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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 1, 2024 3:50am-4:31am MSK

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then he drives out the resin from the remnants of these roots, covers it like paint, the boat is ready, here you go, preparing the cocora, this is how we prepared the cocora for our karbos matera, it’s big, you see, the main thing is to find an even root that comes out in the same axis tree trunk, well , you probably have to dig around like this, maybe 30 trunks, to find a good, even kokura, it’s not that difficult, here is a dutch castle, there’s one big kokora lying there, there will be a bow and a stem, and this is the stern , we call him a karenok, here they are joined here, it turns out to be such a u-shaped part, we call it the bookmark, this is the keel, the most important thing on the vessel, the stem and the stern, this is the most important part, just like that, it is already joined here, you see, we have the main artem byvaltsev. a specialist
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shipbuilder, because now he is choosing a tongue and groove here, the tongue is the place where the boards are stuck in order to fasten them, then the laying is placed on the slipway, here it is already standing on the slipway, next to our shipyard in arkhangelsk, ready for to start it to sheathe, yes, well, so that we don’t make a mistake with... the size, the width, the shape of the carboss, we made such a 3d model, we inserted patterns, these are temporary patterns, similar to ribs, such parts around which the boards will be bent, and the boards come, the boards are filled - this is what is stuffed, what actually makes the plating, if the ship is built first , the whole island, all the frames. uh beams, that’s
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the whole backbone, which should hold everything that gives strength to the ship, already, when all this it's ready, all these longitudinal transverse connections are installed, secured, then they are put on - the skin, but for people's boats, on the contrary, it is enough to just make the laying and then we stuff the boards one by one, they kind of form a shape, create a shape, we will do the skin first. and then we insert the frames inside. artyom, you see, he is steaming the first prints that need to be rolled. this is the moment when we have a board in the middle of the body, it practically goes, you see, it lies horizontally, it should go to the pins be rolled up vertically, it turns out that each board, here it is rolled up. this sets the shape of the body, and of course this is the most complex thing, you see this thing, a lever that... presses the pliers here
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you can clearly see how they work, that is, one board is clicker sewing, the next board clings to the previous one with these pliers and is stitched, that is, it’s correct to say, they don’t build, but sew, but here they say not to build a boat, not riveting a boat, not gluing a boat, just sewing a boat, that’s exactly where we are we are preparing branches for... a christmas tree in order to make a vitsa from them, a vitsa - this is understandable, here is something twisted, yes, if you take a spruce branch and try to sew it together just like that, it will break, but if we take it and we twist it, it seems to split into fibers, it really turns out to be a rope, a wooden rope is also called differently, because it is called because it is twisted, here they are, the blanks of the rope, in this form they can... be stored for centuries, one might say,
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yes, they've dried, they're already curled like this twisted, and to use them in shipbuilding, it is enough to boil them in a bucket for an hour, then they become soft again and we sew with them, that is, not a single nail, there is not a single nail here, well, temporary screws are visible, but in the end we have all this we remove it, we are left with a nailless connection, as it has always been, and from this... speaking, they abandoned this method, well, already in the 20th century, back in the 20th century they also sewed boats, well, at some point this became unprofitable, so they began to rivet them with copper rivets, steel nails, iron, forged, well, it so happened that we managed to build half of the boat in arkhangelsk, and we already completed the main part of this boat, this karbos in moscow, we brought it to the courtyard of the moscow museum, a bookmark on the slipway and ...
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here they continued, here is the sewing process, you see, a twisted branch, a piece of viza is threaded into a drilled hole between two. where the stitch will go, a groove has already been hollowed out so that it fits flush there so that it does not rub, and so on constantly twisting, twisting, they make the next stitch, while each exit and entrance is fixed with such a chop, such a peg, so that it does not seem to give back, so every time it is pulled, pulled , a peg is inserted on the other side, stitched, pulled on that side, the peg was inserted again. this is really such a beautiful work and it smells of some kind of antiquity, some kind of originality, until we held this master class in moscow, where probably 300 people or more took part, i think that people there are fewer people who know how to sew shirts than
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there are cosmonauts, but now there are clearly more of them. after the sheathing is ready, all the panels are installed, the cocors come to the fore and these cocors are inserted. here the frames are assembled, they are inserted, this is the frame, this is the german frame, this is the rib, well, that’s what holds, that’s what holds the volume and itself, it takes this transverse load, that’s how it is adjusted, trimmed and they become too of course very strong, well, this is a sailing rig, a rigged sail, a sprint weapons, you see how... what is the advantage of such weaponry? well, firstly, it is very simple, it allows you to tack, that is, go against the wind, it is very easy to remove, which is important, if a squall suddenly approaches, all you need to do
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is remove the slats, we have one corner, the upper corner will be freed up, our windage area will be halved, sometimes you need it when a squall approaches, like a thunderstorm. it blew like that, and here you can quickly throw it over the rusa, so that it doesn’t put it on the water, so that the carbass doesn’t take water, that there’s a squall on land or sea, and then suddenly must happen for you to say, the expedition was successful, well, i think that even if we arrive on time, it will be a great success, even better if we arrive on time, we can stick to this schedule, from historical references we know that we were going from arkhanelsk. mangasia there for 2 months, and some are even faster, i can’t even imagine how this is possible, it will be great if we don’t turn on the engine, if we don’t ask to be towed, i really hope so, that we can withstand this, and this, strictly speaking, will be - from the point of view research, it will be very good, it will be
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very good if we make a film, but if we make a good film about this, which will tell how it all happened, that’s how... and not even to tell, not just to go for yourself , this is not tourism, well , lectures, not some kind of personal research, but the task, in principle, to tell the citizens of our huge country, to show how interesting it was, how exciting it was , to immerse them a little in those. our fellow citizens, because we know very little we’re talking about that, and we don’t have any ideas, well, somehow they walked, well, somehow they got there, but no one stopped them, like, yes, it really was something big, a lot of movement, this, you need to know , then we can be proud of this, then maybe we can think about it, make films, and so on, this is our
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super task to make a good film, where everything will be like where, how we go, how we set the sails , how we storm, how we wait there weather, or vice versa, we go, we take risks, but if we can show all this, it will be luck, and what should the captain and crews wish for? before such an expedition, if there is some ritual, 7 feet under the keel, tailwind 7 feet under the keel, tail wind, and the weather, the weather and everything depends on the weather, then we wish this unique expedition from arkhangelsk mangazeya a fair wind, 7 feet under the keel, good weather, good luck, because it obviously won’t hurt in such a difficult matter. thank you. you had a podcast with schrödinger's cat, and we talked about an expedition on a wooden carbass from arkhangelsk to siberia. and our captain is with us, the captain of this expedition,
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director, evgeniy shkoruba. you can find all episodes of the podcast schödinger's cat on the website of the first channel hello, in the sunday time program, about the events of this day of the outgoing week. american threat, we need to start producing these these drums. systems and decide where, if
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necessary to ensure our safety, to place them. the ministry of defense is preparing measures to ensure that missiles from the united states do not kill those whom kiev has designated as civilian occupiers. what kind of occupiers are we if we are here? we were born, we live, bastards, there are no other words. sevastopol - 7 days later. front for the week. for the sake of a shot, consumption, the target is destroyed, destroyed, ready, the enemy is in hunting season, policeman, please, we steal a person, well , it doesn’t matter, a man, the method is already students, getting closer and closer to eighteen years old, an hour and a half of shame, you’re the loser, you loser,
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revelations. russian security on friday
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the issue of production of medium- and shorter- range missiles was raised at the highest level. as vladimir putin said, this demands the interests of the country in response to the actions of the united states. having destroyed the missile treaty, which, by the way, protected european nato allies, washington took strike systems around the world. where, if necessary, should we place ours? more decisions to be made. there is an option for example: the kaliningrad region, surrounded by nato poland and lithuania, short range - up to 100 km, iskander-k installation, the polish capital, the baltic states, denmark are guaranteed to overlap, average range - 5.00 km, all of the above plus france, britain, the extreme point of the ashwalds of greenland. again, this is not a use case, it's just a map for clarity. containment is the main principle that... guides russia in responding to modern challenges. in a strategic sense on a global scale, compliance with this principle
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is ensured by the nuclear triad. the yars complex is just one example, not to mention the new sarmat missiles. but let's return to the subject with which we started. medium and shorter range missiles. yuri lepatov will tell you more. the theory that a nuclear war can be won is the essence of nato doctrine in the seventies of the last century. the increasing escalation against russia, as vladimir putin said during the security council meeting, suggests that this illusion is again dominant in washington. the first sign of which was the unilateral withdrawal of the united states from the treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range missiles, signed by gorbachev and regen on december 8 , 1987, such missiles can be carried, including nuclear ones. as is known, several years ago, the united states, under a far-fetched pretext, withdrew from this treaty and announced
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that they would produce such missile systems. we announced in 2019 that we will not produce them, these missiles, and will not deploy them until the united states deploys these systems in... some region of the world, today it is known that the united states not only produces these missile systems, but has already brought them to europe for training. denmark, it was just recently announced that they are in the philippines, but it is unknown whether they took these missiles out of there or not. in any case, we need to react to this and make a decision about what we will have to do next in this area, apparently, we need to start producing
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these strike systems, then, based on... the current situation, make a decision about where, if necessary, to ensure our safety, to place them. these words of vladimir putin were heard, and the answer was given almost instantly, although so far only in the media. editorial note in new york the times headlined: putin promises to create new nuclear missiles and consider placing them near nato countries. at the same time, the authors of the note with a frightening title admit that only possible actions. russia is explained by the steps washington has already taken. the pentagon has used the troop withdrawal to plan the deployment of weapons in the pacific that were previously banned by the treaty, but when military exercises are held, they almost always involve mock-ups rather than actual nuclear weapons. the pentagon has taken the first steps to deploy in asia, some types of weapons modified to medium range,
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ultimately designed to counter the growing chinese nuclear forces, but... one version, but this version allows this launcher to be transported in a container on a regular trailer, that is, this suggests that that the trailer can stop anywhere, launch a tamahawk missile, and accordingly change position quickly enough, that is, in essence , this is, in general, a means that allows existing tamahawk missiles to be used in
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as intermediate-range missiles, they participated in exercises in the philippines, and no one... knows whether these launchers were removed or not, which means that the same tamogaw missiles, which can be launched from the territory of the philippines, can be used against ships of the pacific fleet, so the threat is real, the threat is factual, that is, it is not on paper, it can be touched, seen, as they say, photographed, felt, a formal pretext for washington’s withdrawal from the treaty became our 9m729 rocket, which, as it turned out to the americans... flies further than 500 km, the proof did not follow by itself, and the united states did not want to study the evidence to the contrary as allies. at the briefing of the russian ministry of defense, where the missile could be examined from all sides and received an explanation, in the winter of 2019 the western allies did not come, as per tradition, and stated that they had not seen the facts. but the facts of violation of the agreement on the part of the americans, as in
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the case of the mk-41 installations for the aegis system, are obvious, it has the ability launch. fall under medium-range missiles. russia behaved with restraint and after washington withdrew from the inf treaty, although the articles of the treaty were no longer in effect, we did not take steps that would contradict its spirit. hope for adequate the flight time to moscow can be up to 10-12 minutes, this is a very serious
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threat to us. russia will be forced to create and deploy types of weapons that can be used not only in... in relation to those territories from which a corresponding direct threat to us will come, but in relation to those territories where the decision-making centers for the use of missile systems that threaten us are located. thanks to the actions of the americans, western and central europe again, like 50 years ago, finds itself in the very center of a hypothetical exchange of nuclear strikes, with virtually no chance of survival in this situation. the asian union will not be any more secure. locations of american intermediate- range missiles, this is germany, there are already several units there equipped with systems that will use
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medium-range missiles, that is , there are no missiles themselves yet, but there are already divisions and batteries, this is naturally the far east, due to the fact that we are talking about the speedy deployment of american missiles on the territory of japan, the philippines, and possibly south korea. we have the technical groundwork for the production of short-range medium-range missiles, there are serious developments in this regard dating back to soviet times, this will allow us to quickly develop similar american systems and naturally install them both in the european part of russia and in in the far east, in order to secure the territory of our country, and the most important thing here is not to forget that... the united states of america practically borders us at almost a fairly close distance in the alaska region. it makes sense to write frightening headlines in the media of those countries
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that, despite their own safety , follow washington, like children playing krasolov’s blow in a medieval fairy tale. they themselves violate everything, and then look for excuses, appoint those responsible, but also mobilize their satellites, they are so careful, but after all. americans are grunting on this issue. krasolov's pipe is called false promises that lead to destruction. yuri lepatov, ekaterina koryaka, arseny baibulov, channel one. special operation. today , spornaya and novo aleksandrovka in the donetsk people's republic were liberated. previously it was reported about complete control over the settlements of shumy and razdolovka. contributes to the advancement of our troops. precision strikes on ukrainian military rear areas. among the distant ones are airfields in poltava, ivano-frankivsk and khmelnytsky regions. destroyed infrastructure for receiving american f-16 fighters. let's return to the capabilities
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of the iskander operational-tactical complex. several big targets were hit at once. a train with military equipment near the city of zaporozhye. our ministry of defense confirms the destruction of ukrainian buk air defense systems, several infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, and tankers of enemy personnel. near odessa, position. a large stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces on the eastern
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outskirts of the village of kirov was occupied by assault units of the detachment veterans of the group of troops center, using an underground tunnel. the detachment's military personnel secretly cleared and used a tunnel more than 3 km long along the northern donetsk canal and went to the rear of a well -fortified strong point with long-term firing points. and underground shelters, through the tunnel , the military personnel established a supply of ammunition, weapons and food to the attack aircraft, using the factor of surprise, the military units developed their success and completely captured the strong point, forcing the enemy to surrender or abandon their positions and retreat. more military tricks, with during the liberation of staromaisky and the capture of large strongholds near ugledar, fighters of the vostok group actively used motorcycles and... atvs during attacks and the supply of ammunition. during one of the operations, they acted especially daringly, while two attack aircraft on motorcycles distracted the enemy’s attention, eight of their comrades on
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the other side literally flew into the support post, putting the enemy to flight. we drove up to the support tower at the maximum possible speed, half of their personnel rolled up and were simply on the run. we're inventing something, something we think up and apply something new. hours, the key to the complete liberation of donbass, an assault on the militants’ fortifications, our fighters are supported by drones, drone operators identify places where the enemy has dug in, hidden equipment, ammunition depots, a targeted strike on each target. exclusive footage in the report by amir yusupov. that is, you put them there at 5:00 at night, they immediately brought the dead, right away, right away, no, well, they may not pull out the dead right away, but... but the living ones come right away with new ones, they don’t spare people, no at all, night fox stripes pass by the apu at the hourly hour rotation, changing personnel on the front line,
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moving in small... groups, soldiers of the flame volunteer corps detachment monitor heat signatures from the air. grenades are dropped on enemy infantry using quadcopters, only a few survive, scatter to the sides, and hide under trees. the militant grabs his head, lies down on the ground, at least he is out of action. our guys switch to someone else, the little guy stumbles and falls in the dark, and then... the ammunition overtakes him, some pretend to be dead, minustri, minustri, often they choose such stupid tactics, pretend to be dead and think that this will somehow save them, although in reality it only becomes easier for us, but we don’t need to catch up with him, try to aim, he lies calmly, went down, threw him off, with a wheelbarrow, with a wheelbarrow , let's go, someone.
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they protect themselves as best they can by welding frames like this and installing nets on them themselves, which should stop fpv drones. in
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dangerous areas, drivers squeeze out about a hundred on the off-road highway, you turned on the rap, right? yes, that is, the system electronic warfare, it knocks enemy drones off course. this morning it happened directly on this car, a drone flew in, a rap went off, fell five meters away, the fighter received a slight concussion, that is, he refused hospitalization, uncritically. during daylight hours , neither ours nor our enemies get out of their shelters unless absolutely necessary. often the whole day for drone operators is spent in agonizing anticipation of the target appearing, without any excitement, we slept there for 3.4 hours, when there are five there a day, you start non-stop work, so it took off, landed, took off, sat down, took off, sat down, already tired, when i just found the target, that is, fatigue is already all excitement, excitement must be destroyed faster, as is happening now, an enemy car appears on the screen of the quadcopter remote control, has passed the landing , moves to the next
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side. channel, the fighters are conferring, landing, jumper, yes, and from this landing the next one, here it is, there’s little time, brother, come on, come on, they lift the air with kaze drones, they continue to observe from the reconnaissance quadcopter, we’ve arrived at the delivery point, which to the right of the lintel, four infantry men, three running out, unloading, but this time our fpv drone does not reach the target, the enemy does too. it’s a shame, very disappointing and annoying, because usually drivers and passengers end up like this during the day: leaving the pursuit of the car, the guys switch to routine work, hitting the dugouts.
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yes, it hit, the explosion was right next to it, there’s a white tripod, they’re still looking for equipment in the ssu, the targets, as they say, are fatter, preferably armored, but every find is examined scrupulously, there are quite a few in the forests models, the sysy with a flag and a cross drew, are you laughing, because a cannon climbs out there, well, it turns out to be a model
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of armored vehicles, but it’s here... crudely made, welded, there we see insignia, a cross, a flag, only recently a machine gun clean the wheels, well, it’s funny, it’s just for children, here are 5, they disassemble large aerial bombs into their component parts, turning them into shells for copta cluster sub munitions, that ’s why aerial bombs are dropped in cassettes, here it is also converted,
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you can use it reset, here from various quadcopters, maybe kpp, but the notches give it a larger radius of scattering of fragments, this is a small group of operators of the flame squad, among others, it covers a huge part of... to say in the worst case scenario, that’s what happened to them, and when this one flew into them 152 shell of the second caliber, i think that after this caliber nothing will remain intact there, the enemy was destroyed,
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will be destroyed, a little later an enemy mortar crew is spotted right during operation, history repeats itself, an artillery shell lands next to the building where the anti-gun is located.
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our vehicle was not destroyed, but unfortunately, i myself was wounded, i think this is enough as a characteristic of the commander, they say you were saving the guys here when the drone arrived, you were wounded, but no, everything is so ordinary, all intact, healthy, well a couple of scratches, that’s all, but where the wound was, well , through the thigh, nothing, quickly healed, returned, clouds of smoke rise above the neighboring positions, but here we still have silence. although sometimes shelling also happens, when our drone comes in to land, a fighter gets ready to take it accept, comes out of the forest belt, and the guys, despite the enemy fire, always continue to work, getting closer, closer
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, it’s not clear, suddenly it flies, well, then you think, well, if it hits you straight, you won’t feel anything there, that somewhere nearby well, already in the trench, it seems like i would give my life for plastic for. little reconnaissance i didn’t get a bullet from him recently i almost took down the group commander’s noise , everything was whistling, everything was falling, everything was working, well, i think
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if he had seen it accurately, he probably would have hit, he could see the silhouette, but it didn’t work completely for good luck. let's just say that his luck turned away from him, our drone operator hit the dugout exactly from which this machine gunner was firing, the number of targets destroyed, the guys no longer... calculate the absurdity of what kind of children's toy it destroys, that is, it shows such a result. the elimination of a person in drone footage is like a scene from a video game, each operator understands that he himself can become a target for someone like him, sitting in a trench on the other side, there are periods, respites, when you have the opportunity to think, rethink something, attitude to life, to people, yes, well, to the world in general, as if to yourself, you come on vacation, you devote yourself to... arseny baibulov
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channel one. participants in the special operation, represented among the graduates of the ranhiks higher school of public administration. vladimir putin spoke with them this week. as he noted, the program has proven its effectiveness. there is now a colossal demand for managers who have completed the school of governors. the state will further develop a large-scale personnel training system. you will act in agreement with them
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interact, well, as far as i know, there are people among you who also visited the special military operation zone, i wish you all success, congratulations on your graduation, i hope that there will definitely be success, more about supporting those who are now working on the front line , the status of combat veteran will be given to citizens who ensure the fulfillment of the tasks of a special operation. in the zaporozhye and kherson regions, mikhail mishustin announced this on thursday at a government meeting. the head of the cabinet of ministers noted support measures, tax breaks, travel vouchers sanatoriums, the priority right to purchase a plot of land should apply not only to military personnel and volunteers. state fund, in addition to military personnel and volunteers, we must not forget about the civilian personnel of the armed forces, doctors, war correspondents, employees of various structures who helped. to improve life in new regions, especially
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the situation in the zaporozhye and kherson regions did not just develop, the legal regime there changed, the government decided to grant the status of a combat veteran actions and citizens who ensured the implementation of the tasks of the special military operation in these two russian subjects of the federation. now about what is happening on the other side of the front. the deeper into the ukrainian rear, the more often the words mobilization are heard, which can become younger. under 18 years of age and corruption, a concept nailed to the kiev regime. ivan kanavalov with an analysis of the situation. the sheer number of failures at the front accelerates the turnover of command personnel. russian troops are destroying the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the most important donetsk direction. toretsk, aka dzerzhinsk, under the threat of encirclement, the surrender of krasnohorivka and krasny liman, as ukrainian public pages write, for the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, the issue has already been resolved.
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in fact, we don’t even need to remember the names of the new generals who will come, nothing depends on them. the low level of command competence is indeed one of the reasons for the failures of the armed forces of ukraine, but another, much more important factor is the shortage of forces with constant heavy losses, as ukrainian telegram channels write, zelensky demanded that the military prepare a demonstration offensive. before the july nato summit in washington, so some of the meager, more or... less qualified reserves are kept in the rear.


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