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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  June 27, 2024 11:00pm-12:10am MSK

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your wedding, there won’t be any wedding, oh, but you understand, nothing depends on me anymore, i’ve never asked you for anything, but now i’m asking you, you’re the chairman, come up with something, let’s get out of here, both of you, well, there’s something i don’t understand, zakhar andreevich, you decide whether your fists are strong or not, but there’s some kind of mistake here, vladimir sergeevich, they are conscientious citizens, they help the collective farm, they always handed over grain in excess of the norm, they shared hay when it rained let's go, party. everything
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they had was recently donated, they are middle peasants, strong middle peasants, and men hard-working, and i have working hands on the collective farm, oh, how useful, i understand, masakhar andreevich, but i have orders, what will we do then, maybe you have other kulaks lurking in the village. i knew it. i’ll find you here, stop fooling around,
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come back home, i won’t come back to her, you ’ve gone completely crazy, conversations will go around the village, you’ll order me to sink into the ground out of shame , but i’m sick of looking at her, she’s carrying your child under her heart. she saved your life, remember? everything will be fine, do you hear? little
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do you understand yet, a woman always feels when that’s it, i don’t want to, ol, you’re in despair, in the dark, you don’t see a way out, there is one, i have only one book. there are very good words there, about suffering, about pain and about hope, here you go, just be careful, it’s ancient, i read the gospel, it’s guarded at our house. what you have
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there? it’s okay, it’s mine, come on, give it, give it, why did you bring this dirty trick into the house? in our country we have freedom of conscience, believe it or not, freedom of conscience you say, what are you saying? “here’s freedom for you, don’t, you’ll climb in, dad, pull it out, come on, it’s necessary, the word of god, but it’s burning like a simple piece of paper, a miracle, yes, why did you dissolve the tamnya?" he will come back, bear, he won’t
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go anywhere, i will now agree on the list of families , i urge you, carefully. lucky, why lucky, who was named, five families who were crossed off the list according to for various reasons, from what lists, dad, explain, they named you, guys, from what fright they deleted us, but shut up, let me listen, the rest of the families who received orders to come here are preparing to be sent to siberia, oh
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my god, how is this, wait, how is it that siberia is starting you, huh? the council was issued, we are recognized as middle peasants and are protected from dispossession and deportation, this is an official document, by the way, yes, i know, irin, tell me, it was you who had a hand in it,
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yes, now i will be obliged to you for the rudeness of my life, but stop it, nazar , i couldn’t help but imagine that i wouldn’t see you again. “even if we are strangers, even if we are not together, i would die right there, or i would rush after you, that’s what i told my father. erenka is mine, my golden one.
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a special analytical edition of the big game is on the air and today our guest is andrei valerievich kortopolov, chairman state duma committee on defense, in the recent past, deputy minister of defense, andrei valerievich, we are very glad to welcome you, mutually, good evening, touch general i...
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something needs to be changed, but new weapons appear, new circumstances arise, and accordingly, it is necessary think about whether something needs to be done, and if necessary, then what? can you share with us what you think about this? you see, the nuclear doctrine of the russian federation is the main document that defines the order and methods of application. strategic nuclear weapons were drawn up quite a long time ago, and those foreign policy conditions, primarily economic, are different, they have changed since
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then, but the document that regulates the use of the most powerful... means available to the state cannot be divorced from reality, it can't help but answer.
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in the states in the seventies there was such a very interesting person at the head of the department of defense, james schresinger, yeah, and he was the secretary of defense, first for nixon, then for ford, he didn’t stay with ford for long, because there was a man, let's say.
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a few years later with democrat jimi carter, well, they also didn’t work together for long, but why did i remember him? this was a man really in terms of intelligence, quite comparable to henry kissinger, and schlesinger began to ring the alarm bell in the mid-seventies, saying, we are so dependent on deterrence, but deterrence cannot work if ... it is based only on the capabilities of a strategic strike and
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retaliation, because all political leaders will understand how it is unlikely, the use of a direct strategic strike on the enemy’s missile forces and command and control centers is so extremely dangerous, so schlesinder began to say that it was necessary to create some... limited nuclear options, and his position was that no, they are being created, and began create in america, that they are being created not to strike, but to make deterrence more realistic, so that the enemy does not have confidence that they will not use nuclear weapons, because this could lead to disaster for...
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so some, well, if you like, a new approach, a new focus on nuclear doctrine, is quite reasonably justified, russia always needs to think about its own security, because the west has never been our friend, uh, sometimes he pretended to be him, but nothing more, but he was almost never such an outright enemy as he is today, why, he was, was, and... in the middle of the last century was at the beginning of the last century was at the beginning
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of the century before last in the middle of the century before last they never particularly focused on their aspirations hid their goal - this is the strategic defeat of russia, which does not simply consist in, for example, a defeat of the armed forces or a change in the political system, no, their true goal is... to completely erase from memory the concepts of russian civilization to understand the russian idea, so that this was nothing, everything they are doing now is within the framework.
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inherent by definition, because they are not so afraid of the chinese and do not treat them that way, why? yes because the chinese sword or any other type of chinese weapon, it has never been in in berlin, nor in paris, none of the anglo-saxons saw him much, except during the boxer uprising, maybe, and this is all in their little mouth, they are from their own , this... the general lines will not move away, yes , they are afraid of a direct collision, yes, they will go as far as possible and balance on the brink, but not by crossing it, the use of strategic nuclear weapons, now we are returning to deterrence, there is deterrence in the narrow sense, which concerns only nuclear weapons, then there is
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nuclear deterrence, but the concept strategic deterrence, it is much broader and it... includes a set of other measures, very different, and not only military, but also economic, political, and different, different, different, nuclear deterrence, this is one of the most important arguments, of the most important components, and here we cannot treat it, you know, so lightly.
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until they come to their senses, you see, that’s the problem here, americans, they have been carefully weeding out
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the european, and the global, problem for a very long time political garden, pulling out from there everything more or less sensible, reasonable and responsible, at the end of the de... of most european and some other states there are not politicians, but political freaks, completely pro-american, completely unoriented towards their own population, only serving the interests of the united states well, of course we can applaud this, well done. they pulled off this operation well, but these most modern western political figures, they are poorly educated and absolutely
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do not understand the essence of what is happening, here we are you were remembered by the secretary of defense in the united states in the seventies. there are no such people now, not even in the administration, of course, not even close to them, but there are these very worthless people who believe that there will be no demand from them, but there will be no demand, there will be no demand, you know , here is the united states throughout its short 240-year history... only 16 years, by the way, our chinese friends calculated that even if we take the period after 1945, less than 80 years, they
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organized themselves or participated in 143 military operations, campaigns and conflicts, 143, in these same 143 operations and companies died. states and their allies, or by performing a limited range of tasks, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s a shame, i remember with you the planes from kabulul, i’m sure that we will see more trains from lviv from kiev. about the same, in these companies they deviated so much from their democratic principles, uh, that they supported, well, just
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outright scoundrels, well, we all remember, the regime of half-pots and jansaris, yes, in kampuchea, from a million to 3 million killed own inhabitants, no one will ever count them, how many, so the americans supported him, moreover, when - with the help of vietnam, normal forces entered phnom penh, they did not recognize this government until the end of the nineties, acted at the un on behalf of kampuchea as since the representation of this very half-pot, but what does this mean? you know, we just talked about james schlesinger, i want to remind you that he opposed dat’s decision, and i want to remind you that he is... a very cool anti-soviet, he regularly traveled to new russia and advocated a broad dialogue, met with the russian leadership, another secretary
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of defense from the democratic party, william pere, i’m sure you knew about him, if you didn’t know him personally, he was also very active in advocating arms control and even partnerships, then, what we see now in washington,
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the foundation of the future system of european, and in fact world security, is being laid in the fields of donbass, zaporozhye and the kharkov region, well, so be it, of course we will not and do not intend to.
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position is being listened to, we will continue defend our own interests, we will continue to tell them, because well, if they suffer from a lack of intelligence, then we can simply force them to memorize our position, maybe then it will reach them, if they don’t want to do it in an amicable way, we will have to do more... more we are not going to talk to them, let’s say, in the language of compromises, we clearly see that this does not lead to the result that we expected, because in general, dialogue is the basis of understanding, and understanding is the foundation of trust, and not for what now they limit contacts as much as possible, so that there is no dialogue, so that
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it is easier to fool people. their own countries, their own peoples, pushing into them this chewed-up political cud, which was crushed on the banks of the patamak, from your point of view, it has not yet been completed in full, but in significant quantities the new weapons that were promised to ukraine have become fewer restrictions, as kiev has the right to use these weapons. how did this affect the battlefield at the front? on the battlefield it's not by and large, it was not reflected in any way, as we advanced, we continue to advance, individual vectors and directions of movement may have changed somewhat, but the overall trend has not changed at all, the day before yesterday in 63 directions, today yesterday, or rather, in sixty directions, we
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are moving every day. forward, the day before yesterday the enemy recorded record losses, more than 2000, of which, in my opinion, about 100 were killed, today a little less, but in general here are the total losses, they approximately stay around 2000 daily, these are very large losses for ukraine, and... no new types of weapons will again change the situation, especially since the political engagement of the ukrainian military leadership forces them to use these modern and effective weapons not against military facilities and targets, but against peaceful ones.
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negative consequences, in this context they talk about the possibility of neutralizing american reconnaissance drones that fly in the black sea and, as many believe, transmit intelligence information to those who aim ukrainian missiles, which you do you think? well, in fact, the role of american drones in the black sea is significantly
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exaggerated and... for the most part they are promoted, yes, they certainly collect information, they transmit it, but the guidance of tactical missiles. based on intelligence data, let’s be honest, there are many sources on the front line that transmit this information to the opposite side, transmitting the work
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of the air defense system. it’s stupid to shoot them down, well, if you shoot down one, two will arrive, if you shoot down two, 10 will arrive, they have enough, and we will not solve the problem this way, it must be solved differently, it must be solved by building up the electronic warfare system and its further development, including on new physical principles, so that these drones. flying where they don’t fly, they didn’t see, didn’t hear and didn’t understand anything, even if they see something, and today such opportunities exist, we need to make wider use of tactical camouflage, tactical actions
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of units, air defense systems and others, movements, covert placements, maneuvers, then all these tasks will be calm decide. let him fly, because, well, i’ll tell you a little secret, because we know what they are transmitting, that is, we read their signals in the same way, and for us this is even useful to some extent, we understand what they revealed, which means we can work on mistakes, they will stop flying, we won’t have this source, well, thank you for such brotherly help from our enemy, the general, it was a very... important from my point of view, a very informative conversation, thank you for everything you do and thank you for your time, let's go to advertising,
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magical night, on a dream ship to the future, scarlet sails 2024, live broadcast from st. petersburg. tomorrow on the first, i love these resort parties, bars, restaurants, music, sun, dancing until the morning, we live on the vibrations of noise, so we don’t even notice anymore, welcome to bodrum, there is a stereotype that turkish men are walking, this is not a national trait, all over the world there are men who love to flirt, they court beautifully, they give gifts. but we don’t attach any importance to gifts; life itself in such a place is already a gift, so what do you have here, i recommend pistachio with white mix, come on, damn it, take it, take it, take it, take it, take it, the life of others,
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premiere on sunday on the first, well, comrades, we are ready to make a world revolution in fashion, that's it, is it that the general wasn't generous with the bouquet? he was generous, a bouquet for the dacha, and this is from me,
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a big game is on the air, now we will talk with jackson hinkle, a famous american journalist, young, but already. very authoritative popular. jackson, we are very glad to welcome you to our program, i have just an immediate question. when you look at what just happened in crimea, i mean the tragedy in sevastopol, other recent attacks on russia using american long-range weapons. how do you react to the position of the white house and the state department that the united states, despite all this, is not a participant in the war. but simply support ukraine as a victim of aggression.
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first of all, thank you very much for inviting me, dmitry. and as for these terrible events in crimea, naturally, the united the states will say that this is not an act of war, but if you want to understand whether it is really an act of war or not, you just need to imagine how the united states would react and how the us authorities would act. if something like this happened on the south beach of miami, we know very well what the reaction would be, because the united states would definitely perceive it as an act of war, because we see that it is american missiles that strike, naturally it would be big the american response, you mean, if i understand correctly, it would be a military response. i don't i just think that it would be a military
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response, i think if something like this happened in the united states, it would not surprise me if the american president even pressed the nuclear button. i think this is not an exaggeration, so to speak, but nothing like this has ever happened in the united states in modern history. if president putin was the same evil maniac as he is portrayed on cnn and msnbc, then he would also react the same way, but no, putin is a calm, balanced politician, you don’t make him angry so easily, and i do every day i thank god that it’s hard to understand, looking at the biden administration, there are still very experienced people there.
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this all goes back to the times of the caribbean
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crisis, remember, then the tension between our countries was very high, but still people continued to talk to each other, contacts between the usa and the soviet union remained, but today there are no contacts, there are just these survivors from crazy people in washington who believe that america is superior to everything, that it is superior to all other countries. they need to understand that america is not the only country in the world. yes, this is my home country, but right now it seems like our top universities in the us are simply producing graduates who view every other country in the world as enemies rather than potential allies. where can those peace-oriented people you just talked about come from? well
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, right now in the usa, believe it or not, some of the most rational people, well , half rational, let's say, of those who work in the government system are people who work in the pentagon because they understand what war is, for example, general douglas mcgregor, he advocates peace between the usa and russia. also opposes conflict with china in the future, and douglas mcgregor told me about this. what american youth need to do today so that we can develop our country to provide it with a good future, he said: american youth should not only study the past, they should travel around the world, see different countries, study different culture, because you don’t need to focus
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on yourself, i can tell you from the bottom of my heart, i went to russia, during these trips i learned a lot more than a person can.
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it seems to me that you are absolutely right, we don’t see any logic yet, no desire to conduct a reasonable dialogue on the part of the biden administration, no, you’re trying to talk to a person whose intellectual level is approximately equal to a donkey, what’s the point of talking to such a person?
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personally, it seems to me that russia needs this first turn to focus on the nwo, let the results speak for themselves: you win, of course, anything can happen in a war, but personally i don’t understand how russia
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can lose in this situation, i think that russia will achieve all its goals in the nwo, on at this point it is almost inevitable. in the republican party, but personally, at least it seemed so to me, with regard to relations with russia, even he spoke out.
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russia will have to sever all relations with china, so i listened to this and thought that he was generally in sane or not, how can one seriously say that russia will sever all relations with china, so you see, even the most reasonable people still say some wild crazy things, so i think. must be decided on the battlefield, this is not a very comforting conclusion, but nevertheless, in the absence of other options, i think this is exactly what
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the russian leadership is going to do today, thank you very much for your time , i hope to see you on our air again, thank you, let's go to advertising, thank you, all the raspberries.
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premiere on saturday on the first, what are you doing? are you afraid, look, he’s probably 200 years old, and if he’s a maniac, do you like to watch people? it seems to me that they got rid of some kind of burden here, i love him, and i don’t need anyone else. conqueror of women's hearts, without a single defeat, my parents insisted on the wedding for a long time, they are delighted with my husband and
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his activities, there will be no future that you so colorfully paint for us, i can tell our readers about our first time, a film by alexander baluev , hotel, premiere, super-camera movie about understatement between people, which arises. has been nagging inside for years, a black shadow in the hidden depths of the soul, for me this is a movie of a man who needed to speak out, about people who want to speak out. on saturday, on the first. when i entered the room, i saw my notebook there. i started leafing through this little book, and there i found notes that... tanya made it when everyone was dying, here are our relatives, little tanya savicheva made the first
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entry in her diary, it’s scary, bombs are falling. she didn’t come down from her apartment, here to this school, a bomb shelter, very pale, very thin, very weak. all the toys lay face down and were covered with a black rag. i was asked what is this? i told them they died of hunger. aunt dusya, when he left. to work, then she closed the room and tanya was sitting on the stairs, the last person who saw tanya was vasya krylov. when i say that tanya saevich, my grown-up, some say that this is not true, the tanya saevichs all died, it almost brought me to tears, but we survived, in memory of tanya savicheva, the blockade, children, on monday on the first. there's a big game on the air. now we'll talk to academician vitaly naumkin, scientific
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director of the institute of historical studies. at the request of the russian leadership, we talk a lot, naturally, about what is happening in ukraine, because this directly captivates russia, but if you look at the international situation as a whole, the crisis in the middle east, it is very serious, it is already very large casualties, he has already suffered very
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significant, huge, even, i would say, losses... among the civilian population, but also , as in the case of ukraine, active the participant is the united states, and it seems to me that there is a certain similarity between the us position on ukraine on the middle east, in both cases, the united states is an active participant in the conflict, without the united states, neither israel nor ukraine.
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leadership, especially one that is maliciously violating and trampling on the norms of international law, will in exactly the same way pull it towards the american agenda and impose american hegemony on the middle east, in addition to the fact that the americans here support the other side, which today commits unimaginable atrocities under the pretext of protecting themselves,
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is of course still visible here. states, in order to show that without the united states nothing can be resolved in the middle east, they want to emphasize their role as a power that exercises command functions here, in fact, this has always been the case, the americans, in fact, buried the format of the four quartet of international mediators. there is the united states, there is russia, there is the un, there is the european union, that’s what the americans did, they practically pushed to the sidelines, this format that we supported, which could have done something, and naturally, the americans, by demonizing russia in the middle east, in every possible way pushing through a hostile attitude towards
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us, they are thereby leading the same... in recent conversation also about the fact that they are turning somewhere, they are not turning anywhere there and they are not leaving the middle east, they want to stay here, and their main task is clear - this is , of course , to oust russia from there, of course you think that this main task for myself, i believe that this task is, well, one of the main ones, it is not the only one, not the only one, but of course today, since
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we began to play a very significant role there and acquired a very large weight, and today almost all players here in the middle east, they are one way or another interested in developing relations with russia. and not support american sanctions and western sanctions, sanctions of the collective west, naturally, this is annoying, this frightens americans today, americans are today in a state of such aggressive defense, they understand and feel that it is no longer possible to rule the world like this from such field points, where among which the middle east occupies a large... place, so talking about the fact that they don’t want a big war there, they don’t want population at all , they are ready to resolve something, on the one hand they want to show that no one except
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the united states can resolve anything, but on the other hand, they are not doing anything to resolve this long-standing middle east conflict, in order to to resolve, it is necessary to provide the necessary rights to the palestinians, and these are the americans... arab countries, the few that support hamas, and absolutely deny israel's guilt. and you repeatedly spoke on our program, i agreed with you, when all this
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began on october 7 last year, when there was this terrible terrorist attack by hamas, we said that there could be no apology for this act, but you emphasized something else, that... recognizing the responsibility of hamas, the terrible responsibility of hamas, we must not forget that that this conflict has historical roots, and as you just said, there were systematic refusals not only by israel, but by the united states, to implement un resolutions on the creation of a palestinian state, do you think that?
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no, because today netanyahu once again these days he says that rafah, the southern city that lies on the border of gaza and egypt, that it has already been practically cleared, in fact, that hamas positions there have allegedly been eliminated that israel won there, in the future it will begin to eliminate hezbollah. in the fight against hezbollah in lebanon, this is of particular concern to everyone who knows the middle east at all, because if it begins - this is the second act of this drama, the current one, the current
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escalation, military escalation of the conflict, then if lebanon expects the same thing, what happened in gaza, then i think that this will generally cause an explosion throughout the entire middle east, despite the fact that today there is an overwhelming majority. players and the government, they do not want escalation, and even many american figures say that no one needs escalation, it should not be allowed, well, how could it not allow when... this whole people, the seven million people of palestinians, they were as they were from the very beginning of the conflict, without statehood, without state institutions, without rights, it remains so, this is the obvious way to resolve the conflict through compromise, through negotiations, through compromises on both sides, it does not work at all,
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in general there were good relations with israel, at the same time he confirmed that he once again confirmed that what israel is doing in our country is absolutely unacceptable, of course, the palestinians supported, some of the palestinians, not all, supported hamas, supported these...
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some targeted strikes between hezbollah, which believes that it protects the national rights of arabs and lebanese and palestinians, and between israel, in this case, if we look broadly, throughout the entire middle east, we will see that in this situation it is israel that once again looks like a state that does not recognize... international law, does not
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recognize categorical resolutions of the un security council, does not want to do anything for in order for negotiations to resume, contact to resume, it is necessary to negotiate, because once upon a time israel considered the organization for the liberation of palestine to also be a terrorist organization, yasser arafat was considered the main terrorist in the middle east, but israel. entered into negotiations, israel then managed to agree with the plo and arafat on a transition, on the transfer of relations that, of course, were not completely settled, but transferring them to another stage, to a stage that did not involve large-scale military action clashes, today they don’t want to do this, i don’t want to say that it is absolutely necessary. today sits down at
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the negotiating table with the leaders of hamas, but on the other hand, and why not, they also express the mood and will of part of the palestinian people. there is a powerful split among the palestinians, and ramallah, that is, the leadership of fatah, which rules the palestinian authority, is , in principle, very critical of hamas and... criticizes it, this is this rift, a split among the palestinians, it prevents agreement, again , i’ll quote again sergei viktorovich, in his answer to questions - yesterday, he just spoke about the efforts that russia made to reconcile the palestinians and achieve their unity, so that they would act as a united front, naturally, on the platform on the basis platforms and -
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hamas, others towards fatah, but... they all ultimately agreed that the plo unites them, and this is a moderate platform, and israel worked and is working the plo, but what is happening today is not it just doesn’t fit into any framework, to negotiate like that impossible, i want to change the subject, vietnam,
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the institute of high-russian studies has just published a volume, such a serious volume. i think that the history of wars and our own experience in general, which is largely underestimated, today deserves to be pulled out of the dusty archives where they lay, often in closed storage, that huge mass of documents that allow us to take a fresh look at this whole the history of wars and the role
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of the soviet union in them then, and then russia as the heir, here is an interesting figure, over time... the active phases of the war, when the americans intervened and became a direct participant, just like here, they are going there in the same way, i think they will have the same end, they, it was the sixty- fifth year, from 65 to the seventy-four, through the vietnamese the war, where our people helped the vietnamese, 6,539 passed, i remembered this figure, there were more than 4,500 private officers and general officers, can you imagine the huge mass of our military personnel who helped the vietnamese and contributed to their success, and as you noted at the beginning of yours, in your
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conduct of our conversation, about the fact that before that, andrei valerievich and i talked about cambodia, about how we acted there, and how we acted. so, uh, we actually helped resolve the situation in indochina in general widely, and today vietnam does not forget this, despite the fact that it acts very skillfully, maneuvers and develops relations with the united states and with us, with china, with other states . it seems to me that our experience, unexpected things were revealed in these archives. minister of foreign affairs of vietnam. at the end of the president's visit putin suddenly said that the united states is vietnam’s strategic partner, how should we perceive this?


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