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tv   Novosti  1TV  June 27, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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britain and america will feed, we understand that the childless mark ryut is the new secretary general of nato, who should possibly just plunge this region into a big war, his hand should not tremble there, which means that on some kind of signature and so on, he should not be afraid of the future, people who think about something, about their states, will not do it, but in fact, time passes, we see that the world is developing differently, it is not limited to europe, that is, europe is now in a severe recession . and people are really there living standards are falling, in fact , we won’t see the end of this process in the near future, of course, we won’t see the end of the process in the sense of degradation of both the political elite and the class, so why will we see the ending, it turns out, the news is on channel one.
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this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. in this issue. development of naval forces. vladimir putin held a large meeting and set specific tasks taking into account the growing threats. the fleet will receive dozens of new ships and vessels this year. help for the victims. latest data from komi republic, where a passenger train derailed. several carriages overturned as a result. “the rebellion is suppressed, the rebels are detained, a coup attempt was stopped in bolivia, who could be behind all this, why now, the secret of family happiness, love, trust, the most important thing, and respect, respect, of course, cosmic attraction in the queen for a special exhibition awarding spouses who have lived together for many, many years.
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the russian fleet will receive more than forty new ships this year. dedicated to a large meeting that vladimir putin held late the night before. specific tasks have been set taking into account growing threats and special attention to personnel for highly qualified specialists - the best conditions. report by alexey kruchinin. there will be sea vessels. with this decree of peter the great at the end of the 14th century, the transformation of russia into a great power began, which, as then, is now.
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positions in strategically important areas of the world's oceans, to qualitatively increase combat potential. st. andrew's flag is flying these days wherever russia has strategic interests. the crew of the northern fleet frigate admiral gorshkov, after a visit to cuba, continues training in the atlantic ocean. in the mediterranean sea , the flagship of the pacific fleet, the missile cruiser varyak, is practicing shooting in joint maneuvers with the egyptian navy. pacific sailors train in kamchatka, their north sea colleagues in barintsev. sea.
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the numbers speak volumes about the increase in combat potential. in 2022, the ministry of defense received 24 new ships. last year there were already 33, this year more than forty are planned. among them are the latest submarines. in the diesel -electric ship krankstad recently joined the northern fleet. by the end of the year , the arkhangelsk nuclear submarine of the yasen m project, a potential carrier of sircon hypersonic cruise missiles, will be in service. vladimir putin emphasized that in order to keep up, it is necessary to plan shipbuilding now, at least until the middle of the century. i would like to note here that in the development of new ship projects, it is necessary to carry out development work on equipment, instruments, and elemental base weapons systems in advance, and within the framework of interdepartmental comprehensive target programs, this will significantly reduce the design and construction time of the lead ships. a warship, essentially an entire floating military unit, is the joint brainchild of dozens of enterprises, so...
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new electrical products, radio-electronic equipment, diesel engines, units are fully loaded in order to avoid supply shortages, postponing the delivery of ships will have to be rapidly modernized enterprise, increase production volumes of equipment and components. how can one not recall the words of admiral kuznetsov, there will be personnel, there will be a fleet, and although he spoke primarily about sailor officers, the same is true for those who with their own hands... actually create the fleet. the most important task for the long-term development of shipbuilding is the influx of qualified personnel into design bureaus, shipyard factories, and throughout the country. it is necessary to create truly attractive, competitive working conditions in shipbuilding,
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including decent, high wages workers, engineers, technical personnel, managers. it is important to improve qualifications, retrain employees and of course. launch social programs to support specialists and their families. however, it is not enough to build modern ships; they need to be equipped taking into account current threats. the special operation showed that floating giants are vulnerable when they are attacked at once by swarms of sea air drones. to increase the combat stability of naval forces, it is necessary to strengthen and pay special attention to the speedy introduction of remote control systems detection of threats, including from unmanned vehicles. we must also assess the state of the needs of naval aviation and coastal missile and artillery forces. today we will discuss the tasks of retrofitting ships with additional firepower. and such developments already exist in russia. some of them were presented at
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the recent naval show in kranstatt. for example, the iniy radar system, capable of recognizing drones at a distance of up to 5 km, or the compact kamar anti-aircraft gun from the almazontei concern, which shoots down. flying objects at speeds up to 400 m/s. the next generation of komar is, in turn, intended to be protected from unmanned boats. alexey kruchinin, anna zayakina and sergei komensky. first channel. news about the progress of the special operation and personnel from the ministry of defense from the belogorovka area. our military defeated the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the drones dropped shells on ukrainian dugouts and firing points, and fighters from the southern group were working. sappers from the same military units discovered a cache of mines in the lpr. were in a private house, dangerous finds were destroyed and the orekhovsky site, the target of the bmp-3 crew was enemy shelters, drone operators confirmed that the hits were accurate, and as a result, support was provided to our attack aircraft. the un must assess
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the monstrous attack of the kiev regime on sevastopol, carried out, let me remind you, by an american missile, using coordinates received from an american satellite. our minister of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev made an appeal. he arrived in new york for... the victims of the train accident were transported for treatment to varkuta and sovtefkar, a fourteen-year-old girl is in intensive care in critical condition girl , 10 people were taken to hospitals after the emergency, a total of 42 people died. the fate of another teenager remains unclear, and conflicting information is being received. according to one source, the girl cannot
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be found. she lives in the city of inta, not far from where everything happened. it is believed that she may have left the scene before emergency services arrived. according to other sources , her. have already been found, she is alive, people were traveling from vorkuta to novorossiysk, nine of the 14 cars derailed to get out of the train, passengers broke windows, helped each other climb up a washed-out embankment, there was swamp and taiga all around, it was possible to get there only by air or rail, rescue doctors were delivered by a fire train from the ministry of emergency situations, three helicopters from the air force were involved, those who wanted to continue the journey were sent with a different composition, as for the reasons, the train... could have derailed due to a washed out track; there were heavy rains in the region. more than 2 million migrants arrived in moscow and st. petersburg in 4 months of this year. this was stated by alexander bastrekin during the pyateruzhsky international legal forum. the head of the investigative committee noted that when
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employing foreigners, national security issues must be taken into account. there are a number of other problems that require immediate solutions. i guess that's the most important thing. change the policy, the migration policy of russia, precisely justify the need, and maybe even make it so that we use the internal resources that i mentioned, goods, of course, it is very important that the framework of the social guarantee is strong, people
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they come with their families, and conscientious migration is always welcomed in all states, but in addition to rights, there are also responsibilities, and it is very important that we both encourage those who work in the territory of another state and understand that illegal migration. that migration that harms the interests of the state. russia supports the bolivian president and warns against attempts by foreign interference in the country's internal affairs. this statement was made in our foreign ministry after the failed coup attempt latin american state. the day before, a group of military men surrounded the square in the government quarter in lopass. they pulled together special equipment and tried to break into the presidential palace. here is footage of an armored vehicle ramming the gate. it is known, at least. nine victims during the mutiny , the general, who was removed from the post of army commander the day before, he was detained, he
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faces up to 20 years in prison, under suspicion another group of people are now looking for them, a number of experts have suggested that the united states could be behind the coup attempt, which is not delighted with bolivia's aspirations to join brix. the tsaritsina reserve museum today opened a special exhibition “the family of the soul of russia”. the exhibition includes masterpieces from our presenters. and also the works of the winners of a special competition, out of one and a half thousand works, 175 were selected, created by both professional artists and amateurs, they have one thing in common, they are about family and real happiness, well, spouses who have lived together for many, many years were awarded medals, yuri’s report sherbakova, to understand each other, i also thought about understanding, on the question, what is the main secret of a happy family life, the newlyweds, sergey and valery , answer unanimously, they met on social networks 3 years ago. he wrote first, she waited for him from the army, this is a significant day, now husband and wife. the wedding photo shoot
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is watched with nostalgia by the kaplerovs, this year their union is 30 years old, the first meeting, which took place in the volgograd region at the main post office, where both came to call their parents long-distance, they remember in great detail, as if everything was yesterday, at first i i saw it, then i called when i was leaving, well, in passing, hello, my name is anton, what’s your name, i said tatyana.
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nikolai is a better composer, and he’s a better accordion player, but lena has better taste, len
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has better taste, that’s for sure, definitely, she’s such a lady with french taste, and i’m such a native of nizhny novgorod, such a crazy realist. the theme of this year's exhibition is father's home, family, parents, everyone reveals it in their own way, everyone is united by common values, multinational russia is one, big, united family. spiritual, moral and patriotic education of the purposeful , conscious younger generation is our common task with you and certainly the task of the state. that's all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell, the information channel on the first continues
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its work, we are working live, anatoly kuzich is with you.


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