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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 1, 2024 4:30am-4:58am MSK

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scapegoat, commander of the joint forces of the armed forces of ukraine, lieutenant general yuri sodol, was fired for failures in the kharkov and donetsk directions, and at the same time for drunkenness, and this was done on the basis of a denunciation on social networks by the head of the national battalion of azov, krotevich, such a ukrainian military brotherhood. the chakhorda of changing generals is precisely an attempt to explain that we are trying to do something, we are trying very, very hard, we are trying to find some kind of middle ground who could still resist. in fact, we don't even you need to remember the names of the new generals who will come, nothing depends on them. the low level of command competence is indeed one of the reasons for the failures of the armed forces of ukraine, but another, much more important factor is the shortage of forces with constant heavy losses. as ukrainian telegram channels write, zelensky demanded that the military prepare a demonstration offensive before the july nato summit in washington, so some of the meager, more or less qualified reserves are being held to the rear.
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in the state, catching individual draft dodgers is a matter of course it’s fascinating, where else would modern policemen mock an ordinary person to show their power, aggressively for the edification of others, but a football player was tied up immediately after the match. what i said from the policeman, but it was decided to scale up the capture of cannon fodder. the cabinet of ministers of ukraine adopted a resolution on summonses in absentia, that is, the summons was sent.
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second and third higher education, as well as those who receive any education at a level lower than what they already have. full-time students are not affected yet, but this is obviously not for long, so how, at the request of the general staff , military training for junior officers is being introduced in universities, and those who have undergone military training under the law on mobilization are a ready candidate for a meat assault. against this background, talk about lowering the mobilization age to 18 years old no longer seems like just talk. shoot!
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detained on the border with moldova, 24 another large group of evaders was human; they paid the organizers 12 thousand dollars for their unsuccessful transfer. however, according to various estimates, border guards catch only one out of three fugitives, and many are paid off right at the border. these latest actions are related to the fight against corruption. in the field of conscription, mobilization, but all this only led to the fact that the rates for bribes increased, and people are replaced at posts simply because it becomes a profitable business, when they saw that an ordinary military commissar can
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afford to buy a dacha somewhere in spain, it became clear, but these are decent cash flows, so they changed some, replaced them with those who agree correctly. manage this money, transfer more to the top and those who are close, well, to the power structures. kiev’s demonstrative fight against corruption, in addition to demonstrating to western curators the supposed fulfillment of their demands, is also an inter-clan war for control over cash flows, which is being waged against competitors by the head of zelensky’s office, ermak. but scandal follows scandal: the national anti-corruption bureau conducted searches of the former deputy head of the office of president kiril tymoshenko. he is accused of corruption. photos of collapsed flooded fortifications in zaporozhye appeared in the media direction, for which the cabinet of ministers of ukraine
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allocated a record amount of 300 million hryvnia. some of the fortifications built less than a month ago in the zaporozhye direction have already been toppled over and flooded with water, which makes it impossible. functioning, gross errors during construction led to flooding of the trenches with soil in them, even in the summer . and the ukrainian independent anti-corruption center njl media found out that the state enterprise of the ministry of defense of square, the state operator tilla, purchased 153 plastic army flasks at an inflated price, at least three times the price. the difference will go to intermediaries. an ordinary plastic flask with a volume of 1 liter cost taxpayers 255 hryvnia, although similar flasks. samples are freely sold for 120 hryvnia, and alternatives can be found for 72 hryvnia. from january to may of this year, military spending accounted for almost 2/3 of the entire expenditure portion of the state budget. this has not yet been brought up by western creditors, whose interests the berliner newspaper recalls. ukraine is running out of
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money, but its creditors remain adamant. bondholders are not have received no payments from ukraine since 2022 . when the russian invasion began, they agreed to a two-year deal. not a moratorium, but time is running out, as the maturity date of the $20 billion bond package ends on august 1. ukraine is asking its bondholders, including the major american investor black rock, the french emmandy fund and the british international investor emiya capital, to accept large losses, otherwise it will have to seriously reduce its spending on military needs to restore the country. however for for investors, such demands are already too much. ukrainian telegram channels, citing sources in zelensky’s office, write:
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the other day he approved the first tranche to kiev at the expense of interest from frozen russian assets, almost one and a half billion euros. for now, the head of european diplomacy, barel, is most happy that the stolen goods will not be spent on helping the impoverished population of ukraine, not on restoring the country, on continuing the war until the last ukrainian. it's good that we can take this money and give more military aid to ukraine, train their soldiers, develop their defense industry, provide more military support. a worthy replacement has been chosen for the militaristic eurogardener, who will soon leave his post, in the still prime minister of estonia, kaja kallas. we must define victory as our goal in war. it is obvious that for ukrainians who do not want to become cannon fodder in the name of the interests of the united states and the european union, such slogans are
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only an additional incentive to flee the country or surrender. ivan kanavalov, channel one. well, also about satellites in sevastopol , unexploded rocket cassettes are found and destroyed atakoms, the weapon that carried out a terrorist attack on civilians a week ago, ukrainian-american, that’s right. because the responsibility is equal. even before everything happened, a us reconnaissance drone, global howe, was circling over the black sea.
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here is such a device: as a rule, it flies from siganella, italy, from there through greece and bulgaria about 2.0 km. at such a distance from the base, it can remain for at least a day without landing. but us satellite intelligence works for the kiev regime. not to mention the missile mission operators. a then a position convenient for washington. this is all. we gave her permission to ukraine, she is already choosing where to hit. in kiev they talk cynically about the civilian occupiers on the crimean peninsula; of the four killed in sevastopol, two were children. people didn’t understand at first, then people ran. it was certainly terrible. they grabbed the stroller and the child ran away. we didn't think, we were saving ourselves. my child couldn’t drag him, she fell with him. nearby people were mowed down, under a hail of fragments people ran, stumbled, fell on the sand,
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covering their children, someone could not find mine, i took a megaphone, they were looking for kristina for 13 years, but she was found later, at the moment of the missile strike alexander was on the rescue tower, in the first seconds his colleague was wounded in the leg by shrapnel, starting somewhere from our tower, from the first tower, i i saw it all in my eyes, i was the only one who wounded sasha here on this one... they sent people directly inland, away from the beach, people ran through these
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gates with wounded children, here right in this gazebo they provided first aid to a wounded girl, but then there was a threat of repeated explosions, so people were invited here to the household yard, where there are concrete shelters, here they provided assistance in bandaging, then the owner of this cafe through the back yard directed people to the road, from where he took them in his own car to the nearest hospital, which is one and a half miles away km, the first pavel took eight-year-old sofia, she was alive, she didn’t speak, her eyes were open, her mother was talking to her, asking sonya not to die, and it’s all hard for us, understandable, but despite everything, how would i bring a child and two more wounded in 6 minutes, in 6 minutes. from here, from here , i drove to the fourth city hospital in 6 minutes, that is, you were flying, i was driving all over, along curbs, well,
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it doesn’t matter, it didn’t happen. eight-year-old sofia, who together with her mother came on vacation from magadan, died in the hospital on the conscience of ukrainian terrorists; the death of two-year-old lisa from sevastopol; two adults also died, one of them alexandra guryeva, also local, came to the beach on sunday with her four-year-old daughter and husband, spontaneous memorials in all crimean cities in... instead of a tragedy, people bring flowers and children's toys, they have gone so far in their hatred, they have nothing sacred at all, on a big church holiday, arrange what they did, my daughter and three children ended up in this situation, well, they were just lucky, because they literally left the beach 5 minutes earlier, injuring various 150 people.
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rescuers continue to comb both the beach and the water area; within a radius of several kilometers, many fragments and unexploded parts of cluster munitions were found, they are neutralized on the spot. a missile attack on civilians is a war crime that cannot be justified in any way. how can ukraine strike if it considers crimea its own? this is a big mistake, i am against the ukrainian regime. this missile was american. the answer was given by an adviser to zelensky’s office. there are not and cannot be any beaches, tourist areas or other fictitious signs of peaceful life in crimea. it is also a large military camp and arsenal with hundreds of direct military targets, which the russians are cynically trying to disguise by hiding behind their own civilians, who in
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turn are civilian occupiers. what kind of occupiers are we if we were born here and live here?
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placing all responsibility on the wards. ukraine independently decides on the choice of target and conducts its own military operations, said charlie deets, a pentagon spokesman. this spring , the united states transferred new attack missiles to ukraine with an increased destruction range of up to 300 km. the previous ones, which were used to arm the ukrainian armed forces, flew 165 km and carried 950 submunitions. in that, that hit the beach in sevastopol, up to 300 of them. when each one was triggered. ammunition, and detonation occurs from contact with any surface, within a radius of tens of meters, over 50 fragments scatter, that is, a total of about 15,000 fragments scattered over the sea and the beach. the presence of built-in gps allows you to change the missile’s route, for example, to bypass the operating zone of our air defense, which happened in sevastopol, so that
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formally the white house allegedly allowed kiev to launch strikes on russian territory, but in fact the permission was given by siberia itself. ukraine launched five attack missiles filled with cluster munitions. all flight missions were prepared by american experts based on intelligence data from the american satellite. the american reconnaissance drone global hawk was at that time patrolling the airspace over the crimean peninsula. the reconnaissance drone took off from an airfield in sicily and at approximately 11:12 a.m. appeared on the map over the black sea to the southeast, approximately 200 km from sevastopol. then for 10 minutes. he was heading towards the peninsula, approximately 11:39 the uav disappeared from the radar, at 11:47 it appeared again and moved towards the coast of the krasnodar territory, from 11:55 to... the american drone remained approximately in the same place, from 12:05 it began to rapidly move south towards turkey by turning off the transponder. the strike on the beach was
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carried out 10 minutes later, that is, american military experts corrected it until the last minute. that is, this is a fully planned, organized and accomplished operation with the participation of foreign specialists. this is a terrorist act, this is military crime. the increasing frequency of provocations from the united states and the increased intensity of flights of their reconnaissance drones over the black sea will not go unanswered . defense minister andrei belousov instructed the general staff to make a proposal on rapid response measures. the russian ministry of defense notes the increased intensity of flights of us strategic unmanned aerial vehicles over the black sea, which carry out reconnaissance and target designation of high-precision weapons supplied to the armed forces of ukraine. states to strike russian targets. this indicates the increasing involvement of the united states and nato countries in the conflict in ukraine on the side of the kiev regime. such flights greatly increase
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the likelihood of incidents in the airspace with aircraft of the russian aerospace forces, which increases the risk of direct confrontation between the alliance and the russian federation. nato countries will be responsible for this. here is the reaction: a terrorist attack on sevastopol, as they say in the first person. i have no no ratings. regarding this attack, including information about who is responsible for it. but you know, russia has made outlandish claims about responsibility in the past, so it's common for moscow to make outlandish, exaggerated accusations that aren't supported by the facts. in the same vein, the reaction of the european union, the representative of its foreign policy service, peter stana, responded to a request from the tastak agency. quote: the statement of the authorities of the russian federation about the actions of ukraine and their consequences have for brussels reliability is close to zero.
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vacationers, local authorities will soon set up shelters in crowded places, we will need about 600 such shelters, such as dugouts, exactly the same as those installed in belgorod, standard dugouts, which means we also have experience in making them, the only thing is about 40 days will be needed for manufacturing, assembly, installation, which means, well, we’ll... speed up as much as possible, they won’t wait, there will be beaches, now only the military will work, we are opening, people will work rest, they won’t succeed, they
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are only dreaming about it, but we are sevastopol and russia, vitaly katchenko, irina bleznyuk, ruslan yusupov, viktor vasin and vitaly zaitsev, channel one sevastopol, arms supplies that america does not stop to the kiev regime , further escalations are dangerous, defense minister andrei belousov said. pentagon chief loyd austin, who himself called moscow this week. naval operations. the russian fleet must have not only crushing combat power, but also advanced remote threat detection systems, especially taking into account special operations. vladimir putin paid special attention to this during a meeting on the development of shipbuilding; risks and threats need to be calculated.
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naval activities until 2030 , clear guidelines are outlined, namely to comprehensively develop the russian navy, including naval, aviation and coastal components of the basing infrastructure, strengthen its positions in strategically important areas of the world's oceans, and qualitatively increase its combat potential. for increasing the combat stability of naval forces must be strengthened. pay special attention to the speedy implementation of remote threat detection systems, including those from unmanned aerial vehicles. we must also evaluate. the state
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of the needs of naval aviation and coastal missile and artillery troops. america after the disgraceful biden trump debate. the new york times writes: democratic party donors, that is, those who give money to biden's campaign, are hoping to eliminate him from the list of contenders. let me remind you that the official nomination has not yet happened. 70% of americans cbs pollsters believe biden's mental state does not allow him to be re-elected. channel. nbc, in turn , reports: today the us president plans to discuss the issue with his wife, and if she thinks that changes are needed, then they will be, there are 4 months and 5 days before the elections, report by giorgi lisashvili. for a whole week, joe biden hid from prying eyes in the quiet of the camp david country residence. his headquarters only fueled the intrigue by reporting that 16 assistants from morning to night prepare
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the president, who... memorizes numbers complex economic indicators, thoroughly analyzes trump’s weaknesses and even trains to stand for long periods of time, in general , super-intensive training, like a hang-train for boxers, and like the hero of the most famous hollywood movie proboxing, the president approached the fight with rocky as an outsider, according to leaks in the liberal press the democratic party viewed the debate as the final test for joe biden. he doesn't know it's a show, he's thinking about you. the incumbent president had to convince the party leadership that he was still capable of performing the duties of a public politician. no mean blows, take care of your heads, shake hands and start the fight. the minimum task, using sports analogies, is to hold out in the ring until the last round.


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