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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  June 27, 2024 10:10am-11:00am MSK

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irina, you are happy, very happy, and i understand that marilyn munroe is resting, and how is the red lipstick, dear, and the head, the head, how everything is fine, good, yes, very good, comfortable, stylish, i’m ready for changes. and i want
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to meet myself again on the way, this is all thanks to you, daughters, thank you, you know, you are an amazing woman, as a rule, such heavy evening makeup, yes, big for a good exit, really, like any luxury grows up, but not in your case, the experiment with the evening group is just spectacular, because you haven’t grown up at all. on the contrary, it collects your face and makes it more beautifully expressive. believe me, not every woman can stand a red dress, not every woman, this trick doesn’t work with you, you are ready not just for a red dress, but even for a big red dress, and a little red dress, by the way, is the same today a classic wardrobe staple like the little black dress and the little white dress, but every time... when you
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wonder if i can pull off a red dress, look on how you will feel in the rays of everyone’s attention, here is our heroine, she bathes in it, it’s good for her, you see, mom, i have a surprise for you, let’s wait, you already have one man, yes, oh my god, i think, put it on. girls, come out, congratulate your mother, hug, irina, we applaud your new look and the work of our stylists, we give you all three sets of clothes from the program as a fashion sentence, wear them with pleasure, thank you, do you want to take part in the program, then fill out the form on the website of the first channel, see you on the first, marlin, sofia, magnificent.
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mom, i want to walk with you, tell her that you love her, that you are proud of her, everything will be fine, i want to thank you for your children, you raised them well. the first channel presents, this is the liver, friends, we ourselves inflict a summer blow to the liver, how to avoid troubles, how to stay healthy, about the most important thing in life. it’s great to live in the program,
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well, summer is a blow to the liver, german shaich, summer is a special time, it seems, well, what does that have to do with it? here is the liver, okay the heart, okay the brain, but... nevertheless, the liver, and we get up, stand at the yellow eye, herman shaich, the main risk factors, gets a viral attack in the summer, the first hepatitis a virus attacks when we drink spring water , infection occurs through the fecal-oral route, when we...
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get into a product that contains the hepatitis a virus, this is spring water, because you don’t know what its quality is, these are any products. hepatitis a signs of hepatitis jaundice, yellow eyes, jaundice, general malaise, dark urine, light stool, you can show me, you can, go show me, look, usually the urine is this color, and the stool is just gray, because... bile is not secreted, we have a wonderful guest who managed to survive all these nightmares in the summer, igor viktorovich, we are waiting you, come out, igor viktorovich, let's continue,
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the room is dark, there is trouble in the room, the wine has run out, the food has run out, the water has run out. suddenly on the floor, why then, the soul is happy, hey, the trouble in the room has long been over, we have wine, we have food, and for a long time there has been water on the floor, why then? my soul is empty, hey, where did you come to us from, such a cheerful guy, and i have been living in moscow for a long time, so, i am a sound engineer and artist of the russian spiritual
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theater glaz, well, as they say, the repertoire of your spiritual theater is unique, the spirituality is unique, the wine has run out, the food has run out. and then at the end they sing something highly spiritual, we understand, we understand, please tell me, returning to the yellow eye, dark urine, discolored stool, where did you manage to get infected, well, this is one of the most difficult memories of childhood, i encountered this disease in eighty-one, i was 11 at the time , we were flying to school, we had an epidemic at school, to what end, through what, i didn’t even understand.
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including spring water, the second, as he says, you can’t throw out the words from the song, the food has run out, the wine has run out, the wine has run out, the food has run out, alcohol, a large amount of food, there are a lot of songs on this topic, kebab with cognac and other low spiritual things, statistics show, show that alcohol consumption increases in the summer, these are holidays, parallel to abundant... but all this hits the liver, which means there are two options - this is acute alcoholic hepatitis, and most often it is fatty liver disease, the liver is affected by fat, this is point number two, this is all
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low-spiritual again, you say, at the end i will have a highly spiritual verse, let’s have a highly spiritual one. we listen to you, there is peace in the room, all guests are honored, my life flows like a full river, i will go out slowly, i will look around, plunge my soul into the pure wave. with such a highly spiritual ending we could end the conversation about the liver in the summer, but that’s not all, what other threats do you think to the liver? in summer? well, this is probably overeating, maybe
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they showed, you see, the fat has torn the liver, it turned out that in the summer... due to dehydration , the frequency of attacks of cholelithiasis and attacks of chalecitis of the island increases, it’s time to go to our liver. come up, otherwise we’re all singing your inviting songs, stand next to me, this is the liver, turn to the people, the country should see you, look, this is the gallbladder, if stones form here, it can lead to inflammation of the gallbladder , severe pain in the hypochondrium, temperature, and if the stone clogs the duct, then the gall duct. biliary colic, that you can climb on the ceiling from this pain, it’s clear, we don’t want
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this to happen to you, you’ve had enough of hepatitis a, so there is a rule, firstly, summer is the time when you need to drink a lot, this first, and now there is, we haven’t talked about everything yet, hepatitis, we talked about stopping at a, but there is an increase in frequencies, the frequency of hepatitis infection. there b and c due to what? due to what? due to irrepressible sexual relations. by the way, are you gelato or not? well done, and the children there is? two daughters? very good. without using protective equipment, what can protect us from hepatitis a is the vaccine against hepatitis a, and from infection with hepatitis b - the vaccine against... hepatitis b: if you want to be protected from these causes, you need to get
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vaccinated, this is the second, and the third is generally divine revelation, we need to wash our hands and wash everything we eat, you know, i like to repeat this statistic, when it was raining, diarrhea disappeared, not because they were supplanted by the coronavirus, because people washed their hands and all surfaces in general. with some frenzy, so they stopped getting intestinal infections, imagine, now we are relaxed again, we no longer wash our hands, then we washed ourselves from head to toe, these sprayers, remember, stood everywhere at the entrances, wherever you go, they will spray you, blow you away, you wash your hands yourself, my god, but now this is not there, this is very bad, because unfortunately, in the summer, especially the number of diarrhea increases sharply, and hepatitis a is diarrhea, this is diarrhea, this is the situation, you know, you are so great they sang this song to us, thank you, this
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it was just highly spiritual to wash your hand , there is something, if i had known, i would have prepared it, i’m not ready right away, this is your song, we have a play in the theater about this, it ’s called fedori on the mountain, but it talks about how bad it is to be dirty, but children really love this famous fairy tale.
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sound to stun small fish, they then make nutcrackers, they make such a specific sound; they eat it, how to cook it deliciously, and most importantly, how to eat crayfish correctly. oh, how lucky i am, this is caviar, this is a female, here is caviar, we eat caviar, delicious.
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mom bought me kremple trousers, it was such a humiliation, i already knew how to play the guitar well then, i just wanted to be a rock star, everything came true, yes, here is a real graduate, you are a graduate, you will have graduation now, podcast lab, tomorrow at the first, i told you, there is no need
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to contact him, something happened, volodya... open the state security committee, we have an order to send a convoy to moscow, tatyana nazarova, let's go, wait, what is he accusing me of, wait, you you do not have the right, allow it, show the order, you do not have the right rights, subtle matters, on sunday on the first. how could you, i trusted you, i protected you in any situation, when everyone was against it, and you, like this, dear friends, wow, look, look, only crayfish,
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bullies, are not afraid of a fight, even if they back away, but they themselves... they move, feel it, i have grandchildren, i have all the classics as a memory, yes , i see, mikhail egorovich made an impression, so today we have crayfish, these crayfish are alive, they brought us more ready-made crayfish, bring in let's go to the studio, you know what i can't do.
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let me give you some plates, you mess around and communicate, let's show you exactly what we have to do, river, here they are, here they are, here they are, the fact is that they live only in clean water, so even the presence of crayfish in a reservoir can indicate that the reservoir is clean, and, secondly, crayfish rotate their eyes 360°, even inside themselves, wow? yes cancer, cancer is moving backwards, but everyone thinks that cancer is moving backwards, but in reality it only backs away when it feels danger, and so it moves forward, so to speak, like all ordinary animals, where crayfish spend the winter, there is a saying, where crayfish spend the winter, they spend the winter in the same place where they live in the summer, they spend the winter in the same
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body of water, they just sink to the bottom, go into their holes and lead such a sedentary... for stunning small fish they then eat it crayfish predators yes predators yes andrey petrovich you give me a little bit of meat you want to establish there is a monument to cancer let's show let's show a monument to the crane oh isn't this a crab you think it's a cancer we have a guest
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from rostov we need to go to we'd rather have timur explain to us is it a cancer or a crab, what is it? monument in rostov, is it a cancer or a speck? good afternoon, and this is a cancer, domsky cancer is what is called a cancerous cervix, when i found out, i was coming here to see you, yeah, i found out that we will have a theme of crustaceans, regarding crayfish, i even contacted the person, who made this sculpture with dmitry vasilyovich, this sculpture was installed in the city of rostov-on -don on the embankment in 2013, because crayfish are a very useful, healthy product, crayfish, which. i brought them to you, these are from the don, manoch, they are caught in wild reservoirs, but according to the legislation of the russian
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federation, we are allowed only two catches this year, this is from july 15 to august 15, the second catch is from september 15 to october 15, was it caught illegally? no, so i continue, i continue, so, but accordingly, when crayfish are being caught, and there are farms and farms in a legislative, official way that are engaged in the breeding and reproduction of crayfish, and that is , it’s not that you caught it illegally, of course but no, of course not, but we have everything in mind, and you are legally engaged in breeding, i am engaged in... accordingly , sales, breeding in the city of rostov-on -don and the rostov region. we understood everything, in general, everything was according to the law. absolutely right, yes.
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also, of course, i would like to note the fact that crayfish, don is a certain brand. that's enough already. rostov, this is a certain brand that, unfortunately, it is difficult to cover the entire territory of the russian federation, to feed all the don crayfish. protein, this is the most important thing, listen to the doctor gandalman, protein, look, look, this is a protein product, it contains 16 g of protein
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per 100 g. why do we need protein, for the proper formation of immunity, for the creation of muscles, for proper digestion, for the formation of blood proteins and for the formation of bones, that is, without protein there is no life, we are created from protein, therefore. useful , please proceed, thank you, this is the retina of our eye, there is a zone that is responsible for high vision, the fact is that cancer contains selenium, and it protects our cells, nerve cells from destruction, selenium is a natural antioxidant, that is , the substance that protects our nerve cells, well, like this, if... figuratively with such a filter shield andrei petrov, look, this is a bone, but the bone is here with holes so that these holes there wasn’t,
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it is necessary for calcium to get into the bones to form such a healthy, strong bone, and for this we need manganese, manganese helps calcium to be built into the bones to make strong bones, there is in cancer, in this meat there is manganese, this is a very important microelement, which... is not present everywhere, yes, i want to return to selenium, but mikhail egorovich speaks about his beloved, about what is close to him, it’s about the eyes, of course, selenium protects the eyes, but selenium is the strongest anti-cancer component, it has long been known that people with cancer have low levels of selenium, so in general , products with selenium should be a must, so we decided to compare crayfish and yes, absolutely right, crayfish actually contains about twice as much selenium as scallops, but less than mussels, but a mussel is not
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our russian product, although we still have a lot of these mussels from vladivostok, there are still more in mussels than in crayfish, but in general there is more in crayfish than half the daily requirement in 100 g. yes. three questions: how to choose crayfish, how to store them and how to eat them correctly? the first question is how to choose? how to choose crayfish? and choosing crayfish is quite simple: the first, most important, first rule, the crayfish must be alive, yes, yes, the second point, if you find yourself in stores, markets, and decide to buy a ready-made crayfish, then, accordingly, this package, where is located, lies cancer, it will be... was
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prepared exclusively - from a living product, it should be written, of course, of course, of course, understood, yes, who has read this at least once, we don’t look, they ate it, no, but there are frozen ones , you know, this is a rather delicate and sensitive question regarding frozen crayfish, but in my practice i touched and i froze crayfish, i was very interested, but it won’t come back to life and it won’t crawl. oh my god, he's obsessed with the fact that cancer must be alive, well, because it's right, it's a living product, it's alive, taste, taste, qualities are violated when frozen, of course, lina vasilievna, yes, taste qualities are violated, i want to say that they actually sell boiled and frozen crayfish, we can buy them too, or are you against it, maybe they were boiled alive, like you love, this is a direct question, the man from rostov-on-dano said, you feel it
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’s frozen, it’s a sin. nut is a fall down. if we are talking about frozen foods, first of all it is necessary to carry out proper defrosting, defrosting, step by step, not according to the freezer we we take it out to room temperature, so as not to quickly reduce the temperature, but gradually put it in the refrigerator. in such an exceptional way, but i repeat this again, with living cancer. the next question is how to properly store crayfish? regarding the question of how to properly store crayfish, i brought these crayfish with me from rosny. thank you. and i was lucky, that is, to save them, i traveled all day to see you, for this i needed ice,
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a vacuum thermal bag. added ice there, created a dark space for them, created -10-12 temperature regime, it was in these given conditions that they were able to preserve, how long do they live in such conditions, exactly in which i brought it, two or three days maximum, well , that is, you can store it in ice, put it in a dark refrigerator, how to eat crayfish correctly? i didn’t ask our guest if it was possible to store it frozen, so that he wouldn’t start lecturing us that it was a living product, because we already understood his position, but nevertheless, boiled crayfish can be stored frozen, and it is put here period, how to eat correctly, how do you eat crayfish, let’s show, tell, and take, here you go, so let’s start step by step - with a living crayfish, do you see any living ones?
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shall we cook? why should they be boiled? like boiled or how do you eat them? i eat, of course, that is, a boiled barge of crayfish - this is the main thing that is in them, selenium will not disappear anywhere, protein will not disappear anywhere, show me which parts are edible and which are not edible, so you are a rostovite, are you wearing gloves in rostov on food must be aesthetics, let's do it in rostov style, like on the shore. so, dear friends, dear friends, come on, what did you force, first of all the claw is used, did you eat it, or what, no, why, sucks out the meat no, suck out the meat, high, high-quality protein, so, sucked out the meat from claws, what next, the next stage, oh, how lucky i am, this is the caviar, this is the female, here is the caviar, we eat the caviar, then we turn
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the tail. he ate the caviar from the tail, so yes, yes, yes, also, when there is a seasonal moment of catching, that’s how the caviar is found still here under the shell, we lick it off, we lick it off, yes, that means, the next stage, we clean it, we remove the tail, we remove the tail, this is the most important place, it doesn’t treat anyone like that, we noticed, yes, one clever one could give it to us. so good, then yes, what kind of timurchik do we have, the next stage, it’s here, here, continues, deliciousness, here it is from the head itself, it sucked everything else, this is what the body is, it’s here that the fatty protein itself can be under the armor, here he is eaten, bon appetit, all of russia will know,
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how can you eat crayfish? now we will treat all our guests with these crayfish, it’s all about food, friends, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, without you i won’t live, just like you won’t live without me. i honestly tried to forget you, mish, me too, our love will destroy us, i won’t return to her, you’ve gone completely crazy, but it makes me sick to look at her, she carries your child under her heart, as you say, the names of those fists, on which you came to declare, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch. after the program time, what happened? siberia did you get off the yard? no, this cannot be, the archiz for tourists, as a rule, starts from here, mountains, rivers, views, lambs,
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guys from the concrete jungle usually come to us, they never have any mountains or large forests on the horizon, they are just in shocked, the one-time record of the archist resort today is 11,800 people, per day, the movements are light, feminine, like a swan, and as sharp, clear as an eagle, my mother sent me to dance when i was a child, but i always wanted to fight, i need to stir person, to make it easier to do the technique, it seems to me, like this boys and girls in the seventh grade are dancing at discos, let's go, the premiere is on saturday at the first, in creative families there is such a sign that if there is one musician, then...
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a project, two stars, fathers and sons, sunday we continue our wonderful, kind family on the first, so, friends, straight from the wonderful theme of cancers to belymphocytes. we check our immunity, a special test for immunity is called an immunogram, an immunogram is a blood test, and right now we already have such a blood test at the medical site taken, today we are talking about b-lymphocytes, what
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is your name? irina, irochka, do you have any problems with b-lymphocytes, are they higher or lower than normal? and above, above the norm, you yourself know what b-lymphocytes are, no, i don’t know why this is. i would like to come to you and ask you to explain to me that you can put your hand down, they have taped everything up for you, there is nothing to worry about, that means the test for immunity is called an immunogram, we will now show you the immunogram and isolate the lymphocytes there, which we will talk about today , so b lymphocytes, andrey petrovich, there are t-lymphocytes, go to t-lymphocytes, there are b lymphocytes, b lymphocytes are alone.
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the virus is neutralized, and then, you see, it is neutralized, it can no longer enter the cell, and then this virus eats another type of white blood cells, there are a lot of them, which are now eating it, it is most likely the macrophate that eats it and that’s life the virus is over, so the fact that you have elevated b lymphocytes.
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and just one figure: before the invention of vaccines
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, six out of 10 children died before the age of 5, child mortality was 60%, that is, more than half children died, what is our infant mortality rate today? 6 ppm, or what? yes, this, this is actually less than 0.4 sec per mile, hundredths per mile are thousandths, so we have hundredths of...
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and youth, let's talk about why we play board games and how it affects our mind, let's take a short break, and then continue, life is on the table, god, i even forgot how to hit, like this and like that, so normal, so possible, here. that's right, which board games will make your brain younger? and we reveal the secrets of longevity, what about this did you call savkina? well, yes and what? yes , i don’t like her, she’s one of those people who takes the bag and goes after the dogs in the yard to clean up. well, she doesn't have any dog. kvn,
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fourth quarterfinal, on saturday, on the first. i rubbed the microphone in my palms, in anticipation of the stadium, i’m performing for people, without swimming trunks, so have fun, i love these resort ones. we live on vibrations of noise, so we don’t even notice anymore, welcome bodrum, there is a stereotype that turkish men are partying, this is not a national trait, all over the world there are men who love flirt, they look after you beautifully, they give gifts, well, we don’t attach importance to gifts, life itself in such a place is already a gift, so what do you have here, i recommend pistachio with white mix. come on, well, damn
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it, take it, take it, take it, take it, disgraced, more, ah, mashalla, mashalla, the lives of others, the premiere on sunday on the first, well, dear friends, this is how we moved the program from the studio to live great. here to this wonderful place, we will talk about board games, and we are at the center of moscow longevity, please, which of the doctors wants to play, and we let's see how your reaction speed is, how can we play, proceed, proceed, and we will check, because speed is a sign, a sign of age, andrei petrovich, where are you going, here, this is pool, yes, this is tennis , table tennis, it seems to me that the best game for you
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is table tennis, here, by the way , a very interesting couple is playing, how many days in a row without a break do you play, friends, what? 400 as you said 400 seriously, how old are you, by the way, 65, you are 66, i have two dentures in koledrakh were changed 2 years ago, and at the same time six months later, six months later, and they play like this every day, they started, they started, german mishaevich, well, you’re coming, what are people doing, why do doctors love... board games, what do they give? why? because they improve and speed up reaction speed. what is reaction speed? this is the work of our nerve cells, this is a nerve cell, and this is a process that transmits impulses. if you do not play board games, the nerve
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processes do not atrophy, there is short breathing, and the person cannot move, nor play, basically suffers. in the game using rackets, each player, after one bounce of the ball on his half of the table , must send the ball back to the opponent’s half, this is a real brain workout, during which neural connections are restored, so we also decided to play, so give the ball, andrey petrovich,
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get up , you and i are capable of something or we’re not capable of anything, my friend, let’s go, lord, i even forgot how to hit like that. this way and that way, that’s normal, that’s possible, that ’s right, that’s right, you just have to do it after, please note that the professor is not repulsing anything, he is not a gentleman, he is not a gentleman, he is not a gentleman, i tell you , tell germanush, positive, remove this inscription, positive, well done, big families, big, four, yes, four grandchildren. and you have a son, daughter, granddaughter, everything is there, by the way, i asked these questions not by chance, science has proven that board games improve relationships in the family, let me remind you that any person can do all this by coming to one of the centers in moscow longevity, completely free, here, friends, mikhail egorichko navalov
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also plays, mikhail egorovich, with what success you play with pensioners, we only pocket those balls that are... right next to the hole, how old are you, 65, i actually worked in the instrumental production, and then went to the pencha and played billiards. mikhail igorich, well, hit it once, you are still 10 years younger, there are only difficult balls left, or but, well , let’s not lose face in front of the +10 generation, okay, the most important thing to start with is to get into it. this ball, and then already in the pockets, because if a person does not hit the ball, this is a very big problem, it means that the brain is not working well, but the participants of the moscow longevity, despite their age, are doing well, they hit the target. oh, and in the meantime we are drifting here, look what
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we brought to you, dear men, you thought we were balls, but we put brains here, what kind of brain is this, mikhail egorevich, this brain... meanwhile, friends , we are moving on to checking whether dr. gandelman has brain atrophy, german shaevich, let’s see what reaction the cardiac surgeon gandelman has, he got the ball number 13. hit the ball, it’s already good, when playing billiards, a person experiences
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real sports excitement, this requires increased brain activity, the player must be both a tactician and a strategist, now i ’m playing, it’s my turn now, friends, speed reactions are the only thing that prevents the brain from aging, so any games on reaction speed. you understand that it’s really great to live with one hand, oh, imagine, on this
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joyful note, on this joyful note, let’s repeat again, we were visiting the center moscow longevity, in moscow everything is free for older people, come to us, you are all so beautiful, men and women, here people communicate, smile, even if they couldn’t, girls, come here, some for billiards, some for tennis, all these are absolutely great things for our brain, so in such a wonderful company, we finish this program and tell you, as always, we had a good time with you, may you live, great!
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hello, the information channel is on the first, starting its work live, this is time will tell the program, in the studio anatoly kuzichev, olesya losyeva. well, let's start with information from the fronts, ukraine's situation there is only getting worse, according to our ministry of defense, ukraine suffered 815 casualties in just one day. trying to somehow save the information, save the situation and show that everything was under control, zelensky went to the front, that’s what the guardian wrote about it. vladimir zelensky made an unannounced visit to the donetsk region in eastern ukraine to boost morale among troops during the ongoing russian offensive. he recorded a video message against the backdrop of pokrovsk, which experienced some of the most intense fighting during the conflict. ukrainian soldiers are with all...
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mentality, but it’s impossible not to notice, there is a sign, take a picture of zelensky there against the backdrop of some city and kuku, i repeat, i don’t know if it will work this time, but let’s keep an eye on it, so now tense situation, the most tense situation, well , at least if you believe, so to speak, reports and telegrams and so on, in the kharkov direction, here is semyon pegov as usual has the most detailed information, he is in direct contact with us, semyon, hello, thank you, please, colleagues. and greetings to you, all normal people now.


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