're dragging children to the field, they get sick later, you're sitting at home, it's good at home, your garden is in order,
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the man is well-groomed, so who can argue, but they don’t pay money for it, you’d think they pay on a collective farm, a workday is accrued, but what’s that workday for us, you can spread it on bread, you bought us so much that year, but that’s not what the woman is talking about , now all over the country there are children's. of course, my daughter is in the best place, we are in the field until in the mud, she is warm until she is full,
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oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, well, do you want to take her place, oh, god forbid, i i'll go crazy from the children's screams, guys, pull yourself up, there's no end to work , there's nothing to do. you should take a look. nazar, what took you so long? let's go, let's go. it's high time to feed her, you dragged her away. my milk is already flowing. so the chairman ordered
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everyone to be there at 7:00 in the morning and don’t be late, yuzha, what have you become, huh? and what about you come to avin in the evening? look for another fool. i knew you’d come, i can go, well, well,
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can’t stand it, you missed me, i see, you missed me, i couldn’t live without you, back. kiss me, kiss me, fry me, whatever it is, thieves. come on, get out, get out, then i’ll chop you down and
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raise your hands, dad, come on, chop me up, please, are you the only one talking, for me, i’ll go chew, fly away, little dove, have mercy, i didn’t know you were today. if you don’t start it, you could say at dinner, son, you should develop your brains, and not a comparable place, say it’s a big deal, so that they call the whole village, well, yes, but uncle plato didn’t call anything to help, don’t tell plato, we’re with you we know and wake up that this is our good, so why are you holding an ax or taking a shovel, huh? misha, you're sleeping.
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hug me, kolya, i have to get up early, i’m already asleep. i’m just frozen, she’s beautiful here, she looks like you, your eyes, i want a son, we’ll give birth to a son.
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“stop, ah, it’s hard, no, it’s not hard, show your hands, show me, where are you going without your tops, and without what, well, a mitten in your opinion, what haven’t you done, you have
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the most tender hands, that everything will be like this, okay, i knew it, i took the spare ones, here you go, oh, thank you, ah, banter, why have you looked like that for a long time, yes, all day, i ate something in the morning, ran to nazar, what? i’m crazy or something, i don’t want to see him, ira, but don’t lie to me, tell me honestly, what did you have,
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what did you care about the fact that you were pregnant, ira, what did you take? women's affairs for a long time? that month, at the beginning, what are we going to do? oh, i don’t know, just don’t tell your father, please, sooner or later you’ll have to tell him, you can’t hide your belly. i’ll tell nazar, he loves children, you saw how he plays with his little aunt, maybe the broth will go away, it’s unlikely, huh, but he would run to me if he loved the broth, or maybe fate itself sent me this child so that he finally decided what to say, ol, yur, well, because i
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asked you. well, stay away from these scoundrels, they are nothing but trouble. don't croak, there won't be any trouble, just keep quiet, bye. why is this snowstorm breaking up?
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i'll go and have a look. well, isn’t it crazy, she rushed in in the middle of the night, outspent everyone, wait, don’t be naughty, i have news, i’m expecting a child, what kind of child? well, what's wrong with you? are you happy? well, tell me, i’m glad, i’ll give birth to your son, varka couldn’t, but i can, it’ll look like you, this news is like
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a blow to the head. and i thought you would marry me now, i promised you that, i told you that i would never leave varka, i said, well, why are you talking nonsense to me here, nazor, please don’t leave me, i love you i love you very much, come off, what should i do now? don’t you dare run to me anymore, figure out for yourself how your women do it there, don’t try to give birth to a quickie, i ’ll take you by one leg, step on the other and tear you in two, okay?
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the world media is full of headlines that the head of meath great britain became a victim of an unknown person who called him on behalf of petro poroshenko. in this conversation, david cameron revealed many secrets of western policy, which trump responded to regarding the situation in ukraine. he said that in his opinion putin needs only crimea and donbass, and i said that this was not so, but he allowed the money to be allocated. some trump, the secret master of the world. if we can make sure that by november ukraine will be on the front line, then he will want to support the winning side, he essentially said that the next president will be trump, and he influenced the speaker, that is, this is interference in internal affairs, from now on cameron
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can be considered political dwarf. premiere, show vavan and lexus, today on the first. would have turned 50, she was called the standard of female beauty, people fell in love with her and those who are older and those who are younger, the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem, she could not overcome one thing, an illness that turned out to be incurable, i did not leave her one step at all, i slept next to her, like she perceived changes in appearance very painfully, we covered the mirrors, hid only in the darkness, she hated the light, she hoped, fought, but burned out with the most... failure, for her family it was hell, but after death this hell continued, money , threats, real estate sales, mutual recriminations from dmitry shepelev and zhanna's father vladimir friske. if we had not trusted this person, she might have lived at least another six months, but she would have lived, our exclusive life
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after life, zhanna. i keep saying, guys, what will happen will happen, and it cannot be avoided. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere. on the first. the world media is full of headlines that the head of the british ministry of foreign affairs has become a victim of an unknown person who called him on behalf of petro poroshenko. david cameron revealed many secrets of western politics in this conversation. what did trump say? about the situation in ukraine. he said that in his opinion, putin only needs crimea and donbass. and i said that this was not so, but he allowed the money to be allocated. some kind of trump, the secret master of the world, he essentially said that the next president would be trump, and he influenced the speaker, that is, this is interference in internal affairs, from now on cameron
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can be considered a political dwarf. premiere, show vavan and lexus, today on the first. would have turned 50, she was called the standard of female beauty, both older and younger people fell in love with her, a star she achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem, she could not overcome one thing: the disease turned out to be incurable, i did not leave her one step at all, i slept next to her. how did she perceive the changes in appearance? very ill, we hung mirrors, hid only in the darkness, she hated the light, she hoped, fought, but burned at the very pinnacle of success, for her relatives it was hell, but after death this hell continued, money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna's father vladimir friske, if we had not trusted this man. she may be at least another six months, but she lived, our exclusive life after life,
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zhanna, i keep saying, guys, what will happen will be, and it can’t be avoided, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, on saturday at the first you will pay, but what do you need? it won’t work, it’s too simple, bring me the chicken, i can’t, we only have five, there’s barely enough eggs for everyone, then lard and a jar of sour cream, or you can’t either, i’ll find it, come on sunday, come early, bring some with you take the pain, you will bleed, and
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bring a bottle of moonshine, but what will you do? do you recognize? what will he bullshit, shut up, why did you come, go away, i have nothing to pay my grandmother with, she asks for lard. sour cream, and that the chairman is completely poor? that’s not the point, my father will notice that i
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’ll tell him when necessary, by sunday, in the morning you’ll pick it up from the barn, oh, more moonshine, okay, i’ll give it once, you’ll ask for more, kick yourself, don’t be afraid, i won’t ask again.
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varya was scared, the bear thought, are you alone here, yes, and you? what's not in the field they called for a correction, so i decided to go straight, uh-huh, sorry, yes, nothing, i didn’t need it myself, no, i didn’t want to. i love you, varya,
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i can’t forget, every night before your eyes, you have a wife, and what and what, and you have a husband, we are destined for each other, don’t you really feel it, i feel it, but it happened that way, you can’t change it. the berries started to go a long time ago, even before lunch, and why are they still not there? i’ll go and see, maybe what happened, what’s going to happen to her, dad , quickly, i can’t do this, i
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think about you all the time, every minute, to meet like that in secret, it’s a sin, what a sin, it’s yours skoltin separated us. i’m also knocked together, i forgot, olga, your wife, and your son. i’ll leave olga, just say, no, mish, my people will kill you, then we won’t have anything, go home, go, mish.
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there was a bitch with the bear. are you crazy? was mishka ermakov here? i met him on the way, i saw him, i passed him, but far away, over there. and what? nothing, i went to the village, and i took raspberries. look, if i find out, i'll kill both of them, okay?
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i lost my head, oh, sorry, sorry, drink, girl. i can’t, i have to, pinch your nose, if you feel nauseous,
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well, you’re standing there like a statue, your skirt is the best to the underworld.
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get up girl, get up, get up. you're asleep, get up. well, that's enough, that's enough, it's a pity, it's a pity,
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it was necessary before, now the job has already been done, you want more moonshine, well, whatever you want, i'll drink it, i'm with you, that's it. come on, go home, it’s already evening, evening, home, yes, evening, i’m at home here, at home, come on with god, go, go, that’s it, ira, where is it, night outside? i can’t, my heart is not in the right place, i’ll go
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look for her around the village, i’m afraid in sinegorye, she’s sinegorye, now that she forgot there, it’s already dark, not better than one on the road wander around, maybe she’s not the only one, take a horse from the stable, well, yes, i’ll drive the collective farm cattle in vain. it’s seven kilometers away, i’ll get there myself, irka! tirka, irina, what are you doing,
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irina, what’s wrong with you, irishka, come on, ira, what’s wrong with you? irka, you ranina, where are you going, get up. he said that in his opinion putin only needs crimea and donbass, and i said that this is not
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so, but he allowed the money to be allocated, some trump, the secret master of the world, trump has all the money if we can make sure that by november ukraine will be on the front line, then he will want to support the winning side, he essentially said that the next president will be trump, and he influenced the speaker, that is, this is interference in internal affairs, from now on cameron is allowed. feminine beauty, both those older and those younger fell in love with her, the star would have turned 50, she was called the standard , she achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem, she could not overcome one thing, a disease that turned out to be incurable, i she didn’t leave. how did i even sleep next to her? how she perceived changes in appearance? very sick. we covered the mirrors, she hid only in
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the darkness, she hated the light. she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success. it was hell for my family. but after death this attack continued. money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father vladimir friske. if we had not trusted this person, she might have lived for at least another six months. he said that in his opinion putin only needs crimea and donbass, and i said that this is not
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yes, but he allowed the money to be allocated, some trump, the secret master of the world. he essentially said that the next president would be trump, and he influenced the speaker, that is, this is interference in internal affairs, from now on cameron can be considered a political dwarf. premiere, show vavan and lexus, today on the first. would have turned 50, she was called the standard of female beauty, both those older and those younger fell in love with her, the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem, she could not overcome one thing, an illness that turned out to be incurable, i didn’t leave her one step at all, i slept next to her, the way she perceived changes in appearance was very painful, we hung mirrors, hid
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only in the darkness, she hated the light, she hoped, fought, but burned out. the pinnacle of success, for the family it was hell, but after death this hell continued, money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father vladimir friske. if we had not trusted this person, she might have lived at least another six months, but she would have lived, our exclusive life after life, zhanna. i keep saying, guys, what will happen will happen, and it cannot be avoided. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere. i was working on the first one, when i entered the room, i saw my notebook there, i began to leaf through this book and there i found the notes that tanya had made when everyone was dying, here are our relatives, little tanya savicheva made the first entry in her diary, it’s scary, bombs are falling, she didn’t
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come down from your apartment. there to this school a bomb shelter, very pale, very thin, very weak, all toys they were lying face down and covered with a black rag, they asked me what it was, i told them, they died of hunger, aunt dusya, when she left for work, she closed the room and tanya was sitting on the stairs, the last person who saw tanya was vasya krylov, when i say that this is saevich, my relative, some say that this is not... the truth of tanya savichevo, everyone died, i was almost in tears, but we survived, in memory of tanya savicheva, the blockade, children, in monday on the first, damn, what, what, what happened, styopka, run to the felcher,
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quickly, lively! well, zakhar andreevich, did you find her? alive, ohirka, what have you done? misha, heat the water! ira, little girl! ir, do you hear, irachni, ira, mira, what was she doing? yes, in senigorye women run around to get rid of the fruit. what? did not know? mira, why? mirochka. come out, everyone, we need to take a look, come out, okay,
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that’s it. i don’t know, maybe it’s a spanish flu, she’s just dying, she’s become really bad, they say she won’t survive, well , sit him down or we’ll sharpen our lasses, come on. what have you done, irka, you dumbass, you old russian, you almost died, but what if i didn’t find you, oh, dad, don’t,
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tell me this. who is this bastard? who were you expecting your child from? it's none of your business. why, it’s not mine, you’re still my daughter. then talk, it’s not bad now. thank you, olya, i didn’t tell them about nazar, although it’s not enough to kill him, to kill him, and if i love him, peace, even after this you love him, but remember how you hanged yourself, you’ve already been killed twice because of him you've passed a hair's breadth from death, which means you're close to death, you're still young, irinka, you don't know life, well, you can't fix what you've already done, the felcher said, that you will never have children again,
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this grandmother has mutilated you, you have to pay for everything, so my love has such a price. olya, i brought water, can i go? go. why aren’t you in the field, my father sent me the preparations, so go, you’ll be in time, thank you for
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helping, i’m tired today, i still have to do the laundry, poor ira just didn’t stain everything with blood, oh, you didn’t sleep at the circus all night, and you’re little every time it will be night, i hear you rocking. and the bear is sleeping, so what, i’m a mother, i’m supposed to, you’re in the field, you’re at home too, our family is completely i tormented you, banter, but now actually this is my family too, yes, they can help with something else, there is food, yes there is, everything is there, you go, otherwise your father will scold you, you still need to get dressed.
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styopa, what are you doing, styopa, styop, what are you doing, have you gone crazy, gone crazy, lol, i love you, so don’t make this up, and i don’t dare approach you, i ’ll hit you, but the bear doesn’t appreciate you at all, i i see it. i’ll carry you in my arms, blow away the dust, why are you talking nonsense, look at yourself, you’re very small, but i’m already sixteen years old, sixteen years old, styopa, you're laughing, i'm not laughing at you, stepa, stepa, okay, forget it, no, stepa, i'm enjoying the light steam styopa,
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let's do it.


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