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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 2, 2024 6:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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hello, live on channel one, the program “time will tell.” i am artyom shenin, today, as always, we will talk about geopolitical events, about foreign policy events, about everything that is connected with the global level of our confrontation, with the west and confrontation with the issues of what the future world order will be. and as we always say,
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in many ways how this confrontation will go rests on the shoulders of our fighters who fight on the front lines of the air force always, no matter what we talk about, we are talking about them we think, we pray for them, we wish them success, but yesterday i began the program with the words that there is another, no less, in some situations, maybe a more important front line, although it is often quite far in the rear, that's it, but this... nevertheless, the front line, because the successes of what happens at the front are very often laid there, and the breakthroughs that occur at the front occur there, eliminating backlogs, because for many parameters from - our opponents, and this is no, of course, not the former ukraine, but this the entire nato complex, scientific and technical, and production and so on, even the backlogs are being made up there, yesterday i talked about how... over the weekend i was in the place where
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lancets are made, our wonderful attack and reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles , here, but in general, this weekend i visited different sections of this very front, which is far from the front line, without which nothing would have happened at the front, in particular, we visited several places with andrei klintsevich, by the way, i didn’t i said, because andrei was not there, i am grateful that i was able to get into the lancet only thanks to your connections and acquaintances, in general, we were in another place, so let’s move on to the story about that place, i want from the poster, which i saw, i said yesterday that where they are making the most modern unmanned aerial vehicles, and this is a breakthrough history both technologically and production and so on, there are these posters hanging everywhere, and what’s more, this is not not not a sub-soviet zakos, but this really soviet posters, country-industry, power... science was built by our working hands,
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so in fact, here is the front and rear, these same working hands and engineering brains are , strictly speaking, the same fighters who forge victory at the front, and about many of those places, where we were and what we saw, i don’t even know how to say, because not all of this can be named and addressed, but fortunately andrei klintseevich is in my studio today, and in this sense he is proven...
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it’s logical and i can’t believe that everything that’s being done there is all russian elements, then . there is nothing western there, the continuity of personnel is very important, how this happens, and you can really see how young personnel grow, how they change, for us, of course , it was curious that even the old soviet machine that stood there, we approached it and photographed it, it remained not just as a museum exhibit, although it is a museum, this is a museum, and there is also this scary- looking soviet one, but you won’t believe it...
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it makes this machine, it makes certain technological solutions that the ultra-modern ones there cannot make multi-axis machines, and when you enter the workshop you immediately feel the temperature contrast. a separate isolated room was built inside the workshop, where the temperature is controlled to 0.5°, so that there is no distortion, and so the accuracy of the products manufactured there for missiles, air defense systems, it is measured by three zeros after one, that is, these are some thousandths , so or even more, some numbers are frightening, at some point my brain stopped perceiving all these zeros, but as far as i remember with my humanitarian brain, there nine zeros after that. complex, which is actually at the level of some kind of clockwork mechanism, it’s drilled there in many planes, look,
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now we’ll just illustrate your words, because of course i asked for it, every time i take it out, i have it too, like you you say in the box there is one of them, right here now we’ll try it. where are you, get out, i think it’s already lost somewhere, it’s just very small there, i’ll just illustrate, that is, it’s so, a product that is used, that is, it’s the beginning of the contact group, here it comes, that is, this is actually, as you can see from the watch strap, this is my palm, here it is this little detail, that is, this is a burr, here... there is a drawing hanging next to it, well, that is, you can see it, then there is a drawing for this little detail, yes there is a tube that has been removed with certain chamfers, these are quite small in size, this is materials science, that is, this is a contact group that is used,
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why are we telling all this, that the whole cycle is built there from the smallest part to large large housings that are machined in one piece for there phase means. antennas using technology, which means phased array, this is a backlog that is now really very difficult to overcome with anything, that is, the west cannot influence this in any way, it is very important how small this part is, it is part of the complex, we took a photograph there with you , with this test tube, well, i think we can say that this is one of the most advanced complexes of this kind, yes, we can say, that is, this is the torus complex, this is its back part, this is one of the most effective. military-level complexes, which combines all the elements on the move, that is , a soviet design that was created, it is unique, because the complex combines a launcher, which means a radar complex, a target illumination system, a command post, that is, they are there on the move they can fire at a variety of targets, shoot down ataks,
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mss, which means hymers, high-precision missiles and the storm shadow, which they don’t do, now the line of this complex has expanded so much, wheelbases, naval base. container base, that is, well, for the enemy this will be a very serious problem and the pace that is being done there now, and the pace, you need to understand this, one workshop is still working, in parallel with this they are covering it with cellophane, they are already starting to install the expansion without stopping production, as we say, the walls are still being painted in the center, and people are already expanding this, and this is the front, that is, artyom grigorievich and i at the front saw a dungeon where zones are demarcated with cellophane, where people live on a small scale, here it’s the same, the same front.
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and make several of it, well, the most important moment, we did not hesitate to ask him from the management, he said: look, you have now pumped up the production base for the tasks of a great war, you are really doing this at this rate, and what will happen then, what will you do with this number of people with these workshops, as you continue, it will not be like in soviet times, we are starting to produce products for wide consumption, that is, for wide consumption, there are pots, pans, as it has always been of low quality, he says no, we say we are starting to do what russia used to do. always bought in the west, this huge technologies, i remember all these turbines, siemens and so on, we are now creating not just repeating, but improving, that is, the so-called industrial refrigeration technologies, this is now very important taking into account the it sector, so they showed us the technology when
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copper wire is wound into a tube of different metal, it is soldered with a laser at enormous speed, here they come, that is , such technologies, well, at least of this grain size and such a relationship, that is, when one installation of thermal transfer efficiency with they give you one tube, no one in the world does it all , this is the part i managed not to lose, well, how can i say it, it’s a little bigger, this is the one i managed to know. as in the joke, yes, yes, yes, i still managed not to lose it somewhere, in other words in russian it is called scaring us, you have missiles somewhere in your bosom, no, none, well, offend, of course there is, but not all at once, we spent a very busy weekend, yes, this is actually what it looks like in real life, but this is a snippet, yes, here they show, we are entering a huge workshop size, they say, you see, a small part of it is now engaged in this, but we are ready to expand production, as soon as the military component leaves, we will immediately fill it with these. this technology too, which again cannot be said for what, but it is not military, but is also very much
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in demand, these are all several thousand holes, it’s all coaxial, well, that is, it’s machined from a single piece, that is, you need to understand the machines , who grind this design on a machine that is made multi-coordinate, it’s in three, well, practically 2 from 2 floors, it in itself is just like one big house in the workshop you go, this is a machine that makes and you go there, they tell you there, what do you think, what is this, we say, well... but they cannot do this on their machines, that is, what is done here,
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this is the level of efficiency that is obtained, this, well, this is, this is from the series, as they say, these chips are milled from washing machines and do what no one else knows how to do, including the manufacturer of washing machines, there in fact, there are a lot of these, well, just stories that are born, as you know, like an anecdote, you’re probably asking, but how did you... actually started this from scratch, about industrial, scientific personnel, engineers who know how to do this , well , here’s a shot our editors show, in fact, this is the machine itself, which will now go into service with the troops, you can see little of what the combat control looks like inside, it’s completely computerized, everything is on screens, well, it’s certainly nice to be in the technology, how it is created, there a lot of different platforms are being made now, all of this is filmed, of course, in such a way that it is impossible to understand what it is for, what it will... be used, what kind of crews will be there and what will be used, but i am very pleased with all the
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developments that will now go into operation. in fact, what’s also pleasant and pleasing is that from what we saw, and no matter how it can’t be called yet, and much of it even after the end of the special military operation cannot be called, it’s very pleasing that we often talk here about what is it special military operations and combat operations are, of course, a big impetus for the development of industry. that when the svo ends, this is the inertia of development, this is kinetic energy, it
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will not go anywhere, we were there on every occasion, on every, relatively speaking, product , we asked, can there be something about this? yes, this has civilian applications, and this technology, this technology has a huge range of civilian applications, there is a huge demand for it now, there will be even more in the world, there are a lot of things there, in general, this is an important story about the fact that there is a special military operation. this is the locomotive of not only the military-industrial complex, but also, as it were , production, technological, scientific , and so on and so forth. i wanted to add that these are not just altodel elements, they are then rolled up into huge structures, which are checked several times by scanners, they say that if at least one tube bursts, then this is the loss of the entire reputation, with us it cannot leak there at all or where -that's why it's there 20 times everything is double-checked and done, that's it the quality that is now. is in great demand for our country as part of rearmament. another very important point, earlier in soviet
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machines, huge beds that were made of metal, the chinese bought them, threw out the old ones, this upper one, which means soviet designs, installed electronics there, and then sold these machines to us, it was a huge problem with the machine tool industry, large, large, now this plant also does these works for these works, it assembles soviet machine tools, processing them, because the most what’s important is this heavy frame, which is already... speaking, a very important conversation, which actually has a direct bearing on the fact that we will continue to talk about the global confrontation, about these various geopolitical things, because in fact , what our opponents were betting on, including the fact that this industry, this production, this base of machine tools, that we don’t have it, that we
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don’t have enough of it, that we will stretch it out when you see it with our own eyes we won’t hide it, it’s very important for a russian a person, and a roast rooster, which, so to speak, quite noticeably pecks in one place, this is what is visible, visible, you understand that there is a very big movement forward, and it all has to do with this confrontation, because the more we will develop this entire base, the further we go, even if in some places we are forced to move and
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develop, the greater, so to speak, our chances of winning this confrontation. well , we have no other options but to win, well , we’ll talk about what’s happening on the geopolitical front right after short advertisement, but i’ll still go and look for where i managed to plant this little detail, so you’re watching the advertisement now, i’ll look for a very interesting thing through a very short advertisement, we’ll meet, everyone’s attention, we’re working, i think they told me that i will help in solving important cases, but we don’t have unimportant cases, they will be divided in severity, and i heard that your beauty came to work again, they said that you connected a fortune teller to the coffee grounds, so it was developing, and ivanovich, he survived, we weren’t taught to knock, lesha and i decided get married, we'll live and see, where were you,
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feeding the squirrels in the park, yeah. fortune teller today on the first, we'll wait and see, this is normal in general, that's it, don't touch my mom, don't touch, revelation from former us secretary of state hillary clinton, especially for our program, this concerns the upcoming elections in the us, you need to go on the offensive, i'm doing everything i can to...
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the most grandiose event in modern russia, traditions and advanced technologies,
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the greatest achievements and discoveries, all corners of the country, all spheres of life, 247 days, 89 regions, more than 17 million visitors. we have something to be surprised by, we have something to be proud of, the grand closing of the russia exhibition is on july 6 at the first, she is cute, the whole house is covered in bears, she is 15 years old, at 15 they give other gifts. “she only has tennis, like your pension, i ’m working hard for your daughter to become a person, and you declare with this stupid bear, of course, she loves you, you’re
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so good, not a father, an ideal, where’s your trash can?” at the exit, and in our yard from july 7 to sunday on the first, but stop it nag, she has tests, exams, unified state examination. well , she’s not going anywhere, she’ll wander around the city, clear her head, she’ll come back, wander around the city, she’s lived for so many years, shut up, go to the kitchen, kolka will appear, call, who are you talking to, volodya, oh, what’s taking so long, i'm really bored, come on, come on, come in, come in, let's go to the bedroom, let's go straight away, great choice, congratulations, he speaks russian normally, he speaks, but we don't waste time talking, uh-huh. time will tell the program, we continue to work live, and the fact that this is really a live broadcast is all in it it happens, evidenced by the fact that while you
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were watching the advertisement, i was looking for that very micro-detail that i could not find during the broadcast, and i didn’t find it, but nikita sergeevich, as they say, glory, gratitude to the young, he has it all -i finally found it, that’s actually it, this is what it looks like, i don’t know in which direction i need to show it, that is, from the series that it’s not invented, we have it, i don’t know, it seems to me that it’s here someone must have filmed it, but they tell me it’s still not visible, 200 years have passed since the time of livsha still, i see in my eyes, you are an honest person, there is one, there is such a person, everything, andrei knows, nikita sergeevich found it, you saw, well , at least i already have it, now i carefully fall asleep, there is just some problem that given that there is... as lefty warned after visiting england,
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they don’t clean guns in england with bricks, we still have a lot of things to do, we need to be a little more modest, i think this is the question, look, we need to be some issues are more modest, in some issues we need to sharpen the way we are used to maybe, these are the points of view, but we have nothing of our own, but we are without them.
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change, but in any case we must have our best qualities, yes, until the rooster pecks, we are not the same thing, in short, i wanted to add that the enterprise actually becomes a family, that is, there are playgrounds, there are restaurants, there are cinemas, they provide a circle of needs, when you see this, you understand that people are actually moving away from the outside world, they live in these groups, in fact, all this results, including today’s news, after all, iskanders. someone is also doing it, without those who do it and live by it , and something, of course, catches up and overtakes something, and somewhere they increase the level of localization, which seemed to exist, but then
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it turned out that it was not everywhere, but... as a result, we see this news that iskander crews carried out a group missile strike on the parking of ukrainian armed forces aircraft at the mirgorod airfield in the poltava region - as a result, five aircraft were destroyed, two were damaged, and this is not only about those destroyed now soviet or russian-made ukroreich army, this is still such a preliminary conversation, so... we move on to the very history of the global confrontation, this is the answer to this: a russian drone at the ukrainian air force mirgorod airbase discovered at least six ukrainian supersonic su-fighters 27. the iskander missile destroyed two of them and damaged the other four. it may have been one of the most expensive days for the ukrainian air force. two su-27s, which were destroyed by iskander in
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mirgorod. increases the number of ukrainian combatants of planes that the russians have blown up on the ground in the last 9 months, up to at least five, are these losses that the ukrainians cannot afford? these are ukrainians who can’t afford it, although of course forbes writes interestingly, you might think that it’s their choice, they can afford it and they say: well, let’s have a few planes today, come on, and that means, as it were, well , forbes has interesting ideas about how war works, but why am i saying that this is... the answer, because exactly today, and it seems to me that this it’s no coincidence, exactly today the news came that the government of the netherlands announced that it would start soon, you know, remember, we discussed this averton window many times, yes, that there will be planes, there won’t be planes, it’s dangerous, not dangerous, we warn, they scratch their turnips, then like this , little by little, little by little, i think that this blow to mirgorod is a blow, of course, to the place where su are standing, but this, of course, is a conversation about what is there , where
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the f-16s will be stationed,
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the war you are living in now is very intensively affects the security of europe. we highly appreciate all the initiatives of vladimir zelensky for the sake of achieving peace. i told mr. president that these initiatives take a lot of time and are very complex due to the rules of international diplomacy. i asked mr. president to think about whether it would be possible to take a slightly different path, cease fire and then continue negotiations. because the one orban is talking about, mr. president, is the idiot who is standing there. there next to him, who has long been simply considered the president, i don’t i will tell you what he answered in response, because he mumbled something in response, because he is not ready for any negotiations or any truce, or anything like that, because as soon as negotiations and truces begin, the idiot the kirdyk will come right away and that’s what they actually raised him for, so that later he could be merged into this business, but apparently the time has not come yet, this is of course an interesting question, orban did n’t come to kiev exactly as a representative of hungary,
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you see three flags there. stands, one of them is the flag of the european union, precisely because hungary is now presiding over the european union, and uh, in fact, he came there as a representative of this association, where he says that he will deal with peace, well, our official attitude towards this story was expressed by dmitry peskov, who said that we are not expecting anything special, but what’s interesting here is that today i corresponded there with the guys in the zaporozhye direction, they did that, well, only half-jokingly.
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those who are losing, retreating have already lost a significant part of their territory, they cannot afford to cease fire in their logic, because how can they stop military operations if they need to return what they have, to return their territories, we, in this case, advancing quickly or slowly in certain territories, also why would we cease fire if we are advancing at this moment, if we achieve success, here it’s actually more likely...
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as for today’s attempts, whoever , in fact, is reputed to be a peacemaker, or to offer something, zelensky has recently changed his rhetoric, he started talking about that here he is negotiating strives, someone noted that he had already stopped talking about returning to the borders of the ninety-first year, although instead, instead, he suddenly started talking about the fact that he needed some kind of satisfaction from russia,
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this is about the same as, you know, in the time of the burning of joan of arc in order to demonstrate that she was some kind of heretic, they brought her a crucifix, when she was already burning at the stake, she recoiled from it, everyone said, well, you see, she’s a girl, she was just red-hot, this is a crucifix , they first
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heated her up and then carried her, that’s the same thing, well, yes, but i think that of all the formulas that zelensky is still able to compose, these are the formulas for all kinds of white powders, i think he understands them well, that’s about satisfaction. i think they will talk to him separately when there is a psychiatric examination before the court, and there they will ask him what he means by satisfaction, in what form he prefers it, and so on, but since in the matter of war and peace regarding the ongoing the territory of the former ukraine, the conflict, well, in my opinion, you described everything very convincingly, there is another interesting, let’s say, track, in the relationship between the european union and, well, let’s say , the countries of the post-soviet space.
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drawing moldova into the european union, and the stronger this fuss and movement about drawing it into the european union, when i say drawing in, this is because not everyone in moldova also wants to join the european union, unlike sandu, her incubator group, like the fuss about this only intensifies, then they begin to talk about the issue of transnistria, then they begin to talk strangely, so to speak himself about the transnistrian settlement, here is the president of the transnistrian moldovan. i was just talking about this, that in
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general they vibrate in a strange way, as far as i know, you had a lot of important events, just recently related to this problem, thursday last week a large conference, i mean the institute of the cis countries, initiated the conference, which was called journalistically in moldova or romania, will the republic of moldova remain on the map? year that they decided, that they decided, they will have to decide moldovans, but the question is this: the next presidential elections in moldova are scheduled for october 20 this year, and in advance, on the same day , a referendum on the desire or unwillingness of moldovans to join the european union should be held. please note that the european union, as i understand it, at the moment... is not ready to accept moldova, but even before waiting for
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the referendum, they also played along and began the process of discussing the possible accession of moldova. in fact, all this is a hoax, because essentially we are talking about the following: we are talking about the fact that the anschluss of moldova to romania is being prepared, and mrs. sandu is, in fact, simply changing her oaths to the moldovans, but does not change her oaths to the romanians. into this process, naturally, a process as a result of which moldova should generally become part of through the european union or, on the contrary, through romania into the european union, but in any case , this is a merger of romania and moldova, and romanian politicians do not hide the fact that they do not know what moldova is , what is the moldovan language, that in general moldova should not exist only what.
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european democracy works, as we
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know a lot about the elections there, as we understand everything about such incubator maisandu, who, in general, as you rightly said, well, she was elected by the moldovan people, but she is not driven by the interests of the moldovan people, so i i don’t know how much will be affected here, how much will the population of moldova itself affect, as far as i know, but well, i visited moldova a lot in my youth, i have friends i know, as i understand it...
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the situation was ukraine and i think that it seemed to many people there that they could weave between the trickles like this and get everything from the customs union and at the same time get everything from joining, which means these european structures, well, it turned out that not everything, and the price for it was quite high, 10 years passed years, that’s what the western press is actually discussing a little over 10 years after it was a good ride, which means ukrainians on the maidans. well, now we’re going to go to the european union, but somehow donbass isn’t very good there, yes, donbass is like transnistria too, and so on further, so what is being discussed after 10- odd years by the same american press that was so happy about the hydration revolution 10 -odd years ago. listen to the wall street journal. for ukraine, after a failed
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counteroffensive last summer, the challenge now is to use new western weapons to hold the position, according to the spokesman. ukraine's security services were able to muster enough forces to replace losses and some reserves, but launching any kind of major offensive would require several times more, with little chance of achieving anything more than holding the front line in the coming months, ukraine is targeting the crimea with long-range missiles provided by the united states. every time we discuss these articles, we seem to be unable to understand, this is another attempt at reflexive control, that is, as if signals that give... the wrong motivation to us, that they are already discussing that they cannot attack anyway further. or is this some kind of statement of the sad situation of ukrarekh, then we need to understand what the meaning of this statement is. them moreover, there are a lot of such statements, here you are , we also listen to the velt with a rather sad, although obvious statement to everyone except zelensky. in addition to the lack of
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modern fighters and the lack of ammunition - the central problem of ukraine is the lack of military personnel to... compensate for losses and create new brigades, ukraine needs at least 50,000 new soldiers per quarter, a total of 200,000 by the end of this year. in recent months, the country has fallen significantly behind these indicators. since 2022, ukraine has lost a significant part its personnel with combat experience. many of the remaining soldiers are in dire physical and mental health as the army can no longer rotate. several thousand recruits from prison could bring relief, but would not radically change the personnel. situation, the same thing, roughly speaking, well, it’s as if only sad news is being sold, or is it reflexive management, or is it some kind of signals to someone about something, it’s difficult to understand, is that why the rhetoric has really changed? zelensky, he somehow, apparently, began to have some kind of enlightenment, he no longer remembers about the borders of the ninety-first year,
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it seems that he has already begun to have some thoughts about the world, maybe these articles are from the same , so to speak, would be training manuals, but against this background umerov and... iermak are going to the united states of america, this is how pentagon representative sabrina sink talks about it, not sabrina sing, this is actually the news that they are going there, this is how it is said says sabrina singh, please sabrina. tomorrow the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umerov will visit the pentagon to meet with secretary of defense austin. this visit underscores the united states' continued commitment to supporting sovereignty. security of ukraine, mr. austin and mr. umirov will discuss bilateral cooperation in the field of defense. regional security issues and ways to strengthen the defense partnership between the united states and ukraine. well, here the question actually arises, all these gestures, trips to washington, some kind of guarantees, not guarantees, they say something to them
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confirm. what is this all about? is this a conversation about how the escalation will increase, or is it? about something else against the backdrop of these sad articles of wall street journals, developments and much more, that is, how should we treat this so as not to fall into the hook of reflexive management? of course, the level of confrontation will increase with the approach of the presidential elections, i always defend this point of view, another thing is that these processes can be multidirectional, in other words, on the one hand, signals which zelensky gives when he does not mention the borders of the ninety-first year, when to him... orban here is a small addition to what he said about orban , it was not just a coincidence that orban arrived, orban arrived against the backdrop of triumph. conditionally moderate right-wing and not only moderate right-wing political forces in europe. europe in europe the day before, orban said
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that he would create a new right-wing coalition, and said that the current political forces would disintegrate. and it is our, new, conditionally, party, our new the coalition could become the most important political force in europe. orban, what konstantin said is certainly an important communicator with trump, given the latest debates, this... the states of america primarily to military specialists and security forces, what does this
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mean? in my opinion, about two components: this is definitely a synchronization of watches, so i am deeply convinced that plans to escalate the conflict, conditionally attempts to once again destroy the crimean bridge, we know about the concentration of forces where you stand, artyom grigorievich on the border with belarus, where i always maintain concentration and strength, in other words, here... these scenarios, they have been worked out, and i do not rule out that most likely, just literally 2 weeks ago, ukraine has the very ammunition that you are talking about comrades, guys say that suddenly appeared in ukraine, appeared, and apparently so many appeared that they again stopped saving them from the word at all, in other words, here is the potential for the implementation of an escalation scenario, some kind of effective pr campaign, again she can be realized in different circumstances, he was now. the internal political component , against the backdrop of what we were talking about, has completely changed the situation, in this regard, it is necessary to either
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update these plans, or correct them, or, i do not rule out, receive new instructions, the story with sulivan is conditional, it is considered, again, we of course we don’t have to prove for sure that the story with ukraine is precisely the main person responsible, the main curator in the biden administration, salevan, but this is not blinken, this is not austin, this is exactly salevan.
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that it is precisely before the actual holding of the american elections that zelensky wants to officially, let’s say, launch the process of peace negotiations, and for this, of course, he is now sending his political landing party to washington, receiving new instructions there, there they will certainly give him a 100% deal about what exactly. what to expect, whether we need to wait for the specific date of the elections, whether we need to wait for the oath of the new president, no matter which party, and so on, all this will develop before our eyes. orban in this case, he again shows his visitors that those narratives that until recently were absolutely toxic for the entire western information space, about peace, about the fact that russia cannot be defeated on the battlefield and about everything else, they have become, but i can’t say mainstream yes in the west. but this is what you are talking about, artyom grigorevich, the western press. remember how kuleba said before: delete this article, rewrite it, it works, these
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narratives work for the enemy and were rewritten, now nothing is happening, now the kuleba somehow and after switzerland kuleba somehow lost his mind completely, i don’t attribute everything to the fact that this is all happening by chance, i attribute it all to the fact that a large-scale scenario is being prepared called peace negotiations , an attempt.
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what the wall street journal writes in connection with this trump appearing more above the horizon, although you understand, the horizon line is also imaginary, so trump above it - this may also be an imaginary mirage, but nevertheless everyone relates to it , some with fear, some with in anticipation, this is what they write: nato will send a senior civilian official to kiev in connection with new measures aimed at strengthening long-term support for ukraine, which are expected to be announced at the summit in washington. next week. these steps are aimed at supporting ukraine's prospect of eventually joining the alliance, without offering it membership. it comes amid a surge of right-wing forces in europe and the growing possibility that former president donald trump could return to the white house and reduce american support for ukraine. well, actually, the trump factor, which works in this way, despite the fact that i know your position, you often state it here,
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in your telegram, i read that you often talk about this... orban, trump, they don’t are part of this circle, they are so nationally oriented, therefore, in fact, the mainstream media, everyone else , attacks them and slanders everyone else. zelensky is included in the first category, he also earns from the war, a small percentage, but he also earns, he earns his
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they earn a percentage on what they earn from him and the militant ukrainian reich led by him. including externally, because the same globalists who now control the white house want to survive. for them, trump is a bone in the throat that must be prevented by all means. by the way, quoting tucker carlson , he said that he could simply be physically removed from the map, which means that the game that is happening now, put him in jail, something else, and many different events are happening, although we see that there is a certain struggle going on there republicans and court decisions about some kind of
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partial immunity are happening there, that is, they are not giving up. to the end, but what we will definitely see in the near future will most likely be an escalation of hostilities, yeah, because this is what the supply of aircraft in large quantities is now preparing for, which we started today, we don’t see about 200 f16s at the front now leopard tanks version one, in a variety of versions they were transferred by slovenia, anyone, the germans, the dutch, they are simply not at the front, 200 tanks - these are for new divisions that are being prepared, we see. a huge amount of weapons that arrive and do not reach the front. welt says there: yes, there’s not enough mobilization, well, firstly, welt doesn’t have real information about how many people were captured on the streets and where they are now, whoever they grabbed on the street, whether they were immediately put in a meat grinder or are being held somewhere, but we see , that even when the front is moving back to some extent, there is one populated area with a forest plantation, we are moving forward, zelensky is still strengthening the group by
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belarusian border, which means there are reserves, we see that now... women are starting to be conscripted en masse, we see that blue-collar professions are beginning to be replaced by immigrants from the cis countries, from middle asia, and so on, that is, in fact, all this will only happen a little later, there are several events that are key, the nato summit, 75 years old, something will be done for it, the olympic games in france, most likely there will be a war or some kind of active hostilities later, right-wing politics, that is, or rather, right parties, which are now coming to europe and allegedly slowing it down.
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you know, i know how to get my way, you are mine, i despise you, let me go, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, get out of the way, give in, i love her, more than life, i understand, this is your mother, gin sheaf, a product of stellor group. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. castro rum, a product of the stellar group. vodka. pechora. product of stellar group. vodka: veta,
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a product of steller group. at the entrance to the legendary bam village, we are starry meets this wedge heel. 50 years ago, the pioneers got here on it and landed on the shore there. the tayura river, then there was no bridge, no roads, just continuous, impassable taiga, and frost, and 50 and 53 °, in the rain, under any conditions, we didn’t look, but when i reach the horizon, we’ll see what the horizon is like , and the horizon goes away, and you are chasing it, we had a group of 13 people, a year later there were five left from these thirteen, and a year later there were two of us left from these thirteen. that is, get used to this road, get used to the routine, to the slopes, i saw what an earthquake was, the water was gurgling right in the mug and things were all hanging on the radiator, water is the enemy for tunnels -
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it is the enemy, the strong will remain, the weak will leave, on saturday on the first, to anniversary of zhanna friske, zhannochka was born from twins, but her brother left... the next day, she was very little, she was born like that, mother, here is your artist, we gave 50 concerts a month, but we were already joking that if we let's get married, it will be somewhere on the plane, what happened to me, and what happened to me it’s happening, i didn’t even dream about it, let ’s go there with you, cute, everyone was wildly jealous of me, i kissed zhanna frisky, i ’m very similar to one actress, i often say this. it’s you, really, i, zhanna, was at the very, very top, a superstar, unattainable, a dream, mom, i love you, after the first audition
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for the circus, i came all bruised, and you need it, well, maybe you don’t need it, i go how it’s not necessary, no, it’s necessary, i want, i want it to work out for me, despite the fact that there are some men there, great performers there, and she is so small, fragile, it turned out to be more powerful than... the premiere is on sunday on the first, good afternoon, my dear, beloved country, our big friendly family, family is where it looks in one direction. support, love each other , always happy for the successes of each family member, being a dad is very good, raising children, helping them in everything, dissolving in your
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child, you understand that this is a continuation of you, the main thing is together and most importantly together, with love, a cherished dream, probably, for our country to prosper, for my son to be happy, we need dream, believe in your dreams, strive. towards your cherished goals and everything will definitely work out.
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the democratic party committee is considering formally nominating joe biden as early as mid-july to ensure the president is on the november ballot while helping end internal party talk about his replacement after last week's unsuccessful debate, with biden's potential nomination date of july 21. question: all this talk about biden having to leave, la-la-la, that’s all there was the first panic, and now they pulled themselves together, or, in fact, this was part of the plan. everything seems to be going according to plan, then who is the author of this plan? no, well , after everything that has happened , only a person can assume that everything is going according to plan, who believes that the best way to win is to create the impression the day before that it is impossible to win, in order to then perk up, perk up in spirit, there is no plan here, in fact it just turned out that the king is naked, and the role of the boy who said, and the king is naked, played... television, television
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exposed the fact that everything that was actually said about biden corresponds to the reality of his criticism, that he cannot take a punch, that he is not able to control himself, and so on and so on and so on, the fact that the democratic national committee has now released this information, rumor or information is actually also a consequence of biden’s failure, because the gap needs to be patched as quickly as possible. yeah, we need to get the patch on as quickly as possible, you know, when there are breakdowns below the waterline, we need to get a band-aid so that water, is n’t patching a gap in this way a widening of this gap to, well, they found themselves in a situation, they analyzed it all, they showed that in fact everyone else is doing even worse, it’s true, they remain, that is, they don’t have to change their minds in the democratic party, because those who are in some gubernatorial positions... on a national scale do not
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have time to get promoted, mrs. kamala haris - this is a terrible terrible day, if she is sent instead of biden, he the case when retka horseradish is not sweeter, that is, it turns out that there is nothing else left but life with old man biden, we need to bring him to the elections, well, first of all, you never know what could happen to trump, he could slip somewhere and end up in prison something else might happen there, something unexpected might happen.
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they sooner or later become a reality, here everyone is so keenly observing the secret until it became a reality, well, that was a different story, a little bit, there was no such problem as the democratic party has now, that’s what attempts are being made now, after all, to prove , what the king is not naked, but he just went for a swim, he just folded these modern nano-clothes, forgot to get dressed, in this nano-clothes he will be beautiful for another 4 years. frank, honest, you see, open your soul, here is an honest man, nanostrings, yes, in general, that’s all, this is all an obvious thing, and, of course, people who understand that there may be a change in course in relation to nato, according to attitude towards ukraine, course correction, despite the fact that he is now correcting the course, by the way, right at this moment, he is correcting the course, despite the fact that we all understand that
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for russia both are worse, both are worse in the sense that both are, are supporters of american hegemony. yeah, one bases it on one thing, the other bases it on another. the instruments are different, with trump’s zany statement that even before taking office he will end the war in a way only known to him, all this boasting, the experience of his presidency, during which anyone, but not him , determined priorities in foreign policy, because well, except for some directions, where he was the clear... soloist, in all other respects foreign policy under trump was organized by people who were even worse russophobes than joe biden, for example bolton, yes, who was sitting there, and there was another envoy besides bolton to putin ,
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trump didn’t find it in his time, bolton came here and invited putin to washington on trump’s instructions, although he himself, but everyone knows how he relates to russia, he confirmed this, how he even to... on this american track in general trump is better biden, both are worse, but the fact that this leads to large rearrangements, shifts, and so on, and those who may be subjected to these shifts, of course they are not happy about them and do not expect them, that’s why they resist, that’s why they are looking for their own game, now the search is on.
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this is for strength, but to promote this doll further. there is a version about what kind of force this could be, there are many of them, here is one of them that is not uninteresting. please. the real reason the democrats' attempts to replace biden are a disaster is because he is generally in the white house, and barack obama is the reason for this. four years ago, democratic voters had very little interest in the candidacies of joe biden and kamala harris. still got biden harris for a very simple reason. these were the two most controlled puppets that the obama team could find out of two dozen candidates. and all because since 2008 it has been obama's party. just a year ago, biden was clearly not fit to be president. even then,
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his popularity was a problem. but the team obama established a law according to which no one was supposed to challenge biden; when robert kennedy, jr. disobeyed, he was kicked out of the party. all this time they tried to shut it up. throats of their own voters, but now they have painted themselves into a corner. obama is no more likely to voluntarily hand over the reins of power than joe and jill are to voluntarily give up their presidential ambitions. the fact that trump wasn't very inspired for the last 40 minutes of the debate is because he knew it was a disaster for biden, so trump tried to calm down and not put so much pressure on biden so as not to completely knock him out of the presidential race, because at the moment it is obvious. trump will defeat biden unless the race changes fundamentally. well, so, the proposed version is that this is one of those deepstates that may move the doll to the next presidential term, this is like obama, well , this is probably a collective obama, collective, ah, well, actually,
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now the question is, the success or failure of this collective konstantin tv said: for us both are worse, but when both are worse for you, there is someone who is worse than the one who is worse, please. than in any case, than anything, the dirtier the elections will be, the more insane the candidates will be, based on the fact that anyway america will of course be forced to deal with these internal political squabbles, at least based on this, but that, i very much i hope that it won’t be simpler, easier, and so on, but nevertheless, in this sense, now for one second, and this is why, if it’s like a doll that wins, which is obviously being pulled by the strings, then it's worse. because we don’t understand who is pulling what, if the cheerful one wins, that means trump, who is also there with a saber, this is it, well, also so-so, and i’m not talking about if someone wins, i’m talking about that , if this... knowledge will be achieved again through manipulation, some kind of stuffing, some
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incredible scenarios like political assassinations, orders, leaks and so on, i mean exactly the process itself, and not the end result, in fact, it will be simpler, easier, because the contradictions that exist in first of all, in the american political establishment, they are really evident, such a fairly respected publication in america immediately after the debate made a headline: biden’s fate. because big capital will always make sure that the one who won and is the representative of this big capital, and in the political sphere, fulfills his obligations, a new player, even... despite, you are now undermining the faith of many in american democracy , read lenin, he has long believed not only in
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american democracy, but in general it has undermined many other systems, it seems to me, well, returning to this, the story about the bench in the democratic party is on two levels, on the one hand, many say, oh my god, well, theoretically they can remove biden, they will install michel obama, look, they love her, she is associated with barack, she just doesn’t want to, but this is not a joke.
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i offend leonid ilic, it’s a fact that he has become a consensus figure, well, listen, in general, i would like to encourage leonid ilic, because he is cheerful and energetic, that’s what i’m talking about, but nevertheless, when he came, he was a consensus figure of several groups, then he stayed for 18 years, by the way, at the beginning, when he came, he was not at all was biden, they said, in fact, my forecast is that these groups themselves, there is large capital that stands behind the democratic party and so on. why did they decide to hold this convention? because most likely they understand perfectly well that
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they can agree with each other in such a short time. term, but it won’t work out, two: in any case , any new candidate is unlikely to be able to impose a serious fight on trump, who, by the way, received a long-awaited supreme court decision, according to which he cannot be charged for any official actions as president, biden is very much - i was upset about this, they really wanted to remove him from a legal point of view. of course, and most importantly, the democrats are not just going to take revenge, they are going to establish their political monopoly, they can now sacrifice the presidential elections, leaving that same biden, conditionally, trump will be able to win, trump, as konstantin fedorovich correctly said, will not be able to do anything, they will drive him around the corners, as they drove him for 4 years, but in 4 years they will reassemble, 17 million migrants who were dispersed in the red republican states. in 5 years, some with passports come to the post office, some without, and we see not
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just a renaissance of the democratic party, we see the decline of the two-party system in general, so i’m sure they can sacrifice this election for the sake of winning the next one, the nineties, when i was a suborist and i remember meeting my friend at the vykhina station, it was the last one, an interesting entry into the american choice, and before that i went and saw such a scam there, well, there were 10-15 people there... fakes, the rest present, after 40 minutes a picture was revealed to me, i was in shock, all the fakes, all 15, the fake was a sucker, whom they all together poured out 15 people, it was all one such group, which, as they say, the sucker came in, they surrounded him , so this is what is happening in america now, this is supposedly there here's biden, maybe we'll change it, this is one big scam. i don’t believe that in the actual election cycle, that is, the election
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of a president, the democratic party with all its billions of dollars, big money, having the best political strategists.
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bad, he will go to the hospital, lie quietly, because for biden, they call me a conspiracy theorist, so they call me a conspiracy theorist, for the biden family the most important thing is not to go to prison as a whole, and for biden and his son, their task is simply to remain in the status that exists the second problem for the democrats is a huge financial bubble, which is inflated, they need to do something, 34.5 billion dollars have been printed, this figure is now growing insanely, by the way, they themselves are inflating it on the huge military for...
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without doing anything - some forecasts based on media headlines, i can only add to this, and we will really
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look at it, analyze it, discuss it and so on, but here’s what i still can’t figure out in my head, what doesn’t fit and what ? no one has yet explained how they went deliberately on what was guaranteed to be a failure, there is no answer to this question, these are the versions that this could be part of some plan, they seem conspiracy theories, well, time will tell, advertising on channel one, in the sense of vision , whether? well, i don’t know how to control it yet, it somehow happens on its own, so what do the spirits tell us? it's not him, what do you mean it's not him? do we have all the evidence? i myself don’t know how to explain this, but the one who killed has two faces, i saw it, what are you sculpting here from this moment will be more interesting, stop sulking, i’ll see you again, you don’t have a job with him, you can pack your things, these two are at the table, they shouldn’t be together today, you can’t
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save everyone, i can’t do this anymore, i want to become ordinary, normal. fortune teller, today on the first, but don’t quarrel with her, lesh, you understand, you must, you must caress, the revelation of former us secretary of state hillary clinton, especially for our program, this concerns the upcoming elections in the usa, you need to go on the offensive, i’m doing everything i can to re-elect president biden.
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vavan and lexus show, premiere, tomorrow on the first, in fact, you are under the article , the fact brings her down, she fell into this trap, let's gather the old choir and take our favorite lam major, we don't have much nostalgia, because it seems to me that we live in such an atmosphere, it’s something special for me to be in russia for the first time in my life. not only fashion models go to paris, but also film directors. this is a very ancient method of telling parables and writing fables, so the content of my
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paintings obviously has not changed. i was amazed that in on the death certificate of this man, the last phrase: blood type zero, a very sharp turn on the bridge, there is the teytuka river, it was as big as a cannon shot. motador on friday. on the first. the most grandiose event in modern russia. traditions and advanced technologies. the greatest achievements and discoveries. all corners of the country, all spheres of life. 247 days. 89. regions, more than 17 million visitors, we have something to be surprised at, we have something to be proud of,
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the grand closing of the russia exhibition, july 6, on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman was killed, and we are talking about the devil and our hearts didn’t break. here’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to
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the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man was a stutterer, suddenly he speaks like cicero, i i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko. confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book yuliana semyonova. on the subject of what we were talking about. that in the previous part of the program , news came right now from the white house: president joe biden will meet with democratic governors on wednesday, the meeting will be largely virtual, since
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the governors will attend it remotely and will give the president the opportunity to reassure his party leaders that he is of sound mind and memory, we would like to see how he will convince them of this, despite the debate that has led some to call for him to resign leader of the democratic party, well, that is, it’s like some kind of force. news that also came during our broadcast: a detachment of ships of the northern fleet as part of a frigate of a medium sea tanker arrived at the port of laguaira, venezuela, reports the ministry of defense of the russian federation,
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yes, these are only two ships, but this is venezuela, it is not far from the united states, visit to cuba, they didn’t really like these, but three ships, yes, and there were three ships, and they won’t like it very much, they probably didn’t like this one, we started the program today with what is not... we will break cooperation, we will establish it if they behave badly, here are the ships, at the beginning we talked about how the military-industrial complex is swinging, how it is developing, how it is moving, if you think that this does not concern you, this concerns you, each of you can participate, find yourself on this front, i just posted a video before the broadcast, the guys sent it to me from the front today, about how the copter, mavik, which with the help of
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the participants of the gathering is in my channel. not only conducts work on the enemy’s stronghold, but it also shoots down the enemy mavic, well, who cares, look, and each of you can do this, together we will defeat the bidens, the schmaydens, we will defeat everyone, we just need to work together, well, see you tomorrow, what? whether? listen, do you remember, the crazy woman came there, looking for her sister, and that was the one who was sitting here with us, or what? yeah, of course i remember, where is her statement? but she left. so,
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yeah, come on, well, well, that's it, guys, bye, bye, okay, come on, come on, i'll help, no, thanks, i'll do it myself, please, give me the key,


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