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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 2, 2024 3:05am-3:21am MSK

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in order to somehow dress her in it to live, and logomania is generally a bad manners or is it still acceptable today, depending on the request, depending on what you want to show in your own way, because when we, in principle, work with in our own style, we work with our own image, it’s important to dress not just in a fashionable, trendy way, but i heard that ballet flats are fashionable, that ballet flats are a trend, which means i 100% need, no, it’s important to think, what do i want to say in my way , because clothes speak for us while we are silent. clothes we help ourselves, or, on the contrary, we don’t help , so, if there are tasks to attract attention, to show, let’s say that you earn a lot, yes, because logos are usually used by such luxury brands, when you want to somehow stand out from your environment, this can be used, but here it is important to maintain a balance, because superlogomania, when you have here, and here, and here, and in general, everything is written like this, on the contrary, it looks tasteless, you know, here’s the story: i got
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money, look, i have it, well, yes, these are symbols of status, a demonstration of strength, superiority, well, the strongest male in the pack, i have all the brands written on me, yes, this may actually be the impression people have that i can show you this way, but in fact, an even higher level, when you want to look more expensive, is, on the contrary, not to use brands, use them so that they are hidden somewhere like that, or use them delicately, here’s one small one.
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i did this in the elections, if it had been similar the recording appeared with the participation of not hillary clinton, but one of the republicans, then they would have decided to be the case that they are dealing a blow to american democracy, in establishment circles they say: god forbid criticizing her, it’s a bad omen, they are really afraid of her, van and lexus show, premiere on wednesday at the first, in fact, you brought her under the article, it’s a fact, she fell into this trap. what's trending and what's already become
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a classic? let's look into a shoe wardrobe together with designer alexander serodikyan and stylist lena chervova. if speak about mass market, then there is an opinion that, for example, if you want to invest in some expensive thing, then let it not be clothes, but shoes, accessories, a bag. this is true, that is, it is better to make some investment in shoes, then the rest. the image can be from a mass market, and expensive shoes - this will always make your image more expensive. 100%, this is how it works, yes, that is, if you have a choice, if you don’t need a choice, and you can buy yourself expensive shoes and expensive clothes, of course, what to choose, but when you need choose and really think about what to invest in, i would recommend investing in shoes, well, including bags, because this is a small element of the wardrobe that can complement our clothes, complement our image, especially since we all live in the modern world and we change clothes quite often. that, well, rarely do any of us
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wear the same clothes 24x7-30 days a month, yes, the images still change somehow, for example , shoes, they still change less often, well, objectively, if you look at your wardrobe, for any woman , and even men, shoes always, most often less than clothes, respectively, shoes are more precise, they should be more universal, they should fit into many sets, so of course, if you need to choose, i recommend doing it with shoes, plus - shoes are more expensive, high-quality, it... wears more, better, longer, and accordingly, can help you remain stylish, cool, fashionable for a long time. when buying obyv today, in the twenty -fourth year, this is what you should pay attention to, it should be, say, sharp toe, blunt toe, thick heel, thin stiletto heel, what is the best one to invest in today? it is best to invest in education, i won’t even argue with you on this, you know, as khromchenko said, a smart girl can always become
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a beauty, a beauty will not always be smart, which means shoes are a 100% investment, but here it is important to approach wisely , because if we invest in some short-term. a super trend that will go away in a couple of seasons, and you will look at these beautiful shoes, but which are absolutely always beautiful, by the way, yes, and not always comfortable, by the way, well, i just fell for the trend and bought it, then of course it’s important to approach it wisely, if in general there is a choice about, now i want to invest some slightly larger amount, what i usually spend on shoes, what should i buy, i would recommend starting with the base, well, these are some kind of pumps, these are some sneakers, these are some basic boots or boots, if we are talking about... colder times year, this is something that will not become an anti-trend, and this is something that can be worn often and with many people, again the images will be combined, i would like to talk about the ugly ones, how do you feel about fashion, about rox tabi, is this also considered a good investment, or is it still
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worth giving up on it, because these are fleeting trends? i am the owner of tabi, i will now defend them, because in fact these are very unique shoes that naturally attract attention, and this... which does not need to be worn by absolutely everyone, it is important to wear it for those who are ready to attract attention, who are ready for it who can stand at all in principle, he gets a kick out of it, and this, by the way, is not a new trend for several decades, but walruses have been using it for a long time, they borrowed it from japanese brands, japanese brands, and shoes for geishas, ​​actually made and it’s like inspired by this, so this trend is not new, now it is just super popular and many. draws attention to it, by the way, the shoes are very comfortable, someone is worried that it looks very strange, the tabi is executed, it seems to me that it is very stylish and it is not ugly at all, but morgello them borrowed from the japanese the song culture, but in general, in principle, fashion is not
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close to me, it’s not that i don’t like it, it ’s not close to me, i can’t perceive it on myself, any clothes are made and sold for a reason, for a person to... a trend is very difficult, well, because it has really been with us for more than one season, as for crocs, well, this is kind of a specific story, after all, these are, first of all , shoes not for the city, but for some then relaxation, and if we are talking about a country wardrobe, then why not
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? ... when shoes, similar, unusual, become a kind of litmus test for a person’s style, because if, for example, a girl wears feminine clothes, such a so-called coquette-cor, ruffles, feminine dresses, suddenly she buys herself a tabi, i see in these shoes of a person with a slightly different style, that's when this is the discrepancy when people become victims of fashion and buy themselves some pair of shoes or even clothes. and which doesn’t quite match their style, they fit it into their wardrobe, what should you do if you really want to own this thing, is it worth revising your wardrobe, or is it not as scary as it seems to me, well, in fact, i’m all for it, so as not to be hostage to one style, and we all, especially women,
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are very flighty, i would say, well, that is, today we have one mood, tomorrow we will we are different, today i’m sweet... very gentle, and tomorrow i want to hit the table with my fist and say that i’m talking the point here, in the evening you put together one wardrobe, in the morning you wake up and think, what kind of nonsense is this, no, i ’m not ready for that, and that’s normal, well , because we all have different states, different moods, and if clothes don’t help, then we experience dissonance, but here’s the story, imagine, a girl wakes up in the morning and yes, and it feels so straight, i’m ready to move mountains here, i’m ready medal, and in her wardrobe she only wears little frills... a cute dress that makes her such an infantile little girl, she just feels wrong, and she’s perceived wrong, yes, she wants to do it like that, on he’s looking at her, but what are you doing here, and what i’m saying is that it’s important that in our wardrobe there are different formats of looks for our different states, and
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accordingly, if we want to try something new, that’s normal, it happens, that our condition, our needs change throughout life, today i want to be... very such an exemplary mother, and in a year i want to be and make an impression as a leader there, does this mean that i cannot be a mother at this time either, i can, of course, exactly. understand why you are taking it, why you are doing it , that it is important not just to follow the trend, it is important to buy and how you will combine it, so that it really distracts you, and how you feel about it, 100%, and not what you a friend imposed it and said: it’s fashionable, be sure to take it. always relied on someone else's opinion
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, but they themselves cannot make a decision, sometimes indeed, the word of an authority, a stylist, a husband’s girlfriend, can play a role here at some point, she can really open up and feel it, but if this feeling is not there, this feeling of pleasure that you are approaching the mirror in this very dress or in this the very pair of shoes and you think, damn, what a beauty? when somewhere for some kind of shooting or well, that is, that is, before buying, it’s better to take a break, you liked the thing, if there is such
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an opportunity, then yes, it’s better to take a break, if you have a plane in 3 hours, of course you should take, these are the most impulsive purchases , then yes, you think in what condition i bought them, yes, well, you know, we have such a job that sometimes these things that you look at and think, they are relevant, they happen are needed, suddenly after 10 years you think, oh, these crazy shoes, which i’m in some kind of madness, that’s how you speak for... this is absolutely definitely used in some kind of photo shoot, will be worn by some artist, not the fact is that no matter how the shoes end up on your feet, they can be on your shoulders, on your head, on a table, anywhere. a what are some of your craziest purchases? for example, i bought some kind of headdress from me on the island of bali, from someone from the royal family. past centuries, some kind of crazy structure, for some reason i decided that i needed it, you never know how it will come in handy,
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i still have this strange structure for my head at home, random things still don’t happen if i need something , which means at this moment i’m from it - i enjoy it, i definitely need it, but for a while, then it may seem to be irrelevant, how do you generally feel about despite the fact that now the whole world has changed its shoes to sneakers, i remember those times when stiletto heels could be considered everyday shoes. so that it is comfortable, because there are all sorts of life hacks, for example, that you shouldn’t choose shoes in the evening because your feet
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swell, i don’t believe in these life hacks, or , for example, on nylon tights, it’s probably wrong to try them on, shoes, because without them they can be uncomfortable, well , it seems to me that you need to try on what you will be wearing, if you buy slippers, you don’t try them on with socks, the same story with shoes, you don’t wear them with socks or tights, that is, you need to put them on your feet, and another question: shoes, especially with heels, and this, this is always very difficult, we have a lot of lasts, that is, for example, we produced shoe, it went into circulation, during the circulation everything was ok, then, as it were, but no, such that everyone has the same size 1.39, yes, everyone’s feet are different, somewhere someone had something , in case there were more than five of this somewhere for someone, then i understand that, apparently, it can be finalized, completed. change something, you think about how many seasons will an item live in
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the buyer’s wardrobe, no matter how classic a pair of shoes is, it still has a temporary stamp of when it was produced. to sum up, i would like to wish you to find your ideal pair, not only in your personal life, but in your shoe wardrobe. more about fashion trends in other issues are not available on the first one’s website. i'm larisa guzeeva, let's get married, good afternoon. today the bride is ulyana, olesya and galina, and our groom is roman, roman, 55 years old, raised a real princess from cinderella, but she turned their marriage into a pumpkin. roman investor lives in moscow, plays sports, speaks four languages ​​and loves to fulfill other people's wishes, is proud that he has traveled half the world, admits that...


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