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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 30, 2024 4:45am-5:21am MSK

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a star of one scale or another, that’s what people actually went for, because it was possible uh with gazmanov, who had just come out uh and putana’s song, and saul, that is, he thundered then, it was the musical discovery of the year , for the opportunity to hang out with him in the company cabins, sit at the same table, sunbathe on the deck, go on excursions together, people actually paid very decent money. it all cost several thousand dollars there, and we understand that then 30-35 years ago the dollar was more prominent than now, the jury also included lena kondulainen, who bore the title of sex symbol of the soviet union, there was an actress who played politics there, she either had a love party or something else, she was very, very she was well-known, on the one hand...
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to have the opportunity to woo her , to invite her to a restaurant somewhere in naples, where we went there already , i don’t remember the route, i just remember for sure that we were the first soviet tourists on the island rhoda.
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some have even already managed to do something in industry, this is the trip itself, this cruise itself, it became iconic for many, in particular ivan ivanovich demidov, who was the director of the film miss ussr, and i was the author of this film, we filmed it all for channel one, he for one of the clips, in my opinion, it was a clip of chris kelme, and he noticed dancers there on this cruise who were like... some kind of collective and invited them to star in this clip, i honestly didn’t what i didn’t remember, i didn’t know it then, many years later, many years later i was told about it one of these dancers said, this is andrey and grigoriev apolonov, that is, that same red-haired ivanushka, he was visiting me once, we were placing a cat in good hands, i had such a project, we were helping furry animals with shelters there gain. owners,
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so he told me that we have known each other since ninety-one, when he was nothing at all there, he was just a boy, and he danced in this video, matvienko noticed him, sent him to moscow, that’s actually how it started ivanushsky international project, grandiose, that is, this one the cruise gave the green light not only to many journalists, but also to many musical groups, although it happened by the way. with the musicians on the laying, i remember that there was a huge scandal, aziza was there then, she was very, very popular in those years, there was a stopover in istanbul, we went through istanbul to the mediterranean sea and returned, naturally, also through the dardanelles and basfort, too with a stop in istanbul, i don’t remember the first or second stop, but i definitely remember the mega scandal associated with aziza, and this has nothing to do with music, so the point is that naturally.
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i’m telling you about the scandals and discoveries of the first and last miss press of the ussr competition, i’ll go back to cozizen, so that i don’t remember, i already mentioned dimidov and his muzabos project, which people of many generations remember, an absolutely cool idea with this jingle, with ivan in glasses, in general with glasses, this was again an idea that was born on this cruise. because when we left
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odessa, this cruise, ivan and i were wandering around some odessa streets and markets, i repeat, i... was more or less like that recognizable, because he acted as a co-host in several issues of the look, ivan was very unnerved that people recognized there, came up, something, not only took autographs, they asked something about moscow, there about gorbachev, about telik, here he is then he came up with it, he says, you need to come up with such a trick, that here’s a trick with glasses, like, you put on glasses, you’re ivan davidov, that’s it, you came out on stage, that’s it, you took off your glasses, you just. blond, former sergeant of the airborne forces, in general, in general, some kind of, so to speak, incomprehensible person, this is his cool the idea that this detail with glasses turns you immediately into a trade mark, into a star, she was born precisely in odessa, in the city of istanbul, and these same
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glasses were bought, the glasses of ivan demidov, these are the ones in which he recorded his famous jinka, in which he hosted the muzabos program and chose these glasses - evgeniy. musician, it just happened before my eyes, how they bargained, i even remember the amount, how much these brand glasses were bought for, i won’t name either one, but yes, this project was developed precisely during this cruise, that is, those people who shot this film, they then worked on the musical convoy project, and not only did ivanushki international somehow originate there, but it was born. and the mega-project of the youth editorial office and the careers of many journalists have developed, but to close the topic of show business, i’ll return to zeze, every liner pays for parking at the port, and any delay, that
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is, a violation of the schedule, is fraught with large fines, that is, if the ship must move this far from the pier, it must do so do, well, just like, well, an airplane. of course, and we all then, i just remember how everyone stood and waited for aziza, because she delayed the shipment by about, well, for half an hour for sure, for half an hour for sure, here i am, i’m just standing before my eyes , there were no gadgets then, no phones, no one filmed this, it’s just recorded here somewhere, how she walks with huge, you know, these black bags that are in hollywood films, or not only in hollywood films, for corpses. these black plastic bags, she with this huge a bag that was actually dragging on the floor, which means she was dragging something purchased in istanbul, not only, perhaps, for the stage, there is also, by the way, this cruise, it is also connected , of course, with the fact that many of the artists,
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who went there, in particular my comrade kriskelme, they still, according to the old soviet habit, went there with, well, from various... something was bought there, this was not the case of aziza, because she was there on that cruise with my then friend, i don’t know what his status was, i remember him last name, malakhov, he later made a big splash when it was a murder case... in short, there were a lot of interesting people, i still have photographs, for example, from this cruise, where daria aslanova, who made a big splash back then, having written her memoirs, she made a splash then, and then she became
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a very serious war correspondent, one of our leading newspapers, and is still working, i remember when tirimi came to moscow. a very loud story, when she and her comrades, in my opinion, were captured by photographers militants and were going to shoot her colleague, well, that is, in the sense that this was not some girl in a swimsuit, this was a real reporter who would give a 100-point head start to any other person who is engaged
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in investigative journalism, in fact, she had already left in the status of a very famous scandalous journalist, well, i think all the awards that she has...
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a fixed exchange rate at first, well, in some years they gave something like 604 67 68 kopecks per dollar, then after all these experimentsreformers of our gaidars chubaits, as they are called, you remember what happened, that not only courses collapsed there, but destinies collapsed, in particular, alexey romanov found himself in a very difficult situation, he owed money. he was supposed to be killed, and i remember that he called me, said that
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he was going to the arrow, that he might not return, if he did not return, there he asked to do a number of things, but the arrow, thank god , ended happily, he just explained that if they kill him now, then well actually, there won’t be any money, but he ’ll hold another event and give the money back, by the way, that’s what happened, that is, this miss press cruise came out year after year, it was in 1992. took place in ninety-three, then i stopped following this matter, because, well, i had various newspaper projects there, in addition, my friends from those who are usually called respectable said that it would be like being a judge of this competition, where girls wear swimsuits, it doesn’t seem to correspond to my reputation as a serious journalist, who is engaged in investigative journalism, and then i completely left for an internship for... and somehow in general there was no time for these competitions, i didn’t follow what
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was happening, but one of the famous musicians pyotr podgorodetsky, who was also on this cruise, then in his memoirs he described that he met those girls who were contestants in various places, including one of them who had a career in the same america, i never thought about it honestly. how to have a free holiday there, go there with my wife, go there with friends, i have a bunch some of them brought their then employees there, some as a photographer, some as a journalist who wrote about it, but there, before my eyes, i say that not only many careers took place.
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so here are the bad notes he came up with , also on one of these cruises, i have a photo where we are in front of naples, why do i know that it’s in front of naples, because not only do i have a camera, but dmitry also has a camera, and after naples he no longer had this camera, because simply directly, when he filmed his first... these notes were not yet on the first channel of this project, this program, but he was already working in this direction, he really liked it, a motorcyclist on the street of naples simply grabbed the camera by the lens and he pulled and tore it off, that is, his camera was not working, although it was very disappointing, because it was the middle of the cruise, but there was material left, that is, this one was visible there, that... this is what is happening the attack, unfortunately, it was not at all the format of such caramel
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travel stories, which is why dmitry probably didn’t show these shots to anyone, i think, on air then they definitely weren’t there, but this project was born right then, it was the end of times, it seemed to us that we were approaching some kind of then a new life, peace, friendship, chewing gum, that europe is now open to us, that from... nothing is needed, we don’t need anything, that we will all live together, that is, this was a time of such delusions of some such naive. well , for the girls who participated in these projects, it was a time of such career starts, i want to say right away, because many people think that since this is a competition, since it means girls, then there might have been some intimate moments, here it must be said that in - first of all , journalists with a name already went there very often,
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like the same oslabova, and many went, so to speak, with an open mind. the most reputable, most significant publications, tv channels and newspapers with millions of copies, that is, they felt behind them, in general, not a daddy someone who paid them to participate in this competition, and they felt like journalists who are trying to prove that they know how to work, so yes, naturally, it’s like in any other competition. this appearance in swimsuits, but it was very insignificant, they realized themselves there precisely in a professional sense, to none of them, in my memory, in the first years no one even thought of approaching with any proposals, although this is the end times was characterized by the fact that, of course, bandits felt themselves masters of life, two stars, fathers and
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children, tomorrow is the first one. at least once in your life you need to measure the pressure to the right on your left hand and compare whether there is a difference or not, what difference indicates a serious illness, about this and much more in the program to live healthy, on monday, on the first, all episodes of the podcast chronicles of the end of time. watch on the website of the first channel journalists, due to the fact that they represented certain publications, they felt much more confident, it seems to me, than even representatives of these largest acting dynasties. i don't remember here but in my memory, there have never been any complaints from the girls about the fact that
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guests were approaching them, although let’s say they are very much from show business... i had to participate in a showdown, there it was only from the captain’s cabin that it was possible to contact, get in touch with the mainland, that is, there were some endless threats, this never happened with journalists, but they complained that they
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put four people in a cabin in the hold itself, because we are all so nervous there , everyone has their own cabin there, well i... what am i talking about the jury members, they were there in such conditions and somehow they ate separately, that is, there was some kind of cabin company divided into different sectors, well, that is, in this regard i i, as a journalist, was very worried about the girls, because it seemed to me that, well, this is somehow , well, a competition, this is their competition, as if they were bowls , what they called them, bowls, that’s what the bowls are in this position, i’m always like i wish i was worried about the workshop, i remember i’ll move a little to the side, i’m ilya verbukh, our legendary figure skater, now a producer, said that after he completed his sports career, and before he began his production career, he worked
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as a journalist, so he told me with such feeling what a humiliation it was, how he ... i realized how unpleasant it is to run after a person with a microphone, asking him to say something, i understand that at any moment you can be sent, this despite the fact that he was with, so to speak, a person with a name , that is, he worked as a sports journalist in the industry where he was known and got used to it, and so he drank a little from this cup and, according to him, now he has a completely different attitude towards the profession, that is, he is always helpful, here i am, as a person from the workshop who always worried about the girls, i helped them, for example, they had assignments to interview or record how... some kind of synchronization, to do some kind of story, so i agreed with not only my acquaintances, but let’s say there were some
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celebrities, relatively speaking, with whom i personally didn’t was familiar, but but who were interested a contestant from this point of view, from a competitive point of view, so i always considered it possible for myself, despite the fact that i was a member of the jury, but it was me... who did not go beyond the scope of my judicial activities, agreed to give an interview, so that they found time, well , because people who were going on a cruise, well , artists, let’s say, they had a contract, let’s say, one concert in the company’s cabin, the rest of the time they wanted, since fees were not provided, they were paid with a vacation, but they wanted to relax, that is, they even... sunbathed, drink, go on excursions, and not waste time on a conversation with beautiful
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girls, but an artist is ready to spend time on a conversation with a beautiful girl in two cases, if this conversation can then develop into something else, or if there is some kind of outcome , well, that is, if there is a broadcast or publication, then it’s clear that this is part of everyone’s job. show business figures, any artist, but here they understood that this is conditionally chipboard for official use, that only judges will see this, that is, we are members of the jury, that no one will see that this time will be wasted for them and instead of the day that they could spend there on the ruins of some acropolis, they spent this day in the company of journalists.
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and very often there were people who could have succeeded in the profession, but made a different choice there, for example, the daughter of robert rozhdestvenskaya, not the one you thought about, for sure, because she has a younger sister, rozhdestvenskaya, she won one of competitions, i remember that it was such a headache for us because here we were sitting in the cabin.
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everyone will think that robert rozhdestvensky is exclusively because of his last name, on the other hand, ignore her absolutely professional merits, she showed herself to be a brilliant reporter, and it seems to me that she then didn’t go to...
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this one in general, well competitive, a little from that side, that is, i have insight, thank god, i repeat that this would have been a journalistic competition, which we did not have.
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girls, for whom, as for most events of this kind, perhaps not at that stage, maybe later the so -called daddies paid, that is, rich patrons who first bought a place to participate in the competition, then were ready to work, as they called it, with the members of the jury, to explain that their chosen one, she was worthy of the title there miss or... vice-miss, that is, i’m telling you absolutely honestly that i didn’t catch this aspect, maybe, i’ll repeat, precisely because it was first of all a professional competition, because it was invented by a professional reporter, because that alexey romanov, although he turned into such a travel tycoon, at that stage, i don’t know, by the way, what happened to him then in the 2000s, he was a sports
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journalist, very quickly these... competitions they lived for themselves, that is, the borders opened, people began to travel abroad, not only on airliners, but for me the miss press ussr competition, it became such memories and symptoms of the end of times, because the country, i really like to quote and i can’t resist once again spompilling that from... the striptis song that the country was dying like an ancient lizard with a new virus in its cells, here one of these viruses, of course, was this competition industry, i remember without any nostalgia, this is just such a stage in my journalistic career, which for me now is of interest not at all like this, some kind of recollections, but is interesting specifically for analysts, like...
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why the country became different, it was a podcast chronicling the end of times, and i, evgeny dodolev , told you about the first and last and therefore the only miss press ussr competition. this podcast is a must.
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it turned out that kharms worked all his life in table, only his children's poems for chish magazines were published, everything that kharms represents for us today was written by him, well, one might say, in the table, i think that this is at the same time a property of kharms’ fate, such a fate, in at the same time, this property, in general, when kharms became a mature author, they were, well, after all...
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sharply contrary to the main line of soviet literature, yes, yes, so he simply had a chance, well, well, maybe , if he were a luckier person in life, maybe maybe he would have succeeded somehow, you think that he is unlucky, but it seems to me that the story of the rescue of his manuscript is absolutely fantastic, he is very lucky posthumously, in life, lucky posthumously, but during his life he had a very difficult fate, that’s why he has a chance. initially, under the conditions of soviet censorship, it was practically impossible to publish your texts, so here the reasons are on the surface, there’s nothing, nothing special about it, just some authors, for example, such as - these are the authors of close kharms, such as vagenov or dobybin, even in the conditions of this censorship of the thirties, they somehow, well, the censorship was a little blind in places and missed something, so they,
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for example, managed to extract almost everything... it was written to publish, well so by chance, by chance, an under-inspection happened, but how did this story of saving kharms’s manuscripts in besieged leningrad happen, how did this key thing happen? a role in their salvation was played by the philosopher yakov druskin, a friend of kharms, a man who was part of the circle of the aberiuts, in the circle of constant interlocutors of kharms, i am now to be honest, i don’t remember very precisely the role of kharms’s wife, then the widow of marina malevich, as far as i remember, she wrote that she and druskin came to kharms’ apartment, and it was the siege of leningrad and druskin could barely walk from exhaustion and he came. they were both starving, they ate, they moved around, they came to kharms’s apartment, which was already bombed, by the way, it was open, yes, and there was a suitcase with these manuscripts, and by some miracle he survived, that is, they didn’t burn him there in the oven, for heating,
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yes, they took it to druskin’s house, and druzkin kept this archive for many years, he, in general, he kept it, because marina was a boy, then she had a very difficult fate, she... besieged leningrad, the paintings themselves, in general, kharms’s legacy was preserved, well, almost miraculously, but i had the feeling when i read kharms’s diaries that he himself was not very frustrated by this, that he did not publish there, that is, he had some terrible experiences about his poverty, its fall, in the material sense, but this poverty, the inability to settle in life, yes, but at the same time i have never seen something like this anywhere.
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period before his death, in general, these were listeners of the highest level, well , really, i don’t remember now that i read somewhere about any of his attempts to get published somewhere, i even now here we
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are we say, he didn’t even really try, you know, i don’t remember something, but he probably tried, but somehow, well, somehow there were no traces left of these, i don’t have any left, he probably tried something publish here he doesn’t at all... you know, as far as i remember, about stables and messes, he said at another speech, he had a speech at some institute, or technical school, in some educational institution in front of students, and there , people from the audience started
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giving him some remarks, shouting something, and he said that i don’t perform in stables and barracks, well , that is, he had performances, he did, but somehow with publications it’s not at all... . went well, now it’s difficult to judge how much he really worried about his fact of non-publication, well, that’s probably what he’s talking about. i thought the author couldn’t help but think about it. you, dmitry, are a person clothed with fame, that is , you have a lot of publications, translations, especially the play the man from podolsk, many have probably heard about it, there is a film adaptation, more than one, in general, you are a laureate of the most significant awards in our country, can you even imagine this life, when a person works every day, lives very hard, very poor, and does not have so...


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