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tv   Videli video  1TV  June 30, 2024 1:10pm-2:06pm MSK

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the forfe itself too, we’ll look for it now, it’s just a jersey, the most expensive cow, and you never know what happened to it, we need to find it urgently, because it could just pull out the stake, or it could steal it, it was very scary at that moment , because the chorus is really a favorite and doesn’t look like it’s somewhere here, it usually responds, we’ve already searched the whole farm, fanta, now we’re going towards the little calf, maybe it’s there, fanta... all three we search, we shout, we don’t know if we’ll find it, this is the worst thing, fanta, there's a bull standing there, i don't see fanta here, i found it, we have thickets there, she's gone walking in the thickets, no, it's like that, there 's a fence there, but this one will go away, she pulled it out, they 're tied, but fanta is very cunning, after the rain.
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and there we already have cows, well , the rest of the animals have become more numerous, by the way, we also have a donkey, but don’t ask, but you are engaged in self-education, somehow at the age of 14 you still go to school usually, yes, of course, and you go to school, i go to school far from the village, we go by car by car, in there is no homeschooling in belarus, so this is an african donkey, where is the donkey from, let's talk about everyone we are after. and he appeared with us relatively recently, he is a real hooligan, so we are used to the fact that in cartoons we are shown donkeys as such dull, such sad animals, while real donkeys, they are very characteristic, if he offended, that means he was offended, he was directly offended, if he is happy, then he is directly happy, he runs, jumps, asl did not like living in a shared apartment with a heifer goat, so he accepted a firm male decision to move in with the bull.
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when gray the donkey first approached the bull sprite, it seemed to me that he was about to put him on the horns, so i quickly ran to save the poor donkey, after a few days it turned out that he didn’t need saving at all, the bull was a bit rainy he sat in the barn for days and yesterday, in good weather , we decided to let him out, when his dad took him out and drove a stake into the ground, he saw a donkey, the donkey was very happy to see the bull, when he came running, he almost hugged him there, but that's not all, in the evening, when we started getting a donkey, instead of going into his usual house, he went to the bull, in this pen, and we could not get him out of there because of the donkey's stubbornness, having gone here , we saw a peaceful picture of how the bull and the donkey stood next to each other like this and ate hay, such a non-standard choice of friendship, now the bull and the donkey are best friends, every day i get up at 7:00 in the morning, we go here to the farm, we serve the animals all day long, feed and water them. milk the cow at its best
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in case, at 11 pm we go home, what is all this for? in order to give tasty, fresh, real milk to pigs, i'm not kidding. 30 liters each in the morning and evening, even the tame pig hrunel the cat kotofey is shocked by this, our cows are milked with a milking machine, all sanitary standards have been met, certificates have been received from veterinarians, and despite the fact that we already have a small client base, the majority there is still milk left, there is only one way out, give it to those who truly value dairy products, to animals, but we still hope that the animals they'll make do with cheese.
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i work with rabbits, the second one just shocked us, what about the second rabbit? - a year ago we just started working with rabbits and i won’t hide it, we still don’t know how to recognize their gender, that’s why the owner of the previous rabbits let us down a little and sold us not a female rabbit, but a rabbit, but we weren’t upset, since one of them brought we need these beautiful bunnies, but did you first become a farmer, then a blogger, or vice versa? yes, first as a farmer, well, as a farmer, of course, it’s just... well, since i was 10 years old, i’ve been trying, well, it’s clear that there wasn’t much of an audience yet and so, but now there’s more development, you already have something to shoot, you understand, but how many views is the maximum number of
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views on a video, well, different social networks in different ways, somewhere less, somewhere more, but the biggest was more than a million, more than a million and a half, it’s great that people are doing this and well, even this is not a dream, this the goal is simply to move to a farm with the whole family, so that we need to build something, yes, don’t even build it, restore it, of course, for the future there are plans to create a place where people can come, talk to animals, pet them, it’s great that you came to us today, it seems to me that you just lucky with your son, of course, incredible, handsome, handsome and smart, you have a dream to eliminate.
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well, comrades, are you ready to make a world revolution in fashion? that's what, volodya sergeevich, you are not like trotsky, no matter how much you want, we all know.
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is it that the general wasn’t generous with the bouquet? he was generous, the bouquet is at the dacha, and this is from me. when i entered the room, i saw my notebook there. i began to leaf through this book, and there i found notes that tanya had made when all our relatives were dying. little tanya savicheva did it. first entry, scary, bombs are falling, she didn’t come down from your apartment, here, to this school bomb shelter, very pale, very thin, very weak, all the toys lay face down and were covered with a black
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rag, they asked me what it was, i i told them they died of hunger, aunt dusya, when i left for work, she closed the room and tanya was sitting on the stairs, the last person to see tanya, this is vasya krylov, when i say that tanya saevich is my relative, some say that this is not true, tanya saevich all died, i almost died to tears, but we survived, in tanya’s memory. at the entrance to the legendary bamov village of zvezdny we are greeted by this wedge: 50 years ago the pioneers got here on it, they landed there on the banks of the tayura river, then there was no bridge, no roads, just continuous impassable taiga. and in frost, and 50, and 53° in the rain, under any conditions, we didn’t look, but i’ll get to...
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now a bear will be brought to our studio, the owners are really sure that it’s a dog, but i ’ve seen a lot of dogs, so it's definitely a bear.
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guys, get up, wow, a serious barbarian team, alexander, anna and the dogs zhuzha and kapa came to us today, how big they are, let's immediately tell you what's going on there and how cats have such power over everything in your home, this cat really is. used to hold a district, almost a district, he kept the entire stable, all the local cats, all the horses, he had a herd of deer as friends, so the first time a cat and a dog met, in fact the dog is not afraid of cats, but then the cat had such a cat, the cat had to be rescued when it closed stable, i had to take him with you, and he lived right in the stable, yes, and you already had dogs, dogs, yes, when you took the cat, how did they react to the fact that after all, this was something small and very overbearing? into your home, in fact, dogs have been living with cats for a long time, so they are all used to it, well, here i don’t know if you can
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say that it’s him, this is a punishment, because he drives the dog onto the sofa, this is usually prohibited or is it possible here, he didn’t do anything at all, he just walked into the room and the dog understood , that it’s better not to work with horses, yes, well, then let’s talk about the breed, who is it, this is an irish wolfhound, an irish wolfhound, these are greyhounds, they don’t herd sheep, they are hunting dogs, they are very huge dogs. on wolves, on deer, even on deer, yes, they catch up and with one throw to the neck they can, or you can petting in general, of course, they are bred specifically to be without aggression towards people, you have a video about the size, let’s see how huge the dog is.
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no, we had our first dog, a crossbreed, when
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she passed away, the question arose of what kind of dog to get, but we needed someone big, fearsome, but not evil, when they opened an encyclopedia with dog breeds, my sister saw irish wolfhounds, went to my mother, said, we need this one, yeah, at first we were somehow very skeptical about it, where can we find such things, then we found them nurseries in moscow, so... you bought your first puppy, when did you get your first wolfhound, how do your neighbors look at you and do you even have neighbors? are they still looking at you? no, all the neighbors know. it’s been a long time since dogs are not evil at all, everyone is very good-natured and loving towards them, okay, then what about living with a wolfhound, these are the conditions that should exist and what kind of person you need to be in order to get yourself such a breed of dog, you probably already have to be a person calm, because they themselves are very calm, phlegmatic, they don’t jump there , they don’t have fun, these are not large-sized jals,
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listen, let me make it a little clear, this dog is a greyhound, it catches up with its prey, that is, it’s just very massive. who will climb into a hole and have a fight there even with a badger, this is a fairly intelligent animal, it’s just that it’s strong and fast, and how fast is it? this strong and fast animal is 60 yes or 65, yes these are two girls, ah, how many animals do you have at home generally nine, nine more, come on nine, whoever you call it, five dogs, five dogs, two cats. one cat and a horse, whom you haven’t named yet, who else is there, this is because in the other house there are also five cats and two chinchillas, this is you, this is the same horse that lives next to you, in the next house, nomik, dad , pony, i have a cookie, there
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’s another horse, they didn’t say a sheep, they named it, that’s where everyone comes from, it’s just neighbors, is this how it is with you? everyone came to the cookie, did dog sports, coursing, and i also wanted to participate in another group, besides the wolfhounds, they also got a livery, but unfortunately he refused to run, but he turned out to be a good actor, he starred in the series, starred in the series, the star of the series, and in the leading role, that is, he is with the main character. terom, he had 10 days of filming, he did everything honestly, handsome, let's see a little about him, he's in the video, he's good, this is meat, this is a chupacabra, a chupacabra, by the way, it looks like, what's wrong with meat,
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it's worried, it's worried, but works, this is everything you need to feed your pets. they don’t worry, they shake them all the time, of course he can’t bite off more, but this is friendship with a cat, yes a cat, this is a cat, yes where, where did you get it from, well, when grandma called the place there, we went to give grandma the phone, when we came out of the gate, there were two little kittens sitting there, here was lyusya and asya, this is the little guy now, this. 16 animals, why do you need such a large number, it just happened, we ourselves probably tried to understand why there were so many, but most of them were selected, rescued, it’s just that these too, no, these were bred on purpose, intentionally, that is these are the ancestors of our entire herd, everything grew from here, yes the rest grow from it, and you
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live right in nature, but we are partly animals, we live in nature, those who are big, and those who are small? here is a hairless cat who is freezing, they already live in an apartment. alexander, are you allergic to anyone? how do you like living with a huge number of four-legged animals in this life? in general, we get two points, in one there is a cat, in the other there is a dog, a horse. a few more cats.
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listen, here’s a horse, what do you do with it, it’s your horse, you ride it somehow, take care of it, it’s already old, you ride it it’s better not to ride, it’s better not even for you, yes, but i usually treat her with apples, hug her, and how did you get her, do you know? or about the stable, when the cat was taken away, there lived a bug, her name is bug, yes, bug, so, of course, when it was closing, we took her for ourselves. she has a house, food, water, even a camera is standing, even a camera is standing, you can watch, my picture, the picture is like this, i’m drawn, only
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a cat can ride or cats on her, yes , a cat usually goes for a ride, roll around, wrap up, what a beautiful horse, this shetland a pony, yes or no, is an american miniature horse. acquaintances, how do your familiar relatives react to the script, read it, she came to the script, my god, beauty, how do your
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relatives and acquaintances feel about the fact that you live such a full life, well , our friends are mainly surrounded by dog ​​friends, a kennel , relatives somehow little by little, well, they are still skeptical about this, right? yes, well, with the appearance of each animal , somehow it becomes more and more difficult for them understand to accept another animal, so all our friends are our dog lovers, horse lovers, you have rescued animals, well, in principle , it turns out that the cat is rescued and the bug is saved , because it is unknown how their life would have turned out if they had stayed there and among the dogs there is also one of the dogs we are from cyprus, why did she need rescue rights, they are surrendering to a shelter, all the unwanted dogs found her on the road, half-dead, at the exit.
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this is who they are, it’s actually unknown who the exact breed is, this is a crossbreed, we came to rest in abkhazia, we met purely on at the stop, a thin dog, a temple, when we were leaving, we realized that we didn’t want to leave without him, and we organized his delivery here, and here we already found a family for him, and he doesn’t live with you, what’s his name, his name? but you gave him to a good one - yes, this was already a lot for us, and that is, you have a limit somewhere, but now you say that it’s already a little too much, who it turns out, he
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loves you very much, look how hugs, he is very non-offensive, he loves people very much, it was very difficult for him to live, in fact, alone on the street, that’s why he got used to his new family very easily, very handsome, cool, anton, today you are introducing our viewers to your rich surrounding world for the first time, who are you? there is also, i have a wife, i have a son, and among my pets i have a dog and a cat, the dog is a dwarf bull terrier, his name is white verse, this is his full name, and so he is a poem, and this is an abesin cat, muse, and how they took it from minibull, i wonder how the verse appeared, there was a quarantine, or rather before quarantine it happened that the wife took part in filming a travel program, travel show, and we saw each other very, very rarely. and on trips we sent each other photographs of a black bull terrier with the words , look what an alien dog, i wish we could have one like that then, well, a big
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full-size one, but no, in my opinion, we also looked at the mini-bulk when quarantine came, we thought when, if not now, we got a dog , then it passed a week, more precisely a week after the decision was made, my wife said i always dreamed of a cat and we got one, i said only it must be an abesinka, so we got one before you got a dog, your wife dreamed of a dog, when you got a dog, when you got a dog she’s the opposite, i’m a cat person, she’s a dog person, she had a lot of dogs , i had a lot of cats, but i didn’t there were dogs, but she didn’t have cats, and now the dog is dad’s, and the cat is mom’s, great, that’s it, you’re all dreams, absolutely, here’s your baby, what’s his name, his name is theo, theo, how did you all treat the family? , that you have, like , a mini-version of a fighting dog, this is a stereotype, we know this, well, here it must be said that the verse is unusual, the bun is unusual, he was brought up, he was brought up by me personally, and he was going - along with service dogs,
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so... he is mega-well-mannered, very friendly, good-natured, but when theo, uh, son, came into our lives, we introduced him correctly, that is, a dog, this , this is a member of the family and it’s just, as it were, the mechanics of explaining this or that event, it’s specific, depending on the task, it’s great that you said this now, because someone is thinking, but i didn’t succeed, but it worked out for me, but somehow it will work out, it doesn’t work like that, for this one. especially for a bull terrier, but maybe it doesn’t load quickly, but it loads in full, it’s the same as with a muse, the muse, the cat is quite interesting, this obessinsky breed is, in principle, very, very unpredictable, she is our cat, moreover,
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that... she’s very friendly, she lets herself be kissed, she sleeps with us, she spends 90% of the time in our arms, but she chases the dog, oh, of course, you can break down here, and i broke down, it’s just only just taken away, this is the beginning, yes to this no need, you’re an adult, you understand everything, you understand everything, right? “we’ll meet soon, no need to shed tears, we’re going to another room, don’t worry, i’ll be back, i promise, you understand everything, don’t, don’t, don’t,
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your dj is a cat and it’s very interesting, well, we’re waiting for the development of events you ’re at home, but there are no plans for anyone else,
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the candidate is not cleaning the house at all , but why are you surprised at me , don’t understand, no, don’t say, well, well, police major vladimir sergeevich came in? among the three most promising the country's investigators. what are you following? i wish i could find a husband, everything will be fine, we’ll live as before, citizen edgarova, i see you’re looking for husbands all over the place, well, look, look, maybe you’ll find someone. zafara has two sons, already adults, excuse me, but what’s your last name, columba, who haven’t called yet, only interpol remains, i didn’t give him my sweatshirt, what are we doing with registration, police, police, maybe you can show me the gun , and in our yard this...
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day of family, love and fidelity, a festive concert next sunday on the first. i have been tormented by the question for a long time: why do we need ponies if there are horses? finally, i received the answer along with the following video. look, he’s real, but this one wants everything and food, he always wants it, of course, he
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always wants it, he doesn’t like candy either, you’re good, are you really super, yeah, so clean. appeasement claps, guys, get up, anastasia, andrey, ponies arrived today, that same pony dietrich, and of course audrey, guys, we've already visited us once, hello, when were you
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last time with us, 4 years ago , in 4 years your life has probably changed, now we have seen and understood that you go to help people, right? yes, you are involved in the volunteer movement, how can i say this correctly, huh? why did you come to this direction, i’ve been dreaming about it for a long time, in fact, i ’ve seen a lot of videos on social networks where miniature horses, ponies, in europe and america go to nursing homes, in france there is a famous horse that goes to hospitals , i thought, i want it too, just like the first thing you decided to do, that’s how to get into all this in general, my husband gave me car, like this, and accordingly. i have more opportunities, i can load it myself, go where i want, and it so happened that in the video there was a red dog, and her owner’s name is ksyusha, and i also saw on social networks that they
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go to hospice, and i wrote to her ksyusha, it would be cool to bring dietrich, she wrote to the coordinator, here’s your phone number, and i sat like this for several days, how can i write, i have a whole huge pony? almost the only pony, there are several ponies, who came to such institutions once,
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and dietrich is the only one who goes regularly, well, just look at the character, if the pony is calm, adequate, not afraid of anything, then you can safely bring him and communicate.
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it’s written about how children react, when you arrive, how adults react to ponies in such an environment, and children are very different in hospices, most often you come across children there who uh... show little emotion, and when a pony touches, there touches his hand or cheek with his lip, or it turns out feed, children show emotions, someone smiles, someone starts looking, catching, studying, it’s incredible, adults turn into children, when first a hospice employee comes into the room, tells you, a horse is coming to see you, they are like that , horse? a pony comes to them, their face
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changes so much, they are like, ponies, they immediately have some kind of childish expression on their face, they immediately pull their hands, stroke them, there were even some patients, there were several patients in the ward, some were like, oh, no, ko i don't need it, pony, i'm not interested while they listen to how other patients are communicating, the pony is already on its way out, they are like, no, no, no, wait, wait, i’ll pet you and come to me, i want to feed you. now, of course, we are looking at the footage, and, by the way, the patient, the first and only patient whom dietrich kissed, in general it is very touching, how often do you go and visit, we try to visit more often, the most we had was four times a month , well, from one to four times, it’s great that you ’re doing this work, how do guys in general, what ’s it like to live like this, huh? a lot of happiness and a little
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difficulties, because happiness is when a horse doesn’t get sick, and if it starts to get sick, it’s not even a little difficulty, but a lot, so, but in any case it’s wonderful, in a pony it’s even a little more economical than a horse, well, let’s do it- let's be honest, for people who really want a pony, a pony, in the horse world, is something like a jack russell terrier, they are energetic and quite strappy. and i’m worried about their character, that he’s tough on me, he’s completely safe, he’s an absolutely calm guy, and so in general they’re ponies, that is, the energy from a big horse in a small body, in general bass, is much more harmful than a horse, in fact, a lot depends on the content, if all needs are covered, then the horse will be calm. dietrich in his youth was so outgoing, but he did not have a closed part of his needs, he communicated little with horses, walked little, most of the time he was within four walls.
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yes, superly. yes, the worst thing for dietrich is soap bubbles. come on, it’s necessary, here we have audrey today, as i understand it, you have all the actresses in honor of you all the characters are named, right? yes yes. and she also has arrows near her eyes, she’s like
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a real girl with makeup, so she’s aedre höbern, uh-huh, how are they together, are they a couple in general or did you just take them together by chance? they have unrequited love, dietrich doesn’t answer - audre him loves him very much, here he is, she is always eager to see him, she really needs him, for a dietrich she is very active, so he is like, don’t, please, from a distance... look at me, please, everything will be fine, yes, yes, yes, and audrey is his loves him madly, she happily runs to the stables, and if she sees him, she flies to him, straight with all her might, my husband never wanted a dog, and i generally dreamed of a pure white jack russell, without marks, without anything, and i found it on a social network, they were selling a girl, pure white, and i’m like andrei, andrei, i want her, look, she’s beautiful, “well, you know, children will appear, like a dog,
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i say, and can you imagine, a child will appear , and we already have a dog, he says, well, how about work, you will leave it at home, i i say, i’ll take her with me to work, well , then i somehow forgot, i was like, well, i didn’t fool the dog, the next day he’s like, this is it, this girl is like, well, she’s not good, i’m like, what are you talking about? you, yes, i agreed with the breeder to pay for the dog by the evening, and she took it at lunch and sold it"? well, in general, i then remembered that i once photographed puppies from a jack russell breeder, i really liked the content of this breeder, i called her immediately, i said, hello, i need a jack russell, oh, what. so little, apparently, now the question will be asked too, and from you, how... more than 40 commands,
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wow, how can so much diligence fit into this energetic head to remember the 40th command, it’s very simple, i forget them, but she remembers about them, she reminds you from time to time, yes, yes, not everyone is given one, oh, with the pyramid, well done, oh, what he’s doing, well done, well done, great, well, i think we can see from gitrich, we can, get in touch,
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well done, oh, good, when you have time, i generally want people to know about him more people to remember him, he is already of age, he is 23 years old, but ponies live 30-35, some live up to 50, yes, but i want him to be known not as a white horse, that ’s why i want him to star, maybe to be
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in a movie somewhere, so that people would see it, know it after some time, and remember it with a kind word. thank you very much for coming to us today for the second time, i hope for future meetings, and of course it’s great that you watched us, let me remind you that you can always go to the website of the first channel and review everything there videos, vote for them, send us yours, so that we will definitely meet again here, bye! hello, dear friends, there’s an anecdotes podcast on the air, i’m vadim golygin, and today my guests are two completely different people, but we definitely have something in common, this is of course the kven past, but now i’ll
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talk about you as actors , okay, mikhail bashkatov and rinat mukhambayev. i propose today to chat, friends, on the topic of friendship. in a broad sense, of course, we will touch on some, perhaps serious points, yes, but first of all, these are stories, of course, anecdotes, and so that this, let’s say, gives joy to our positive communication, touches the souls of the audience and makes them a little more fun, well , let’s start with misha, you and i did whatever we did, and i know , as it were, i’m very glad that you are, let’s put it this way. i went into this acting side, yes, of course, that is , you already have a large number of roles, somewhere we are even together, i think we crossed paths with you then on the set, yes, if there is some kind of story now, let’s say this, where would you change your role, because after all
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, they were mostly comedies, but often, almost every comedian has such a dream. something serious like this, to perform some kind of jump, such a leap, so as not to disturb some kind of harmony between yourself and the viewer, yes, that is, still try something that you would like to touch, that’s how much you have this in life, well, i probably realize this dramatic story somehow more in the theater, that is, i have a lot there serious roles, some deep ones, in the cinema it still doesn’t matter. it’s happening , practically, and cinema, too, the filmography is growing and thank god, little by little, yes, yes, for
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serious roles in some kind of well, mostly comedies, of course they called me like that in all sorts of dramas, mostly as some kind of bodyguard or something, almost always killed, but experience interesting just in case , yes, almost always, never and not once have we been able to come to an agreement, imagine you come for one role of this type. is it possible that it’s not my mother who’s looking at me, please don’t kill at the end, here i had a role, where they just killed right on the head of the train , this is the diesel locomotive itself, with these walkways, i was lying on the belay like this, it was just warm summer and i was tanned like this, only one side was tanned and behind three takes , i think i was on the train, listen, i had such a case , since we also remembered about the tan, it means we were when i was studying at a military school, we stood in a cordon, that is, at a training ground, and every post was, it’s something there on one
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there are berries, on the other there are some mushrooms, and there was a post where there was a small lake, there was a village, and there was a lake there, such yellow sand, that is, in general, like the belarusian maldives, so we, uh, swam with a friend and lay down to sunbathe and fell asleep in these army ones underpants , you know that they are black, it also happened to me that here you almost know, here they are practically everywhere, but here they are a little shorter and just the scorching sun and black, and we woke up just black, you know, well, our legs are black, but we came back already when to go back there at the school and that means we have a bathhouse every week and - when i was walking through the bathhouse with these legs, someone suddenly, well, you know such friendly jokes, these are all army guys, i’m walking , suddenly someone starts. let's talk about friendship,
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that's who today, for example, a friend, because times have changed, yes, that's who you have on your phone and there are more photos, because of course there is some kind of defining set, yes, that is we went through something together, and there’s a friend there, and sometimes it’s just that we have some common hobbies, fishing there or... skiing there and so on, in your opinion, there is now a difference in friendship, which maybe the concept was like back in soviet times, or when we were all little kids there, well, not kids , teenagers and now, it seems to me, the same friendship as you say in the soviet union has certainly remained, yes, yes, i have, because a friend with whom we were friends in childhood, and separated, we had, probably about 20, 22 years old, now he lives somewhere, either in norilsk or somewhere well, such a friend, i don’t know where he lives exactly , well, such cool friends in general, yes, but we are always at any time, and he also went to where
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most of all we have one, also a friend, he always said that, says one of my friends , a restaurateur, i am alone, my best friend is alone of my best friends, i don’t remember his name like that, yes, he just had everyone who considered him his best friend, very friendly, well , i can say that i don’t have any friends left from childhood, well, that is, we are there somewhere out there on a social network somewhere or maybe by chance there to meet, so that there are no such people to keep in touch, but here is kvn, kvn’s past, that is , we are all our team, well, not at all, we usually all support each other and even support each other as friends, yes this really is, thank you, how they say, this club, how different, when you lived there for 10 years with these people in a hotel, everywhere at home, well...
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like the old bearded joke, when you leave the casino, it’s already morning, now it’s already dawn in general, you leave casino, two drunken friends in the smoke, one in shorts, the second in general without panties, that’s how the taxis stand in the parking lot , they’re so unsteady, that’s without panties, that ’s why i’ve respected you all my life, that you can do it on time. this is the main thing, of course, i , uh, when i tell jokes, yes, that
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is, in company, i tell my friends, then of course, that is. now, if a person is not a fisherman, yes, he will not laugh at jokes about fishing, well, you must admit, that is, it’s very difficult, i had such a case when i was just going with a friend, well , with someone with whom it’s not so i see you often, yes he is a good friend, you know, as if, in full confidence, that is, well, that he is also a fisherman, i tell him, listen, i say, well, this is , well, how can i explain it to a person, how you can sit there. let's say on the pipe there for several hours to wait for this bite in general, if he is not a fisherman, he will not understand, and at that moment he is like, i say, wait, just don’t say it, and you, and i somehow know, the full all that all my friends surround me, a fisherman, here i get, you know, this one hit the reefs, you know, a ship, this one, and you fishermen, by the way, yes, i’m already insured, i’m
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a fisherman, but of course, that’s where it all probably starts. they don’t tell bedtime stories to little children at all. yesterday we’ll go fishing like this, but to be honest, i don’t remember such ones, well , it was like a joke there when we caught something like this in astrakhan, i have one story about fishing here there was a kven shift at the camp for abi, so schoolchildren and students arrived there and we taught them kvnu with them there as counselors and whatever. some already there's a shift closing and it's getting close, which means it's all about the closing time, our fishermen friends came to us just like, are you fishing here on the river bank , are you saying that we're not fishermen at all, they say everything now we'll be fishing, now we're with the brad, that means
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we're going there at night, that means with this we ramble with them. they just gave it to andryukha and he left, and he lived at my house, and he went to the city with fish, i said, put everything in the refrigerator, that means he did everything, put the refrigerator, that means there’s something in the city... i did something, came back, now i lied, this is not the end of the shift, it was the middle of the shift, and about another week this shift lasts, we return home, i open the door, i can’t understand what’s wrong, something is wrong, but the lights were turned off, it’s summer and
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the lights were turned off, and for several days this is a fish... it was in the refrigerator without light, that is , it’s just there, that’s why you don’t like fishing, yes, i don’t have much of an association, but i have a friend who went fishing, he’s an avid fisherman, he generally can’t live without fish , he went fishing somewhere far in the region, left, found a house, as he said, i say, came to this house, i knocked on the door, there is an open house on the banks of the volga, there is no one, no one is in the reeds, i say, after 2 days i arrived there, after three, i started living, at least once in my life you need to measure the pressure on your right and left hand to compare, is there a difference or no, what difference does it make about
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a serious illness, about this, about many other things.


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