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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 1, 2024 12:15pm-2:47pm MSK

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belgorod, voronezh, samara regions, emergency warning in transbaikalia. as for the capital region, today there is no precipitation up to +33, and so on throughout the work week, but by friday, according to forecasts, an atmospheric explosion, strong thunderstorms, hail, rain may fall, up to the 3rd july norm of precipitation, after which the heat will subside. that's all for now, the broadcast is on channel one, the program will continue, time will tell. yes, we are on the air on channel one,
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hello friends, we welcome you and congratulate you on the start of a new working week, so, well, what are we, friends, now let's sing in chorus then, tighten up ours, why are you scared, kani vesta, we won't sing, okay, we won't sing kanivesta, it's just that no one in this studio knows who he is, you know, i , before the start of our broadcast, i conducted a microsological survey, walked around with my phone, i said, and you sing something iskani vesta, well, givork, i don’t know why he answered me with some kind of obscenity. for some reason nikolaevich apparently doesn’t like him, nikolaevich looked to the side, thoughtfully, everything was written down, well, in short, no one knows cast’s songs, but, but, but his visit, of course, made a splash, the visit just, i don’t know, became sensational, who didn’t understand, he was in white, he came to moscow, which means he came for one day, congratulate your friend, designer, gosha rubchinsky.
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in short, it means that he arrived, he arrived, that means he had a meal and so on, everything was in the wildest way, it means they excited him, that cast came to moscow, you and i, so to speak, are not polished people, we don’t know kani west very well, but in general -he says a great artist and in fact, for the planet he is a cooler figure , relatively speaking, sean pen, who tried to sell his oscar to zelensky, ended up selling it, he seems to be true, but he’s some kind of cool person and...
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walks around, this also suggests as if naked on the street , his wife is regularly naked with him , in the sense of yes, well, practically there are a couple of fabric strips going on, everything by the way , they were worried that he would also pass through in the same way, not propaganda, it’s normal, i didn’t see that in moscow on the streets, it’s not the thing is that kanye west really tried he was going to engage in politics and aspire to be a presidential candidate from the republican party. semitism, because he
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spoke out against israel, but that’s not the point, understand, the fact that kaest comes to russia is probably good for someone, but he says that this is a reason for pandemonium in the center of moscow, because that some great person has arrived, or even more so to say that this is the beginning of some kind of lifting of sanctions due to the fact that he came to moscow, no, if only kane west had come if, for example, in donetsk, for example, i don’t know, they would have accepted him there, they would not have accepted him, they would probably have been accepted by good people,
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the media, the enemy’s social networks in response to our reaction to kanyust’s visit, and there 80% of the text is like dedicated to what? russia, russia received kanevest well, but as if kanevest is a swallow, it’s like such a political, american social networks, yes, this is a very important point, this is
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such a swallow, that is, in other words, look, what’s important is not what we are like there let's react, what's important is what they start writing there, where he came from, and there they write just about our reaction, he made a splash, yes, russia is an open country, yes, so to speak, he will come, now he will tell a lot of things, the new york times writes, the wall street journal writes, new york times, such things, small columns, yes there was a reaction, mainly social networks, mainly social networks, well, social networks are not interesting, in short, i understand everything, in short, it’s still a significant thing, still iconic, still interesting, really it’s really true, let’s just put aside our arrogance a little bit, and i’ll even put mine aside understand that this is not my music, not my aesthetics, well, they say, so to speak, i apologize - women have this word, influencer, they say, the largest, one of the most significant influencers on the planet, well, what can we do with this? to live, that means kani welcome to moscow, that’s it, he’s already left, goodby kani, hundreds of millions of his subscribers will know about the visit, let’s continue, okay, well, here
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it’s interesting why i say that it’s interesting that he’s a supporter of trump and what- then some piquant rhymes can be done there, if desired, with the upcoming elections, but as for the upcoming elections, i still don’t have the passion...
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the will to leave, yes, there are probably a lot of memes, it’s clear that these, that these debates have generated a bunch, millions of memes, i don’t even know we’ll show you sometime, well, let’s show this, what’s there, well, i say they’re there, you just want them there, there’s hundreds of them, there’s hundreds of them like that - these same memes and so on, that is, people, that’s my favorite one, that's certainly all there is to know about the election debate, right? who's kicking him, i wonder if we we know this person, whose colors the debates are white, blue and red, i’m not talking about debates now, of course, i’m saying everything, everyone has already said everything, well, if you want , you can comment briefly, but it seems to me that everything is already, that’s about post-debate devices , what did they influence and how will they influence now
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? look, there are no sociology debates yet based on the results of the debates, but there is a real adult headquarters, a headquarters yes, but we need we need a real, sort of complex one. they defended, i understand that biden is a democrat, but to say so, is it appropriate now to put this one knows, but now he doesn’t, because i’ll explain now, because indeed a significant part of the elite of the democratic party seemed to have to persuade him to leave, just as nixon was persuaded at one time, everyone gathered at nixon’s and
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said: dear, leave, well, after impeachment , but you see what the problem is, he doesn’t leave, and something tells me that he won’t leave, i’ll explain why, firstly, his family is against... and the person who influences him the most is his wife jill , she wants him to stay, they held a family council, hunter biden, biden, grandchildren all decided that they needed to move on, this is the first moment. second point, voters, and biden is still the most popular politician among the democrats, and if he doesn’t want to leave, he can’t be overthrown, it would be a rebellion within the party and they are for him, you know, they all voted for him in the primaries, it would be before the primaries, it was still possible, now it turns out that they all voted for biden, at the party congress the party elite themselves, without asking the electorate, will choose a replacement biden, this is democratic and trump will use it.
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and she is now trump’s daughter-in-law, the future, she is going to marry trump’s son donald junior, she is so much newsom’s ex-wife preparing to become trump’s daughter-in-law, she will now throw out so much dirt on her husband, if if, if, if he is the democratic candidate, they have developed poorly, with it was a complete betrayal, do you think that this is why the debate was held earlier than usual, in order to have time to change 10 seconds, yes kamala haris. she's just terrible rating, she doesn’t like her, and michelle obama has no experience, so no one can fully
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replace him, no, well, it’s just that these debates feel as if they were specially made in order to overwhelm biden and so that there would be time to replace him with someone, you know, and i and i and i will give it may not be a popular point of view, but it seems to take place in my head, look, the most popular post on the russian-banned twitter network, which received more than 70% support likes immediately after the debate in flow. it is important once again that everyone noticed that one insane, completely insane, against the other
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not completely insane, that is, in other words, no one, no one is separating them now, these are both candidates today, this is a mass grave, this is the horror that brings to everyone, to all social networks, both democratic and republican , trump’s rating has not fallen yet, yes, i agree, but a tick, yes.
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a moderator whose task is to resolve conflicts within the team, to choose the side
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of one or another group within, trump can do this, despite the fact that he is proud, impulsive, and so on, but biden, due to his health condition, cannot, that is why under biden the system will go to pieces, it is already going to pieces, well, not yet, i really hope, gevorg, i can drink homemade honey, so to speak, but it’s not going well yet, i just think there is, so to speak, a reserve of the past. this is more energetic, like removing the current president, changing the president, this is always a more complex structure for the voter than immediately voting for a new one, because if this one is bad, crooked, askew, insane, speaks poorly, greets, it’s unclear who, but we understand that the next years will be at least the same, so to speak, take another 3 years younger, and but well, the same in the end
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crazy, but plus unpredictable, and already the experience was like biden’s unpredictability.
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would be ideal, ideal, well, uh, with regards to us, i remember vladimir vladimirovich putin said, he said that biden is more preferable for us, uh, this is the first point, as for my opinion, uh, it seems to me that it doesn’t really matter which of these talking heads will be president, that is, either the one the one who speaks there is energetic, beautiful, or the one who gets confused in words and says hello to the air, but it seems to me.
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determine who will be the future president, but this is a space between the people and the capitalists, and maybe someone doesn’t know, maybe the audience doesn’t know, that in the usa citizens do not have the right to choose a president, the electors choose, but citizens choose electors, well, listen, yes, yes, no, many people know about this, the givork is there now, by the way, will comment, well, really, this is an interesting story, why is it so and so wrong.
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traditions of the 17th century, rather than traditions, history, we treat them very well, so to speak, but life has run ahead a little, in fact, it’s true, there is something in this, just ask
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an american, and you, so to speak, do you have the opportunity to directly cast your vote for the president, and not for the dude who promised you that he would vote for such and such a dude, probably, most likely, although theoretically, theoretically he may not vote or in another way, he will pay a fine, what are you saying? mother of god, yes so. i asked the american, he would say, well, no, i don’t have it such a possibility, that’s all, regarding who, who will come to replace, georg has already said about this, this is terribly interesting, because it is clear that we are not just interested in these debates or their elections, we are interested in us, of course, yes, there is an opinion that, so to speak, these different candidates, even some very exotic and theoretical ones, have different approaches and different attitudes and , accordingly, different policies, to which we will have to somehow adapt, so to speak, if... something will happen and live, look, bloomberg writes about candidates to replace paedin, let 's read: after the debate, donors began
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exchanging furious emails in which they concluded that the only hope for democrats and others interested in preventing the return of former president donald trump would be biden's departure. back in washington, democrats were discussing exactly who could run in biden's place, including vice president kamala haris, gov. california gavin newsam and michigan governor gredchen whitmer, gredchen whitmer, this is unlikely for everyone, everyone has their own disadvantages, i already said about the californian comrade, gredchen whitmer is just in the all-american space, few people know, you won’t promote her, by the way, she’s bullshit, he has actually been running a shadow election campaign for several months now,
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they emphasize that it is the donors of the democratic party who are unhappy, they don’t say what, but the workers, the farmers, who are
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interested in them, yeah, they say what exactly.
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because hillary always has such a strong desire to be the first female president, she's just obsessed with this idea, she, i'm sure she's coming back, but as i said, yes, michelle obama doesn't, she has absolutely no political experience, govenusen, a lot problems, california, we don’t like california, the people don’t like it, in general the people don’t like the greeks from mishigan very much, it has created a lot of patriots.
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what can we do, it’s real, what can we do, wait, before it was at least somehow hidden, somehow covered up, but now why did everything become so open? yes, this is really very interesting in terms of the fact that everything is so open, and the olgarka, as we said, is absolutely arrogant, they, they, they already admit the whole truth, because the olgarki understand that all the levers of power are in their hands, people they absolutely cannot influence political processes, even 15 years ago we could...
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pials, according to which you can elect a president or a candidate, in this case i’m talking about the president of the united states. first scenario: good, good candidate, we praise him. the debate took place, and before the debate it was clear. not such a scenario works, talk about biden or trump as a good candidate, their political strategists will definitely not work according to this scenario, and according to which one they will, the only second scenario remains, this shows that there is no alternative, therefore this is the only one, that is, in other words , that shot, now we are analyzing what appeared in the american press, a set of ten, a set of twenty potential biden seats, a set of three, now you will see what will happen next, we will discuss and observe, now all of these the lists... will be convinced that none of them, each of them has a lot of shortcomings and there are absolutely no alternatives to biden, so on november 7, biden understands that trump is likely, i repeat, so
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to speak, the biden team will not fail, so to speak, and will continue his evolutionary campaign, then believe me, then biden for a second term, class, interesting, look, you don’t need to convince the list holders, all of them. all list members demonstrate loyalty to biden, because party discipline requires him, he must be convinced first of all biden personally, so that he leaves, but biden refuses to leave, moreover, biden is apparently hoping for a court decision on july 11 on trump, perhaps trump will be given house arrest or something like that, this may improve or may worsen biden’s situation , their tragedy is that they must choose an alternative candidate, agree on him collectively and convince him. in short, do this whole huge procedure before, in my opinion, august 7, because the deadline for registering candidates in the state of ohio ends on august 7, ends on august 11 or 14 in california, that is, by this moment there should already be a clearly defined candidate, otherwise
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you will lose the votes of this state, and the democrats cannot lose the votes of california, they just lose the elections, then 54 electors are 10% of the total number, so time is short, hillary clinton won't even be a candidate. because just now they said correctly, yes, you can either say that your candidate is the best, or the second option, you can say our candidate is better than the second or not as terrible as the second, according to exactly the same principle held elections in the sixteenth and twentieth years, not that our candidate is the best, but that the alternative is worse, and so all americans have long known that hillary clinton as an alternative is worse than trump, in terms of ratings and quality, even in some personal terms, so if you you are removing biden, because biden is not... a passable person, what is the point of putting in an even more passable khivari or kamala harris, you need to put a passable, sane person, a person who has a more or less positive image and rating, of course, some surnames, elections, in fact, as we have already been told, oligarchs rule in america, this is not so, my
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name is, who should we negotiate with, who has the nuclear button, this america, which owes everything to the three emirates, is a collective collective.
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most likely loses the elections, that’s the problem, so biden comes with a big trump, who has his own vision, of course trump cannot and will not turn the american political system 180°, but it won’t turn it 360°, he will carry it out another policy, he will spend, maybe 90, he will try to look for a way out of the ukrainian conflict,
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this is politics, this is not economics, so i
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think, literally, so i believe that the debt will grow as much as necessary, endless american, because there is everything understood, two words don’t matter as long as you can serve it, but the problem is different, the problem is that america is getting used to living beyond its means and is not going to give up this system, there will be a reckoning. who does not benefit from the collapse of the american government, then there is no one will give. let’s return to this topic, it’s interesting, i’m still thinking about it, thank you all friends for your attention, see you soon on the air. attention everyone, we are working. i think they told me that i would help solve important cases. but we don’t have unimportant matters, they are simply divided according to severity. and i heard that your beauty came to work again. they said you were a fortune teller. the coffee grounds got involved, so it developed, but
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ivanovich survived, they weren’t taught to knock, lesha and i decided to get married, we’ll wait and see, and where were you, feeding a squirrel in the park, yeah, fortune teller, today on the first. let's wait and see, is this normal at all? that's it, don't touch my mother, don't touch, when i entered the room, i saw my notebook there, i began to leaf through this book, and there i found the notes that tanya made when everyone was dying, here are our relatives, little tanya savicheva made in first in my diary. bombs are falling terribly, she did not come down from
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her apartment here to this school bomb shelter, very pale, very thin, very weak, all the toys lay face down and were covered with black with a rag, they asked me what it was, i told them, they died of hunger, aunt dusya, when he left for work, she closed the room and tanya was sitting on the stairs, the last person who saw tanya was vasya. lov, when i say that tanya saevich is my relative, some say that this is not true, tanya saevich’s family all died, i almost came to tears, but we survived, in memory of tanya savicheva.
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premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, get out of the way, give way, i love her more than life itself, i understand, this is for you mom, at the entrance to the legendary bamov village of zvezdna, we are greeted by this wedge heel: 50 years ago,
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the pioneers got here on it, they landed there on the banks of the tayura river, then there was no bridge, no roads, just continuous impassable taiga, and freezing! at 50, and 53°, in the rain, under any conditions, we didn’t look, but when i reach the horizon, we’ll see what the horizon is, but the horizon goes away, and you’re chasing after it, we have a group of 13 people, in a year from these thirteen there were five left, in another year from these thirteen there were only two of us left, that is , to get used to this road, to get used to the routine, to the slopes, i saw what an earthquake was, right in the circle the water was gurgling and things were all hanging on the radiator, water is the enemy for the tunnel - it is the enemy, the strong will remain, the weak will leave, on saturday on the first,
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i’m happy. peace, prosperity, when everything is in order with people, so that the younger brother is good, healthy, happy, parents are the same, respect each other, love and appreciate every moment spent together, so that everyone lives well with faith, with hope, everything will be fine,
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the information channel on the first continues to work live, this is the program: time will tell, we will start with parliamentary elections, early elections, and elections in france, why this is important, you will find out if you watch our program carefully. so, as a result of these elections, marine lempen’s right-wing party won a victory over macron’s supporters; a thousand french people, together with lempen herself , celebrated their victory last night. my dear compatriots, democracy spoke out, the french made their choice, the national... the association and its allies came out on top and practically destroyed the macaroni bloc. well, macron immediately turned to his supporters, called on them to take to the streets of french cities, and they immediately began to organize riots, destroying cafes, shops, burning fires, clashes with the police were also recorded. and here’s what
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’s interesting: one of the deputies of the party, marine lepin, the national association, has already announced that if the party is finally in the second... toure wins, then france will stop supplying ukraine with weapons that are capable of striking deep into russia. well , let's move overseas, events are also actively developing in the usa after the so-called zero debate between biden and trump, all weekend the world community tried to guess the future fate of the current us president, namely whether joe biden will decide to resign from his post against the failed debates, here seems like. biden urges him to stay in race to keep fighting despite disastrous debate performance last week. one of the sources close
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to the situation confirmed that the whole family is united on this issue and firmly added that the president is not going to leave the race and has not even discussed it. as soon as biden's presidency was called into question, news came that several us military bases in europe were put on heightened alert due to possible terrorist attacks. threat, according to cnn this has not happened, at least for the last 10 years. several u.s. military bases in europe over the weekend, two u.s. officials said. were put on high alert and the security level was raised to the second highest level amid fears that american installations or military personnel could become targets of a terrorist attack. bases including u.s. army garrison stuttgart, home to u.s. army european command, have raised their alert levels to level charlie. this status applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received
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indicating the likelihood of terrorist activity, as well as the likelihood of an attack on personnel or facilities. vlad, what does this mean, has this really not happened for 10 years , how great is the threat, is this connected with the elections and the debates in the usa with the elections in france? well, to be honest, i don’t see any direct connection between. there are options ahead, again, in europe, we know that the olympic games will be held in france. it is obvious that now
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the entire, so to speak, jihadist international is flocking there; in general, they will be happy, so to speak, to take part in these elections. accordingly, in this case, the americans in this case, they are always a target, at least for some jihadists, some of them they created themselves, but for some they are, so i think that these events, no matter how directly linked, they simply exist side by side. jihadists gather from all over the world for the olympics, but i don’t see a direct connection between an attack on a military base and some kind of, well, as a rule, terrorists
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act alone, which is on the territory of the european union, these are targeted strikes, these are always suicides who have a specific philosophy when they bring a military base, moreover, throughout germany, in a certain state, then i have other thoughts, the germans have other thoughts, the americans in this ... use their things, their forces, which are there for completely different things, intervision, for example, in the developed system of germany, in wiretapping , for the record, this is the constant support of some currents present in the political world in general, look, i don’t connect this, by the way, with the american debates, i connect it with the victory of lepen, no more and no less, so the americans brought themselves into battle preparedness, because somewhere there will be antifa to go on strike, somewhere antifa will understand that after france, after the night of fires there , it will return to germany, here also... in germany, the alternative for germany had its own sister, antifa also performed there, this black-gray bloc is stubborn anti-nato,
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after they danced a little in france, then in germany they danced lombada, the american base is worthy of throwing content at it, regarding the night of fires in france, you said the nights of fires, along the way it will not be alone, the nights of these there will be a lot, look, yes, monday, day, what is happening in france, this is happening right now, yes, it’s a french city, we see closed... shops, which means there are fences, armed police, here you go, yes, there are a few 30, well, a little over 30 days remain before the start of the olympics, this so the election results, monday, the middle of the working day, victoria, after all , this is what we are discussing now, there is a feeling that the political course of the west, it somehow broke in ukraine against russia, because what we see in the election results in france, the barricades are simply intact, of course, this is one of main ones. them by the fact that if marine lepine wins, then they limit the supply of weapons, there will be no french soldier, and the french vote for it, zero
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debate in the united states that took place between. note that it is necessary to maintain the ruling course, this is what we see, this is precisely a manifestation not of the fact that the western course has broken down, russia has broken down, this is an infection by ukrainian political technologies, in the usa, in europe, what we are seeing now, because macron he himself called on the protesters, let's go beyond the left camp, which must resist to the lupine bloc, that now they will turn, this is the intimidation of society, which has been practiced
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by the american tsarushniks for the past... years, in the usa we are seeing the same thing, yes, they are trying to survive through escalating the threat, introducing that same terrorist danger at american bases, but look in another context, i agree here with the previous speaker that yes, in germany there may be those very antifa, anti-fascists who will throw molotov cocktails at nato, but this is also a response to the signals that we heard from russia that american drones will now be shot down in the black sea, and now we need to somehow further increase this threat from russia in order to consolidate society.
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russian defense minister andrei belousov instructed the general staff to make proposals for rapid response measures to provocations. nato states are increasingly worried that russia may start shooting down us and nato drones over the black sea. it seems to me that the statement of the minister of defense prepares the ground for a possible collision between russian planes and aircraft nato over the black sea. most likely we will see more russian air defenses in the black sea area.
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i suspect it's time for unhindered action for... we win and they lose. i like this approach. we need to relearn how to maintain the escalation game. for example, we could confiscate all 300 billion euros of russian sovereign assets. putin no longer hopes to return them. the best game of the poles is a game of imagination, but here we see, yes, in the west, especially in the poles, such unconcealed excitement arises, in
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in gambling, there are no pessimists, as they say. and this...
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sits in our heads, so i repeat, yes, most likely there will be some point that can be called a second korean crisis, or it’s the ukrainian crisis or the black sea crisis, but there will almost certainly be such a point. vladimirovich, for this they need to stop the advance of our troops in ukraine, because at a small pace, but we are moving forward every day, and how they are going to stop us is still unclear. and here are the poles, who once again declared that it is necessary to increase escalation, talk about it openly, express yourself clearly. suggests whether poland is now capable of entering into this conflict openly? oh, they are capable, oh, they are capable, so capable that they again blocked the passage of ukrainian trucks. the first
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thing poland does when sekorski says, let us take the money, who are we? sekorsky will take away, there are russian reserves in poland, which he will take away, we will take away, a very interesting polish ambition, but the polish ambition has been blocked.
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further and further with the same dream: the administrative management of western ukraine, the return of century-old property to the poles, the pavolian families who exist in western ukraine, to squeeze certain objects under themselves, in this regard their intelligence worked brilliantly, they have practically crushed all the mayors under themselves , which they need, all that remains is to take such a symbolic step so that zelensky transfers the felling from ukraine to the poles specifically for management, external management, can’t this be done? to do without the army, i think yes, you know, poles, they spend their whole lives preparing for something, but they are preparing for something that is not necessary, a short advertisement, and we’ll come back, everything will be
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fine, i promise you, as soon as i arrive, i ’ll call you right away, my sister has disappeared , disappeared, no, she didn’t disappear, whether she disappeared or not , she was killed, and i saw it, in a dream, well... from that moment on, all the strange things began to happen to lyusika, wait, oh, quiet, quiet, quiet , quietly, what is this, and max, she’s crazy, no, i... i see people, sometimes what was, sometimes what will be, boo, worms, the government house, i went to work, and if he flees the country today, you will never unravel this matter, i was told that you have the ability to predict, he did not betray you, that well, to see what ordinary people do not notice, i am with you, of course, where would we be without you now , there is a map, there is a navigator.
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here, do you think grandfather is out of his mind, yes, come on, attract her, fortune teller, today on the first, white corridors of women, excuse me, as famous artists admit.
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to say, well, well, the knee-jerk police major vladimir sergeevich was one of the three most promising investigators in the country. a are you really watching? i wish i could find a husband, everything will be fine, we’ll live as before. citizen edgarova. i see you are looking for all sorts of husbands. well, search and search, maybe you will find someone. zafara has two sons, already adults. excuse me, what's your last name? columba. i haven’t called anyone yet, only interpol remains, i didn’t give him my sweatshirt, what are we doing with registration, stand, stand, police, police, maybe you can show me the gun, and in our yard from july 7 to sunday on the first.
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my family makes me happy because the most the most important thing in life for a person is his family. we, each family, as a unit, must try to pass on the best of everything we have to our children, spend time with our children so that they learn something new, suggest something to them, my dad loves to fish , he... took first place in fishing competitions, family is the basis of everything for me, for her i live, for her i breathe, my three children, this is the most precious thing, in my opinion, for a woman, to be a father for me means to be support the wall, i wish the family in year of the family, so that they are happy, healthy, and live well. we continue our broadcast,
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in ukraine the plans of the west are systematically carrying out the tasks there, they decided to prevent a demographic explosion, because there is already talk about the mobilization of women, we will not clear out, we will not survive this war without women, there are very few of us in the country, there are a lot of russians, that is there are very few ukrainians, and men are half of ukrainians, but of this half... people, lyudmila denisova, there is one, she said that now in ukraine there are three categories of men under 25 years old who can call to the front. there are questions about three categories of men under 25 who can be mobilized. these are people obliged to serve under 25 years of age
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who have passed the military department and are reserve officers, but are not currently studying for a master’s degree, people liable for military service who have previously served in military service, and persons whose status was previously established. were registered with the military as unfit for military service in peacetime or of limited fitness in wartime. victoria, but our president said that zelensky will be under pressure to lower the mobilization threshold, we are doing this now we’re watching, they’re already openly discussing this, but i was more struck by the singer, and they even cut her hair like a soldier jane according to american patterns, because they’re used to it exactly like that, if possible, let’s show her again, let’s see, she put on a military uniform and cut her hair , well, that’s it. yes, this is a purely, purely hollywood image of a woman who stood up to defend her homeland with her breasts, and how this should unite the rest, here is a boy who does not take interviews, a girl, they are both girls, but excuse me, please, excuse me, well it happens, what will this lead to in the end, that is , they really think that it will work, or
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they understand that it will not work, they make a beautiful picture and forcefully drive everyone else away, but they will say, here is our soldier jane, this is definitely a girl , girl, girl, well, this is a very question... they were talking about their adevich, apparently, but it’s interesting what images we have seen over these 2 years, a ukrainian woman, a warrior, remember, at eurovision it was like this diva, beautiful with swords, everything was very glamorous, now, apparently, already from the sickle, when this ukrainian spirit of national ukraine was cut, the throat was allegedly slit by the occupier, the transition to such homeless-looking women who will have to rebuild their thinking and go to the front, this is not the first...
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regarding mobilization and what lyudmila denisova spoke about, because this is the commissioner for human rights, and in the twenty-second year, who was scandalously thrown out for her inventions, rape, which were allegedly russian soldiers, she turns out to be still the same on arena, it turns out that it has the right to issue some narratives to the public, and this makes you think, because on the one hand , ukrainians are being given an injection of truth, get ready, these are the parameters, such and such segments of the population will be mobilized, on the other this is a statement. is being made by a discredited politician, including in ukrainian society, about whom there were a lot of comments about how retarded she is, i’m quoting actual ukrainian public pages, what they wrote about her, so they specifically chose such a woman, such a person, who seemed to be out of control teshka will start this topic with mobilization, then
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it will come out according to the rules from the overton window, from denisova’s window, let’s rename it, and then it will come out in official documents, legislative acts. but this suggests that ukraine has no future on its own. signs, that is, what kind of future can a country build without women, they are running out of men, they want women to run out, but here it is worth noting that vlad, correct me if we are wrong, well, in particular, i, that even in the years great patriotic war there was no forced mobilization of women exclusively voluntarily, here is a pilot, and we had several aviation regiments formed on the initiative of marina roskova, by the way, but mostly women went voluntarily, than in this situation women?
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it is necessary to drive everyone away, so they are starting to put on women, as it were, responsibilities for the rear, that is , what all sorts of body structures used to do, this is filled with female vacancies, but we must understand that when holes appear in the personnel at the front there will be no one to hire, then they'll drive the women away already all doctors are officially prohibited from leaving ukraine, that is, all doctors can no longer leave, plus there is also a whole category of women who are already restricted from leaving, not to mention...
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and for this, it is necessary to provide defense with some kind of human resources and give a hint to the west that we still have
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human resources to somehow keep the economy afloat, but women here cannot pull ukraine through without the example of elena zelenskaya, let her then show with her example, but apparently, here what scares me personally is that they don’t want to see women with strollers there in ukraine, they want women in wheelchairs if they remain alive, that ’s what...
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the west is holding it stronger , apparently already by gravity, here are the details of this new zelensky plan , how many of them were there already, he doesn’t have, but the information space is beginning to prepare for the thesis that the loss of territories for ukraine does not mean losing the war, listen, although people know , people need to explain that the one who still has capital, majority territories and access to the sea. even biden tells us about this, our main interest is not just returning the territories, we must preserve
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the state of the nation, and the territories can be returned later, save the state of the nation, that’s what’s important now and bring the country to the eu, then to nato. this is the formula for our victory, and they want to drive zelensky into this trap; if you agree to peace, then you are a traitor. it seems to me that theses are changing and changing radically, if there was a position before. certain industries of the russian federation in order to restore trade relations with former
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partners, in this regard, i would not reduce anything to territories, i would not reduce anything there to the capital or access to the sea, i would reduce everything to security architecture, the security architecture that zelensky is trying to offer today is something like this, the population reduce by 25% or 30, frictive women, men, childbearers, that is, we also need to somehow get rid of them. and ukrainian land is ready for sale, this is his narrative, absolutely. the russian narrative means the safety of russian citizens, the first step, then you are not in nato, no missiles can reach us so that the approach time is such that our air defense does not work, this is russia’s narrative, then the second step is building a security architecture in which there is a global conversation, deployment of missiles medium range, about how nuclear weapons, cyberspace and of course the lifting of sanctions when i hear.
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was confused in all of this, the hunt for him also continues to be carried out by people's deputy of the verkhovna rada maryana bezuglaya, now she has written a denunciation to the state bureau of investigation ukraine, accusing the commander-in-chief of obstructing the work of a people's deputy, well, himself, and for this, by the way, he could face up to 3 years in prison. i am submitting an application to the state bureau of investigation about the violation by the syra commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine of article 351 of the criminal code of ukraine. namely , obstruction of the activities of a people's deputy of ukraine, failure by an official to fulfill the legal requirements of a people's deputy of ukraine, deputies of the local council, creation of
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artificial obstacles in their work, providing them with knowingly false information is punishable by a fine of 1. to 2 thousand non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens or probation supervision for up to 3 years or restriction of freedom for the same period. i never cease to be amazed by this struggle. without the viper , vladimirich is already without a corner, she’s like a black widow, as soon as she doesn’t start talking about some commander-in-chief, they start demolishing him, or the commander, as if she was given a mission to discredit the military, but in this case she makes claims for that what is she saying they don’t allow military units to the front line, but she is a people’s deputy has the right, and is this some kind of internal squabble or is there something more serious behind this, because without a corner , all this is not on its own... well, really, without a corner, it’s not on its own come up with everything on your own, i think that there are several conflicts in ukraine, one of them, it
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is being extinguished in ukraine, this is a confrontation between real, stubborn, not benderaites, no, precisely ukrainians who understand what ukrainian statehood is, they understand who she is harmed, a normal person, looking at the way i saw #ludolovy, for me it’s a completely new ukrainian word, ludolovy, but it’s beautiful. the word, it is given directly by a normal ukrainian, he must realize what is happening, who is his enemy, who is forcing him , the root of understanding what is happening, is to die, well, indeed, the batkivshchina is being scolded out of the blue, there is no future, women who are single mothers, who are now abroad, they will not return, half of them will not return, firstly, there is nowhere, secondly, there is no need, they have already settled down there and the children go to school, the men are dying, then...
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if somewhere there is the smell of a russian muscovite, then this is already the enemy of the people, you will cost rubles, i think, in this context, and the confrontation will deepen, because until the last bendera citizen the benderaites do not want to fight, they don’t know how to fight in the field, they know how to take our normal slavic guys like this, the same christians with the same character, and send death, are they doing this themselves, no, so i think the conflict will deepen and the further the more there's more then anti-semitism will definitely appear - benderism. cannot exist without this, after anti-semitism a completely different understanding will appear, they will begin to say that it is their america, britain is pushing them, after which they will begin to defend them,
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listen, but rahama already said, boris johnson, you see, has arrived, that means everything, that ’s why he said this, apparently, just so that he could later blame the west for everything, and by the way, i have an idea, victoria, yes, why the coalless woman is now starting to behave like this, and remember, our president said that the only legitimate source of power in ukraine is who? verkhovna rada, this is where some deputies begin to actively fight. today, by the way, there was news that the sbu in kiev arrested a group of people who tried to seize the verkhovna rada for the purpose of some kind of coup d'etat. to what extent is the concept that the verkhovna rada will increasingly pull power away from itself, it is being implemented now in ukraine, to what extent this can become a big problem for zelensky. well we understand that by something is happening, but stefanchuk on his social networks... in every possible way fought off attempts to provoke him into saying that he could allegedly sit on zelensky, as long as he formally maintains this mask of being loyal to his
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leader. as for bezuglya, she doesn’t pull on the duma members, on the radovites, this is authority influence, because bezuglyaya was originally a cia agent, she drowned first zaluzhny, now syrsky, because the americans see that syrsky is sending ukrainians into the meat grinder, this is theirs , apparently, he’s not happy with the pace at which he’s effectively...
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so the situation here is a little different vlad, or maybe the chair is really rocking under syrsky now? it certainly swings, we must understand that here, in my opinion, in my opinion, somehow the truth is, it is always somewhere in the middle, of course, sirsky’s appointment for zelensky, it was, firstly, a move in the game against zaluzhny, he knocked out zaluzhny, but after that, of course, having given such carte blanche to sirsky, he expected him to change the situation at the front, the situation at the front is changing, but for the worse.
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struck that soon there might be nothing left. a short advert and we'll be back. when i entered the room, i saw my notebook there. i began to leaf through this book and there i found notes that tanya had made when all our relatives were dying. little tanya savicheva made her first
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entry in her diary. i say that tanya saevich, my relative, some say that this is not true, tanya saevich all died, i was almost in tears, but we survived, in memory of tanya savicheva, today is the first, we need to part, why, because you love someone else, well , that’s all, that’s all, what are you talking about, we can’t see each other anymore, it’s not good, but why, what did you come up with, bear, should we be removed from the road, killed?
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why kill? rat poison was found in all milk cans. explain to me how he got there? mikhail zakharovich ermakov is found guilty and sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 15 years. why are you silent, varvara? i hope you don’t believe that my grandfather let your father down in prison. well, it's not time for you. thank you, tell me later. tosya, you will come tomorrow. does she like you to relax? no, not yet, but he will love you. you know, i know how to get my way, you are mine, i despise you, let me go! two shores, premiere of the serial film, watch after the program time. get out of the way, give way. i love her more than life itself, understand? this is for your mom. at the entrance to the legendary bam village of zvezdny we are greeted by this wedge heel. 50
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years ago. the pioneers got here on it, they landed there on the banks of the tayura river, then there was no bridge or roads, just continuous, impenetrable taiga, frost, at 50, and 53°, in the rain, under any conditions, we didn’t look, but when i reach the horizon, we’ll see what the horizon is, but the horizon goes away, and you’re chasing after it, we had a group of 13 people , a year later from these 13... there were five left, another year from these thirteen there were only two of us left, that is , to get used to this road, to get used to the routine, to the slope, i saw what an earthquake was, there was water right in the mug,
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i cooked it myself koschi, i have to work, thank you, go home, why, i need to return the plate, this is the custom , but in our yard from july 7 to sunday on the first. i am happy, probably, when
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my children, my relatives are next to me, the parents themselves should have a good upbringing, they should pass it on to their children. a father must raise his son by leading by example. mom is work, it ’s daily work, taking care of children, mom, dad, brother and i, a great family, 3 years old already, and we are already reading books at that age, happiness is when there is calm, peace, prosperity at home, when everything is fine with people, so that the younger brother is good, healthy, happy, parents were the same, respect each other, love and appreciate every moment spent together, so that everyone lives well with faith, with hope, everything will be... well, units
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specializing in aerial reconnaissance and electronic warfare. so, the war correspondent of the vargonza project, ruslan khokkeyev, met with the guys from these units. hello everyone, the project wargon for i ruslan khokkeyev is with you, and we continue to tell you about those people about the events that are bringing liberation of the donetsk people's republic. today we are visiting the guys from the unique unit thunder cascade - this is one of the first units that began to use drones en masse for such dense aerial reconnaissance, this unit has
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more than one hundred detected destroyed targets, right now behind us another drone is preparing to fly far beyond the front line to scout out enemy warehouses from...
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charging, well, at the moment the bull was reloading, the guys caught it and destroyed it. listen guys they said that recently a bull warehouse was discovered, some kind of large one, but was subsequently destroyed. yes, we were just going on a long-distance, so-called, between us in narrow circles, this is when we are already going somewhere 70 to 80 km, deep behind enemy lines, that is, we must understand that this is from the lbs line, we we go to the rear and just... at the moment, the moment of unloading the bull from the cars, we caught him, passed on the coordinates to our guys who work at arzeso, to the exact... blow this warehouse was destroyed, the fungus was of course good,
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the guys in donetsk will tell you, even in donetsk you could see him, many probably have the impression there, well, guys, that they fly on some kind of birds, you sit at the joystick, control it, it’s like you’ve risen into the sky, then continue to work, in fact not everything is so simple, firstly, unmanned crews are the enemy’s priority target, it is clear that without eyes it is impossible to detect , hit, or target something, so we are their priority target, they are specifically targeting us. how long does one machine live and can fly? literally today there was the 176th flight, is it a lot or a little, is it a lot, in general, according to the regulations, as far as i know, a bird must make 50 flights, our guys say that there are birds in the crew that have already made more than 250 flights, we have an unspoken rule in the unit that the bird must die as a hero, that is, only if it is shot down it can die, it happens...
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another unique unit of its kind, the guys call themselves the engineering front and for a reason, the guys develop rap, protect an entire regiment from enemy drones, ambassador rap -movements in russia with the call sign roof. we’ve been working with him for a long time, we ourselves use his developments,
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we’ve never let us down yet, thank god, yes, everything is basically done - with our own hands, uh, quite cheaply and cheerfully, guys - the filling is stuffed into gardening basins onto which flowers are drawn, so the product is called a flower, now we are going to test, as i understand it, something new, a new version, a flower, but new. that is, there are more ranges, war requires new products, we have made something new, we need to test it, without testing there is nowhere to technology to go to the line of combat contact, be it an ordinary vehicle that delivers troops, or some kind of self-propelled artillery unit, not only our birds are constantly hanging in the air, the enemy’s are hanging, they are of course watching them. and they send kamikaze drones there,
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the car drives, the drone detector detects an enemy drone and the driver just takes it, presses the button on the roof, the installation turns on, the drone falls, now we’ll test another craft from the guys, in general... and somewhere it’s already taken off fpvidron, we now we turn on our detector, we wait - and i volunteered to be a volunteer, i will stand here, i asked the guys to fly straight at me, because i trust the guys from the engineering front completely, i hope, but i’ll still put on a helmet for every firefighter, somewhere it’s buzzing, you hear it, it sounds tough , of course, there it is... there you can see, oh, a strong
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drone has already survived two crashes, well, apparently , it’s working, working, in the north-west zone, now, i’m not afraid of that word, with accumulated, most advanced developments in military science from around the world. but how much countries did not help our enemy, we will always have competent engineers, enthusiasts, local kulibins who will catch up and overtake the enemy, well, with you was the wargonza project, ruslan khokkeyev, dmitry tereh, especially for you, dear subscribers, especially for the first channel. i
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think our viewers understand perfectly well that it is impossible to show all the technologies, all the secrets of the modern fight against drones and, in principle, how drones work for obvious reasons, but... after the end of the conflict, i think this will be a separate page in the big textbook of our victory, then the big game on the first, good afternoon, live big game, i’m vyacheslav nikonov, today russian president vladimir putin held a working meeting with the minister of higher education and science falkov, they discussed the most important topic related to advanced engineering... schools in our country. indeed, engineering schools are something that we largely lost in the nineties, but are now actively collecting in connection, in many ways, with the needs of a special military operation, which are, among other things, competition of advanced engineering schools, but our school has always been first-class, and i
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am sure it will remain so. well, as for the special military operation, the enemy continued to strike at our territory. that night, 16 drones were shot down over the bryansk region, nine over the kursk region, and nine over the belgorod region, but our armed forces carried out powerful attacks on military targets in odessa, kiev, kharkov, including trains with tanks and ammunition, and the ministry defense announced the liberation of the villages of spornaya novo-alexandrovka, just now... rozhen is in direct contact with us now, boris alexandrovich, good afternoon, what news do you have in the last days of the special military
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operation? good afternoon, yes, in recent days we have observed a fairly intensive development of hostilities against the backdrop of strikes. which on our side were in odessa, kharkov, kiev, was very much in kirovograd at the kanatov airfield, yesterday i flew, that is, in principle, the intensity of these attacks is high, the enemy is trying to respond with drone raids, mainly on civilian objects, but in general this does not change the unsuccessful development of events for him on the front line, and this is reflected in the advance towards the shakh settlements, if we go from south to north, then our troops will reach vremevsky on the rabotinsky ledge. continues to gain a foothold to the northeast of rabotin, at the vremya vystay the battles continue to shift towards the central part of the harvest, there the initiative is completely ours, in the ugledar direction our troops have already approached directly to the outskirts of konstantinovka, they are marching there fierce fighting, also our troops continue to press in the direction of
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the konstantinov kalidar highway, there are also small advances there, in krasnogorovka the city continues to come under the control of russian troops, already up to 65-70% control. the enemy is gradually pushing into the northern and northwestern part of the city, which means that to the west of ovgeevka our troops have liberated novopokrovskoye, novo-alexandrovka, clean-up measures have already been carried out there, sokol is in the process of coming under our control, we have also already taken hold of evgenyevka, also ours the troops continue the assault on the eastern outskirts of karlovka, in general the front here is mobile, the enemy cannot yet establish our offensive, and is constantly forced here. certain positions in the area of ​​​​new york and toretsk, well, derzhinsk, where our troops clung to the outskirts of these settlements, the enemy lost quite a lot of important positions, including an operation using an underground tunnel, that is, a repetition of the operation in vovdeevka, our the troops were able to use the tunnel,
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go past one important strong point, take out the enemy to retreat, which immediately led to a crisis of the entire enemy defense in this area, which means that starting from... behind the western part of the canal microdistrict, there are signs of already preparing the withdrawal of enemy troops beyond the seversky donetsk-donbass canal. on the northern ledge, our troops, having completed the liberation of razdolovka, continue to put pressure on the stations and probe the defenses north of razdololovka, the disputed one was also liberated, according to naborona, in the krasnolimanad direction positional battles continued in the area of ​​the serebryansky forestry for... and ivanovka, well, in the kharkov direction, our troops continued to engage in fierce battles in the center of volchansk for residential areas, and also
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the repulsion of enemy attacks in the lepsy and glubokoe area had already been completed; in general, the initiative was almost everywhere with us. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhens, as always, accurate information about what is happening on the fronts of a special military operation, but i must say that the foreign policy background. for kiev has noticeably worsened in recent days, the two main supporters of military assistance to ukraine in the world biden suffered a crushing defeat in the debates in the united states of america, macron in the parliamentary elections in france, against this background, zelensky and european politicians, hawks are calling on ukraine, the states of america.
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and there is no need to be afraid of him, well, ten times more powerful, well, let him demonstrate his power, of course, let's listen to the minister of defense of poland sekorski, we need to learn to play escalation again, for example, we can seize all-russian state assets worth 300 billion euro. putin has already written them off as losses and does not expect to get them back, but he also does not think that we will have the courage to take them, so far we are proving that
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a huge amount of reserves have been burned, there are simply no other successes, while it is obvious that russia has regained its initiative, again within the framework
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of even this operation, it has regained its initiative, boris very precisely said that we are now using this initiative in all directions, and again it becomes completely obvious that even the entire military the help that was sent again was a lot, that is, it cannot be underestimated, there are a lot of shells, and the equipment was sent, but all this is still not enough for... anything other than somehow trying to hold the front, moreover, they actually stopped at the front individual formations are already fighting, now battle groups are fighting, and often these battle groups are simply recruited, these are a hodgepodge of battalions, again the war has already been determined in fact by the color of the bones in the sense that there are brigades for meat, this is the defense that is thrown and no one thinks, there is a certain elite that is still capable of...
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there are quite a lot of these videos, so it is quite obvious that the war in the summer for the prospect of the summer campaign, which is now ongoing, is extremely bleak, that is, the front is becoming thinner and thinner, tensions are increasing more, reserve, despite the fact that mobilization is in full swing, they are recruiting a huge number of people, but they simply do not have time to train them, because even now you can judge from the prisoners whether those people who were taken literally 3 weeks ago went, and this seems to indicate... that, despite the fact that people are needed, people are needed, but no one is going to train them either, the trade center, as we see, is committing atrocities, and for the trade center, today
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it’s like ukraine - this is actually such a field for hunting, where people are being hunted, and the prediction that mikhailo podalyak made in september of twenty-two was that russia started the war, which means that people will now be caught in your country, borders will be closed, you will not have light, you will not have anything to eat and you... find, identify clusters as personal composition of the pvd, and accumulations of armored vehicles
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work on them, well, they also promote them at the front line. our heroic paratroopers are already pressing on the western part of the kanal microdistrict in the direction of the seversky donetsk-donbass canal itself. moreover, according to intelligence data, it is already known that some units of the ukrainian nazis are being transferred to the western bank, they are strengthening themselves there, they understand that most likely the kanal microdistrict will be liberated by us in the near future. in addition, fighters of the volunteer corps they are also pressing from the north already. the ibalka forest area has been cleared - this area is already behind us, there are also battles going on - in the settlement of kalinovka, this is a little to the north, and chasyara, a very important settlement, having captured which it will be possible to enter the northern part of the city, well, ours are also pressing from the southern part fighters, also directly along the banks, already on both banks of
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the seversky donetsk-donbass canal, have already gained a foothold in the western part of the air force. of this channel and put pressure on the southern part, so that the pincers around the yar clock inevitably shrink. thank you very much, pavel kukushkin, i’ve been furious about the situation in the area for an hour, we are waiting for your new information and take care of yourself. more and more interesting news related to the internal political situation is coming from ukraine. the statement of the famous ukrainian political scientist vladimir fesenko, who for... decades was close to any ukrainian government, now is close to zelensky’s government, caused a very big resonance, that ’s what he said in his recent interview. people need to explain that the one who retains the capital does not lose the war, the majority territories, access to the sea. and even biden tells us about this, our main interest is not just to return the territories, we must
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preserve the state, the nation, and the territories can be returned later. to save the state and nation, that’s the main thing now, and to bring the country into the eu and nato, that’s the formula for our victory. that is, in fact, in kiev there are quite strong sentiments in favor of surrendering part of the territory after all, for peacemaking, in order to gather forces, and then, perhaps, someday take historical revenge. but naturally this caused a very violent reaction from nationalist forces, that’s a statement. chief of staff of the azov regiment, let's listen, there is no peace without victory, there is only one victory, not a single russian soldier on the territory of ukraine, we will not leave this war to our descendants, and you will not leave it either, because if you try, it will be bad, for you and for them, if this is a probivon, don’t even think about it, he wrote with restraint, so the probivon did not succeed in getting through azov, but
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a statement from the sbu immediately followed. let's listen to him and watch the footage that accompanied these statement. the security service of ukraine detained provocateurs who were preparing riots in kiev. under the guise of holding a so-called meeting, the attackers planned to announce the removal from power of the current military-political leadership of ukraine, then they hoped to seize the building of the verkhovna rada and block its work; the detainees were chosen as a preventive measure in the form of detention, which continues. circumstances of the crime and bringing the perpetrators to justice and a lot of personnel detaining those same fighters for the people’s council, something is seething, boiling and gurgling there, well, before the investigation to establish all of us, as we can judge, there are several fragments of the same mosaic: the kiev government, suppressed by the west and the success of our
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army, understands that it will continue to take a position when.. it is absolutely impossible to forbid oneself negotiations and the borders of the ninety-first year, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, court political scientists are beginning to voice what zelensky needs and are quietly probing public opinion, but in fact, zelensky himself came up with. such statements, because he said a few words about how he sees a peaceful settlement, and there were phrases that were there before that the entire territory should be returned, they were not said, this is not something that he forgot. this is a change in zelensky’s position under the influence of his masters, but as for the nationalists, they react the way inveterate nazis should react without taking a step back, if the fuhrer... gives the interests of the reich, then the nazis begin to move against the fuhrer, this is an indicator that in my opinion, not yet a decisive split, but already emerging contradictions, because the sbu, which
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arrested someone there, paints a picture, well, about 1944 and the revelation of a conspiracy against hitler, this is a good sign if the nazi state begins to burst at the seams and its various parts begin to act with various... statements, but what i would like to draw attention to is that we always, well, before the start of a special military operation, paid attention and posed the question as if ukrainian politicians were hostages nationalist forces, so they are forced to do something or not do something, not to implement the minsk agreements and so on and so forth, now we see that the nazis in the kiev regime are just a tool, all decisions are made in a completely different way place, and you can turn them off quickly enough and... in political life, this was not done only because they are a convenient tool because it was convenient to blame your own actions on them. well, in fact, you are absolutely right, no decisions have been made in kiev for a long time, decisions are made in washington,
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d.c., from where the most contradictory signals begin to emanate, and it is obvious that even biden, during the debate with trump, did not defend his policy in ukraine, but... trump openly spoke about the fact that ukraine is losing, in kiev they were extremely dissatisfied with how these debates went, since ukraine still turned out to be among the topics discussed, and it was not discussed at all in the way the ukrainian leadership would like, so yes, it’s interesting what’s happening there now in kiev, the americans, of course, will set up kiev for war until the last ukrainian, but this matter is becoming more and more complex and there are internal contradictions. there are certainly aggravating, especially against the backdrop of the fact that the main engine of european assistance to ukraine, french president macron, suffered, in general , a crushing defeat in the parliamentary
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elections, and the results of the first round have already blown up france, and the french, leftists have already begun to destroy the french capital and others city, but more on that after the advertisement. we need to break up, why? because you love another. well, that's all, that's all? what are you talking about? we can’t see each other anymore, it’s not good. why, what did you make up? bear, we need to get out of the way. kill? why kill? rat poison was found in all milk cans. explain to me how he got there? find ermakov, mikhail zakharovich guilty and sentence him to imprisonment. with fate for 15 years, why are you silent, varvara, i hope you don’t believe that my grandfather brought your father to prison, well, it’s not bad for you, thank you, then you’ll say, tosya, you’ll come tomorrow, she
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although he loves you, not yet, but he will love you, you know, i know how to get my way, you are mine, i despise you, let me go, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, get out of the way, give in, i love her more life, i understand, this is for your mother, cognac, old barrel, a product of the stellar group, i mean, a vision, or what? well, i don’t know how to manage it yet, it just happens somehow. so what are they telling us? it's not him, what do you mean it's not him? we have all the evidence in front of us. i don't know how to explain it myself, but the one who killed, two faces, i saw it, that i have a swan here, from now on it will be
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more interesting, stop sulking. i’ll see you again with him, it’s not work, can you pack your things? these two are at the table, they shouldn't be together today. can't you save everyone? i can’t do this anymore, i want to become normal again . fortune teller, today on the first day, well, don’t quarrel with her, why quarrel, lesh, you understand, you need to, you need to caress, when i entered the room, i saw my notebook there, i began to leaf through this book and there i found the entries that... tanya made when everyone was dying, here are our relatives, little tanya savicheva made the first entry in her diary, it was scary, bombs were falling, she did not come down from hers.
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that this is not true, tanya savichevo all died, i was almost brought to tears, but we survived, in memory of tanya savicheva, today on the first, the most grandiose event in modern russia, traditions and advanced technologies, the greatest achievements and discoveries, all corners of the country. all spheres of life, 247 days, 89
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regions, more than 17 million visitors, we there is something to be surprised about, we have something to be proud of, the ceremonial closing of the russia exhibition is on july 6, on the first. how famous artists confess their love to their other halves, we will talk about this in our studio: it was some kind of impulse, the first one confessed her love, told him that i love him, and he hung up for a while and asked me, for what? you had a very serious accident, it was ira, the person who brought you back, and ira brought you back, i had post-traumatic injuries.
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it is clear that political passions have intensified, paris has begun to intensively prepare for the elections, like other cities, they first of all sewed up shop windows, fleeing from the possible pogroms that he hoped for, but probably for success, that everyone was waiting for, well , of course, there was no time and no one to clean the streets of paris, there was no time for that, political life was acute, well and...
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technology works in french elections too, but in any case, this is the unconditional success of the national unification and the absolute failure of this ensemble, which was headed by macron, they received only 20%, so macron was left without an ensemble, and after that the leftists took to the streets and began to destroy everything they could - at night paris experienced powerful
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speeches, protests, huge demonstrations of leftist forces and macronovites who protested against. against the victory, as they believe, of far-right forces. well, as for the winners themselves, marine lepen made the following statement. the people of france put the national unification at the head and practically swept the macronists into a bloc. but nothing has been decided yet, only the second round will save the country from falling into the hands of a coalition with environmentalists or the rise to power of left-wing extremists. to
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start the necessary reforms, we need an absolute majority, we need emmanuel macron to appoint jardin bardela, prime minister, in 8 days.
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did not lay down his arms, as it were, this is his statement. the high turnout in the first round of these elections indicates the importance of voting for all our compatriots , in order to clarify the political situation, we are obliged to accept their democratic choice. in the face of national unification, the time has come for a broad, completely democratic republican unity in the second round. that is, in reality, he proposed unity and sufficient weight in the second round. how do you look at the prospects for the elections? i think that the fight is not over yet and it seems to me that macron’s plan really was to ultimately shift responsibility to the right, but to give them as much as possible... less freedom to maneuver, moreover, in the event of a favorable second round, maybe
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even the responsibility won’t have to be shifted to the right, the point is that if political unionists who are close to macron are beginning to distance themselves from him, to be ashamed of him, that is, in fact, as a result of his cunning plan, he may turn out to be the main loser, this seems to me, he didn’t think it through completely, a very short remark, let me remind you, that there is nothing new under the sun when they talk about macron’s very cunning plan, but this is exactly what they did in the last election before last in relation to rights, in the first round they won, france plays a fairly large, although not leading role in helping ukraine, these are the results of these elections may somehow affect the amount of military assistance, how critical is this for kiev? well, of course, at least france is one of the main suppliers of weapons, very sensitive for...
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when i entered the room, i saw my notebook there, i began to leaf through this book, and there i found notes that tanya had made when everything they were dying, here are our relatives, little tanya savicheva made the first entry in her diary, it was scary, they were falling, very weak, all the toys were lying on their faces and were covered with black with a rag, they asked me what it was, i told them, they died of hunger, aunt dusya, when he left for work, she
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closed the room and tanya was sitting on the stairs, the last person who saw tanya was vasya. when i say that tanya saevich is my relative, some say that this is not true, the tanya saevichs are all dead, i’m almost dead, we can’t see each other anymore, it’s not good, why, what did you make up, the bear needs to be removed from the road, kill, why kill, rat poison was found in all cans of milk, explain to me how it got there, admit mikhail zakharovich ermakov guilty and sentence him to imprisonment. for a period of 15 years, why are you silent, varvara, i hope you don’t believe that my grandfather is the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, get out of the way, give way, i love her more than life itself, i understand, this is your mother , fantasy, on
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friday, on the first, at the entrance to the legendary bam village of zvezdna. we are greeted by this wedge: 50 years ago, we got here on it, there was no bridge, no roads, only continuous, impenetrable taiga, in frost, at 50, and 53°, in rain, under any conditions, we didn’t look, but when i reach the horizon, we’ll see what’s on the horizon, but the horizon goes away, and you’re chasing after it, we had a group of 13 people, and a year later, only five of those 13 remained. another year from these 13 there were no more of us left , i saw what an earthquake was, the water was gurgling right in the mug and things were all hanging on the radiator, water is the enemy for tunnels - it is the enemy, the strong will remain, the weak will leave, on saturday on the first .
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hello, what about home delivery? myself prepared the tabernacles, i need to work, thank you, home, this is the custom, and in our yard from 7 and...
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my son, setting his personal example, being a mother is work, it is daily work, taking care of children, mom, dad , brother and i, a great family, 3 years old already, and we are already reading books at that age, happiness is when there is calm, peace, prosperity at home, when everything is in order with people, so that the younger brother is good, healthy, happy, and the parents were the same, respect each other, love and appreciate every moment, spent together. so that everyone lives well with faith, with hope, everything will be fine, the big game is live, we have said many times that america is politically divided as never since the civil war, but
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finally there was at least something that unites practically all americans, and said it well and... watching biden's cognitive decline during the debate felt like one of the most unifying things america has experienced in a long time. americans and republicans and democrats agree that in their cognitive biden's abilities are no longer good for anything. a very serious rift has begun in the democratic party, this is already obvious, probably for me the main symptom was the editorial. in the new york times, which is, if you like, the mouthpiece of the deep state, including the deep state within the democratic party, let's listen, the democrats have a judicial adventure. leaders better suited as concrete, compelling, powerful alternatives to a second trump presidency. the party has no reason to risk stability and with the security of the country forced by voters
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to choose between the weaknesses of trump and biden, there is too much at stake to simply hope that americans will ignore or ignore biden's age and frailty, which are obvious to them. the president's speech cannot be written off as a failure, but the fact that there is still time to rally around someone else can be consoled. candidate, well , of course, there are biden supporters in the democratic party, primarily his own team, which is doomed to go under the knife if biden concedes the chair of the leader of the democratic party to someone else, for example, james klaiber, deputy head of biden's campaign headquarters. people need to calm down, this can happen already before preparations, i believe that there should have been much less preparation and much more active activity. congressman kleiber, you're doing a lot of events right now, tell me honestly, what are you hearing from people on the ground? i haven’t heard a single person say anything negative,
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everyone is telling us: “go ahead, joe biden.” but nevertheless, this point of view clearly now prevails, in any case, to continue the fight. well, an interesting development of events. we are here. the studio has repeatedly made predictions about the possible development of the event and it seems to me that they have practically hit the nail on the head, what we are seeing today is not a reaction to biden’s speech, but this is a pre -planned scenario that was supposed to avoid a split within the democratic party, and yes , there are forces that want to cause a split in the party, as has sometimes happened, by the way, in the history of the united states, it is impossible, so biden is given a practice run. and you know what i want to say, you can hire a master of stage speech, you can hire the best image makers who will dress and teach
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the candidate how to move and stand. it is possible, probably in the usa, even to sentence the opponent in court to the position of age to be a candidate, that he is ready for this. therefore, such statements made by interested members of the headquarters look ridiculous and false. so i guess it's a matter of replacement. candidate, it has already been decided, we have just such a beautiful procedure in front of us, this new candidate will appear in the last moment, all in white, minimum requirements will be placed on him, he must walk, talk, he must not have a son drug addict, that is, i believe that what we have before us is not a response to biden’s health condition, a plan that is being consistently implemented when they are biden's disadvantages, his physical condition, his age. in the end , they will try to turn it into positives, giving all the negativity to the old trump, who is boring to many. well, by the way, this jack-in-the-box strategy, yes, the americans do it quite well
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rolled around in different skerkas, which suddenly popped up out of nowhere, and then created a completely new party, which also came out of absolutely nowhere, from a clean slate, won the elections, the analogy with france does not come to mind here, you know, well, in france after all there was a different situation, no, macron. was a protege of systemic forces long before the seventeenth year, already at least in the fifteenth year this was the case, and this is documented, based on many testimonies and covered, in particular , he left the government there, and from everything the ruling clan of macron, hollande then, but a few months, almost a year or even more than a year before the elections, that’s why i wouldn’t draw direct parallels here, of course, then there was another friend.
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through a smile for his own benefit, the past debate did not change anything, which is why so much is at stake in november, the party. obama has not yet said who he will support, nor has he had a personal meeting with biden to tell him . relations between the obamas and bidens were never cordial, at times they were even hostile, and recently became even worse , mainly because of jill biden. in the first hours and days after the debate, she closed her husband off from anyone who might convince him to quit the race. jill, the driver. the strength of his entire company, as it was in 2020, when other members of his family, including in the ces with an appeal to register to vote in the elections contains on - the first sheet: a portrait of michelle
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obama, the wife of the former president of the united states. a curious situation. in general, yes, i especially liked obama’s tweet about that biden never lies, literally a forced denial from the pentagon, which the day before was after biden’s statement that not a single american soldier died under him social debate. that is, in my opinion, this was really such a big test for biden with his maximum support, in order to probe how much he is at all. passing, but it turns out that most likely there will be no passage, well, it could have been a setup, in fact, not necessarily a test debate, but in order to demolish it again, it was necessary to set up, yes, but actually at biden headquarters they don’t think so, they believe that the election campaign in kemdavid is to blame for everything, blaming them for the failure of the presidential debate and calling on biden to fire or demote these people,
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blaming the employees. including anita.
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