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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 1, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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the maneuver was used by the same guys, the same unit of veterans during the liberation of avdeevka, while the marriage was trying to hold back the russian offensive in fortified positions, our fighters managed to get to the rear unnoticed through an underground pipe, which was almost 4 km near avdeevka, and 3 km in the toretsky direction , and we are in contact with these units, but as soon as they are in the area where they can be broadcast live, we are still communicating. messages, we will definitely broadcast them live, in the near future, most likely tomorrow, the day after tomorrow we will broadcast them, they will talk in detail about how this operation took place, because such operations are worthy of being immortalized, including in films. but in the meantime, in the border areas of the kharkov region, the north group of troops is also waging fierce battles, our volchansky soldiers continue to fight in urban areas, moving south towards the volchie river, here is one of such skirmishes along...
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it fell on video, reference. now. war correspondent marat khairulin is in direct contact with us, marat, hello, hello, really in volchansky, we are beginning decisive, let’s say, critical days for the ukrainians, because we made such a decisive breakthrough, in volchansk, the main fortified area in northern volchansk across the volchi river, on our part, conditionally yes, this is an area of ​​high-rise buildings, let me remind you, high-rise buildings in all the cities that are already on the border, yes they are on... that’s the name
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citadel, because there the ukrainians seem to always hold the main line of defense in all populated areas, so all last week there were a lot of shots, a lot of messages about how this volchanskaya the citadel, it is located in the center of the city, adjacent to the dzerzhinsky park and the central street of the city, the cathedral, this area is small, about fifteen buildings, it was bombed, aircraft, including 3000 factories. yesterday ours went on the offensive, three have already been taken three buildings are under control, these are two buildings on korolenko street and one building on sobornaya street, this is exactly one hundred percent information, we are moving forward, but it is very interesting, there was an area between the aggregate plant and the citadel, let’s say, two areas of the derzhinsky park and a small district, such a private market there, the street is metallic for reference, who is monitoring the situation, yes, the past days, weekends were very... we went quickly, cleared
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these two areas and thus the citadel found itself in very deep pincers, at the same time on the western side volchansk, ours pressed them under fire control of the only route that is now supplying this citadel, alesya svitova, in my opinion, the street is called, well, and now all that remains is, roughly speaking, the cleansing of this citadel, there are already statistics in in terms of our own, if we enter this area, there are two, well, high-rise buildings in the area. yes, two or three weeks, then our troops calmly establish control over, as it were, these fortified areas, yes, that is, this suggests that there is already one, let’s say, and the method and work with such heavy fortified areas is going on, well, in general i must say that, apparently, in the volchansky direction in kharkovsky , such an exemplary operation is being carried out, that is, ours have already found such, let’s say, again such a complex method.
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the destruction of such echeloned, as if deep, enemy defenses, bombs and artillery fly first, our advanced flamethrower systems on a car chassis are seen here, let me remind you, their range is much higher, yes, than that of the first-generation tracked antecedents that arrived at the northern military district, they process all this here and take their time coming in, there is another important point that needs to be emphasized, this is important for the whole... kharkov direction, everyone said, everyone noted that we are working in the kharkov direction small detachments, light infantry, yesterday or the day before yesterday columns of heavy equipment finally entered volchan, i will remind you that about a week before that, at the main heights, on the main lines of the entire kharkov front, such powerful lines of fortifications were created, relying on them , we are now starting to fill it with heavy equipment, that is , this is really such an exemplary operation, the purpose of which... exists there or is this
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really how the situation is now, no ruslan, this is very an important point because the enemy, remember , they have a counter-offensive, they always announce there, but they have generally assembled shabby well, it’s not so believed that there is about a fifty-thousand-strong group in the entire kharkov direction, and moreover, for this nato summit, which is now convening and most importantly, to this debate between these two grandfathers. in america, yes, they announced that not much, not little, but they were ready to enter shebekino, with this group, what actually happened, but i told the police, they are narrow there our neck was created for them, yes, they died there in immeasurable quantities, and after the 300-strong factories, they somehow became quiet there, yes,
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the volchanskys, they first tried to take the only quiet village there on the western side, and well, it’s along the river volchie and ours occupied it between volchie and volchansk. ourselves, yes, there is the main route, as if, let’s say, supply is the safest for the armed forces of ukraine, ours there took such a position as a nice quarry or an abandoned quarry, this is a commanding height, for 2 weeks the ukrainians tried there banging their foreheads, but have calmed down, now they are trying to walk head-on along the main bridge, that’s where it radiates between the southern part of volchansk and the northern one, where the main bridges were, yes, well, sobornaya street, lenin street is the main one on the map, look, it’s in order 20 people, but it’s as if from the localities they’re talking simply immeasurably, there’s also such a simple way to add such information, yes, that’s where this wave of chicks started, that oh, how much, this is back
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to the debate, apparently, of grandfathers, as it were such a wave was launched from the other side that here they are now the ukrainians, they had a hunger for shells, and now suddenly once three shells, or rather ours responds to one with three, and there are generally clouds of chips, our fpv control over this zone is so tight that not a single soldier at all is without them a strike is not possible if it only moves forward, this is because of our advantage in the same pividrons, and i’m generally silent about artillery, you know, so they have no chance at all, but they tried to carry out two attacks this morning, but you already know it for show, because they are clearly exhausted, clearly bleeding.
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every day he is now trying to somehow get out of it, a split is brewing in france, yesterday major french cities were gripped by riots and protests, it’s all about the elections, the country’s national assembly, according to preliminary data, in the first round, the coalition of the current government, that is, emmanuel macron, suffered a defeat, one might say, crushingly, lost about 160 seats, here is the far-right national association, marina lepen is in the lead, gaining about 33% of the votes, they write: that the turnout was unprecedented simply a record for france, the french president, well, decided not to remain silent, he does not want to put up with the state of affairs, he called on people to go out into the streets in support of him, as a result, all night in paris in other cities of france they burned bonfires, smashed cafes, shops,
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launched fireworks were thrown at the police, clashes began with security forces, as a result of which tear gas had to be used. latest news from france, pro-centrist. the country's party is celebrating what looks like a dramatic victory over emmanuel macron's centrist coalition. the results of the parliamentary elections in france indicate that the far right has achieved historic success. voter turnout was the highest in 40 years. president macron's bet on holding early elections has led to his center-right alliance ending up in third place. the final result will become known only a week after the second round of voting. politician who...
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a crushing defeat for the president of seats in the french parliament, which will be macron's, and it could also change relations between the united states and one of its closest allies. alexandrevich, today let’s look into the elections in france, because they are so odious, and most importantly, they will directly influence what is happening in ukraine, because we remember from what position macron came. to the european parliament, well, its political forces, why did they lose there and why did he call early elections to the national assembly, which he failed miserably, will france’s rhetoric regarding support for ukraine change after this campaign, after these elections, i would correct this term, when he called early elections, some experts call it such a simple word, he freaked out, well, yes, yes, he knocked. fist on the table and is still surprised 2 weeks before the olympics at the most inopportune moment, what he hoped for
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is unknown, he got what he got, the fact is that the left, they remained, one might say, with their own, did not lose and they didn’t find it, it was precisely the center that was lost, macron’s center was lost, and yet macron spent all his political activities, all the years raising a fierce hatred of both the right and the left, as a result he distanced himself so much. that now he cannot, in order to continue any activity, carry out any activities already at the government level, as president he will remain, he will be a figurehead figure for another 2 years, and therefore look at what the situation turns out to be, in order to indisputably appoint, without looking back at any whoever needs to get 289 votes for his head of government, the prime minister, perhaps lepin won’t get that many votes, experts there give a maximum of 270, but it will be necessary. talk to someone a little and find someone there, although it is also understandable to pull someone from macron’s camp. let’s explain
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to our viewers, it’s just that in the peculiarities of the french electoral system, probably not everyone understands the intricacies, if a party wins the elections, in this case it is the marine lepine party, then traditionally they appoint the prime minister, that is, most likely it will be president macron , he will have a prime minister who, to put it mildly, is from a completely different bloc, such people are called , you know what the term is, cohabitation. this will undermine macron’s efforts in the most sensitive direction, there are two sensitive ones, these are reforms, on the one hand, but these are the affairs of the french, they are of little interest to us, and this is the most important thing, foreign policy, and we know that france is precisely the biggest bully in all anti-russian movements, now let’s see how much macron will continue to pretend to be, pretend to be, pretend to be a leader in the anti-russian front. andrey fradovich, maybe they can turn this nato french car in the other
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direction, because he’s already a candidate the party's prime minister marine lepine said, did not, but for now stated that there would be no supplies of long-range weapons to ukraine, and there would be no french military in ukraine, but we know that the statements and real actions of western politicians often disagree with each other friend, the situation will change, let’s know from the very beginning, because there are a lot of subtleties that need to be explained... to those who do not understand the internal situation of france, because what are the right-wing centrists there, leftists, in general, why did lipen and his bloc, her bloc win in this way, but the reasons for gaining 33%, you can take a theoretical majority in the parliament, with a record turnout and at the same time some people take to the streets, go on strike, somehow it doesn’t coincide that what is happening, in fact, you need to understand that lepin, she stands for national french interests, that is, in fact, she contradicts enormously. a big machine in the form of globalists, who are grinding countries into some kind of single mass, and
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most importantly, they are eroding it with migrants, and she said, we will stop this whole migration orgy that is happening, that’s why migrants are now taking to the streets, she said, we will stop issues related to family reunification and so on, when one migrant was naturalized in france, then all his relatives it is overpowering, and most importantly, it opposes nato, it opposes the european union, because it is simple. the french citizen began to live worse, much worse, because all this support for the sanctions regime hit french manufacturers, for all - small medium-sized enterprises, as for the military confrontation of our own french military-industrial complex, which is aimed at supplies to ukraine, the global west, but in our country we have always said that we are not confronting western countries, countries that are controlled by western military-industrial capital , these are transnational companies and... now these companies are making super profits, and these companies are now sitting on large supplies
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of weapons, which are going to ukraine, these are the same caesars and everything else, so the new prime minister will not be able to stop private supplies to ukraine, which are paid for with american money or european ones from the peace fund, it’s like a relationship already within the framework of the seller of buyers, as for the supply of sending troops there, i let me remind you that the french foreign... region, and it will form the backbone of those who are leaving, it is under direct presidential subordination, it also has its own characteristics, they have already laid this out in advance, so changes will take place in on a global scale, and... in the future, of course, this is the scope that macron set for himself, it will be reduced, but to say that french instructors will disappear from ukraine, and french contracts that have already been concluded will be stopped, most likely not, well, here it should be noted that as for the prime minister, yes, well, who can be appointed in france from the right, yes,
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it seems to me that one should not have any illusions of hope, remember the same macron, 8 years ago , he said that the brain... died and spoke absolutely against the north atlantic alliance, now he has completely changed his position and is saying something else, giorgia meloni, who seems to also be from the right, also seemed to be saying, italy shouldn’t participate, get involved, where now giorgia miloni is completely, that means, immersed in the ukrainian conflict, or at least pretend that it’s not completely, but nevertheless it’s great participation and feels great, extracting the same interests for itself, but as for the protests in france and... macron, who called on people to come out on streets, then these tiny supporters of macron are protesting so loudly that it is hard to believe in their sincere protest, it is worth noting that defending lies in the west is very well paid. a short advert and we'll be back. everything will be fine, i promise you, as soon as i arrive, i will call you right away. my
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sister has disappeared. missing? no, she didn’t disappear, did she disappear or not? kill her. and i saw it in a dream, well, from that moment on, all the strange things began to happen to the little person, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, what is this, and max, she’s crazy, no, i see people, sometimes what was, sometimes what will be, ruin, worms, the state house, i went to work, and if he fled the country today, you will never unravel this matter, i was told, you have... the ability to predict, he will tell you didn’t change that well, to see what ordinary people don’t notice, i’m with you, well, of course, where would we be without you now, there’s a map, there’s a navigator, here, do you think grandpa is out of his mind, yes, come on, bring her in, fortune teller, today on
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the first. white corridor and women, excuse me, we need to separate, why? because you you love someone else. well, that's all, that's all, what are you talking about? we can’t see each other anymore, is that bad? why, what did you make up? bear, should we get him out of the way, kill him? why kill? rat poison was found in all milk cans, explain to me how it got there? admit mikhail zakharovich ermakov guilty and sentence him to imprisonment for 15 years, why are you silent, i hope you don’t believe that my grandfather put your father in prison, well, it’s not time for you,
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you’ll thank me later, tosya you will come tomorrow at least she loves you. not yet, but she will love you, you know, i know how to get my way, you are mine, i despise you, let me go, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, get out of the way, give way, i love her more than life itself, i understand, this is for your mother, at the entrance to the legendary bamov village of zvezdny we are greeted by this wedge heel, 50 years ago, we got here on it...
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events in modern russia, traditions and advanced technologies, the greatest achievements and discoveries, everything. corners of the country, all areas life, 247 days, 89 regions, more than 17 million
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visitors, we have something to be surprised at, we have something to be proud of, the ceremonial closing of the russia exhibition, july 6, on the first. girl, i beg you, don’t give him a drink, he’s very sick, yeah, and in our yard from
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july 7 to sunday on the first, the day of family, love and fidelity, a festive concert, on sunday on the first. the party of marine le pen - the national association, according to the preliminary results of the first round of elections, wins in france, they are waiting for a second round, where already the composition of the national assembly will be finally determined, while numerous supporters of marine lepen are celebrating the victory, opponents of the right-wing movement took to the streets of large cities and began to destroy cafes and shops. marine lepine herself considers her victory to be the destruction of emmanuel macron’s bloc. my dear compatriots! democracy spoke, the french made their choice, the national association and its allies came out on top and practically destroyed the macaroni bloc. and there are a total
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of 577 seats in the french national assembly after the elections marine lepin's national rally party could take between 240 and 270 seats. according to some reports, there are 290, and now again everything depends on the second round and now lepin’s opponents are in the party. the new popular front is ready to remove its candidates in those constituencies where they do not claim victory in the second round of elections in order to help the representatives of the macron party defeat the right-wing movement, and exactly the opposite scheme is also being done by the macron party, they remove their candidates, so that opponents would defeat marine lepin, if only she don't cast a vote. well, why is it so important to follow what is happening in france, because the struggle of macron’s right-wing bloc, in fact, well, i don’t know, determines the future of the country, like...
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yadda, how do you think, how soon will these unrest or france end? is there a split or even an analogue of the maidan waiting? well, now we are right in the midst of elections, because this period, as you know, will last until july 7, when there will be a second round, now naturally, all moods are heated, very much to the limit, because everyone is expecting results, we have two, that is... there are three main blocs, there is the presidential party, which received 21%, this is very little, there are ultra-leftists, who
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also united around themselves the leftists, who collected 28%, and this is how you mentioned the introduction, there is a party to marine lepen, who managed to attract 33%. therefore, now people are absolutely, well, in such... extreme moods, because we have opposite beliefs, opposite political ideologies, camps, and also opposite publics, in basically, well, roughly speaking, there are basically a lot of people who live, say, in villages. for the army,
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for the police, who will be, will be, who voted for the right, and there are mainly people of big cities, there are also a lot of people who are descendants of migrants, who, on the contrary , are ultra-right, but i must also say, you asked about the mood, i must say , that it was almost, how to say, it was almost desired by the politicians themselves, because... president macron himself said that oh, i want to avoid a civil war, we will have civil war, naturally, everyone is starting to boil, and the same thing is here, luc melenchon, who, as you know, is the head of the ultra-left, said very sharp, he had very sharp statements, for example, he said when french soldiers die, this there are fewer votes for the right, so you can imagine how grievances accumulate,
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the streets of french cities. rafael, tell me, perhaps the option of uniting macron, just like that, with a click, everyone immediately came together with the centrists and leftists in a strong coalition, they don’t really like each other, to put it mildly. yes, this is true, and but you know, the great, one might say, political genius of macron is that he never says either yes or no, that is, he always maneuvers between trends, whether he is with the right. either with the left, that is, he gives everyone - this is a reason for satisfaction, to take advantage of circumstances in this way, i think that he will not speak frankly, here is an indication that we need for the left, but probably they will, maybe according to in some places they will negotiate against this is already happening, they are already negotiating, thank you big, raphaelle aclair was in direct
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contact with us, as for macron, who... means that today he says one thing, tomorrow another, here i would like to say that whoever leads a double life actually professes double standards and a double position in the usa still cannot leave after the election debates, we are now moving from france following the election results to the united states, where zero debates took place, and there between the current president joe biden and donald trump, last friday this debate took place, as their they call it zero, all weekend the american media wrote about shock and panic among... his own test, biden himself called trump to this debate, set his own conditions for it, but
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therefore failed the greatest public service. what mr. biden can do now is to announce that he will not run again. let me draw your attention once again, this is an editorial article from the largest american publication, the new york times. does not see anything criminal in his speech, he is full of strength to enter the election race again, according to at least this is what his press service reports. i understand the anxiety about the debate, i didn't have a good night, but neither did trump, people make fun of me when i say don't compare me to god almighty, compare me to the alternative. the fight will not be difficult, donald trump is the real threat, i promise you, we will win this election. well, who would have thought of it? that it could come to such a point when the democratic party will actively think and reflect on how to remove biden, forcibly, the sponsors are so shocked by the behavior of the american president that they are ready to take the most extreme measures. perennially jittery
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democratic donors found themselves on edge as some of america's richest men lamented biden's weak debate performance. they thought about how to change the course of the election. if at all possible, arcane rules were discussed with political advisers under which biden could be removed from the list against his will and replaced at the national convention democratic party or before it. a difficult situation has arisen in the united states. biden is no longer needed, but he still exists and doesn’t want to go anywhere. the foggy future of the presidential elections in the united states is very frightening and alarming to american journalists. in their stories and reflections they try to understand. it so happened that biden failed to cope with the debates, which he himself proposed to organize.
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it was an absolute horror for the democrats, it can only be that people from your own party are trying to strategize about how who could convince joe biden to go. it was president biden who pushed for an early debate with only one job to do - convince a skeptical electorate that he was not too old for the job, but within minutes of the debate starting he did the exact opposite. the reports in the dream are not the most pleasant for joe biden, we hear words such as panic, shock.
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in the face of the dangers the world faces, there is no one i would rather have in the oval office than my husband. biden supporters and the liberal media agree that biden has failed to dispel doubts about his age.
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our countries will certainly take advantage of the situation with the presidential elections and the failure of joe biden, cnn journalists report their strange fears. america's allies fear that removing a candidate so late could
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allow adversaries such as china and russia to criticize the us democratic system, making it appear weak. compared to their autocratic states, something bad or shameful for the west, especially the powerful united... states is a boon for its enemies, it creates the opportunity for opponents to spread propaganda, sow discord in the united states in the west itself through disinformation. it's time for joe to think about retirement. the polish prime minister warned that the democrats were in trouble. diplomats from other countries are not yet in a hurry to make a verdict, but the poles said what many are afraid to say out loud. joe biden must leave on time. most of course, people in ukraine are worried about the future american elections,
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according to sources on ukrainian telegram channels, zelensky is very concerned about the situation if trump wins the us elections. there was panic in the presidential office after the biden-trump debate, zelensky and irmak began to worry even more that biden might lose power, which would affect them. our source indicates that trump may accuse the leadership of ukraine of corruption, launch a large-scale audit and call. in the united states, the smaller they will be engage in foreign policy, the less they
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will care about ukraine, of course zelensky is worried, but why not worry, biden is now being accused of losing there or something else, well, listen, what did they expect from biden, well -firstly, he never fell, yes, that is, well, his wife praised him, he answered all the questions, that is, he didn’t get lost there, well, he was just biden, at this debate, who blamed him for losing , his supporters, the liberal media, i generally think that this topic, then there is biden. for a debate, for a debate so that they will have a nomination in august, in order to carry out this operation, to replace biden with someone, yes, but given how biden himself clings to power, you watch how they that's it, scholz is an absolute zero, clinging to power, macron, but the elections, the second elections in the european parliament and in france, showed that he is an absolute zero, clinging to power, he will not leave, biden, he saw, but will not leave, him the family, it turns out , convinced me, it feels like they are electing there some leader in his family, they have a game like this, yes, kanter biden approved, well, that’s it, joe will go to the polls, by the way, you said. are clinging to power, but look how zelensky is now trying to take advantage
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of the situation and clinging to power, that is , now, using joseph biden’s failure at the debate, he, it seems to me, is specifically trying to escalate, and we will hear more than one statement, precisely in order to convince everyone in the short period when ukraine can show results, therefore in this is the time ukraine needs to supply more, it needs fighters, it needs long-range missiles, so... we should be given this gap, yes, and we will show you now, then they will evaluate based on the results, as they say, yes, the point is that these two people who are clinging to power, this political catastrophe for biden that has now arisen, it can be interrupted by something, an even greater catastrophe, and an even greater catastrophe can only be accomplished in ukraine, so yes indeed, that’s what you said , so it will be, aleksandrevich, well , it really turns out that for biden now the only chance to stay in the race and possibly retain his seat is to create some kind
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of firstly, both for biden and for a huge number of his entourage, people from his entourage, who they feed and live a vibrant political life only due to the fact that they surround biden, these are various advisers. the ministers are democrats and many others, the governors are democrats, so, of course, not only biden is clinging, but also a large number of people, and biden’s stubbornness there is still confidence, even after these failed debates, by the way, it is still explained by one reason, a big one, one of the clinical signs in people with cognitive disorders is the lack of criticism, primarily self-criticism, these people consider themselves absolutely confident in everything, but this is a mistake , this is a medical error. and unfortunately, you see, it extends to everything like this. regarding the fact that
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biden will make a decision in order , as you asked, to aggravate something or not to aggravate it. we have long ago become accustomed to by and large, the president in america does not lead america, and certainly does not lead the processes that go to the international platform; representatives of the military-industrial complex lead america, representatives of the deep state, companies, sponsors of the democratic party insist on... that in order for biden to be removed from the race, the sponsors, the very deep state, the very people who are financially interested, biden refuses, they are at a dead end, especially, well, so to speak.
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california, but there's a big problem there, he young, healthy, white and not homosexual, this is a big problem now for that, the big problem is that none of the candidates has a tougher position, so they are at an impasse, they are at an impasse, and even more so now, it is unlikely that they are now in the mood for worsening even more, they are now determined to solve their internal crisis, you know, what’s interesting is that being in a dead end, they can lead others into a dead end, so i would like to believe that they, that they are now in such a situation when are exclusively occupied with their own internal problems, but nevertheless, andrei frantsivich, we know the united states very well that they solve all their internal problems exclusively on the external circuit, so here i personally have
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a fear that they can really let us down, as it were, damn it, blame everything on biden for this period of time, this short period of time before... in money they have no room for error, so if you look at the rating of capital flight now, america ranks second after the united arab emirates, from britain, from china, from india, capital is fleeing there, that is, they are making money from these processes, so most likely, we are now facing a big play like this is developing, there is no decision-making there, no
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family voting, there’s even talk about it doesn’t work, most likely by the most advanced political strategists in the world, because they are now ... understood, a scenario has already been developed along the clock for how they will conduct the election race, because losing for them will result in huge expenses if trump will come, it will win in this situation, so now, most likely, pictures are developing in front of us in which they supposedly voted, decided that joe should leave, channeled all the negativity and some candidate will quickly be put forward before the elections, but what concerns ukraine big. means the development of events, because pay attention, points of instability are developing not only in ukraine, china, north korea, the middle east, africa, latin america, we see some kind of discontent of people constantly flaring up, and this is all earnings transnational corporations supplying new types of weapons and rearranging, relatively
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speaking, the leaders of one country to another, so this smooth game that they are playing will continue, as for the huge conflict that could... happen, in their plans, in fact this is not included, because missiles can reach their houses, their ranches, residences and everything else, they would like to see such a current situation in other regions that are competitors for them, the same europe, capital flight from there, well, tonight moscow time, evening american time they were going to camp, the opinion was that only the biden family could persuade him to withdraw from the election race, and so, based on the results of this meeting , the family circle. said that he remains in the race, that he is still strong, that he will still succeed, so events will develop extremely interestingly, of course, they will affect what is happening in ukraine, now there is a short advertisement and we will return, everything will be fine, i tell you i promise, i ’ll call you as soon as i get there, my sister has disappeared, disappeared,
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no, she didn’t disappear, she disappeared or didn’t disappear, she was killed, and i saw it in a dream, well, that’s why... ordinary people who don’t notice, i’m with you, of course, where would we be without you now, there’s a map , is there a navigator, here? do you think the grandfather is out of his mind, yes, go ahead, attract her, fortune teller,
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today, on the first, there are white corridors of women, excuse me, we can’t stay here anymore, the nazar will not give life. today at 4:00 am without making any claims. misha, what is this? war and goods. nazar, nazar, my love, i won’t let you in. have you gone crazy from the stickiness? no no, no, no, no, i won't allow it. nazar, nazar, how are we going to plow? on yourself, or what? we need to feed the front. he'll be back, nazar, i'm more of a modest person. i won’t, i won’t give you life until i separate you, i understand, two shores, the premiere
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of a serial film, watch after the program the time when i entered the room, saw my notebook there, i began to leaf through this book, and there i found notes, which tanya did when everything was... “scary, bombs were falling, she didn’t come down from her apartment, here, in this school there’s a bomb shelter, very pale, very thin, very weak, all the toys lay face down and were covered with a black rag, they asked me what it was, i told them, they died of hunger, aunt dusya, when she left for work, she locked the room.
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it was some kind of impulse, the first one confessed her love, told him that i loved him, and he hung there for a while and asked me why? you had a very serious accident, it was ira, the person who brought you back, yes ira brought you back, i had post-traumatic epilepsy for 7 years, my first husband drove me to the journalist who was supposed to interview me, that was 58 years ago...
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under the noise of the election race in the united states, zelensky is trying with all his might to convince america to allow him to shoot down russian planes, well, that is, it turns out that zelensky is talking about someone peacefully and immediately calls.
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you will win the distance, the russians will outplay you in the long run, you will give away all your missiles, and then they will attack cities, energy, water supply, and you will lose, you need to look for long-range solutions against the airfields where there are military aircraft, which russia uses to use it to stoovuvat if, having pretty much broken the shot, zelensky wants the flames to flare up even brighter in ukraine, western journalists support zelensky in his manic desire to fight our aviation. only in order to destroy our aircraft should atak ms missiles be used.
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su-34 fighter-bombers carry out combat sorties every day with ... powerful glide bombs on ukrainian troops at a distance of 40 km and further. one of options - to shoot down the bombers before they drop their ammunition. the problem is that the ukrainian air force doesn't have enough of america's best petriot air defense batteries to protect major cities, let alone extend that defense close enough to the border to intercept those planes. this brings us back to the atacoms missiles, which are probably... still the best weapon for attacking russian airfields, but ukraine probably won't put them at risk future delivery of missiles using them against targets that the united states does not approve in advance. and now we are in touch with an expert from the center for military-political journalism, boris rozhin. boris alexandrovich, hello. how is the situation, how is the situation at the fronts? are our kabs' air defense systems today really two opposing
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sides that decide the outcome of the conflict? well, if we talk about this situation, then indeed the use of cabs ifabs in sompk is one of the ways to push through the enemy’s defense, the enemy recognizes the effectiveness these means, hence so much whining about the need for additional air defense supplies, as well as expanding the strike zone on our airfields in the depths of russia, from where the su-34 operates, that is, on the one hand , the enemy is aware of this problem, so various options are being looked for. its decision, but as a rule, these options are associated with a further escalation of the war in ukraine, drawing the united states and nato into it, that is, it is the inability to stop the advance of our troops that forces the united states and nato to escalate, but this is voiced either through the puppet the zelensky administration, or through controlled western media, and this stems from the situation on the front line, which is
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unfavorable for the enemy, if you look at it. from south to north, then on the rabotinsky ledge our troops are advancing to the northeast of rabotin, on the vremevsky ledge our troops continue to fight for the center of urozhainy after the liberation of staromaisky, in the ugledarsky direction our troops have advanced on the outskirts of konstantinovka, and are also moving towards the key route supplies konstantinovka-ugledar, in in krasnogorovka, our troops already control up to 70% of the city ; our troops are moving in the northern quarters, west of avdeevka. they are completing the liberation of sokol, moving further to the west, here the enemy is also unable to attack, in the gorlovka area, the situation for the enemy has now sharply worsened, our troops are fighting on the outskirts of new york, zerzhinsk, severny, in general, the enemy has lost very important things there positions, the situation there is critical, but in the sofyar area fighting continues in the kanal microdistrict, in
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the northern ledge our troops liberated the other day i was feeling unhappy. continue to attack in the area of ​​the disputed belogorovka, spornoe was also declared liberated yesterday, and well, positional battles continue in the limansky svato-kupyansky, our troops are pressing at stelmakhovka and ivanovka, well, in the kharkov direction there are fierce battles for the center of volchanskaya, in general, the initiative, well, most directions behind our troops, in which directions the enemy still manages to counterattack, and he is active on the dnieper, trying to... rise above islands, but in general this does not give him anything, it just multiplies losses, but in the kharkov direction there were serious attempts to counterattack using bulk reserves in the area of ​​​​the villages of leptsy and glubokoe, here these attacks were repelled with losses for the enemy, which he achieved significantly failed, the enemy also actively attacked volchanski, but again he failed to oust russian troops from the city there . thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich
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rozhen was in direct contact with us.
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yes, they will come, there is no need to look at zelensky’s rhetoric, we need to look at the actions that the west is doing in ukraine, that’s what zelensky says, this is for internal public opinion, that is , relatively speaking, if these deaths are destruction - that’s why
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, and there won’t be a border in 1991, that means we need to, well, give a new expectation, guys, now we’ll improve our negotiating position , everything will end, we just need to be patient, that is, he understands perfectly well that the majority in ukraine is already ready, here and there on the ground, like... the russian complex now more powerful than the collective west, yes, they can shake it up in a year, in two, but now at this moment we dominate on the front line, both in our capabilities, which means the supply
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of weapons, and in fact with the armed forces, so zelensky on his own, that’s the one the resource that he has cannot carry out an escalation, he does not have such capabilities, well, except for open terrorism, the explosion of nuclear power plants or some other such actions, escalation can, maybe... happen only with the use of western forces and weapons , entering the european contingent, the opening of some new front lines, as we now see in the belarusian direction from ukraine, the concentration of forces is taking place, it is possible to use some other types of weapons or supply zelensky with something that was not previously supplied, but so far, judging by what is happening, we understand that there will be serious battles, we understand that zelensky will launch some... newly formed units into the attack, this could be for the nato summit, which will be held in washington on its 75th anniversary, this could be to elections in america, which is likely to show some kind of success by the fall, but in reality
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ukraine has no strength for more, and accordingly they are waiting for what the west will decide, but we will also wait to see what is happening, because the elections, it seems to me that the european parliament, the elections in france, the biden-trump debates showed that in general... the collective west today is not ready to go to the most global escalation, the people simply will not support this, but zelensky, look, seems to be calling for escalation, but there are also some he’s making peace plans for himself, considering something, well, as they say, what is zelensky’s word, on his word of honor zelensky has undermined ukraine more than once. news on channel one. hello, time for news on the first, about the most important events of the story.


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