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tv   Mechtallion  1TV  June 30, 2024 9:20am-9:40am MSK

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that is, both the veins and arteries in the area of ​​this malformation will be blocked. so, doctors approach the malformation from both sides and block it. now, even if the vessels rupture here, the person will remain alive, but this is not all miracles. the progress of the operation is monitored by x-ray surgeons in the next room. patient skydiver, he did. in the picture , a tomography was taken, against the background of complete health, without symptoms, it was detected for molformation, they are very lucky that we can treat it before it ruptures, and he won’t have a stroke, it won’t happen, and you know, i want to tell everyone, you and i don’t know who has an aneurysm , who can rupture, this question can only be answered by magnetic resonance imaging, and i highly recommend... each of
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you must have it done, well, we met with nicholas himself the next day, he still dreams of jumping from the stratosphere, and now myself, feet like that, yeah, okay, keep your teeth, show your tongue, say, thirty-third artillery brigade, thirty-third artillery brigade, everything is fine, everything is fine, well, the operation went well, everything is fine information is closed, do not rush into the stratosphere. ok, that is, we still have to wait six months, six months, six months, we need to check the control on geography. well, nicholas can’t go to heaven yet, but patients in the rehabilitation department can already. in terms of importance, rehabilitation is not inferior to operating procedures. all patients come here after a stroke, patients with multiple sclerosis, and those who could not walk before surgery. now we are in a unique hall. here, changing the position of his body, a person must fly the plane into the hole. the patient has
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multiple sclerosis, a disease in which loss of balance is a common symptom. multiple sclerosis, do you already have any neurological deficits or not, yet? well, coordination. yes. so, what will happen now? now we will try with the patient to practice bending forward, backward, left, right, so that she can control this airplane. go under the tunnel, that is , the airplane must fly into the tunnel due to the tilts of such turns, that’s right, this is how they restore coordination between the commands of the brain and the movements of the muscles, what happened to you, what is the stroke, what is the task, the task is to collect as many apples as possible into the baskets, well, that’s what we do, it’s like we coordinate the brain with the hand, and we carry it out. complexly coordinated actions,
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in a relaxed position, the patient performs mainly with the distal part of the upper limb, work is constantly going on here, all the simulators are working, on each of them someone is winning more and more opportunities from their diseased brain. regardless of what disorders the patient has, with his disorders we try to adapt him to the environment, because that we cannot always help the patient. stop everything at once, but he must live now and here. people come to the brain center from all over russia and everyone is treated for free, all programs are selected individually for each patient, everyone has hope for a better future. hello, hello, hello, why are you crying, you are in a good place, there are good doctors here, excellent, simply, wonderful, i am so glad that i came here. “well, don’t cry, you
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came for rehabilitation, one arm doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, yes, but there is speech, too, me they’ve already restored me, i can walk with my little bed, oh, it’s so good, but i didn’t come here, but i was restored here, well, get better and don’t cry, thank you, i’m happy to see you too, let me hug you, get well, thank you very much, we’ve been here all the time we talked about the brain, but we have another one. the brain is spinal, it extends directly from the brain and controls the work of all our muscles. now there is a woman on the operating table who has spinal canal stenosis, severe pain in the lower back, and not less in the legs and inability walk straight, only bent over. and at what level is this spinos at her level between the fourth and fifth. and this is how we saw our patient the day after the operation. hello, how
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are you feeling after the operation, very good, thank you very much, tell us about your feelings, pain somewhere is bothering me now , only lumbar pain, in the area of ​​the incision, and in the area. i couldn’t be happier with my legs, my foot hurts, no foot, nothing, everything is fine, no less , no, no, no less, no, but you can walk, yes, everything is fine, yeah, i’m walking straight, otherwise it was bent, these are real stories, not fictional, finally a little joke from doctors who deal with the nervous system, in the center of the brain even a cafe is connected with nerves, a neurocafe, so i’m even wondering what kind of food is here... feeding people , maybe some special one for nerves, dear doctors, hello, what do they serve in the neurocafe, what kind of food is so special, potatoes with mushrooms, potatoes with mushrooms, what else? bizet, without pad, i highly recommend it,
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but by the way, sweets are needed for the brain, because that the brain eats only glucose, only sugar, you are a doctor, a resident, a doctor, already a doctor, a neurologist, like that, so even this. everything for the brain is taken into account, oh, as they say, give us pavlov’s dessert for a snack, in this cafe doctors sit and relax, loving their work and loving their patients, and this is so important, well , this was our morning at the federal brain center and neurotechnologies of the federal medical and biological agency of russia and i started by showing you people who open the brain. so it turned out that modern medicine is capable of returning a person to normal life without opening the brain. i repeat once again, everything that is done here is done free of charge, within the framework of compulsory health insurance or high technology. and, of course, what we
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saw here gives great hope that people with severe brain diseases will walk on their own feet, think and enjoy life. health to everyone, because this is the most important thing. it’s great when there is a person who is truly a professional in his field, who gives advice and tells people who may not be so competent and savvy in matters of health, how to behave in certain situations, what tests to take, what that means in general. i think this is very beneficial for society. elena vasilievna, be healthy, may the number of viewers only grow. thank you, watch the program “health on channel one”. these are not travel notes with
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dmitry krylov. hello. there are places that are somehow awkward to talk about, because everyone knows them, maybe much better, than you. but still, this is the first association you have when you hear the name krasnaya polyana. yes, yes, of course, a ski slope in winter, and in summer, well, and in summer alpine slopes and mountain trails. yes, that's right. we will discover something new for you at this famous resort near the southern capital of russia, sochi. so, krasnaya polyana. it is customary to begin such essays with the history of the place, its origin and name. no, today we will break the stereotype, no excursions into the distant past,
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because, as a rule, to the current settlements and spirit they have no relation. they are important only as a guide who diligently puffs out his cheeks, trying to imagine the place he describes as more significant. but in the past, and today there are practically no traces of this past left. the decisive moment in the fate of krasnaya polyana occurred at the beginning of 2000, when neighboring sochi became a candidate for hosting the winter olympics, thanks to which the road from sochi to polyana,
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which was deservedly called god bless, was reconstructed. however, the olympics were then held in salclay city, but in 2014 polyana pulled out her lucky ticket and... is the highest good and meaning of life, the only unconditional value,
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that is, if you are a hedonist, then this is the place for you. all the cable lifts are indicated on the map, and you will make your own route, and by changing from one lift to another, you will get to the highest point, 2.375 m. no, there are, of course, higher ones, but this is with legs, legs. while admiring the panorama, don’t forget that the lifts are open until a certain hour, skip the last one and that’s it. overnight in the mountains, which, however, can turn out to be a very romantic affair, if you don’t freeze this morning, it’s cool in the mountains at night, oh, skiers, they’ve been skiing here since winter, apparently, they made a snowman for the new year, they’re still celebrating, however, the guidebook says that the catal ski the season lasts from december to june, we were just in june, at a station with the strange name circus-2, the skiing season generally lasts until mid- july, a special microclimate allows you to maintain snow cover for skiers until the middle... this is how it is now pandemonium, can you imagine what happens here in winter? yes, in the summer, of course, there are our joys, which
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, however, we were not able to appreciate, unfortunately , because it was during those 2 days that we were in the clearing that there was terrible rain, well, it happens, during your arrival here, of course, there will be sunny weather, and you can enjoy the panorama on mount monashka, from this point the efremov horizon is called, named after yuri konstantinovich efremov, writer, geographer, poet, member of the russian geographical... society, director of the earth museum in moscow at moscow state university, and the first guide krasnaya glades. oh, what a wonderful man he was! like ski slopes, ecological trails are numbered and marked according to difficulty; the stand indicates the length, travel time and elevation difference. alpine meadows, they are free of snow for four, but at most 5 months, during this period the color palette changes several times. stunning variety of colors. lush white bushes - these are rhododendrons - a beautiful plant and useful, its leaves
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are dried, brewed with infusion and used to treat various ailments, from colds to gout, rheumatism and epilepsy. which disease is closer to you, or dearer? yes, dried leaves are sold at the market downstairs in the village. there are several waterfalls here; everyone is especially impressed by the poleman's falls. there are two options to get to it: by cable car, and then 40 minutes along a mountain path on foot. or walk the whole way, but it will be 4 hours, but on dad’s shoulders, i’m embarrassed to ask, do you have a hardy dad? the name of the doctor is translated from greek, as you of course know, hero, although among the people there is a waterfall they call it pants, the most difficult trail leads to the highest point of the red meadow to the black pyramid, you can walk like this alpine eats, but this requires special preparation, most go along the viaferata,
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why climb, well, for the sake of a selfie, and what else do people do these days? do desperate things, and for the sake of the post office, the only one in the area, from which you will send a postcard to someone who appreciates it, if you explain to him where it came from and what you risked? by the way, regarding selfies, it was for them that observation platforms were built, well, that’s what selfingists think, for this process, i mean capturing your loved one against the backdrop of eternal beauty, the most popular platform is 360°, altitude 2,200, a beautiful point in visiting it can be a flight on a zipline, god forgive me, i’ll explain for the dense ones, zipline is a high-speed descent along a steel rope using a special block... device, remember, when i first flew on such a thing in the jungle of costa rica, i screamed like crazy
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during the flight, i am an avatar, i am an avatar, well, yes, who? more? for romantic young ladies there is mountain swing, remember how the wonderful songs of evgeny krylatovo and yuri entin, flying higher than the spruce tree, not knowing any obstacles, the winged swings fly, fly, fly! but i remembered the winged swing on our last trip to the ball, well, it’s also beautiful, isn’t it? well, krasno polyansky is closer to you and me. what do you and i know about the bathhouse, except, you know, every year on december 31, my friends and i go to the bathhouse, this is our tradition, but the russian bathhouse history goes back 1500 years, in different centuries the slavs had names for both lazne and movni , and soap and bath rituals among the slavs had a deep
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sacred meaning. the modern russian bathhouse is a synthesis of the four elements of nature: water, fire, air and earth, but i would add a fifth: a person, i mean a bath attendant, whose costume looks like a gladiator’s, if not for the six-piece sports cap, such a gladiator has a bath ritual - this is a truly sacred action, something personal and very intimate, as if embarrassed by its common name, now the banchik is called a parmaster, he must know history, literature, psychology. photopharmaceuticals, massage practices, the purpose of movements in the steam room and the ethics of behavior, because the bath deeply feels not only the body, through a complex of all means it gets to the most hidden corners of the soul and cleanses what is hidden very deeply, brooms from different trees have different effects, the parmaster knows these secrets,
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the ability to properly steam brooms, apply steam carefully at the right time, etc., big... small tricks, do you want to know them too? no, nothing simpler, become a bathhouse attendant, oh, excuse me, a parmaster, they will it will open up, it’s a good profession, respected and in demand, i told you, there’s no need to get involved with him, what happened here, volodya disappeared, am i or very stupid for trusting you again? open the state security committee, we have an order for arrest and a convoy to moscow, tatyana nazarova, let's go, wait, what is he accusing me of, wait, you have no right, admit it, show the order, you have no right, subtle matters, today is on the first day, how
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could you, i trusted you. "i defended you in any situation, when everyone was against, and you fantastic, on friday on the first, for 30 years of traveling together we have seen a lot of different spas in different parts of the world, let me remind you that a spa is a bath and hydrotherapy, balneotherapy, and thalassotherapy, which uses the method of physiotherapy associated with
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preserved, this is a typical room, convenient, comfortable, tasteful, breathtaking views from the balcony, a person feels good where he has freedom of choice in the broadest sense of this concept, philosophical, but now i’m talking about the mundane, the carnal, the food, in the krasnaya polyana resort there are about 50 cafes and restaurants, which represent more than twenty cuisines of the world, that is, you have a choice, in this matter i confess to you, i am conservative, because if you are going to distant or not so distant lands, then it’s worth enjoy local cuisine, and culinary copies, masterpieces from other parts of the world, well , you have to try it in other parts of the world, yes, in the clearing there is pan-asian cuisine, italian, and uzbek, and sovoi, and neapolitan, and street food, god forgive me,
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but the principle dk calling to eat local national cuisine, in the clearing will delight you, because... the cuisine, that is, khinkal and khachipurya, dolma pickles, lula and shish kebab are served in the author's interpretation, in a sob restaurant they offer local trout, yes, edit a thousand times by those who proclaimed happiness in eating , but because familiarization with classical caucasian cuisine is also , albeit a component, but part of simple human happiness, like any happiness, it does not last forever, the limited capabilities of the body and the wallet fortunately hold it back. but at least once in a while you can afford it a little extra, but when you take the cable car to the polyana 960 site you find yourself on a remarkable square. because it's not just an area.


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