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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 1, 2024 3:00am-3:51am MSK

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deciphered more simply than a steamed turnip, that is, they cut it themselves and made it themselves. in any case, this is how one of the pilots recalls, whether it really happened or not, why the sights were not made when the planes came to work in this regiment, i don’t know, but nevertheless, she writes that it was so , here’s another thing that can be said about the plane in twos, there were several advantages, remarkable advantages. from this plane, firstly, it was extremely simple and cheap to produce, uh, as well as very cheap to operate, easy to install, easy to repair, which made it, of course, great for production , very profitable for the industry of that time, on top of everything else, it was very cheap, simple technology, and so on, secondly, the plane was very simple in control and even an inexperienced pilot, i can testify to this, it was easy to control,
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well, the pedals are somewhat heavy, but in principle it holds the air very well , remarkably in any weather, by the way, as for taking off from any platform, in winter and in the summer, this is more or less understandable, there was an option, we showed you in the winter version, a modification on skis, but as for the transition period, spring and autumn, here... great difficulties begin and for the fact that i tried this , we tried all this when we were filming the film, in order to take off, mud, mud, wheels get stuck, there was no need, and the girls did it, throw shields, who knows, shields, boards, somewhere, by the way, you need them was to take it, then it’s one thing to take off, the second thing is to come and sit down, but the boards, as easy as they are to understand, are not widely you lay it out, it means it’s a narrow, well, well, path, not a path, at least a rather narrow path. getting into it at night
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without illumination is quite difficult, among other things, the po-2 had a low speed, so it easily worked at altitudes without fear of being shot down, the fact is that aircraft such as foki-wulfs, mesterschmitts, have a speed at which the minimum they could fly, well , the stall speed is approximately the speed... two planes operate at about 100-120 km/h, at this speed any german fighter would go into a tailspin, beat it it was incredibly difficult, because he was moving at a speed of 20 km/h, and this 450-500 was passing by, well, go try and hit him at night, the pilots flew, i repeat , at low level flight almost over the tops of the trees, two at a time, the only biplane ,
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just hysterical, usually, as i told you, it means that they worked at airfields 150 km, 170 km from the front line, but for combat work special jump airfields were made, somewhere around 20-25 km from the front , during the day, of course, these sites they were empty, in the evening planes flew over them, the germans called these planes or car cafes. coffee grinder, or nakhmashin, sewing
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machine, because of the typical sound of the motor. by 1943, the number of regiments armed with u2 aircraft had reached its maximum. there were up to 70 air regiments operating at the front, these same night bombers and reconnaissance aircraft. the basement could operate in the most unfavorable weather conditions, i repeat, it held the air remarkably well. in february 1944 in extremely difficult weather conditions. two each attacked a colony of enemy armored vehicles in the area of ​​​​the city of kartsun-shevchentsevsky with anti-tank bombs, this is a well-known case; as a result of this air strike , the last attempt of the germans to break out of the encirclement was thwarted. well, in conclusion, let's remember those who flew these planes during the war years, pilots of the famous 588th regiment. 23 female pilots were awarded the title of hero...
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of the soviet union, all the rest were full of orders and medals, look at these faces, look at the faces of these girls who fought in the sky for 4 years. your honor and independence of our country, after all, they are just girls of 18, 20, 22 years old, no more, look at them, imagine them at the controls at night under fire, sometimes in a burning plane, wounded, returned to duty, look at these faces, here they are in front of you, those who gave us freedom 79 years ago, i said on may 9, a holy holiday for everyone, let us stand and remember those who did not reach this day: honor and glory to everyone, every single one, the people who fought, my father ,
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they said an amazing phrase, i could never understand that this is natural, i’m not a human being fought, this, this is a phrase, battle music, this is a word combination, i could never understand how those who fought spoke, and my father said this, there is a certain moment when this battle music captivates you so much that you cease to understand where you are, you are carried forward, and this feeling is almost like a feeling of delight, the delight of a person who right now, right now will do something...
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avenging all those women who died there in the rear , children, everyone, for unknown reason, this feeling that i’m ready, i i can do it, it’s exciting, of course, it’s understandable, but now at that moment when, having bombed, having done this combat work, you begin to come back, bullets are whistling all around and god forbid you’re a navigator, there’s a saw hanging in front like that, covered in blood . your friend, just now, with whom you were talking, it’s probably natural for every person, a feeling of fear arises, it crawls to the throat from here, how did they overcome this feeling, well, how did they not panic, how did they drag the board to
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end, then returned to duty, again 5 minutes later they took off again to this hell again back, again 5 minutes there again, and so on 15-20 times. overnight, i don’t know, i don’t know , probably only those who, who were in this situation know, i can’t say, i don’t know, i bow, i bow, not at all ashamed, yes, i bow, and i envy them, i i'm jealous, i really want us to show you a small piece from the film air, just watch it.
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hello everyone, this is a free program podcast, i’m maxim tronkov, our guest is the best figure skater of our country, evgeniy semenenko, zhen, hello, hello, max, i’m glad that we finally managed to see each other, yes, indeed, i’ve been waiting for you to visit us for a very long time, and finally, in my difficult schedule between studies and training, i got to us, well, my first question: of course, about the axel 4.5 revolutions, this is now such a mainstream in figure skating, how is work on it going? well, listen, so far i’ve only managed to try it in one training session, as if i walked consciously, knowing that
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i was planning, i got a good triple axel with with a large reserve, each quadruple was stretched, i also felt, well, how it’s done is done easily, and decided to try naturally first on a fishing rod, because to go straight away, well , it’s a huge risk, plus , emotionally, it’s like there’s still that in the head , which can cause injury and be severe. consequences, but as if first on a fishing rod, i tried on a fishing rod for the first time, well, i asked, well, to support me first, and so that there was a reserve, they supported me, i landed, okay, then each time there were fewer, fewer, fewer, well, there were attempts a little, about 4, the last one already, i already asked to just do it as an imitation, that i was jumping as if on fishing rods, but not to support me, everything was done by stepout, so happy, it seems normal, i’m going in. on the first one already without a fishing rod, a successful attempt, in the daw, i go up to alexey nikolaevich, i say,
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alexey nikolaevich, this is real, like, and alexey nikolaevich is also already inspired, as if he said, yes, it’s close, like me, here’s the second one i went, the second one was not very successful, some consequences appeared from these attempts, but fortunately everything worked out, no, well it’s great, you’ve been the leader of our team in men’s singles skating for two seasons now. but at the russian championships it’s not so easy for you, that is, the competition is quite serious, this is also a kind of push for you to learn this most difficult jump. even having the most difficult elements does not guarantee victory at competitions; you can do a difficult element at the beginning, but then ruin the rest of the program on simpler elements. you know, i have commented on your performances many times, watched it happened during warm-ups, and there was something that, for example... you didn’t do the warm-up very well, but nevertheless you somehow collected yourself and when you went to the start you showed your
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maximum at the moment, reveal the secret of how you get in such a mood, maybe you listen to some music, like your rival petya gumenik, or maybe you watch your favorite naruto episode quickly in the locker room, it depends on the starting number, if i skate at the beginning then there is no time after six minutes, just drive up to the coaches and hear them parting words and off you go. skate a program, and if i skate, for example, the final one, then i don’t know, i’m just resting, that is, there are no secrets, the music just starts playing, you turn off your head and go, i ’m already going out to the competition, naturally, i want to show maximum capabilities, you always have very different style, from season to season, you don’t stick to any one, that is , you’ve just been dubbed the king of k-pop, when you immediately skate romeo julie. this one or the clown, like this year’s wonderful, short program, le clone est fatigué
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de faire le clone ce soir, et il a passez de masquer sans regard, il a trop faire. do you somehow come up with images yourself or do you listen to your team, which offers them to you? it happens in different ways, one day the training staff will propose an idea, if i like it, i agree, we start staging it, it happens when i hear something interesting, some kind of composition, i suggest it, we stage the program only in that case. if the athlete likes it, the coaches like it, i generally just like figure skating,
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i try to always find something new, different, an athlete of no genre, yes, how did you come to this, because for me, when you first appeared on our figure skating horizon, that is, yes, a good boy, stable, took your chance when it was given to you, yes, that is, he took it , seemed to get there to the world championships, showed himself, was not at a loss, that is, he grabbed this bird of happiness by the tail and flew on. based on the results, that is, you cannot say that your career is somehow stagnating, it is really developing for you, but at that time i, for example, i didn’t really like that you skated programs that alexey nikolaevich ’s star student had already skated, how did you come to the conclusion that you need to move away from this and still do something of your own and that zhenya semenenko has her own self, directly they compared you, i say: then zhenya plushenko appeared, now zhenya semenenko again, and well, what a coincidence, i had a program set: to the composition of igor kornelyuk bandit petersburg, and then it was not the debut of this
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program, i skated it in a younger age, but i kind of liked it, unusual composition, unpopular for figure skating, well, i thought, why not, but you also had albinoni, well, this is already the next season, and this is also evgeniy’s program again, well, how do such coincidences happen, the most important thing is that all this it worked, it’s only to your benefit and you... now continue to develop as an independent unit. let's talk a little about your legendary coaches, i can’t separate tatyana nikolaevna from alexei nikolaevich, because i know that you too. a lot of work has been put in specifically tatyana nikolaevna, tell me a little about how you share these two super-specialists, or how they share you in training, how i’ve been skating in alexey nikolaevich tetyana nikolaevna’s group since i was 8 years old, we’ve been together for 12 years, almost 12, of course, already, probably , something more than just a relationship, an athlete, a coach, i’m glad that
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i ended up in their group then, and that our journey is still ongoing. but it happens that tatyana nikolaevna and alexey nikolaevich argue a little about you, how best to do it or how best to build training, tatyan nikolaevna, let’s say she says no, 4 seconds in turn, i really insistently wanted to try it, nikolaevna didn’t recommend it, she’s afraid for me, maybe women are just wiser, so they don’t want to take such risks, but alexey nikolaevich, like him to me said, he doesn’t want to stop the impulse when an athlete wants... to jump, as if to strive for the best, and no matter how, even taking into account that fall, i’m glad that i entered, drew some conclusions for myself, and how would i i don’t regret it, i’ll say so, i’ll try further, but what do you think, tatyana nikolaevna i said, i told you, don’t, no, why,
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it happens, you can get injured on any jump, even on a triple jump, and not even... i still can’t help but touch on this topic, well, for me it’s really unique in modern figure skating, when from childhood three singles skaters are rivals, that is, from childhood you compete with vlad dikidzhi, with pyotr gumenik, also with the st. petersburgers, that is, from children's st. petersburg competitions, now you are on the podium at the russian championship together. why is it unique to me that you we’ve reached this level since childhood, the three of us, that is, no one fell off, no one finished. skate, haven’t lost motivation, well, there are many factors, when skaters don’t live up to this level, here you three are now competing as a trio and everyone is trying a quadruple axel, you’re all jumping quadruple jumps, probably, but each of you can jump the whole set of quadruples, that is, even what is
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your secret, you can somehow motivate each other, push each other to achieve achievements by looking. to competitors, naturally you too you want to move forward, you don’t want to give in, that’s what one thinks, then one moved forward, then the second one also looks at the first one, well, like that , one by one, well, naturally, how we move each other forward, there are young guys from moscow, their confrontation is already being called legendary, that these are almost the new plushenko and egudin, i’m of course talking about arseny fedotov and ilv lazarev, don’t you feel... the elders that they’re stepping on your heels, no, well, we also need to naturally take into account the adult period career, not only junior, life shows me, some had a junior career, but the adult one was unsuccessful, some didn’t have a junior career at all, for example, for me, i was injured for 2 years, although in my youth i
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only performed a triple axel, sometimes a quadruple axel, but... fortunately, as an adult , i was able to shoot and seem to still be holding the bar, i hope the guys will be able to continue to work out normally for them. now you have won everything, all the tournaments, yes, which are coming, what’s next, what is the motivation, where do you get it, so that you move on, you learn, because uh , for example, at some point i got bored. at competitions, because when you are an olympic champion, there are those, for example, the same zhenya plushenko, who wants more, that is, he is an olympic champion, i want to go this way again, win the olympics again, there is this type of athletes , and there are people like me who won the olympics and don’t find the strength to continue working again, because why am i already there at the top, i already took it, achieved it and i didn’t have
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there is no motivation to move on, now it turns out that we have the russian championship and the final of the russian grand prix - these are the two most... there is such a negative point, that all possible starts are not available to us, as was the case before, but we do not despair, before most of all, i like figure skating, as long as i can skate, naturally i will continue to do it, to please myself, the fans, my real loyal fans, coaches, first of all , figure skating is popular in our country. they watch him, so you really have a lot of fans every year more and more, we see it on different banners in the stands, and the first channel in its broadcasts so far...
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i rarely appear on social networks, because alexey nikolaevich does not allow it or because i’m busy, no, of course it’s not nice to have attention, well, sort of . i’m minding my own business, my own business - what’s that, this is your student life, you’re nothing less than a first-med student, and it takes, i understand how much time, how do you even combine training, so energy-intensive with a huge number of quadruples, exactly the same energy-intensive training, probably one of the most difficult educations, i think this is medicine, i’m already used to this schedule, it was very difficult in the first year, now i’m in my third year. also heavy, but probably, in terms of load, the first one was still heavier, i have almost no free time, except that usually on saturday evening i can rest,
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it seems to me that this also came out as a plus for the sport, because i initially set for myself difficult conditions, it’s like, first i run to the university, then i go to the skating rink, and after already ice training, i... am driving home at the same time in the subway, reading the notes for the next lesson, and i come home, literally sat down there, ate and rested there for about 15 minutes , went to study the next topic, the next lesson, as if thanks to what i set for yourself in the most difficult conditions, firstly, discipline appeared, as i even talked to someone about, i mentioned that the more free time you have...
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you learn mathematics, you gain new knowledge in anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, it helps you in the training process, because that maybe you already know your body much better than any other athlete? no, well, yes, of course, i find some points that i can link to sports, even with injuries, i already roughly understand how long recovery can take, and how to behave - in case of injuries, what can be done, what is contraindicated, well... so far, in this regard, you haven’t graduated from the university yet, but have you already had an internship at the university? and of course there is practice after each course, well, i was in intensive care, putting in ivs, catheters
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installed peripherally, well, just like that, at the moment i like surgery and diagnostics, the same mri, ct, x-rays, i see myself in this regard, your mother is also a doctor, yes, your mother is a functional endocrinologist. this is a very real option, we have already started to undergo acg for functional diagnostics and propaedeutics, i recently completed a cycle in the environment of the vascular system, so i liked it, and your mother helps you with your studies, if there are moments that are unclear to me, i can always contact you, mother will always help, this is a free program podcast, our guest is the two-time russian champion, evgeniy semenenko, and how does your mother feel about you? you combine such two complex professions, that’s already yes, that is, an athlete doctor, because she understands, like no one else, how difficult it is, how much it overloads the body, honestly, i
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can’t imagine my life now if i ’m not running from the university to yubileiny from the anniversary to university and so on, but it’s hard for me to imagine, because i’m kind of already in this dynamic, and it seems to me that if i leave from this comfort zone for yourself, then it is possible... sports results will worsen, i also take this option into account, so since the process is going smoothly, then i will not change anything. i read in one of your interviews that it takes you almost an hour and a half to travel between studies and training, is that true? yes, that’s right, in terms of discipline, i even take into account the fact that while i’m on my way home from the university or the ice skating complex, i always try not to waste time and go through the notes for the next topic or prepare for an exam , a
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don’t you do a hitch in the subway? there is no hitch, i still have a hitch on the anniversary, otherwise it would be interesting, i’ll catch side-eyes, but your classmates, professors at your university, they know what you do in your spare time, well, some know, some don’t, not like a fellow member of course, i know, i’m glad that there is such a positive atmosphere in my group, we always help each other, support each other, they ask you for tickets to shows for competitions, does it happen? the second, the beginning of the third, how hard it was, but at the same time, you need to change your ticket for the exam, it didn’t happen like that, it’s a pity, of course, i remember the first year, please get me a ticket for the show, and i’ll tell you how many positive moments i had, how many times i came out happy after passing the test, well, there were also negative moments,
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but. .. the positive ones prevail, of course, it’s hard, but now i look back, what was the negative thing when you didn’t know something, of course, when you didn’t know something, it’s especially offensive when i was preparing, let’s say, a difficult question came up some, but you often retake it, but no, now it’s not, well, i still understand, i evaluate my preparation, and i understand whether i’ll pass, what grade i’ll pass, as if i’m already figuring it out in advance, of course i didn’t risk being unprepared, but the feelings are comparable from... a personally skated free program, well listen, yes, i thought about this moment, i think that both there and there the sensations are similar, now you get good money, you win competitions, that’s right, you have cool prize money , you ride in people's shows, also receiving good fees in comparison, probably with a doctor, and with your future profession, how will you set priorities, how will you set priorities in life, no, of course i’m studying at such a difficult university for a reason, naturally i want
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in the future... to work in the specialty that i have i will choose after the sixth year, as it were, well, listen, if, if we are talking at the moment, naturally, in financial terms, sports activities predominate, but what will happen when i finish skating, this is the second question, in the future, as it were i still plan to be a doctor, naturally, but it doesn’t bother you that the average doctor in russia earns just one a month... your appearance at an ice show, or even less, well, i say, this is all temporary, everyone sooner or later ends their sports career and not i can find myself in the future, and i was already thinking after finishing the eleventh grade, what i would do then, after finishing my sports career as a coach, i don’t see myself, i was thinking, i understood the subjects that i like, more precisely biology and chemistry, that well, where should we go with such a set, mom? also a doctor
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well, i somehow decided, i didn’t know how events would develop, but as time shows, the choice was right, i’m very glad that i did it then, that is, you are sincerely interested in this, of course, if it weren’t interesting, i i honestly wouldn’t torture myself, i don’t see the point at all in a person being engaged in something that is not interesting to him, well, as if he’s doing it under pressure, and so on all my life then, naturally, i’m doing something that brings me pleasure , alexey nikolaevich? sitting here also opposite he told me in this studio that during the training camp, it seems to me that you helped him in coaching work and he said that you, you have very good coaching talent, that you could become a good coach, yes, i had a little experience, alexey nikolaevich i offered to work out with certain athletes, i worked out and there were positive changes for them, well, i don’t know, now it’s hard to judge how
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all my attention would be given now. sports medicine, let's talk about international competitions, do you follow them, we are now forced to watch them on tv all together, have you watched the european championships, the world championships, do you know the results and in general what is happening there in the international arena, yes, i usually look at the athletes’ printouts of the results of their performances, but i didn’t watch the video and the european championships at all, i watched the world championships. men's singles, pedestal, that's right, the guys are showing, you can already say, the level of figure skating is exorbitant, well, i think that in russia, too, the level of men's singles has definitely increased, in all types, in our country too high level, and what disciplines, besides men's singles, for example, in our country do you still follow, what are you interested in, not all of us, by the way, yes, well, of course, you even
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watch dancing. well, since i’m friends with the guys, it’s interesting to watch their career progress, but how will some numbers add up in the offseason? alexey nikolaevich’s training camp is incredible, in my opinion, every year, you go everywhere, well, now more attention is concentrated on studying, because all the important starts have already passed, you need to pass the exam, well, then i’ll look at schedule, which training camps you will be able to go to, which ones you won’t, and if you don’t go to some training camps, that you continue to study or on vacation, maybe, oh, in terms of vacation, yes, it’s good that i mentioned it, i really want to go on vacation. especially at sea, i haven’t been able to find time for the third year now, because the schedule is tight, but in this off-season i will definitely find time, such a season is intriguing, hard, i’m in my third year of study, well, i
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have to go and have a rest, finally, well, i it seems that you already deserve it, you just can’t say it any other way, you deserve it, deserve it, time is needed, dear fans, evgenia semenenko, look for it. this is rarely offered to me, we went to moscow, and how to relax for one day with the guys, sat in a restaurant and i had a ticket for the kupeshka night train, and i looked at the time, well, the ticket was conditionally late somewhere... 11 pm, i calculated the time, well, how to arrive, i’m generally a fan of arriving, sticking out, leaving for six minutes, second by second, in the end i arrived, i look at the time, everything is fine, i’m on time, 20 minutes, i put my suitcase under
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control, my backpack on. control - i go out, but anyway, 15 minutes and i ask the controller which platform to get off on, after all, it’s not unusual for leningrad, she said, well, there’s a board there, go and look, i looked, i looked, and the fifth way, okay, i took my suitcase, went up the stairs , there was such a corridor, i went down, everything was in place, i looked into the carriage, gave my passport, went through control, got in, i looked, well, before departure, so if the departure was at 23:13, the time was somewhere around 0.8, and well, that’s it, i’ve already changed my clothes, put on my pajamas, looked at something on my phone, answered someone, then i see there’s not enough charge on the phone, you need to put it on charge. i look at the second floor, there is no backpack, i look at the first floor, there is no backpack, i only have a suitcase, i’m like, i forgot it at the control, the time is 23:10, i’m in pajamas, 3 minutes before departure, i run to throw
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my pants over my pajamas, put them on boots, i fly out of the car, at the same time i shout to the conductor that i forgot my backpack at the control, i’ll be right back, can you hold me for a minute? i’m running, i left my suitcase, i left my jacket, i was without a passport, i ran away without a passport, i don’t remember if i had my phone with me, i run out, go up this stairs, i forgot which way to run, i ran in the wrong direction first, then i ask the guard where the entrance is, he says go there, i run, i look, i’m already going down the stairs, i look, yes, here’s my backpack, i just run up i grab it like that, don’t stop, you know, just like this in a loop, hop, and i’m running just like that... what a tachycardia, i’m just already jumping over five steps, well, i’m going down a few too, i look, the train is coming, and you know, only i stayed in moscow, i just started
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moving, i start to run around, i look for the nearest one i'm knocking on the door, you know, like peter parker in the first spider-man, i stop on the bus, so do i, and the conductor shows me, no, then i turn around and look, and to me... the conductor waves her hand, the door is not closed, and you 've overtaken a train, here's the thing, here's an open door, here i am, the train is coming, i start to run, he was coming towards you, everything is fine, i start to run, and he speeds up, it's already dangerous, and i quickly think in my head, so according to physics, jump on, diagonally like this, it won’t be right, i’m roughly calculating the moment, how... when the door is close to me, i turn around in advance and jump on the train, and the conductor, of course, grabbed her head, but somehow, but nevertheless, i must give the conductor credit for the fact that she, in
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principle, may even be where - i violated my official duties and let you in, well, the flag, i didn’t stay in moscow without a passport without a jacket, well, now i’ve drawn conclusions, now will you do everything in advance? check and come, well, yes, i’ll see if i took the backpack after the control or not, well, that’s it funny story, at least i found a flight attendant and invited her. oh, well, there is a missed moment, conductor, please respond, for those who have just joined us, let me remind you that our guest is the best figure skater in russia, evgeniy semenenko. before the spartakiad, i also had a busy schedule, as if in my opinion, yes, i was still taking the winter session, because everything had moved for me because of the russian championship, it usually happened. in mid-january, and there
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it was the end of december, the dates coincided with the most important start of the season and something before spartakiad, and i took microbiology, also the most important exam, the hardest, well, fortunately i passed, it was in some kind of turmoil, then we usually create a chat, and there they put out all the necessary information, both for athletes and coaches , well, it was said to take a certain one there. things: a jacket, a uniform, well, since the spartakiad, issued from st. petersburg, and, of course, smart clothes for the draw, well, naturally, i took a jacket for the six-minute warm-up, and i took the equipment from st. petersburg, here i forgot about the outfit, i arrived, i immediately wrote to my friend dana gorelkin, if... the water shirt, the trousers seemed to be quite good, - the sneakers too,
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here they are, well, somehow going to the draw in thin clothes, well, that’s not quite right, he said , well, here’s the situation, only with one turtleneck, i thought, well, okay, who can i turn to, well, of course, to alexey nikolaevich, i asked, here’s alexey nikolaevich, do you have a loose shirt, he said, don’t worry , we’ll get everything done, in the end the morning training session was over, then it’s all day it was busy, we slept for 3 hours, then we had a tour of the metallurgical plant, then there was training, there was little time for sleep, but the day was busy, i liked that the federation provided such comfortable conditions, i still went to training, i trained, went for a cool-down, and before the cool-down i asked alekseynik: he just wanted to take a walk with
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egor, egor is our general physical training coach, asked when can i see the clothes? he said, come on, we left at 7:20 for the draw, well, come at 37, we’ll see how it goes you'll go calmly, i thought, okay, i went for a hitch, i'm coming back, alexey nikolavich hasn't left yet, i think so, i'm asking, alexey nikich, well, since you haven't left, come on. now we’ll see and so that i don’t bother you anymore, okay, he gives me the key to his room, says: here i left you a shirt - red with dark spots, it will be in the closet, there will be a cardigan at the steam counter, so oh , thank you very much alexey nikolaevich for your trust, he said: “well, you try it on, tell me, send a photo, tell me what you think is normal or no, like that, yes, of course, thank you, in the end i came to the room, laid out my things there,
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went out, ate, i think, well, i’ll go and have a look, i had one of my own cards, it’s from alexei nikolaevich, i opened the front door to a certain building, that’s all i passed, i insert the key card into his room 425, it doesn’t open, i think, well, it’s strange, it means i mixed up the card, i take out another one, probably mine, it doesn’t open either, i think, well, it’s demagnetized or something, that’s it, i go out, go to the reception, please here ... i say the number is such and such alexey nikolaevich misha, they gave me a key card, i get up, open this front door again, then the door of my own room, i go in, i see, oh, the bar counter, i see, there are things in it, i just look, i have a cardigan, like, well, i think, okay, maybe i’ve made a mistake in something, i open it wardrobe, oh, i see, a shirt, but it wasn’t red with black, just black, i also look, um, strange, well, like... i tried it on, i sent it to alexey nikolaevich, he looked, i
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immediately called and said: “oh, alexey nikolaevich, such a stylish shirt you have, he says, yes, it suits you very well, but i don’t remember in my wardrobe, well, okay, like i’m asking alexey nikolaevich, you said there would be a cardigan on the bar counter, i see there are things here, but not what you said, so what next, what happened next, what happened next?” “well, in the end i’ll say, well, like alexey nikolaevich, here i am in room 425, he’s like: zhenya, what is 425, i live in 427. and i’m standing in this shirt and for some reason i’m sitting down , i’m getting a tremor like this, i’m already in this state, i’m taking off a layer of it, a terrible tremor , i’m putting it back on the hanger, i quickly pull out
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the key card, i run out, i go to the reception, i say , sorry, this is the wrong room of this type, she too well, that’s enough, well, the first time is enough, and the funny fact is that these two events happened during the spartakiad, a very memorable old one, not even that i overcame the three hundred point mark, because of these events, so the trip it turned out to be truly
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memorable, well, i wish you to do well in the test, not to miss your plane on vacation and maybe give a shout to your... chicks, where can i have coffee with you? okay, thank you, max, for the conversation, i was very glad to chat with you, i hope the audience will like it too. this was a free podcast program, well, all episodes can be viewed on the website hello. with you is the popular science podcast schrödinger's cat, and i am its host, the chief editor of the magazine is also schrödinger's cat, grigory tarasevich. and today we will talk about a unique expedition from arkhangelsk to siberia, about why to build wooden ships, our guest evgeniy shkoruba, captain,
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head of the shipyard of the pomeranian shipbuilding partnership, traveler, and generally a very colorful and interesting person. hello. evgeniy, where is arkhangelsk, where is why does mangaze need all this? arkhangelsk is somewhere north of moscow, about a thousand and something kilometers. well, mangazia was the first siberian polar city, which was located on the tas river - a tributary of the abi. and this was such a farpost of pioneers, industrialists who went to siberia in the sixteenth and fourteenth centuries in order to extract furs, and generally opened up siberia. well, look, this is the route of the expedition, which is planned for this summer, it’s more than 3,000 km, in fact , from the european part of russia the ship goes to siberia, bypassing the urals, bypassing yamal and coming to western siberia, almost to the yenisei, yes, well,
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you can look at the scale, at the beginning we have a section that we walked that year in the fall from velikiy ustig to arkhangelsk. along the northern dvina it is 700 km and 3,000 km from arkhangelsk along the white sea, you see through the throat of the white sea, then through the kanisky peninsula, there is volok, then past the cheshka bay, the pomeranian strait, the ugra shar, this is a very iconic place between vaygach island, then we go out to the kara sea, this is the byred bay, and we cross the yamal peninsula. there will also be a portage, but it does not take up all of this length, where there are three crosses, there will be about 700 m, we will be dragged from one lake to another, now we are already going to op, to the ob bay, further to the tazovskaya bay, here on the taz river we will find mangazeya where it
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was, it appeared in 1601, it ended its existence in 1672, that is... one code, it existed, but it was so legendary that they still remember boiling hot mangazeya, such, well, in fact , almost a mythical city, yes, it’s really a very interesting story, because they came there by sea, and in general there are a lot of unknowns around there, this arctic circle, when the industrialists went there, why exactly there they organized, well, it was probably convenient to come from the op river basin to the yenisei basin. that is, through the plateau, through volok, they also passed there, well, there two huge territories were connected, in which there was, where there was very a lot, sable. these arctic foxes are everything that was highly valued at that time in europe, valued in asia, then they went there, and in general
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, if you look at the data now, our pioneers reached from the urals through all of eastern eurasia, in just one human century , over 50-60 years, can you imagine what kind of story it could have been for a specific person who, as a child, crossed the urals and reached the pacific ocean.
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it turns out that you are not cutting, well, the strongest part of the tree is actually, absolutely right, kokora, where are these fibers, they turn, they are generally mixed there like this, this is the strongest part of the wood - in the tree, and we tried to process it somehow, it’s really very difficult, well , here’s such a simple boat that arrived to our time, that is, as we now know, karbyses began to be built at least 500 years ago. at the very beginning of the development of the white sea of ​​the arctic by russian pioneers, and of
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the many, of the dozens of ships that were created along the coast, karbos is the only a sea vessel that has come down to us, which is why , in fact, we chose it on our trip to mangazeya, because it is a continuous tradition, not really described, not documented. uh, we built the first karbys in the seventeenth year, it was built for us directly by the keeper of this living tradition, why karbos is generally interesting, it’s in this talent of the shipbuilding people who invented such a vessel, this, in my opinion , is such a very russian phenomenon, karbos only 2 weeks to build, master in the woods he goes, cuts down trees there, makes kokurs, splits boards, takes spruce branches. he sews it all together, all these boards, that is, not a single nail, without nails, uh, with one ax, then he drives
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the resin out of the remains of these roots, covers it as if with paint, that’s it, the boat is ready, yes, here you go, preparing the cocora, this is how we prepared kokora for our karbos, matera, it’s big, you see, the main thing is to find an even root that comes out in one side of the tree, well, you probably have to dig like that. so maybe 30 trunks to finding a good flat kokura, it’s not so difficult, here is a dutch castle, here is one large kokura, there will be a bow and a stem, and this is the stern, we call it a zakarenok, here they are joined here , it turns out such a u-shaped part, we we call it the bookmark, this is the keel, the most important thing of the vessel, the stem and stern, this is... the most important part, just like that, it is already docked here, you see, artyom byvaltsev is in charge.


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