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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  June 28, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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sapakh swims, bakes cupcakes, is proud of the fact that she can eat without getting fat, dreams of moving to live by the sea, they warn that she easily says goodbye to old things, admits that she is afraid of heights, speed and cannot stand the heat, yulia’s husband gave her such a surprise for her discharge from the maternity hospital, after which she seriously thought about divorce, hopes that alexey is a responsible man, hello, hello, hello, the girl suits his type, small, thin, fair, small, thin, fair, what can such a thing be discharged arrange a man, what a surprise that cannot be forgiven, but if he only comes with his new passion, the point is not that i didn’t forgive, the point is that it turned out to be such an embarrassing situation, he forgot my outerwear for me, it was january, it was very cold, i was left without outer clothing, that is, he was told several times to grab my fur coat, he forgot it, as he was drinking, probably. yes, like
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pasha, he took you from the maternity hospital with fanfare, with gypsies, yes, but here the man even forgot his outerwear, well, how is it, what do you say, when we arrived home, although the house was cleaned or not, they didn’t even pack the crib, although it was his responsibility, i really asked him, and your mother, relatives, relatives were there, but they greeted me with flowers, with gifts, solemnly nothing for me they boiled, didn’t wash, didn’t cook, because there was an agreement that my... husband would help me in this matter, at least the apartment would be clean, the crib would be assembled, that’s all that was required, oh well, well, let’s get over this, and then this i overstepped, that's basically me i understand the emotions, my daughter is such an event, but the reason for the divorce was not this incident at all, but that when he drank, he turned into a completely different person, whom i did not know, it was very scary, because from a quiet, calm... loving , aggressive,
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yes, yes, he became very aggressive, there were situations that were no longer acceptable for me, i could not put up with this, therefore, that’s why i had to decide to move on without my spouse, maybe he was a normal person at first, but then her pregnancy somehow turned so negative on him, and not on her, that is, male toxicosis, it helps with her daughter, yes, they meet twice a month, her daughter loves him, enjoys meeting him, they spend time, in general, it comes always very funny, and your daughter is 11 years old, and i also read in the questionnaire that you are a careerist, that is, you like that your decision is final, you are the final truth in authority, you like the role of a leader, you solve all problems yourself, even name it i decided for myself, i have such a job, i have to resolve any controversial situations, that is, please resolve them. at work i solve them,
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well, somehow the girls are like that, like galya, she’s beautiful, and yulia is pretty, everything is fine, but they’re like that, you know, they’re like, no, there’s no sense coming from them... then charisma, you are proud of two higher educations, and here we have nine years of education, it’s true we want to study, this will not separate you, no, it doesn’t bother me what kind of education my man has, my friends have, the situations in life are different it happens, it's just for me it was interesting to study, i decided to get two degrees.
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he won’t sing, or maybe he will sing and dance, to see you always, now i want to read your thoughts in every eye movement, and sometimes to see your breathing so that every breath is there. in tact,
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i'm at your feet, thank you, don't tell me, this is for you. didn’t help, we thank him, i’m at your feet, don’t say thank you, god helped you with this, thank him, thank you. alexey is primarily suitable for this bride because he does not drink. when i listen to this song, i always think, and the poets, if possible so to speak, there was not just a crown and delusions of grandeur, but almost on the verge of illness. i’m at your feet, no need to say thank you,
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thank god. ay, just, yes, the anthem is like this with the crowned person. what do you say, how do you like it, julia? she’s a pretty girl, but it seems to me that she’s not really ready to give up everything, i’m not ready to give up everything under any circumstances, so you yourself don’t want to live in sochi, i have such thoughts in the future, but it’s not said, so what about the future, that’s all in just one moment, and you’re already in nizhny novgorod, well, listen, when you don’t like a woman and you understand that she is not yours, you will find 100 excuses, which is hard to do. how to move everything when you like it, you say, it’s nothing, i’ll do the laundry and cook myself, i’ll do it myself, and even if it doesn’t work, and well, what about a lover, well, what should i do, well, i’ll take care of it, that’s why you didn’t like it, yulia, well, you will change, you will live in sochi, he is in another city, because he wants, you want by the sea, and he wants to leave here, now we choose galina
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or anna, but what to choose here, it was clear, from the first one he almost fell asleep, with yuli, by the way, i have this... which of our heroines would be more suitable for alexey? let's deal with gorina. you will always have fresh towels in your home. true, to get yours you will have to spin around. yulia, as the head of the sewing production, can help you with your wedding suit. and a flight attendant named anna may become
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adored and desirable for you, although for this you will have to fly near the restroom for many years. anyway. no matter who you go to, we will support you. anya, what if he comes to our place? room? sofia, i'll go out. will you go with him? yes, great. i invite everyone to come out and support alexey. very unexpected, but we don't have a date today. alexey, there is no need to be afraid of me.
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i just wanted to find out the truth, but whether i was really her daughter or not, when you started looking for your biological mother, i tried to find her on the internet for a long time, you found her, contacted her, she had all the children at home, that is, you are the fourth it turns out that the eldest, yes, thanks to this madam. my life is turning into hell, you were told that it is nature died, they told me that the child died, but a person grows and does not know his roots, when she turned to you as a mother for advice, what should i do, that i have a conflict in the family, well, you know that in our family my grandparents have something to take, i’ve never seen them in person, and you
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’re telling me about the inheritance of a living or dead person, but you abandoned the child, we have a dna test, and i’ll announce it now, whether you like it or not ? good afternoon, i sincerely believe that every child has the right, if he wants, of course, if he's interested, know who his biological parents are, and i don't care if the biological parents don't want to reveal it.
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so you don't know who your parents are? no, i don’t know, since i’m adopted, yeah, i was adopted when i was 2 months old, from payment from the executioners, i was raised there until i was 15 years old, then from two months to 15 years old in a foster family, when you found out that you are an adopted child, at 10 or 11 years old i found out, my adoptive parents showed me the document.
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the first time we had a guardianship they wanted to deprive them of parental rights, but they gathered us into a council, tried to save the family, and why did they want to deprive me of parental rights, because they couldn’t cope with you, and what were you doing, well, to be honest, i ran away from home, didn’t spend the night at home. what kind of childish jealousy, who were you jealous of whom?
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well, they had their own child, and how old were you when the child was born, 5 years old, well, at that moment you were simply jealous, like your youngest, who was your sister, brother, well, yes, so that he wouldn’t do any mischief, everything is like the elder happened to me, yeah, so i decided to run away from home, and then well, they... when we had a consultation, they tried to save the family, but in principle nothing changed, you began to run away further, i ran away from home again, and then i came into guardianship, realizing that i myself was kind of needed , well, stop, it’s necessary, but there are some kind of limits, i came to the care, wrote a statement, self-denial, i was first placed in a shelter, and then i went to a boarding school, it was better in a boarding school than in a family, well, i would i didn’t say which was better, but...
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we talked to olya and my friend on the phone and she just suggested, she says: let's try to find my supposed mother, she says: let's try, it's not torture to try, look at her, look into her eyes in general, i was just always interested, that is, i generally thought, maybe she is alive, not alive, let's say, if i find her. to make up for that time of communication, the fact that we didn’t communicate, i started looking in my classmates, she said: i’ll look on vkontakte, olya, then i found it in my classmates by last name, sent it. photograph, i say, this is what i found, it was immediately given to me as the first issue, this is her photograph, i think that it seems as if, well, there are some bestialities, there are the outlines of the face, there, i don’t know if she and i are similar, but i have a 50/50 feeling, olya is my friend, she says what is 100% similar, just the only thing , what i wanted
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was to find out the truth, if the dna shows that she is my mother, then for what reason are they all this, all this nonsense that lasted 4 years, i don’t want to humiliate them somehow, her somehow disgrace or something else, i just wanted to find out the truth, but whether i’m really her daughter or not, i’ll be more surprised out of 99.9%. so, what kind of nonsense lasted 4 years? well, this is a lie, one version, when we met her. the fact that she was told that i died, they told her in the maternity hospital, that is, she did not refuse you, yes, supposedly no, the fact that there she was in a fog, signing something, but in the end i died, then after a while i’m sitting at her house, a letter arrives, supposedly from the midwife who was in the maternity hospital, wait, if you
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’re sitting at her house, it means we missed some part of your life, you found her, contacted her, well, olya and i when only her found on the first day we olya texted her, called her on the phone, says olya about screaming , she was bawling into the phone, bring her here for me, everything like that, well, we arrived, we met, we talked , all her children were at home, that is, well, she has a lot of children, three children, yeah, that is you are the fourth, it turns out that she is the oldest, yes , listen, but her parents are still alive, well, according to conversations? yes, have you seen your grandparents? not once, yeah, i want to listen to the rest of the versions, that is, her first version of why you ended up in a foster family, this is what she was told, that the child is dead, that she died, the second version, when we were sitting with her, she tells her son andrei, go downstairs, i should receive a letter from some organization there, but he picks up this letter, and we
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read what supposedly some midwife who was about to die, here she was, about to die, she decided to write the truth, precisely to her address, not to mine, precisely to her address, precisely at this moment, and what kind of truth, the fact that they allegedly replaced me there, in general , all that, the fact that i didn’t die, they did it on purpose, the fact that they died, really a child, but they changed me and specifically told me when you met your supposed mother? it sounds very strange, with ekaterina, yes, you started some kind of relationship, yes, we communicated with her, talked, corresponded on vkontakte, why is it so important to know whether she is your mother or not, well, it’s just that if she, let’s say it shows zero, then why was it all a lie, that is, that she will show
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zero, this is in the sense of a dna test, yes, but why didn’t you do this test yourself, she refused, it’s not like...
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i want a son from you, i want a daughter from you, but all together, ears together. it’s better to have a good science fiction after the program time,
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well, neighbors, we’ll go together, by the way, where are you going to rovenki, oh, i’m also rovenki, i’m going to detain your mayor. for what? yes, he’s become so impudent, he’s already paying his income from bribes. kvn, fourth quarterfinals. tomorrow after the program time. we hit him, let's call an ambulance. the moscow ambulance welcomes you. if you have burned the palate with alavander rav, press one. adventures again. how beautiful you are look, huh? it was here that ivan the terrible founded astrakhon. there is a legend that stepan razin kept his treasures in the barrels of cannons on the banks of our astrakhan ravines. have you found
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all the guns? all the barrels were found. tell me please. the search continues. this is one of the best trips of my life. what will you give us? borscht, unusual borscht, fish borscht. i would come back for this borscht more than once. have you decided what you will cook? yes, remember, git told us. about caviar, i 'll marinate it, add a secret there, and i'll do it cold soup, then i’ll add smoked fish, it’s time to start, let’s go, the premiere, cooks on wheels, on sunday at the first, why did you refuse it, if so, well, i was young, how old were you, so 18, just turned , she was born at 17 and didn’t refuse, well, to each his own, i mean, she didn’t refuse, her eldest daughter does not live with her and is not being raised by her, that’s why it’s not prohibited by law, i’m helping the child, it’s not forbidden
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to refuse, i don’t refuse that i signed the papers, but i was sure that i i’m signing a waiver for a dead child, you were told that nature died, i was told that the child died. yeah, this is your final version, yes, because it turns out that you changed these versions all the time, then you said that you simply refused because you refused, you didn’t have the strength to raise, then you said that your child was given to some to another woman in labor whose child died, and the midwife wrote about it in a letter, that is, your versions changed, that is, i said it, well, the midwife sent you a letter, but it was there. some kind of letter, but to be honest, for some reason i think that this letter was written, well, that is, you have one single version, you wrote the paper because you
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were told that she was sure that the child was dead, yeah, okay, who's her father? man, well, logically, what is his name, why did the man die, he died, yes, when he died, he died a long time ago, well, at least go to the grave, i don’t know where his grave is? at that time we no longer lived with him. katya, please tell me, you came out here to this studio, clearly in opposition, that is, already in conflict. a why? where did this conflict come from? thanks to my supposed daughter and her friend. and my friend is already here, again for the third time. in general, thanks to her friend, we are here, because if...
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and you are afraid of the test, well, you are afraid of the test results, i am not afraid of them, but now after the last situation, here they are, so her friend went on principle , i’m going to the principle, wait, on what principle, on what principle , girlfriend, on what principle, give a dna test, yes , you are a mother, yes you should, what should i, we accepted her, we didn’t need anything, we we communicated well, her husband and i, who
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once again kicks her out, insults her, there ’s something else, it’s not true, it’s true, she called me mom, i called her daughter, that’s it, for all congratulations, for all holidays, mom , listen, but if your daughter really asks for a dna test, is it really difficult to pass, she really asks, she didn’t really ask, our topic was closed, i closed it after you said, i’m afraid of the result, it’s not true. this topic was closed for 2 years, it was not raised for sure, if not more, weekends, when they were once again drinking with their friend at 3:00 in the morning olya calls me and says: come, we need to talk about christina very, very urgently, tomorrow everything will be, the end of the world, i say, at 3:00 in the morning i won’t go anywhere i won’t receive you, i’ll see you the next day when i
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came the next day. to olga, such a picture, she continues to drink with her friend, they begin to press me, you must help christina, you must support her, you understand, this is how she is, because she grew up in such a family, because what's her abandoned because it’s like that with her, because edok is with her, listen, if it turns out that this is your daughter, absolutely nothing changes, nothing changes at all. if it turns out that it’s not your daughter, well, go through the forest, why don’t you give up, i don’t want to, so they followed the principle, i think you too, you also have some motives of your own, before we'll move on to these motives, we went to visit you, let's see how you live, kristina and olga are not so much putting pressure as they are leading... to donate dna, and if to be
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more precisely, olga is putting pressure on kristina to force me to take a dna test, although just recently, kristina and i communicated quite well, she called me mom, i called her daughter, i can give an example of happy new year greetings. mommy, i congratulate you on the upcoming new year, i would like to tell you a lot, but i will tell you this: thank you, dear, for appearing in my life, for helping me. and you can listen, lend your shoulder at any moment, i answer her, it’s a pity that i don’t see or hear you, or this happens rarely, now it’s all behind me, and most likely this will never happen again, i don’t care if i’m not a stranger , despite everything, today i believe that this dna test is not needed to find out the truth, whether i’m a mother or not,
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more precisely, relatives or not, they claim the inheritance, although i have a rented apartment, i rent it myself, i work, i pay, i live here with my youngest daughter, as you can see, there are no mansions, i don’t have golden armchairs, stools, all this little chaos is our creativity, children are our most important thing life, neither decrease nor increase, i personally don’t need this dna test. i accept her as a daughter, but you know, i want to scream, i won’t forgive her for the fact that these curses were rained down, my family was cursed, i won’t forgive the fact that my children were cursed, although i understood, that is, your daughter forgave you for the fact that she was brought up in a foster family, and you
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won’t forgive her for some curses, she’s amazing... she’s like walking in the world, she’s standing on earth , and how did she walk before that? and in the video you tell how much you love children, who are you? like that in general, i’m a mother, no, you’re not a mother, and you have three children, the children have fathers, yes, well , different ones, all three of them, yes, who do you live with now, she just mentioned that you are this man, with whom you live, he beats and kicks you out of the house, my husband is sitting with me, victor, he is the father of what child, the last one, elena, yours
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is not yet mother-in-law, he says, he says that you beat your wife and drive him out of the house, no, there is no such thing, but where did she get it, some kind of nonsense, where did you get what? what is he hitting? did christina write? i didn't write what he told me beats, i said, yes, we have conflicts. please, vitya is drinking, what? vitya drinks, well , he drinks, sometimes it’s some kind of nonsense, well, nonsense, so your wife turns out to be delirious? well, in short, you apparently got drunk, said something about your wife, no, how would we, i drink, well, on holidays, well, it’s october 7, it’s a holiday, no? no, i said that we quarrel like everyone else, here yulia understood why your wife
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so wants to find her roots, i, honestly, looking at my mother, don’t understand, we are asked very often, very often, well, of course, 10 years in broadcast, what story should you fill out? most of all you can remember fates, meetings, well, that is , there was so much of it all that it is impossible to single out one thing, but i remember a monstrous story, there was nothing terrible in it, the sweetest woman of 90 years old came out, the sweetest, absolutely charming, with an excellent education, she spoke brilliantly, and she had a wonderful delivery... but i still remember her, i have a feeling like the ghost in harry potter, like a chill breaks through my skin, she came out and said: i don’t know, who i, my life has turned out so wonderfully, everything is wonderful, everything is wonderful, she has a family, children,
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grandchildren, a wonderful job, everything is gorgeous, but she doesn’t know who she is, she lives and suffers all her life, everything is why, because she was taken out of besieged leningrad. a whole carload of children, all the documents were burned and all her 90 years, despite the fact that no one abandoned her, did not throw her away, that everything in her life worked out, she is looking for who her relatives are, everything that she wants to find at least someone well, i remember this story, i just get goosebumps, it’s monstrous to live and not know who you are, so you ’re committing this crime, now in relation, maybe to your daughter, or maybe in relation to a stranger, you don’t give her the opportunity to understand at all who she is, but you know because why, due to the fact that in her life, in addition to her not very beloved half-brother-in-law,
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there is also a main friend, the main problem, this main monster who forces her to take a dna test every 5 minutes, this is olga, who came to our studio, let's... call, dear katerina, i want to appeal to you, you have no truth, no shame, no conscience, wow, man, for 25 years you have done nothing, now you are sitting on her on the screen and drowning her with some text messages that she just wanted from you for support when she turned to to you as a mother for advice, what should i do, that i have some kind of conflict in my family, we are all fighting, but we posted it... and it is monstrous. arkhyz for tourists, as a rule, starts from here: mountains, rivers, views,
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sheep. guys from the concrete jungle usually come to us; they never see anything on the horizon. there are no mountains or large forests, they are simply in shock. the simultaneous record of the archist resort today is 11. 800 people per day per day, the movements are light, feminine, like a swan and as sharp and clear as an eagle. my mother sent me to dance as a child, but i always wanted to go to wrestling. you need to stir up a person to make it easier to do techniques, it seems to me that this is how boys and girls in the seventh grade dance at discos, let's go, the premiere, tomorrow at the first one. in creative families there is such a sign:
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family project. two stars. fathers and sons. in sunday on the first. when i entered the room, i saw my notebook there. i started leafing through this book and there i found notes that tanya had made when everyone was dying, here are our relatives. little tanya savicheva made her day. first entry, bombs are falling terribly. she did not come down from
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her apartment, here, to this bomb-proof school, very pale, very thin, very weak. all the toys lay face down and were covered with a black rag. they asked me what it was, i told them, they died of hunger. aunt dusya, when he left for work, she locked the room and tanya sat on the stairs. the last one to see tanya. this is vasya krylov, when i say that tanya saevich, my relative, some say that this is not true, tanya saevich all died, it almost brought me to tears, but we survived, in memory of tanya savicheva, blockade, children, on monday, on first, she believes that you are the main evil, yes, indeed, she thinks so, i watched from the very beginning this whole... story of mother and daughter, that is, i wrote to ekaterina, in
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principle, when we found her, initially wrote the person had a reaction, she urgently asked to call her, explained this by saying that yes, indeed, she was giving birth at that time on that date, but it so happened that the child died, as the doctors said, she was lying at the doctors’ feet, the doctors stomped on her just like that, miserably, she left there with nothing, all four of them. for years we tried to understand, it seemed like the emotions were sincere, well, really, we believed, initially we started communicating, then a letter came, this incomprehensible thing after some time, until christina met, and i understood that she wasn’t saying anything here, it just didn’t fit in at all, kristina is generally strong in character, very, she will never show that something somewhere is hurting her, but with me as a friend , she sometimes cries, every time she has one question, this is why, why? i have such a life, i was abandoned here, i was abandoned again and again, what did i do
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wrong, listen, and in relation to her you regard yourself as a friend, of course, only, only, i just want to show you the correspondence between christina and katya, and there is a piece just about communicating with you, maybe this will be useful for you in order to understand, put less pressure on her, i like to sit alone sometimes in the evening, especially with my suite. you can’t say much, sometimes there’s nothing to share with him, i don’t want to load him up, and he won’t understand, the most important thing is not to load him up, otherwise he’ll take him to the wrong place again, talk to olga, sometimes i can’t even talk to olya, because sometimes i want to talk out or ask for advice, and she starts with moralizing or something else, she sometimes she doesn’t even listen to the end, well, sometimes i need advice, not moralizing, and it’s so sickening, she... will add, it’s even worse,
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sometimes it feels like she has no one to teach, she decides to do it on me, me i really want to cry, scream, but who, a teacher, or who doesn’t understand any option, you have a friendly, understanding family, you are not just a mother for children, but a support friend, the person with whom you can talk, whatever your heart desires, with us also, all sorts of things have happened, but nothing has ever happened... a stranger from me to the children, it’s understandable that you’re like a i’m in another world, that’s not the right word, well , stay, no one is driving me away, i think olya and andrey won’t accept me back as before, i was on my own with you, i’m still worried what they’ll say, yes, i i teach her somewhere, i don’t deny it, yes, we had some situations and problems, she ’s looking for her mother, that’s why she has a friend older than her, but it’s logical.
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my grandparents have something to take, i ’ve never seen them in person, and you’re telling me about an inheritance or about the inheritance of your father, supposedly, who, as she told me, i’m hanging out with sleeve about your inheritance, maybe about this inheritance, what kind of inheritance your father has, and you ask, you ask your mother, i’m not out of nowhere now, but now you are talking about what kind of inheritance, i can’t understand, i i don’t understand, while your mother is alive, god grant her 100 years, no, the grandmother and the child have something that i don’t know who the mother is, i
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think that christina needs money now, which she has never had in 4 years i didn’t ask for any, i’m embarrassed to ask, but do you have them, we have... my mother and i don’t have them, but my grandmother and i have them grandpa, she knows, you yourself would have thought logically first, i’ve never seen them in person, i want to talk to olga, come on olga, after all, you don’t have money, well, i’m pretending, well, there’s no such money, right? what then is she claiming, and why then does she arrange all this, don’t you think that she just wants to know who her mother is, really, who is her mother, and not an inheritance, ol, she has... the right to know , who is her mother, but she came to us then, no, the question is simple, she has the right to know who her mother is, she has, why is your mother doing this? resists the dna test, because now christina did a very bad thing to her, and your mother, if she really is christina’s mother, when she left her in the maternity hospital it was not bad, i
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’m not talking to you now, but your mother, who abandoned a newborn child in his house, is bad . i acted towards her in such a situation that my mother did not bare her, and how do you know this, from the stories of my mother, and i know, but do you think that, based on christina’s stories, you can judge me and say that i am her gave up, so that's why we ask you to from the very beginning, i want to look at a woman who has just given birth to a child, doctors come to her, they say he died, she says sign and sign, that’s what i want. i asked to show me the child, to which they told me, then you’ll see, that’s it, well, i wouldn’t leave the maternity hospital until i saw it, but i left, that’s all, i’m telling you about this, why shouldn’t i believe it, listen, i
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’m telling you about this, it doesn’t matter to me, you shouldn’t believe it, i repeat again, i absolutely don’t care whether he’s alive or dead, but you abandoned child. abandoned the dead, listen, i can’t stand these lyrics, what’s important to me is not your sissy-pussy, inheritance, what she might inherit, maybe your parents’ apartment, where you used to live, maybe, but maybe, maybe, but where is this apartment now in chepetsk, in chepetsk, we visited the house where catherine’s apartment once was, let’s listen to what the neighbors say, right? they said that there was something wrong with her apartment, some kind of mortgage and something of hers, in general, in short, she was in such a sense that it was as if, and so she would always say hello, she will talk, she will regret it, in this sense, a kind person, for her, who evicted her, she did not pay money for the apartment, they told me that they seized
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the rent for him, and this is the apartment that her father gave her, right, well, yes, but her father does not poor after all. the bailiffs came and said, let's go as soon as you are understood, so they told us that they took this apartment from her for non-payment of loans or something, well, in general, for loans for non-payment, and before that she actually boasted that her father worked for her -she was the boss and she was placed there, and we decided that she just lives in... and they confiscated her for debts, she left, but she immediately stopped communicating with everyone and left unexpectedly, like a fool , they took away her two-room apartment for debts and where will he now live, well, then it’s not her mom and dad who will leave her, i think that everything is fine, but the parents are really wealthy, they were very respected people who worked for the system, but
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this is not an apartment at all , this is your apartment, but this is not your parents’ apartment, this is your apartment , which you took from you for debts, all the neighbors told us about it, that for your reaction is so strange, well, because it’s a little wrong, but how? well, this is already my business, but they didn’t take her for debts, we had a slightly different situation there, we and we all fled from there, from this apartment, but it’s no longer yours, well, i received money for it, i sold everything, come on let's watch an interesting video, we tried to find out about christina about the fate of the guardianship authorities, but the matter is old, the employees have all changed, but our editors are not lazy and found the former head of the authorities. and this is what she told us: christina was dissatisfied with the failure of her parents, she was adopted, she was a member of the family, she was deprived
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of parental rights, and for what? because she ran away, didn’t study, and the like, she ended up in a boarding school. yes, firstly, the whole point is that since christina behaved this way, of course they were brought to administrative responsibility through the kdn. yeah, of course, they registered it. the rent is coming for the apartment we gave out, a one-room, full-fledged apartment, it has to be paid, no one is paying there, yeah,
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the debts are coming, now for some reason they think that this woman owes her everything, that is, she wants to claim this on an equal basis with all children, someone simply advised her, because christina even said, yes , they are like that, they can’t share with me, i say, but what do they owe you, here she is my mother, i say, you are daughter, and she immediately... this consumer line began, at first they received it very well, and then they were simply shocked, she hardly needs her here, a mother is like a mother , no, no, i definitely brought it, it’s absolutely false, we don’t even have conversations it was, on the contrary, she was talking about her, that katya asked once, what if she wants money there, do i want to get money from them, i say what kind of money, she said, but they have some kind of money there garage? this is all untrue and 1/4 i have a document right sledstrina wanted to refuse in favor of the brother of the adoptive
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parents to give this 1/4 they called the standard. both those older and those younger fell in love with her, the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem, she could not overcome one thing, an illness that turned out to be incurable, i didn’t leave her one step at all, i slept next to her, the way she perceived changes in appearance was very painful, we hung mirrors, hid only in the darkness, she hated the light, she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very top success, it was hell for the family, but after death it’s that...
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exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow on the first. why are you so afraid, look, he’s probably 200 years old, and if he’s a maniac, you like to pick on people, it seems to me that they got rid of some kind of thing here thunderstorm, i love him, and i don’t need anyone else, conqueror of women’s hearts, without a single defeat, did they insist on the wedding for a long time? parents, they are delighted with my husband and his activities, there will be no future that you so repeatedly draw for us, i can
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tell our readers about our first time, a film by alexander baluev, a hotel, a premiere, a super-camera movie about understatement between people , which arises and smolders inside for years, a black shadow in the hidden depths of the soul. for me , this is the movie of a man who needed to speak out, about people who want to speak out, tomorrow is the first, i love these resort parties, bars, restaurants, music, sun, dancing until the morning, we live on vibrations of noise, so we don’t even notice anymore, welcome bodrum, there is a stereotype such that turkish men are walking, this is not a national trait, there are men all over the world who love...
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the lives of others premiere on sunday on the first, since you passed the polygraph test, yeah, i want to call oleg baryshev here so that he can tell , what are the results? i saw it in this test and didn’t say anything. "hello, hello, oleg, hello, kind, let 's start with christina, let's start with christina, yes, getting an inheritance or eating it, that's the goal, why does she want dna so much, is she fighting for the inheritance, or really just wants to find out who her mother is , well, in the first place, finding out who her
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mother is, that’s in the first place, that’s the most reliable.”
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feels driven into a corner, having a strong character, she resists this, resists with all methods, someone said, that she has a very similar character to yours, they both have a strong character to one degree or another, a scythe on a stone, the same, yes, she doesn’t want to give up, she doesn’t want to give up either, she’s not lying, she’s afraid, she’s afraid, although in she doesn’t admit it, she’s afraid, she’s afraid that something will be taken away from her, she’s not afraid of the results of the dough, in the sense that mother is not a mother, she’s afraid that these results will entail something , not the test itself, something what, well, will leave her without money, olga, what role does she play in this whole story? olga, she's very a lot, she is, in principle, the cause of this conflict, because there is too much of her, and you heard how she teaches christina, not everything
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works out. through christina’s brain, this layering of these, well, boards, plates of deformed, distorted, ultimately goes here, such a madhouse, if christina had communicated with her alleged biological mother without an outsider, everything would be fine, yes, everything would be , everything would be different, but about dad, about dad, i want to know, ekaterina tells truthfully about dad, yes, she gives information, that is, christina’s dad died, she he's not lying. she’s not lying, she talks reliably about him and, in principle, with the help of a polygraph you can confirm that she is ready to give all the information about her dad who has gone to another world, and is ready to be constructive in this, just don’t drive her into a corner, we have dna test, and i’ll voice it now, whether you like it or not, because after this nothing will change in your relationship, well, at least where?


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