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tv   Zdorove  1TV  June 30, 2024 8:10am-9:20am MSK

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ammunition, anti-tank and anti-personnel mines continue to explode in the field. in addition to other protective devices, the bmr-3 has a jammer to disrupt the settings of magnetic or radio mines, which are also in large quantities here. after waiting for a pause in work, we go to the carriage, carefully looking at our feet. the commander of the vehicle, call sign lyubim, has been participating in the special operation since the first day. is it really, to be honest, it’s not scary, it’s not creepy, but everyone is scared, we’re all walking under the sky, of course, well, we have to go, we have to work, that’s when i was trawling passes, how reliably he removes all the mines, reliably removes all the mines, because he weighs 14 and then presses, to press temka takes 150 kg, there is a lot of pressure, so he can 100% press through anything, for a long time already at this job with this car since '17, wow. here you have to keep an eye on
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everything in peaceful life, we didn’t have such protection from above, now it appeared, we had to, that is, the drones hunt for you, of course they hunt for everyone, we need to break up, why, because you love another, well, that’s all , what that's all, what are you talking about, we can't see each other anymore, it's not good, why, what did you come up with, bear, we need to get it out of the way, kill it, why kill it, it was found in all the cans of milk... the guilty ones should give him a punishment of in the form of imprisonment for a term of 15 years, why are you silent, varvara, i hope you don’t believe that my grandfather put your father in prison, well, it’s not time for you, thank you, then you’ll say, tosya, you’ll come tomorrow, she ’ll rest , loves you, no, not yet, but he will love you.
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you know, i know how to get my way, you are mine, i despise you, let me go, two shores, premiere of a multi-part film, tomorrow after the program it’s time, get out of the way, give way, i love her, more than life, i realized it’s your mother, when i entered the room, i saw my notebook there. i began to leaf through this book and there i found notes that tanya had made when all our relatives were dying. little tanya savicheva made the first entry in her diary: it’s scary, bombs are falling. tanya came down from her apartment here, to this bomb shelter school, very pale, very thin, very weak. all the toys were lying face down and were covered with a black rag.
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it happened to me that today is just a day of unexpected meetings, here is another old friend of ours, the hero of one of our issues , capture, they also worked then, in winter capture read us his poems about difficult military service, and you, brother, for ready, he walked to death more than once, saving many infantry, looking for surprises from enemies left behind by flint, that was in the matchmaking direction, and now we are encountering captures. here on the outskirts
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of ovdeevka. are you still writing or composing poems? i have two more verses. good poems about sapper, about the awards there. how is the service in general? how hard is it now? how hard? so after almost 2 years i got used to it so much that you don’t feel the heaviness. well, and most importantly, the physical training is there, it doesn’t force us to pull ourselves up there, which we do ourselves. there are weights, we have a horizontal bar, you do all this, so at my age i have this armor, how many 20 kilograms hang here. it’s normal and temki carried everything, in short, if you want to survive, well, you need to prepare for it, in fact, the zone of a special military operation, as our planet is very small, that’s how it is already we come and meet old acquaintances, all the time in different directions, in different sectors of the front, and such meetings are also very pleasant for us, i hope the guys too, good luck to you all, thank you, hello everyone, yekaterinburg, verkhnyaya pushma, the village of ayat, jumbo, hurray!
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sappers and tank crews continue to work, and we go to another site, where engineering troops are working in the private sector. they stop and lay flowers, because our troops put a lot of effort into liberating the city and pushing back the front from donetsk. the engineering troops
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have to check the surroundings meter by meter; the thick summer grass already poses a serious danger, hiding deadly traps. he comes to the rescue. robot technology, mine clearance robot uran-6 is already well known to our viewers, too, this one has already called itself its anti-drone visor, we also have to improve the technology, because it is also a target for the enemy. we met these robots, sappers, even before the special operation; they worked a lot in syria and continued to serve here. in donbass, zaporozhye and kherson region. immediately after liberation, we entered little by little, little by little, block by block, garden by garden, as they say. what you encounter here, everything, everything that is here is soviet, foreign ammunition, mines
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of various types, ranging from pmn, petals, ozm, anti-tank mines, drops of improvised explosive devices. copters are dropped, the count goes into tens, hundreds, thousands, thousands, thousands, there are a lot here, the enemy, during the retreat, mined using the syrian method, so to speak, this is what this means that during the retreat they had very little time and as much as possible they tried to mine everything they could, barricades, passages, like here, for example, the gardens of the field, when our troops were advancing, they made defensive stripes, somewhere ozm was used in the defensive line. sapper robots work almost every day and also suffer losses, you can see on uranus 6 the result of our work is just damage to it, such a tickle, i call them, well, tickled our robot, you see, fragments of its zm72, you can imagine it ,
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what would happen to a person if he was, yes, here, after all, the machine took this blow, it’s unpleasant. but not fatally, how many human lives these machines saved, the sappers themselves and civilians cannot be counted. fearlessly and unperturbably, uran-6 goes into the minefield, probably only a machine is capable of decisively breaking through like this, sapper work, locking work is complicated by the fact that the grass is very tall, and of course... imagine, let a man go there now, where the sapper works, that is, a very dense mint screensaver, literally drove 20 m, there are already explosions, but the sapper tank and the uran-6 robot can’t go everywhere; in
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most cases, military engineers have to go first. engineering crews are working on one of the streets on the side of avdeevka, and we also approached another. black group to talk, see where the guys are defending the private sector, and here, apparently, they were located in the ukrainian army, right now just the senior one, please introduce yourself, what is your call sign, what is your position, my call sign is panda, position, commander, engineer engineer company, here you have what is the task on this street, here we are clearing the area of ​​explosive objects, cleaning not only the streets, but also households, here they...
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are also in their hands, that is, they are piercing everything, yes, of course, they are looking through it, oh, rocket artillery has started work, but it’s ours, ours, ours hits the enemy, hail works, hail. this young officer has been here for a year already, two awards for military distinction for bravery, i arrived in june of the twenty-third year, that is, i graduated from college a month later , i had already arrived in the area where i was finishing my tyumen higher military engineering command school, well, how afraid it was to come here, well, how everyone is probably afraid, but it’s still necessary, all my guys are also here, that is, giving up is not an option for the fate of their classmates.
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well, you looked, there’s nothing mined there,
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no, everything’s fine, yes, now we’ll slowly extract it, yeah, we’ll go in and take a look, with your permission, oops, basement, let’s go down to the basement, there was clearly just some kind of, oh, twists, food, obviously just a household cellar, and not only a household one, here... they used it for other needs, so they remained, but what of this is what? these are mortar mines from polish roofs, these are the black ones, these are the ones, and here in the corner there are two jeans with wow, here they have not been used, not yet fired, brand new in general, like this you can find in an ordinary cellar, here are such surprises. sappers carefully take the discovered ammunition out into the street, a polish
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mine, these are not the silent ones, which yes, why are they silent? the tail is filled with the tail, most likely they make it so that the sound is not audible, a very treacherous ammunition, flies without a characteristic whistle, leaving no chance to react in time to hide. or 155, this is whose shell, come on, sappers, can you tell me, a nato caliber shell, 155
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mm, there are a lot of them here, both blanks and cassette fragments, it would seem that the sun has come out, it’s time to rejoice, because we are wet through, but that’s all we began to get even more nervous, looking at the sky, because this means that the enemy’s work will now begin, we probably don’t need to cluster together for more than two, absolutely right. let's stretch out, let's go apart, who knows where they are, but the anti-drone sensors are silent, this is a little reassuring, but from the word it’s not much, they tell us on the radio that in the neighboring area sappers are clearing mines, we are rushing there, the clouds have finally cleared and the sky immediately came to life, the sensor is working, detected, we see it in fpv. somewhere here it’s flying, and it’s extremely unpleasant, you have to hide, take cover, somewhere
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here enemy drones are flying, our sensor is screaming, warning of danger, within a radius of one and a half kilometers, circling somewhere, searching target, outskirts of the city, multi-storey buildings, people are afraid to come here. go in, at least until the sappers write just two simple words: min, no, that’s it, let’s work, we’re in a hurry, slowly, slowly, when detected, immediately report, here they are, everything is working, on a ledge, sappers, slowly , they check, residential areas, multi-storey buildings, as you can see, drones squeak, sometimes they interfere with the work of the guards, they have to go to cover, then continue
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to work, the commander of the demining company with the call sign forester is immediately responsible for... now, now young, which allows us to promptly destroy low-flying uavs, well, this is a hunting weapon, hunting ammunition , buckshot, how many cartridges is there? 10, ladderman, ladderman, 10 rounds, very convenient,
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i’m returning it, yes, accepted, accepted, detection, yes, detection from us, yes , as you can see, come closer, yes, we can come closer, have a look, we have to go extremely carefully, almost in a trail, there are a lot of fresh craters and unexploded ammunition around, as you can see, here it is soup ammunition, cluster, so so-called bell, unexploded, unexploded, apparently a cassette tape landed here, a second one of the same kind was found nearby, yeah, here they are, what does it have to do with these strings, right? now we will destroy them all on the spot with an overhead charge, here there were arrivals around us, accordingly, these bells are scattered here in the square, so we need to look, many of them are now in such an explosive position. next to dangerous finds, sappers place tratil bombs and
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pyrotechnic cord with a minute delay. this is only one day with the soldiers of the engineering troops; they have months of intense work ahead, but so necessary for the peaceful life of work in every liberated settlement. our city, guys, well done, go forward, smash the enemy. well, we will talk about this in our episodes in the hourly program, see you in exactly a week. you know, i start this morning with
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such a skull in my hands. the skull is opened because it is a model and we see the brain. person, but i want to invite you to an amazing place, which is called the center of the brain and neurotechnology, the federal medical-biological agency, and so it is there that people work who are able to open our brain without a scalpel and cuts, the situation is absolutely amazing, but even more surprising is that even when they open the brain, a person can play the guitar and sing songs. miracles that happen in the center of the brain are on our program today. so, we are in the neurosurgical operating room. it seems that everything is normal, the person’s brain has been opened, neurosurgeons are working. but now there will be a small miracle. neurosurgeons should check the work. the patient had a severe spasm that
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prevented him, a professional musician, from playing the guitar. now there is no spasm. and the patient for now. the result of the work, i would like to emphasize once again that at this time the brain was opened in the literal sense of the word, the doctors are satisfied with the result, the source of excitation is blocked, and this is another patient, look at how pronounced his tremor is, he also has to undergo surgery today, but no sterile gowns it won’t, the brain will be opened without scalpels, the reason. tremor disease parkinson's, it is based on the substantia nigra of the brain, in which pathological impulses are born. this eye will be destroyed by focused ultrasound. the metal frame will be fixed here so that the head does not move, but it was fixed, well, in general, ultrasound is everywhere around the circumference, there are a thousand of them that
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are focused at one point, in fact, at the point that is responsible for this tremere, in fact, which we will eliminate today, okay? yes, instead of a scalpel , a computer mouse is a precisely calculated target for magnetic resonance imaging, this is our goal, where will we be now, where... so, the rays literally hit one point, immediately after the procedure the doctor examines the patient again, there is no more tremor, so, well, how are you ? it’s normal what you say, well, i’ll tell you, it doesn’t shake in your hand, it was scary. a little, yes, we were worried, very, so, what changes do you feel, changes do you feel, your hand, how it doesn’t shake at all, doesn’t shake, and there’s
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such a kind of pleasant weakness in the fingertips, and now let’s go to another operating room, this is nicholas, a thirty-year-old young guy, a parachutist, this guy will be operated on without opening the brain, without... there is a scalpel and an incision, in this unique way they will remove him, well, they just say for you an aneurysm, doctors will understand this better, a malformation of dense vessels, which could burst any day. this is what a cerebral hemorrhage looks like, this is exactly what nicholas is facing, and he is a skydiver, he is preparing to jump from a height of 13,000 m. that is why he had an mri by accident, luck. that the problem was found today without opening the skull this problem they will decide to enter the brain through a puncture in the thigh.
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well, friends, the surgeons continue to work, and we will briefly interrupt the story about people who open the brain, and we will return to them at the very end of the program, precisely at the very end, about all the miracles that we saw here, in the center of the brain and.. . waves, conserve and strength. first, if we put everything in its place, health will come first, health is with you again, dear
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friends, our program continues, and you know, i want to tell you that the whole end of the story is at the very end of our program, the full story of our extraordinary morning today , but for now the program. health begins and , as always, only one rule applies in our program: only the best doctors in russia and the world work here in the television clinic of the health program. not spring vitamin deficiency in the blood test, low level of vitamin b-12. what to do? take a deep breath of spring, what kind of immunity does your lungs have and how can you personally strengthen it? high blood pressure, what tests should you undergo if you are diagnosed with hypertension for the first time? so,
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friends, we read the analyses, and in these analyzes we read this word: b-12, b12. is there at least one person in our room who knows what you have? with vitamin b12, b12, does anyone know, raise your hand, we have such a shock in the hall, like this, look, no one knows about their level of vitamin b12, but maybe there are such advanced people who know what it is, vitamin b-12, what it is, vitamin b, brilliant, brilliant, vitamin. b12 is a vitamin of group b, no doubt, in fact, vitamin b12 is responsible for the work of two vital systems
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of ours. in the body of the blood, without vitamin b-12 , red blood cells, red blood cells, are not formed, this is an absolutely fateful vitamin, second, vitamin b-12 is responsible for our nerve cells and nerve processes, why? because in general our nerve cell is, in the literal sense of the word, an electrical wire, here is this wire, this outside...
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maybe it’s just anime, suddenly you don’t have arms, or maybe there’s such an anime that when you get up on your feet, you don’t know, are you standing or not, your legs don’t feel anything, you need to see if i’m on the ground or not, this can happen, and no less with b-12 deficiency, so this is the most important vitamin, now we read the tests, let’s look at the screen, vitamin norm. i don’t ask you to remember it, because the norm is almost everywhere today are written in parentheses, but we cannot help but show you this norm, why vitamin b-12 may decrease, as you think, there is a lack of iron in the body, so there is a lack of iron in the body, we suspend all this, why vitamin b may decrease, this usually happens
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closer to spring at the end. winters are closer to spring, we are approaching the sun, we are approaching the sun, we are approaching the sun, b-12 is from below, everything is much simpler, everything is much simpler, we don’t produce vitamin b-12, we don’t produce it into the body, let’s say vitamin d under the influence of the sun we synthesize, so, first, vitamin b-12 deficiency is always associated primarily with the fact that we either do not eat it. in principle, either we eat it with food, but it is not absorbed by us, this is the main reason, and it is not absorbed when, when we have something wrong with the digestive tract, with stomach diseases, where special factors are produced that help absorption , with intestinal diseases, with diseases of the pancreas, in a word, there are some reasons for the non-functioning digestive tract. and we
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even eat foods that seem to contain vitamins b-12, but it is not absorbed by us. sign. now stick your tongue out at each other. turn to each other and stick out your tongue. if someone has a crimson tongue, let's show it. a sign of vitamin b-12 deficiency. have we found a raspberry tongue on anyone? at the neighbors' place. neighbors, stick your tongues out at each other. a crimson tongue is a sign. it’s clear, well , thank god, no one has, the last thing, and what foods are rich in vitamin b12, bloody foods with blood, this is the liver. so, we only need 7 g of calf liver per day to meet the need for vitamin b-12. you can eat more, but even 7g is enough. and that's enough for us. just 10 g
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of lamb liver to compensate for the deficiency of vitamin b-12. liver is an outstanding product, okay? now i have already told you that the cause of vitamin b-12 deficiency is poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. so, a person with logical thinking, i mean you, because you said, b-12 is a vitamin from group b, it was reinforced concrete. let's continue to think logically. so, vitamin b-12 deficiency is due to the fact that our digestive tract does not work well or there is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. therefore, what examinations should be performed if the level of vitamin b-12 in the blood is reduced. so, the representative of logical thinking answers our question: please. should i visit a gastroenterologist? you can visit, but
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which ones? gastroscopy, that’s right, check acidity colonoscopy, we haven’t checked acidity for 100 years, gastroscopy, colonoscopy is the basis. very often these changes occur with a deficiency of vitamin b-12, so at the moment when you suspect the development of dementia, measure vitamin b-12. we have vitamin b-12 in injections, its deficiency can be easily
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restored in medicine, and it may turn out that your parents do not have age-related dementia, impaired absorption of vitamin b-12 and its colossal deficiency, of course, this is also very... important to know . once again i will approach these luxurious figures. b-12 is the most important vitamin in our lives. let's take a short break and then continue. well, comrades, are you ready to make a world revolution in fashion? that's it, volodya. sergeevich, you don’t look like trotsky despite everything desire. we all know why you're really here. tanya, we won’t give any offense, i don’t understand what she has that i don’t have, you’re a wonderful girl, everything will be fine with you, it’s not your fault that we’re breaking up, i just didn’t immediately understand what i wanted. really
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needed, subtle matter, today on the first, what is this? the general wasn’t generous with the bouquet? i was generous, the bouquet is at the dacha, and this is from me. stirsman bourbon is a product of the stellar group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the steller group. сnop gin, product of stellar group, monte cognac shokoka. steller group product, everyone, attention, we are working, i think they told me that i would help in solving important cases, but we don’t have unimportant cases, they are simply divided according to severity, and i heard that your beauty
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has come to work again , they said that you connected a fortune teller to the coffee grounds, so it was developed, but ivanovich survived, they didn’t teach you how to knock? lesha and i decided to get married, we’ll wait and see, where have you been? a squirrel was fed in the park, yeah, a fortune teller, tomorrow is the first one, we'll wait and see, that's normal in general, that's it, don't touch my mother, don't touch, we...
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a group of 13 people came to us, a year later from these 13 there were five left, a year later from these 13 there were two of us left, that is, get used to this road, get used to routine, to slopes, i saw what an earthquake was, right in the mug the water was gurgling and things were all hanging on the radiator, water is the enemy, for tunnels it is the enemy, the strong will remain, the weak will leave, on saturday. hello, lenochka, hello, so glad to see you, god, it’s true, look, that’s it, girl, girl, we’re not
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they will catch up, it turns out, already an adult, but with the same beautiful red hair, huge, blue eyes, to be honest , it seems to me that this is a test for a child to live life. being a child, a life in which there is work, ups, downs, it’s terrible, because it should be spread out over 30 years of life, well, what can i do, that’s my fate... apparently, how many years has this period been since the tattoo group , of course, 10 years, what is now in life, now in human life, in women's life, now, now i just gave birth second child, and i have a second son, and i decided to give myself time to still be a mother, to be on maternity leave, at the moment i am starting to slowly crawl out of there, because how many 8 months will it be now? breastfed, yes, i just finished,
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i’ve been fattening for almost 8 months, well done, oh, well done, some girl is good, that’s why yes, now i’ve already finished, i felt free, now i’m starting to go out while filming, and i’ll take care of yourself, get yourself in order, in working shape, and further, of course, we have certain plans, working on new musical material, well, i want to wish you just happiness, thank you, just human happiness, because... being a star is great in the understanding of the masses, it’s great when girls run after you and imitate you and so on and so forth, in the end it’s very hard, and during it it’s very hard, you also get very tired from the attention, that’s for sure, in general, measure your blood pressure, i’m waiting for you, okay, so, friends, the shield and sword of our body, our and... immunity, we devoted a whole series
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of programs to immunity, without immunity we are not there, and your life expectancy directly depends on what kind of immunity you have, today we will talk about the immunity of our lungs, and of course, my interlocutor in this regard will be one of the best immunologists in our country, professor and doctor of medical sciences, andrey petrovich. about theus andrey petrovich, i ’m waiting for you, so, the immunity of the lungs is an extremely important thing, especially since the lungs and the surface of the mucous membrane of the lungs rank second in area, and you know how much this area occupies, this is the area of ​​a tennis court, can you imagine, if we straighten everything out, that all these villi, then it turns out that our lungs...
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we show, here you can see these colored ones, these are bronchi, but they end in the smallest that here, just like that, we are your lungs with bronchi and like grapes, alveoli, this whole surface is a tennis court, this is the surface we breathe, and since we breathe it, then as they say. what we inhaled there got there, then got there, although there are also protections in the upper respiratory tract in the nose, but the immunity of the lungs is this is a very serious thing, also because over the years it changes radically, so, who lives in our lungs, what is the protection based on, i propose to start with the cells, there are monocytes, macrophages, these are the tissue cells that really... catch, limit, eat these are harmful
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bacteria, and they eat and process these bacteria in order to teach their own immune cells to defend themselves in the future. so, look, what andrei petrovich called the secret word monocytes and macrophages are white blood cells, leukocytes are a type of them that come out into the tissues here. of the lungs, they are not only in the vessels, they go out into the tissue of the lungs to do their job, and they stick out their little hands from there in order to actually capture bacteria, let’s now see how they devour everything foreign, including cancer cells, you see, here’s a little yellow one - it’s just this cell, now it’s eating a cancer cell, the purple one is a cancer cell, it will bite and gnaw at it until it dies, this is now happening in every human body in...
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the efficiency of work decreases, it also turns out that in people with low levels of vitamin d, the efficiency of the work of these cells also decreases; here, when we had colitis, we all took this vitamin d in horse doses.
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i accept 2.0 because 2.0. now we will show you a prophylactic dose of vitamin d, in principle it is recommended to take it for everyone who is over 60, everyone who lives north of 42 degrees, northern, that’s us comrades, our 42°, let’s show a prophylactic dose of vitamin d one thousand international units, vitamin d. makes it possible for these white cells of ours, their parts, monocytes or macrophages, to eat, forgive the expression, but phagosis, phagocytosis is devouring, cancer and infection, of course, so this must be done, there is also one nasty habit that
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reduces macrophages, this is smoking, of course, why, because in this case the mucous membrane of our bronchi is degenerated, we call it, it is precisely what is needed in order to evacuate, that is, remove all this unnecessary waste from the body, and speed the movement of these cilia is very important,
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because as soon as they are inhibited, bacteria begin to attach to the cells , begin to live there and multiply in this sense. and while there are fluctuations, all this is thrown away, and then we cleared our throats, cleared our throats, we all completed the cleansing process, how to strengthen the immunity of the lungs, here’s the word for you, how we will strengthen it, well, i think that it is necessary to eat right, yes, so that vitamins enter the body received, perhaps some additional additives, various additives, of course, we still have to live where we live, yes our ecology, ecology, unfortunately, is not ideal, yes, that’s why, so what to do in short with klifosovsky, well, don’t smoke, first of all , don’t smoke, we signed up here, the most important thing that can be done is that there’s nothing more important here, and at the same time, look, we
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’re showing you two vaccines here pneumococcus is a bacterial infection of pneuma - it is the lungs that often cause inflammation. flu epidemics, the spanish flu, if you remember, it was the lungs that were affected, of course, every sane person should get these two vaccines, who got vaccinated? two vaccines who gets vaccinated against flu every year? few, but well done, among the replacements, we count everyone who was vaccinated against pneumococcus? you need to be vaccinated against pneumococcus, even less so, here is a beautiful woman in a red jacket, she
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is vaccinated against everything and everyone, well done, well done, don’t come up with all sorts of complications, additives, what we wanted to tell you about lung immunity, thank you very much professor, not for long let's break in and then continue. so the wedding path brought us to ryazan, a little bit of nastasya, this is a symbol of girlish beauty, if you
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you think that we’ll just give you the bride with this christmas tree, with her beauty, you ran into the wrong people, anyuta, you’re here, cool, you need to prepare a warming dish, ram cookies, these are such ritual cookies with the desire for childbearing, fertility in the family, it smells very tasty , we will use two textures. this will highlight the beauty of the bride’s costume, the brighter the color, the closer to the age of childbearing, the festive costume of an elderly woman is completely black, well, let’s go for ransom, why did you come to me, i didn’t come to you, hello, after all, at that time they knew how relax, our premiere, we are having a wedding, today is the first one, i love it... we live on the vibrations of noise, so we don’t even notice anymore,
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welcome to bodrum. there is a stereotype that turkish men are partying, this is not a national trait, all over the world there are men who like to flirt, they look after beautifully, they give gifts, well , we don’t attach importance to gifts, life itself in such a place is already a gift. so what do you have here?
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on wheels, today on the first day, health is with you again, dear friends, our program our special project hypertension in facts and figures continues, we are moving forward step by step, discussing how to live with this disease, let me remind you once again, the horror is that hypertension ranks... first among all diseases of mankind. let's look at this famous graph. so, if
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we express the five most common reasons for visiting doctors and the causes of heart attacks and strokes in columns, then hypertension will overtake everyone by more than two to three times. the horror of hypertension is that it can result in a stroke, and the horror of a stroke is that that you can live, but...
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the representatives of our school of hypertension, please let’s start right away with the application, so this is the application, it’s called my pressure, here’s a person using it, we open it, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh, yes, it happens, here all the last numbers of blood pressure measurements are red, which means the pressure is higher than normal, whether you take medications or not, but i drank mladipin, i drank it, right.
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we consider hypertension, then our first principle sounds like this: first we reduce the pressure, and then we deal with the causes of hypertension, why? because high blood pressure can cause a stroke. now examination, examination - this is very important. we take pills, we lower the pressure and at the same time
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we undergo examination. the first thing we must do is examine. kidneys, kidneys - this is the most important thing, if the kidneys are working, then they return all the proteins to the blood, if the kidneys are not working, then proteins begin to appear in the urine, we have two tests for hypertensive patients, you see, the protein got into the urine, albumin in urine creatinine in blood, albumin in urine creatinine in... blood let me remind you that you take pills for blood pressure, firstly, at the same time you undergo an examination, if there is albumin in the urine, or or increased creatinine in the blood, then you need an absolutely special group of drugs. so, let's look at the tests: first, creatinine in the blood is increased and albumin
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in the urine is increased. it is strictly recommended that you have one. a group of drugs called so on and so on and so on and so forth, this is enolopril, lisinopril, monopril, and so on, i see in shock, in shock, i see in shock, show the people of russia, the biggest thing was 170, i somehow, oh, mom, my dear mom, well, it happened once, but the condition was there. disgusting, stop telling me, it means that this is the first, only prils, second, if you have been tested, your sugar is high, your cholesterol is high, then you are transferred to a high risk group, if you have not taken pills, you should take them, if you have taken one , should take two, if you took two, you should take three, and so on and so on and so on, and one more
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important recommendation: this is the measurement of uric acid, this is also a mandatory examination, if uric acid is elevated, only one drug is recommended for you to lower blood pressure, the ideal drug for you is lazartam, of course, now it’s inherited, all these examinations are recommended here, but a person who believes that 101 is low for her, and 170 is good , of course, these examinations need to be done, i haven’t passed it yet, but i already realized what needs to be done, by the way, now i’ll show you my phone, i also have this application, so you understand, guys, i’m a doctor, i’m a professor , i am a doctor of sciences, this is my blood pressure, you see, the upper pressure is good, but
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the lower pressure is 80 or 83, that is, it’s all the same. high blood pressure, i’m on two medications, but if you look at my profile, i’ve already completed all the tests, you see, so i have great respect for the people who created this, because they tell me everything, and i don’t even need a doctor i can’t get away with it, they wrote everything to me, i entered everything, i drink lazortan, i, i also drink amladipin, but i’m still 80, 83,
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our guest today will be an adult, already the mother of two sons, lenochka katina. not gonna get us, they won’t catch up with us, they won’t catch up with us, they won’t catch up with us, lena katina, famous tattoo, red-haired girl, became a star at the age of 15, half an hour of a train downhill, half an hour, not your lane, half an hour, half an hour, no question, no answer, half an hour, half an hour . price was born in moscow, as a child her parents sent her to the neposeda ensemble, and at the age of 14 she got into the musical project of producer ivan shapovalov. when creating a new duet, he relied not only on
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the girl’s voice, but on her red hair and relaxed stage presence. she was almost deceived by the producer, the tatu group several for years occupied the first lines of the world charts. after the breakup of the group, lena moved to america, got married and gave birth to a son, but life abroad did not work out, lena got divorced and returned to russia, since then she has been living here and pursuing a solo career, in twenty-two she got married again, and last summer she became mother for the second time. lena katina, our guest today. good afternoon, well, here she is, the same red-haired, the same blue-eyed, but already a very, very grown-up girl, already 40, soon to be, yes, 39, soon,
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soon, 40, it’s impossible to believe it, because that you remember these girls, for whom i, for example, was worried, because i thought that it was impossible to live such an adult life so early, and today lena has already arrived, i tell her, lena, let me take your blood pressure, the pressure is just right, 110 over 70, like an astronaut has 10 and 70, the norm is lower than 120.80, but the age is still wonderful, just like the health of the parents, but there are certain problems, though, let’s say, there are problems with blood pressure mostly, grandmothers have them, but ...
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the kants, who worked with us during the times tattoo, with them i wrote as an author, the author of my album in english, which was later translated into spanish, and then i got pregnant and told me it was time to go to my mother, because i was very scared, and i came to russia to give birth, gave birth the child of my first son, sasha, and actually stayed here, because i never had the task of moving. abroad, i was there solely for work, but as soon as i realized that a new person would soon appear, i could not imagine how this could be done anywhere other than at home, there are grandmothers, grandfathers, mom, dad at home, i
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think it was still an interesting experience, and to see how showbi works there, of course, i learned a lot there, including communication within the team and i am incredibly grateful for this time that it happened to me, and for me it was this... she measures her blood pressure, because she suffers from hypertension, she constantly goes to consult doctors, they change these meds for her, somehow they select the dosage there, the drugs themselves, so i have a very responsible family in this i mean, in general, i took it off myself
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all the responsibility, you understand, yes, we have already told everything, everything, everything, we measured her blood pressure, i have only one request, watch this program with your parents and grandmother, why there are so many important tips here, and the last thing we will now complete is this talk. i can tell you that my grandmother will watch this program without me, because in principle she is watching you. thank you, i just want to say, it's really important right now that you hear this. we take all blood pressure medications for life, we need to understand what they have side effects, there is an indicator that needs to be monitored, this is the level of potassium in the blood, the fact is that the drugs are sortans, they retain potassium in the blood, and if potassium rises, then there may be arrhythmia, so if you measure potassium, this must be done , then it is also increased, then it is necessary to cancel the adjectives. sartans, that is, these
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are the drugs valsartan, lazartan, enlapril, lisinapril, because they increase potassium, it is up to the doctor to decide what to do, so still check your grandmother and father and mother, if they take the medicine, for the level of potassium in the blood, okay, because this is the analysis that also needs to be done, lenochka, we all want to wish you female happiness, an adult life,
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when you joined, i realized that no one had any questions left for the song, ren also added, the audience just began to go wild, i picture you, you have such a wonderful son, so active on stage, you have love on stage too, this is the most important thing, looking at you, i think that all families in our country will sing with their children. we continue our wonderful, kind, family project. two stars, fathers and children. today is the first one. we can't stay here anymore. nazar will not give life. today at 4:00 am, without making any claims. misha, what is this?
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nazar, i won’t be modest anymore, i won’t give you life until i separate you, understand, right? shores, premiere of a serial film, tomorrow after the program time. health is with you again, dear friends, our program continues, let me remind you how our morning began. you know, i start this morning with such a skull in my hands. the skull is opened because it is a model and we see the brain person. but i want to invite you to
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an amazing place called the center for the brain and neurotechnology, the federal medical and biological agency, and that ’s where people work who are able to open our brain without scalpels or cuts. the situation is absolutely amazing, but what’s even more amazing is that even when they open up the brain, a person can play the guitar and sing songs, miracles. which occur in the center of the brain, are on our program today. so, we're in the neurosurgical operating room. everything seems normal, the human brain opened, neurosurgeons are working. but now there will be a small miracle. neurosurgeons should check the work. the patient had a severe spasm that prevented him, a professional musician, from playing the guitar. now there is no spasm. and the patient will show the result of the work. let me emphasize once again that at this
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time the brain is opened in the literal sense of the word. the doctors are satisfied with the result, the source of excitation is blocked. and this is another patient, look how pronounced his tremor is. he will also have surgery today, but there will be no sterile gowns, his brain will be opened without scalpels and cuts. the cause of severe tremors is illness. parkinson's, it is based on the substantia nigra of the brain, in which pathological impulses are born. this eye will be destroyed by focused ultrasound. metal frame. to be fixed here so that the head does not move, but it was fixed, well, in general, ultrasound is everywhere around the circumference, there are a thousand of them here that are focused at one point, in fact, at the point that is responsible for this tremor, in fact, which we will fix it today, okay? yes,
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instead of a scalpel, a computer mouse is a precisely calculated target on magnetic resonance imaging, this is our target, where we will now operate with ultrasound. this point is small 1-2 mm with a low temperature so as not to cause any irreversible changes or destruction, so the rays literally hit one point, immediately after the procedure the doctor examines the patient again, there is no more tremor, so, vyacheslav rananovich, how are you, it’s normal, what do you say, well, i’ll tell you, my hand is not shaking, it was scary, a little bit yes. we were very worried , what changes do you feel , do you feel changes, your hand doesn’t shake at all, does n’t shake, and there’s such a pleasant weakness in the fingertips, and now let’s go to another operating room, this is
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nicholas, a thirty-year-old young guy, a parachutist, of this guy will operate without opening the brain, without cash registers, scalpels.
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in the area of ​​this malformation. so, doctors approach the malformation from both sides and block it. now, even if the vessels rupture here, the person will remain alive, but this is not all miracles. the progress of the operation is monitored by x-ray surgeons in the next room. the patient is a parachutist, he took pictures, did a magnetic resonance imaging, and was in complete health, without any symptoms.


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