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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 2, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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after all, they are communist there, and they are partly closed, and the so-called command and administrative cabinet is in many ways, yes, that is , they can make some kind of law there, which , well, can sharply limit the circulation of yuan outside of china, but it’s one thing when you manage your own currency and do some things, well, as far as i know, there are about half a trillion in loans to regional municipalities , these are the very houses and cities that were built. asia, the same united arab emirates, if considered as flows tourist, yes, when it can.
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currency is useful, then it’s dollars, it’s not even euros, it’s dollars, well, not to mention, and the rest of the world is dollars, and again from the point of view of foreign currency savings, as i understand it, you don’t recommend it directly either throw yourself into the yuan, that is, you can little by little start saving something and keeping an account, well, again, how, how do you get this yuan and where will you sell it later, go through the exchange offices of russian banks, you see a lot of yuan quotes there and what they are like yes, that is a question on...
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but so far with a low probability, it is clear that this probability will be there; the threat to the supremacy of the dollar will increase and increase, but even if the euro has not been de facto displaced from these positions, well, the euro is a separate patchwork quilt, but there they are they don’t really compete with each other, let’s just say they complement each other, but if we’re talking about the role of the dollar in the world, all we can say for now is that trust in it is gradually decreasing, and trust is very important in this international currency system, but it goes really gradually, that's... most
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the main thing is only a quantitative change, there must be a qualitative change so that some other currency, besides the euro and the dollar, can claim the role of the world reserve, and a huge path needs to be covered, because the dollar has traveled this path in 100 years, if we talk about brich, most likely it will be logical to assume that some kind of common single currency will be created for the entire brix, well , by analogy with the euro for the entire european union, but again this will happen at a stage when relations within the brix become much closer than now, this too question about the years, well, plus i’ll say it again, i’ll repeat that in order... to become an issuer of a single currency for a group of countries, for the whole world, it doesn’t matter, a different degree of openness is needed, a different degree of transparency of all transactions is needed, which china does not ready, as ilya said, due to simply a certain state structure, first of all, a certain national mentality, and financial ones, well, let’s call it that way, there are problems with the fact that until now what is, let’s say, on the surface above water
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from the point of view of cash currency , nothing has changed here at all, that is, this is how you built your portfolios, how you planned your savings in currencies other than the ruble, this is how you plan, making a forecast about whether it makes sense to place a strong bet there on the yuan, as i understand it, it’s not worth it yet, it’s definitely not in cash, yes, because it is associated with the problems that i mentioned, as for the non-cash form, then... it’s possible
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now, well, to increase the share of promises by moving away from the non-cash dollar and the euro, and this is in in any case, if you haven’t done it before, then you most likely will do it now. because, well, they cut us off in every possible way and citizens, including private ones, from the dollar and from the euro, this is a fact from the non-cash dollar and euro, again non-cash, and again, if we are talking about the right approach to investing, we need to repeat this talk about this constantly, diversification is mandatory, this is like a key issue when we talk about competent financial planning of the budget of both individuals and funds, and states, diversification, so you have, if you act correctly. you have a bunch of cash currency, which ideally is divided into three parts, for example, the ruble, euro, dollar, in this sense nothing has changed, but you also have part of your investment portfolio in non-cash currency, that’s where the yuan share is can and should grow, well, in fact, up to
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100%, judging by what you said, no, well , the non-cash ruble too, excuse me, i say that in currencies that are different from the ruble, it is actually 100%. here’s another question: what else should you have in your portfolio? there will be other parts, we only closed the currency in cash, now we are talking, it is necessary to say it will say that we recommend only in foreign currency, no, you should have bonds and shares, and deposits, if desired, there and a piece of gold there and so on, then yes, yes, i know your love is gold, well, let’s say it again, what actually happens with the introduction of this package of sanctions. non-cash euro and dollar have become not maximally toxic, but extremely toxic in order to talk about them as highly liquid assets that can be in a portfolio place, that is, in in principle, as i understand it, it makes sense
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to get rid of non-cash euros and dollars, well, with a small correction, the absolute majority had already done this long before these sanctions, it was just the final point that everyone was waiting for, the only thing in... where there are still non-cash turnovers, these are those, euros, in dollars and euros, those citizens who actively, in one way or another, interact with abroad and send currency there, in this part there is still a trickle left, and it is also slowly drying up, because the amount banks that a can engage in international currency transfers and b want to do this, it is decreasing very much, but for now it is still possible to transfer dollars and euros, but again. this part is gradually moving, including to the yuan, and moreover, you won’t believe it in rubles, that is , now there is such a direction when if you need to transfer currency abroad, you first transfer the ruble to a friendly jurisdiction, for example, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, here they are now developing very actively, and there
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they already have it on the domestic market, well, on the stock exchange you buy dollars if you need them, that is , in principle, this is an alternative to storing non-cash dollars.
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there are still 300 left, i just don’t see much need to keep non-cash dollars and euros in russian banks now, provided that you have them in cash, in... you can have them in cash, that is, everything should be balanced in briefcase. let's summarize, in fact, throughout the entire program we discussed that the package of sanctions imposed on the moscow exchange on the twelfth is scary it sounded very good, but first of all, the central bank of the russian federation, let’s say thank you very much for this, was ready for this two years ago, and instructions, circulars, and recommendations were issued back in 2022.
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if we are talking about non-cash dollars and euros, yes, this is becoming an increasingly toxic asset until it is completely banned, but nevertheless steps are being taken towards this, and... we won’t even predict what will happen, but in principle , if you really need it due to your type of activity, according to your activity, working with non-cash dollars and euros, then the easiest way to do this is through banks of friendly jurisdictions, and if you work with non-cash money in a currency other than the ruble here, then this is the yuan, and this is virtually no alternative transition, and i repeat, again , with from a cash point of view, nothing has changed. thank you very much, thank you for the fact that we so calmly, in detail,
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analyzed the whole situation in detail, how sanctions affect the lives of ordinary citizens, what is being introduced constantly, with a certain frequency, they impose sanctions on sites, on currencies, on organizations that work with them, they found out that nothing has changed, neither for ordinary citizens, nor even for retail investors, that... basically all the changes that have occurred concern first of all, professionals, the so-called institutional market players, in principle, even for them, those changes that have occurred are not critical, not fatal, that is, we will still have the dollar exchange rate, as before, these will be numbers not taken from the ceiling and not some calculations, and this is exactly this is how we are used to, this is the balance of demand between sellers and buyers of currency, because our country continues to lead quite successfully, well, actually, we follow the development
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of events without panic, calmly analyzing information and making informed decisions. thank you, thank you for inviting me. you can find all episodes of the easy money podcast on the channel one website. hello everyone, this is tatyana gevarkyan, and today i will be looking for a suitable pair, a pair of shoes. this is not a lymshita, and today we are talking about fashion with designer alexander serodikyan and stylist lena chervova. len, it is believed that people are greeted by their clothes, where on this scale of value are shoes? well, actually there is such a story. this is especially true for men’s shoes, that no matter how a man looks, it is very important that the shoes are clean,
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polished, and the opposite sex pays attention to them first of all; for women, of course, shoes are one of the important elements , i won’t say that it is the first thing that catches your eye, because after all, we first of all look at level of our gaze, yes, first we evaluate the face, then we go lower , then at the last moment we look at the shoes, but shoes are of course important, because very often i notice in the images of girls, women, men on the street, the clothes seem to be fashionable, trendy , but when the shoes are somehow not right, everything, everything immediately falls apart, all efforts, so to speak, are in vain. tell me why you started your entry into this world of fashion, into the production of clothing, specifically with shoes, do you think that this is a certain foundation on which the image is built, by the way, cool, a certain the foundation on which the image is built, i... will remember this, yes, but it seems to me that you can start by building an image from a pair
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of shoes, i always really liked the production of shoes, i dreamed of doing something since childhood, all my friends who are very close, they always see how - sitting, for example, at home, if i have a piece of paper and a pencil, this is always on the table, i always drew shoes, such... in heels, with feathers, with anything, that is, it even happens unconsciously, so i i decided that i had to try, i understood that this was not here, it took exactly a year to get acquainted with the factories, the factories did not believe in me, like , go study, only after the factory realized that i was well versed in shoe design, they said, why have you been silent for a year? we thought that you were just playing, came up with something and did it. evelina khromchenko helped me with the name, we had a photograph, the first title photograph, as
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if a preview of our collection, which, as it were, which i exhibited, katya took it from me mukhina, who at that time worked as the fashion director at voga, was taken from russian vogue by non-russian vogue, and so it began to grow like a snowball with different reposts of this pair of tuffs when they started to me. write my friends, what did you see, you saw, but i didn’t see anything, because i say, what did i see? they started sending me screenshots that adriana lima made a post with our shoes, on which it is written who it is, where i want it from, through...
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them and are ready to pay for it, when we foreign stars never ask for them in a gift, they always ask to do something for just starting, i understood the following: i want to draw what i want, i’m an artist, you can’t for...
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of course, we have ballet shoes this year, this season just incredibly popular, i ’m actually happy about this on the one hand, because the fashion for comfortable, comfortable shoes has been with us for many seasons now, ballet flats are still a more feminine story, a good alternative to boring sneakers, yes, because after all, you’re wearing sneakers right away, well, you’re so relaxed, sports, and you don’t always look great, but ballet flats can perfectly complement the look in a work format and on...
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because it’s inconvenient, and if we talk about the shoe base in the wardrobe, what do you recommend that every person needs black ones? pumps, with a high heel, with a low heel, in black lacquer or in glossy leather, in matte leather, in suede, there are a lot of varieties, but there are 10 different black pumps, and no, we
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are not saying that they should all be black , and i think they are beige, it seems to me. that the red palette is very large, red is very relevant today, yes, therefore, what should be basic in a woman’s wardrobe, as many shoes as possible? there is an opinion that high heels are uncomfortable, but it always seemed to me that this is a question of the last, there are brands whose last, for example, does not fit and is not very comfortable, but there are brands where even the heel seems comfortable, there is such a thing , i think it comes from here, that is, how beautiful you are. it will be so comfortable for you, it may be beautiful for you for various reasons, for work, for style, for status, for image, etc., etc. in this case , everything is convenient for you, if we are talking from a professional point of view, it is clear that you need to take into account the whole balance, know your leg very well, 8 cm is the most, it is even
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from a medical point of view, as if when a person raises... his leg, he has fewer diseases, a straight back, that is, a heel is more beneficial for health, and for the back, unexpectedly, everything that is higher can be convenient due to hidden platforms or unhidden platforms, but the degree of the leg itself, it should be 8 cm, but there is such a moment, i noticed many stars who go out on the red carpet, i myself use this life hack in my life, i take evening shoes, especially if it’s pumps are half or one size larger, so the heel sticks out a little, but they are comfortable, as sophie laren said, shoes should be a size larger. the size is smaller, how interesting, i haven’t heard the second part, but you know, i really like it when the heel sticks out a little, i like it it seems that it gives so much lightness, yes,
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yes, this, this shows the foot to be more fragile, it is quite possible, but it is not always comfortable to stay in shoes that are one size larger for a long time, and some are not the same, what kind of shoes are they? . they can be found in stores, that is , a woman can go out in a new pair of shoes, for example, some shoes, but they look completely out of date and definitely need to get rid of them and weren’t worth buying. alena, what is anti-trend today, what are we refusing? we are probably abandoning obsolete models. there are no such models, there are no models, let’s say, i say the shoes are outdated, everyone is like bam, they immediately threw them out of their wardrobes, shoes, sneakers, sneakers or something else, but there are some
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characteristics that actually show the shoes are outdated, let's say, but a very narrow oval cape, we have a trend for blunt toe, we have a trend for a sharp toe, we even have a trend for a round and wide toe for a square toe, yes, for a narrow and oval toe, you know, short. this is what helps shoes become outdated, so if you have things in your wardrobe, clothes, including shoes, that you know have been around for 5-7 years, and you hope that they seem to be classics, most likely this is not relevant, and most often it’s shoe formats with an oval toe; they are not super popular, plus they are not very relevant, although you know, it’s difficult to say, i can say, wedge sneakers are irrelevant, but on the other hand, you look at the catwalk and there seem to be wedges and sandal wedges seem to be fashionable, but here in general there is such
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a set of characteristics when you look at things, it really looks like it’s from 2010, so if you have this feeling , it means you can definitely get rid of the thing, but it seems to me that today everything is so mixed up that absolutely everything is trendy, the main thing is how deliciously you assemble this construction set from - from what you they offer, i remembered what else - what makes any absolutely irrelevant shoes, shoes, sandals, boots, uh, loafers and so on, is a cone-shaped heel, a cone-shaped heel, yes, that is, it is wider at the top and gradually tapering towards the bottom, this is just a story with a little bit of retro-ism, but more often than not, i would say straight out that in 90% of cases it doesn’t look modern, but 10% is when you can somehow, with the help of designers, adapt the whole thing. today we choose onions, choose either wide, stable, or even choose one with a platform , you can, under the toe part, you can, but if then there is a wide stable heel, a toe platform and a thin stiletto version
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- this is not relevant, a wide platform heel, yes, just a wide heel, yes, just a platform, yes, a stiletto , of course, the classics are always relevant, well, plus now kitton hill heels are back in trends, neat, small in the shape of a glass, they also work very well, and heels that are in the form of... a brand logo or in the form of some kind, i don’t i know, figurines, is this even still relevant? well, these are some complex fantasy options, they are generally in trends, it seems to me, every season, because something so unusual makes our everyday shoes a little more impressive, it can be in the form of a ball, or rather the heel can be in the form of a ball, maybe in the form of a logo, maybe in the form of some kind of abstraction, maybe in the form of some kind of flower, maybe in the form of a bow, which is also relevant today, of course it looks great, not banal, and i ... i allow this to wear for zhanna friske's anniversary. zhannochka was born from twins, but her brother left the next day, she was very little,
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she was born like that, mom, here is your artist. we gave 50 concerts a month, but we already joked that if we got married, it would be somewhere on the plane. what happened to me, and what is happening to me, i didn’t even dream about it. cute, everyone was wildly jealous of me, i kissed zhanna frisky, very similar to one actress, i often say this, it’s you, really, i zhanna was at the very top, a superstar, unattainable dream, mom, i love you, after the first audition for the circus, i came all covered in tits, well, zhana, maybe you don’t need it, i’m saying how it’s not necessary, no, it’s necessary, i want it, i want it for me. .. it turned out, despite the fact that there were some men there, great performers there, and she was so small, fragile, it turned out to be more powerful than anyone else, well done, it was
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easy. premiere on sunday on the first. what is trending and what has already become a classic? let's look into a shoe wardrobe with designer alexander serodikyan and stylist lena chervova. many people, like me, remember you from the fashion police. you had a trio that made waves in its time, well , firstly, you were the most stylish at any event wherever you came, and secondly,
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and i think that everything had its time, and we gained authority, we criticized for a reason, criticism for the sake of criticism was uninteresting, we praised our guests, or people whom we watched video reports from events, we did not criticize the person who went out to buy bread and was caught by the camera, in case the person was a secular a person comes to a social event, but it seems to me that he should... still respect himself, the event, the organizers of the event, and not upset his fans. well, very often with many stars to this day, i often observe that there is some kind of lack of appropriateness, that is, not everyone understands where and how it is appropriate to dress, and the concept of a dress code is very often erased, so event organizers very often this dress code is stated so that people understand where they are going, and even then they do not always comply with it.
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will consider himself fashionable too, for what? you need it, you need it, it suits your style, any brand that represents something, it sells a lifestyle, you need to strive for this lifestyle in order to wear this or that pair of shoes, bag or i don’t know there jewelry, no matter how adequately all this is worth, this is a different question, no matter how fashionable
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the jacket is, it is not a work of... art and this is not a painting, and we are not talking about couture dresses now, because this is still a work of art, yes, but well, but an ordinary denim jacket cannot cost several thousand dollars, well, or an ordinary leather bag, in no case can cost hundreds of thousands, it cannot, but it is the only one, it is especially funny when in public in transport you see a person with this bag, who proudly carries it, you understand that, as if for... i don’t know why, and in public transport you also see a lot of bags that are simply fake, lena, what do you think about counterfeit brands , and you see you, when do people think it’s real and when is it fake? i’m actually against fakes, because when you put on fake shoes, take fake bags, put on fake brands, it’s a story of appearing and not being,
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the person inside when buying a fake. he still knows that this thing is not real, this feeling, you know, there is such a wonderful meme or video that goes around on social networks, when a person looks at the street, it’s raining outside, you can immediately see who bought the fake, who bought a real bag, a real bag, the owner closes an expensive bag so that it doesn’t get wet, and on the contrary uses a fake to cover himself from the rain, and this is really about self-awareness , about self-esteem, in general, i’m against fakes, i’m about... for someone trying to hide the fact that i earn a lot, i can afford it, if you really earn a lot, okay, if not, buy within your means, live within your means, very cool, why, if someone, for example, wants how - to take the social elevator, and he needs, let’s say, to get some prestigious job, and he wants to demonstrate that he also earned good money at his previous job and could afford it.


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