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tv   Klub Veselikh i Nakhodchivikh  1TV  June 29, 2024 9:35pm-11:55pm MSK

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and maybe change your point of view, but in order to live a different life, you need to see an actor who will live this life in such a way that we forget for a second that he is an actor. the performances are completely different in style and genres. for fans of classical productions, the french comedy is a candlestick of the moscow sphere theater, and lovers of experiments appreciated the performance of the sages of the st. petersburg foundry theater. the action of ostrovsky's play is transferred to a skyscraper, where instead of a career ladder, there is a high-speed elevator. i am very grateful to the moscow audience, which we generally expected.
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presented to veronica lvova from the samara theater samart. the next nomination is the highlight of the ceremony - best acting ensemble. the theater troupe moved the event of schiller's tragedy about passionate love into the future and asked the question: is there a place in it for sincere feelings. the actors definitely awakened the feelings of the jury members. they conducted their solo parts so masterfully that this is...
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the best episode, because even one talentedly pronounced phrase can get into the viewer’s heart. olga pautova, pavel likholetov, dmitry popkov, tatyana vakulina and konstantin zhukovsky, channel one. that's all, right now the club of cheerful resourceful people is in the major league, the fourth quarterfinals. this is the beginning. good evening, good
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evening, dear friends, my name is dmitry krustalyov, this is the major league of the club of cheerful resourceful people. today we are going to see the final game of the quarter final stage, which was different, but one thing is for sure, it was brightly funny, and in general the quarter finals are such an important stage of the kven season, on the one hand to pass to... the final is a real success, on the other hand, the semi-final, here it is, you just have to extend your hand, and today we will see which other team is worthy of fighting in the semi-final for the right to reach the final. so, the last quarter of the final game of the season of the twenty-fourth year, the major league, we begin kvn.
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four teams representing different regions and different styles of humor are now on this stage, but only two teams will advance to the semi-finals. let me tell you who is playing today. so, the youngest team season.
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team of the belogorod region. twice silver medalists of the major league, the kvn equal team, oryol state university named after ivan sergevich turgenev, the city of orel, today these four teams will compete in four different competitions, and they will be judged by real pros...
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honored artist of the russian federation, beautiful, smart, talent, pilogena! champion of the kvn major league, winner of the summer cup as part of the legendary ussr national team, master of jokes, vadim golygin, world champion in figure skating, twice olympic medalist games, evgenia medvedev, finally, attention, 220 times on the jury.
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i ask you, dear audience, let's warmly welcome the first team, this is the kvn team, vv, the city of omsk. from sybil with love for the youth game, the alcohol team and johnska. stream, the scene is the youngest team of this season, in the previous episode you were amused by people whose feet have never been in black socks, and
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the ambassadors are dissatisfied with the intonation, people whose mothers have never had anything like this, the team. kvnv. don’t pay any attention to danil, he has panic attacks, bipolar disorder and appendicitis but he himself is without mom and dad. this is carolina. armenians respect her because she is understated and toned. queen, would you go about your business from here? okay, uh,
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gender party in the village. i don’t know how the organizers arranged it, but blue blood flowed from the pig. i congratulate you. you boy, if there is a school with an in-depth study of something, then there are schools with a superficial study of something. 2:24 killing is bad. let's move on to the topic of the lesson: who is peter i? man, well done five. now physics, this is the force of gravity. so now test, we take out double pieces of paper, yeah, one two, one two, one two, well done, good job, graduates,
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dear parents, lately children have been doing this chase. so, imagine a mother setting her child on fire while doing this. son! that’s why i can’t walk without knocking, you moron, foxes don’t howl, what are you doing here, father, look what he ’s doing, you’re blue, no, get busy, summer is a wonderful time, if not for mosquitoes, heat and of course damn, we shot him down. let's call an ambulance, you'll be greeted
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moscow ambulance, if you burned the roof of your mouth and lavender rav, press one, if suddenly you got lost in your oversi clothes, press two, if you drank a lot of energy drinks, press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 , if you hit someone on a scooter, then we won’t help you, because we really bullied you guys, well, as much as possible, damn it, friends, this season we are the youngest and we have to play against very adult teams. denisa, what do you propose to do to be on an equal footing with relatives or equals? well, let's just beat them
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weapons, that's their trick? well, old age. well, let's show old age. old age, are you dying? do you even know what kind of people these are? when they put on their shoes, they hold on to someone, they sneeze with obscenities. they had forest therapists in their childhood, so you and i are retreating now, and they will shoot back, well, at least they put young blood on the jury, why is there only evgenia medvedev among the young people on the jury, and for a figure skater she is an old woman, carolina, why, i ? letka, i don’t think about the consequences at all, cool, what should we do, let’s
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let’s turn to konstantin lvovich, but we are 20 years old, he won’t even listen to us, but he will listen to himself, twenty years old, and konstantin lvovich, he’s bothering you, is still just kostya. and i see, judging by the hairstyle, we are still sad after that parting, and here i am going to defend my dissertation on the dynamics of messenger rna maturation during the maturation of mammalian aacites invitro. how did we get from this to the general director of channel one? so, what did i
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do? take a closer look at the guys, because thanks kvn is still a youth game for them. now we want to remind you who we are, young people, we have arrived. siberian shores, our strength does not lie in age, remember forever lizomsk, izovsk, vb, thank you.
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friends, let’s continue, the second performance in the greeting competition will be shown to us by the kvn team blizkiye, belgorod region. well, hello, moscow, those close to the scene, already quarter-finalists of the major league, as if for nothing, in short, they got to you with adventures, i say, let’s do it. we'll hitch a ride, like youth, romance, everything business, and in short, tyoma, by the way, this is not macron’s wife, this is tyoma, he says, maybe not on a ride, she’s a pop drake, we all, we all
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laughed, for zero seconds. therefore, as you can see, a little man is standing without a microphone, well, moscow, meet your loved ones, let me introduce you to the kids, this is vanechka, our populist, my mother wanted to send me to rap.
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svyatolyochik, do you know that i am now like a shaman? in terms of? well, i also perform without panties. rom, get away from me already. i mean, fuck off, actually the president said we need to create new families. and if he is for you will he tell you to jump from the ninth floor? no, well , now, of course, they are tightening the screws, but i hope it won’t come to that. guys. where is our chansanier in general tiktok returned to us from abroad, i watch tiktok from night until morning, there are challenges and dances in the rivers, cats and children, all the flash mobs are repetitions, gluing, transitions, chipi-chi,
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pedro, pedro, ichina zas fuck there here. yes, this is dmitry, recently the favorite performer of former employees of the ministry of defense, dmitry, if there was a championship because everyone was sick of it, your songs would be in second place who is in first place, yes zinit with his championship, well, come up with something with an image , i don’t know what, somehow? guys, no one needs veneers in bulk, where did you get them? well, the scooter season has begun in moscow, i’m walking around, collecting, and this is seryoga,
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the most experienced in our team, yes, i know how to make sure everyone remembers us, you... need a sex scandal, here you need it sex scandal, you need a sex scandal, you and you, well, light, you'll get four sex scandals in an evening, seryoga, you're only making it worse, on the contrary, it's only getting better, i'm dead i’ve worked it out, i know everyone, like ernst, and what does ernst have to do with the sausage factory, seryoga, it’s because of jokes like this that we ’ll lose, i beg you. who are we playing against? well, that means, look, vv, oh, well done, little man, yes, he could have flown straight into the finals, no one would have said a word to him, but he is honest with the people, with 1/4, well done, no, earrings, vv - this is a team, yes, i know that there is a whole team there, am i a child, or what? seryoga,
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you’ll come up with something useful, come back, come on. let's continue, this is denis, our main patriot, that dan was watching inauguration? yes, all seasons. by the way, we saw and released the first russian battery, although they can’t put it in a car yet. why? and he has a minus. no, only positives, forgive me, forgive me. mom, mom, mom, forgive me, forgive me, now i’m a shaman, nevermind,
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dmitry, you’ve shamanized your image, of course, i wiped my palm against the microphone, in anticipation of the stadium, i’m performing for... people without swimming trunks, so have fun, thank you very much, dmitry, go, that’s enough, i got it, okay, i thought of everything, i thought of everything, pasha, trust me, we need a show, lie down on the floor, lie down on the floor, everyone's gone, okay, bones! come on, pash, how do you like it, oh my, listen, can he
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jump less often, why don’t you have time to cross yourself? seryoga, you understand, if he lands somewhere in the wrong place with his wheel, for me the year of the family will be blurred. it seems to me that now people are television. you're freaking out, why? on the first channel they are showing the execution, listen, konstantin lvovich, you know better, i’m already gray or not yet, so, kostya, exhale, let me continue, no, stop, i didn’t sign up for this, brighter, goli, goli, second beautiful if beautiful inside when if.
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what was this now? i just wanted to show everyone that we are not afraid of anything and are ready to do anything to win. are you talking about kvn? and about kvn too. the belgorod region team is close to the whole country. castro rum a product of the stellar group pechora vodka a product of the stellar group veda vodka a product of the stellar group. oldbar cognac is a product of steller group. stirsman bourbon. product of steller group. visky mancatcher is a product of the stellar
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group. gzhin snop. product of steller group. look, he, he’s probably 200, but what if he maniac, you love watching people, it seems to me that they got rid of some kind of burden here, but i love him, and i don’t need anyone else, the conqueror of women’s hearts, without a single defeat, my parents insisted on the wedding for a long time, they are delighted with my husband and from his activities, there will not be the future that you... colorfully draw for us, i can tell our readers about our first time, a film by alexander baluev, a hotel,
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a premiere, a super-camera movie about the understatement between people that arises and sticks inside years, black a vision in the hidden depths of the soul, for me this is a movie, a person who needed to speak out, about people who want to speak out, at the first we will continue the greeting competition on this stage, the kvn team, leon killer, the city of kamyshlo, yes, leon killer stage, here this is wow, this is wow, yes, i’ll explain why the two of us, in general, i’m teaching a promising girl to play polina here a little bit. the little man has wind in his head, but it’s okay, i’m nearby, if something goes wrong, we will discuss, correct, in general, keep in mind, that's it, let's start, this is a performance, it will be difficult. garik,
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this is a performance on stage, there should be songs, dances, women in feathers, alina, this is kvn, jokes are needed here, women in feathers are sitting in the accounting department, in response to the phrase, give me vacation pay to go to kvn, they say what kind of kvn , come back later, let’s study, yes, the first thing we need to do is. call the jury, dear members of the jury, you are all very beautiful today, well, it’s a joke, just kidding, just kidding, okay, it’s funny, well, if it’s funny, then to the point, vadim, i really appreciate you you like me, by the way, i cook very tasty food, hello, he’s a youngster, he’s married, and why shouldn’t he eat now, straight to the humor. the man got so
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drunk that he woke up in another city, the final station is sinduki, perfect, the hardest job in the world is to be a good father, ice cream, buy ice cream, yeah, where are you standing? don’t go anywhere, and i ’ll meet you now, wait, yes, i’m around the corner, right now, look, now i’ll wave my hand, wait, yeah, oh, oh, oh, kostya,
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kostya, kostya, yes, ugh, what am i i’m doing it, misha, misha, otto. one way or another i can’t handle two, where is dad, here he is dad, and where is misha? hello, what a beautiful baby you have, thank you, but what did you leave me with your ugly one?
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garik, we want to win, so the time has come for dishonest tactics. oh, pauline, please don’t, i invited your eldest child. pauline, i won’t play along, it’s not my thing, that’s it, then get lost girl, what kind of girl go? you 're crazy, you can't talk to children like that, you need to be taught everything. listen, were you kanan in the children's room? yes, it's a lot of fun! look, this is just a children's room, can you imagine how much fun it is in the whole orphanage ? hurray, i want to go to an orphanage, to an orphanage.
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let's not say too much yet, we'll show the final number, and if you catch a child red-handed, he will still deny everything. so, boy, wait, our seller said that you are stealing goods from us. that is, you want to say that you didn’t steal anything from us, but why are your sausages sticking out? put your hand down, why are you holding it? that's all,
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well i hope that's all.
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i’m just wondering why you need such a set, i like the girl. stadium, the universiade was held in kazan, in the center of the city they built a luxurious football stadium, they built a luxurious water sports palace, we’re just wondering what happened in kamyshlov, that we have a prison in the center of the city and a stall to print, okay,
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let’s go, take a bow, well, if you want to take a bow, team ken leon killer , thank you. we thank the moscow government for its assistance in organizing the kvn games, the final greeting in the final quarterfinals on this stage was the kvn team of ravenki, oryol state university. eagle! hello friends, hello, listen, well, i’d like to apologize right away, yes, we
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just need help, we can’t start, is there a fortune teller on stage by chance, yes, yes, yes, hello, ugh, great, great, yes, listen, well, make a schedule for us. bazaar, only well, only well, i have ravenkovo ​​tarot, nothing, urru, urru, pig ears card, pig ears, you are underestimated, uru-ru, bull chain card, look for the problem within yourself, morning rooster card, why, sing, sing , well, let’s smile, well, for now, with a pencil, now let’s mark who is on the wounds gerzhon, yurka will be for you make sure that we don’t have
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to give a damn, so don’t be shy, clap, have fun, laugh all the way, it’s great moscow, well, we’re playing for the third season, it’s time to make some significant changes in the team, we looked at the government, and with a new composition we move forward, immediately fresh days.
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got the joke? got it, what the hell is this? i don’t know, what is a neutral flag? does he have this? is there a dropper there, yeah, we pump him up some meldoni, so that we have at least some chance of getting there, right? well , are you going to compete? of course, kolya actually a triathlete, struggling with three addictions at once: alcohol, nicotine and oil, oil, well... what is it called when they sniff gasoline? so that's it,
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let's be honest, what did you forget there? well, kolya wants to try french cuisine, try a frog, compare, well, we’ll also go to macron’s, eat borscht, what kind of borscht? well, you saw his wife, and there, if it’s not borscht, then i don’t understand at all, but borscht is not 100% delicious, yes, well, let’s have a good time,
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listen, friends, recently new tours to north korea have been opened for russians , so, somewhere in one of the hotels in pyongyang? he fell asleep, no, on my leg.
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at the pharmacy, hello, can i have these tablets, 18 thousand, wow, a little expensive, there is our analogue. 12:50 yours, you make this yourself in the kitchen, but no, this is a russian analogue in imported packages of 30 tablets, in ours there are 150, those bitter ones are sweet, so what’s worse , nothing, they’re just not advertised, then give us ours and a pack of condoms , what for? after ours, you can completely
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forget about contraception. the coronation of the measure takes place among equals. all is ready for the coronation. in the hall of the director of city enterprises. the mayor shows that he is unarmed, he just came to talk, let’s go, and for you i’m nobody, just like you are for me. i’m rattling around a new term, the rest is bullshit, well, who
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said that the cops won’t let me go, and the welcoming speech began, brothers, in any case, i swear with everything that i have left, i swear that i will never regret what i swear now , i swear, i swear, i swear, bee, i swear, i’ll remind you of what happened between us, what didn’t come true, take it too, let’s pour it in memory, covered with lights, your dil on you, oh-oh, guys, well, it’s time
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to sum it up, oops, well, sort of. okay, somehow the performance went unnoticed, come on yurka, who didn’t laugh there, here’s the thing, no one higher, rovyaki, oryol state university, rap, juz, youth, what have you lost. well, friends, the first competition has been played, it seems to me, a great start, now this is the beginning of our panel of judges, it remains to be evaluated, but before we see the ratings, i invite the teams to the stage. so,
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friends, marks for the greeting. i remind you that the maximum is five points, first on this the kvn vv team, omsk, took the stage today. be kind, have it ready, show them your greeting scores. bb, five, five, five, five, four, 4.8 points, then the team. five points exactly kvn team leon killer city of komyshlov 5 4 5 5 5 4.8 points, and
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finally equal. brother eagle oryol state university 5 4 5 5 5 4 8. these are the assessments, i heard that some fans do not agree with them, but your business is to root. well, comrades, we are ready to make a world revolution in fashion. what is your wish, we all know why you are really here we’ve settled down, we won’t let tanya be offended, i don’t understand what she has that’s not in me, you’re a wonderful girl, everything will be fine with you, it’s not your fault that we’re breaking up, i just didn’t realize right away that i really need, fine matter, tomorrow
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on the first. is it that the general wasn’t generous with the bouquet, he was generous, the bouquet is at the dacha, and this is from me, we need to break up, why, because you love another, well, that’s all, that’s all, what are you talking about, we can’t see each other anymore, this is not good , why, what did you make up, the bear needs to be removed from the road, killed, why to kill, it was found in all cans of milk... the guilty person should be sentenced to imprisonment for 15 years, why are you silent, barbarian, i hope you don’t believe that my grandfather put your father in prison, well it’s not time for you,
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you’ll say thank you later, you’ll come back tomorrow, at least she loves you, not yet, but she will love you. you know, i know how to get my way, you are mine, i despise you, let me go, two shores, the premiere of a serial film from monday on the first, get out of the way, give in, i love her more than life itself, i understand, this is your mother, friends, let's continue, we have a competition coming up, which we call the jury warm-up, the rules are very simple, now each member of the jury will ask our teams one question, and the teams will try to answer it cheerfully, energetically, and funnyly. in principle, kvn is the only place where you can ask, in principle, any question, of any globality, that is, of any
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level, therefore - let me, uh, tell me why, when people eat yogurt, they lick the lid, oops, loved ones, why, when people eat yogurt, lick the lid, you know tasty and... lids, nice, rovenki, vazik, let's continue, why, when people eat yogurt, they lick the lid, that's what belarusians have, of course, problems, well, leon killer, why is it a problem, innovation, why, when people eat yogurt , lick the lid, poverty? so once again, equals, kolya vadikov, come on, why, when people eat yogurt
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, do they lick the lid, i do this with vodka, the professionals came up, so vv, omsk, vadik, once again, here is a global question, really, why, when people eat yogurt , lick the cap, it's cashback. so once again close, well global question, why when people eat yogurt, they lick the lid, well, do you think something remains after it, that’s it, thank you, thank you, vazik, thank you, evgenia medvedeva, hello everyone, my imagination is poor, i hope that today you you’ll come up with more interesting options than i did, so i’ll ask what the difference is between. but it’s not clear, it ’s equal, what’s the difference between figure
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skating and kvn, but there’s no difference, both here and there need support, the support of the oryol state university, in the person of the rector alexander anatolyevich fedotov, low bow to you, god bless you, what is the difference between figure skating and kvn, both have the same road, jury. this is true, so equals, valdis, come on, zhenya, what is the difference between figure skating kvn, you have axel, we have aksyuta, triple aksyuta, yes, we sometimes jump to it, vv, what is the difference between figure skating kvn, v kv you can throw off your skates. that's it, thank you very much, brilliant, zhenya, well done, so, valdis, what interests you,
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dear friends, i hasten to share, joy has happened, the traffic police has again been renamed to traffic police, well, what will change now, rovenki, the traffic police department has been renamed traffic police again, something will change now, no, people will still call them with the same letters, okay, ravenki, oh, loved ones, sorry, i confused you, from behind , that's it, that's it, that's it, the traffic police have been renamed traffic police again, something will change now, but it doesn't matter to me, i can't reach the pedal. okay, now it’s like that, the traffic police department has been renamed to traffic police again, what will change now,
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they’ve renamed it, are they, just like mcdonald’s also left, so bb, a long time ago the traffic police department was called traffic police, it was renamed again to a long time ago guy. i don’t know if it will change, i don’t have a license, how competently she told you off, now the traffic police department has been renamed traffic police again, what will change now, well, what do you have to be afraid of in the subway, they turned you down, learn, that’s it , yes, that’s it, i think that’s all, pilageya, fields, your question, good evening, and dear friends, i myself am like a former kvn member, although there are no former ones, i am like... kvn members i know for sure that kvn takes a lot of time. so the question is: how do your relatives feel about the fact that you play kvn, bb.
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so, how do your relatives feel about what do you play in kvn? well, i asked bati for time off, he let me go, by the way, he plays with his loved ones. okay, so, level. how do your relatives feel about you playing in kvn? i don’t know how i hatched, i haven’t seen anyone since then. how do your relatives feel about that? you play kvn, you are born less often, how do your relatives feel about the fact that you play kvn so much time, it is very dangerous to talk to my relatives about this, evening in the house, you are a kvn girl, pilogena, and now,
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probably, the main question of today from konstantin levovich, please. why do you think i'm in a good mood today? leon keeler, why do you think i'm in a good mood? the lid was licked, this is what i call rehabilitation. okay, is that all? apparently this was the correct answer. so close, why do you think i’m in a good mood today, that they left work early, why do you think i’m in a good mood today, because they saw themselves at twenty years old, why do you think i’m in a good mood today,
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end of the month , pay?
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for two competitions 8.8 level 5 5 5 5 5 five points exactly total score for two competitions 9.8 points, and finally the leaders of the game kvn team near belgorod region 5:55 five points exactly and 10 points. two competitions, at the moment we have leaders, but there are two more competitions ahead, everything can change radically, so the teams, i ask you, go, get ready, to the applause of the whole hall, so, friends, today’s game will be continued by the stamp competition, be the first to the style will be shown to you by the kvn team,
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rovenki, and oryol state. university, city of orel. 2 minutes before the departure of the moscow-ravenki train, the mayor of ravenki with his wife is boarding. oh, kolya, stop talking nasty things to the deaf-mute, he can’t hear you, show him the foresail, let’s go. just like that, oh, it’s hot, it’s hot, in a fur coat, of course, oh, i can’t, it’s hard to come back from the oaks of ravenka, i had to go on a plane, so i’m afraid of the sky, that you ’re afraid of it, you’re definitely going there you won't get into it,
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hello, oh my god, are you throwing coal right into the firebox... thank you for choosing rjd, if you hear such a sound, uh... this is either a dry closet, or i'm eating, drinking tea in the mud, there's a vip client, the mayor of ravenna, black tea - 50 rubles, green 80, i wish you good health, well, neighbors, we'll go together, by the way, where are you going , in ravenki, oh, i’m also in ravenki, i’m going to detain your mayor, for what? yes, he’s so insolent, he’s already paying his income from bribes, can you imagine, i want
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to look at this impudent face, they say he looks like angela merkel at a tomboy show, it’s a pity they haven’t sent me the photo yet, yes, i’m sorry, and still have some tea needed, right? it will cost 2000 now, but why is it so expensive? i i don’t know, but i know what exactly he is, let’s have some tea, you can just imagine, all his peers are complaining about him, every single one of them, for example, what do you do, we are farmers, we raise livestock, as it turns out, he’s ungrateful . no, well, you're lucky, okay, i 'll go change, come on, i told you, i told you, there's no need to invite gazmanov to the anniversary, he'll get trashed, that's it, we need to kill him,
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he'll curl up now, send a photo to the killer, imagine, and there i am the conductor told me he was lying, so i think that these 100 rubles are for the postcard doesn’t reach the orphans, he ’s about to take a photo of me, and as a souvenir nickname, evening at the house, oh, spoiler, spoiler, listen, we take a doshirak for 60,000, but there is something cheaper , there is.
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state employee, why don’t you eat your doshirak? come on, come on, eat, eat, no, what's your name? kolya, just like the mayor, you couldn’t lie, but what about your last name? in tethem? three are also like the mayor’s, but what, kolya statham, got caught?
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the bungler sent a selfie. a few months ago a new head appeared in rovenki, and for you i’m nobody, just like you are for me, and it got even worse, the kvn ravenka team thanks you for your support. governor of the oryol region andrei evgenievich kolychkov, as well as the rector of oryol state university alexander anatolyevich fedotov. in
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creative families there is such a sign that if there is one musician, a second one will definitely grow up. the song was literally dedicated to me. wait, what are your eyes like? well, my eyes are not black, but dark brown. when you entered, i realized that no one had any questions about the song anymore, ren also added, the hall just began to melt, i draw, i i draw you, i draw you, you have such a wonderful son. i think that all families in our country will sing with their children, we continue our wonderful , kind family project, two stars, fathers and stage, this is the most important thing, look at you, i am so active on stage, you have love too , children, tomorrow on the first , everything will be fine, i promise you, as soon as i arrive, i ’ll call you right away. my sister has disappeared, gone missing? no,
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she didn’t disappear, either she disappeared or she didn’t disappear, she was killed, i saw it in a dream, well, from that moment all the weird things started happen, what is this, and max, she’s crazy, no, i see people, sometimes what was, sometimes what will be, a house of worms. he didn’t cheat on you, that well, to see what ordinary people don’t notice, i’m with you, well, of course, where would we go now without you, there’s a map, there’s a navigator, here, do you think your grandfather is out of his mind, yes, go ahead, bring him in her. fortune teller from monday
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on the first, white corridors of women, well, the stem competition continues, on this stage centuries, the city of omsk. modern youth are ready to work hard for a whole year, so that later a large group of people should go on vacation at the seaside. well , that's it, we've arrived, we're going. so, registration has already begun, let's pack our things and hurry up. olya, why are you stuck there? because i'm stuck. yes, it’s good to joke, well
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, really, we’re late, do i look like a person who’s joking, no, you look like a shig at a parade, yes, i’m stuck, no, what’s serious, i swear by the sirkan balat, oh-oh, guys, this is not a joke, this really, it's a big deal, thailand is in trouble, i would say it's a big problem, that's why the handsome guys are flying to thailand, and winipuh remains in the hole, goodbye, this is my best friend, i won’t fly without her, this is my girlfriend, i won’t fly without her, you are my friend, what should you bring from thailand, oh, where will you fly, as usual, without if you get drunk at the airport, they won’t let you on the flight, but it will be like that, okay, let’s try it like with a bottle of wine, what? well, i’ll turn on the stove, it’s
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like a traffic jam, pow, okay, okay, i’ll think of something else, eh, don’t run too far, check-in for flight 271f to thailand is ending, damn, this is ours, olya, maybe you’re a belly if you pull it in, then i will, if i hadn’t pulled it in, i wouldn’t have gotten into the hatch, i have an idea, come on! go, call your hearts, come on, i know what you want, well, you idiot, i ’ll bite your head off now, and you like it that way, come on, bite-bite, that’s enough, better go call someone, don’t call no one, i’ve already called the ministry of emergency situations, so what’s going on here?
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hello ol. hi oleg. do you know each other? well, yes, if it weren’t for olya, i wouldn’t have done anything at all at work. therefore, i say right away, using a cable is not an option. just believe it. believe me, believe me. so what should we do? have you tried like with a bottle of wine. pow! everything is clear, goodbye. boarding begins for flight 271f to thailand. damn, is this something? think this will 100% work, right? come on cobra, get out of the basket, come on, you moron, i look like a cobra, leave both of you, olya, maybe you can suggest something yourself, maybe we’ll try sunflower oil, yes, you’ve already tried it,
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try adding salad there at least once, calm down , help is already at hand, let's, yeah, get up. yeah, yeah, so they got up, took charge and what ’s going on, didn’t you read the turnip, but leave already, everyone, the plane of flight 271f flew to sunny thailand, and you stay here because you had to leave your car with a huge antenna, it seemed to you, it didn’t seem to you, you know how much i am because of you...
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mash, i wanted to talk to you, though in thailand against the backdrop of the sunset , but it will have to be against the background of this centaur. i’ve been together with you for a long time, i love you very much and want to spend my whole life with you, marry me, i agree, it’s cool, you came up with this proposal, even better than what happened with the turnip, but i’m not serious, but then congratulations, guys , i'm so happy for you, how cool, maybe screw this thailand, let's go to a restaurant, let's celebrate, yes, only now in a convertible.
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the kvn vv team thanks the governor of the omsk region, vitaly pavlovich khatsenko, as well as the minister of youth affairs and physical culture and sports of the omsk region, ivan andreevich kolesnik. leon killer, kamyshlov city, stem. ask! and there comes a time in every girl’s life when she wants to celebrate her birthday at home without her parents. this will be our theme. hello raspberry, hello. girls, that’s it, daughter, as promised, i’m leaving, i’m evaporating, i’m getting drunk, but there are a few rules: don’t go into my and my mom’s room, don’t touch my things, don’t tamper with the computer, and most importantly, don’t touch grandma’s vase, why grandma, dad,
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keeps her stash there, but she doesn’t need it anymore it will come in handy, yes dad, is there any advice? rubles, okay, let's not be sad, wow, i forgot the gift, sorry, but did you call this savkina, well, yes, so what? yes, i don’t like her, she’s one of those people who takes the bag and goes after the dogs in the yard to clean up, so what? and she doesn't have any dog. and there is a bag, oh, that’s it, dad, go, okay, happy birthday, happy birthday, girls, thank you very much, yes, come to the table, here's juice, soda,
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pour it, well, well, well, well, well, well, i'm still at the door i didn’t have time to leave, i’m standing, not touching anyone, eavesdropping on everyone. and what do i hear, pour it, let's pour it through the funnel, bring the enema so it will be absorbed faster, yes, dad, stop, i definitely heard you pour it, dad, it's just soda, yeah, now we'll check what kind of soda it is, it's simple in nature soda, come on, if so, girls, don’t be afraid, he’ll sniff it will leave. okay, savkina, take the package, let's follow me. yes dad, okay, okay, false alarm, rest, and he’s always like that, yes girls,
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don’t pay attention, let’s listen to music, for money, for money, yes, for money, yes, for money, what are you singing, what are you listening to, yes, dad, this is an instagram woman for money, yes, first for money, yes, and then what is the goal behind the test? in any case, savkina said to turn it on, that’s it, go, come on, that’s it, that’s it, i didn’t just come, i have a gift with me, a gift, yes, this is a watch, this watch my grandfather gave them to my father, my father gave them to me, and now i’m giving them to you, oh, dad, thank you very much, but no, it was yesterday, no one likes them. “to be honest, i
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don’t really like it either, well , give it to your future daughter, or give it to savkina, so she knows how much she annoys me, dad, you promised to leave home, but don’t eavesdrop on our conversations with your mother, we made peace, dad , i’ll be offended now, okay, that’s it, well, god forbid that..." listen, pauline, we’ll probably go, otherwise it’s somehow not fun, but girls, well let's at least eat some cake, hello, stand by, what have you done here, the ministry of emergency situations is already writing me text messages, yes, dad, they write them to everyone, we didn't do anything like that, yeah, they wrote a strong wind, what are you blowing here? “savkina, you ’re crazy, yes, dad, yes, because you, well
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, what kind of birthday is this, you ’re standing there sour, we need to play some fun youth games, like, for example, savkina’s silence, yes, we’re playing silence, whoever speaks first cleans the floor, it’s clean right there, tidy up, happy birthday, yes, dad, you ruined my whole birthday, why?" " you did, yes, my daughter, well, you understand us with your mother, this is the first time we ’ve left you alone at home, there’s savkina a little bit more, we ’re worried, you’ll grow up and move out soon from us, dad, don’t worry, i wasn’t planning on leaving you, you’ll move away from us, i say, so as not to worry about you, you need to, well, we need to learn to trust you, you know, and in general... all parents need to learn trust your children, because when they grow up, only they know how it will be for them
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better, our task is always to support you in everything, and i’m telling you this not as dad from the topic, but as garik from the team. garik, how beautiful are our final words? yes, but there is one drawback. which? there's no joke there. okay, let's go. how about bowing? well, you want to bow. kvn team leon killer. thank you. the kvn team, leona killer thanks the governor of the sverdlovsk region evgeny vladimirovich kuyvashev, as well as maria andreevna peksheva. well, the kvn team will show us one more final theme for today. close ones, belgorod region,
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the olympics will start very soon in france, where the russians will be forced to compete under a neutral flag, but it seems to us that russian athletes won’t just give up, a normal flag, i ’m telling you, a normal flag, in short, glory, this is the plan, we’ll win gold medals for awarding. they raise the slovak flag, i pull the fishing line, the pocket with the grave, and it falls off, everyone sees that the athletes from russia are the coolest, in my opinion, they will burn us, yes, when you see gays, stop being baptized, and they won’t burn us, but then you walk around day in the olympic village, getting baptized. and you steal towels from hotels, this is not theft, i am slowly returning
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frozen russian assets from europe. i thought of everything down to the smallest detail, they won’t burn us, hey, russians, get off the lawn, calm down, we are slovaks, this is not for us, hey, i’m appealing to you, but don’t , do you have a suspicion that you are russians, yeah -my, commander, what’s the problem, and in the sense, on what basis, like this, do you think you walked around the olympic village half the night, looking for a guitar? so what? we just wanted sing slovak songs, but we really are not russian, tell him something in slovak, come on, velkopopovice goat, krusovice,
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staropram, this is czech, this is german, it must be slovak, unfiltered slovak, commander, yes, but we really are not russian, we are slovaks , god is with us, too, so, i don’t believe you, so a small test for a slovakian, and what is there now, now in invitro, what they don’t do, seriously, i’m telling you, yes, the capital of slovakia, well, first of all , this is absolutely the city, the name, the name is written with a capital letter, you can give it to me we can say, yes, of course we can, that we are the capital of slovakia, brother, glory, help, that’s right, bratislava, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, so, sing the anthem of slovakia, not you, you, there was such
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a country. czechoslovakia, but it split into the czech republic and great slovakia, how good it is that we do not live in the czech republic, in great slovakia, slovakia, well, he just conveyed the essence. same word for word, guys, i found a guitar, so, wait, who is this, our friend, also a slovak, they came from slovakia, bratislava, how do you know, my grandfather freed him, okay, i’ll go make dumplings,
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well, let's go, stop, the check is not finished, whose crimea is ours, slovakian, slovakian, yes, we are not russians, we are slovaks, honestly, then answer the question, slovakia is a nuclear power, no, of course, then why did you threaten yesterday.
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yes, wait, we will now prove to you that we are not russians, take my hand, kiss me on the lips, are you stunned, our parents are friends, kiss me, this is what the homeland asks for once, i know this saying, i still won’t, well, yesterday you kissed me, so you found me around the clock yesterday, well, yes. that's it, close your eyes, i'm everything myself i'll do about three. one, two, three, we are from russia, and we will compete under our own flag, but what’s the problem with competing in a neutral status, and what’s the problem with removing it from us, and we won’t change the rules of the olympic games
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because of one country coming, yes , that’s all you’ve been doing lately, and then you tell us: you know, we’ll come up with something, and it takes first place in the team standings, but what is this anthem? learn the text!
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thanks the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav vladimirovich glatkov, the agro-belogorye company group, and vladimir personally fedorovich zotov to all residents of the belgorod region for their comprehensive support. teams stage. so, friends, attention, grades for stem. let me remind you that the maximum is still five points. the intrigue is crazy. let's start with the team.
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eagle 4 5 5 5 5 4.8 points, for three competitions they so far receive 14.6, and finally, the nearby belgorod region five five five five five five points exactly for three competitions 15 points exactly. friends, now, while the teams are preparing, i will tell you what other summer games
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you can visit and watch; the traditional one will take place in svetlogorsk on july 28 music festival of kvn teams, and on august 16 , a summer competition will be played in a completely different part of our country, sakhalin. kvn, are you so afraid, look, he’s probably 200 years old, and if he’s a maniac, do you like to watch people? it seems to me that they got rid of some burden here. but i love him, and i don’t need anyone else. conqueror of women's hearts.
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from the country, all spheres of life, 247 days, 89 regions, more than 17 million visitors, we have
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something to be surprised at, we have something to be proud of, grand closing, exhibitions russia 6 july, on the first. well, we still have one more competition left, a musical number, where teams need to show something musical or talk about music, on this stage the kvn team. cc, city of omsk, today many professions are becoming unclaimed, because adults are retiring, and young people do not want to do this, so we believe that young people need to be attracted in any way. so, in the employment center.
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hello! hello, do you want to find a job, no, i want to buy sneakers, but mom says, for this you need to find a job, well , okay, we have many options, for now you can familiarize yourself with our advertising brochures, brochures, ciao, wait, wait, advertising videos, oh, videos, we filmed them especially for you so that you can see , we have so many cool professions, so let’s start with mechanics. cardan, injector, joint, deflector, relay, oil seal, the mechanic knows how much per year depends on the season, you can always, if you want straight zones, and if. suddenly
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the salary was delayed, steal the parts, what a thrill, and how much do they earn, well about a thousand a day, and how much is that per month, well, multiply by 30, i’m sick of it, say 30,000 already, dislike, wait, wait, we have another option, putty, i bought a python, poured it into the python, poured water, the advance will soon come foreman, we will fly higher than the heavens, one, apply primer, two, apply
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putty, three. we love grandma and in general you’ve had enough of everything with your questions, wait, you want to pester everyone yourself, it sounds poor, yeah, then the obstetrician, but she’s gone to see, soon everything will happen, at the end of work, chocolates, chrysanthemums will certainly come out, wait. give it already
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not for long, soon we’ll slap the ass, and a sign of respect, the child’s parents will name him in your honor, hello, i’m your mother-in-law, thank you for helping me, now i can freely crawl anywhere, become an obstetrician, now my dream, i ’ll get new russians out of belly. but this work requires special skills, in fact, before you we were in a serious government organization, school doesn’t count, damn it, and in general, why do you have so few professions for women, this is some kind of sexism, i also want to manage everyone, manage, how about the tram driver, i'm up i go to work early 5 am to take everyone
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to work. i drive women and children, pensioners, and all kinds of people, you shine brighter than anyone in your vest, you will drive the tram, rest as much as you want, fall asleep while driving, yes... so, well, are you ready to work? you know, we thought for a long time, about six seconds, and made an informed decision that yes, great, then for employment i will need two personal income tax certificates, an employment certificate, a copy of my passport and a snius, yeah, show me
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the video, where can i get this? friends, why were you shown this number? we just wanted to remind you that every the profession is important, so we personally chose the profession of comedians, so that when we came home, obstetricians, mechanics and tram drivers could laugh at us. vv, thank you. the musical number competition continues on this stage, the kvn team lion killer, the city of kamyshlov, we meet,
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and bloggers often have a children's audience, and naturally, their parents accompany them to all events. so, for an autograph session with the popular blogger anya pokrov, a ring on that finger, yes, yes, yes, yes, a handsome boy, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, i don’t need words blah, come on, come here, yes, yes, yes, yes, well, you’re being false, of course, daughter, but whose turn is it for us? famous tik-toker, somehow i didn’t see her on tv, dad, that’s the essence of tik-tok, and i thought that the saliva of stupidity
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would reach the floor, damn, that’s a long line, oh well, watch, learn. no, a guy won’t do that with me, but i just came to tell you that santa claus is not real, are you stupid, i know, the anchor is critical in relationships. weakling, savkina, have you cleaned up after all the dogs, oh, sasha, come here, get up with us, well again
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you’re raking it out at someone else’s expense, i’m anya pokrov’s manager, she said she’ll give me an autograph literally 1, 2, 3, from here, hurray! savkina, dad was right, judas, okay, let's go, what, let's go, i spent my day off here, i should have been lying at home, dying from a hangover, and i'm standing here, i'm dying from a hangover, go to the woman, can i take a photo, the artist is tired, i'm sorry, what was she doing?
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say kringe, oh, thank you very much, please, that's it, dash, let's go, and the song, the ring is on, but not you, she, oh well, dad, let's not do it, close your mouth, sing the song, yeah, come on then with an introduction at least, come on with an introduction. introduction.
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oh, it’s like titanic, like about love, like we’re at the bottom. no, this is a good song, yes, what’s wrong with me, i’m not perfect, take it as a fact, well , you don’t have time, the beat flies, you’re in the right place, go, sing next to her, you wanted something there , where there, something there, so, simpler, what ’s wrong with me, i don’t... really take it as a fact, i don’t really care what you
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wanted, i’m wrong, which means i’m still a child, oh, well done, very cool, dad, dad, she thinks i didn’t like it, i really liked it, listen, now come to my dressing room, take pictures of everything there, and then i ’ll come to you. oh, thank you, yes, dad, wrap it up, thank you, this is the best day of my life, well, at least you did one good deed, at least one, and you think that it’s easy to be a blogger, no, it’s very difficult, it’s, you have to put the phone on , press this red thing, to be honest, in the morning. these videos of yours, you just turned on the music, you dance,
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it’s so easy, come on, come on, show what you are you can, but turn on the music, so you can sing, okay, and i’m standing on the shore in a blue dress, i can’t even wish for beauty, tall... hugs caress us, the sea surf, battle, well, listen, well, that’s something i i made this video, and somehow i’m not tired, well, let me take you with me for a month, you’ll be my blogger, you’ll go to concerts with me, and then you’ll say, come on, in a month at annie pokrov’s concert, that you’re not with me so, i’m not perfect, take it as a fact, i don’t really care how... you would like to get it wrong,
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it means she’s still alive, but let me go, please, i ’m not raking, my smile will soon crack, let’s get in line there to take pictures, let’s go straight to the monument then, i don’t know how to take it away , i’m always your kind. so, why did we show all this, we always think how i would like to be in your place, but this is just a picture, because behind the picture are the same everyday everyday problems, yes, what are you, yes, what are you, well the girls had some kind of thought, okay, let's go and bow?
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kvn, close ones. we've all heard the queen's song, where she will appear about a man who is drunk because of a woman. and for some reason everyone empathizes with this woman, right? but no one knows the version of what is happening on behalf of this man. so, that same drunk is her fault. man, 10 more of the same, pash, maybe
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he’s good already, you’ve been drinking in silence for 4 hours. can you tell me what happened to you? well, listen, i met the queen once at karaoke, i used to be successful, my cheeks didn’t hang, i was muscular, i drove a ferrari, but that evening the queen went on a safari. well, we met, we met, that like this? yes, she started to insult me, insult me? told the whole world that i was an infantile wimp, in front of my friends she called me pasha three-second, well, i smoke very quickly, i should have clarified when my ex came to her, she made a bed for me in the kitchen, now he’s drunk through her fault, the queen is the queen, he
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he didn’t drink before her at all. now my life is like two buttocks, yes it swam, yes it hit, there are no complaints about the original, it’s a pity that now i can’t swear, it’s very strong, i need to be eaten, for sure, i brought it on time, thank you, maybe we can do something for you - then help, yes, please pay for the beer, maybe... do you have no money at all, but everything is spent on her, her suit is in heaps, i have bad teeth, my toothache and i are saving up together for her fur coat, oh, men, i have problems, she
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is now in the golden apple, my money is her money. and her money is her money, well, what should i do, and the peak is wild, show her from around the corner what, and leave her. yes, i can’t, i love everything, listen, but i should look at your queen, there she goes, what a queen she is, she’s an empress, i fell in love with her soul, soul, there
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definitely d first, not t. oops, who is this man at a separate table? well, that’s it, now she’ll start making advances on other men to annoy me. hello how are you doing? why are you standing there silent? the boy swam, the boy got caught, how shy he is. i wonder how he kisses? man, you should be more careful with her there , if she likes something very much, then it’s hers. i can’t convince you otherwise, she’s wearing a fur coat over there in the summer, okay, i’m waiting for you on the street, guys, what ’s going on, we live in a patriarchal society, women shouldn’t bring us to
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tears, this is our thing, let's do this, if she is a queen, then i am a king, just a king, guys, everyone who has ever been offended by women, raise your hands up and clap with us, if we do it synchronously, no one will be able to tell you , let go of your hands, that you are disgracing me, we raise our hands and clap everyone, everyone who did not praise her food and then went hungry for a week, all those who are forced to go to school in the morning... when you didn’t even brush your teeth, all those who for some reason, damn it, he knows who serkanbald is, clap, vanya, come on, we will be happy to spite everyone, queen, queen, but we will love them all the same, because
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who besides them will be proud of us, in fact, this is a brilliant work, yes, because only thanks to this song, a man can be drunk not because he got drunk as usual, but because he is worried about my beloved woman is drunk because of her fault, so it turns out that for the first time in history we are drunk and the women are pleased, the kven team is close, we are with our queens, well,
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friends, the final performance for today, the kvn team rovenki, oryol state university, the city of orel . dear friends, we are glad to welcome you to the creative event. evening of the legendary rovenkovo ​​music producer, today is nikolai’s anniversary, you all should meet him soon, nikolai himself is already flying to us, like i once did from him, your thunderous applause!
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let's start the sycophancy. the maestra's career began suddenly. in december 1998, he was recorded on his phone as nikolai paskuda. but thanks to t-9 he becomes nikolai producer. the position obliges. and in ninety-nine, nikolai wrote the song sherry sherry from memory larry. without getting into the wrong motive. without words, that ’s how a hit is born, what do you need, what do you need, now it’s a big surprise for nikolai,
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throwing aside, throwing away all the affairs in america, i came to personally congratulate him. negro himself. thank you. kolya always dreamed about this. late nineties. while roy baker is promoting the band queen for their new album, nikolai is promoting nadezhda babkina with nudes. nikolai's first success was music. based on the composition of the air freshener - alpine freshness. let's remember
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the masterpiece. molecules, freshener molecules fill the space and give viewers the feeling of alpine meadows. starring: evgeny fefelov, ethanol, sergey bryssen. formal det, yuri chebatarov as benzene, taluene and xelol. guys, the same composition can be seen in glass cleaner, deodorant and sausage, the rovenkovo ​​standard, here is the main antagonist, the smell of a dry closet. i couldn’t beat him, well, according to tradition, the second cast of the ballet in kazakh, to say that kolya
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is talented is to say nothing, i choose not to say anything. from first to 2002 nikolay was married to katya lel, however, now she says that she was abducted by aliens. and... today his most successful artist, alexey potekhin, came to congratulate the hero of the day. well , hello, paskuda? yes, it was kolya who once advised alexey to break up with sergei
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zhukov. come out already, he's gone! and, in 2006 , nikolai received a granny for one of his albums. true, this kilogram of apples quickly ends. and since 2007, nikolai has been trying to write a soundtrack for the film the lustful erased dsm, but he never gets it. hands, ok well, it’s time for a heartfelt speech from the master himself, i ’m from novocherkassk, they brought me to the construction site, they took the documents, they threw me some money,
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good people, someone has 50 rubles. for a return ticket, please, how touching, you know, creative successes come and go, the main thing is friends. nikolai alexandrovich, as a congratulation, please accept this song, with your urges. oh, cocacola, kalyamba stroller, some. kalenbasi kalina quiver, columbia pictures, hadronic colliner, potassium sodium and the mummered devil, the last nickname,
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the most exciting thing. after all, nikolai was given it by his little son right during the event, as the maestro himself said, you can write 100, 200, 300 hits, but if you are rotten, people will remember exactly that, so why then get extra excited, i give you adrenaline, then what are you lost? well, friends, this is the end of the competition program for today, we just have to see the jury’s scores, but for the next one, i must do it with pleasure, stage teams.
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friends, the state corporation rosatom has established a special prize for the best team who proved herself in the jury warm-up competition. humor is an inversion of common sense, so to speak, a smile of reason, and today the smile of reason prize from rosatom goes to teams close and equal.
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based on how the teams that advance further will look in the semi-finals, and there it will be, oh, how difficult it is, that’s it, kvn is good, funny, thank you very much for the game, thank you very much for the good mood, evgenia medvedeva, once again good evening, dear teams, thank you. thank you very much for today, today was different, it was very funny, that it was impossible to stop, but there were times when i wanted to help a little, that’s why. as it is, so i wish great luck to those who will advance further, the competition is huge, it will only get more difficult, and to those who, unfortunately, will leave today for the current
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season, i wish great luck in the future, i am sure that you still have everything it will work out, thank you, thank you very much, pilogenya, teams, thank you for the game, hello, once again, dear friends, first of all, kvn for us is that very... island of stability, it ’s always sincere here, it’s always funny here, and how usually, just like many, many years ago, and i think for many, many years to come, kvn knows no boundaries, either humorous, or geographical, or age, our young people, even if something is not everything today, maybe it worked out, it will definitely work out, don’t give up, i really want to see you and hear more, well, our meters, stars, keep it up too, well, don’t think too much about yourself, everything will be cool, thank you very much, see you. semifinals, thank you very much, polechka, and val dispelsh, i must say that scolding in the quarterfinals is the easiest scolding, because you don’t say goodbye to anyone, everyone
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goes to svetlogorsk for the loud kiev, and therefore just one will then go to the semi-finals and maybe reach the final, while others will just have fun, we will be waiting for your bright performances, thanks for the game, thank you valdis. well, please, konstantin levovich, the result of the game, first of all, thanks for the sports statistics, 220 game, here denis kazansky, sitting in the front row, will not let you lie that in terms of this indicator i have already caught up with wayne gretzky, and i’m breathing down my neck yuli guzman, here today i asked why i was in a good mood, because today everyone was good, from the young to the young ones, but... but the best and funniest were, of course , those closest to us, and not only because they were the funniest, because who are for us
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russians closer than belgorod, now? cool, thank you very much, well, it’s time to move on to the denouement, the evaluation for the musical number competition. and now we will find out which teams will finally make the list of semi-finalists. so, first, i ask you to prepare to show the scores to the kvn team, leon killer. 5 4 5 5 4. 4.6 for a total of 17.8 points per game. bb. omsk. 5 4 554 also 4.6 points per game, 18 points exactly, the scores for this competition for the kvn team are equal,
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the city of orel, 5.555, five points exactly, they get 19.6 points for the game, and finally, close to the belgorod region. 5 5 5 5 4 4.8 they get 19.8 points per game. so, the winners today, despite the top four in the last competition, are the kvn team close. they advance to the semifinals, and the kvn rovenki team also advances to the semifinals. oryol state university. orel city. with teams bb and lion killer say goodbye until the next season. tenkov bank gives the winning team a tenkov card with a sum of 400,000 rubles. the tenkov black card is a cashback
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for purchases with real money, access to bank services is a convenient application. this concludes a quarter of the final game. the semi-finals await us ahead, and this is the hottest stage of the season. my name is dmitry khrustalev. see you on channel one, bye!
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channel one welcomes you to the studio of the closed screening program, programs that i remind you are designed for a wide audience, but not deep audience. my name is alexander gordon. today we are watching and, i hope, quite furiously discussing the debut film, the debut, i emphasize, of the great actor alexander boloev, who lived to become a director, they call it. yes, why are we discussing vividly, i will explain, look , today our audience is selected from experts in such a way that some people serve in the theater and others work in cinema, why some serve and others work, i think we are in during the discussion, we will definitely touch on this topic, so, as usual, you will see benches, where here some are for, some are against, today they are not, it seems to me that there are no people who
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would be entirely for and entirely against, the more interesting the discussion will be, i hope. and according to tradition, before watching a movie, i want to turn to the experts. ekaterina georgievna, the question is the same for everyone: what is the movie about and do you recommend watching it or not? of course, i recommend that a wide audience watch this film, but because i think it’s the first time in recent years that i’ve seen it. so fearless, extremely frank, presentation to the general public, sentimental erotic dreams and dreams of a mature man, it’s you softly, somehow i’m trying, somehow completely, olga igorevna, i also recommend watching this film, it seems to me that there was a very successful combination of ideas.
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for middle-aged people about, let's say, overcoming selfishness in a relationship, in a couple, about how difficult it is, this visualization, incredibly beautiful, so i recommend watching this picture, dmitry borisovich, akhmatova once asked brodsky, how he feels about her memories of madellan, he said it was romeo juliet. played by the persons of the reigning house, and not andre, i really liked this definition, when i watched this film, i suddenly thought that i was watching in search of the lost time of proust, played according to the rules of agatha christie, it seemed to me that it was curious, so i i recommend it, thank you, alin, this is a super-chamber musical film, about the understatement between people that arises and smolders inside for years, it’s such... a strange dream in
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several acts, some limp or zero kilometer, being in which we, like the heroes of the picture, are destined to check with our internal compass, answer some of our internal questions, probably find or maybe not find the way to ourselves, well, look, we can now end the discussion, since only - i just asked you to tell me what the movie was about, you know, how my neighbor was at the cinema, and what the movie was about, but... about this, about that, about an old man, about an old woman, but we just have that i personally have the same question, what is the movie about, well, we ’ll talk, okay, i just asked to be lapidary, asked to be aphoristic, i hope gleb sergeevich succeeds, i will answer simply about love, and what could be more banal and what could be more interesting for the audience, okay, azis, well, i’ll try to be brief, a black meshchitka in the hidden... depths of the soul, this is a statement
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by the wonderful artist, symbolist adilon ridon. it seems to me that in this case we are precisely in those very hidden depths of the soul. thank you, yuri semyonovich. well, this movie, of course, is a must watch, very visual, interesting, beautiful, and the director supported it with dignity, and the actors are wonderful, beautiful in beautiful scenery, beautiful.
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not about friction, it’s about symbolism, about the musical background, yes, about fantasies, about dreams, most importantly about swans, of course, you know, as one of my friends said, and maybe even me, sex in the family is not the main thing when it’s there, in this case, you see, in my opinion, a young family has problems, let’s sort out the problems, alexander nikolaevich, yes, we have them. such a tradition when the director, before we watch a movie, can talk to the audience contact us and somehow set it up for viewing, well, because pay attention, well , you have some such words, we’ll find them, there aren’t any at all, but we’ll find them, and you know,
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the experts have already said a lot in principle, especially to me i liked erotic dreams, sex accompanied by music, this is to attract the wide masses, of course, especially since we have a composer together with... so you are in vain turning to me as a director, because i am not a director at all, in the generally accepted sense i mean, maybe it’s very good that you said that, maybe all the mistakes are the shortcomings that they saw, these are, in principle, of course, mine, probably my mistakes, the other thing is that i don’t feel guilty, again, for the fact that they told the expert that i didn’t interfere with these wonderful people, uh. .. the artist , the director, the actor, the composer, god, everything in one cameraman, did not interfere, did not interfere, having agreed with them to make a movie about beauty, in principle, in my opinion, an artist who played well, a director in this
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case , it worked out, it’s good that you said about the non-director, because when we now let's watch a movie, i'll explain why it's good, with... with this we'll actually start the discussion, now the film hotel by alexander boloev is in a closed screening.
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it’s good that i took them, i’m great, maybe that’s enough, but that’s enough, now live with it, listen to the radio.
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wait, are you sure that we are going there, well, if you are so smart, sit back, well, even you know that you didn’t pass on the right, at least one flaw.
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try turning on your phone again, maybe the internet, so what? i'm sorry, what? let's see. for what? there
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's clearly no one here. the sign means there is electricity. what if the phone works there? well, you wanted a hotel, here's a hotel for you. let's knock, what do we have to lose? and you, for example, are not afraid of losing your wife. max, there's clearly no one there. max, max, come on, there's no one there, come back.
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maxim, maybe i’ll spend the night here, you’re crazy , i’ll just spend one more night. “i can’t stand driving, well, that doesn’t mean that you and i can break into someone else’s house. max, let’s go on and find some normal hotel. well, yes, but by the time you and i get there, i’ll fall asleep, we we'll fall into the sea, you know, i'm absolutely sure that your parents won't kill me for this. naturally, my mother loves you more than me, but you understand, she has excellent taste, i ask you, let’s move away from here and spend the night in a normal hotel, somewhere, we agreed.” but first, let’s take a bath, i don’t want to, i'm not in a mood, but i'm in
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a good mood.


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