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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 29, 2024 2:35am-3:21am MSK

2:35 am
the price tag on it has already gone up, but where is it, who? where is my guitar? it was bought this morning by who? ifim, you no longer work here, this is confidential information, i am not obliged to answer your questions, what are you not obliged to do? sempechka, please don't. leave the change for candy, fireworks, roman yuryevich, you are a strange guy, of course, today we have an analysis of the key riffs of the magic group, you robbed someone yesterday, luiza vasilievna, i’m very busy now, i need to know, this is crazy
2:36 am
luza vasilievna strong, hello, hello, efim is here, yes, what do you want? i need, i need to get something from him. can i pass? come in, good evening, 20:00, the lesson was recorded, yes.
2:37 am
we sorted out the camera, maybe you need help, i came for the horn, or should i brainstorm, okay, tomorrow i’ll come for a new lesson, please respond to roman yuryevich’s message, fireworks, analysis of a song in tatters, a kind request when analyzing a song in tatters play as slowly as possible, bringing the guitar closer to the camera, okay, i’ll bring it closer to you, i hope it will be so close, when analyzing , show in detail the movement of your fingers, describe
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the principle of creating a party, but there is no principle here, you got me to hell, as i will describe to you, the principle, as i will describe the principle to you, why the hell did i even sign up for this, oligarchs are composers, well, it looks like you have found a common language with roman yuryevich, you answer him quite promptly, in general he is satisfied, in general, well... yes, there are nuances, he, of course, understands that you are not used to telephone correspondence, so he asks you to answer in writing by hand, so as not to overload the video tutorials with unnecessary comments , i prepared it here, let’s bite it, roman yurievich is here i also wrote questions for the first lesson, you can answer tomorrow, and in the evening i will come for the answers, goodbye.
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what brand of strings were used, what kind of amplifier combo, why is the chorus at the end of the song based on what principle, fuck yes, yes, a complete mandil.
2:40 am
yes, okay, i understood you, all the best, goodbye, that’s it, no,
2:41 am
no, not that’s all. good evening, again, did you forget something? no, that is, yes, i wanted to ask, there will be a good movie on at the weekend, it’s not far from you, literally 5 minutes, i thought maybe you could do it, alec, thanks for invitation, but i can’t do it on saturday. then maybe on sunday? roman and i have a lot to do right now, i just can’t remember, i understand, have a good evening, alek, who are you, ravenkovsky athletes,
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we’re going to the olympics, let’s be honest, what did you forget there, well, kolya wants to try french cuisine , try a frog. compare kvn: fourth quarter-final, tomorrow after the program time. the man got so drunk that he woke up in another city. the final station isintuki. perfect. the donkey did not like living in a shared apartment with a goat a heifer, so he made a firm man's decision to move in with the bull. in cartoons we are shown donkeys that are so sad, really. very characteristic, if he’s offended, then he’s offended, if he’s happy, then he’s just happy, i’ve seen a lot of dogs, so this is definitely a bear, everyone is very good-natured, they treat them with love, an intelligent animal, just strong and fast, beautiful, you you understand everything, mega-
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well-mannered, very friendly, good-natured, but when theo, my son, came into our lives, we introduced him correctly, saw the video, watch with us the premiere is on sunday on the first. alec, i told you so. hello, i'm your neighbor downstairs. look, you were flooding me. man, you can talk to me, check the screens, we have a stream. okay, stay here and check it out. and i'm standing. check it out thoroughly. raman, ramana juricha.
2:44 am
oh, brother, raman yuriyvich, where? i’m roman yuryevich, i must admit, i didn’t expect that our meeting would take place, so, i checked everything, our taps are not leaking, aunt tamara, meet efim alexandrov, my teacher, do you have alcohol, homemade wine, it’ll do,
2:45 am
efim, i understand your reaction to my peculiarity. but i was born this way, yes, cerebral palsy, i’ve never encountered anything like this, what? everything has its time, to be honest, i didn’t want you to see me like this, otherwise you would have immediately refused, listen, how will you play, that is, how can i teach you, you can, i’m a diligent student.
2:46 am
such a story came out, your roma hired me to teach me how to play the guitar, the thing is that i did n’t know who i was teaching, this is the first time i’ve seen him, this alik, he hid everything from me, but the thing is that i have never taught anyone, especially children, and especially, i will not take such responsibility, you know, but i will return all the money. “i learned the riffs from the second lesson,
2:47 am
well done, okay, quit, i’ll go, i’ll go, i have to go, efim, yes. before we say goodbye forever, let me show you my room, you know, time is short now, 5 minutes , this is actually my home, my studies and my work, yeah,
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in our country i’m in first place in the team competitions in the second world championship , so i can earn enough money, as you can see? pay for your lessons? i also have my own channel, where i have more than 2 million subscribers, so from the financial side, as you can see, i have no problems, i know what i want in life, so what, you want to finish school, go to college , open your own it company and get married, a great plan, i’ll be honest with you, i don’t like your music,
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i don’t like vanel, but here she is, she loves, she’s crazy about your band magic, she’ll be my wife, yes, uh-huh, well, congratulations, yes, only she doesn’t know about it yet, but... what is it stopping you from telling her? is it so unclear? yes, we have a joint education system at school, but it’s normal, and i show up at school once a week, the rest of the time i’m either at home or at procedures, we don’t communicate, well, you know, it doesn’t matter, you’re a nice guy , approached her there. joked, pulled something, i soberly assess the situation, but to put it mildly, i ’m not her type, but i can’t buy her, she’s not
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like that, well, surprise, surprise, yes, pay attention, make you look at yourself differently someone else, i can do it, well, go ahead, without unfortunately, you won't be able to. over there, efim, is my school, in six months we are handing out certificates, i’m going to perform a song for it, a song that is written in your style. perform a few of your signature tricks on the guitar, they called you a wizard for this, right? yes, it was a long time ago, i need to understand the principle of constructing your songs and solo parts, then i will be able to calculate my own song, my friend, well, songs are not calculated, anyway, in our world it’s all just mathematics, and it’s stupid to call something a miracle a principle, what you just don't know, but i
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i want to know your principle, i told you, i don’t have any principles, efim, you just never attached any importance to this before. and i need your assistance, please understand me, okay, no more video lessons, no correspondence, only 2 hours a week show me everything, no responsibility, all fees remain in force, yes, money for me, money for me, please, novel , please, well, well, romance, difi! you really want to marry her, right? tomorrow i have school, but at 20:00 i’m waiting for you here, now excuse me, i have work, a match
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begins. but why these outings is a novel, you can study at home, you can, but you also need to be walked, very funny, alik. don’t go see the wizard today, he’ll come to us himself, the plan has changed, everything’s fine, yes, just remind him of this, well, you don’t like him, he’s some kind of the best, novel, be careful, what do
2:53 am
you want tamara, we agreed . until the evening, i ’m probably already an adult, nothing will happen to him, it wasn’t you who made the promise to his mother, it’s not you who will fulfill it, i just wanted to say that he’s much stronger than you think, tamar, olik, you see him three times a week, and i’m with him every day, i know better what he’s like, of course, you’re right, i didn’t... mean to offend you, forgive me, and forgive me for yesterday’s invitation, i it was nice, well , you understand everything, let’s not talk about it anymore, of course we won’t, remember not long ago,
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although so long ago. spring meadow, everyone is laughing, it doesn’t matter what mom says to us when we arrive, still drunk in the late afternoon, while the stars and many friends are with us, lost island , drink as much as you can sing, fall to the ground, lie down on my chest. look at the great fire, i don’t dare to sleep, i don’t dare to sleep.
2:55 am
hello, efir, this is alek. i remind you of the lesson with roman, which will take place in an hour. i beg you, not dangerous. hello, great, well, are you ready, uh-huh, ready. so, i’m showing you today, the song is in rattle, that’s right, i wanted to ask, where is your old guitar, the old one, well, your
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magic wand with which you performed at concerts, so chameleon-like, forget it, listen, the song in drebez is played on one chord, but on different frets, yeah, first course, yeah, on the open strings, here you hold the bottom string a little, on the open string, here the open string, the second quart, you hold it down, so here are the three upper strings, no, not like that, not like that, slowly, look, no, not like that , do it slower, now, now, but not like that, now, well, sorry, sorry,
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everything is fine, oh, that's it, time is up, classes are over, okay, fireworks, goodbye, press the button.
2:58 am
efim, did you forget to turn it off again?
2:59 am
another finger here, roma, well, i showed you. wow, what a shame at your mother, what kind of hands are those, why are you stupid? you can’t play just one chord, that’s it, okay, that’s enough for today, we still have half an hour, then i’ll have it.
3:00 am
i don’t know what to drink to, it’s already eight lessons, when will he understand that this is pointless, and nature is unfair, what? the whole world is unfair, that's all, i'll go tell him everything,
3:01 am
that's enough. so roman yuryevich, yes. well done, well done, high five, born, no matter how important, everyone gets sick.
3:02 am
suvav once is not dependent on the days and we cannot leave, we cannot hide, we are all in the same hospital, we are lying, but there is no desire to be healed, millions of patients, millions, this is magic, it’s so strange what’s happening, the drugs don’t work, all we find is a new virus for you, from happiness to fear, we follow each other, we’re all sick of each other, millions and sick,
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3:04 am
and now there’s this movement, look, i’m slowly showing , come on, no, no, from the third, yes, uh-huh, well, look, i’ll show you again, look, slowly, look.
3:05 am
sorry, rom, everything is fine, yes, but what is it? well i do not know. efim, classes are over. ah, well then, see you the day after tomorrow, right? no. i won't study anymore, why? i don’t want, which means i don’t want, which means i don’t want i want it, so,
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ro, what are you doing? well, what are you saying, everything was just as good, what happened, how good is it, i have a month left, nothing is working out, but are you crazy? you did everything perfectly, roma, many envied you, what are you doing? yes , there are many, efim, there are many, just like me, my plan was moronic, what are you, moronic, why didn’t you dissolve it, uh, roman yuryevich, the boss can’t behave like that. okay, let's go, where, go, i 'll show you something, right now, i don't want to, come on, let's go, let's go, alik is not at home, yes we don’t need it, alik, let’s go on our own, so don’t
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be afraid, yeah, hold me tighter. if something is wrong, hit me on the back with your hand, understand? yes, well, let's go, slow down, slow down, okay. what's wrong, hello, lev petrovich is there,
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tell me, jimmy hendrix has come to see him, who? jimmix, just say a minute, fin, where are we? look who came to us, the wizard, leva, and i was expecting you the day after tomorrow, but our plans
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have changed, we need you now, meet me, my student roman yuryevich, it’s very nice, i’ve heard a lot from you. what, go ahead, come on, roman yuryevich, this is not for you to play war games at home. well, let's take our seats, um, i'm not, not pissing. leva. you know that roman yuryevich is a professional tanker with us, that i’m not great, take the headset, you’ll be our commander, efim, and you, i’m a pacifist, let’s go!
3:10 am
i also ask you to immediately take me home, that i can’t hear you, you’re interrupted, gefim, you see the goal, dima, he’s not mine, or something else, it seems no, roman yurievich. we aim at the target, and now fire, fire, and you
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hit it, you really hit it. maybe one more time, as much as you like, choose the next target, so come on, come on, let's aim at the target, well, fire, fire, fire, hit, well done, miss yuryevich, let's do it again, load the next one, so, let's aim us, target, fire, fire,
3:12 am
i came to my senses, yeah, how did you, how did you even arrange all this, yes, we shot a video here in the nineties, leva, my great friend, kept asking me to write a song for his wife, but i wrote it, he started pestering me, let me ride in a tank, i refused all the time, well, here you are, a song for my wife, yes, well, you yourself are married, you were once, what’s her name
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what was your name? masha, come on, yes, just like mine, so they are your song in smithereens, right? well, yes, we immediately got married after her, and then, then, she didn’t... what happened? we were returning from the tour. i was driving with the musicians, and she was ahead in her car. accident. elk. it was snowing. there wasn't a damn thing to be seen. so she didn’t see it. on we stayed alive on beautiful yes, well, then
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he started drinking, got into a fight with the producer, with a moron, they kicked me out of the group, stopped writing. completely, it’s like the songs are over, everything, well, as you say, everything has its time, roma, you understand that we can’t shit ourselves, i understand, if you want to be your own mother, you shouldn’t back up, okay? so
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i’m tired of talking, lyova, bring some chacha, you feel sorry for yourself, what am i saying, you feel sorry for yourself, ifin, roma, i brought you here to bring you to your senses, not yourself, what about your feelings. so, my little friend, you got me, dima, we came for roman yuryevich, this is crap, this is crap, that’s it, let’s get off, oh, what’s up, everything is fine, yes, everything is fine, get into the car quickly. in general he is not fast
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maybe you deceived me, but i believed you, i entrusted my child to you, so if you show up at our house again, i’ll call the police, you should have at least warned me, alik. well, let's go have a drink, wizard, no, lyova, i'll go, thank you.
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3:20 am
hello. are they at home? entendu. est-ce que je peux rentrer? efim, hello, oh, how did you find me?


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