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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  June 27, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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we need to finish it, actually, it seems to me that this is the most important thing, what matters, so that we understand what we need to finish. work, no matter what happens in america, in europe, among drug addicts in bashka, we need to do this work, we have no option not to finish it, by the way, there is also slavyansk, and kramatorsk and much more , so work, brothers , and talk is talk, and the work needs to be completed, well, the dolls of the heir tootie on the first channel.
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boris tarasyuk, the representative of ukraine in the council of europe, is a fishing enthusiast, but once he took the bait and hung firmly on the thread of western puppeteers. it all started with combining the main work at the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry with... agent work for crisp dollar bills for the american intelligence services, under the supervision of cia officer steven pifer. and so tarasyuk decides that there is no longer a need to comply with the human rights conventions in ukraine. earlier, from the same place, through him, a statement came about the withdrawal of the russian black sea fleet from crimea. the latter, fortunately , was not destined to come true, because crimea is russia. a fisherman who is on a fishing rod, an informer with
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experience, boris tarasyuk, a traitor whom i wanted to say the world has never seen, but i can’t, i’ll say, one of hundreds in the ukrainian power elite, but especially fat and prominent, right now in our program the doll of the heir to tute, maria butina is with you, we begin. some formulate the philosophy of ukrainians as being from the edge, but they demonstrate such a policy.
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this is a discussion of methods of fighting russia, according to colleagues, extremely restrained in emotions, closed, not only speaks, but also thinks according to a prepared text, calculates the action many steps forward, however, sometimes the basic settings in his head go wrong ; western training manuals are mixed in his mind with the remnants of kuchma’s early slogans, the result is historical nonsense. i have always advocated friendship between russia and ukraine, but not at the expense of ukraine’s interests. ukraine will never get anything good from russia. over the 22 years of our independence, i can give many examples that russia has never given benefits to ukraine for free, moreover, in every difficult situation it has sought its own benefits. although it was terasyuk, who, more than anyone else, knows the meaning of the word benefit, when he wanted to move up, it was necessary to transfer the matter to the cpsu. when he was an instructor in the department of foreign relations in the late eighties , he portrayed an ideology. a communist, while they were talking about
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being friends with russia for cheap gas and trade privileges, he was affectionate, as soon as they started talking about changing ukraine’s course, he was among the first to pull it into the eu and nato. boris tarasyuk, born in 1949 in dzerzhinsk, zhitomir region of ukraine. in seventy- five, after serving in the border troops, she graduated faculty of international relations and international law of kiev university. he worked according to his profile, promoted through diplomatic ranks from the ottache himself. representative offices of the ukrainian ussr. apparently, the first secretary received a career boost due to the constant shortage of career diplomats and torpedoed by connections from washington after the collapse of the ussr. in ninety-two , he oversaw the department for arms control and disarmament, the department of the osce and the council of europe, headed the rada committee on european integration, which he created, and was foreign ambassador. ukraine's mission to nato,
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deputy head of the ukrainian foreign ministry, later twice minister of foreign affairs, the second time was appointed after the orange revolution in 2004 by the newly elected yushchenko. ukrainians as a nation received a new birth after the orange revolution. thank you, mr. minister. thank you, madam secretary. i hope that president yushchenko’s visit will become a new milestone in american-ukrainian relations. and it will give new impetus to strategic partnerships. after the 2004 revolution. our countries have become partners on the path to becoming an inclusive democracy. but no matter how hard tarasyuk tried to bring the country closer to western standards, something always stopped him. under him , the ukrainian foreign ministry adopted the standard of overwork and meager salaries, and an atmosphere of bullying
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and bullying of subordinates flourished. it is not surprising that the ministry lost qualified personnel, and the very concept of diplomacy slipped into groveling before the anglo-saxons. no matter how much sensible people say. that ukraine is not needed in a united europe, that membership in the eu will cost the country tens of billions of dollars in damage, that the idea of ​​accession enjoys the support of a small part of the population, tarasyuk repeated the postulates learned in the west about the need for european integration. the reason for the lack of prospects for joining the eu was primarily that we did not have democracy. now that has changed. now we can rightfully expect new signals and new concepts from the eu. he was kept at his post in three offices in a row, but something didn’t work out with yanukovych, numerous conflicts led to teresyuk before his resignation, with the change of power in 2019
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, teresyuk found a place in the council of europe, seemingly in the mix, seemingly in the works, so to speak, the western personnel reserve. let us remember that russia left the council of europe, but this is true, by the way, but what is interesting is that tarasyuk himself is the initiator of the abolition of human rights in ukraine. now there are no rights, no freedoms, and the constitution no longer applies.
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it is tarasyuk who makes a statement about this. i wonder why? so, our diagram shows. only these are some of the basic rights and freedoms, which, according to tarasyuk’s decision, are simply they took it and canceled it, all this should actually be available to citizens who belong to a civilized society, but ukrainians don’t need it, so tarasyuk thinks, listen, what does this actually mean? yes, please, in fact, the meaning is simple, to exclude the possibility of judicial statements, judicial appeals from citizens of ukraine against the state.
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there is a european council of human rights, what do you think, and how many applications from citizens of ukraine are received there, a huge number, a huge number, but none of these applications are considered, nothing it’s confusing, they’re simply not being considered, they now need to find something legislative. an explanation of why europeans do not consider this, but do you know what level the statement is: deprivation of property, rape, murder, resale, facts have been established, when living people are sold for organs, and these statements are sent, where are
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human rights in europe, they look at statements with facts and they say: unfortunately, we cannot accept it for consideration, this is the europe that usually only tells us about eurovision, now they they want, not in... a full-fledged martial law , to make sure that a person has no rights at all, he doesn’t even have to open his mouth, and yes, the property right to have housing, but housing can be taken away, because from your apartment...
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now it will be of course refuse in the context of ukraine, but it is possible to force the state that recognizes it to pay compensation if a violation of human rights is recorded, but the amounts there are not so large, around 30,000 euros, and for one violation, but i think that for the ukrainian budget now this is enough a serious burden, and if hundreds and hundreds of people there continue to file these very claims, this is number one, number two, i fully admit that they will try to present this whole decision within the framework of the internal ukrainian confrontation as a kind of carte blanche that was given to the office zelensky, that...
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which causes the greatest concern, because everything that concerns the violation of human rights in ukraine is understandable, that is, they literally present themselves as such a beacon of democracy, but turn into an autocracy, into a totalitarian state, this everything is obvious, but i have a concern that in the future all these restrictions on human rights may begin to be applied to ukrainians who live in europe, that is, they will still try to spread, let’s limit you too and we will squeeze you into square in every possible way, just so that you die there at the front...
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ukraine is ready to take part in the future in resolving frozen conflicts. ukraine sent its people to resolve conflicts in the basin mediterranean sea, darfur and afghanistan. without me, ukraine has no chance of becoming a nato member. i have fully complied with the president’s foreign policy course, aimed exclusively at membership in the eu and nato. listen, please tell me who this person is, why he makes such statements, look.
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they love him very much, he had a separate entrance to the foreign ministry, it was like this, this man sincerely served ukraine and the soviet union with all his heart, this was his ideal, in fact it was so, and he set it when his ideal collapsed, you know, but how can i say, burn, as if it’s burning there, burn sbaz, burn the house, i don’t know the correct saying, well, that
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is, he doesn’t care, it means he’s gone, cut the last cucumber and really he’s gone, that is, he, you know, went already. speak the language of the country of study, so when i was in charge of the russia department of all my young lvov diplomats, i forbade them to speak ukrainian language, speak to the service only in russian, how is that possible, i say: love the country of study, they are indignant, so when tarasyuk forbade the management of russia and cis, the first to speak russian, how
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should we work with russian documents, he himself says that we need to leave the cis altogether, but please note that... he went to the side of the western, so-called partners at the time of the collapse of the ussr, this is oblique says that he was already connected with the intelligence services, and after, say, taking a position, after the ninety-first year, and this was the collapse of the state security committee, because he no longer existed, there was no longer a country, he clearly went over to the side of the western intelligence services, after that's all his statements are russophobic in nature, so he clearly understood what he was doing, and at that moment he went over... to the side of the strong, because the collapse of the country, weakness, he essentially sold out even then to western intelligence services, where he ran for the money, nikolayevich, they worked with him in parliament, tell me, he worked in parliament, met, communicated, a careerist, this is 100%, i would like to confirm this thesis, when
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in 1999 i ran as a presidential candidate, together with others we united in kanevskaya four, and there... tkachenko, communist and marchuk, when the nationalists, all these, so to speak, new movements of the west criticized, tore apart everyone except marchuk, i say, evgeniy kirilovich, what’s the problem, why aren’t they touching you, everyone else, so to speak, is being harassed, she says , because you know them by name, surname, patronymic. and i know them by their agent pseudonym, but when i learned from kenzer, and this is one of all the old leaders of the people's movement, who had a conflict with the new wave, that his agent pseudonym is volynsky, then i tell you i’ll say, knowing the practice of the kgb, and this is an agent pseudonym of the kgb, so to speak, then we must admit
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that they don’t give it there by chance, volynsky is there, it’s not only in terms of territory. he is a western zhytomyr region that was part of volyn, it was under the poles until 39, yes, but also probably due to his other qualities, either he has innate, yes, or acquired nazism, because it happens, he will bring it up, or he picked it up, therefore he understood that the career movement would provide two things, this is the ideological coincidence of the course and so on, then with the communist party, then with the west, and... if you remain a stranger, he would never be accepted, that's why he works today, yeah, to the west, i follow up on what andrey said, and my colleagues said, i can tell such
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an interesting story, but already internally, as they say about him, here is a man, in fact , of an absolutely tyrannical nature, and a tyrant, a despot, a tyrant, that’s all about him, a characterizing thing, two ambassadors, the ukrainian ambassador to cuba and the ukrainian ambassador to qatar, and... got a heart attack while staying in his office, when he scolded them, they really i respected him soon, people actually got heart attacks while being with him, that is, he absolutely despised and humiliated people. another interesting story, in fact, tarasyuk, the penzenik i already mentioned, were people who, on the task of the west, destroyed the people's movement of ukraine, as she later headed it, everything is more interesting there, moreover, there are serious reasons to assume that western intelligence services and tarasyuk including those behind the death of chernovol. this is not at all what prevails in the mythology that kuchma had something to do with it, since he says, no, misha, one sentence, penzennik,
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tarasyuk, who joined there, created the reform order party specifically in order to break up the ruin, absolutely, so there, that is, these were the first such euro-atlantic torpedoes, that is, human qualities were not the last factor in this sense, that is, people are ready to go all the way to the last, so then the question is, is it purely about power?
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the so-called register, this is another, of course, political technology lure for they say that money will be brought to london by the ukrainians themselves, so that they can show what you see, yes, everything is very terrible there, everything is very bad, the economy is in ruins, the country is at war, and so on, but you can, through the electronic system, file, of course , a complaint against russia, some kind of supposedly international body, which by this will wither, someday in the future this compensation will come to you. despite the fact that , in fact, the ukrainians themselves are already declaring that before they really wanted to covet the frozen assets of russia, and there are about 300 billion that we have stored, now they are saying that
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this is not enough, we already need trillions of dollars, and it’s unclear where to get them, well, this is about the same content, in my opinion, yes, that these are all their constant statements that well, let’s now you ’re dying at the front, dear our fellow ukrainians in exchange for some bright european future, which of course will not happen, that is, accession. so he gives an interview and says that it ’s really his wife who is puppeteering everything, but is this so, let’s find out in a few minutes,
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stay with us, scarlet sails, this is hopes, these are some dreams, this is the whole life ahead, the palace square, the scenery, the feeling of fabulous st. petersburg, riding us all day, captive trousers, it was such a humiliation, i already knew how to play the guitar well then, i just wanted to be a rock star, everything came true, yes, here is a real graduate.
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product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. cognac. monte sococa, a product of the stellar group, rum, castro, a product of the stellar group. arkhiz for tourists, as a rule, starts from here: mountains, rivers, views, lambs. guys from the concrete jungle usually come to us; they never have mountains or large forests on the horizon, they are just... the one-time record of the archist resort for
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today is 11. music, sun, dancing until the morning, we live on the vibrations of noise, so we don’t even notice anymore, welcome to bodrum, there is a stereotype that turkish men are partying, this is not a national trait, but all over the world there are men who love to flirt, they look after you beautifully, they give gifts, but here we don’t attach importance to gifts, life itself in such a place - this is already a gift, so what do you have here, i recommend pistachio with white
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mix, come on, well, damn, you are a wonderful girl, everything will be fine with you, it is not your fault that we are breaking up, i just i didn’t immediately understand what i really needed, fine materials on sunday at the first, is it that the general wasn’t generous with the bouquet, he was generous, the bouquet is at
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the dacha, and this is from me? to this school bomb shelter she was very pale, very thin, very weak, all the toys lay face down and were covered with a black rag, they asked me what it was, i told them, they died of hunger, aunt dusya, when i left for work, she closed the room and tanya was sitting on the stairs, the last person who saw tanya was vasya krylov, when i say that taevich is my rustic,
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some say, that this is not true, that... they survived, in memory of tanya savicheva, the blockade, the children, everyone died, it almost brought me to tears, but we are on the first monday, they say that behind every strong powerful man there is a woman, well, to name torasyuk with we can’t be such a strong, powerful man, but shersh... lyafam, look for a woman, she’s still there, tarasyuk’s wife, nina, they say, runs a certain foundation and even paints pictures, it seems like she, by his own admission, pushed his international career, is it not she who is the puppeteer, we are finding out right now, i was an insured student when i was still
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a student. and will give us answers to the questions that interest us, good afternoon, hello, still a wife, but it seems to me that we are here wondering who, after all, at what point recruited torosyuk, and i find confirmation
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that this happened on a personal basis lines because he himself just now, in an interview that we watched, says that his wife madly seized on the idea of ​​​​getting a diplomat husband and from this their...
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art and i think, well, now maybe i’ll look at the paintings, maybe there are some paintings there, well you never know, they are so magnificent, there is not a single painting, it’s just that there is a fund, there is a fund of it, in the sense of nina and boris torosyuk for about art, but there are no paintings, just a bored aunt who was very fascinated by this western european life, in which moments make it to new york? this is the beginning the eighties, judging by his rapid rise in his career, the states have such powerful incriminating evidence on him that they can put him in any position without any fear and not be afraid that he will get off the hook and start saying some kind of gag, they
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generally there was no need for incriminating evidence, he himself was deceived by the army, take me with your arms and legs, i’ll go with you, this is my opinion, about my wife, by the way, the second moment of recruitment, but she’s all ukrainian. yes, her husband is a representative of the embassy and the diplomatic mission, she says in her interviews, she doesn’t say, we are a ukrainian family, she says: we are a typical italian family, yes, he directly compares himself with europeans, she says that he really loves to cook, he cooks chinese cuisine, all her children go over the hill at the first opportunity , wait, wait, they are an italian family who cooks chinese, i understand that this is forward-thinking, you never say it.
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i’ll tell you my version that, in my opinion, it was the crime of self-dealing that he began to commit after serving in the foreign ministry, and before that he had, i believe, against the state. with the services of the same usa, let’s say further, what happened about him, if we take his period of work already in the deputy corps, international, he was clearly connected, but
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let’s put it this way, he is an omnivorous person who worked on almost any issue, i talked with his colleagues in the faction with the byutovites, yes, and they said that yes, he was closed to yulia tymoshenko, and they personally resolved any commercial issues, i mean commercial issues that constitute the corruption component, not some kind of official salaries or allowances and bonuses, in addition, they say that he accompanied... the arms trade, those countries in which they were planning light revolutions, like georgia, he worked in the foreign ministry, and he, he worked in the foreign ministry in the sixth or seventh year, and the military conflict occurred in the eighth year chronologically, that is, they were essentially already forming, yes, already forming, say, the weapons agenda, so that the georgians would have something to fight with, so that they could come into conflict with something, it is generally known that he was engaged lobbying the interests of the same regionals in the states, in countries... of the european union for money, where he had connections, that is, in fact, he
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was selling connections and he was not interested in any ideological component, all his statements, for example, those that were discussed today about the registry there causing damage to the russian federation of ukraine, i think that he is looking here at the legal plane of the next claim by freezing the same assets, in essence, he is building a legal history so that the europeans can rely on and continue to give, let’s say, a legal soap bubble. for there may be confiscation freezing, although this has nothing in common with ukrainians, specifically citizens of ukraine, this is colonial history, and rights have been violated since the elections, but in general it’s interesting, if you look at the scale of his re-occupation, it’s absolutely amazing, he was once categorically against tymoshenko, and then he became categorically in favor, he even made a video in support of tymoshenko, ironically, it begins with the fact that he...
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calmly enters parliament with a blue eye, then he once again
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enters parliament on the list of yulia tymoshenko’s party, that is well, the unprincipledness of a person is off the charts, but i’ll tell you more, denis sergeevich has already touched on this topic, and in 2010 viktor yanukovych becomes president, in the twelfth year the party of regions, which he headed, receives a majority, and creates a coalition in parliament, these are these comrades that's it, the so -called orange team. they had dinners and breakfasts with congressmen when they traveled to the united states of america, i know for sure, this deputy told me this personally, while he was still in ukraine, he told me personally, he paid him 1.2 million dollars for 9 months of cooperation for bringing him together with congressmen in the united states
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of america and with lobbyists, but the most important point is that with these three deputies whom he led in this...
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carries your child under her heart, just like you you say, the names of those kulaks you came to declare?” two shores. premiere of a serial film. watch the time after the program. what 's happened? siberia will send you away. no, this can't be true. pechora vodka, a product of stellar group. veta vodka, a product of stellor group. old barrel cognac. product of stellar group burbon steersman product of stellar group. вissky mancacher is a product of the stellar group. pills, pills, pills. pain relief pills, best selling. what
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pain pills do you need? we will talk about many other things in the “live healthy” program. tomorrow on the first, this year zhanna frivsky would have turned 50, she was called the standard of female beauty, both those older and those younger fell in love with her, the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem, she could not overcome one thing, a disease that turned out to be incurable, i she didn’t leave her a single step, in fact, i slept next to her, as she perceived from... she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success, for her family it was hell, but after death this hell continued, money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father vladimir friske, if
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we hadn’t trusted this man, she might have lived for at least another six months, our exclusive life after life, zhanna, i keep saying, guys, this will be... what will happen of this you can’t miss the exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere is on saturday at the first, why are you so afraid, look, he’s probably 200, and if he’s a maniac, you like to watch people, it seems to me that they... got rid of what -that’s a load, i love him, and i don’t need anyone else, the conqueror of women’s hearts, without a single defeat, wedding duty. my parents insisted, they are delighted with my husband and his activities, will there not be that future that
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you so colorfully paint for us? i can tell our readers about our first time, a film by alexander baluev, a hotel, a premiere, a super-camera movie about the understatement between people that arises and sticks inside for years, a black shadow in the hidden depths of the soul. we have an order and a convoy to moscow, tatyana nazarova, let's go, wait, what is he accusing me of, wait, you have no right
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allow me, show me the order, you have no right, subtle matters, on sunday at the first, how could you, i trusted you, i protected you in any situation, when everyone was against it, and you? i am happy, probably, when my children, my relatives, and parents are next to me. they should have a good upbringing themselves, they should pass it on to their children. a father must raise his son by leading by example. being a mother is work, it is daily work, care. mom, dad, brother and me, great family. 3 years already, and we are already now at this age we read books.
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happiness is when there is calm, peace, prosperity at home, when everything is in order with people, when the younger brother is good, healthy, happy, the parents are the same, respect each other, love and appreciate every moment spent together, so that everyone lives well , with faith, with hope, everything will be fine. maria butina is with you again, this is the doll-heir of ototi, in addition to the previously mentioned, to put it mildly, strange anti-people initiatives of boris tarasyuk, such as the abolition of the rights of ukrainians, well, for example, on the inviolability of the home or the secrecy of correspondence, and many other things, but he also has some other ideas, and it is through him that a certain fund comes into ukraine. a non-profit organization, this is called the institute of euro-atlantic cooperation, around which there is
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an american, a canadian agency for international, so-called development, an international organization for the protection of freedom of speech, freedom of speech has just been abolished, national democratic initiatives, the euroradi foundation, the razumkov center, well, odnaura, fund us germany and sweden are already known, listen, this is all right here. it is true that projects were also financed through this structure, these are so-called actions, pickets against the authorities, well, they were
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, as it were, oppositional against the authorities and against, one of the most important points was against the presence of the black sea fleet in crimea, and through the institute very a lot of funding was given to various kinds of pickets and protests that were taking place at that time, where some kind of joint exercises between ukrainian and russian forces were blocked sailors. well, and all the similar events, this is all tarasyukovskaya truths of torasyuk come from here, that is, there, in essence, a manual is written, then it is given to him, and his task is to voice this manual, davich, well, boris tarasyuk, a typical example of a foreign agent, foreign agency, receiving money, he does not work in the interests of ukraine, in the interests of the one who pays, who pays calls the tune, so i ran into him after that on this topic, when i was with... the author of the law on foreign agents , this is 16 january 2014, when this law passed,
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they all pounced, and the journalists who are sitting on this... foreign money , including factions that, so to speak, were unacceptable to this law, a scandal began, you don’t understand the meaning, why the money , i say, i understand it in the same way as they understood it in america, they took control, in europe and everywhere, but he did not accept it, the last element, when we divided the committees and leadership in the committees into the newly elected parliament, this is a very significant thing, tarasyuku didn't hit a single one. no, it was scandal, tarasyuk raises it at the parliamentary level, then brings up the western european embassy and raises the question of creating a committee on european integration, although we don’t need it, because there is a committee on foreign policy, where all issues were considered not only european integration, but it also became the leader, that is, he promoted this idea exclusively for himself,
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that is, this is when the position was created for the person. usa, it’s interesting how yes, then the director of the department for ukraine, russia and eurasia, the national security council usa, now he is already ambassador to ukraine, assistant secretary of state for europe and eurasia. what is the role of this pifer in the fate of tarasyuk? yes, pifer was, let’s say, well, yes, you
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put it correctly, he was his curator, yes, the person who led him by the hand. state department and the us national security council for ukraine in particular and tarasyuk ninety- two ninety-fifth year deputy minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in ninety- eighth pifer appears in ukraine as the ambassador of the united states of america there will be a self-made coincidence will be a little later in 2000, minister of foreign affairs tarasyuk. pifer leaves his post as ambassador at the end of september 2000, tarasyuk leaves the post of minister of foreign affairs exactly 11 days later, this moment, their synchronized departure from their positions, is that at that very moment kuchma ends up in the hands of the americans. disfavor, this is the beginning of the process of pressure on kuchma, yes, when the ukraine without kuchma actions begin,
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then this chain mail scandal, the murder of journalist gangadza and so on, that’s exactly... the americans then begin to form opposition to kuchma. and tarasyuk was one of those links that formed the so-called opposition, and where then came the orange maidan, president yushchenko, and so on and so forth. well , accordingly, after the orange revolution, he became minister of foreign affairs for the second time, puffer at that moment was assistant secretary of state for europe and eurasia. well, probably a coincidence again. yeah, yes, yes, well, just so our viewers understand, yes, this position was later held by the assistant secretary of state for european and eurasian affairs victoria. already in the tenth years, that is , a person who really had a huge role there in the framework of all the events associated with the coup d'etat, but at the same time, of course, the germans are also actively working, adenauer, yes, this is firstly, this is the konrad adenauer institute , and here you need to understand, in fact , that this is what they call it now , such a german foundation, yes, but this is not entirely correct, yes, it is a german foundation, here, but it promotes the interests of a specific part of the german elite, which is focused on christian
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democrats, and the most hawkish part of this right-wing establishment in germany. here’s a plus, by the way, it additionally conducts research with money from another fund associated with the cdu, this is the bond institute of international studies, what’s funny is that it’s this very rabid part of german rights that is now actively promoting two concepts, the first is the maximum an increase in arms expenditures for the rearmament of the german economy for further confrontation with russia, containing russian influence, and so on further, the second is a gradual refusal to pay all these subsidies and benefits to ukrainian refugees, that is, they will be gradually squeezed out of germany. there at first softly, then quite possibly much more harshly on the territory of ukraine, and you need to understand that the christian democrats are now the first party in germany in terms of ratings, in the elections in september 2025 it is quite likely that they will come to power, and of course the fact that tarasyuk has connections with them, but i fully admit, may mean that that he, too, will try to somehow earn his own profits from this already on the territory of ukraine, and after all, the american trace still does not end with pifer, there is another interesting name, a certain
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mr. chekson. often presents bruce jackson as someone who simply heads the institution of transitional democracies. in fact, this is a hereditary intelligence officer. his father hugh jackson was in very good rank, he was the first. deputy director of the cia, well, it happens, and my son went to work in military intelligence, worked decently in military intelligence, then he had commercial experience, he worked at lemon brothers, and then at such a small company called lockhead martins, so they are all military aircraft, absolutely right, that’s when his story begins with ukraine, the fact is that as soon as he came to lock martins, he also began to work on a very important concept from look martin, the so-called gray arms trade. the weapons that go from ukraine to other countries, this is an amazing thing: in 2002, exactly mr. jackson bruce, he signs a document on how to create groups to overthrow saddam hussein,
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this is where our hero appears, our hero miraculously fits into all the concepts that were proposed by the intelligence community of the united states of america, two intelligence communities , military intelligence and central intelligence. management in 2008, boris torasyuk directly, together with bruce johnson, participates in the development of the 2007-2008 plan for georgia. yes. doesn't bother anyone. well, it happens. two people sit and sign. it turns out that this was a humanitarian plan, not just the supply of weapons there, pumping up weapons in georgia. this is what the humanitarian plan calls it. but our tarasyuk, he signs the intervention. by the way, not ours, but theirs tarasyuk. it can be absolutely clearly traced in the wake of the supply of illegal weapons to georgia, you need to understand that today it is an integral part of what you know, as
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it was well called, leverage, tarasyuk is the person who creates leverage pressure, and you know, when this phrase appears, 2003, yeah, 2003, jackson,
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but the assistant, when we discussed the topic after the meeting, she said: why did you refuse to go to breakfast with the president three times, remember, in america, breakfast with the president, god had mercy on me, somehow god, you know, this is an incident that sometimes really decides fate, and why? so, you know, god had mercy and said, there is nothing to do there, because i say again, i had my own position, it was not pro-american, not anti-american, it...
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was pro-ukrainian, today we must live according to the laws of our country, and for this he and others were not satisfied, but denis, i would like to extend your idea that the position is pro-russian, it has always been free, ideological in ukraine, it is not for it they paid, but if we take tarasyuk, this position was always the so-called cash one, when the opposition was paid money for it, but regarding the foreign agent, i would like to clarify that all stages of high treason have now been listed, he is not a foreign agent. it's state-owned a traitor who, based on the predicate crime of treason, committed the rest of the crimes, arms trafficking, murder, and so on, understand also that from the ninety- first year this crime has been ongoing for him to this day, he is with different people, you have listed all the stages, he commits crimes with everyone, now a violation of constitutional rights is, in addition to the above, this is the same high treason, and he doesn’t say that when they started bombing the donbass, lpr, that genocide was committed, because the coup was not under...
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knowingly committing a serious crime. a unique state traitor, boris tarasyuk, excuse me, when planning color revolutions, it is very important that the security forces distance themselves from power, especially diplomats who are considered security officials. boris tarasyuk was deliberately pulled out of the party; reform was forced into order. the head of rukh, so that a crime unique to the world would occur. boris tarasyuk addressed the diplomatic corps, and 500 diplomats, 575 employees in the ukrainian media, 500 diplomats said that they were for yushchenko, and against the current government, and more a certain amount and so on, that is, he played a role that no foreign agent in the world played specifically in the color revolution. you know, interesting.
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