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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 1, 2024 6:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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there up to +37. doctors advise staying out of the sun for too long, remembering to wear hats and drinking plenty of water. the heat will subside only towards the middle of next week. and that ’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program. hello, live on channel one, the program “time will tell.” i’m artyom shenin, today on our program, within the framework of the most important, topical thing that we usually try to talk about here, of course, there will be a lot of all sorts of global political science related to the upcoming elections in the united states of america, the parliamentary elections in france, the presidential elections in iran, we will talk about all this, this is real. but i want to start with the fact that
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in many ways today, at the moment, has determined for us the importance of what will happen next with america, what will generally happen with one of the strong nato countries, france , and with iran, which on many international issues he takes the same side with us, because we are all, of course, witnesses to what is quite obviously happening conflict. confrontation over what the future world will be like, who will occupy what place in it, who will dictate the rules of this world, since that side really likes to talk about a world based on rules, because rules can be dictated if you are a hegemon, and this is the question about what place the hegemon will continue to occupy, or will not occupy the hegemon, our special military operation is in many ways part of this global confrontation, and... very
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difficult, that’s why these political science conversations are all important for us, but at the heart of everything this for us, and i hope for most of us, is that now our armed forces of the russian federation play a huge role in this confrontation, this year, combat veterans day, for the third time in recent years, it is not the first year is celebrated, and i everyone... who has ever participated in hostilities is related to this holiday to this title of combat veteran, i congratulate you on it, wish you health, wish you success, eternal memory of our fallen, whom we don't forget, but for the third year now, as i said, we understand that veterans... of military operations are now
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becoming normal, i think, more than before, they are participating, they, let’s be honest, with all due respect to the afghans, chechens, to the syrians, to those who fought in all the many countries that are listed here, all these conflicts were very difficult in their own way, because when you are at war, it is the most difficult war in your life, but of course, of such... the scale of the confrontation military with the inclusion of so many technologies, with the use of so many of course, there were no powerful weapons, including nato western weapons, directly to the armed forces of the russian federation, so special words and wishes on this day to those who participated and continue to participate in a special military operation, in fact, this conflict
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presupposes a front, since i said about the high-tech component, about the long-range component, and so on, this is a conflict, a front line that runs not only here on the ground, despite the fact that the guys there are doing the most important, hardest work, in fact, the front line is now exactly the same, in some sense of the word no less... it goes through scientific developments, it goes through the creation of new types of weapons, through the improvement of existing types of weapons, and just this weekend we will address the issue of debates in the united states, which we will talk about today, which i will say right away, i did not watch, i had much more important and interesting things to do, because i was just on this very line. no less important
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front line, probably reads the inscription on my the t-shirt that i brought from where i was, i really was at that enterprise. where they make lancets, our highly efficient ones, and unmanned aerial vehicles, reconnaissance vehicles and so on, the story is such that i want to tell a lot, but the internal, as they say, internal stupor gets in the way, because well, it’s so cool that you’re afraid of something superfluous -
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at first it went to, as it were, where they are used in the combat zone, quite by accident, being in one of the directions, i went, well , it happens in some kind of perfect, you know, like about the houthis, we often joke that they find somewhere in underground caves, so i walked, walked, walked, and just looked, and there was a box, in the box there was some kind of device on it , like a cap, i showed this cap on air, but now on the street. it’s so hot, i thought about going out with this hat, but i think it will be completely strange, already with a hat in my hands, so, and this is how my first acquaintance with these devices happened, so to get acquainted with the place where they are produced, now i’m like i show you, i explain there, and i’m on telegram
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i published this video at home in may, and i explained everything in detail there, so that it would be clearer what it looks like, well, what is called, this photo, the only photo that shows, in fact, don’t think that it’s so deserted there, but it ’s impossible to show people, machines and so on, for obvious reasons, pay attention to the posters, by the way, this is one of the very interesting stories, that all visual propaganda is everything, well, soviet posters , they are perfect in this, that is, this high-tech component. ideological component of the cold war - this in combination simply looks gorgeous, so in fact, these are these hats that i was talking about, this is actually how it looks on the final product, although of course, this milestone, what
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else struck me about it, the milestone this scientific-production, scientific-technical front, which is of course an absolute breakthrough into the future, even from the point of view. organization of production, and this is just a separate conversation, someday, i don’t know, either i’ll write in a telegram, or somehow here i’ll tell you, that is, these are the people who create the production technologies of the future, not only from the point of view of what they do, from the point of view of how they do it, the way they approach the organization of production, the way they take into account when this is the psychology of a russian person, a russian in the broad sense of the word, you can simply write separate... volumes and the result is why it is like this, plus, again, being there in may in the zone of my own, i was then convinced of this, that is i have now arrived, well, as if knowing that i was going to people, who, well, make such breakthrough stories, i told this, being there
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already in this very hat with a lancet, i showed these cases and told them then in this video, it was also published in may, this is a very revealing story that these are the cases in which the products are located, as they are called, this is the one that is green, this is the one i’m lying on now, that is, it is specially designed so that, well, with minimal modification, the guys in the forest shelving can spend the night in this story after that how the product is used, how it is inside, that green one that stands at the back, this is an excellent case, everyone who has heard about mice in the field, that is, imagine, this is the story, how many things can be kept in it so that no mice , so that’s why i say that it’s like a combination of the highest technologies and the highest , highest consideration of people’s psychology, in
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all these cases, i was really surprised by this even when i was at the front, it says on each of them: the packaging is not returnable, that is, it ’s kind of clear that well, since it’s like the army and it’s like... on this scientific, industrial and production front, and new technologies will be introduced, and new approaches will be introduced, this is very important, for example, at this same enterprise there are cases, well, let’s put it this way, cases, what you need cases, i can’t and won’t go into this, but this, this is another indicator, just believe me, the word is about how people are improving their feedback from those who work with this at the front , what is needed there? just being at the front i knew from the boys that there were certain difficulties, well of course, they not only
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told me about this, but the people at this enterprise, they accepted this feedback and developed what was needed so that the guys could work more efficiently, and most importantly, to minimize the threat to their lives, this is the most important story, but plus what i’m telling you about... well, as you understand, it wasn’t laid out there for me, this photograph, this is like a connection of times, it can be seen everywhere there, that is, you understand that this is not just production, it’s also where the idea is put, the soul is put there, just like when i said the idea is put the soul is put, there in these cases with products that are sent for...
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not only weapons, the war will end sooner or later, but we understand that, as it were , war is only the conditions for further competitive development, well, for example , the story is that this is the whole enterprise, it was made in a former shopping center, that’s why there are so many of these light tiles, but from the shopping center they left the center, what do you think they left? firstly, a cafe, secondly, they left the children's room, well, completely as it was, well, they improved something there, that is , people who, due to the production cycle, and it is almost continuous there, need, for example, to come to work on saturday, but there is no one to leave the children with, here they are brings children there, they show some kind of movie there, and so on and so forth, this also makes a very impression, but so as not to get so carried away with thoughts about how everything is organized there, but it is organized simply in...
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also subnational mentality, this is between other things are also very important for future
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development, well, returning to the military theme, i filmed a very small piece and even in it i had to cover people’s faces, and there they train guys who will then use this condition, so they pass certain tests there, so this room is quite large, that is, imagine, people come there to master the technology, and then they take... a test in a room that is made as close as possible to a combat situation, that is, there is complete darkness, maybe there they can turn on the rain, that is, it’s all with this kind of sound.
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did and continues to do, here is the unity of the front and rear, it is very felt there, and this is the most important thing for us, you also know why, so that when we win, and we will win, we don’t give a damn what’s going on at the debates in america, who’s there what farted, who said what or didn’t say what happened in the parliamentary elections in france, well , someday, now we live where we live, we still have to win, we still have to mow down. keep an eye on what they have there at adversaries. now let's start right after a short, very interesting advertisement on channel one, as always, don't switch, when i entered the room, i saw my notebook there, i began to leaf through this book and there
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i found the notes that tanya made when everyone was dying, here are ours dear ones, little one. made the first entry in her diary: it was scary, bombs were falling, she didn’t come down from her apartment, here, in this school, there was a bomb shelter, very pale, very thin, very weak, all the toys lay face down and were covered with black with a rag, they asked me what it was, i told them, they died of hunger, aunt dusya, when he left for work, she locked the room and tanya was sitting on the stairs, the last one...
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at the entrance to the legendary bamovsky village , the zvezna meets us here such a wedge 50 years ago the pioneers got here on it, so they landed there on the banks of the tayura river, then there was no bridge, no roads, just continuous, impenetrable taiga, in cold weather of 50 and 53 degrees, in rain under any conditions, we did not look , and i’ll reach the horizon. let's see what's on the horizon, and the horizon goes away, and you are chasing after it, we had a group of 13 people, a year later there were five left from these 13, and a year later from these.
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hello, what about home delivery? i prepared the tents myself, i need to work, thank you, go home, what? the plate must be returned, this is the custom, but in our yard from july 7 to sunday, on the first.
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i am probably happy when my children, my relatives, and my parents are next to me. they themselves must have a good upbringing, they must pass it on to their children. a father must raise his son by giving his personal example. being a mother is work, it is daily work, taking care of children. mom, dad, brother and i, great family. 3 years old already, and we are already reading books at that age. happiness is when there is calm, peace, prosperity at home, when everything is in order with people, so that the younger brother is good and healthy. happy and parents were the same, respect each other, love and appreciate every moment spent together, so that everyone lives well with faith, with hope, everything will be fine,
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time will tell the program, we continue to work live, as i said at the beginning of the program, i honestly admitted that i didn’t intend to watch the american debates and didn’t watch them because i went to a much more interesting place, and i wasn’t mistaken, because everything that i saw in the comments of those , who watched, some live, some not live, confirmed to me that everything was even worse than it seemed it could be, because well, it wasn’t for nothing that we called it a kind of freak show when we discussed this is on thursday, well, i called you, you were more careful, but for me very revealing... was the cover of the new york times, the new york times, not just anything, but the new york times, which almost immediately after the debate wrote the most important
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headline here: to serve his country, president joe biden must leave the race, and this has become one of the leitmotifs, in fact, regardless of who considered the performance of biden, trump, etc. successful or unsuccessful, this is actually a very important leitmotif, in my opinion. in general, it already deprives the need deeply to examine the course of the debates themselves, who was able to do what, who was not able to do what, because this literary motif appeared among people who, well, in general, are clearly not any direct enemies of biden, that is, this is in many ways a general feeling, but just to convey it, well, that’s how it was, you can cut dozens of different videos and no matter how you cut it, it’s clear that one was miserable, and the other was trump, so that’s it...
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are al baghdaddy and salamani, the two greatest terrors, biggest terrorist anywhere in the world, you're the sucker, you're the loser, he's given 200 billion dollars now or more to ukraine, he's given 200 of having sex with a porn star on the night while your wife was pregnant, but now he's going to take the whole thing from this man right here, that's a war that should be never started, the total initiative relative to what we're going to do. more border patrol and more asylum officers. president trump, i really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence, i don't think he knows what he said either. this minute shows everything perfectly,
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what you needed to know and see about these debates, i assure you that no matter how much they all differed from what was here, because where we turned on this sound of the night cycats hanging, if you think that we at that moment they froze the picture with biden, no, we didn’t freeze it, he seemed to be freezing in real life, this is the level of argumentation, and the fact that when trump speaks, i didn’t understand what he said, it’s quite obvious that in many. pieces, it was clear that biden himself did not really understand what he said, which is why another leitmotif, like i already showed you the new york times, that the best thing biden can do is withdraw from the race, but this is the new york times, these are journalists, they need headlines and so on and so forth, but here are the pollsters , sociologists who cite data that 72% of us citizens believe president joe
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biden is mentally unfit to fight. for re-election to the presidency, that is, this is already a kind of sociology, which i doubt works directly for trump, but it works, well as if something obvious to all of you now , too, in case you suddenly missed this wonderful freak show, reality, well, perhaps, is another topic that has become the most important, and it seems to me that it is the most important topic of the post-debate discussion, because it concerns not debates, which it seems to me are not worth much... special considerations, but what these debates revealed about how america is structured in general and what is happening to it, well, let’s listen to what seems to me a very revealing story, please, the only thing that will make joe biden come out from the presidential race is the decision of his closest relatives and friends. the only people making decisions for biden are biden's wife jill, his younger sister valery and eighty-five-year-old ted kaufman, a longtime friend and permanent adviser
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to the president. and a small group of white house advisers, if biden stays, for the same reason he decided to run again, he and his oligarchy believe his chances of beating trump are better than vice president haris. i'm not very interested in all this fuss of theirs. hidden, but the appearance in america, in this citadel of exemplary, model democracy, of such an instrument of domestic american politics as the family of close relatives of the president, it’s like... an interesting story, it’s so vivid, it’s like, well, that is, in fact, in essence they partly must decide the fate of the whole country, and where are the voters, and where are the parties, and where are the institutions, this is about the question that this is, as it were, a citadel of democracy, i noticed that the family really surprisingly comes to the fore, according to off the ladder now grandfather, against the backdrop of these debates, now grandfather is not allowed down the stairs alone, next to him you see, oops, a young
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seventy... eight-year-old is being formed, which means his wife, that’s, in fact, how this whole story with the role of the wife and not spouses only describes cnn, please biden family, including first lady jill biden, son hunter biden and their grandchildren, gathered at camp david for a previously scheduled meeting implored the president to continue fighting for re-election, biden advisers told cnn, family apparently disappointed by the team that prepared the president...
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were they deliberately stripped for something to show us all their, so to speak, unsightly nudity, well, jill biden appears, pay attention, the cover of one fairly well -known publication, very indicative, and first lady jill biden, we will decide our future, i don’t know when this headline was supposedly made, but...
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but no, now it turns out that a lot depends on their decision, since jole biden praised his grandfather’s performance at the debate, please . this is a mixture of some kind of hellish childish matinee, animation in a mental hospital and a parent's day in a home for these elderly people with dementia, but this, my friends, is president.
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i also noted that the first thing is that the united states of america, its political system now, yes, this, this can be called a gerantocracy, is very much reminiscent of the soviet union of the late seventies, early eighties, these people compared to the members of our politburo, are simply much worse , much worse, that’s true, then everyone laughed at leonid migech, brezhnev and others, it’s much worse, and they did it not only in trump and biden, let me remind you how old the polisi nation is, 83, it seems there is older than biden. that is, this is the irremovability of elites, this is the first moment, the second moment, clanism, the family decides, you know, there is no
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need to be surprised at anything here, this is absolutely nothing, not news for america, let’s just remember the facts, the political history of the united states, how many roosevelt presidents there were , two theodore franklin, they are relatives, yes, uncle nephew, kennedy, kennedy clan. john president kennedy, the attorney general, his brother, and now a certain kennedy, now a certain one, then kennedy was a senator, then when they were killed, then bush, the bush clan, dad and son, everything, the clintons, clinton the president, his wife, who does not officially hold any position, developed our health care reform system project, you know, that is here are these clans, nepotism, there is nothing new here for america, there is nothing new, but you must agree, the scale on which this has now manifested itself. this makes a huge impression on young people with fragile psyches, like mine, to be honest, i all weekend, this show, i couldn’t believe it, that is, it seems that they decided to turn their democracy inside out and show all the rotten stuff, well,
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in principle, they didn’t do it so much, they may have done it involuntarily, but did, i agree, the problem is that now there is a real panic among the democrats, oh... that’s why, because in fact they don’t know where to go and what to do, on the one hand there is a faction, this is, first of all, of course the biden family these oligarchs, what are we going to do next? let's go, we are the only ones who can, who can beat trump in the elections, the other one, this is the new york times, they say, no, we need to change, okay, we need to change, the list gives who, it's too late, isn't it too late for who, as far as i understand, not everyone on this list can.
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the michigan senator is a swing state, she has a good reputation there, she has a relatively balanced policy, although very progressive, the problem is that outside of michigan, no one knows who she is , it takes us months to promote how many november, you know, this is absolutely pete butedzic - this is the former, this is the former mayor, michelle obama is here more or less michelle obama she is extremely unpopular, she doesn’t want to, she’s extremely, she knows she can’t, she doesn’t want to, either she knows that she can’t, she will never be elected in her life, she is extremely unpopular among the public, she will immediately be remembered. when obama became president, she declared publicly, for the first time in my life, i’m proud of america, and that i wasn’t proud before, or something, but you know, so in this very place - tell me, please, i know that i am prone to some kind of conspiracy theory, it’s always this, well, i can’t do anything about it, my maternal uncle,
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there was such a conspiracy theorist, that’s how it works out for me the feeling that this whole story with biden’s setup for this election, well, to any mentally healthy person. it was obvious that he would perform the way he would perform, i have a feeling that this is also a kind of combination for something, that’s what, these conversations, to leave or not to leave, family, not family? that this is all outwardly panic, as the same one writes to us, the same time, yes, this is right here the cover, that’s all one word, that this is all outwardly panic, in fact, this is some kind of initial from joe’s arrival at this debate, it’s like would be some kind of construction, maybe i ’m mistaken, well, when we are talking about such things that, in general, are quite speculative such constructions, and speculative, purely speculative, it cannot be ruled out,
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or force him or create an excuse for him to leave the race , but then who should i change it to? we just discussed that it’s not clear to whom, but the other option is what we mentioned at the very beginning, it’s like this effect of the late soviet politburo, when everything is fine. they did not expect such a failure, they expected that at least he would somehow play a draw, how
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can one expect not such a failure if he is in the air, because what we discussed on thursday is that people live in a different paradigm, in a different world, this is their reality, again, if in their head there are not two genders and so on and so forth, for them reality is this is not the state of affairs in the world, but what they want it to be, i understand, as a result, if it seems to them that everything should be fine with biden, then everything is fine, no matter what the facts are.
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numerous memes that appeared, and since, well done, on this basis the memes yes, well, about the green one it’s kind of clear, but the one they’ll show us now has probably already been put on it, yes, well, that’s good for me, of course, although i it seems like dancing, and harris, who... pushes him out and so on, it’s like everything is fine, but again i i understand that the headline, cover time, all these headlines, all these memes, this is also part of the show, i don’t know whether it’s the same show that these debates were, or some other show, in which someone participates unwittingly, someone consciously, in your opinion, in fact , what happened is something critical, or , as it were, these waves, waves, they will subside and , as it were...
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a year is a lot, and so it was already said that people they don’t live in the real world, in the one they see for themselves, you, i agree, i don’t really like conspiracy theories at all theory, because very often in life, well, following international politics, i came across the fact that, as a rule, when we discuss france, everything is the same, everything is simpler, and indeed now they, well, panic is not panic, but they need to decide very quickly, that is, do i understand you correctly, when you... say that everything is simpler, you tell me the following, that this is really all
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this vaunted american multi-level democracy, deepstate, shmipstate and so on, they put up to a debate without an old man's prompter with dementia, on the grounds that they live in a world invented by themselves, they decided that somehow something might work, but it didn’t work, they now the system is malfunctioning, it malfunctioned at the preliminary stage, when... now it’s really , i agree, it’s too late to turn around, if i were democratic political strategists, i would say, now, just yesterday, it was necessary to change biden at any cost for any candidate, because it is clear that they will vote against trump, but listen, we just discussed about anyone, but them
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there are no any, that is, as it were, all that we have under any is that there are also 4 months left and one week to compress. teeth and promote any other candidate who does not have this minus of biden, that the situation will only get worse, but the next day after the debate he felt better, he spoke more or less briskly at the pre-election rally, but there are no guarantees, well, because the pre-election at the rally he read from a prompter, that’s another story, another story, well , it looked, it looked like the pain of the striker was relatively yes, i didn’t hang out, it’s called smartly reading the soufflé.
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allowed this, why does the deep state allow this, for example, the democrats, idiots, here is the politburo of the democratic party, there are all the idiots who live in a world invented by themselves, but the deepst, if it exists, and it most likely exists, why did you allow this, he allowed them to make this mistake, if it is a mistake, by substituting, actually putting biden under trump, i can’t understand why, briefly and move on, they don’t care whether they are republicans or democrats. what's the difference, he's deepst, yeah, you see, and secondly, stop, stop, stop, if you say, then he’s still a deepstate, do i understand you correctly, that by letting the democrats make this mistake by installing this brainless doll, and the deepstate bet on trump’s victory, well, no what he set and let them, let’s say , allow, allowed, because last time
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trump threatened that he would now drain this swamp, instead the swamp drained him, as we know, that is, accordingly, deepstate realized that it was possible to come to an agreement with trump, he will now menacingly say that uh-huh. now there they will disperse us all and so on, it’s actually normal, yes, we worked everything out fine with him, and the last point with the democrats, this is a very important point, they learned a very bitter lesson from the democrats in 1968, when lyndon johnson refused to run for office. the second term, because the party split into three, even there were four large factions, and that means he also decided, he decided to leave the race, not to run for a second term, as a result , hubert hari was the nominee, they lost miserably to nixon, so that's exactly what happened around these times.
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have some perfect cracks and inefficiency really emerged, or is it still some kind of combination, by the way, the allies of the united states of america, many and clearly allies are definitely not trump, well, everything seems to be public in any case case, they are really very concerned, well , let's who, well, cnn, let's cnn, joe biden's performance at the debate against donald trump caused.
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china and russia are attacking the us democratic system, making it look weak. cnn notes a good detail that, after all, the usa, who position themselves as a hegemon, at the moment when they, wittingly or unwittingly
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, show their inner weakness, they shake not only themselves, they also shake, as it were, the allies over whom they should rise. well, bloomberg is also talking about this. polish prime minister donald tusk warned that the democrats were in trouble. diplomats from other countries are in no hurry to reach a verdict. but the poles said what many are afraid to say out loud: joe biden must leave on time. of course, they forgot to ask the poles, but in general, this is very indicative, that, well, at least publicly, the allies are like that in some, well, i can’t say, on the air, in what they have no one, well, everyone is doing it themselves now, which means they uttered this word within themselves. well, perhaps, what else can we add here? let us add here how it is, well, we say it all the time, anglos. well, this is a telegraph, one of the mouthpieces of the anglo-saxons, but what are they? let's listen. some
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uk ruling party ministers have privately called on democrats to ditch mr biden, in a surprisingly frank manner. three figures those sitting around rish sunak's desk told the telegram that mr biden should be replaced by someone better prepared to defeat donald trump. these are sunok people who have 3 days left in power, so maxim took it off his tongue, you understand. exactly, when i read the telegraph, i had the feeling that this was some kind of ponopticon, just, you know, sunak’s people said, advised what was needed, who was this, someone who was more prepared to win, that is, a feeling, that this is what he has to leave, he has to leave, he has to go, this is some kind of training manual, not a training manual, or is it because of their panic that you know, it’s like it’s jammed, that’s what it’s like, watching not even this very stone that fell into the water, but these waves, on...
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there are no other options at all, age, well , i just returned from iran yesterday literally, well, there are. ayatollah khamenia, he is older, he is older than biden, 85 or 86 years old, it is not a question of age, it is a matter of lifestyle, it is a matter of lifestyle, what one leader does, what another leader does, that is, when there is real choice, here in iran, it really exists, we will talk about this a little deeper, when, for example, ayato, what is chosen, chosen on the basis of intelligence, on the basis of abilities, this is a person who constantly reads, constantly thinks, constantly makes decisions independently, yes, i advise, but they don’t make decisions for him, but he makes a decision, keeping his brain
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in good shape for years and decades, at the age of 86 he is quite vigorous, speaks well, understands what is happening around him, and even outside his country when you're a doll, when there's depst and there is a certain nominal figure, a formality, yes, and then there is obvious degeneration, this whole situation. under the blast wave and part of his face is blown off and this mechanical face is exposed, he nevertheless still moves, he does something, he is full of strength, but we already see that this is yes, that this is not a person, that this is not a person, that there is nothing there, but at the same time this does not prevent him from performing the task, that’s the same thing we... and today, that’s why, what, what can i say, well, apparently, those who really
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rule these mechanisms, and whose names we may never know. but all the others seem to have no chance either, but what if this is a story about somehow putting him in such a light, leaving him anyway, and this vein that praises him, you know, well, i just put myself , i wrote about this some time ago, talking about why they keep this doll, but it’s very cool, guys, if we are cool puppeteers, we want there to be
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a doll, so that the doll is elected and the doll is elected. someone doubts, watch your hands, we’re waiting for november 5th, and on november 5th the mail started working, something else, something else, and now it’s biden, and we’re like that in the studio, we’ll say, of course their downstate is cool, if they could still bring this failed baby to 4 years in white, i don’t know, you certainly made a great deal, i agree with mikhail that deepstate, by and large, doesn’t care.
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trump wouldn’t have given it, and he doesn’t care, but what’s the difference, well, by and large, what ’s the difference, you were doing the necessary and important things, and the guys from deepstate were doing it too necessary and important things, and what does this doll do , this tanned freak, it doesn’t matter who wins in the end, it doesn’t matter at all, well, okay, we don’t know their plans, we did it.
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this process degrades at the very beginning, so i said, the first thing that suffered was the picture, and the system in this state, no, they always managed to portray democracy, they did it wonderfully, against this background they imposed democracy on the rest of the wild world , now the first, this first echelon and the defense has been broken through, broken through, that is there is no longer a picture, everyone already sees this cyborg, that is, a human face, further, further this will be corroded. metal muzzle, of course, this will be a long process, we must do it in every possible way, which means making it faster, we must contribute to this corrosion, but do not flatter yourself with hopes that this cyborg has weakened and cannot yet cause harm. this, in fact, it seems to me, is one of the most important conclusions from what we talked about, where we all came together, and what we need to share in our perception, what happened in the external
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picture, and the fact that behind... the external picture something else is happening and the usa, the usa is what is behind this screen, i don’t know why they needed it, so it’s more important for us. and how will events develop further now, which someone or something there is certainly, well, in any case, taxiing, let’s say, but the fact that they lost something somewhere in the picture, well, perhaps they had a need lose in the picture so that time will tell, or there was no way out, or there was no way out, time will tell, but i i completely agree, what can i say, that’s it, america is no longer the same here and there, it’s just like... although, of course, i now feel sorry for our liberota, i caught myself thinking that i now feel sorry for liberota, how now they will set this as an example for everyone, i don’t understand, well, that is, you have to be blind, deaf and also, as it were, in dementia, well, this is
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actually not our sadness, pumping other people’s children, advertising on channel one, i mean, a vision that well, i don’t know how to control it yet, it just happens somehow. so what do the spirits tell us? it's not him, what does that mean? isn't he? do we have all the evidence? i don’t know how to explain this myself? but the one who killed has two faces, i saw that, that i have a swan here? from now on it will be more interesting. stop sulking. i'll see you again, it's not work with him. can you pack your things? these two are at the table, they shouldn't be together today. can't you save everyone? i can not do this anymore. i want to become ordinary again, normal, fortune teller, today is the first, well, don’t quarrel with her, why are we quarreling, lesh, you understand, we need it,
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we need it, affection, whiskey, mancatcher, productlar group, cnop gin. steller group product, monte shocha cognac, stellar group product, rum, castro, stellar group product, pechora vodka, stellar group product, when i entered the room, i saw my notebook there, i began to leaf through this book and there ... i found the notes that tanya made when everyone was dying, here are our relatives. little tanya savicheva made the first entry in her diary: it’s scary, bombs are falling. she didn’t come down from her apartment,
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here, in this school bomb shelter, very pale, very thin, very weakened. all the toys were lying face down and covered with a black rag. they asked me what it was, i told them, they died. from hunger, aunt dusya, when she left for work, she locked the room and tanya sat on the stairs, the last person who saw tanya was vasya krylov, when i say that tanya saevich is my relative, some say that this is not true, tanya the saevichs all died, i was almost in tears, but we survived, in memory of tanya savicheva, today on the first occasion when famous artists confess their love to theirs.
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who was supposed to interview me, this was 58 years ago, is still interviewing me, sasha, how did you confess your love? it was disgusting, i think it was in the elevator, girls, i say, let's bet that i'm a month old and he will be with me, like all this, probably, if i hadn't married him at 18, i then she didn’t come out, why are you so serious, you’re afraid that i ’ll say something, on saturday at the first, in the new season at the first, a woman was killed, and we’re talking
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about the devil and our hearts didn’t break, what are you you know how it breaks, as soon as the shoulder is given away and the elbow pulls, well, okay, let 's think about it, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, you're in every corner of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second one. a very well -thought-out option for escaping abroad, well , of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him appear urgently control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man with a stutter suddenly speaks like cicero. “i really hope
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that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, the confrontation with the prime minister based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. time will tell the program, we continue to work live, and as i said at the beginning of the program, live, now we’ll talk about another election in another one country of the western bloc, and also the nuclear power of france, no matter how you look at it, is not uninterested in what is happening there, it is important what is happening there, and with all the differences between these countries, their political systems , their situations, and so on and so forth, it seems to me that- there is something typological in
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what happened in the usa and france, but another thing is that in the usa we were talking about a certain deepst, in france, macron arranged this whole distribution for himself absolutely, i don’t know if there is some kind of then it’s also french, french, or it’s just him himself, as it were screwed up, as we say in our simplicity, yes, in any case, here are the headlines, which means the party is national.
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the far right or try to save what remains of his party before it dies. europe's second-largest economy and the eu's only nuclear power is closer than ever before to installing a far-right government for the first time after marine le pen's rally national took a lead in the first round of voting. if in the second round of voting on july 7 the national association will receive a parliamentary majority, the consequences for france will be unpredictable.
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the country will be ruled by politicians who have made them sympathize with vladimir putin, promises to shred the eu, fight against migration and leave nato. what a horror, to shred the eec, fight against migration and leave nato. horror, some are just renegades. tell me, please, next, as it were, the french dance floor is all yours, but how should we feel about this, taking into account the fact that we are still interested in what they will have next, that’s how much the second round can... more present some surprises for us and , accordingly, pleasant or unpleasant surprises for macron, please, the easiest way to answer your question is how we should treat this, as a colossal gift of fate, as an unexpected surprise, which sometimes surprises are not only unpleasant, that is, macron, out of nowhere, having completely miscalculated, created this crisis; the national unification will not come to power, it will not come.
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all night i analyzed the situation in all 577 districts, no one will come to power, but the majority will not have anyone in the national assembly, that is, france for a year, will turn out to be uncontrollable, why for a year, because before a year macron cannot dissolve the national assembly, he has just been elected and will call new elections, and why is this good news for russia, well, because macron, it’s not for me to remind him how he has been in recent months. leads inside europe, inside the western world, as the main warmonger, and even the british, even the americans are very surprised, let’s say, by his behavior now. it means that he played too hard and finished playing, he will now clearly have no time for that, no time for international affairs, he is neutralized, and even if suddenly some ambitious initiative comes from him again, they will no longer listen to it, even the same poles, because he is still a loser, he in general, he’s a loser, now
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, you know, i usually speak carefully, carefully, but here everything is already calculated, why he’s a loser, he hoped that everything would happen as usual. extremists will not come to power, therefore, even without loving him, those who do not love him very much are still like the least evil will vote, this has always been the case, it has been this way since 2017, but now the left has united into its bloc, including the ultra-left, which is even more dangerous than the national unification for the french system, they are also anti-system mélenchon people.
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withdraw in favor of the macronovites, but now they have all united against lipen, they cannot fully unite, because in the left bloc about half of the deputies are mélenchonites who are so radical, that is, their leader milanchon said, and it’s like yesterday , when hot election results
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there was a tv debate, everyone remembers this to him, he said this thing, and the murdered policeman, this is good, because it means...
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it belonged to parliamentary democracy, to great britain, to italy, to germany, to any other country, but in france the fifth republic is a personalized regime, and we saw in the example of makroun how dangerous it is to get too carried away when you talk about a certain french deeptape, because you mean that in addition to the public mechanisms of power, there is a certain non-public one, and that means they are in it they didn’t stop the non-public field, they didn’t want to stop it because...
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another important, from the point of view of global confrontation, perhaps more important elections for us, is iran, as i understand it, you’re just, well, sort of on topic, unlike me, i’m very interested, so please, yes, well, what about elections too? none of the candidates advances to the second round based on the results of the first round, is this predictable or a surprise? well, at some stage it already became predictable, initially it wasn’t.
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a person voluntarily gives up election race, to save yourself how to prevent the same golebuff, very smart it was really so, because otherwise i don’t see how the speaker of parliament could and not destroy himself as a politician, because he didn’t get as many votes as dzhelili scored, he was really far behind, but together they were able to neutralize the enemy, and already, as they say, dzhelili enters the second round, well, if not with the full volume of the master’s votes. gallibuff, then at least with his support, and that means, with a lot of gallibuff supporters behind him. now look,
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since iran, for completely understandable international, global reasons, is a very important country for us in terms of how this country will be oriented, understanding that the orientation of the country does not directly depend on the president, but nevertheless, and the situation it still shows strength. i will ask now, i emphasize this right away, i will ask as much as possible. an amateurish question, unworthy of a high rank, it’s analytical, yes, but i don’t pretend to be one, i’ll ask you the best an amateurish question, but my amateurism, it’s still, so to speak, you were there, you observe all this, it sounds like this, give me back this, well, our screenshot, where it says who came out in the second hen, so i’ll ask you like this , as amateurishly as possible, for with all due respect to the will of the iranian people and for us , taking into account our tasks. our difficulties of our confrontation, well, everyone here is not children, everyone understands everything, for us, who would be, whose victory
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would be from the point of view of russian interests of where iran will develop, more preferable, in the language of political science it sounds idiotic, but in reality the question is not at all idiotic, today one of the very serious iranian newspapers came out with the headline, struggle of mentalities, yeah, thereby emphasizing that these two politicians are after all. conservative, but yes, indeed, this is not said jalili, not even close, and answering your
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question, i will say this, it was easier for us to communicate with said jalili, yeah, he is a representative of the conservative course set by mr. raisi, in which our relations with the islamic the republic of iran began to flourish, which our western colleagues really don’t like, well , they really don’t like it, so they will do everything in order to...
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if we compare between these two gentlemen, well, of course, jeleli is more interesting, more experienced and so more fundamental , i understand, then, since you say that pezishkiyan is not a very clear figure for you yet, i will not ask the question whether this means that with him our relationship that dawned, which began to blossom under reis, will begin to fade a little, then let’s wait for the next round. well, i i can make a forecast, briefly, you understand, he will most likely not continue the course of the gentleman, why? because that course failed objectively, if he is not a complete idiot, and he is not an idiot, believe me, i am sure of this, even though i don’t know him well, he is unlikely to step on the same rake, but here they are, they haven’t yet overgrown with grass, you can see them, this was
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before the flight, we all remember how trump came, left the svp, in general. from the point of view of russia, this is indeed such a very positive development, but to calm down the violent emik, to provide employment, yes, but from the point of view in terms of actually the result of this first round election, at least from the point of view of the stock market, and the stock market is the best indicator of what's going on, it's great, it's just a great thing, why? because the stock market always loves, this is true for both the us and
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france, when power is divided, when one party holds, say, the presidency, and let's say... measurement, and the ratio of the national debt to the annual gross domestic product, percentage, here in france he will reach this year 112%, yeah, 112, anything more than 100 is bad, for comparison, in the usa it’s 123, it’s even worse there, in russia it’s 15, you know, but that means a budget deficit, but our economy is torn apart, lies in a ruin, you know, no,
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it’s like you know, it’s when a person has fully charged a credit card and thinks that everything is fine, this is france. the usa and the west, in addition, the annual budget deficit in france is already 5.3%, and the eu, eu rules, require that there be no more than three, that is, france is actually under very serious economic pressure, by the way, in a sense, america, so the fact that there will not be this crazy expansion of government spending, which in principle has already carried out the country, is positive from the point of view of the market, i understand you correctly , when we showed memes about... this one was just understood correctly, well done, lord, what should i do now, i understand you correctly that now macron will definitely not have this idiot for a while, well, most likely yes, most likely, most likely he will be, i agree with the maxim here, most likely he will be paralyzed as in foreign policy especially, although to a lesser extent
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it will actually affect foreign policy, but just to give something, you know, you need money to give something you need to. and this is the same position of milanshun, who, as i said, will own half of the deputies of the left bloc, in general , this phrase to me that macron will be neutralized in the ukrainian direction, it is so clear and honest to me, clear and honest, i don’t mean anything bad, well, it’s politically neutralized, advertising. when i
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entered the room, i saw my notebook there , i began to leaf through this book and there i found the notes that tanya had made when all our relatives were dying. little tanya savicheva made her first entry in her diary. it's scary, bombs are falling. she didn’t come down here from her apartment. this school is a bomb shelter, very pale, very thin, very weak. all the toys lay face down and were covered with black with a rag. i was asked what is this? i told them they died of hunger. aunt dusya, when he left for work, she closed the room and tanya sat on... the last person who saw tanya was vasya krylov, when i say that tanya saevich is my relative, some say that this is not true, the tanya savichevs are all
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died, it almost brought me to tears, but we survived, in memory of tanya savicheva, today at the first, at the entrance to the legendary bamovsky village of zvezna, we are greeted by this wedge, 50 years ago, we got here on it the pioneers landed there on the shore. once you get used to this road, get used to the routine, to the slopes, i saw what an earthquake was like, the water was gurgling right in the mug and things were all hanging on the radiator,
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water is the enemy, for tunnels it is the enemy, the strong will remain, the weak will leave, on saturday at the first, the pressure is normal, bye, what do you mean bye, single men, and in our yard since july 7 on sundays at the first you became nervous, maybe you also need twice a week, which the doctor says twice a week - this is it.
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there were quite a lot of disappointments when you expect from a person the same emotions that you give to him, but you don’t get it in return. the first question, i say, when will there be grandchildren? says: dad, tell me, from whom? i’m doing well, i’m in love, mom, congratulations, you had a grandson, that was joy, only then it’s hard, there is plato, plato is a continuation of zhanna, there is a memory of zhanna, era on sunday on the first,
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my makes me happy family, because the most important thing in life for a person is his family. we, each family, as a unit, must try to pass on everything we have, the best, to our children, spend time with our children so that... they learn something new, suggest something to them, my dad he loves fishing very much, he, he even took first place in fishing competitions, family is the basis of everything for me, for her i live, for her i breathe, my three children, this is the most precious thing, in my opinion, for a woman, to be a father for me it means to be a support, a wall, i wish the family in the year of the family that they be be happy. healthy, lived well, i
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started the program today with congratulations to combat veterans, today is july 1, and the day of participants in combat operations is always next to them... there are military journalists, war correspondents, military operators, who deservedly, of course , are also participants in hostilities. and they sometimes die in the same way as combatants . exactly 10 years ago, on the night of june 30, yesterday was this anniversary, the operator of the first channel, anatoly klyan, died, and he worked in television for more than 40 years, visited of this, in many hot spots in yugoslavia, chechnya, iraq, afghanistan, afghanistan , a series of people died on a bus, where they were traveling with fellow conscripts, but received. wound in the stomach,
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which turned out to be fatal, until the last moment he did not turn off the camera, and the memory of him, 10 years have passed, the memory of him is alive, here at the entrance of vastankin there is a memorial plaque of anatoly klyan, there are flowers there even today on other days. and this is an example of the fact that sometimes you have to serve to the end, to the very end, as he served, his memory will be eternal. lyusya, i went straight to work in front of everyone with
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flowers, more. after all, he’s a good guy, and i ’ll find a better one in moscow, they called me back, lyus, i’m going to work, wow, maybe you won’t go, they’re waiting for me to go to work, but since i didn’t show up, who’s going to wait for me? , come on, you can easily find another job, lyus, well, i’m so little, everything will be fine, i was already there last week, why are you looking at me like that, you’re not cold, i’m fine, mash, maybe you’ll think again , what do you think, my life is getting better, you don’t need to go there, lucy, don’t worry so, everything will be fine, mash, m, lyus, well, yes, what’s wrong with you, well, you know how much i studied to break out of berezov, well, who am i here, idle time?


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