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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 28, 2024 3:05am-3:21am MSK

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this cruise to miss press came out year after year, it took place in ninety-two in ninety-three, then i stopped following this matter, because well, i had various newspaper projects there, besides, my friends are from those who are usually called respectable , they said that being a judge of a competition where girls wear swimsuits doesn’t seem to correspond to my reputation as a serious journalist who is engaged in... investigative journalism, and then i completely went for an internship overseas and how- it became generally not before these competitions, i didn’t follow what was happening, but one of the famous musicians , pyotr podgorodetsky, who was also on this cruise, later described in his memoirs that he met those girls who were contestants in various places, in including one of them, it happened
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: he passed away, because just when he was filming his first these notes, this project, this program was not yet on the first channel, but he was already working in this direction, he i really liked it, he has a motorcyclist on the street neappolya simply grabbed the camera by the lens and tore it off, that is, his camera did not remain working, although this was very disappointing, because it was the middle of the cruise. but there was material left, that is, this, there it was clear that this was happening, this attack, unfortunately, it was absolutely not the format of such caramel travel stories, so this footage dmitry, probably, i think, was not for anyone showed on the air then they definitely weren’t there, but this project was born right then, it was the end of times, we it seemed that we were approaching some new life, peace, friendship, chewing gum. that
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europe is now open to us, that nothing is needed from us, we don’t need anything, that we will all live together, that is, this was the time of such - the delusions of some such naive, well , for the girls who participated in these projects, it was a time of such career starts, i immediately want to say ahead of the curve, because many people think that, well, since this is a competition... discovered by the most reputable, most significant publications, tv channels and newspapers with millions of copies, that is, they felt behind them, in general...
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some daddy who paid for their participation in this competition, and they felt like journalists who are trying to prove that they know how to work, so yes, naturally , there, like in any competition, there was this entry in swimsuits, but it was very insignificant, they realized themselves there precisely in a professional sense, to none of them, in my memory, in the first years, no one ... thought roll up with some suggestions, although this is the end of times characterized by the fact that, of course, the bandits felt themselves to be the masters of life. you can watch all episodes of the chronicle of the end times podcast on the website of the first channel journalists , due to the fact that they represented certain publications, they felt much more confident, it seems to me, than even representatives. the largest of these acting
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dynasties, i don’t remember, in my memory, not once a complaint from the girls about the fact that they were under... here is a respected person, authoritative, and there were also showdowns there, i had to to participate in the showdown, there it was only possible to communicate from the captain’s cabin, to get in touch with the mainland, that is
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, there were some endless threats, this never happened with journalists, and they complained that they were in the hold itself we put them in four people in a cabin... after all, everyone there is so busy, everyone has their own cabin, well, i ’m talking about the jury members, they were there in such conditions, and somehow they we ate separately, that is, there was some kind of cabin company divided into different sectors, well then there is in this regard, i, as a journalist , was very worried about the girls, because it seemed to me that, well, this is somehow, well, a competition. this is their competition, as if they were bowls, what they called them, bowls, that’s it, the fact that the bowls are in this position, i always kind of worried about the workshop, i remember, i’ll step a little to the side, i’m ilya verbukh, our legendary figure skater, now a producer,
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said that after he completed his sports career, and before he began his production career, he worked journalist and... so he told me directly with such feeling what a humiliation it was, how he realized how unpleasant it was with a microphone, running after a person, asking him to say something, i understand that at any moment you can be sent, this despite the fact that he was, relatively speaking, with a face with a name, that is, he worked as a sports journalist in the industry where he was known and accustomed, and therefore he drank a little from this cup and in his words now...
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relatively speaking, with which i personally have not been familiar, but which interested the contestants from this point of view, this competitive one, so i always considered it possible for myself, despite the fact that i was a member of the jury, but i did not go beyond the scope of my judicial activities, i agreed to give an interview to find time, well, because the people who were traveling. cruise, well , the artists, let’s say, they had it under contract, let’s say, but there was only one concert in the company, the rest of the time they wanted - since fees were not provided, they were paid with rest, uh, well, they wanted to relax, that is, they wanted to sunbathe,
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drink, go on excursions, and not waste time talking with beautiful girls, but the artist is ready for the jury that no one will see this, that for them this time will be wasted, and uh, instead of a day , which they could spend there on the ruins of some acropolis, they spent this day in the company of a journalist cameraman,
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let’s say, relatively speaking, that’s why i always tried to help the girls in this sense and - i must say that i didn’t select the contestants, i was just here, well, i’ll repeat it in jury, but i must note that the people who got there were exclusively... professional, that is, they were not selected there for the length of their legs or eyelashes, but very often there were people who could have made it in the profession, but made a different choice there, for example, the daughter of robert rozhdestvenskaya, not the one you thought about, for sure, because she has a younger sister, uh rozhdestvenskaya, she won one of the competitions, i remember that it was such a headache for...
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the reporter showed herself, and it seems to me that she never went into the profession, and now i it’s just that when i’m telling you this, i actually realized to myself that i don’t remember whether we sentenced her, that is, she received this title or she was a runner-up, i can’t remember, but there were also such reputational moments . or let’s say, when we were talking about a publication, let’s say that some
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publication was known for being very commercially successful, that it did not skimp, say, on bribing insiders, and then the end of times had already come, it was no longer the soviet press, it was a press that acted according to the patterns of the international media, that is, people who wanted to sell information were paid money, everyone... thinks that you can ride on the brand or on the skill of your photographers, reporters and columnists, and there have also been such moments, we think, well, now we will give a title there, they will think that they have bribed us, relatively speaking, that is, i looked at this industry, this one in general, well,
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competitive, uh, a little from that side, that is, i have insight, glory god, i will repeat that it was a journalistic competition, that we did not have girls, for which - like most events of this kind, maybe at the wrong stage, maybe later, uh, were paid for by the so-called daddies, that is...
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i know, i’m without any nostalgia, this is just such a stage in my journalistic career
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that for what interests me now is not something like this, some kind of recollections, but interest specifically for analytics, like why the country became different, it was a podcast of the chronicle of the end of times, and i, evgeniy dodolev, told you about the first and last became the only miss competition . press ussr, as a child i dreamed of becoming a conductor, but i kept dreaming about the railway, and they gave me gifts in the form of a railway. either trains or locomotives, my dream has come true, that ’s perfect, tell me, andryush, you find a common language with everyone, yes, with everyone, i absolutely do with all the passengers, please tell me, my mother died from childbirth, yes, my mother left during childbirth and life, there was a great loss of blood where my mother gave birth to me, this is a settlement in the amur region, the whole region, all the people, these are the citizens, these are the residents.


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