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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 28, 2024 1:40am-2:26am MSK

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no writer would even admit to himself if this happened to him. he literally wrote the following: “god took away the ability to create from me.” this year zhanna friske would have turned 50. she was called the standard of female beauty. both those older and those younger fell in love with her. the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem. she could not overcome one thing: an illness that turned out to be incurable. i didn’t leave her one step at all, i was sleeping. next to her, how did she perceive the changes in appearance? very painful, we hung mirrors, hid only in the darkness, she hated the light, she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success, for her relatives it was hell, but after death it continued, money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father vladimir friske, if we had not trusted this man, she might have lived for at least another six months. after zhanna’s life, i
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keep saying, guys, what will happen will be, and it can’t be avoided, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first, you look at precious stories, my name is ekaterina varkan, my guest today is vladislav otroshenko, a wonderful russian writer, we are talking with him about gogol, you said that there is an image that confirms:
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that russia demanded, expected from gogol the second volume dead souls, and gogol, he promised in 842, when he left russia, he said that in 2 years he would return with the second volume, he published the first in may 842, now he will return with the second volume, now it is coming, passing 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, and until the year forty-eight, when he had already returned to russia, in fact, he, he had no second... it was not published, but all of russia saw this caricature and google saw it, and what’s more, he even wrote to his mother that there are rumors that i am ashamed to return to russia, because there are no other dead souls on my hands, well , all these stories that show us all these strange things, this is some kind of fog that gogol himself let in as if to the whole world in fact, he was fooling everyone, yes, in the depths lay tragedies, the main thing...
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here is gogol with a combed crest, shaved temples, this is a venetian portrait, yes, yes, in general, that is, not a canonical gogol very much, which means, well, there are many other interesting descriptions of the same aksakov. in gogol we saw something khakhlad and poltovian. and nikitenko supports him; his face had a touch of slyness that arouses distrust in him. however, gogol was a fashionista, famous, dressed very well, stylishly and cheerfully, and what is interesting. according to memories, according to legends, he sewed for himself, hemmed his sisters, he was making all sorts of new styles of clothes, some acquaintances found him there as he laid out the materials there, this bone gogol pincushion remained, this is such a case for needles, pins and everything else, let ’s agree, so to speak, from very few men, moreover, what remains in history from classical russian literature is the igulnitsa, yes, gogol’s igulnitsa, guns remained from someone.
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yes, egolnitsa, we also have, that means, the so-called irmulka, but if you were talking about the kakoshnik, then i have this the feeling that in this cap he could very well be composing an old-world landowner. it seems that russian landowners loved to dress all sorts of unusual and fancy clothes, but in general everyone noted when he appeared, that is, in st. petersburg, everyone noted that he was an absolutely brilliant storyteller, well, apparently, acting skills were typical for him, but he had very susceptible to serious reflections, and all these reflections were immediately unbearable, again nikitenko has such an observation that he becomes pouty and...
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in general, an estimate for the future, here we have a cover, and some such distant, distant dreams of a beautiful life, beautiful countries , glory, well, gogol always had such dreams, but somehow it didn’t work out, things didn’t work out , in general, no one paid attention to this and no one paid any attention, not so much success, but just attention, yes, yes, yes, somehow gogol’s penchant for peromania arose here, as it seems to me, he burned it, which means
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what local clothes look like, what the landowners talk about, what the men talk about, some stories, anecdotes, so he asked, asked his mother, as a result, in 1931-32, evenings took place on the blezdikanka farm, everyone was delighted, everyone was delighted, pushkin himself writes, but they didn’t amaze me, which means they didn’t amaze me me, all this is so unusual in our literature that i still haven’t come to my senses, well, gogol in general is just... funny, and this is literature, he thinks, laughs, you understand, but from the outside, it means that’s all for it look, well, in general, gogl is still clear, he knew, so to speak, his company, which he was attracted to, this is naturally both zhikovsky and pushkin, that is , it was necessary to enter some kind of literary
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society, because it means, somehow, so to speak, to move there, especially since it means there is such success here, it means , this book was a wonderful, absolutely story, which means that in the thirty-first year we and...
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in a letter, in one of the letters, zanilovsky had to explain to aleksandrugevich, that his relatives did not understand him that way, that somehow everything was not absolutely so, here’s an absolutely wonderful story, gogol still caught up pushkin, but pushkin did not give up, pushkin did not give up, which means this story is connected with pushkin’s watch, this is a unique thing, it is located in st. petersburg, in the all-russian pushkin museum, but this watch, pushkin received this in 816, when he was still a lyceum student, widowed empress.
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because he was on the zhukovsky shore, which means, yes, here is gogol, then, that means, but gogol had no descendants, and that means that the clock ended up with his sister olga, and then with elizaveta, so that’s the plot, which means that gogol gave it to one sister, then, that means, to another sister elizabeth, and elizabeth had a son , nikolai vladimirovich bykov, this nikolai vladimirovich, which means he successfully married maria alexandrna, the last name was pushkina, it was the granddaughter of alexander sergeevich, and the watch still returned to the family. the story is straight pushkin-gogol mystical, like a clock , having completed such a circle, it means that they returned
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again to pushkin, that is, after all, pushkin did not give his thing, did not allow him to rob it to the end, happiness. this is, first of all, internal harmony, i feel like a happy person when i live here now, what makes me happy is clean air, sunny weather, when a person trusts another, when he doesn’t change him and accepts him for who he is, for me happiness is the health of my children, grandchildren and the well-being of my country, for me russia is everything, it’s for me nothing more is needed, i wish all families a year of family, to be... happy, don’t be afraid to have children, may you have a lot of them, i have four myself, happiness and love, never lie,
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love your children and believe in them . we are talking about nikolai vasilyevich gogol today with russian writer vladislav otroshenko. my name is ekaterina varkan. and pushkin is published by a contemporary, we know, and invites google to cooperate.
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said that this is an ideal magazine for the mass reader, well, you won’t get that from belinsky, for
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some reason gogol, that means the analyzes are critical, he didn’t like much, gogal liked that he was trafficking the public, well, naturally, he was pleasing to the low taste, as we understand, then gogol didn’t like it, which means that these are very frivolous funny analyzes that 5 thousand subscribers, which means that this is also, so to speak, no good, but this magazine, it means, still existed. he had a lot of innovations, so to speak, for example, this is the first, they introduced the first fixed royalty, by the way, they brought senkovsky’s texts to a single denominator, a single style, the so-called rewriting, that’s all, in fact, our fashion magazines of the late nineties , the beginning of the two thousandth, they believe that they invented glossy fashion magazines, rewriting everything else everything usip ivanovich came up with it a long time ago, the text was published there for the first time, the texts of pushkin, which means a fairy tale. fishermen fish, for example, there was the first publication of lermontov hadji doomed, which was carried out without the knowledge of the author,
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lermontov did not know what he was publishing, his friend just passed it on, so to speak, and so on, and no one knew who lermontov was, in in general, pushkin, so to speak, gives such a rebuke to this, that is, gogal’s article and says that he likes the analysis and that it greatly amuses him to analyze senkov’s all sorts of literary works, and everyone can envy about 5,000 subscribers if we have such a... quantity, but gogol in general, as a journalist and critic ended after that, in general, in my opinion, as far as i remember, he was more like - then he didn’t take it, and even, so to speak, in my opinion, in despair he went abroad, he generally refused from a certain moment, when already dead souls became his main creation, he got irritated when they asked him for something for the magazine, he said, no, no, no, so we said that he borrowed the plots, yes, so to say, there is a legend that the auditor pushkin gave him dead souls, and gogol very blissfully talks about how he received
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dead souls, that in the author’s confession, he wrote in plain text that the dead souls were for him, and that pushkin there... persuaded him, that means, both this and that, but pushkin in general doesn’t quite agree here, so let’s say, he even has a phrase that if a little russian needs to be careful, he rips me off so much that you can’t shout, that is, who gave what to whom who knows, then we know smirny again, and alexan osipovna, and he from her too, which means that she is our beauty, he demanded a large number of all kinds of observations from her, so that in general he didn’t feel the heroes, didn’t see them, that is, he like... gave birth to them himself, that is, he needed some external signs, then he said something like this, there were a lot of moments, he needed, how to say this, this whole document flow, all of him was directly caught in the fact that kubchii, as described by dead souls, they didn’t do that, so many bureaucratic affairs there, it’s as if he didn’t do them
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knew to the end, and she, as the wife of the governor of kaluga, of course she knew and... some things that, well, she didn’t just write to him about cubic meters, in general, well, the auditor , in my opinion, means the play is wonderful, in my opinion, this is an appatheos swindle, well , for gogol, because this is an absolute self-portrait, well, that’s what i think, but this is just an autograph for a self-portrait, you see, i have it, but here sinkovsky doesn’t leave it either, because i have an extraordinary lightness of thought, everything under the name barona - that’s me too, but don’t leave it, apparently he’s somehow competing with him there too.
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no more, big, which they saw, they simply did not recognize gogol, that is, here he is, a real gogol, you know, he writes, he is confident in success, that finally he, so to speak, has matured enough to declare such rights such things, that is, to become real, finally, yes, and he organizes everyone again, builds them again, which means he writes to pletnev, take up this book, it will be a success, it sells like hot cakes, it goes through censorship.
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of his youthful work was then forced to act as an actor, so to speak, rebuild into some other works, into dekanki into auditors, into everything else, degenerate and turn over, again we remember nikitenko, who speaks as soon as he becomes pompous and pedantic on a high level, again we remember , but at the same time the second volume of dead souls was going on, here, in general, of course, it was a complete breakdown, because, so to speak, it still didn’t go, didn’t go, well, this work was going somewhere and... i mean, then suddenly i saw when this arose, well , let’s say, aversion to correspondence with friends, gogol, apparently, the second volume looked deeper, i saw that, in fact, well, this is a book, as if he was writing an instructive virtuous book, and even chichikov turned out to be a highly moral person, and chichikov without its properties is not chichikov, and
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well, we’re just trying to briefly formulate this now, yes, but i can imagine to what extent this was a discovery and a shock for myself. gogol, when he discovered it all on a scale, on the scale of these two works, yes, and that all the spiritual meanings that he generally cherished all his life, they turned out to be false and lost, so i have the feeling that he was from the horror of this entire understanding, yes, that’s why he burned the second volume from horror and died from horror , you know, here you and i are kind of just approaching this subject, maybe from different angles, but we have the same subject, i feel it, that indeed, firstly, there is, of course, an undeniable connection between the selected places from correspondence with friends in the second volume, the connection between the death of gogol and... the publication of this books, selected passages from correspondence, friends, why? because on the one hand, he himself later admitted in the author’s confession that he gave away this book, his
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words were direct, in order to compensate for his long silence, that he did not give out the second volume of dead souls, he tried to somehow fight, justify himself and to belinsky, to make excuses, to everyone, yes, but only zhikovsky, whom you and i here called the nanny of russian writers who were of zhikovsky. gogol has a very delicate relationship and he is very nice and zhikovsky wrote that in this book i swung khlestakov, yes i swung khlestakov, that is, here he is, you know, as if after after this book, after this book, when all of russia literally fell on him, but here are the westerners, slavophiles, and priests, and the censor who wrote that it was embarrassing, yes, well... he apparently understood, he was testing out the ideas of the second volume in this book, what exactly was he testing? transformation of chichikov, from chichikov
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from this kind of rogue swindler, half-demonic character, he turns into this in the second volume a respectable christian, he says there that he will leave all his moshes there, he will work, he will help his neighbors, he will not overeat, he is a respectable christian. to work for the good of the fatherland, for the good of everything in general, and there he is, kissing the boots of the governor-general, who means he is being released from prison, he is fighting there in prison, but in general he was burned and died of horror, well, his horror, i think, is i look at it, you know, purely artistic, well, through the prism of gogol’s artistic feeling, yes, gogol is like... an artist, a great artist, he could not help but understand that that chichikov, who appears there in the second volume of dead souls, that this chichikov, he is just a dead
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doll, which is put into the mouth that some kind of respectable truths, but some and who simply pronounce them, this is essentially an implantation, so i’m telling you, he burned out of horror, died, yes, of course, of course, he was seized by horror, of course, he was seized by horror, he was seized by horror primarily because , that... he saw that this is what they wanted from him, by the way, on the one hand, he himself had a message, you’re right, yes, because he had this one, he even wanted to leave, to accept, well, so to speak, to go to a monastery, but he had this desire to become a monk, yes, he had it, and well, russia wanted from him, you know, as if they expected from him, they expected from him positive images, from him... even more positive images, you know, we all understand this now, that gogol, gogol - it’s like, well, he’s a great classic genius, yes, but during goggol’s lifetime
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everything was wrong, and there were some people who had a sharply negative attitude towards goggol, this is a great artist who created great creations, and this is the greatest drama, because in my opinion, this very story of the creation of the second volume of dead souls is ... the most enormous catastrophe not only in the history of russian literature, but of world literature, because indeed, gogol was still thinking about the third volume, he had a plan to write a second third volume, and this catastrophe, but it has a very important positive moment, positive moment this is what many believed when gogol burned the second volume of dead souls, that he had gone crazy, this is what he’s talking about...
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on the contrary, it was a great feat of the present , so i think that everything is straight, straight from the artist who realizing that with this image of chichikov he destroys the entire poem, all of it... his poetry, this poem that he created, which cannot be changed, chichikov cannot be changed, just like danquejote naquixote, this is such a brilliant hero that from to make him such a respectable christian, it was impossible, and gogol in fact, he reserved the right to judge his creation and be judged by his creation , and the question was, which of them will survive or the dead souls? in which he put an end to 842, so either the poem will die, or gogal will die, so he actually chose his death, yes, it was horror, but
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he had to survive this horror when he... he, you know, there is this picture, repina, but the famous one, where gogol with bulging eyes throws the second volume of dead spirits, a torn shirt, a boy, the servant is holding his hand there, his eyes are bulging, nothing like that, gogol did it all very calmly, he had already made this decision, and he put this bunch of notebooks in the fireplace when he was like that, they were bound sheets, and set fire with a candle, there was no fire there, he lit it himself with a candle, it was... the stove was like this, a dutch one, the fire began to go out, because the sheets were tied tightly, then he took the gogol like that and calmly untied it all, and the boy this - when he says what are you doing, master, don’t, stop, and he says, it’s none of your business, pray, and uh, he untied these strings, unfolded these sheets, set them on fire again, and he sat like that calmly, watched how this arutom burned, he only later, when everything burned, a tear ran down his
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cheek like that and... he kissed the boy, who was also crying, and on january 1, 1952, he told the lion arnold that it was all ready for printing, that is, these 11 chapters were written for this moment. thank you very much, vlad, for an interesting conversation, you watched precious stories, we talked today about nikolai vasilyevich gogol, my name is ekaterina varkan.
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electrons running in an eternal circle, different things are drawn to each other, but for some reason we are moving in different directions, you are in orbit, i am under water, we dream about different things with you, a fragile snowflake, a space station, you are beyond my gravity , i was looking for you on earth, i was looking for you in space, i’m tired of explaining to all the gods that we are with... but to be together, but you flew away and won’t come back, i can’t catch up with you, i can’t reach you, i can’t reach you and don’t deny it, and you wandered into my gravity,
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the sun shines equally for everyone, we received a lucky ticket, but for some reason we have to return it, a lot of patience has been trained in the dark with your forehead not to destroy, brick walls, i’m changing, you’re elena the beautiful, and you are beyond my gravity, i was looking for you on earth, i was looking for you in space, i am tired of explaining to all the gods that we were created to be together, but time does not heal, time cripples, they know when i am, with whom - noticed, yellow press and paparazzi, and you are outside my gravity, dear friends, radion gazmanov opened today the podcast melodies of my life, i am its host, valery syutkin, and today my guests are those guys and those girls who are associated with the program.
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voice, and today we have anastasia speredonova, hello, finalist of the first season, the main one, sergei volchkov, winner of the second season, radion gazmanov, presents the fourth season, and i was the mentor of the eighth and ninth, which also unites us all and makes us closer around the project, name , to whom the voice. by the way, here’s a question for all of us: what did the song bring you into this profession?
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which brought me to the big stage in victory, this is of course the song of muslim magamaev
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, a blue eternity, but from childhood i remember the ray of the golden sun from bremen musician, despite the fact that i listened to sting, listened to dj music, scooters and tv, everything else is probably newfangled , yes, yes, fi! and despite the fact that they were recording, the matches were burning in front, well , i had everything, but this was remembered in my life as a ray of golden sunshine, let's see how it was, we have footage, anastasia speridonova. it was impossible not to turn around, they just killed me, i sat there, i was going crazy, impossible, incredible energy, it’s such a backlog that you could just go crazy, the sea is like a broken
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rock, you can’t give surf, take the sea. and they put a couple of them together with me. the main goal of the voice is to reveal new names to our viewer. and here the well-known question from our tv viewers comes up a lot, naturally, where, where are these finalists? but here they are with you. and seryozha has a wonderful career, he...
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radion gazmanov, i really love music, tell me, who did you like from the subsequent seasons of the voice, or the mentor, we’ll equalize everyone, just after. season, where sergei won, i approached him, it seems to me that he was so scared, i think i approached him and simply said words of admiration, because this is mad talent, charisma in general, and i admire, we have been friends for so many years and
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have each other we perform at a friend’s concerts, well, here i am, i won’t even ask you who, who absolutely doesn’t oblige you, when was the choice of the first original song that was written, which i bought, with whom to sing duet? specifically with a girl with a cool voice, and you know, i don’t want to offend anyone, but in our country a beautiful girl with a beautiful voice is not so easy to find, it turned out, of course. and i invited nastya to perform a song called love. let's listen to this duet with pleasure. so, dear friends, sergey volchkov, anastasia spiridonova, lyubov.
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how high my soul flies with you, how easy it is for me to love you, to breathe with you, as if we were born for each other. as if we were together all our lives, i love you so much, breath stagnant, with you i’m flying to the ends of the earth, i love you so much, you are my soul, my tyrant, love,
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no matter how warm it is, under the bright sun of yours and eyes, how bright it is for me, and the whole world around us, as if on yours alone soul. as if we are alone in the whole universe, i love you so much, breath, but i am flying with you to the ends of the earth, i love you so much, now my soul, the ocean of my love. how long have i been looking for you, how
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long have i been waiting for you, i love you so much, you are hidden away, with you i am flying to the ends of the earth. i love you so much, i’m holding my breath, i’m flying with you end of the earth, i love you so much, now my soul, you are the ocean of my love, i love you so much, i love you so much. and i’m flying with you to the ends
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of the earth, i love you so much, i love you, you are my soul, you are my ocean, so our wedding path took us to ryazan, a little nastasya, this is a symbol of girlish beauty, if you think it’s just like that. .. we’ll give you the bride with this christmas tree, with her beauty, we ran into the wrong people, anyuta, you’re here, here, you need to prepare a hot dish, ram cookies, these are such ritual cookies for the desire of fertility in the family, it smells very delicious, we will use two textures of podskater fabric, this will highlight the beauty of the bride’s costume, the brighter the color, the closer to the age of childbearing, the festive costume of an elderly woman.
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in general, you did n’t like taking part in all this too much, it’s nervous, i would n’t have liked it, but to be honest, it took me a long time to get ready, i didn’t want to, but i had one crazy friend who pushed me all the time, she said: you should be there, you should be there, they persuaded me for 2 years, i went, i think, okay,
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let me remind you of myself, otherwise i’m afraid they forgot, but i had great pleasure, because all your numbers, in addition to...
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how can i go on without you? you to the part that bounce forward so why not take all so i will take all of me! still, what an amazing thing and expressive human voice this is, this is fantastic, thank you very much, let’s
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get to know you, what’s your name, where are you from dmitrienko raisa kandratievna, yes! and the city of moscow, oh, i would choose all of you, even somehow focus on one, i i choose lenochka vaenga, oh, lucky leni, rais kandran, i want to give a compliment, here is your performance of the song that turned us all around like a hurricane, just right from the first note, this is some kind of unimaginable mix. ella fitzgerald and ranevskaya's fans, you understand, there was so much self-irony in it , i felt it with my back, it's a great feeling, today i want to ask you to sing something for us, yes, what will it be rais? perhaps a romance based on gumilyov’s poems, i can’t cope with the composer, i know him by his nickname
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kippa, this is supposedly his music, but i was inspired by this romance with naturally nikolai naskov, i love him very much, dear. viewers with great pleasure in today's podcast of the melody of my life, which we dedicated to the project, raisa dmitrenko sings for you. my days flash by in figurative images, with the same pain, and only the roses fall.


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