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tv   Chasovoi  1TV  June 30, 2024 7:40am-8:10am MSK

7:40 am
ships, my dreams are coming true, and the neighbors all found out that there is an island somewhere on the edge of the earth, which they couldn’t even dream of even in severe frosts, and seryoga, look, he’s earning dollars and rubles. why did he give in to him, this island, well, how it hurts, but it hurts, on the island it hurts, the soul probably doesn’t hurt, the soul probably soars, it flies under the clouds, it hurts on the island, where the cranes fly, where they walk nearby... ships, your dreams come true, life
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has turned around, life has worked out, the boy is now on the island in pain, but he dreams at night about home darling and the birch tree, i’ll go there soon, i’ll change dollars into rubles tomorrow, oh, you don’t know, your house has been demolished for 2 years already, it hurts on the island, my soul still hurts, my soul still grieves, for some reason it doesn’t soar, it hurts on the island, where it’s far from the homeland, forget it. they couldn’t find the birch tree, they were looking for happiness,
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they didn’t find it, they wanted to forget the birch tree on the island, where they were far from their homeland. we were looking for happiness, we didn’t find it, thank you, bali, bali, in the krasnodar region the persimmons have ripened,
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so a little bit of nastasyushka brought us on the wedding path to ryazan.
7:47 am
on vibrations of noise, so that we don’t even notice it anymore, welcome bodrum! there is a stereotype that turkish men are prostitutes. this is not a national trait; all over the world there are men who love to flirt. they look after you beautifully, they give gifts, but we don’t attach importance to gifts; life itself in such a place is already a gift. so what do you have here? i recommend pistachio with white mix. come on, damn it, take it, take it, take it, take it, oops! the lives of others are premiered today on the first day, well, let’s go home, edgarova, education, why are you surprised, i’m out
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the twenty-fifth house is generally cleaned by a candidate of science, don’t understand, don’t understand, no, don’t talk, well, well, major. police, knee-jerk sergeevich, was one of the three most promising investigators of the country’s warlords, and why are you following me, i wish i could find a husband , everything will be fine, we’ll live as before, citizen edgarova, i look at all the husbands in a row , you’re looking, well, look, look, maybe you can find someone, zafara has two sons, already adults, excuse me, but what’s your last name, colomba, who i haven’t called yet, only interpol is left, me and... he didn’t give me his sweatshirt, what do we have with registration, stand, stand, police, police, maybe you can show a gun, but in our yard from july 7 to sundays on
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the first, blame.
7:50 am
i saw, i am now speaking as a father, but not only that in the evening, we live in obivo, we know about it, the ringing of my soul is already very deep. you are not worms from the chest, forty white sides, i see good ice, inside you are a freak, they have no love, no soul, no homeland, they are a white hand, while the lord of the sleb beams with whole herds, the holy verket hurries and matures for the pida, leaving the flock , accustomed to repeating that our hut is on the edge, the grandfather foreshadowed to everyone that the wrath of arkud is close, they are dressed to groom the supporters of fornication, to keep human flesh to fight, the tolskoy govran flies to battle, dashingly, dashingly... will arrange a dirty booth, this move to them, let it burn with fire, i open my eyes, my eyes, this
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is not a dream, even he was saul, he managed to unravel my dream, but he will disappear to say, that is, your war is a head. what kind of cross does fate have in store for us in this life, maybe we ’ll move all the mountains in a crowd in one sitting, or mother and the earth will forgive us all our sins, even if it’s not us who seem to be at a broken trough, many bala-bala bala bala, bala, a lot of bala, we were like us, we were stronger than steel, we were all like rocks, and you will say, we really didn’t have to, we rely on you for everything, we are building a new world on the ruins.
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7:53 am
the song will be about a friendly crew, that’s right, we have a friendly crew, we have a friendly crew, you know, at sea, on a ship in a water park, we ask, we ask for a song. we need such ships at sea that we can compete with any wave, we need lighthouses, we need a locator, and we also need the faithful, guys!
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we need ropes for anchor service, we need the charter, so that the mind of all sailors, needs to languish over the blue wave, from everything is most needed, homeland, russia, then the water is like earth, then. the crew is family to us, then none of us will be able
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to serve at least our whole lives in the navy, then madam is like the earth, because then the crew is family to us, then any of us wouldn’t mind serving at least our whole lives in the navy, russia! beat the trumpets , beat the drums for good, for truth, eternal battle, let us not forget it in the struggle, dear home. and friendship and love, because it’s a holiday, to live in this world, because it’s a holiday, a new celebrate the day, and do not forget, adults and children, to celebrate a great holiday in life, do not forget, adults and children, to celebrate a great holiday of life, to live not just for all good
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people, for good, for... the truth, an eternal fight, but but in struggle, let's not forget, home, and friendship, and love, because it's a holiday, to live in this world, because it's a holiday, to celebrate a new day, and don't forget, adults and children, to celebrate the great holiday of life, don't forget, adults and children, celebrate the great holiday of life, smile people, smile, everything by me, rocking in my arms, make peace, people, make peace, don’t forget that life is short, because it’s a holiday, to live in this world, and it’s a holiday, to celebrate a new day, don’t
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forget, adults and children, to celebrate the great holiday of life. don’t forget, adults and children, celebrating the great holiday of life, well done, well done, well done, sea choruses, part two, final, how nice it is in the south, we can swim in circles, it’s good on mattresses, we’ll buy a boat again, red mullet and ram are the most beloved , and ulyanka and paranka are the most beautiful, jellyfish swim in the sea, i sit and eat
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garcus, i'm afraid of these jellyfish, i'd rather eat garcus, i treated lydia to the black sea mussel. but i can’t land, my husband is on the shore with a stick, i’ll give you a shell, don’t wait for anything else, this is the best toy, hang it up or look at it, so it’s time for us to go to sea, we’ll swim until the morning, we’re done with greetings, pasta, guys, pasta, kids, we've finished the rush, that's it, guys, that's it, girls, it's time for us to go to the sea, we'll swim until the morning.
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8:00 am
the black sea is the best sea in the world, yes!
8:01 am
hello, on air on channel one military information program sentry and i am its host alexey rafaenko, watch this episode! avdiivka returns to peaceful life, soldiers of the engineering troops clear the city of deadly ones. immediately after the liberation , we entered little by little, block by block, vegetable garden by vegetable garden, humanitarian demining, military engineers have to check hundreds of square kilometers, here is a cluster submunition, the so-called bell, which will not explode without exploding, where sappers will not pass, a combat weapon will pass mine clearing machine, now you have observed an anti-tank explosion. and now there is news about the actions of russian troops in the special operation zone. group of troops north.
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the crews of mil-35m helicopters are taking off; they have received the coordinates of enemy strongholds. reaching the target and heavy fire from s8, unguided 80 mm rockets. the pilots reported on the successful flight at the base. all targets were hit according to the aircraft gunner's reports. we continue to work. our air superiority is complemented by unmanned aircraft. in the ovdeevsky direction.
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we behave secretly, we don’t allow the enemy to detect us, well, safety precautions are paramount to us, a massive strike with hail systems there in the avdeevsky direction, crews of combat vehicles covered the area where the armed forces of ukraine troops were concentrated with fire, we usually shoot three, five rounds at a time, so called. sighting, and then we release a regular package, or we release half a package at a time. 400 101 yes. the drone footage
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clearly shows how 122-mm shells turn enemy positions into a scorched field. and now our big report, sentry continues to operate in the nwo zone. our path lies in avdeevka, until recently it was the closest section of the front to the capital of donbass, from there for many years ukrainian artillerymen shot at civilians, ours took the city a few months ago, but it is still quite dangerous there, unmanned aircraft are active, but today the weather is playing into our hands, it’s raining, so let’s hope that drones... aren’t there right now. for 10 years avdeevka was in the hands of the enemy, everything around was turned into positions, surrounded by many kilometers of minefields.
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now, in order to return peaceful life here, the work of sappers is required; we meet them on the very outskirts of the city. we wish you good health. watch program, alexey. have you already worked? worked on explosions, charge. the day began with a meeting with old acquaintances from the engineering troops, they were filmed in the winter in a different direction, they showed themselves to be real pros. we blow up the third, that’s it, standing on the third, it’s an officer, a sapper with the call sign ertysh. the density of minefields is very high, that is, we have been here for a relatively long time we also work directly in the populated area; there was plenty of time to prepare. specifically to deal with the blow of our troops, fortunately, they did not cope with the task, they could not withstand the blow, they set aside gifts, there are a lot of gifts, we are working
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slowly. we confuse, clear, the area around is strewn with mines of all types and unexploded ammunition, even the place where we are standing now is full of all these unpleasant engineering surprises, where we left the car, it’s worth just looking at your feet, already we see, this is hello, the cassette has already been used up, but nevertheless there are also petals that have not been used up, that is , everything here... is strewn with deadly traps, so you have to be extremely careful. we are working in an open area, it is raining and the air situation is relatively calm. nevertheless, we are covered from the flanks by observer-shooters and fighters with anti-drone rifles; almost all of them have special sensors on their combat loadouts. they begin to be happy when they discover the nearest bupul, either it’s a kamikaze, or it’s reconnaissance, no matter, he determines
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with a sound signal. immediately we turn on the rap suppressor, suddenly we hear the familiar hum of the propellers, here it immediately hits the nerves, the anti-drone sensor squeaks hysterically, but the alarm is false, our copter is in the sky, the sapper operator flies over the field, picking out mines left to the enemies. it is necessary to clean, because equipment still comes here, people move around, restoration and construction work is carried out, that is, first of all, it is necessary to carry out these so-called... these are the holes, i draw your attention attention, there’s some kind of thing, yes, now we’ll try to show you, it’s just a hole, just such a small one, yes a hole, maybe amines will be buried there, that is, it’s just that the color of the soil differs a little, that is, there is grass where there is a mine , now we see the pit, there it is next to the hole, i see it, i see it, i see it, there it is sticking out, yes, there may be a tank underneath it,
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a demining machine based on the t-72 tank, the main purpose is mine clearance, making, passage in minefields. here we have installed special equipment, the rut mine grass is solid kmts, it will make a passage in the field, the width of the passage will be approximately from 3 to 3.2 m, but as for the crew, it’s not scary there, because anyway i think, no, the guys have already been there and worked already not the first time. now
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a mine clearing combat vehicle is going into the field, mines have already been discovered there; it must use a trawl to break through a passage, let’s look from the side, apparently an anti-personnel mine has been triggered, as if the principle of operation is clear, the trawl is ahead, grinds, explodes, that’s how we are now we see, but these are apparently anti-personnel mines, right? then the commander, who is exploding there, now you have observed an anti-tank explosion, what is happening to the crew at that moment there, well , the crew there is of course uncomfortable at the moment, but nevertheless, you see, the equipment continues to move, your sensor has tripped that the air the sensor is triggered, two kilometers, one and a half kilometers are detected, well, what is it,
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a mavik, or a reconnaissance vehicle? ammunition, anti-tank and anti-personnel mines continue to explode in the field. in addition to other protective devices on the bmr-3 have a jammer to disrupt the settings of magnetic or radio mines, which are also in large quantities here. after waiting for a pause in work, we go to the crew, carefully looking at our feet. the commander of the vehicle with the call sign lyubim has been participating in the special operation since the first day. really, well, to be honest, it’s not scary. it’s creepy, yes everyone is scared, we’re all walking under the sky, how, well , you have to go, you have to work, that’s when the trawl passes, how reliably it removes all the mines, reliably removes all the mines, because it weighs 14 and then survives to squeeze through temka 150 kg is enough, there is a lot of pressure here, so 100% squeezes through everything, for a long time already on this...


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