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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  June 29, 2024 6:00am-9:45am MSK

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perfection out of growth, so that it is better , this is the process, let's talk about the horrors of the future, but i think, i think i just loaded it at the end, this is just from what you just said, is it possible to assume that in the future, yes, a person will do without this intermediary, immediately generate your own images from your head, well, let’s say on some kind of canvas, i don’t know, well, in the digital sense, of course, there is actually research, i wouldn’t say that it’s... just it’s super there’s a lot of practice there and it’s actively used there, but there’s research that allows you to decode brain signals, that is, you know, they put uh, that means a reader of electrical signals in the head and, for example, it is possible there so that , without words from you, roughly speaking, they understand what you want, or you close your eyes, imagine like something, i don’t know, for example, some kind of palm tree, and you can decode the picture purely from brain signals at the moment you imagine it. that is
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, what did you, what did you really present, in general, neural networks do this too, others, they don’t they make a picture of the text, and based on these time series with a brain signal, they make a picture, the same one, in general, as if if you were connected to such electrodes , you can actually train a model that understands you without words and draws a picture, if you need to draw a picture, but the limitation of these models is that for each person there is...
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“if our digital images were created by artificial intelligence, it would be interesting to look at them, of course, our models and then lena thought, how would we could have looked, just like we have about this, oh, yezhkinko, who is this yezhkinkot, it’s okay, it’s some kind of oh, you know how kakidinsky sees us, yeah, yeah, wow, why did he make us look so young? ? look, he gives compliments, yes, he hallucinates, and i see you, in the form of prom in my head, you look exactly like that too, and i ’ll actually tell you how photorealistic portraits are made, we have a team that is engaged in detecting fakes, you know, now this is a particularly pressing problem, this is, well, with the development of generative models, you can generally make a bunch of fakes and post them on the internet, and this can bring huge losses to both companies and states.
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all sorts of reputational costs, that is, you need to learn to distinguish what is created by a neural network, what is not, so we, in fact, as part of detecting fakes, decided to make a model that generates fakes, why, then, what... on the dataset that generates generative model for creating fakes, completing the detection model, so we are , as it were, within the framework of this work on detection fakes, they made a model for generating fakes and applied it here, that is, how kandinsky creates your face as a model, first there is a model that describes you, then kandinsky creates your image with a tiger, for example, you can type in anything, there at the sea , i don’t know, in winter, skiing, and then a model. generation of fakes, this one of ours, which helped the fake detection model, simply transfers the face, that is, this is the real you, in principle, that’s how it is, yes, dear friends, denis dimitrov is our guest in the creative industry podcast on the first channel, the man who created neroset kandinsky, a wonderful team, and the main
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conclusion, even if we didn’t understand everything in general in the end, there’s still nothing to be afraid of, look how nice, smart people are. deals with those things that you and i may for some reason be afraid of, there is no need to be afraid, because this is the competitiveness of our country, and it is in the reliable hands of people like denis. denis, thank you very much, very much, we are waiting for the next stage, the antennas are on your head, we are still with you analogue, analogue versions of the presenters, elena kiper, producer, video maker, and roman karmanov, general director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives, it was. creative industry podcast on channel one, see you,
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well, today our relations with former allies in the second world war, of course, couldn’t be worse, but i must say that at that time they were far from simple. and, of course, the main sticking point is the opening of the second front, they argued about geography and timing, well, in the end, in june 1944, the second front was opened, this famous landing in normandy took place, it turns out that it’s 80 years now, if i’m not mistaken, yes, so let’s remember about this landing, and at the same time let’s remember about the operation. gration, which was carried out by our, our armed forces. the main thing in this conversation, it seems to me, is that, on the one hand, on the western side, it is accepted to overestimate the significance of the landing in normandy and in general the opening of the second front in 1944, almost the main event of the second world war, yes,
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along with the battle watolls midue, which our viewers will probably have difficulty remembering, with on the other hand, we often, on the contrary , underestimate these events; we need to understand without bias one way or the other. hello, this is a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history, with you pyotr romanov and sergei solovyov, the topic of our conversation today is the landing in normandy. so much has been said about the disagreements between roosevelt, churchel and stalin that in general there is probably no point in repeating this, this topic is quite well known, i will only note that for the first time the term in general... the second front appeared in the correspondence of stalin and churchel 3 more september forty-one. stalin then wrote to chercher, speaking about the difficult situation in which the soviet union found itself. he wrote then:
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there is only one way out of this situation, to create a second front somewhere in the balkans or in france this year. i will repeat this for the forty-first year. before the opening of the second front, in fact, the most important assistance from the west, the soviet, the soviet union was, we had such, i would say, very often a polar attitude towards lentliz. that is, from a position, yes, we would have managed without it easily, to a position, we would lost without lenliz, well, of course , it’s a balanced position, it’s just obvious that the help was significant, so there’s no need to ignore it, and maybe
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there’s no need to exaggerate, especially since in general it was not gratuitous help, debts we then gave it back to polenliza for a very long time. the position of roosevelt and churchel, they very often disagreed, in fact, roosevelt was much more decisive in favor of assistance to the soviet union, he broke through and ... from congress lenis, he argued with churchel over the opening the second front, but it was not possible to kill churchel then, in general , the soviet union bore the entire brunt of the main battles, so to speak, on its shoulders, this position of roosevelt must, of course, be remembered, because i repeat, his views quite often coincided with the views of stalin together... they tried to overcome churchel, it was just quite difficult, he was a very stubborn
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politician, however, for the sake of objectivity, here we are talking about the attempts of both stalin and roosevelt to convince churchel to open a second front, but for objectivity it is still necessary here to indicate the idea that a number of researchers express, they believe that if we talk about the forty-second year, they believe that rather ...
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than in the forty-four, here it must be said, continuing the theme of landlease, that landlease, of course, covered up the weak side of the soviet economy, when we remember landlease, we often talk about tanks, airplanes, this is all important, but in addition to tanks and airplanes there were machine tools, there were steam locomotives, there was aviation aluminum, there were explosives, here is a military historian, a very famous military man historian, alexey valerievich isaev, he showed that the components for explosives, supplied through lindlease, which cost money, yes, relatively little, allowed us to...
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during the war, the soviet union did not pay a penny, but during the war it was not paid at all, here there are also myths that supposedly the soviet union paid for it in gold, this is all mythology, for military supplies. the soviet union did not have to pay anything, and after the end of hostilities, these types of equipment
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were either to be given to the united states states, or disposed of. why is fast food needed for the united states? that is, of course, this is not pure selflessness, it made it possible, cynically speaking , to save the lives of american and british soldiers, but it was also important for the development of the american economy, because this money was spent, these funds were spent on development the american economy, american industry, in addition, roosevelt, when he convinced isolationist circles, and here it is important to say that when the lenlisi act was adopted, there was a fairly powerful isolationist movement in the united states. one the american politician even stated that if the soviet union defeats germany, we must help germany, if germany defeats the soviet union, we must help the soviet union, let them kill each other as long as possible. this politician was harry truman, and so ruzeld convinced that if your neighbor’s house is on fire, and you have a garden hose, borrow it from your neighbor.
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are ending, either we accept the exact outcome of the negotiations, or the negotiations simply put the choice of our partners in front of the decision to open a second front, many military historians, as you also quite rightly noted, believe that in 1942, yes... the americans were unlikely to join the british, they simply did not have enough watercraft, yes, the strength of aviation was not enough, they were unlikely to be able to carry out a successful landing in the same normandy, for example, on the other hand, here is the forty-third year, when we need to remember, our western allies had a choice: either continue from africa to italy, and there is still an italian
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tounuz boot, yes, accordingly the scale of hostilities is completely different, or still land in france and under pressure. after the pressure at the tageran conference, you also said this, this decision was made to open a second front, and it is no coincidence that this opening of a second front coincided with the well-known operation in belarus, well, i’ll just name the dates, which means this is
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the operation in normandy dates from june 6 to august 25, and... the operation in belarus took place from june 23 to august 29, that is, the coincidence is generally complete, and yes, this is the result, so to say, here are the agreements that were reached in tahran, after rather difficult negotiations, here it must be said that both of these operations and that the landing in normandy, that operation, they can pay attention to that and...
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there are different versions about the interaction intelligence services, because of course there was some kind of interaction between the allies and our general staff, this is indisputable, but as far as
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detailed information is concerned, here, in general, things got a little dark. this is understandable, because both operations were a very difficult task, and well, of course, the cover of secrecy is always present in such cases, there is a version that we received almost all, so to speak, vital information for us through the famous cambridge five, this is a network, an intelligence network, of soviet intelligence in great britain, known the names of the three most important ones... a spaniard and a double agent of germany, britain, and he managed to receive both the order of britain and the iron cross from the germans,
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serbo-croatian, such dushka popov, he was generally a triple agent, he worked for britain to... germany and also to the kingdom of yugoslavia, which existed then, but there is also a russian name there, natalya sergeeva, so she was a double agent and abvara british mi-5, well, there were also high- level soviet intelligence officers, for example, in switzerland there was rudolf rösler, who at one time gave soviet intelligence information about operation citadel, this is a kurdish battle, and also provided information about the wehrmacht's plans for 1944, he had a very wide network of informants. germany , quite high-ranking figures which, however, the senetformers suffered greatly after july 20 , 1944, when the opposition to hitler was largely destroyed after the military coup attempt. but in general, battles are not won by intelligence alone, of course, here it must be said that what the soviet army was like in 1944, it is no longer the same army that was in 1941, 1942, and
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of course, there is such a historian’s book tomas glands, which is called risen from the ashes, dedicated to the red army, because which of course seemed to the nazis, by the way, to many american observers it seemed that the soviet army was destroyed in the first year. glans shows that a significant part of the commanders commanding the fronts is the majority. in its previous form, not all the boilers there were able to be sealed as the soviet command wanted, but on the whole the center army group was defeated. the nazis had to recreate the front line already on the territory of poland, in fact, and of course, here it must be said that despite the defeat at kursk, despite the collapse at stalingrad,
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the nazis continued to greatly underestimate the red army, that is, they believed that a large-scale offensive, like the one that was carried out precisely by operation bagration, not to mention other operations that in soviet times were called 10 stalinist strikes there in stalin's time, but the north from petsam kirkinevskaya. operations before the liberation of crimea in the south, and so the germans believed that large-scale offensive operations were inaccessible to soviet troops, that they could only act on relatively local sections of the front, and if they can act broadly enough, then the germans will be prepared for this, their defensive plans will not work, and here they were fundamentally mistaken, they once again underestimated the enemy. the americans, of course, did not have the same experience as the soviet troops, the americans and the british did not have...
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this is a podcast russia and the west on the swing of history, today our topic is the landing in normandy. indeed, this was the largest landing operation. the operation was even more large-scale, more than 3 million people generally participated in crossing the lomanche, so to speak, from england to normandy. losses depended largely, naturally, on the actions of aviation. where aviation bombed efficiently, there were fewer losses, where e.g. didn’t hit, and the morning of the landing was foggy, so they missed there, and there naturally the losses were greater, but just for comparison, that means these are the biggest
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losses, there are these sections of the beach, they had their own code names, here on one of them , codenamed omaha or omaha, various names, different emphasis is placed here, and that’s where the aviation missed. so there - the americans lost on this section of the beach about 1,700 people killed and about 300 more wounded, on another beach code -named utah 197 killed, there 1,700, here 197, there 3,000 wounded, here only 500 wounded, but i must say, that these losses on the same beach are huge, or losses,
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so there is such a term, these are civilians, because, firstly, well, the french, the bombings were long-term, weapons, so to speak, there was no targeted attack, so naturally there... a lot of civilians died, and if we talk about the night itself, the landing, so to speak, yes, in the morning, then here is the small city of caen, which according to the plan they were supposed to take on the first day, true they didn’t succeed, so he was completely erased from the earth, practically , but if we talk about the military-political result, then, of course, it was undoubtedly a very successful operation, stalin immediately admitted this a week after...
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the case of defeat our landing in the cherbourg-le havre area did not lead to the retention of the bridgehead and i withdrew the troops, my decision to attack at this time in this place was based on the information i had, the air force and navy did everything that courage and devotion to duty could do, if anyone was to blame for the failure of this attempt, then it's just me. there was no experience of operations of this scale, it was the largest landing operation in world history, and at that time,
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of course, it was necessary to take into account... the possibility of failure, especially since, as in our historiography they sometimes claim that there there were some weak fortifications, there and so on, there were still fortifications there, after all, the german troops soon began to be commanded by not the very last german general rommel, what the transfer of forces looked like, but on june 6 they landed, by june 11 more than 326 had already arrived at the bridgehead thousand people, and note, 326 thousand people and more than 54 thousand pieces of equipment.
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by the end of july this was successful and it became clear that the defense of france was in the germans, that the germans would not hold france, that it was necessary to roll back to further positions, there were such small details that were included in the plans, but were not fully provided for, hedges, it would seem a trifle, but the french planted hedges between fields, between villages, they grew over a century and became an obstacle not only for infantry or jeeps,
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even for tanks, that is, such... the tank barriers were alive and the germans counted on the fact that they would be able to use these, as they were called, bakazhi, yes, these hedges, for defense against american and british troops, they really succeeded, in the end to american tanks they began to have special ones - such sharp metal plates were attached so that they could cut off these barriers in order to ensure the breakthrough of their troops against the germans. to say that yes, the advance was absolutely successful, despite all the difficulties that you talked about, the wave seemed to roll in, and the germans retreated to the so-called siegfried line, this is a line of long-term fortifications that was created back in the thirty-sixth, in my opinion , forties and continued.
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used such mobile mobile installations in the vicinity of the hague in the netherlands, and there were two options, strictly speaking: either wipe the entire hague off the ground. because they are mobile and you can’t find exactly where to catch them, or, therefore, carry out an offensive bypassing the siegfried line, enter, so to speak, from another country and move to occupy a number of dutch ports for supplies, because this was one of the big problems for the allies, they believed that with a throw they could reach the dutch ports and thereby decide...
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the paratroopers, he promised there, here you are land, take the bridges, you need to hold out for two days, then the main forces will arrive, we didn’t succeed, in general this plan failed, oncoming battles began, heavy, with very heavy losses, in the end the americans stopped and their whole plan was to celebrate christmas. in berlin turned out to be unfulfilled, we already took berlin in 1945. we continue our podcast. today we are talking about the allied landings in
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normandy in 1944. it must be said that there were ideas, in particular from churchel, to try, so to speak, in the race for berlin, yes, to win, including in 1945, but it must be said. that the commanders and mangomery and senhauer, realistically assessing the resistance of the germans, in general, considered this plan, these ideas in general mythological, that is, there is also in some soviet historiography, the idea that on the western front the germans surrendered in entire units, and that accordingly the walk through germany was so easy for our westerners... but the thing is that they began to surrender only in the very last weeks of the war, and then for attempts to surrender there they were shot on the spot, there were very harsh punitive measures, already in the very last days of the war, a really significant part of the germans wanted to
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surrender to the americans and the british, because the cat smelled whose meat it had eaten, and especially the setsov officers did not want to end up in captured by soviet troops, because they accordingly understood that they would have to bear responsibility for what they did on soviet territory. but that will happen later, besides, germany was capable of delivering a counterattack, this is the famous offensive operation in the orders, orders in december of '44. ezenkhaur later said that the german command made a serious mistake by launching an offensive in the orders; it was an offensive by the desperate. this is partly true, but the americans lost 30 thousand prisoners, only prisoners. the city of boston would have been besieged there, and the americans bombed it a couple of times against their own troops. promazov, but friendly fire is also common in the history of this situation, but nevertheless, this operation in the orders showed that the german army was still combat-ready, capable of launching counterattacks, and the counterattack ended with what: when flying weather began, the breakthrough of the german
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tanks was again stopped by air strikes, well-prepared american positions, and as a result, the german troops rolled back to their original positions. it must be said that hitler really hoped for this attack, he hoped. that it will be possible to push back the americans and the british quite strongly, then transfer the resistance to the eastern front, and then, while prolonging the war, still wait conflict between allies. hitler already believed then, well, in addition to the hopes of mystical superweapons, there were hopes that the allies would quarrel among themselves, that at the final stage of the war the united states and great britain, on the one hand, and the soviet union, respectively, would come into conflict with each other.
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with the thunder of the germans, bagration was just picking up, because - then hitler, in general, of course, didn’t really care about france, because he didn’t care about paris either, because... of course, the main problem, the main headache was still in the east, so stalin fulfilled his promise given at the tageran conference, he really carried out this powerful operation, then belarus was cleared, part of the baltic states was recaptured, the eastern regions of poland were liberated, in general, well, you can imagine the scale, that means at the front in 1100 km. berlin some additional
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allied forces in france. in general, an example of a combination of bagration’s operation “iverlord” is an example, a clear example of cooperation between the allies, which ultimately led to the decisive defeat of the nazis, to the understanding the fact that the war is lost. in fact, many are german. even the generals understood that the war was lost after stalingrad, after kursk this conviction grew , a conspiracy against hitler began to take shape, which was carried out on july 20, 1944, an attempt on hitler’s life, but what finally pushed him to it was that the pincers came with on both sides, on the one hand , operation bagartion, which smashed the army group center, by july 20 it became clear that everything, that the front line had been broken through on a huge throughout, but in general there was nothing to resist this soviet offensive, until a certain time... on the other hand , the allied offensive in france and the german front
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collapsed in the west and in the east, then, accordingly, for part of the german generals, for part of the german establishment , the only choice was to remove hitler and try to make peace on less shameful terms than otherwise, but the plot failed, history, unfortunately, did not follow this path, which maybe would have saved hundreds of thousands, and maybe millions of lives, but unfortunately, again quite soon after this example with... the landing took place in 1943, then of course
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we would have celebrated victory day not on may 9, but much earlier, and if this landing had not happened at all, then we would celebrate, naturally , later, this is indeed a very important operation of the second world war, but at the same time, of course, this is still not the decisive battle of the second world war, because to victory... but for the year forty-four this is really one of forty decisive battles
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the fourth year, which made a great contribution to the victory of the anti-hitler coalition. and here is kanato’s tug of war, yes, attempts to prove that this is all complete nonsense on the one hand or on the other, that this is the main event of the second world war or 1944, both of which, of course, do not fit into historical objectivity in any way . in our history with the west there have been not only periods of confrontation, but also periods of cooperation. stalin himself spoke at the tehran conference, i will quote. i want tell you what, from the russian point of view , the president of the united states did to win the war. the most important things in this war are cars, i’m missing a fragment of the quote: russia can produce the largest 300 aircraft, the united states from 800 aircraft. thus, the united states is a country of machines. without the machines received under indliza, we would have lost this war, or in another possible translation, we would not have won this war, there is some debate about how to accurately translate the phrase. it is clear that this was a toast. it was a sign of goodwill american allies, including
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in order to split roosevelt and churchill, it was still a tricky game, but nevertheless, stalin realized and emphasized the importance of landlease, you have already quoted his famous phrase about the significance of the landing in normandy, when he said that this is undoubtedly a brilliant success for our allies, history will mark this matter as an achievement of the highest order. the fact that in the west they prefer to remember only the landing in normandy, well, what can you say, well... we shouldn’t follow this example, because a story with torn out pages is a distorted story, well, a distorted story always. this was a historical podcast russia west on the swing of history. today we talked about the normandy landings and the role it played in world war ii. pyotr romanov and sergei soloviev were with you. study history with us.
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you can watch all episodes of the russia west podcast on the swing of history on the channel one website. good morning to everyone who is celebrating this weekend with channel one, irina murontsova is with you on calendar june 29. it’s saturday, the weekend begins, june ends, and to make this last june weekend pleasant, memorable, truly with the feeling that we have had a rest, we will try to set the right mood, this morning we will choose the best places for barbecue, celebrate youth day, and take a trip right away we will congratulate the birthday people in several russian cities. happy holiday to them, at the same time we’ll sort out hand luggage and the summer dress code, and this is only a small part of what we have in our plans, so let’s shake off the afterglow of sleep exercise, master of sports in street lifting margarita kuznetsova is already waiting for us. good
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morning, in the summer my family and i spend a lot of time at the dacha, we never get bored. walks in the forest, the beach, gardening, outdoor games, and so that we have enough strength for everything, we start the day with gymnastics, let's do it together, break into pairs, me and my eldest daughter veronica, emilia angelica, you together, stand with your backs to each other at a distance of a small step, feet shoulder-width apart, lean forward, hold hands, knees can be slightly bent for convenience, one of the partners pulls the other. towards yourself like this, but now on the contrary, the range of movements is small, we continue to exercise, we move smoothly, without jerking too hard, our stretching is good, so we will do
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exercises with straight legs, if you can do this too. this exercise helps to stretch the back of the thigh, which is especially useful for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. let's continue! today is shipbuilder's day in russia, our congratulations to all shipbuilders and in general to everyone involved in this holiday. the date, by the way, is not accidental; it was on this day, in 1667, that tsar alexei mikhailovich issued a decree on the construction of the first russian one.
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of oil, and one tanker can transport three types of liquid at once. we have three cargo manifolds through which different cargo can be fed simultaneously. the cargo is distributed over cargo tanks, which are located from the stern of the vessel to the bow of the vessel. capacity is 8,740 m. for comparison, the average railway tank holds 60 cubic meters of oil. then the tanker is 145 of these tanks can be heated if necessary. liquid up to 60°, it takes 3 years to build such a vessel, for how many years? a vessel of this class can be considered old, somewhere from about 15 years old, after 15 years the equipment is updated, that is, if some equipment fails, or it is re-certified and continues
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to work for its intended purpose. they are building large buildings here; at the nizhny novgorod plant krasnoe sormovo , a five-star hotel was launched 2 years ago. the largest airliner created in russia over the last 60 years old, almost 142 m long, also took 3 years to build, this project marked the beginning of a series of domestic cruise ships. in the fishing fleet, too , the admiralty shipyards handed over a large freezer trawler to the pacific fishermen, captain martynov. the fifth in its series, the floating factory immediately catches and processes 80 tons of fish fillet per day, and the same amount of minced surimi. trawler. the icebreaker fleet is a separate pride, and home-movers, the arctic, siberia and the urals are already plying the northern sea route, escorting barges and... chukotka is still on the stocks, and yakutia launched. pride of the north and nuclear submarines of the borey a and yassiy m class. the quietest
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submarines in the world with ballistic missiles on board. but to launch them or repair them directly at sea, floating docks are needed. they just started building a new one at the sivmash plant. it has dimensions that allow it to accept itself and launch nuclear submarines into the waters of simas, the wounded of which are unknown in the world. prototype. communication and navigation systems and all amenities for the crew - 76 people. the fleet is being renewed; by 2035, russian shipyards plan to launch more than a thousand new civilian ships and warships. sergey abramov, sotnik, elena savina, artyom lepyokhin. first channel. everyone knows that summer is the time for barbecue. beginners experiment with marinade, cooking methods, serving, accompaniment, but
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what you definitely shouldn’t experiment with is the location. you just need to know the places and equip them correctly. kebabs in nature. moscow, alyoshkinsky forest, with an official picnic area. together with state fire inspector alexander krasnichenko and... in the group schoolchildren and parents have no questions, we grill barbecue in specially designated places, we always have water nearby, water is not everything, there are already questions for this company, do you think you comply with fire safety requirements, well, i would say 50/50, in if something happens, we can put it out, but at the same time it should be all the cleaner, we should have sand around here, so that in case the coal suddenly falls on the sand and combustion begins, and there should be no debris on the area around the barbecue, it’s understandable durable and under supervision, but we don’t leave it here, the inspectors say it’s a misconception among barbecue makers that a barbecue fire is safer than a regular one.
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a barbecue fire differs from a regular one in that the barbecue has ventilation holes; through these holes, hot coals then fall either onto dry vegetation or onto any flammable elements. it looks something like this: here we have a coal left, it fell. into dry leaves, a minute later it’s blazing, an hour later there’s a fire, like in the crimea or the penza region, here in a dacha village six houses burned down, outbuildings buildings and 2 acres of land, the day before we grilled kebabs, in this pine bar in the stern it was also possible that 200 km were burned, where we definitely don’t grill in the forest. in the field in city parks, if there are no equipped areas, on the balcony, on the roof, near garages, in the courtyards of high-rise buildings,
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except if the neighbors do not mind, and the grill is not portable, but stationary. for violation of fire safety requirements , citizens are subject to administrative liability in the form of a fine of 5 to 15 thousand rubles. and where can i fry, as an option? find equipped places on the internet, which means there are cleared areas and stationary barbecues. in moscow, these are listed on the mos website. i select the parks and green areas section. and here i find myself on a map that shows the location where i can barbecue. yes, but there is a lot of demand. the place was chosen and occupied since yesterday evening by enthusiasts, because there are few places in the park. you can fry in the courtyard of a private house or cottage, if the nearest buildings are at least 5 m away. if it is within a radius of a body of water. 10 m there should be no dead wood, the distance to coniferous forests are 100 m, to deciduous and isolated
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trees 30, and this is provided that there is no fire regime in force in the region. yulia molostova, olga sorokina, stepan erofeev and anna gazhala, channel one. the twelfth flower festival opened in moscow, guma. according to tradition, the country's main department store has turned into a blooming greenhouse. all the splendor. during the holidays, i sometimes worked part-time, we felled all these flower beds, looked after them, watered them, so these are native flowers, popularly
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marigolds, marigolds, chernobrivtsy, scientifically tagetis, our colleagues gardeners, the presenters of the program were maria osadnik and evgeniy pokrovsky. for me, flowers are a dacha, this is a dacha, this is a grandmother, grandma, long life to you, my dear. yes, and the first date - as i remember now, fifth grade, of course there is no money, not from me, not from my parents, yes, my grandmother there were some dahlias, i remember there were peonies, she planted tulips, so i was just stunned i picked up some flowers, flowers are a great way of reconciliation, we want... in moscow, on red square, in the country, in the life of every girl and there were more women with flowers like these. flowers all around, begonia, different sizes for family happiness, balsam, it’s not touchable, if you want to get rid of the negative, this is it. geranium is a symbol of wisdom. and these purple balls are ageratum, translated from
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latin, non-aging. just imagine. so carefully, so as not to damage the flowers, all for the sake of beauty, and this has been the case for 12 years, that’s exactly how long it’s been at the flower festival in gum. 2 months here on red square, here in the center of the gum fountain, along all the lines, such a riot of colors and...
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to congratulate, but we will make it more interesting and better, we will take a short trip through them, what do you associate your hometown with, residents of the cities of the birthday people answer the question, this weekend there are birthdays all over the country, in siberia there are three at once, tobolsk turns 437. 3/ 4 of the territory of our country is siberia, and the history of this siberia begins precisely in the city of tobolsk, this is the third capital of the russian empire, from here. the development of siberia began. the tobolsk kremlin is the only one in the vast territory from the urals to the pacific ocean. and today , the only museum in the country of the family of emperor nicholas ii has appeared here. our city, dear and beloved, is the most beautiful in the whole world. novosibirsk residents also admire their city; it is much younger, 131 years old. how much has been built over the years? of course, a zoo,
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a water park, of course. kodem town, bugrinsky bridge, embankment, opera house, our opera and ballet theater, the largest theater building in russia, in fact big - this is our big, not moscow's big. another siberian birthday boy achensk, 341 years old, hard worker, several plants and factories, here they refine oil and sew shoes. we are moving towards the center of the country, there are two birthday people here, both are old, vologda is 877 years old. the association, of course, is lace, the finest, openwork, which is woven on poop, and wooden carvings on houses, and rzhev is 808 years old, the most recognizable place is the memorial to the soviet soldier. rzhev is also the heart of the pigeon of russia; rzhev even has its own breed. here in the left hand is a rzhevsky banded tumbler, in the right hand
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is a male, a rzhevskaya gull. it's time for us to north-west here you need to have time to congratulate petrozavodsk and arkhangelsk, the capitals of karelia for 321 years. our favorite place is our onega embankment, because it opens up open spaces, a calm city, it seems to be northern, but here the winter is real and the summer is good, but what about arkhangelsk, it’s 440 years old, it’s official, in fact it’s more, here it’s different according to historians, it was founded either in the 15th or 14th century.
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on the first channel this weekend there are more than enough trips, sit comfortably in front of the screens, you don’t have to wear a seat belt, look, tomorrow we are having a wedding, the lives of other cooks on wheels, and today. about comfort and travel shows, let's go! good morning, our dear tv viewers, bars, restaurants, music, sunshine, good weather, such a swamp walker, that puddle, look, bark-bark, if summer is a small life, then how much can you do in one summer weekend, well, let's go to the ransom, meet the young man, go to ryazan, have a wedding, what do we have? she only the place next to the bride is already taken. look how strong i am, how can he deal with me? bear - traditional guest at the ryazan wedding. one of the relatives put on a shuvah and guarded the bride during
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the ransom. it’s good that grooms in ryazan are savvy. hello. and at weddings in turkey , the newlyweds are given tangerine gardens. that's it, chick. oh, the freshest. zhanna badoeva and the lives of others tomorrow in the turkish bodrum. i have a friend who is thin, i don’t know what? and she says, when i watch your program, one thing i envy is when you start eating. we imagine, zhanna, what will happen to your friend when she watches the cook on wheels. astrakhanskoekha is great.
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it doesn’t matter at all how many horses are under the hood, they accompany us, guys, you’re handsome, we’ve never had such a motorcade before, waterfalls, lakes, caves and mountains are right around, the name arkhis is a fusion of two karachai words: ario kys, meaning beautiful girl, so that ’s why you can’t take your eyes off, lesh, give me your hand, yes, i see even on your hand the word love is written, this episode, a show about comfort, about love, the host vera kincheva will fulfill the little dream of andrei polushin and his son alyosha, a library will appear in one room, a sports corner, and even a cinema, we
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got into our own home, or is it something else, about comfort, let's go, today, and tomorrow we'll have a wedding, the life of other chefs on wheels, at least we can already see the light at the end of the tunnel, now you will see all my stretching, oops, ah... what events have happened in the country and the world by this hour on the air of the news broadcast on the first channel, this is the news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, the last school waltz, farewells to your beloved teachers , smiles, tears and, of course, a meeting. graduations died down across the country, the very center of moscow turned into a large schoolyard, where 6.00 graduates from different regions, including new ones, gathered. this year the graduation party in the kremlin took place for the twentieth time. a noisy, bright celebration
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for several tens of thousands of yesterday's schoolchildren. according to tradition, in the capital’s gorky park, the children were greeted like real stars. red carpet, animators running dozens of venues for them, from dancing to karaoke and even computer games. and, of course it's big. in st. petersburg, this night was perhaps the most romantic and most desired. dancing until the morning, a pyrotechnic show on the water, the same ship of hope. alla prusa guided tens of thousands of schoolchildren into adulthood.
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the majestic brig russia passed in the waters of the neva. tens of thousands of children from all over the country, including from our new regions, watched this magnificence. a snow-white yacht with greasy sails appeared in the sea of ​​azov in mariupol, when a sailboat appeared on the horizon, everything seemed to...
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dots in all their glory. 18 sails made of scarlet silk, clusters of colorful fireworks, the most touching farewell to the school, graduates will definitely remember for a long time. and today our country celebrates youth day, with sports competitions, music shows, lectures, and patriotic events in all regions. this year, together with moscow, vladivostok became the youth capital of russia, where the main celebrations took place on the tsesarvich embankment, where open amateur computer game tournaments are held.
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in odessa region. iskander missile hit position of the s-300 anti-aircraft complex, the radar station in the combat control cabin was disabled. in the zone of the owl crew of the self-propelled howitzers of the carnation, the northern groupings of troops rained down a whole hail of shells on the fortifications of the armed forces of ukraine, fired at a distance of several tens of kilometers with high-explosive fragmentation shells, sweeping away dugouts and strong points, making way for our infantry. and in the zaporozhye region, important tasks are carried out by soldiers of the repair battalion of the dnepr group of troops ; they managed to restore the captured babayag drone. now a formidable drone. will
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to fight on the russian side, flew out on a mission, apparently the enemy couldn’t control the controls, got tangled up in a tree, so the device was removed, the ammunition was removed and brought to us for restoration and modernization, we restored this device, printed some parts on 3d printers, and reflashed it , have introduced some of their own systems, and this device will now serve the valiant forces of the russian federation for destruction. and also about those who courageously resist the enemy, warrant officer igor khakhlov, who provided the fighters with the necessary cargo, came under fire, was wounded, but did not leave his comrades, continued to carry out the task, organized the evacuation, and brought the transport out of the fire. lieutenant alexander solovyov, as part of an assault group, captured a stronghold of ukrainian militants, repelled enemy attacks within 24 hours, waited for reinforcements, and the enemy was driven back. an international documentary festival started in moscow at vdnkh on the site of the russia forum.
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viewers will see the work of documentarians from federal channels and independent journalists, as well as performances by artists, poets, musicians, public opinion leaders, the festival program is connected by a common idea, this time of heroes is our time, at the center of each film is a true story, a difficult fate, this is a film about the defenders of donbass, about heroes at the front in the rear, volunteers, doctors, military officers , among the work of the first channel, who besides us is a chronicle. in iran, the results of the extraordinary presidential elections are being summed up; they took place the day before; over 8 million votes have already been counted; according to preliminary data, the candidate from the conservative wing, said jalili, is in the lead. literally at his heel is the former head of the ministry of health masoud pezeshkyan, he represents the reformist camp. two more candidates are far behind, but to win you need 50% support.
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celebrates this day, this weekend together with channel one, with you irina murmtseva on the calendar saturday june 29th. today in our country we celebrate the day of youth and age in general. this concept is subjective, but according to the law, people aged 14 to 35 years are considered youth, some people mutter that youth today are not the same, but this is certainly not the case, our youth are the real engine of progress science, art and everything in general, youth are those who create the future, almost a quarter
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of the population of russia is youth, and what they are like, they are somehow advanced, something is new, they create something, a quick mind is faster. in russia, 44% of all researchers are young people. ilya petriev is 33. he is already the head of the hydrogen energy laboratory at kuban state university. currently working on a membrane reactor to produce high-purity hydrogen. such a reactor will make it possible to produce hydrogen many times cheaper than all existing methods, which exist. it can be easily transported and used even in the far north, which is not surprising; his laboratory is also
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full of young people. 33% of young people in russia are involved in volunteering, alexey from st. petersburg is 21, he helps people, diana is 16 and is also a volunteer. i try not to be far from other people's problems. on weekends, go to the village in the volkhov region to buy groceries. leonid aleksandrovich is one of the pensioners whom the guys help. young people don’t forget us old people. afterwards, of course, for a cup of tea, to talk, what would we do without this? young people are active. there are more than 2,000 youth organizations in russia, roman joined one of them 2 years ago. i wanted to paint the wall in front of my lover's window. everything around you, daily jogs to a place for creativity, young people are transforming a mini-ecological action, this is plogging, the guys are running through the forest collecting garbage. every
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small action leads to global changes, so the concept is very important here, i act locally, i think globally. they go to student organizations and how they don’t have enough time, and roman i started plogging 2 years ago. i do this only on my own initiative, for myself, because i feel that i can make our city a little cleaner, it’s not my garbage, but it’s my city. today roman is 37 and he seems to be no longer a youth, but we understand that it’s not about the numbers. elizaveta nikishova, sergey falendysh, bela pagasyan, anna milovanova, channel one. on the calendar, june 29 was believed to be the day when songbirds begin to quiet down and only the nightingale continues to sing until mid-july. our astrologers are not interrupted not a day in my work, but how could it be otherwise, the planets are in motion too, it’s time for an astrological forecast for this weekend. in
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general, these weekend are great guys, sporty, funny, sociable and very inquisitive, they love to discover, learn, receive something for themselves. new experiences and share them, so don’t be surprised if during these days you have more photos and posts on social networks. they both also love to make an impression. on days like these we easily get to know each other and make connections; someone will definitely come this weekend will fall in love. about money today i am absolutely sure that it was created in order to spend it. in addition, he loves such broad gestures, so you shouldn’t trust him with finances, and it’s better to plan shopping for tomorrow, and he’s also a little easy-going. aries to have. in mind, if they try to seduce you with some tempting offers, remember that among the telephone scammers there are quite good psychologists, otherwise you have a more than successful weekend, it is possible, by the way, something like a date. taurus can do something surprise or puzzle. for those who are going on
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vacation, the stars advise once again to check whether any conditions have changed where you are going, and if you are planning an outing, do not light fires. the luminary advises gemini to pay attention to home and... family, if you have children, take them out of gadgets , do something interesting, go somewhere with the whole family, fly a kite, and at the same time remember a little of your childhood. cancers have a sort of lazy weekend when they can laze around to their heart's content, though tomorrow something may distract you from this pleasant activity, but not for the whole day and it won’t stress you out, just don’t get carried away with alcohol. everything is just great with leos, they are charming, witty, they know how to present themselves to shine in society, not bad. they find an approach to people, and in general they are a little lucky. if you get a little confused about something, call the maidens for help, these days they are unsurpassed analysts, they will sort everything out for you, if of course they want to spend money on it. weekend, in general, they will need to be motivated somehow, and someone else may fall in love with them, libra too
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something romantic is shining, the lonely libra star is strongly advised to free up tonight, but what they do not advise is to be frank with strangers about your immediate plans, especially if you are going on a trip. for scorpios , today may start a little fussy, and for some, nervous, but perhaps you are simply paying too much attention to all sorts of nonsense, as if... everything will calm down by lunchtime, good news may come, and tomorrow will be simple pleasant. sagittarius could do with a little caution, there is a risk of getting injured on the roads, don’t drive recklessly, otherwise you will run into a fine or worse. in general, remember the proverb more often these days: the quieter you drive, the further you will go. capricorns may be reminded of an old debt or asked for a favor in return. in the evening or tomorrow, there may be a meeting, which may turn out to be somewhat inopportune, but here the stars are powerless, yet. some kind of trip is looming on the horizon, maybe on vacation, or maybe on a visit?
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aquarians are just having a good weekend; their relatives may be busy with some errands, but this won't be a problem for you. so, save your wallet. this also applies to electronic money; try not to get into debt. a wonderful weekend for pisces, especially those who are in love. these days will help them, as they would say in the old days, to unite their hearts, despite all the odds, and all the other fish will not remain offended, something very interesting is clearly shining on these days, well, good luck. for the first time, schoolchildren had the opportunity to retake the unified state exam not a year later, but literally a month after the exam. one item to choose from. and most importantly, to to retake the exam on july 4, you must submit an application before july 1; to retake the exam on july 5, applications are accepted until the 2nd. in the sixth gymnasium in krasnogorsk, out of forty-three graduates. 15 guys plan to retake the unified state exam, almost all of them are good students, and the world in geography scored 85
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points and confirmed the gold medal. the result is high, but the excellent student takes the exam again. i lost one point simply out of stupidity, i forgot how to do the task, and i lost another because the wording was a little confusing, and i also didn’t quite understand what exactly was needed answer. of course, this is an opportunity to improve the result for those who scored too low . according to statistics from rosobrnadzor. this is not the first year that we have been among the leaders. two subjects: computer science and social studies. for some reason , there is an opinion among schoolchildren that the exam in social studies is simple, about the same trend in computer science, they go to try, what if it works? well, of course, if you suddenly fail at such exams, you need to go as prepared as possible. polina has 55 points in social studies, and for universities that plan to enroll, you need at least 60. i continued to study with a tutor on the most difficult tasks, mainly in the second part. and i'm sure there will be more points. only one item can be published here - july 4th and 5th. to do this, you need to submit
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an application to the state examination commission at your school and indicate the discipline. for children retaking subjects on the fourth of july, this will be from june 26 to july 1 inclusive. for children who retake the test on july 5 from june 27 to july 2 inclusive. another condition is to retake the exam in it won’t work in another city, you can only do it at your school. children who are taking a retake must clearly understand that the result obtained in this exam will be final and the previous result will be canceled. you need to weigh everything, analyze and make the right choice. if a student signs up and does not appear for the unified state exam, the very first results will remain valid. any other non-standard situation, examination. the commission will consider it individually. we sometimes have children who come in with a fever exam. he goes to the medical
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office, and an early completion of the exam is arranged. however, he does not have a result for the new exam day. therefore , the previous result is not canceled for him, it remains. graduates from previous years will not be allowed to take this unified state exam retake; they are expected in the fall. those who tried to cheat during the may exams will be denied. this year , 736 students had to be suspended. those who were removed from the exam for violating the order, they have the opportunity to take this exam only next year, the same will apply to those who come, in fact, for a retake and will try to use some prohibited means. it plans to check the results and issue certificates to schoolchildren within a week after retaking the unified state exam. dmitry roshkov, maryana zhukova, anzhelika pangrateva, channel one. don't miss, tomorrow on channel one family vocal show two stars. fathers and sons sing for you nine star duets of different generations,
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we watch, we listen, of course, we sing along, my music is full of you, i understand everything.
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will confirm, you can go for a walk and play, to eat ice cream when all this has already been redone, you can connect it. it's a great time to level up your superpowers. hello everyone, my name is alexey ivanov, i am a father of many children, and today we will learn to juggle. and
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juggler igor grigoriev will teach us. good morning! hello! well, guys, let's start the lesson. the first trick that i would like to teach you is a cascade, let's start with one thing: we need to throw a ball from one hand to the other, and in such a way that the trajectory is correct, let's do like this, let’s stretch out the handle and try to throw it around the hand. i’m doing it, look, great, this is a workout not only for the hands, but also for the head, because it develops focused attention, this is what children need at school, so as not to be distracted by lessons to complete tasks, the next stage is to try to throw two balls in a row at once , once
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again we try to make the same throws. there is an expression: a child’s mind is at his fingertips . so, to develop it, juggling is ideal. such a connection is built between neurons, which allows you to cope with any task, any activity much faster. and now we will make two identical throws with both hands towards each other. here's a cross. one, two. the most difficult step is to simply make three
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throws 1 2 and it’s clear. happened. keep in mind that juggling is very beneficial not only for children, but for their parents and even grandparents. therefore , the whole family can do it, be sure to try it. games people play. and it just seems that today they are only computer-based, nothing like that. classical stone. scissors and paper, remember who invented this game, it’s probably unlikely, it turns out that it’s a thousand years old, and today it’s played and, like many other games , counting rhymes and puzzles have also been around since ancient
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times in our high-tech era. relevant. people have been playing this for over 2.0 years. they invented the game in ancient china and this is how they divided the inheritance and resolved disputes. using exactly. came up with their own gestures: slug, toad and snake, the meaning is the same, the toad eats the slug, the snake eats the toad, the slug bites the snake, but the main question is, can is it possible to calculate victory? mathematician maria
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dolganova first tried the example of heads and tails, where there are only four combinations, then rock, scissors, paper, where there are nine combinations, three draws, three wins, three losses, the probability of winning is one in three, essentially the chances are equal, good, but in that second when we decide which option we will have... the champions know for sure, artyom and sasha won cups in their district, artyom beat his opponent 4:5. i showed the rock, she showed the scissors and somehow i got in with a score of 5:4 to the final. yeah, somehow it turns out to be pure luck, pure luck. sasha believes in strategy, he watched the players. well, girls. small children usually place the first scissors, and men usually place the stones first, the judge does not agree, children are the most illegal, the most unpredictable,
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it’s just that you’ll be really lucky here, you won’t be lucky when playing with them, let’s check against the champions little girl, 2:0, our champion loses, 1:1, 2:1, the second champion loses, good luck. on her side, or maybe on it’s really possible to tell the face, an experiment , we record a video, show it to the champions, scissors, scissors, stone, paper, paper, now maybe a stone, again a stone, stone, yes, you can’t tell by the body, yes, what will he throw out there, it’s a pity, so i thought this one works too, it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, that’s all, the japanese have proven that it works, they made a robot that never loses, the secret is in the high-speed camera, it reads the movements of the opponent’s hands, the person has warehouses.
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a person has such a reaction, plus a machine does not have passion and emotions, which often fail, but it is precisely for this drive and unpredictability that this game is loved all over the world. sergey abramov, centurion, dmitry roshkov and anzhelika pankratyeva, channel one. they say that growing a perfect lawn is very simple, you just need to level it. land to sow lawn grass and trim it regularly every year for 100 years, just a joke, although the lawn really needs to be trimmed regularly, oksana stankevich will tell you all the details. many people think that lawns are mowed solely for beauty. no, of course, the more often. we cut it, the more the grass grows lateral shoots and turns into a thick dense carpet, but you also need to cut wisely. some
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summer residents are lazy and literally shave their lawn down to 1-2 cm, so to speak, with a margin to last for a long time. this is the biggest mistake. a lawn cut too short begins to hurt, turn yellow and... become bald. if you want a soft emerald ski, cut no more than a third of the height of the grass at a time. on every lawn mower, like on a typewriter. for hair cutting there is a scale from the shortest to the longest, choose the one that is taller, it’s definitely not you’ll be wrong, for a dacha the ideal height is from 4 to 7 cm, such a lawn is considered functional, you can
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have a picnic on it and the children can play on it. it will withstand everything, in those places where the lawn mower cannot pass, a trimmer will help out, this is a device on a long rod, instead of knives it has a nylon fishing line, the motor rotates it at such a speed that it cuts the grass. the trimmer is convenient for shaving the lawn around the trees, between the flowers along the fence. true, over time the fishing line. at the most inopportune moment, when you do not have a spare, a replacement is required, not if we should stop mowing the lawn halfway, we’ll take plastic ties instead of a fishing line, put one other on the trimmer, the main thing is to fasten it tightly so that it doesn’t fly off and you can work , and the final touch is to put the trimmer on its side and...
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thanks to these little tricks, we have a perfectly even, well-groomed lawn , now you can relax and enjoy the weekend. the donkey didn’t like living in a shared apartment with a heifer goat, so he made a firm man’s decision to move in with the bull. in cartoons. donkeys are shown as so sad, real donkeys are very characteristic if if he’s offended, that means he’s offended, if he’s happy , then he’s really happy, i’ve seen a lot of dogs, so it’s definitely a bear, everyone treats them very kindly with love, an intelligent animal, just a mana strong and fast, beautiful, you understand everything, mega well-mannered, very friendly, good-natured, but when theo, my son, came into our lives, we
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introduced him correctly. and television video, watch with us, premiere, tomorrow on the first, gin sheaf, stellar group product, monte shococa cognac, stellar group product, rom kastro, product of stellar group, vodka pechora, product of stellar group. veda vodka, a product of stellor group. sports and related news will continue our morning broadcast, the floor is dmitry terikhov. as you know, england is the birthplace of not only football, but the most ridiculous competitions in the world. one of them is the championship for luring worms out of the ground, which has been held in chesher for almost half a century. avid fishermen are probably grinning now, remembering how they easily dig up invertebrates.
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to create vibrations in the earth, participants like usually they use brass instruments, the winner of the 2024 championship, alex godfrey, lured 195 hearts, but this is not an idea. comparison with the record of ten-year-old sophie smith, who at one time managed to get 567 pieces, golf course owners can take note of such specialists, since it happens that clubs suffer greatly from worm infestations. this applies to iceland to a lesser extent: the soil in the country of permafrost is almost not conducive to the life of underground inhabitants, but golf here can now be played in 24x7. in the summer, the sun does not set beyond the horizon, the feature of the debut
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arctic open tournament in akureyri was not only the picturesque view, but also the non-standard schedule, golfers began to compete after midnight, it is not surprising that the best among women was local athlete lilly brynjoter, for men, the main prize went to scotsman james wilson, adding that iceland has the largest number of golf clubs per capita in the world. the large lawn at the minneapolis sculpture garden temporarily became a gymnasium. platform. the largest city in minnesota is now hosting the olympic qualifying tournament and so on... and now so that the lawn does not go underground, as happened in alton. a surveillance camera recorded the collapse of part of the football field, resulting in a hole measuring 30x9 m. fortunately, no one was hurt; american officials suggest that the incident happened at the site
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of a tunnel running under the sports complex, a long-closed mine. the holiday season is in full swing, it seems that everyone is flying somewhere, or is about to go to flight, many, in addition to a large suitcase , have hand luggage with them. what is possible? and what you can’t take with you on the plane, what to do if you suddenly have an excess in this very hand luggage, now we’ll figure it all out. at this capital airport there are over 150 flights per day, more than 40,000 passengers, each with hand luggage. her journey begins at the security scanner, then to the reception desk. the airline has no requirements for bags, backpacks, suitcases, shape, design, materials, only weight and size. from all avi companies completely different requirements for the dimensions of transportation, hand luggage, this is a minimum of 5 kg, but for most of our airlines in russia, these parameters are much higher, that is, 10 kg and quite large parameters in terms of the sum of three dimensions, the largest parameters in russia
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are 55, 40 -25. each passenger on the plane is allowed one more handbag along with hand luggage, even if it is very large and not a bag, but a backpack, let’s say here 10 kg, let’s say. here there are another 5-7 kilograms of requirements for exactly how many kilograms and things, objects should be placed in in quantitative terms , there is no such thing as a men's or ladies' bag or a specific backpack; this is an omission of a certain kind of legislation, but an omission in favor of passengers. then there is pre-flight inspection through an x-ray television introscope; the requirements for things carried on the plane are the same for all airlines, and here too there are some that are strange at first glance. you need to take out your laptop and turn it on to make sure it is working. this applies to tablets, phones, and electronic devices. if not will work, they may not allow you to manually place it. some power banks too. over 160 watts per hour
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in hand luggage is not carried in checked luggage either. most of the questions relate to the transportation of liquids. the container itself should be no more than 100 ml. if the bottle is 0.5, and there at the bottom. you need to finish it with it, you can’t go on, by liquid we mean not only water, but also paste, puree, jam, cream, even this thick one, in containers of 100 ml or less, in total you can take a whole liter, plus one more, if with a child, by the way, next year they plan to allow you to manually put in liter containers, even a whole suitcase of food and medicines, but if they are in the original packaging, and if in this form in travel format you need to check in luggage, because we, unfortunately, are not experts, we will not be able to determine , whether there are narcotic substances, heavy artillery, piercing and cutting objects, we always check them in our luggage, and if we have a plastic fork and legs, this does not change
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the fact that it is a fork and knife, it’s funny, but even paper ones are not, 40 minutes before departure you can have time to rearrange your things unacceptable for carry-on luggage or left in a storage room. you can pick it up upon arrival back for a fee, but no later than 2 months later. karina makaryan, vladimir repin, andrey aksenov, channel one. saturday is such a special day when allata takes it lightly, looks out for these people, famous, who have achieved considerable success in their business, but they have to compete in activities that are completely unusual and new, which is certainly always interesting. today her counterpart is an actress and stand-up comedian. popcorn appears when we interesting, and we know how to make it interesting when the popcorn appears. today my guest is actress, singer, poetess, author and performer, stand-up comedian elena borscheva.
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elena, good morning, i’m glad to see you, elena borshcheva, veteran of the slodo column, absolute champion, the train has started. elen, well, summer is not only a time for relaxation, it is a time for surprises for your fans, tell us what you are preparing? i give stand-up concerts, in july i will have two performances in moscow, and in august there will be a concert in st. petersburg. on in fact, what is humor, it’s energy, it’s light, it’s precision, yes, first of all, it’s in vain that he says, that was very accurate, yes, when the joke comes right here, today i’m with you, although here of course. of course, i will practice and compete with accuracy, today we will compete in cornhole, three rounds of three throws, the one who scores the most points will win. elena, come on. this is three attempts for you, each of the noracks has its own
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coefficient of points, so now you have scored 15 points, ah, five, 20 points fifteen, in the first round elena scores 35 points, so let's go, one, kick, two, pen, third milk, i have 35-30, points nothing special five five well come on, come on in the second round elena scores 20 points and i have five total the score is 55-35 , so what about the third round, elena? what to fight , excellent, gregory, normal, oh, twenty is
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very good, 40 points, 40 points is elena’s record in our game, cornfol, weak, and ten, what is this, i have to push now, yes, yes, 15 and 10, total, 45 points, with a score of 95-80, elena once again wins. elena, medal. dear viewers, i wish you to smile more often, because the more often you smile, the happier you are, and therefore the more successful. thank you very much, i always look forward to your visit, have a nice day , good morning. traffic intensifies during the summer, especially on weekends. in the vicinity of cities, everything becomes very busy there, and there are
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only two lanes of your oncoming traffic, it is very important to remember how to correctly overtake the car that is driving in front of you, so that this overtaking didn’t end in a fine or, god forbid , an accident; auto expert denis sharovar will show you how to safely perform such a maneuver. according to statistics, overtaking is the most dangerous maneuver. on the road, every tenth accident is associated with driving into the oncoming lane. my name is denis shrovar and today we will talk about how to overtake safely, and most importantly, what to do if you do not have time and need to be interrupted urgently. first, let's decide how to overtake passing traffic according to the rule. traffic rules are dry words, we made sure that we do not create
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interference and overtake within the permitted limits. this place. and here's what it should look like in real life. we make sure that overtaking is allowed here, look in the mirror to see if anyone is overtaking us, if it’s clear in both places, turn on the turn signal, drive into the lane of oncoming traffic, once again make sure that there is no one ahead, accelerate, complete overtaking, return to your lane and most importantly, remember, you don’t need to slow down after. after you overtook the car, imagine an emergency situation, we are already in the oncoming lane and are ahead of the curve, but we barely we drew level with the stern of a passing car, when a car appeared in the oncoming lane. there is only one way out here, press the brake and as soon as the passing car moves forward, we dive after it. what if we notice an oncoming car when we have already caught up with the passing car, and the obstacle in front of us is very close. accelerate due to. overtaking is not an option, braking and trying to dive into your lane is also
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not a good idea, you may not make it in time, so the only correct way out is to get as close as possible to passing traffic, slow down as much as possible and try to attract the attention of oncoming traffic by any means, all means are good here, press the bell, blink your high beams, the main thing is not to go to the oncoming side of the road, most likely the driver of the oncoming car will even have an idea and you... will collide on the side of the road, lop-lop, and this is the worst accident ever. to avoid such surprises , you need to remember a few simple rules: you cannot drive into oncoming traffic in front of the tops of hills, where visibility is limited, or overtake after other cars or trains. but most importantly rule - if you are unsure, do not overtake. each trip to the oncoming floor. should be designed not even for 100, but for 200%, that is, you
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should have twice as much time to overtake as it takes to overtake one car. summer, heat, dresscoat, well, where can you go without it, which is quite normal and decent, walking in the park is not always acceptable at work, or, say, when going to a museum, but at the resort the beach ends sooner or later and goes into the city, when we come on vacation, we often forget about this, but in vain, the same thing the feeling when clients are in t-shirts and linen sundresses, and you are in uniform, shirt, vests, tie, and even for...
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summer seems to allow the time for short dresses and shorts, but here, depending on where you are going, it’s probably not possible to go to the third quarter in this form , here in a conventional museum of modern art, most likely no one will judge us, i think that in a museum this is not quite the norm, because just like in the theater there is still a cross-section, yes for such places, but if you come to a gallery contemporary art, why not, you can come in shorts, there are also designers here we tried, it’s not like that now... shorts, slits, transparent fabrics, mesh are a hot trend. nowadays knitted dresses are incredibly trendy; they can be either tightly knitted or large, and the larger the knitting, the better. but for some it is fashionable, while for others the beach look is out of place in the city. last season foreign bloggers started talking about this.
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the concept of subway short appeared, that is, a t-shirt for the subway. this is when you wear a fashionable, revealing outfit to a party, but on the way upstairs you wear an oversized t-shirt so that no one will see you. do not embarrass and avoid increased attention, while officially, legally, there are no rules, in the same park, somewhere on shizlong by the lake we feel like we’re on the beach, sunbathed, changed clothes, but in moscow, in sochi it’s a completely different story, you ’re on the bus wet, the swimsuit can be holopops, holopuss, tables just passed by, a woman in a swimsuit came in, well , how simply ugly, you think the locals are used to everything, but no, on the one hand, people on vacation can afford this form of tourist clothing, but with on the other hand, the residents who live here, of course, this irritates some people a little, but it amuses me. in the krasnodar territory or crimea, the embankment is a psychological boundary, where the beach ends and the big city begins. everything is stricter in dagestan. last year
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, such signs appeared in tourist cities asking people to respect the cultural traditions of the region, and here it’s not just a swimsuit, a short dress can be worn. well, yes and what? yes, i don’t like her, she’s one of those people who takes the bag and goes after the dogs in the yard to clean up. and what? and she doesn't have any dog. kvn. fourth quarter-finals watch the time after the program. he rubbed the microphone in his palms. and
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looking forward to the stadium. i perform for people. without swimming trunks, have fun, saturday is the day when we women simply have to carve out time for ourselves, those we love, this is what irina matheranskaya thinks, whoever disagrees with her , as they say, i ask you to leave this room forever, especially if it’s a summer saturday, when you just need to take care of your skin, how to do it, let’s see, yes, in the summer, of course, the rhythm of life is different. school is over, no lessons, children are generally in camp for two weeks, brush, paste, gel, did you find a comb, no, exercises, well, can i get ready normally or not, how i will miss you, happiness, make yourself a mask
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every day, but not all of them are especially suitable for... it's finally saturday, which means you'll have a moment for yourself, today you have the opportunity to choose a mask, and not... the first one you come across. we take out light textures, once a week, no more, for the task. the rest of the time, our skin's resources cope. it is the masks that activate them. the number one summer mask is, of course, cleansing. we are very much we sweat and our pores become clogged. more than 25°c heat, the skin is oily, against which there may be rashes, the pores visually look wider. a cleansing mask solves these problems with bamboo. coal, for example, it absorbs dust, or koalin, white clay, just
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don’t keep these for longer than 3-5 minutes, as soon as they harden, wash them off, the second summer mask, of course, is a brightening one, it must contain vitamin c, it already contains in you, more citrus fruits in your diet, tangerines, oranges, lemons, these are on the menu. it’s for the face, it doesn’t just improve color, it helps with pigmentation and skin after this it still shines. mask number three for summer is, of course, moisturizing. in winter, the skin dries from heating, in summer from air conditioning. even if the skin becomes oily, this does not mean that it does not need hydration; dehydrated skin may even be oily. what's in it? our favorite... acid or collagen (lots of collagen) with this you can lie down for 20 minutes for the whole 30. and of course the fourth summer mask -
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rejuvenating uh-huh against wrinkles with peptides, what are peptides? we actively squint in the sun, not only the skin around the eyes suffers, all facial muscles tense.
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restore the hydrolipid balance of the skin , wash off the mask and be sure to tonic to give yourself a great mood on this sunny day. irina matheranskaya channel one. the best summer treat you can't get enough of is ice cream; it cools you down perfectly. it’s hot, but you still need to know when to stop. sports nutritionist alina luchagina will tell you what 's what: hot day, ice cream, dessert is very popular, the main thing is to eat it slowly. in the heat, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx overheats and upon contact with ice cream you can get exacerbation of chronic throat diseases. we won’t give up our favorite ice cream or popsicle, but we’ll wait until the dessert melts a little. and we will warm each portion in your mouth, mm, delicious, it’s a pity that ice cream is so high
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in calories, i, as a nutritionist, advise you to eat a hundred-gram portion maximum twice a week, and your throat won’t hurt, and your figure won’t deteriorate, and if you want to treat yourself more often, prepare make your own diet ice cream, the recipe is simple, cut up banana slices and put them in the freezer. and after an hour beat in blender, you get a soft creamy mass, you can add a little nuts, beat your favorite frozen berries separately, mix, decorate with coconut flakes or grated chocolate if desired, you get a vitamin-rich low-calorie dessert, which is also rich in potassium. the substance supports the heart and blood vessels, and this especially important in hot weather. by the way, it's delicious. bon appetit and
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take care of yourself. now prepare to be mesmerized. at least half a million subscribers are already in this state arrives after these shots, which were captured by english farmer ashley anderson. he demonstrated how mushrooms grow. in general , this process takes from 15 to 30 days, but these frames are all. happens in literally a few seconds, thanks to accelerated filming, we watch and are hypnotized. it seems to me that we haven’t cooked anything for a long time. tasty fix: manti in a frying pan, how do you like this dish? do you already want to try it? write down the recipe from maria the severe. if you want manti, but don’t have a steamer or pressure cooker, an ordinary frying pan will help out. but first, the correct dough recipe: add half a teaspoon of salt, an egg and 80 ml
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of water to the flour, knead the classic dumpling dough. it is quite tight, it is not easy to knead, but when it sits down, it will be easier to work with. i chop the onion very finely and add the minced meat. i took it already prepared, salted it and seasoned it with coriander, paprika and zera. i knead well and pour in 50 ml of water, so the minced meat will be juicier. i divide the dough in half: i return one part to the bag, roll the other into a sausage and divide into five parts, rolling each one. into a ball, place on a floured surface i put the plate in a bag so that the dough does not dry out, take out one ball at a time and roll it into a fairly large thin flat cake, lay out 50 g of minced meat, cover it up like this , collecting it in a circle, pinch the hole well, it’s easier to sculpt than dumplings, fry it in
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heated vegetable oil over medium heat , you need... for the monts to brown a little, while they are frying, i quickly prepare the tomato sauce, mix 200 ml of hot water and tomato paste, salt, season with black pepper and basil, pour in the tomato sauce, cover the carcass over low heat for 20 minutes, and while i pickle the onions, it will be even tastier, cut them into rings, pour vinegar, sprinkle with finely chopped cilantro, leave while the main dish is being prepared, the aroma will fill the whole house, under the lid the montes will inflate, but when you open it, they will deflate, this is normal, they are baked , they've browned even more, and how they smell, i serve with pickled onions, summer is the time to travel to...
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the screens are more comfortable, you don't have to wear a seat belt, watch tomorrow, we're having a wedding, the lives of other chefs on wheels, and today we're going to talk about comfort and trill show, good morning ours dear tv viewers, bars, restaurants, music, sunshine, good weather, such a swamp walker, what a puddle, look, if summer is small... we are going to ryazan, having a wedding, it’s safe, only the place next to the bride is already taken, look how strong i am, why should he weaken with me? the bear is a traditional guest at a ryazan wedding, one of the relatives put on a fur coat and the old-timer bride during the ransom, it’s good that
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the groom in ryazan is savvy. looks at the chefs on wheels, astrakhan neo fish soup - it’s great, a delight, very tasty, then what was missing after such a trip, chefs evgeny tsyganov and alexander bogdanov are visiting the astrakhan ositrov, and you can pet it, you can cook it, the chefs will salt asiter caviar, especially since the salt is right under your feet, lake baskunchak,
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in the spring it has a gray tint, then turns white.
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channel one, well, now we’ll find out what events have happened in the country and the world by this hour in the news broadcast on channel one. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello, last school waltz, farewells to beloved teachers, smiles, tears, and of course, watching the dawn across the country. graduation ceremony the very center of moscow turned into a large school yard, 6.00 graduates from different regions, including new ones, gathered there; this year the graduation ball took place in the kremlin for the twentieth time. a noisy, bright
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celebration for several tens of thousands of yesterday's schoolchildren. according to tradition , the children were greeted like real stars in the capital’s gorky park. red carpet, animators, presenters, dozens of dance floors for them to karaoke and even with computer games. and, of course, a big concert, a gift from. in st. petersburg, this night was perhaps the most romantic and most desirable: dancing until the morning, a pyrotechnic show on the water, that very ship of hope, ala and sails carried yesterday’s schoolchildren into adulthood.
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the majestic brig russia passed through the appatorium of the neva, tens of thousands of children from all over the country, including from our new regions, watched this magnificence. night and day. a snow-white yacht with greasy sails appeared in the sea of ​​azov in mariupol, when a sailboat appeared on the horizon, everyone seemed to freeze, impressions that will remain in memory for a lifetime. at these moments, graduates said goodbye to childhood and made wishes that would certainly come true, because allaya's sails are an unchanging symbol of dreams. scarlet sails are a symbol of unity. dreams of hope, our hope is you, we believe in you, we need your strong hands, knowledge, energy, dare,
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dream, win, win together with russia, success to you all, fair wind, good luck, from the summer garden through cottage cheese troetsky and palace bridges, and after turns this year, the anniversary of the grand holiday, it was held in the northern capital for the twentieth time, the route was lengthened so that even more children could see this action from any point in all its glory. 18 scarlet silk sails, clusters of colorful fireworks. graduates will definitely remember the most touching farewell to the school for a long time. now to the situation in the air defense zone, the crew of the mi-28 army helicopters. aerospace forces aviation dealt a powerful blow to the ukrainian formations, worked together with units of the vostok group of forces, approached the target in a low-level flight, remaining unnoticed for as long as possible, they opened fire in the indicated square, then performed an anti-missile maneuver
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and returned safely to base, the crews of self-propelled howb-nails as a group of troops from the north rained down a whole hail of shells on the militants’ fortifications, firing at a distance of several tens of kilometers, using high-explosive fragmentation shells, sweeping away dugouts and strongholds, making way for our infantry.
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soldiers and commanders who are bringing the long-awaited victory closer. usa joe biden is not going to withdraw from the presidential race, despite his apparent failure in the debate. afterwards, he appeared before voters at a rally in north carolina. supporters, as if nothing had happened, chanted for another 4 years. he told them that he was not young, that he did not perform so well, but...
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at home said the text messages in the chat on friday were terrible, like jokes about updating one's resume were all blown away, the official said. many white house staffers worked from home on friday. according to cnn, democrats spent yesterday trying to convince biden's company donors that it doesn’t need to be changed for anyone, reproaches fell on the president’s wife jill, who even cut out from her page on the social network part of a joint photograph where her husband stands with his mouth open. vice president camelo haris is accused of concealment. information about biden's true health status. official nominations are due at the convention in august, so democrats still have time. as for the republicans, they started talking not about elections, but about applying the amendment to the constitution that talks about early termination of powers of the head of state. many people ask about the twenty- fifth amendment because the insecurity is alarming. unfortunately, this question is not for the house of representatives. according to the constitution. this question is for
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the cabinet, i would ask the government what they think deep down, this concerns not only the democrats, the whole country, we have a serious problem. the defeat of biden at the debates is being discussed outside the united states, well, in kiev they are even close to panic, who will finance the zelensky regime if in the states the president will change, the ukrainian government has loudly admitted the obvious, the country has become a hostage to the american election campaign. that's all for now. and now the floor to irina muromets. good morning to everyone who is celebrating this weekend, together with channel one, irina murmotsova is with you on the calendar saturday, june 29, today is shipbuilder's day in russia, our congratulations to all shipbuilders and in general to everyone involved in this holiday. the date, by the way, is not accidental; it was on this day, in 1667, that tsar alexei mikhailovich issued a decree on the construction of the first russian warship, it became the frigate eagle. today russia is a leader in world
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shipbuilding, and in the 21st century we are building ships that tsar alexei mikhailovich never dreamed of. there are almost 200 shipyards in russia, and every year they launch about 100 civilian ships. in astrokhan , a brand new tanker khimovlos of project 0.0216m is being prepared for factory testing; it will transport liquid cargo, from oil to chemicals and vegetable oil. moreover, one tanker can be transported. three types of liquid at once, we have three cargo manifolds through which it can simultaneously different cargo is supplied, the cargo is distributed among cargo tanks, which are located from the stern of the vessel to the bow of the vessel. the capacity is 8,740 m2, for comparison, the average railway tank holds 60 cubic meters of oil, when a tanker of 145 such tanks, if necessary, can heat the liquid to 60°, such a vessel is built. 3 years for how many
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years? a vessel of this class can be considered an old man - somewhere around 15 years old. after 15 years , equipment is updated, that is, if some equipment fails, or it continues to undergo re-certification and continues to work for its purpose. they are building here on a large scale. at the nizhny novgorod plant krasnoe sormovo 2 years ago they launched a five-star hotel, a motor ship, a river sea, mustai karim, the largest liner created in russia over the past 60 years, length almost 142 m, it also took 3 years to build, this project marked the beginning of a series of domestic cruise ships. there are also new additions to the fishing fleet; the admiralty shipyards handed over a large freezing trawler to pacific fishermen, captain martynov, the fifth in its series, the floating factory immediately catches and processes 80 tons of fish fillet per day, the same amount of surimi minced meat. the trawler is capable of fishing in the ice of the barinsky and okhotsk seas. break meter-long ice floes.
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the icebreaker fleet is a special pride, and the arctic, siberian and ural households are already plying the northern sea route, escorting barges and tankers. chukotka is still on the slipway, and yakutia. launched. pride of the north and borii a and yasen m class nuclear submarines. the quietest submarines in the world with ballistic missiles on board. but to bring them down water or repaired directly at sea, floating docks are needed. they just started building a new one at the sevmash plant. plovdog has dimensions that allow it to accept itself and launch nuclear submarines, the strangest of which in the world, into the waters of simas. the prototype of the new floating dock has become operational.
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kebabs, beginners experiment with marinade, cooking methods, serving, accompaniment, but what you definitely shouldn’t experiment with is the place, you just need to know the place and equip it correctly, barbecue in nature, moscow, oleshkinsky forest with an official picnic area, together with state fire inspector alexander krasnichenko, we go on a raid in a group of schoolchildren and parents. there are no questions, we grill barbecue in specially designated places, we always have water nearby, water is not everything, there are already questions for this company, do you think you comply with fire safety requirements, well, i would say 50/50, if something happens, put it out we can, but at the same time
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it should be cleaner; we should have sand around here, so that in case suddenly coal falls, it will fall on the sand and be burned, and there should be no debris on the area around the barbecue, it itself is obviously durable and under supervision. no, but we don’t leave it here, the inspectors say it’s a misconception among barbecue makers that a barbecue fire is safer than a regular one. a barbecue fire differs from a regular one in that the barbecue has ventilation holes, through these holes the hot coals then fall either on dry vegetation or on any flammable elements. it looks something like this: here we have a piece of coal left, it fell into dry leaves a minute later. it’s blazing, an hour later there’s already a fire, like in the crimea or the penza region, here in a dacha village six houses, outbuildings and 2.5 hectares of land burned down, the day before they were barbecuing, in
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this pine bar in the stern it’s possible that 200 km were also burned, where it’s definitely not we fry, in the forest, in the field, in city parks, if there are no equipped areas, on the balcony, on the roof, near garages, in the courtyards of high-rise buildings, except if the neighbors do not mind, and the grill is not portable, but stationary. for violation of fire safety requirements for citizens administrative liability is provided in the form of a fine from 5 to 15,000 rubles. and where you can fry, as an option, find equipped places on the internet. this means there are cleared areas and stationary barbecues. in moscow these are listed on the website. i select the parks and green areas section and here i get to a map that shows locations where you can barbecue, there are, but there is a lot of demand, the place was chosen, occupied since yesterday evening, by enthusiasts, because
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there are few places in the park, you can barbecue in the yard private house or dacha, if to the nearest buildings at least 5 m, if the reservoir within a radius of 10 m should not have any... the distance to a coniferous forest is 100 m, to deciduous and separate trees 30, and this is provided that there is no fire regime in force in the region. yuria molosto, olga sorokina, stepan erofeev and anna gazhala, channel one. age is just a number. the heroes of our next story are young at heart, and this is the main thing at 93 years old, to fly an airplane and even do aerobatic maneuvers . how do you like this? lydie.
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wow, great, i'm shocked. and this is already hers favorite yak-50. on it, lidia semyonovna once began to surf the sky of her native tula, and became so carried away that she became the champion of the ussr, europe and the world. you stand beautifully. retirement is not a reason to be bored; on the contrary, there is even more time for what you love. every day ledia semyonovna has interviews, master classes, and meetings with schoolchildren who also dream of flying in the sky. i wanted to make more friends with you. fly zoya petrovna vakhrusheva from the village of gazhnya in udmurtia compared to lydia leonova, a girl, she is 75
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years old, recently became interested in armwrestling, already so i pumped up my arms, which sometimes makes my grandchildren feel better, well, this is necessary for health, so that they don’t stand, so that they are cheerful, so that we also love our old people, so that they don’t turn sour. zoya petrovna also encouraged her friends to take up her hobby. every morning they warm up in the fresh air, jumping rope. dumbbells are being pulled, but yes, i’ll try, trouble! crimean anatoly mikhailovich pavlechuk, he is 71 years old, cannot sit still for a minute, but only according to his passport. i feel, i'm 36, 37, 42, it's already, it won't be right, you know how i feel feeling completely young. recently, anatoly mikhailovich made a forced march from his village of mezhvodnoye, and in patoria. i walked 47 km in 14 hours, ask why? did you want to? to see how the new track was being built, three drivers stopped to pick me up and
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take me to the yupatora, i was very good-natured, so i thanked them and said that i would go on foot, it’s more interesting for me, the road will be mastered by the one walking, especially when there are supplies of water in the backpack on my back and crackers, made the first stop after 15 km, stretch my legs so as not to go numb, like this, where will i go next since anatoly mikhailovich hasn’t come up with an idea yet, he knows one thing for sure, he certainly won’t sit still. elena savina, natalya kravchenko, nazir nagumanov, anna gazhala, channel one. don’t miss, tomorrow on channel one the family vocal show two stars, fathers and sons, nine star duets of different generations will sing for you. we watch, listen, of course, sing along. children outshine famous parents. dangerous situation.
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irony aside, we can only hear the amazing unity behind the scenes on stage. how similar you are, it’s amazing, amazing, you are incredibly similar, thank you, i ’m about to cry, i’m learning from lebanon to be even more sincere, suso pavliashvili is responsible for the choice of songs, he won’t give me bad advice in life, you’re my reflection, you’re doing everything wrong, i always say cut it out.
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and the mastodon is generally a thing, she, she has so much colossal experience that it ’s natural, no matter how easy it is to learn, not to relearn, son gregory, for some reason calls this young girl mother, mothers and fathers who are always missing on tour have a chance to spend time with children, what is noticed, offspring, unlike parents, bring friends, root for us, uh, these are seryozhins, i ’m afraid to talk to you, they are very envious, two stars, fathers and children. tomorrow on channel one, which star duet will captivate you? who will like our performance of 100 years of life?
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victoria bolenskaya, channel one. for the first time, schoolchildren had the opportunity to retake the unified state exam not a year later, but literally a month after the exam. one subject to choose from, and most importantly, in order to retake the exam on july 4, you must submit an application before july 1, to retake it on july 5 applications are accepted until the second day. in the sixth gymnasium in krasnogorsk, out of forty-three graduates, 15 children plan to retake the unified state exam, almost all of them are khorash students, and the world in geography scored 85 points and confirmed it. gold medal, the result is high, but the excellent student goes to the exam again: he lost one point simply out of stupidity, forgot how to do the task, and lost another point because the wording was a little confusing, and also did not quite understand what exactly needed to be answered . of course, this is an opportunity to improve the result for those who received too low point. according to statistics from rosobrnadzor. for several years now, the leading subjects have been computer science and
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social studies. for some reason, there is an opinion among schoolchildren that the social studies exam is simple, about the same. at your school, submit an application to the state examination commission to indicate the discipline. for children who retake subjects on july 4, this will be from june 26 to july 1 inclusive. for children who retake the test on july 5 from june 27 to july 2 inclusive. one more condition:
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it will not be possible to retake the exam in another city, you can only do this at your school. children who are taking a retake must clearly understand that the result obtained in this exam will be final and the previous result will be annulled; they need to weigh everything, analyze it, and make the right choice. if a student signs up and does not appear for the unified state exam, the very first results will remain valid. any other non-standard situation will be considered individually by the examination committee. we sometimes have children who come in with a fever exam, he goes to the medical office. an early completion of the exam is issued, but he does not have a result for the new exam day, so his previous result is not canceled, but remains. graduates from previous years will not be allowed to retake the unified state exam; they are expected in the fall; those who tried to cheat during the may exams will be refused. this year , 736 students had to be suspended. those who were removed from
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the exam for violating the order, they have the opportunity to take the exam - this one only next year. the same will apply those who come, strictly speaking, for a retake and will try to use some prohibited means. plans to check the results and issue certificates to schoolchildren within a week after retaking the unified state exam. dmitry roshkov, maryana zhukova, anzhelika pankratieva, channel one. on the calendar on june 29 this weekend, several russian cities celebrate their birthdays, and i, of course, could list them all right now to congratulate them, but we’ll make it more interesting. better yet, let's take a short trip through them. what do you associate your native with? city? residents of birthday cities answer the question. there are birthdays all over the country this weekend. there are three in siberia. tobolsk turns 437. 3/4 of the territory of our country is siberia. and the history of this siberia
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begins precisely in the city of tobolsk. this is the third capital of the russian empire. from here the development of siberia began. the kremlin is the only one in the vast territory from the urals to the pacific ocean; today , the only museum in the country of the family of emperor nicholas ii has appeared here. ancient buildings, green squares - this is all tobolsk. our city, dear and beloved, is the most beautiful in everything, in the whole world. novosibirsk residents also admire their city, it is much younger, 131 years old, but how much has been built over the years? of course, the zoo. the park, of course, the academic town, the ugrinsky bridge, the embankment, the opera house, our opera and ballet theater, the largest theater building in russia, in fact the big one is our big one, not the moscow big one. another siberian birthday boy achinsk, 341. a hard worker, several plants and factories, here they refine oil and sew shoes. let's move
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to the center of the country, there are two birthday people, both in years, vologda. 877 years old, the association, of course, is lace, the thinnest, openwork, which is woven on pebbles, and wooden carvings on houses. arzhev is 808 years old, the most recognizable place is the memorial to the soviet soldier. our city is associated with the defenders who defended our city and stood for us. rzhev is also the heart of the pigeon of russia, even the rzhev breed has its own breed.
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century, the archangel michael monastery was founded, which actually gave the name to the city, and it was originally called that arkhangelsk city, yes, that is, two words arkhangelsk city, which is why local residents are called the archangel of the city, with which the city is associated, with ships, with scientific expeditions to the north pole with the beautiful northern dvina. svyatoslav grebishov, evgeny makarov, shamil guliev, roman shakirov, ruslan zeganshin, channel one. how great it is when both mom and dad are at home, ask your children yourself, they will probably confirm to you, you can go for a walk, play, eat ice cream, when all this has already
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been redone, you can connect non-standard ones, but also interesting activities, father of many children alexey ivanov will continue. summer, holidays. a great time to level up your superpowers. hello everyone, my name is alexey ivanov, i am a father of many children, and today we will learn to juggle. and juggler igor grigoriev will teach us. good morning. hello. well, guys, let's start the lesson. the first trick i would like to teach you is the cascade. and let's start with one. we need. throw the ball from one hand to the other, and in such a way that the trajectory is correct, let's do it like this, stretch out the arm,
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try to throw it around the arm, i can do it, look, great, this training is not only for the arms, but also for the head, because it develops focused attention, which is exactly what children need at school in order to... don’t be distracted in the lesson and complete the assignments, the next stage: we try to throw two balls in a row at once, and try to make the same throws, there is such an expression of the child’s mind at the tips of his fingers, so in order to develop it, juggling is ideal, such a connection is built between. neurons, which... allows you to cope with any task, with any activity much faster, and now we will make two identical throws with both hands towards each other,
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like this cross, one two, dad, like this, look, yes, and i have it’s already working out. yeah, it worked out, the most difficult step is to just make three throws, 1 2 3, but it’s clear, dad, please look, 1 2, 2, 2, 3, it worked out, keep in mind that juggling is very useful not only for children, but to their parents and even grandparents, therefore
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you can do it with the whole family, be sure to try it. the games that people play, it just seems that today they are only computer games, nothing like that, the classic rock, paper, scissors, remember who invented it? peaceful, cultural way, stone, scissors , fabric, eu, yes, yes, yes, then there was no paper yet, that’s where tsufa came from, tsuefa, it’s something in chinese, tsuefa, it’s... a game
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in chinese, well and this permission comes precisely from the japanese language, that is , the japanese learned this from us, because the russian europeans learned it from the japanese. the japanese went again further, they came up with their own gestures: a slug, a toad and a snake, the meaning is the same, a toad is a slug, a snake is a toad, a slug bites a snake, but the main question is whether it is possible to calculate victory, the mathematician maria dolganova first tried it on the example of heads and tails, where there are only four combinations. then rock, paper-scissors, where there are nine combinations, three draws, three wins, three losses, the probability of winning is one in three, essentially the chances are equal, good, but the second we decide which option we will have, we i can't do it all calculate, of course not, here we pay more attention to gestures, probably to facial expressions, the champions know for sure, artyom and sasha won cups in their district, artyom beat
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his opponent 4:5, showed a stone, she showed scissors, and somehow i got into the final with a score of 5-4, yeah, somehow it turns out to be pure luck, pure luck. sasha believes in strategy, he watched the players. well, girls and little children usually put the scissors first, and men usually put the stones first. the judge disagrees. children are here the most irregular, the most unpredictable, it’s just that here you’ll really be lucky or unlucky when playing with them. let's test against the champions little girl 2:0 our champion loses 1:15 2:1 the second champion loses luck is on her side and can really determine the experiment by the face we record a video show the champions scissors scissors yes scissors stone paper now maybe stone again stone stone yes on the body .
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it’s a pity, i thought this one worked, it also doesn’t work , it doesn’t work, it’s all the japanese who proved that it works, they made a robot that never loses, the secret is in the high-speed camera, it reads the movement of the opponent’s hands, it takes a person 60 milliseconds to make one gesture, and the camera recognizes the gesture in 35 milliseconds, another 25 remain to fold the manipulator into the desired shape, oh, if only the person had such a reaction , plus the car doesn’t have the excitement and emotions, like... which often let you down, but it’s precisely for this drive and unpredictability that this game is loved all over the world. sergey abramov sotnik, dmitry roshkov and anzhelika pankratieva, channel one. it is important to travel around russia because you need to learn the traditions of different cities. we are from
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the city. nizhnevartovs, our city is famous for oil, gas and good people. a famous place in voronezh is the kitten from lizyukov street. rostov the great is included in the golden ring of russia. this is the most beautiful ancient city in our country. our republic is facing a pole. the pole of heat is the hottest point in our country. in the shade it reaches +57. obnensk is the first science city in russia; in our city there is the first nuclear power plant. i send greetings to everyone from our cultural capital vast country. i love you, russia. old barrel cognac is a product of stellar group. bourbon stirsman is a product of the stellar group. whiskey mancacher. product of steller group. jean
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s. sheaf product of stellor group. the donkey didn’t like living in a shared apartment with a heifer goat, so he made a firm man’s decision to move in with the bull. in cartoons , donkeys are shown to us as so sad, real donkeys are very characteristic, if he’s offended, then he’s offended, if he’s happy, then he’s just happy. i've seen a lot of dogs, so it's definitely a bear. everything is very good-natured, treated with love, an intelligent animal, simply strong and fast. saw the video, watch with us, premiere, tomorrow on the first. in our country today we celebrate youth day, in general , age is a subjective concept, but according to the law, people aged 14 to 35 are considered youth, some people mutter that
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they are youth. not that one, but it certainly isn't. our youth are the real engine of progress, science, art and everything in general. youth are the ones who create the future. almost a quarter of russia's population are young people, but what are they like? they some are advanced, something is all new, they create something, quick mind, think faster, act faster, good young people, somehow you come across it, but judging by my sons, i think that they are good, very smart in russia, 44% of all researchers are young people, ilya petriev is 33, he is already the head of the laboratory of hydrogen energy at kuban state university, and is now working on a membrane reactor to produce... such a reactor will make it possible to produce hydrogen many times cheaper than all existing methods that exist in today's day in russia and in the world, since
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there are no analogues of such a membrane reactor today, this is a third-generation membrane reactor. the reactor is small, it can be easily transported and used even in the extreme north, which is not surprising; his laboratory is also full of young people. 33% of young people in russia are involved in volunteering, alexey from st. petersburg is 21, he helps people, diana is 16 and she is also a volunteer, i try not to be far from other people’s problems. on weekends, go to the village of volkhov district to buy groceries. one of pensioners who are helped by the guys, young people don’t forget us old people. afterwards, of course, to talk for a cup of tea, what would we do without it? young people are active.
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it leads to global changes, so the concept is very important here, i act locally, think globally. polina is 26, and fyodor is 21. both still volunteer, go to student organizations and how they don’t have enough time. and roman started plogging 2 years ago. i do this only on my own initiative, for myself, because i feel that i can make ours a little cleaner. city. this is not my trash, but this is my city. today. manu is 37 and he seems to be no longer a youth, but we understand that it’s not about the numbers. elizaveta nikishova, sergey falendysh, bella pogasyan, anna milovanova, channel one, everyone has their own deadline for life,
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everyone has their own goals, and goals from the ground, everyone has their own dreams. and the heavens give addresses to everyone according to their strength, to each their own lucky star, to each their own joy and peta, no matter how our world rushes into oblivion, save on... god, to each his own, to each his own, i drink to good health my children, i drink to mom, to dad, to all
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my friends, for the fact that we have built bridges from heart to heart, i will drink palms full.
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to the viewer whom i have been serving for more than 35 years, what words, to each his own, this is, well, in general the lyrics of this song are amazing, everyone’s beat, bones, hands, let’s pray for their parents, white photo, i don’t know, well, this guy and i have several albums they wrote, we still have a lot ahead of us and a lot of pleasant surprises await you, soso, what surprises can your son expect from you?
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may there be more health, may there be more there are a lot of good new songs, of course, with such an amazing accompanist as seryozha.
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thank you very much, they say that growing an ideal lawn is very simple, you need to level a piece of land, sow lawn grass and trim it regularly every year for 100 years, it’s a joke, although the lawn really needs to be trimmed regularly, oksana stankevich will tell you all the details. many people think it's a lawn. they mow it solely for beauty, no, of course, the more often we
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cut it, the more the grass grows side shoots and turns into a dense dense carpet, but you also need to cut it wisely. some summer residents are lazy and literally shave their lawn down to 1-2 cm, so to speak, with a margin to last for a long time. this is... the biggest mistake: a lawn cut too short begins to hurt, turn yellow and become covered with bald spots. if you want a soft emerald green... lawn, cut no more than a third of the height of the grass at a time. every lawn mower, like a hair clipper, has a scale from shortest to longest. choose the one that is higher, you definitely won’t go wrong. for a summer residence, the ideal height is from 4
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up to 7 cm. such a lawn is considered functional, you can have a picnic on it and the children can play on it, it will withstand everything. in those places where the lawnmower cannot reach, a trimmer will help out. this is such a device on a long rod, instead of knives it has a nylon fishing line. the motor rotates it at such a speed that it cuts the grass. it is convenient for trimers to shave the lawn around the trees between flowers. along the fence, however, over time the fishing line breaks, at the most inopportune moment, when you don’t have a spare one, a replacement is required, don’t give up mowing the lawn halfway, let's take plastic ties instead of fishing line, put one other on the trimmer, the main thing
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is to fasten it tightly so that it doesn't fly off and you can work. and the final touch is to put the trimmer on its side and make a neat edge along the paths. thanks to these little tricks, we have a perfectly smooth, well-groomed lawn. now you can relax and enjoy your weekend. in the midst of. what you can and cannot take with you into the cabin of the plane, what to do if you suddenly have an excess in this same carry-on luggage, now we’ll figure it all out. in this capital the airport has 150 departures per day, more than 40
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thousand passengers, each of them has hand luggage, its path begins with the security scanner, then to the counter. bags, backpacks, suitcases, the airline has no requirements for the shape, design, materials of luggage, only for weight and size. all huawei companies have completely different requirements for the dimensions of carriage, hand luggage, this is 5 kg, the minimum, but for most of our airlines in russia these parameters are much higher, that is, 10 kg and quite large parameters in the sum of three dimensions. the largest parameters in russia are 55, 40-25. every passenger is allowed on the plane with a hand-held bag. i put another handbag, even if it is very large and not a bag, but a backpack. let's say here 10 kg is acceptable, here another 5-7 kilograms.
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there are no requirements for exactly how many kilograms and things, items in quantitative terms the composition of a man's or lady's bag or a specific backpack should fit, this is an omission of a certain kind of legislation, but an omission in favor of passengers. further pre-flight inspection through: x-ray television introscope, the requirements for things carried on the plane are the same for all airlines, and here, too, there are, at first glance, strange rules. you need to take out your laptop and turn it on to make sure it is working. this applies to tablets, phones, and electronic devices. if it doesn’t work, they may not allow the deposit to be made manually. some power banks too. power banks over 160 w are not carried in hand luggage either. mostly a question. to carry liquids, itself the capacity should be no more than 100 ml, if the bottle is 0.5, and there is 50 ml at the bottom, you need to drink it further with it, by liquid we mean not only water, but also paste, puree, jam, cream, even this thick , containers of 100 ml or less, in total
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you can take a whole liter, plus one more, if you are with a child, by the way, next year they plan to allow you to manually put in liter containers, that ’s at least a whole food. also no. 40 minutes before departure, you can have time to transfer items that are not allowed for carry-on luggage into luggage or leave them in a storage room. paid, pick up upon arrival back, but no later than 2 months later. karina makaranyan, vladimir lepin, andrey aksenov, channel one. saturday is such a special day when allata takes it easy, looks out
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for these people, famous, who have achieved considerable success in their business, but they have to compete with them in activities that are completely unusual and new, which is certainly always interesting. today her counterpart is actress and stand-up comedian elena barsche. popcorn appears when... interesting, and we know how to make it interesting when popcorn appears. today my guest is actress, singer, poet, author, performer, stand-up comedian, elena barshcheva. elena, good morning, i’m glad to see you, elena barshcheva, veteran of the elephant column, absolute champion, here comes the train, well, summer is not only that. holiday, it's time for surprises for your fans, tell us what you're preparing? i give stand-up concerts in july
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, i will have two performances in moscow, and in august there will be a concert in st. petersburg. in fact, what is humor, is it energy, is it light, is it accuracy, and first of all, votrya says, that was very accurate, yes, when the joke comes right here, today i am with you, although there is of course a head start , of course i will practice and compete exactly today. we compete in cornhole, three rounds of three throws, the one who scores the most points wins. elena, come on, this is for you, three attempts, each of the noraks has its own coefficient of points, so now you have scored 15 points, ah, five, 20 points petnashka, in the first round elena scores 35 points, so let's go, once a spin. i have milk 35-30 result of the first round and twenty past
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, so 20 points, nothing special, five, come on, come on, in the second, elena scores 20 points, and i get five. the total score is 55:35. well, the third round, elena, what, should we fight? excellent, grigory, the norm, oh, twenty is very good. 40 points, 40 points is elena’s record in our game. cornfol, weak and ten. and what's that? i have to push now yes-yes-yes, and 20, 15 and 10, a total of 45 points, with
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a score of 95-80, elena once again wins, in the elena section, medal, dear viewers, i wish you to smile more often, because the more often you smile, the happier you are, and therefore more successful, thank you very much, i always look forward to visiting you, have a good day. would have turned 50, she was called the standard of female beauty, both those older and those younger fell in love with her, the star achieved everything she wanted and could cope with any problem, she could not overcome one, a disease that turned out to be incurable, i i didn’t move a step away from her, in fact, i slept next to her, just like she perceived the changes in... for relatives it
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was hell, but after death this hell continued, money, threats, real estate sales, mutual reproaches from dmitry shepelev and zhanna’s father vladimir friske. if we had not trusted this person, she might have lived at least another six months, but she would have lived, our exclusive life after life, zhanna. i keep saying, guys, this will happen. what will happen and this cannot be avoided. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. today is the first one. traffic becomes heavier in the summer, especially on weekends, especially on roads in around cities, things get very lively there. but there are only two lanes of your oncoming traffic. it is very important to remember how to correctly overtake a car that is driving in front of you, so that this overtaking does not end in either a fine or a fine. god forbid an accident, auto expert denis sharovar will show you how to safely perform such a maneuver. according to statistics
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, overtaking is the most dangerous maneuver on the road; every tenth accident is associated with driving into the oncoming lane. my name is denis shravar and today we will talk about how to safely overtaking, and most importantly, what to do if you don’t have time and need to be interrupted urgently. first, let's decide how to overtake passing traffic according to the rules in the traffic rules - dry words, make sure that we are not creating interference and are overtaking in a permitted place, this is how it should look in real life: make sure that overtaking is allowed here, look in the mirror , is anyone overtaking us, if it’s clear both here and there, turn on the turn signal, drive into the lane of oncoming traffic, once again make sure that there is no one ahead, accelerate and finish
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overtaking, we return to our lane. and most importantly, remember, there is no need to slow down after you have overtaken a car. let's imagine an emergency situation: we are already in the oncoming lane and are ahead of the curve, but as soon as we reach the rear of the passing car, a car appears in the oncoming lane. there is only one way out here: we press the brakes and as soon as the passing car moves forward, we dive after it. what if we notice an oncoming car when we have already caught up with the passing car, and it’s an obstacle. very close in front of us, accelerating to complete overtaking is not an option, braking and trying to dive into your lane is also not a good idea, you may not make it in time, so the only sure way out is to get as close to passing traffic as possible, slow down the speed as much as possible and try to attract the attention of oncoming traffic by any means, here all means are good, we ring the bell, blink the high
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beams, the main thing is not to go into the oncoming work, most likely the driver of the meeting. car the same thought will come to mind, and you will encounter a lop-lop on the side of the road, and this is the same terrible accident. to avoid such surprises , you need to remember a few simple rules: you cannot drive into oncoming traffic before the tops of hills, where visibility is limited, or overtake after other cars or trains. but the most important rule is - i'm not sure. do not overtake, each entry into the oncoming lane should be designed not even 100, but 200%, that is, you should have twice as much time to overtake as it takes to overtake one car. summer, heat, dresscoat, well, where can you go without it, which is quite normal and decent walking in the park is not always acceptable at
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work, or, say, when going to a museum, or at a resort. the beach sooner or later ends and goes into the city, when we come on vacation, we often forget about this, but in vain, that same feeling when clients are in t-shirts and linen sundresses, and you are in uniform, shirt, vests, tie, and even closed black ones pumps, in novorossiysk +35, but no one has canceled the dress code for employment center employees, there is only one way out, come to work in casual clothes and change on the spot, blouse as room for maneuver. in summer , breathable, this is possible, in hotter times we try to choose blouses made of cotton fabric, or linen fabric, thin knitwear, it will be more comfortable to work. if work and lifestyle in a big city allow it, summer is the time for short dresses and shorts, but here, depending on where we’re going, we probably won’t go to the tretikovka in this form, but in a conventional museum of modern art, most
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likely no one will judge us. i think that in the museum this is not... the norm for everyone, because the same like in the theater, there is still a costume, yes for such places, but if you come to a gallery of contemporary art, then why not, you can come in shorts. here the designers have also tried their best, now not only shorts, slits, transparent fabrics, mesh are a hot trend. nowadays knitted dresses are incredibly popular, they can be either tightly knitted or large, and the larger the knitting, the better, but for some it is fashionable, and for... others, a beach look is inappropriate in the city, last season foreign bloggers started talking about this , the concept of sub-exit shorts appeared, that is a t-shirt for the metro is when you wear a fashionable revealing outfit to a party, but on the way up the t-shirt came off so as not to embarrass anyone and avoid increased attention, while officially, legally there are no rules, in the same park, somewhere on shizlong, near lake we feel like we’re on
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the beach, we sunbathed, changed clothes, but in moscow, in sochi, it’s a completely different story, you ’re on the bus with a wet swimsuit , sometimes you’re naked, you just passed by the canteen, a woman came in in swimsuits, well, i just think it’s so ugly. do you think locals? we’re used to everything, but we’re not. on the one hand, people on vacation can afford this type of tourist clothing, but on the other hand, the residents who live here, of course, this irritates some people a little, it makes me laugh. in the krasnodar territory or in the crimea, the embankment is a psychological boundary, where the beach ends and the big city begins; it is becoming stricter in dagestan. last year , such signs appeared in tourist cities asking people to respect the cultural traditions of the region. and here it’s not that a swimsuit for a short payment can cause unwanted please note, many do not like the fact that tourists walk around the city in shorts and open dresses, so local social activists made
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recommendations to comply with local dress code, most tourists are understanding. varvara fedorova, andrey ivanov, egor istomin, marina sidorova, channel one. in the summer heat, what could be better than a light cotton dress. and not just light, but also loose-fitting, generally flowing, flowing, everything we love, and even better if it’s sewn quickly and inexpensively, well then eat practically for nothing, do such miracles even exist? “yes,” says olga nikishachego , inserting the bobbin into the machine. dear friends, if you have some cotton fabric in your supplies, we can sew an original and stylish combined dress, for this: you need to take two pieces of matching color with dimensions of 90 by 120 cm, the dress will be voluminous and very comfortable, we will make a drawstring under the bust and you don’t have to buy this
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at a store at an expensive price, fold both flaps with the front side inward and connect them between ourselves, align and chop so that the layers do not shift, retreating from the fold approximately... draw the center of the flesh, in the corner draw a neck 8 cm wide and 4 cm deep, this will be the neck for the back, draw the shoulder at a slight angle, add 20 cm in height sleeves and 7 cm to the center, draw the side, round the corner, by the way, we need this protrusion in order to add cuffs later, and from these side strips we will make a drawstring, ties, cut off the excess, taking into account
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a seam allowance of 1 cm. this is what the cut of the back from two halves looks like, and now we adjust the shelf, decorate the neck with a toe. and cut it out, this is what the cut of our entire combined dress looks like, we connect the shoulder, side and central seams on a machine, we process the edges using an overlocker, i suggest making a drawstring under the bust, we apply strips along the level of the drawstring, so that the entrances for the sides remain unsewn ties and sew on a machine,
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you should get something like this drawstring on the back on the shelf, process the neckline and add simple cuffs like this, sew from scraps ties and... we thread them into the drawstring, we collect the drape into the drawstring and tie bows. that's all the work. today is shipbuilder's day in russia. our congratulations to all the shipbuilders and in general to everyone involved in this holiday. the date, by the way, is not accidental; it was on this day, in 1667, that tsar alexei mikhalovich passed a decree on the construction of the first russian one. warship, it became the frigate orel. today russia is a leader in world shipbuilding, and in the 21st century we are building ships that tsar alexei mikhailovich never dreamed of. there are almost 200 shipyards in russia, each
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every year they launch about 100 civilian ships. dvastrakh they are preparing for factory testing the brand new tanker timovoz project 0.0216m, which will transport liquid cargo from oil to chemicals and... vegetable oil, and one tanker can transport three types of liquid at once, we have three cargo manifolds, through which different types can be supplied simultaneously cargo, cargo is distributed among cargo trucks. which are located from the stern of the ship to the bow of the ship. capacity is 8,740 cubic meters; for comparison, the average railway tank holds 60 cubic meters of oil, when a tanker with 145 such tanks can, if necessary, heat the liquid to 60°. it takes 3 years to build such a ship and for how many years? this class of vessel can be considered old, somewhere around 15 years old. after 15 years it happens. updating
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of equipment, that is, if some equipment breaks down, or it undergoes re-examination, it continues to work for its intended purpose. they are building here on a large scale. at the nizhny novgorod plant krasnoe sormovo, a five-star hotel was launched 2 years ago. motor ship, river sea, mustai karim, the largest liner created in russia over the past 60 years. the length is almost 142 m, it also took 3 years to build. this project marked the beginning of a series of domestic cruise ships. there are also new additions to the fishing fleet, the admiralty shipyards handed over to the pacific fishermen a large freezer trawler, captain martynov, the fifth in his series, the floating factory immediately catches and processes fish, 80 tons of fillet per day, the same amount of minced suremi. the trawler is capable of fishing in the ice of the barin and okhotsk seas and breaking meter-long ice floes. the icebreaker fleet is a separate pride, and households, the arctic, siberia and the urals are already plying the northern sea route, seeing them off. and tankers,
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chukotka is still on the slipway, and yakutia has been launched . the pride of the north and the borey a and yasen m class nuclear submarines are the quietest submarines in the world with ballistic missiles on board, but to launch them or repair them directly at sea, floating docks are needed. they just started building a new one at the sivmash plant. lovedog has dimensions that allow it to accept itself and launch nuclear submarines into the waters of simas, the wounded of which are unknown in the world. prototype. before the new floating dock , the sukhana floating dock, which has been in operation for more than 40 years, became new, equipped with two fifteen-ton cranes, digital communication and navigation systems and all amenities for the crew - 76 people. the fleet is being renewed by 2035. russian shipyards plan to launch more than a thousand new civilian ships and warships. sergey abramov sotnik, elena savina, artyom lepyokhin, channel one.
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everyone knows that summer is the time for barbecue, beginners experiment with marinade, cooking methods, presentation, accompaniment, but what you definitely shouldn’t experiment with is the place, you just need to know the places and equip them correctly. kebabs in nature, maspa, oleshkinsky weight with an official picnic area, together with state fire inspector alexander krasnichenko. we’re going on a raid, a group of schoolchildren and parents, there are no questions, we grill shish kebab in specially designated places, we always have water nearby, water isn’t everything, there are already questions for this company, do you think you comply with the requirements of firefighters safety, well, i would say 50/50, if something happens we can put it out, but at the same time it should be cleaner, we should have sand around here, so that if coal suddenly falls, it will fall on the sand and will burn out, yes , there shouldn’t be any debris on the area around the barbecue,
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it itself is obviously durable and under supervision, but we don’t leave it there. inspectors say it is a misconception among barbecue makers that a barbecue fire is safer than a regular one. a barbecue fire differs from a regular one in that the barbecue has ventilation holes, through these holes hot coals then fall either onto dry vegetation or onto any combustible elements. it looks something like this: here we have a piece of coal left... it fell into dry leaves, a minute later it’s blazing, an hour later there ’s a fire, like in the crimea or the penza region, here in a holiday village six houses, an outbuilding and 2.5 hectares burned down ground, the day before we fried kebabs. in this pine bar in the stern it is also possible that 200 km were burned, where we definitely don’t fry, in the forest, mm. in the field, in city
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parks, if there are no equipped areas, on balcony, on the roof, near garages, in the courtyards of high-rise buildings, except if the neighbors do not mind, and the grill is not portable, but stationary. for violation of fire safety requirements, citizens are subject to administrative liability in the form of a fine of 5 to 15 thousand rubles. and where you can fry, as an option , find equipped places on the internet, this means there are cleared areas and stationary mangas. i select the parks and green areas section and here i get to a map that shows locations where you can fry there is kebab. but there is great demand, the place has been chosen since yesterday evening by enthusiasts, because there are few places in the park. you can fry in the courtyard of a private house or cottage, if the distance to the nearest buildings is at least 5 m. if there should be
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no dead wood near a reservoir within a radius of 10 m, the distance to a coniferous forest is 100 m, to deciduous and free-standing trees 30, and this is subject to that there is no fire protection in the region. ice cream perfectly cools the heat, but you still need to know when to stop, sports nutritionist alena luchagina will tell you what's what: on a hot day ice cream, a dessert is very popular, the main thing is to eat it slowly, in the heat the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx overheats and if you come into contact with ice cream, you can get an exacerbation of chronic throat diseases, we won’t give up our favorite ice cream or popsicle, but we’ll wait until the dessert melts a little and we’ll warm it up in our mouth each serving, mm, is delicious,
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it’s a pity that ice cream is so high in calories, as a nutritionist, i advise you to eat a hundred-gram serving maximum twice a week, and your throat won’t hurt, and your figure won’t deteriorate. and if you want to pamper yourself more often, prepare diet ice cream yourself. the recipe is simple: cut banana slices, put them in the freezer and after an hour beat in a blender. the result is a soft creamy mass. you can add a little nuts, beat your favorite frozen berries separately, and mix. we decorate as desired. coconut flakes or grated chocolate, the result is a vitamin-rich , low-calorie dessert, which is also rich in potassium. the substance supports the heart and blood vessels, and this is especially important in the heat. by the way, it's delicious. bon appetit and take care
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myself. well, comrades, i’m ready to make a world revolution in fashion. that's it, volodya sergeevich. you don’t look like trotsky , no matter how much you want, we all know why you really got a job here, tanya, we won’t give offense, i don’t understand what she has that i don’t, you’re a wonderful girl, everything will be fine with you , it’s not your fault that we’re parting, i just didn’t immediately understand what i really needed, subtle matters, tomorrow on the first, is it that the general wasn’t generous with the bouquet, he was generous, the bouquet is at the dacha, this from me, when i entered the room, i saw
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my notebook there, i began to leaf through this book, and there i found the notes that tanya had made when everyone was dying, like ours. relatives, little tanya savicheva made the first entry in her diary, bombs are falling terribly. she did not come down from her apartment here, to this bomb shelter school, very pale, very thin, very weak. all the toys lay in it with faces and were covered with a black rag. they asked me what it was, i told them, they died of hunger. aunt dusya, when he left for work, he she closed the room too.
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they don’t stop for a day in their work, but how could it be otherwise, the planets are in motion too, it’s time for an astrological forecast for this weekend. in general, these weekend are great guys, sporty, funny, sociable, very inquisitive, they love to discover, learn, get new experiences and share them, so don’t be surprised if during these days you have more photos and posts on social networks, they both also like to make an impression, on such days we easily get to know each other and establish connections, someone will definitely fall in love this weekend, about money: today’s day is absolutely sure that it was created in order to spend it, besides, it loves such grand gestures, so... you shouldn’t trust it, and it’s better to plan shopping for tomorrow, and he’s also a little gullible. aries,
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keep this in mind, if they try to seduce you with some tempting offers, remember that among the telephone scammers there are quite good psychologists, otherwise you have a more than successful weekend, it is possible, by the way, something like a date. something may surprise or puzzle taurus; for those who are going on vacation, the stars advise once again to check whether any conditions have changed where you are going? and if you are planning an outing into nature, do not light fires. the luminary advises gemini to pay attention to home and family; if you have children, take them out of gadgets, do something interesting, go somewhere with the whole family, fly a kite, and at the same time remember a little of your childhood. cancers have a kind of lazy weekend when they can laze around to their heart's content, although something might happen tomorrow distract you from this pleasant activity, but it won’t stress you out for the whole day. just don't get carried away with alcohol. everything is just great with leos, they are charming, witty, know how to show off in society,
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find a good approach to people, and in general they are a little lucky. if you get a little confused about something, call the virgins for help, these days they are unsurpassed analysts, they will sort everything out for you, unless, of course, they want to spend their weekends on this, in general, they will need to be motivated somehow, and who else -may fall in love with them, libra also shines something romantic, and lonely libras are advised to free up tonight, what they do not advise is to be frank with strangers about your immediate plans, especially if you are going on a trip. for scorpios, today may start out a little fussy, and for some, nervous, but perhaps you are simply paying too much attention to all sorts of nonsense. be that as it may, by lunchtime everything will calm down, good news may come, and tomorrow will be simply pleasant. sagittarius will not be bothered caution, there is a risk of getting it. do not get injured on the roads recklessly, otherwise you will run into a fine or worse, in general, remember
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the proverb more often these days: the slower you drive, the further you will go. capricorns may be reminded of an old debt or asked for reciprocal favors; in the evening or tomorrow a meeting is possible, which may turn out to be somewhat inconvenient, by the way, but here the stars are powerless, and you still have some kind of trip looming on the horizon, maybe on vacation, or maybe to visit. aquarius is just having a good weekend, they may be busy with some errands relatives, but... this won’t be a big problem, that’s what, take care of your wallet, this also applies to electronic money, try not to get into debt, pisces have a wonderful weekend, especially those who are in love, these days will help them, as they would say , in the old days, to unite hearts, in spite of all the odds, and all the other fish will not be offended, something very interesting is clearly shining at the bottom of these days, well , good luck, the twelfth festival has opened in moscow in guma. com, according to tradition, the country's main department store has turned into a blooming greenhouse, all the splendor of this
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spectacle is impossible to convey, but our correspondent, yulia molstova, will try. biologists noticed that 10 minutes near a flower bed is equivalent to an antidepressant pill, and if there are hundreds of such clubs, as in the gum, at the flower festival, the store workers and sellers themselves planted them. specialists, athletes, tv presenters, actors helped. i lived in a small town in the province, the city of vyksa. during school holidays, i sometimes worked part-time. we felled all these flower beds, looked after them, watered. therefore, these are native flowers. among the people are marigolds, marigolds, chernobrivtsy, scientifically tagetis. our colleagues maria osadnik and evgeniy pokrovsky went as gardeners. for me, flowers are a dacha, this is a dacha, this is a grandmother, grandma, long life to you, dear.
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all around, begonia, different sizes for family happiness, balsam, it’s not touchable, you want to get rid of the negative, and this is for it, geranium is a symbol of wisdom, and these purple balls are ageratum, translated from latin ageless, just imagine in there are more than 200,000 flowers in the gum around it, each of them is in a separate house in its own pot, they are watered at night, each of 227. so carefully so as not to damage the flowers, all for the sake of beauty, and this has been the case for 12 years, that’s
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how many flower festivals there are in the gum , 2 months here on... red square, here in the center of the gum fountain, along all the lines, there is such a riot of colors, fresh flowers, it is very important that they are alive and not plastic, so for simply feeling smiling and kind, this must be done , come and admire, search your favorite flower, this can be done until mid-september. yulia molostova, vladimir repin and evgeny marinkov, channel one. sports and about. sports news will continue our morning broadcast, word from dmitry terikhov. as you know, england is the birthplace of not only football, but the most ridiculous competitions in the world. one of them is the championship for luring worms out of the ground, which has been held in cheshire for almost half a century. avid fishermen are probably grinning now, remembering how they easily dig up invertebrates, but
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the rules of the competition prohibit the use of any items for digging the soil. you cannot use electrical appliances or even... pull the worms out with your hands; they should crawl completely to the surface on their own. each team is given a 3x3 area and 30 minutes of time. to create vibrations in the earth, participants usually use wind instruments. 2024 winner alex godfrey landed 195 hearts, but that doesn't compare to ten-year-old sophie smith's record of 567 at golf. pain you can take note of such specialists, since it happens that clubs suffer greatly from an invasion of worms. this applies to iceland to a lesser extent; the soil in the country of permafrost is almost not conducive to the life of underground inhabitants, but you can now play golf here 24x7. in the summer, the sun does not set beyond the horizon; the feature of the debut arctic open tournament in akureyri was not only the picturesque view, but also
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the non-standard schedule. golfers began to compete after midnight. no wonder it's the best. became local among women athlete lilly brins dotter. for men , the main prize went to scotsman james wilson. let us add that iceland has the largest number of golf clubs per capita in the world. the large lawn at the minneapolis sculpture garden was temporarily transformed into a gymnastics area. minnesota's largest city is currently hosting the olympic qualifying tournament. and such a promotional event, according to the organizers, should help increase the recognition of gymnastics. but if you found it for sports. own athletes, then for artistic purposes i had to attract girls from switzerland. the main thing now is that the lawn does not go underground, as happened in alton. a surveillance camera recorded the collapse of part of the football field, resulting in a hole measuring 30x9 m. fortunately, no one was injured. american officials suggest that the incident occurred at the site of a tunnel running under the sports complex, a long-closed
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mine. age is just a number. the hero of our next story is young at heart and this is the main thing at 93 years old to fly an airplane and even do aerobatic maneuvers, as you like is that? lidia semyonovna leonova and stula is 93 years old, at first glance an ordinary pensioner, but only at first glance, now she will show you, after all, a will had to be written, i’m with you personally, nothing, the eyes are afraid, the hands are moving, or rather they remember where yak 52, fuel pressure, oil, how to reduce speed and chassis. i have to say, after all , i haven’t sat at the controls for 40 years and we flew, and i liked it so much that i even managed to do my favorite trick, a barrel roll, which is when you turn the plane 360°, it seems that i didn’t expect it from myself, great, wow, great, i v shocked, and this is already her favorite yak 50, on which
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lidia semyonovna once began to plow the skies of her native tula, she became so carried away that she became... the champion of the ussr, europe and the world, you stand beautifully, retirement is not a reason to be bored, on the contrary, time for my favorite business it becomes even more, every day ledia semyonovna has interviews, master classes, meetings with schoolchildren who also dream of flying in the sky, i was fired up with the goal of making more friends with you, of flying. zoya petrovna vakhrusheva from the village of gazhnya in udmurtia is a girl compared to lydia leonova, she is 75 years old, recently. i became interested in arm wrestling, i’ve already pumped up my arms so much that sometimes i beat my grandchildren, well, for health it’s necessary, so that you don’t stand, so that you’re cheerful, so that we love our old people, so that lesho doesn’t turn sour, zoya petrovna pulled her friends into her hobby, each in the morning they warm up in the fresh air, they jump rope, lift dumbbells, i’ll try, but
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crimean anatoly mikhailovich cannot sit still for a minute. he is 71 years old, but only according to his passport, i feel, i’m 36, 37, 42, this is already, this will be wrong, you know, how i feel completely young recently. anatoly mikhailovich made a forced march from his village of mezhvodnoye to patoria. i walked 47 km in 14 hours, ask why, but i wanted to see how the new highway was being built. three drivers stopped to pick me up and take me to the second one, i was very good-natured, so i thanked them and said that i would go on foot, it was more interesting for me. the one who walks can handle the road, especially when there are supplies of water and crackers in the backpack on his back. the first stop was made after 15.
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the process takes from 15 to 30 days, but on these demonstrated how mushrooms grow. in general, in this frame, everything happens in literally a few seconds, thanks to accelerated shooting. we watch and are hypnotized. it seems to me that we haven’t cooked anything tasty for a long time. let's fix it. manti in a frying pan. how do you like this dish? i already want to try it. write down the recipe from maria surova. if you want manti, but don’t have a steamer or a pressure cooker, an ordinary frying pan will help, but first the correct dough recipe, add half a teaspoon of salt,
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an egg and 80 ml of water to the flour, knead the classic dumpling dough, it’s quite tight, it’s not easy to knead, but when it sits, it will be easier to work with, i chop the onion very finely and add minced meat, i took it. already ready, salt and season with coriander, paprika and cornstarch, mix well, pour in 50 ml of water, so the minced meat will be juicier, divide the dough in half, return one part to the bag, roll the other into a sausage and divide into five parts, roll each into a ball, lay out i put it in a bag on a flour-dusted plate so that the dough does not dry out, take out one ball at a time and roll it out. a large thin flatbread, i lay out 50 g of minced meat and cover it up like this, collecting it in a circle, pinch the hole well,
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it’s easier to sculpt than dumplings, fry it in heated vegetable oil over medium heat, you need the manti to brown a little while they fry, quickly prepare tomato sauce, mix 200 ml of hot water and tomato. pasta, salt, season with black pepper and basil, pour in tomato sauce, cover the carcass over low heat for 20 minutes, while i marinate the onion, it will be even tastier with it, cut into rings, pour in vinegar, sprinkle finely chopped cilantro, i leave it while the main dish is preparing, the aroma for the whole house, under the lid of the mantyna... they puff up, but when you open it, they deflate, that’s normal, they’re baked, browned even more, and how they smell, i’ll milk them with
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pickled onions, like it’s still great when both mom and dad are at home, ask yourself about your children, they will probably confirm to you, you can go for a walk, play, eat ice cream, when all this has already been redone, you can connect. non-standard, but also interesting activities, will be continued by a father with many children aleksey ivanov. summer and holidays are a great time to pump up your superpowers. hello everyone, my name is alexey ivanov, i am a father of many children, and today we will learn to juggle. and juggler igor grigoriev will teach us. good morning. hello. well, guys, let's start the lesson. the first trick
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i would like to teach you is the cascade. and let's start with one. we need to throw the ball from one hand to the other, yes, in this way. in order for the trajectory to be correct, let's do this and pull out the handle. and let's try around the hand throw. i’m doing it, look, it’s great, this workout is not only for the hands, but also for the head, because it develops... directed attention, this is what children need at school, so as not to be distracted by lessons to complete tasks, the next stage: we try to transfer two balls in a row at once, once we try to make the same throws, there is an expression: a child’s mind is at his fingertips, so to develop it, juggling is ideal.
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such a connection is built between neurons that allows with any task, with any cope with activities much faster, and now we will make two identical throws with both hands towards each other, like this cross, one two, dad, like this, look, right? yes, and i’m already doing it, yeah, it’s worked out, the most difficult step is to just make three throws - two, three, but it’s clear, dad, please look, it’s like that, 1, 2, 3, yes, one, two, i understand, one, two, three, one, two, three. ay,
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it worked, keep in mind that juggling is very useful not only for children, but for their parents and even grandparents, so you can do it with the whole family, be sure to try it. the games that people play, it just seems that today they are only computer games, nothing like that.
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they used a peaceful method, this is considered a peaceful cultural method, stone, scissors, fabric, yes, yes, yes, then there was no paper yet, that’s where the tsuifa came from? tsuefa, is this something in chinese? tsuifa, this is exactly a game in chinese, pu. the permission is precisely from the japanese language, that is, the japanese are vouchers for us, because russian europeans are vouchers for the japanese. the japanese went even further they came up with their own gestures: slug, toad and snake. the meaning is the same: a toad eats a slug, a snake eats a toad, a slug bites a snake. but the main question is - is it possible to calculate victory? mathematician maria dolganova first tried it on the example of heads and tails, where there are only four combinations, then rock, paper-scissors, where there are nine combinations: three draws, three wins, three losses. the probability of winning is one in three, essentially the chances are equal. okay, but the
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second we make a decision. we will have such an option, we are not able to calculate everything, of course not, here we are more pay attention to gestures, probably facial expressions, the champions know for sure, artyom and sasha won cups in their district, artyom beat his opponent 4:5, i showed a stone, she showed scissors, and i somehow ended up with a score of 5-4 the final, yeah, somehow it turns out to be pure luck, pure luck, sasha believes in strategy, watched the players. well , girls and small children usually put the first scissors, and men usually put the stones first, the judge does not agree, children are the most illegal, the most unpredictable, it’s just that here you will be really lucky, unlucky when playing with them, let’s check against the champions little girl, 2:0, our champion loses, 1:1, 2:1, second champion. luck
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is on her side, or maybe she can really tell by her face, experiment, record a video, show it to the champions, scissors, scissors, yes, scissors, stone, paper, now scissors, stone, again stone, stone, yes, you can’t tell by the body, yes it’s a pity that he’s there, i thought this one worked too, it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, that’s all, the japanese proved that it works, they made a robot that never loses, the secret is in the high-speed camera, it reads hand movements. it takes a person 60 milliseconds to make one gesture, but the camera recognizes the gesture in 35 milliseconds, leaving another 25 to fold the manipulator into the desired shape. eh, it was. the human mind has such a reaction, plus the machine has no passion and emotions, which often let you down, but it is precisely for this drive and unpredictability that this game is loved all over the world. sergey abramov sotnik, dmitry roshkov and anzhelika pankratieva, channel one. our country celebrates today
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youth. in general, age is a subjective concept, but according to the law, people aged 14 to 35 years are considered youth. some people grumble that young people today are not the same, but this is certainly not true. our youth. a real engine of progress in science, art and everything in general. youth are the ones who create the future. almost a quarter of the russian population are young people, but what are they like? they are somehow advanced, something is new, they create something, they have a quick mind, they think faster, they act faster. good young people somehow come across, but judging by my sons, i i think they are good. and 44% of all researchers in russia are very smart. he is already the head of the hydrogen energy laboratory at kuban state university. currently working on a membrane reactor to produce high-purity hydrogen. such a reactor will make it possible to produce hydrogen many times cheaper than all existing
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methods that exist today in russia and in the world, since there are no analogues of such a membrane reactor today. this is a third generation membrane reactor. the actor is small, his can be easily transported and used even in the far north, which is not surprising; his laboratory is also full of young people. 33% of young people in russia are involved in volunteering, alexey from st. petersburg is 21, he helps people, diana is 16 and is also a volunteer. i try not to be far from other people's problems. on weekends, go to the village of volkhov district to buy groceries. leonid aleksandrovich is one of the pensioners whom the guys help. at meetings. afterwards, of course, for a cup of tea, to talk, what would we do without this? there are more active youth in russia 20 thousand youth organizations, roman joined one of them 2 years ago. i wanted to paint the wall in front of my
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beloved’s window, and i realized that it was very difficult to coordinate all this, so we decided to create a project that would help guys like me coordinate all this across the city. the city has interesting art objects, a place for children to create. transforms everything around him, daily jogging into a mini-environmental action, this is plogging, the guys run through the forest and collect garbage. every small action leads to global change, so the concept here is very important, i act locally, think globally. polina is 26, and fedor is 21. both still volunteer, go to student organizations and how they don’t have enough time for everything, and roman started plogging 2 years ago. i do this only on my own.
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we're having a wedding, the lives of other chefs on wheels, and today we're talking about comfort and a travel show, good morning, our dear tv viewers, bars, restaurants, music, sun, good weather, here's a swamp rover, what a puddle, look, if it's summer - it's small life, then how much can you do in one summer weekend, well, let’s go for ransom, meet the young man! we’re going to ryazan, we’re having a wedding, i’m sorry, only the place next to the bride is already taken, look how strong i am, how can he deal with me? the bear is a traditional guest at a ryazan wedding, one of the relatives put on a fur coat and
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guarded the bride during the ransom, it’s good that the grooms in ryazan are savvy, hello, at weddings in turkey, the newlyweds are given tangerine orchards, just like that. oh, the freshest. zhanna badoeva and the lives of others tomorrow in turkish bodrum. i have a friend who is skinny, i don’t know what. and she says: when i watch your program, one thing i envy is when you start eating. let us imagine, zhanna, what will happen to your friend when she watches the cook on wheels. astrakhan neo ukha is great. delight, very tasty. what was missing after such a trip, chefs evgeniy tsyganov and alexander bogdanov visiting the astrakhan ositrov, and you can pet it, you can cook it, the chefs will salt it. and caviar, especially since the salt right under our feet, lake baskunchak, in the spring
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it has a gray tint, then it acquires a white tint, and then pink, we are already falling almost knee-deep, and we go there, all this is soft, with a soft gait, well, let's go, let's go to karachay circassia , today it doesn’t matter at all how many horses are under the soot, they accompany us, guys, well, you are handsome, we don’t have such a motorcade yet. there were waterfalls, lakes, caves and mountains right around. the name arkhis is a merger of two karachai words: ario and kyz, meaning beautiful girl. so that's why the eye doesn't tear off. lesh, give me your hand. yes, here, i see you even have the word love written on your hand. this episode of the show is about comfort, about love. presenter vera kincheva will fulfill the little dream of andrei polushin and his son alyosha.
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but i know that a wonderful summer weekend is ahead of you, so seize every moment of this wonderful time of year, please yourself, your loved ones, relax, fill these days with pleasant chores, friendly communication and in general everything that gives you the strength you need during the work week. stay with us, stay on top for now!


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