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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  June 28, 2024 6:00pm-6:41pm MSK

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the situation is undoubtedly more contrary to the will of washington than thanks to it. yes , i would advise washington to hold such debates more often, more often, because the world watches and sees what the united states is, and candidates in the american elections should criticize each other worse, because the world also hears all this, and for it this is all sounds very very convincing. the united states is gradually losing its attractive image. serious political force, and even more so some kind of democracy or military power, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. we pass the word to the news, all the best, goodbye, see you next week. hello, there is evening news on channel one. andrey
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ukharev is with you. the russian army liberated the razdolovka. news from the ministry of defense and reporting from the front line. our mstas galubitz destroyed the american abrams with one shot. just one dropper and the disease, which was considered incurable, will begin to recede. elividis. the most expensive medicine in the world is now available in russia, thanks to the circle of good foundation. so many people want to vote that it was decided to extend the work of polling stations. iran is choosing a new president, and the whole world is watching closely. biden managed to hold out until the end, but at times he did not understand what was happening. the states are discussing the results of the debate, which even the democrats called trump the winner. the beginning of a new life. there are proms all over russia, the brightest holiday in st. petersburg - the symbol of which brick russia with scarlet sails will show everything on channel one.
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the aromas are pleasing to the eye. gum turned into a huge greenhouse, a flower festival opened there, hurry up to see and take colorful photos. but at the beginning of the footage, which we received shortly before our broadcast, vladimir putin is communicating via video link with graduates of the sixth stream of the personnel management reserve program at the senizh workshop. over the years of existence of the school of governors, the president emphasized. it has proven its effectiveness.
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there is a lot of demand for school graduates and governors, i know that a number of participants in your sixth cohort, while still in the process of studying before graduation, received a new appointment they will be able to prove in practice what they are capable of, i am sure that you will not look for easy ways for yourself, you are needed where it is most difficult, where there are real management ones. and
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of course, school graduates and governors themselves , during their conversation with the president, talked about what has already been done in the regions and what is yet to come, ties with the chairman of the government of the donetsk people's republic, we are installing facilities, educational facilities and healthcare facilities, and here, of course, you are right , the best practices that were and the best teachers in the country, it was our ministers who spoke, that positive experience, all the good things that exist in russia.
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i count on you to make every effort to do everything necessary, of course, today, when the tasks that i mentioned have not yet been resolved, namely in the field of security, it is much more difficult to solve other issues, but this is a challenge , including for you, and for other regional managers, for your entire team. the russian army liberated the village. discord in the donetsk people's republic, about it today reported to the ministry of defense. ours are gradually moving forward in all areas of special operations, the enemy suffers huge losses in a week, almost 14,000 militants were destroyed, a lot of military equipment was also destroyed, including western production, six haimers launchers, as well as
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the loading vehicle for them, foreign mercenaries who provided them application. and today the ministry of defense showed footage of the destruction of the us-made mlrs multiple launch rocket system. after monitoring the movement of the installation, the operators opened the hangar, in which there were also maintenance specialists. the strike was carried out by the iskander complex. objective control means recorded the destruction of the target and repeated detonation. also , two ukrainian mik-29s were shot down in the sky, and high-precision strikes destroyed nato ammunition depots and the airfield infrastructure that was being prepared for the f-16. from june 22 to 28 by the armed forces of the russian federation. 17 group strikes were carried out with precision weapons by attack unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which enterprises supporting the work were hit military-industrial complex of ukraine, energy facilities, infrastructure of military airfields, logistics centers, accumulation of weapons transferred to the armed forces
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of ukraine by western countries, as well as assembly shops and storage sites for attack unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned boats, temporary deployment points along... and another proof that nato equipment burns well on the battlefield. donetsk people's republic. our fighters are gradually shifting the front, direction towards west of ocheredin. the enemy decided to try his luck by putting another american abrams, the main tank of the us army, on the battlefield. it was destroyed by the first hit. the crew of the msta self-propelled howitzer tried their best. these burn armored vehicles and...
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they decided to work with krasnopol, this is a guided artillery shell, when approaching it corrects the trajectory exactly according to the illumination of the laser beam, this time the target was marked from a drone, here is an aerial video of the flight of the projectile with an accurate hit, which tank was hit then no one did not specify, the crew learned that destroyed only the next day, when intelligence confirmed everything, they were sitting at the table , they seemed to be getting ready to eat, they went out on the radio. they say they read on the internet before that the american tank has thick armor, this time one salvo was enough, usually one and then, if necessary, it finishes it off with shrapnel, they were all focused, they said, everything is no longer needed, everything
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is fine, well, it looks like it burned out , to burn enemy equipment for this crew, of course, not for the first time the account of destroyed western weapons was opened last year, then an american artillery mount was hit. 777, not even with krasnopol, but with conventional high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. according to the commander, the key to success is a well-coordinated team, the crew is like a family, almost everyone has been here from the very beginning of the special operation, except for the gunner with the call sign code. he’s a volunteer, he says, he didn’t wait for the summons, the military registration and enlistment office came himself. the father supported, he said, you want, he says, go your choice, i, he says, don’t mind, and then my mother also began to support, she resigned herself, well, everything is fine, we are proud now, of course. well , i think i need it, i’m here, you see, it’s not in vain it turned out that they had already received the bonus equally for each, they say it’s nice that their work was noted, by the way, there is enough of it now, the front in their direction continues to confidently move forward. sergey panomariov, roman serebrennikov and sergey suvorov, channel one. the head
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of the ministry of defense andrei belousov instructed the general staff to make a proposal for rapid response measures to the increasing frequency of us provocations over the black sea. it's about. about the constant flights of american drones, such as global howe, not only do they supply intelligence information and targets of ukrainian formations, and their constant patrolling creates a threat. air incidents. the russian ministry of defense notes the increased intensity of flights of us strategic unmanned aerial vehicles over the black sea, which carry out reconnaissance and target designation of high-precision weapons supplied to the armed forces of ukraine by western states to strike russian targets. this indicates the increasing involvement of the united states and nato countries in the conflict in ukraine is on the side of the kiev regime. such flights greatly increase the likelihood of incidents in the airspace . with aircraft of the russian aerospace forces, which increases the risk of direct confrontation between the alliance
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and the russian federation. nato countries will be responsible for this. the most expensive medicine in the world is now available in russia. elevidis is a drug that is vital for patients with duchenne muscular dystrophy. just one dropper is enough, and the disease, which was considered incurable, will begin to retreat. our country is one of the first where drugs are approved for purchase, all thanks to the circle of good foundation. it was created on the initiative of the president to support children with rare orphan diseases. olga pautova will continue the topic. come on, i'll listen to you. arsen is a serious guy beyond his years; he, of course, does not know all the specifics of his condition, but he already seems to understand that this day should change his life. although we are also worried along with you. all because this boy is being given a drug that will help him cope with a deadly disease. duchenne, it so happens that the diagnosis, except in exceptional cases, threatens only boys. boys have
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a chromosome set of 46xy, girls have 46x. and if a boy gets a sick x chromosome from his mother, he doesn’t have a second safety chromosome, instead he has a y chromosome, so the boy will be sick. due to a broken gene, the muscles gradually stop working, but the insidiousness of the diagnosis is that at first it is not noticeable, until the child is 3-4 years old and may look absolutely healthy. manifests itself in colossal weakness, it’s easy for him to get up, sit down, well, some basic actions are quite difficult, all our walks, mostly i have to carry him in my arms, he asks all the time when i want to jump better, when everyone in the kindergarten is jumping, jumping, but he can’t, if nothing don’t do it, the disease will eventually take away all of arsen’s strength, he will not be able to walk, eat on his own, and then breathe, without medicine, such patients die before reaching 30 years old, playing in the car, father and son seem to be allowing themselves to dream about the future for the first time . now that there are hopes that he will
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driving, of course, is already hard to even imagine . at this time, doctors are already preparing for the procedure: the drug was delivered to the russian children's clinical hospital frozen , the temperature during transportation is strictly below 60°. these ampoules contain almost a magic medicine - elividis. this is what the drug looks like. the drug is individually calculated based on the child’s weight and prepared. directly, targeted for each patient, one dropper is enough, and the disease, which was previously considered incurable, will begin to recede, with with the help of the drug ellividis, it became possible to introduce the missing gene using an adenoviral vector and this gene appears in a sick child, and the protein that is responsible for the work of the mouse begins to work fully, such an incredible effect and costs, accordingly, 260 million rubles. or the most expensive medicine in the world, 2 seconds more expensive than the already well-known zalgensma,
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which has become a salvation for children with spinal muscular atrophy. russia is one of the first countries in which the drug became available and available free of charge, thanks to state foundation circle of good. its budget is formed due to an increased tax rate for those whose annual income is more than 5 million rubles. this is a story without analogues in the world with the support of the president of the russian federation, the ministry of health of russia, drugs at the borders for 6 years. arsen will turn six in a week, and this is the best gift
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not only for his birthday, but for the rest of his life. at the last moment, when they announced such an opportunity, it, of course, stunned me, turned everything upside down in my head, it can’t be called anything other than a miracle. well, let's start, no scary? the procedure is painless, but you need to lie under a drip for 3 hours, while the medicine literally fills arsen’s body with vitality, we will introduce you to another boy. and artyom is a very business-like and independent guy, you can’t tell by his movements that his hands are gradually no longer obeying him, every day he himself reminds his parents about gymnastics to train his muscles and they ask them not to help him when... he puts them on, he only takes his mother’s hand on the stairs, your legs are already giving out, and previously this process was considered irreversible, by the age of 10 such children sat in a stroller, artyom will turn six in august, and if everything is in order with his tests, very soon he and his mother will go to moscow to introduce this kind of disease, it is very well camouflaged, he is active, cheerful,
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loves to play , he is sociable, i want him to be healthy, for him to have friends, we all... will always support him, and arsen’s example gives such families great hope, that’s it, arsen, the procedure is over, how are you feeling, okay you feel that you certainly shouldn’t expect an immediate effect, but for the first time in a long time, arsen’s condition will become better day by day, which means that he has a happy childhood ahead of him and a whole life that he can take into his strong, strong hands. olga pautova, daria rybakova, sergey mukhin, natalya sidorova and magomed amirkhanov, channel one. minsk is one of moscow’s key economic partners; last year alone, trade turnover increased by more than 5% to a record 46.5 billion dollars, about this in his video message to the participants of the forum of russian regions of belarus vladimir putin spoke. in january, in st. petersburg, the head of state recalled, together with the president of belarus alexander lukashenko, a new strategy
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for the scientific and technological development of the union state was approved. russia and belarus will implement a number of joint high-tech projects, for example, the ural civil aviation plant and the aircraft repair plant in the belarusian baranovichi are working together to create a light multi-purpose aircraft. enterprises of moscow and st. petersburg, moscow and leningrad regions, as well as minsk and the minsk region, have established cooperation. regional research centers and design bureaus in russia and belarus are working together to design the orbital and ground components of earth observation satellite constellations for navigation. the creation
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of high-tech enterprises at the local level may be the most promising. cooperation between the regions of russia and belarus is the framework of the union state; it makes our countries stronger. the speaker of the council spoke about this today federation valentina matvienko. she is now in vitebsk taking part in a forum together with her colleague.
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now in iran, where there are early presidential elections today, polling stations were supposed to close about half an hour ago, but their work was extended. observers record a high turnout, tehran is especially active in voting. then, as the country makes its choice, the whole world watches closely. according to experts, the results of this campaign are difficult to predict, however, no matter which candidate wins, one thing, according to political scientists, will remain unchanged, the course to develop relations with moscow. from iran, reporting by dmitry kochitkov. choose taxi
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music, there are long queues from early morning. there are a lot of people wanting to vote in the center of tehran.
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it is absolutely clear, well, it responds to the national line pursued by the supreme leader, clearly, to the interests of iran, because we must jointly fight sanctions, we must jointly fight
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against attempts to isolate our countries, we must jointly resist military-political pressure, if no one today gets more than 50%, in islamic republic will celebrate july 5th the second round of elections, in which the two candidates who received the largest number of votes, dmitry kochitkov, will take part. mikhail ardyukhin, mikhail kunitsin and zulfiya khakimova. first channel tehran. panic and at the same time despondency in the camp of the democrats. this is exactly how one can characterize the mood of joe biden’s supporters after the debate with donald trump. at the end of the broadcast, the survey showed the breakdown of viewers' sympathies. 67% against 33 in favor of the former president. and this is data from cnn, which has never been known for its sympathy for trump. the glorious duel eventually resulted in a stream of mutual insults and... without cheat sheets biden, who was already confused in his words, completely floated, giorgi alisashvili watched carefully. in a debate that may have changed the course of the race, joe
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biden's closest allies publicly acknowledged for the first time that the president looks unconvinced. it was painful. i love joe biden, i worked for him, but he failed at all. i don't think the debate can be called joe biden's finest hour. he's had a rough evening. although biden's campaign assured him all week that the president has almost no public events, because he prepares intensively. a debater could pause to catch his breath, and that's not counting two commercials. everything took place without spectators, joe biden’s team insisted on empty stands, the place was cnn, a platform where they never say anything good about donald trump. if you look at the rules of debate like this, it seems that they were originally drawn up in a significant way. but from the very beginning, it seemed that the incumbent president was not in his element. biden spoke hoarsely, sometimes even stuttering to mumbling. by contrast, trump was cheerful and
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energetic. we started with the economy and the growing inflation in the united states. biden's team is spending money like a group of people who don't know what they are doing. and they don't know. this is perhaps the worst administration in our history. all he has done is turn us into a third world country. and it's just a shame how much damage he caused. responding to this, biden hesitantly lowered his eyes to where the crib sheets usually lie, which were not there this time. we continue to strengthen our healthcare system, carefully ensuring that every person has access to what i was able to do with covid. sorry, dealing with everything we've had to deal with, look, if we finally figure out the insurance program for... thank you president biden, mr. trump? well, he's screwed up this senior program to the point where it's already dead. nbc sources say biden
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has a cold. the debut is clearly trump's, the president is floating under a hail of accusations, like a boxer who missed a punch, even kamela haris admitted that the start was slow. saving situation, the owner of the white house is confused about the facts, under him the states are experiencing a historic influx of migrants, there has never been so much, but biden believes that, on the contrary, he has restored order. under my watch, the number of illegal immigrants crossing the border decreased by 40%. and i will continue until we achieve a complete ban. comprehensive legislation on what we can do is more border patrols, more asylum agents. i really don't understand what he was talking about in that last sentence, i guess he himself does not understand. the topic of ukraine is the first in the international block. trump states that kiev will not see victory, but calls the main reason, quote: biden’s stupid decision.
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he wants to restore what was part of the soviet empire, do you think he will stop at ukraine, but what will happen to poland, belarus, nato countries? one can, of course, guess whether the american leader has confused the soviet union with the russian empire, and what exactly putin wants to restore, and as for insults, trump got much more of it. at this point the debate completely lost their meaning. i visited the cemetery of those killed in the second world war, in the first world war, where he refused.
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at the debate. policy. democrats are shocked by biden's performance at the debate. biden is baked. as soon as the debate ended, jel biden appeared on stage to help her husband overcome the symbolic steps. the feast program after the performance was thought out in advance. visit to the candidate's office, order for biden. and then a meeting with supporters, at which the first lady’s optimism seemed frankly strained. joe, you're great done, you answered all the questions. you knew all the facts, let me ask the audience what trump did, he lied, all the polls give trump the victory in the debate by a wide margin, all day today the democratic political scientists are saying what the republicans have been saying for years. joe biden looked like a caricature that the conservative media came up with for him, no editing, you saw everything with your own eyes, and it’s not about what i
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myself think about it.
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rivers, views, lambs, guys from the concrete jungle usually come to us, they have there are never any mountains or large forests on the horizon, they are simply in shock, the record of the arkhist resort today is 11,800 people, in one day, the movements are light, feminine, like a swan, and as sharp, clear as an eagle, i have a mother when i was a child, i took her to dances, and i always wanted to go to wrestling, you need to motivate a person so that... first, this year zhanna frisky found it easier to do a routine, it seems to me that this is how boys and girls in the seventh grade dance at discos, let's go, premiere tomorrow at
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50, she was called the standard of female beauty, both those older and those younger fell in love with her, the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem, she could not overcome one thing, the disease, which turned out to be incurable, did not go away at all, i slept next to her . how did she perceive the changes in appearance? very painful, we covered the mirrors, she hid only in the darkness, she hated the light. she hoped, fought, but burned out at the very pinnacle of success. it was hell for my family. but after death this hell continued: money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father vladimir friske. if we hadn’t trusted this person, it might have been at least another six months? lived, our exclusive life after life, jeanne, i keep saying, guys, what will happen will be, and it can’t be avoided, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow on the first, well, comrades, we are ready
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to make a world revolution in fashion , that’s what, volodya, sergeevich, you don’t look like trotsky , no matter how much you want, we all know why you’re really here. settled down, tanya, no offense let's say, i don't understand what she has that i don't have, you're a wonderful girl, everything will be fine with you, it's not your fault that we're breaking up, i just didn't immediately understand what i really needed , subtle matters, on sunday on the first, what is this? the general was not generous with the bouquet, he was generous, the bouquet is at the dacha, this is from me, you watch the evening news on the first, and we
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continue, a special day for everyone who graduated from school this year, graduation balls are thundering across the country, a crucial period is behind us, exams, a little more and a new stage, step into adulthood, and when they say goodbye to school, the kids thank their teachers, take photos as souvenirs, and, of course, talk about their dreams. vladimir putin congratulated the graduates on an important event in their lives. the most important thing is to realize your calling, find a job you like, then you will be able to cope with the most difficult tasks, and your achievements will inspire others. just as our great and outstanding ancestors became an example for you. contemporaries who have demonstrated themselves brightly and worthily in their studies, creativity, work, and sometimes in difficult tests. and, of course, the main support for every person is family. i am sure that you
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will continue all the best family traditions, and together you will be able to build the future that you dream about today. i would like to sincerely wish you all success. accomplishments, outstanding achievements, victories, happy holiday to you, be happy. a grandiose holiday is already traditionally awaiting. graduates in st. petersburg, alya and sails is one of the most spectacular shows in the world, which has been awarded many prestigious awards. concert, colorful fireworks and, of course, walking along the neva majestic brik russia. tens of thousands of children from different regions will see all this and will carry these memories throughout their lives. the first audience will have the opportunity to admire the performance. our channel will show everything live. don't miss the start at 0:40 moscow time. graduates were lucky with the weather this year, the forecast is truly summer, in
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moscow in the coming days it will be hot, up to 32° on saturday, thunderstorms are possible on sunday, at night in the capital the temperature will not be lower than 17°, in st. petersburg it will be even higher 20. like this a gift from nature to yesterday's schoolchildren: the weather danger level in the capital is orange, city services have been put on high alert, and due to the heat , roads in the city are watered every 3 hours to prevent asphalt deformation. at bus stations , passengers are given free water; in this weather you need to drink it as often as possible; it is better not to go out into the sun without hats. gum these days has turned into a huge greenhouse, a flower festival has opened there, bright flower beds everywhere, varieties for every taste and color not only pleasing to the eye, but stunning with aromas, roses, peonies, gartensias and more, now this will become another popular place for beautiful summer photographs, our correspondent, with delicate buds of flowers , the exact number is known - 227.
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we need very natural things, we need them in the summer , when summer has finally arrived and we want smiles, freshness, short sleeves, and we really want flowers, because just paving stones are certainly meaningful, but well... we need more of it, planted with ornaments, diamonds in groups, almost chaotic spots , a flower forest among the stones, it seems that this is the work of magicians, it is true, they appear in the dead of night, every night our professional gardeners come to us, who precisely water our plants, also feed them, fertilize them and do minimal cleaning, cherries on the cake, more precisely, marigolds are planted near the walls of the gumu by people famous not only for their passion for floristry.
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the country mood of the hosts of the good morning program, their positivity multiplied by the velvet of flowers gives birth to the most tender images from childhood. for you know me, this is such a symbol of youth, you know, the first love of youth, fifth grade, but there is no money, where can i get a flower, of course, from my grandmother at the dacha, grandma, you of course have a long life, good health, she gives me peonies, dahlias , like they are also, marigolds, probably yes. 30 minutes next to
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flowers can not only lift your mood, change your inner world, paint them, fill them with color, you can’t argue with that, but they should grow everywhere, from tiles, from concrete, from stones, everything, they should grow everywhere, because if there won't be, there won't be them, there won't be anything, there won't be anything, so let them grow, they say a sea of ​​flowers, a sea of ​​flowers, now it's clear what it looks like, what it's like, and how wonderful it is to stay away, just watch... that's all for now, we are monitoring the development of events, well, right now on the first one, watch the program "man is the law."
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the preliminary lineups for the exhibition match, in which russian hockey players, have become known.


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