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tv   Vremya  1TV  July 2, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main events of the day. iskander's blow. our military destroyed five ukrainian su-27s at an airfield in the poltava region, where they were planning to station an american f-16. and a report on the work of the pilots of the southern group of forces. what tasks?
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the first victims of the monstrous attack by american missiles on the beach in sevastopol were discharged from the capital's hospitals to help the wounded. fuel for life, development of large deposits in the arctic and eastern siberia, increase in supplies to domestic market. meeting of vladimir putin with the head of gazprom neft, alexander dyukov. energy, new materials and health saving technologies. the government is determining the parameters of three national projects that will help bring our lives to a qualitatively new level. a proposal to orban zelensky, the main european critic of military assistance to kiev in the ukrainian capital, with which the prime minister of hungary, which currently chairs the eu council, came. about military assistance to kiev, trump and frozen russian assets, a revelation. one of the most
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influential women of america , pranksters vavan and lexus reached hillary clinton under the guise of petro poroshenko. pogroms in turkey detained hundreds of people who destroyed cars and houses of refugees from syria, which caused unrest. the mattress came straight to my head, the latest data on the victims of the hurricane in st. petersburg, and how to escape the heat and not drown, important information about city beaches. it shook so much that the passenger was thrown onto the luggage rack, footage from a boeing that found itself in a zone of severe turbulence. in the beginning about the course of the special operation, the russian army hit nine combat aircraft of the ukrainian air force within 24 hours, most at the mirgorod airfield in the poltava region. as a result of a high-precision strike by iskander m missiles, five fighters were killed.
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completely destroyed, two damaged, another su-27, and also a mig-29 shot down by our air defense. nine planes are almost a handful. it is not surprising that the american magazine forbes called the damage critical for the ukrainian armed forces. the publication believes that the ukrainian country suffered one of the most costly losses since the beginning conflict. in addition, it is known that the mirgorod airbase in kiev was preparing to receive american f-16s and that the planes that attacked our border territories in crimea flew in precisely. from there, but let’s return to the summary: in addition to fighters, air defense systems shot down six storm shadow cruise missiles, a hammer guided bomb, a haimers missile, as well as 81 drones, among which was the turkish attack drone bayrakta. as for the front line, our troops have improved the situation in key areas. along the entire front line up to 1,800 ukrainian militants and a large amount of equipment were destroyed. and continuing the theme, the group's aces pilots. troops from the south are crushing
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the enemy in different directions, destroying equipment strengthening the militants, supporting our infantry, both attack and army aviation are operating harmoniously, there is enough work for everyone, report by sergei ponomarev. takeoff after takeoff, quietly, now at the military airfield, it seems, there is no attempt, especially when the weather is favorable for flights today, now our attack helicopters are leaving for a mission, a couple k52. almost simultaneously , su-25 attack aircraft take off into the sky from a parallel strip. everyone has a lot of work today. scattering is not a problem, the problem then happens when everyone arrives in one place, there can be such a carousel, of course, stretching out, yes, for several minutes, tens of minutes. the entire flight is at low altitudes, 20-30 m, so there is less chance of being detected by enemy locators only when the target appears. out of reach,
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the control handle starts itself. this is called attack-scraping the enemy's position of a point management is abandoned. unguided missiles, the effectiveness is like a salvo of rocket artillery, the infantry guys jokingly call us a flying katyusha, and in principle it is so, after each launch there is a sharp turn and shooting of thermal traps in order to confuse enemy anti-aircraft systems, a rare sortie goes without a launch missiles against our planes and helicopters. tergemen go to positions, launch, well , thanks to the fact that we have eyes on the ground, we maneuver effectively and the missiles do not reach. our alligators on combat missions always in all weapons, even. if the task is simply to work only with blocks of unguided missiles on a suspension, it is necessary to have guided missiles, the anti-tank complex vortex, an ideal weapon for destroying enemy equipment, part of this work was taken away from us by drones, which also do not allow equipment close to
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the front line, but we are always ready , such sorties more often precede assault operations of our troops, the commander of the k-52 crew with the call sign samara says that sometimes it is possible to see everything that is happening on... here they are already waiting for equipment for refueling, reloading, you need to always be ready for new sorties, whatever our colleagues guys on the ground decide, so now you don’t even know whether you will have time to rest, and how it will turn out, i’m telling you, even to eat, so they drove the car to the canteen for us, so
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that it would be faster, because we need to have time and rest and prepare for the next flight, sometimes everything is very fast paced. sergey fonmarev, roman serebrennikov and sergey suvorov, channel one. and new examples of the courage of our defenders. corporal ignat tolstikov, a paramedic, saved the life of a soldier who received a shrapnel wound during an assault on a populated area, carried him to a safe place, provided first aid and evacuated him to the hospital. private andrei razhivin was riding as part of a supply column when the enemy began shelling. skillfully maneuvering, he brought the car out from under fire, preventing the ammunition from being detonated. he helped a wounded comrade, carried him to a shelter and handed him over to the doctors. 12 victims of the terrorist attack in sevastopol remain in the capital’s clinics; today the first patients were discharged - a mother and daughter, one-year-old lera was operated on in the fillatov hospital, the way the girl holds up is amazing and gives hope, the doctors are sure that everything will be fine. ahead lies recovery, help from psychologists and a pleasant
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surprise - a trip to the moscow zoo with dad. yulia anishchenko with details. she's great, we didn't have any. difficulties, no problems, courageous, endured everything that had to be endured. eleven-year-old leri has no shortage of courage; the girl bravely survived several operations, many painful dressings, and during the shelling on the beach, having been wounded, she remained close to her sister kira and her mother, who suffered the most. i was very scared then, what were your emotions? well, i was more scared for my mother, because my mother was lying wounded, straight up, that is, a spectacle for a child, i wouldn’t mind...
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the vessel would have been fooled, that’s how it all ended well, we removed the fragments, the child is going home, this is the most important thing, ahead the girl is undergoing rehabilitation, and besides, she will need the help of a psychologist, it is still difficult for her to talk about those events, she is still scared, valeria the first
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a child admitted for treatment in moscow, whom doctors are already sending home, four small patients from sevastopol continue to receive treatment in the russian children's hospital. another seven adult patients remain in the capital’s clinics, we accepted all the relatives who came to us, we placed them in our specialized institutions, well, in fact, in hotels, we took on the costs of their accommodation and food, and not only provided them with assistance special, social curators, we will continue to help on all issues that you have they will arise. valeria dreamed of visiting the capital's zoo. it turned out that it is located next to the fillatov clinic, where the girl received treatment all this time. development of
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large fields in the arctic and eastern siberia, modernization of oil refineries, supply of fuel to the domestic market. vladimir putin spoke about all this today in the kremlin with the head of gazpromneft, alexander dzyukov. we discussed the transition of the industry to domestic equipment with details by konstantin. gazprom neft is one of the top three russian companies in terms of oil production and refining volume, it is not surprising that the president is intimately aware of the state of affairs in this structure. the gazprom neft company showed good results over the past year, the volume of sales revenue is a record, and in the entire history of the company’s existence it is 3.5 trillion rubles, which is encouraging about this capital investment, how much capital investment you have is over 570 billion rubles. depth of processing. record-breaking, very good, and you use modern
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technologies, including digital solutions, indicators continue to grow in 2024, there are already final results of the company’s work for the first 3 months, based on the results of work in the first quarter, we increased tax deductions by 57% compared to the indicators of the first quarter of the twenty-third year, meanwhile the second quarter of 2024 is already behind us, in production in april this month we put into... commercial operation the third block of the ulenguy field, and development of a number of large fields in the arctic in eastern siberia is underway. a very important area of ​​work for us is development of technologies, increase - and development of hard-to-recover reserves; in the share of the company's production, hard-to-recover reserves now account for 65%, almost 70%. the company has set processing records for several years in a row. in this regard , gazprom neft is carrying out a full-scale modernization of our own refineries. last year we completed the modernization of the omsk oil refinery, this is
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the largest oil refinery in our country, with a processing capacity of 21 million tons. and at the moment this is essentially a new oil refinery with depth recycling rate 99%. well, 90% of installations are already new installations. next year, the renovation of the moscow refinery will be completed. we ask for your permission, your team, to put this complex into operation. get started, in the summer of 2020, vladimir putin already launched the capital’s oil refinery after a deep modernization. in the past decade , gazprom neft supplied refineries with equipment for producing fuel of modern standards, introduced europlus oil refining units, but what became most noticeable, eliminated the environmental problems of the moscow the refinery, which is located in the kapotnya district and is surrounded by residential areas. today the plant is completely different from an environmental point of view, just different. and emissions. stopped, the treatment plants were all closed, and they were made using the highest technology, and
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hydrogen emissions decreased by 98%; in general , harmful emissions also decreased radically. the current final stage of reconstruction will further improve the environmental performance of the moscow refinery. in addition, the new equipment will allow gazprom neft to increase the depth of processing crude oil to almost 100% and thus expand the range of petroleum products produced. so at the omsk oil refinery plant we... produce more than a thousand types of various petroleum products, from motor fuels to lubricants, bitumen materials, needle coke for metallurgists, these are also catalysts, and these are petrochemical products. the successes of gazprom neft fit into the all-russian trend towards technological re-equipment of oil producing and refining companies. we have all the technologies to work as in new regions, work in new regions in the provinces, accordingly it is necessary. has its own specifics, and accordingly, to work with hard-to-recover reserves
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, new technologies, equipment and digital technologies are needed, respectively, all of this is from everything that you use, what gives the greatest return, what makes you happy, especially after using these modern technologies, it turned out to be impossible to single out just one thing; in exploration for production and processing of raw materials, gazpromneft does not use less than 1,400 items of special equipment. at the moment, if we talk about the shortage of some equipment, then this is only 200 positions, 1,200 positions is the work that has been done in recent years, in principle, as...
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the project plans are ambitious, our nuclear industry must reach a qualitatively new level, a system with a closed fuel cycle is being created, which has no analogues in the world. also in the spotlight is the development of the chemical industry and new materials , the third national project, the parameters of which are precisely the cabinet of ministers is now determining new health saving technologies. first of all, we are talking about creating our own medicines and introducing new medical technologies. anastasia kobazeva will tell you everything in order. 118 million russians receive medical care annually, this is more than 80% of our country’s population. it is important that this assistance is accessible, timely, effective and safe. the national project on new health-saving technologies is exactly about this. issues of maintaining health and prolonging the active life of people, the importance of these
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the president always pays attention to the directions, the main task will be the introduction of new medical technologies and assistance in carrying out. research, testing, with subsequent registration and launch of promising diagnostic methods, treatment, drugs, medical devices, products, including the results of work in the field of regenerative biomedicine and tissue engineering. we need to produce as many domestic drugs as possible. over the first 5 months of this year, the growth in production of medicines and medical materials approached 8%. plans for the next 5 years are ambitious in this area. this is assumed. for medical products up to 40%, which in turn will contribute to the formation of technological sovereignty in the field of pharmaceuticals and the medical industry. noted that it is important to expand the production of radiopharmaceuticals. in russia
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, the use of radiopharmaceuticals is carried out mainly in oncology for the diagnosis and control of on... diseases, while theronostics is poorly developed, while in the world the first place in the research structure is cardiology and cardiovascular surgery, the second - neurology, and the third - oncology. we have to invert the pyramid by concentrating the efforts of manufacturers on those radiopharmaceuticals that we do not produce. we discussed another national project today: what should the energy sector of the future be like? rusatom is now implementing an innovative project. it received the eloquent name of a breakthrough, because there is nothing like it in the world, in seversk - this is the tomsk region, a fourth-generation energy complex is being built. the heart of the reactor object brest on fast neutrons with lead coolant, this technology will eliminate accidents at nuclear power plants. while this is an experimental demonstration complex, it will demonstrate the closure of the nuclear
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fuel cycle, that is, fuel reprocessing and reuse. it is important. a step towards a new generation of nuclear energy. rosatom today is building modern nuclear power plants not only in russia, but in other countries. akuyu in turkey, kudan kulam in india, tanwan in china. and all this under conditions of sanctions. in the national project, which was called new nuclear and energy technologies, specific tasks for the coming decades have been identified. the national project has measurable digital indicators, the number of partners, key technologies, the level of technological leadership, and quality indicators. growth-technological. exports, the formation of new markets, our country’s entry into the top 10 countries in terms of the volume of scientific research. another large block of this national project for the development of the fuel and energy complex. its share in the volume of domestic product is 20%, in exports 60%. the share of oil and gas revenues in the country's budget is about 30%. tech industries employ 2.7 million people, who
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ensure reliable operation of all critical facilities every day. we see that those who neglect. the importance of tech, in order to satisfy seven-minute political opportunistic throwing, is faced not only with the decline of the economy and industrialization, but with the deterioration of life and the quality of citizens. this places a huge responsibility on us to plan for the future of the industry in order to reach its maximum potential. the energy complex must be provided with modern domestic technology and equipment, and the ministry of industry and trade is responsible for this. we plan to increase the increase in equipment production for tech by more than 615 billion rubles. and accordingly increase its share in the domestic market from 72 to 90%. thus, we will create the prerequisites for increasing the export of expensive engineering products. ambitious goals for the national project are new... and chemistry by the thirtieth year there will be 150 chemical industries in the country, chemicals and composites, rare and rare earth metals, as well as
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microbiological products, are widely used in industries and the agricultural sector. now this system, which forms a branch of the economy, forms more than 2% of gdp and occupies a leading position in...
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rescue tug nikolay chikker visited havana on an official visit as part of a long voyage from june 12 to 17. in cuba, our sailors were greeted warmly and solemnly, but representatives of the american establishment and military command were pretty nervous. the entry into venezuela is designed for several days, then the north sea crews will continue to carry out their assigned tasks in the atlantic. washington soon intends to announce a new package of military assistance to kiev amounting to almost $2.5 billion. pentagon chief lloyd austin announced this today. in the american capital , he met with the minister of defense of ukraine rustem khumerov. according to austin , the united states is rapidly preparing, in particular, to send
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missiles for the patriot complexes, as well as anti-tank weapons, to ukraine. while they are printing new money in america, they are ruining taxpayers are being caught up in inflation and their nearly $35 trillion domestic debt. prime minister of hungary viktor orban, whose country currently holds the presidency of the eu council. on the contrary, he is trying to resolve the ukrainian crisis, and for this he came to kiev for negotiations with zelensky. unlike other european leaders, orban has repeatedly opposed the supply of western weapons to kiev, this is what he proposes, ivan blagoy knows about this. tv cameras show orban and zelensky climbing the stairs with stone faces. the sharp contrast with footage of other similar visits to kiev is striking. here is a meeting with canadian prime minister trudeau, and this with us president biden. in the case of orban during the short. the development of president zelensky’s peace initiatives takes a lot of time due to
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diplomatic difficulties. in order to speed up the achievement of peace, i suggested that he begin negotiations on a temporary ceasefire. orban came to kiev for the first time, first from the north military district, not just as the hungarian prime minister, known for his negative attitude towards supplies weapons to ukraine, but also as a representative of the country presiding over the european council until the end of the year. journalists did not have the opportunity to ask questions. zelensky read out his statement from a piece of paper and avoided the topic raised by the guests. only later did it become known that kiev rejected orban’s proposal, but the reaction to it was rather calm. experts note changes in rhetoric. and this is due to several factors. the first is the fatigue of many in the west from the continuation of the war. second - the prospect of donald trump's victory in the us presidential elections and the results elections.
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also imply a bet that if he wins, there must be a country that will pay off the debt at the end of this, notes the bondholder. since the beginning of the svo , ukraine’s public debt has doubled; by the end of the year it will approach 94% of gdp. an extremely difficult period is approaching for the kiev regime. holders of ukrainian government bonds have not received payments since 2022. after the start of the svo, international creditors agreed to a two-year moratorium on payments.
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this moratorium expires on august 1. this approach of the ukrainian authorities led to because the conflict has become public , the creditors’ committee issued a press release saying that kiev’s proposal could cause significant damage to ukraine in terms of access to capital markets; from another article, this time in the german newspaper berliner, you can find out who
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specifically included in this group to hold.
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trump hates ukraine, and this is not very good news for me, the situation is complicated, especially around aid. well, look, i think you're right to be worried. i would never advise you not to do this because he is a very dangerous candidate. let me ask you, i was the main initiator of ukraine's entry into nato. how your closest circle sees the situation. we work very hard to convince the germans of the americans.
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the soviet baltic states continue to mock the memory of our liberating soldiers, those thanks to whom these territorial entities exist at all: estonia, on the island of sarimaa, decided to demolish 90 tombstones, under which, according to various sources, up to 300 red army soldiers are buried. today they just started to destroy. workers went to the entrance crowbars in hands, heavy equipment and catholic. is it really possible to imagine something like this in fraternal belarus, where they honor our common memory and work for a common future. on behalf of vladimir putin, a representative russian delegation is visiting minsk.
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is preparing to celebrate the independence day of the republic and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the belarusian capital from the nazis, tomorrow the main celebrations. the latest preparations for important statements in the report by ivan prozurov. minsk was constantly covered in rain, but the military is ready for any weather, training it lasted for more than six months and the rain did not scare off the spectators: this is the largest independence day parade in the history of belarus, and the country gained independence 80 years ago after liberation from the nazi-german invaders, a tribute to history, crews in the uniform of red army soldiers and partisan equipment, followed by military personnel from belarus , russia. "azerbaijan, china, kyrgyzstan and tajikistan. today, together we again stand guard over the peace and well-being of our states. the legendary katyushas, ​​modern multiple launch rocket systems belgrade on
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shosi made in belarus. in addition to the equipment of the belarusian air force, the russian military will take part in the aerial part of the parade, including the legendary aviation groups berkuts, russian knights and swifts. the holding of the parade is a topic of conversation. in the presidential palace, where alexander lukashenko received vyacheslav volodin. the chairman of the state duma arrived in minsk on behalf of vladimir putin and will take part in the ceremonial events on behalf of the russian country. allow me to convey my kindest, warmest congratulations on the main a national holiday on behalf of our president, vladimir vladimirovich putin ordered this to be done, but also, of course, a day that unites us all, both citizens of belarus and russia, this. the day of the liberation of minsk from the nazi invaders, it is very important for us to remember those who died for our freedom, thank you very much for the fact that russia is represented on this common holiday of ours,
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you will not find a single monument in belarus, even in the smallest villages, that it was neglected, that it was not looked after, it does not matter to us, this battle was bagretion or podřev. there is no history of the great patriotic war, neither of our country russia, nor the history of belarus and the union state as a whole; the history of every family is imbued with this. then this needs to be passed on to future generations. first of all , so that future generations who will
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live here in russia and belarus do not become dehumanized, and so that when trouble comes, they know how to respond to it. they also remembered the offensive operation bogration itself, the largest in the history of mankind. when the red army is secret from the nazis prepared a powerful attack, and by july 3 liberated the belarusian capital from the invaders. soviet soldiers crushed the german center army, moved on to liberate poland and opened the way to germany. today, against the backdrop of an unprecedented, boorish attitude towards the memory of older generations who fought and defeated nazism, towards our monuments in europe, which are being demolished. people fight with the dead, knowing that there will be no answer. we must be more united and wiser and peer into the pages of that history, substantively analyzing those documents that we have already seen and know about, and those
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we present today. a difficult page in the history of the peoples who saved the world at the forum of russian and belarusian youth. its theme is a nazi crime without a statute of limitations. not only lectures and meetings with experts, but trips like this.
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readiness to respond to any modern challenges. ivan prozurov, vyacheslav chereshka, timofey raevsky, sergey panasyuk, svetlana barkova, ekaterina belova and alexander kovalev. channel one, minsk. belarus. at one of the training grounds near moscow, tests under the auspices of the kuliben club. the popular front project is looking for inventors and craftsmen throughout russia and helping to promote the best developments for the needs of the northern military district. many samples are already at the front. today we are visiting the kulibins from primorye. far easterners. we didn’t come empty-handed, will oleg shishkin tell us what
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we brought? the vest is very comfortable, ergonomic, has proven itself successfully since last year, and saves lives. high collar, shoulder protection, tiger assault vest, which is manufactured in the primorsky territory, holds a shot of an armor-piercing bullet from a distance of 10 m protects against small fragments flying at a speed of about 600 m/s. the bulletproof vest is fully certified, passed all test protocols positively, and it was also tested at the training grounds of the eastern... military district, it has increased fragmentation protection, and it also has a fairly low weight. we try to use russian- made materials, that is, fabrics, fittings, armor plates, everything is russian-made. at the training ground in the moscow region , designers and inventors presented their developments, working under the auspices of the kulibin club, the all-russian popular front. the idea to support small and medium-sized enterprises that work for victory appeared more than two years ago, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, while the giants of the defense industry, large powerful enterprises with their production... testing new products, will
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gradually introduce innovations to meet the needs of frontline fighters in many times faster, the people's defense industry will react, and this is how this universal kaban platform, an open-type self-propelled tracked platform , appeared multi-purpose, the objectives of the task include the delivery of ammunition to the front line, evacuation of the wounded, placement of the affected area on this platform, the existing platform plus a light roller trawl. they will be very useful in liberated territories, in those locations that were exposed to cluster munition attacks. it is no longer possible to imagine a special military operation without combat drones. the price of an imported mavik starts at one and a half hundred thousand rubles. advanced versions cost three times more expensive. but this, the soldiers say, is a consumable material on the front line. vladimir engineers offer their own version of a quadcopter. compared to the background of aircraft-type drones capable of flying into the far rear of the enemy, eurus looks. turn, but this little guy is capable of a lot: flying at
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a distance of up to 4 km and rising up to 5 km is quite enough for reconnaissance of the enemy’s defeat. has a number of removable cameras, interchangeable ones, and these are thermal imaging cameras, night cameras, cameras with optical zoom up to 32x, and can also carry different payloads, well, different shells for dropping. some of these samples have already, as they say, gone into production, others are just being tested in the field . the popular front regularly gathers inventors from all over the country here in order to have the opportunity to test products at the test site, exchange news from the front, formulate tasks for themselves in the coming weeks, what needs to be refined and what needs to be improved in the products that they send to the front. many innovative developments of russian inventors will soon be sent to advanced. oleg shishkin, ekaterina koryaka, igor kofonov - channel one. now turkey,
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there are mass riots after the arrest of a syrian who is suspected of violence against a six-year-old turkish girl, the city where the accused was detained, houses and shops of syrian refugees are set on fire, they are caught on the streets and beaten, pogroms throughout the country, including istanbul and tourist antalya. according to media reports, seven syrians were killed and hundreds of protesters were detained. in response , turkish housebreakers are attacked in syria. ankara closed the border in the north, but clashes began per block posts report casualties on both sides, now about a bottle gas explosion in a residential building in the bashkir city of sterlitomak, a woman died, six more people are in the hospital with burns, among them a ten-year-old child, there was a one-year-old girl in the stroller at the entrance, she was not injured today , there was no hospitalization, more than a dozen apartments were destroyed, about eighty residents in temporary accommodation centers, everything happened during repair work of the gas service, the investigation will establish the reasons. and the perpetrators of the chpk. you watch the time
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now advertising, immediately after the consequences of the hurricane in st. petersburg. shocking footage. beach, rozen beach, how to choose where to relax near the water in the city and the cosmic horizons of russia. news about the creation of a new station in orbit. stay with us on channel one. germany is completely destroyed. that as the collective farm gave in, it disgraced our family, i suggest the chairmen are plato’s hero, although he is a new person. but a hero, let's vote, who is for plato, what are the two shores, the premiere of a serial film, watch after the program time, anton, look who you are,
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some uncle? mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. monteshoca cognac. product of stellar group. rom. castro. product of stellar group. vodka pechora. product of stellar group. vodka. veda. product of steller group. old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group, over there. the girl who was kidnapped is my granddaughter. when
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katenka and i went to kindergarten, you always went to one another, yes, back to the same one. revelation by former us secretary of state hillary clinton especially for our program. this concerns the upcoming us elections. you need to go on the offensive.
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appeared with the participation not of hillary clinton, but of one of the republicans, then they would have decided to be the case that they are striking a blow to american democracy, in the districts of the establishment, they say: god forbid criticizing her, it’s a bad omen, they are really afraid of her, show vavan and lexus, premiere, tomorrow on the first, in fact, you brought her under the article, it’s a fact, she fell into this trap, let’s collect the old ho
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, the region is eliminating the consequences of yesterday’s hurricane, there are three people on the list of dead, including including an eleven-year-old boy, a tree fell on him. there are also children among the victims. residents continue to post footage of the disaster on the internet. on enlightenment avenue, a mattress flew straight into the girl’s head. there was a young man nearby, he was filming the rainfall on his phone, but as soon as
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he saw what happened, he immediately rushed to help. he brought the victim to the nearest store, where she had already come to her senses a little. later an ambulance was called for her. it turned out that the mattress had been blown away by the wind from the balcony of a neighboring house. and this video was filmed on veterans avenue. you can appreciate how suddenly the wind came and how strong it was. the gust easily knocks down road signs and lifts up plastic barriers. one of them breaks the glass at a bus stop. the shrapnel injured the child. the governor of st. petersburg, alexander beglov, instructed to help all those affected by the hurricane. the administration of the city and district of our social service is constantly located. resolve all emerging issues of the task, i ask the heads of districts and specialized committees to keep the situation of the victims under personal control and
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respond to them as quickly as possible requests, and residents of the capital region continue to experience the strength of the heat, the peak, let me remind you, is predicted for wednesday and thursday +35, naturally, in such weather, those who have the opportunity rush to the beach, there is a real excitement at the reservoirs, but it is important not to forget that swim without... what you need to know about vacationing in an urban environment and how to choose a suitable place, read about this in olga pautova’s report. this is what the necessary kit looks like for those who spend time outdoors these days: hat, glasses, sunscreen and something to freshen up. i think many of us today are like this ice cream, because the temperature in moscow has exceeded 32 degrees, so that city reservoirs are now more reminiscent of resorts. teaching here they dive headfirst, everything is done for the people, honestly, and no worse than in the south, it feels like you
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are on the sea, practically the beach of the krasnodar region, it is very refreshing, really very good, it was very hot, and we are already swimming about four hours, probably this beach is equipped with everything necessary, buoys, a paddling pool for children, lifeguards keep order, one before the start of the season, divers examined it and confirmed its safety, the ministry of emergency situations employees invited us on their... patrol boat to show a different picture: spontaneous beaches that only seem safe. swimming here, not only is it prohibited, this is a former seaplane descent, here concrete slabs go to the bottom, no one has checked their condition for decades, here, in addition, there is a lot of glass, stones, and iron. you should not lose your vigilance in equipped recreation areas. these are your comrades, guys, once i see you behind the buoys. swim, swim, go to the police, as a rule, these are situations when a person did not calculate his strength and swam
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to an unknown destination, this is all in a state of alcoholic stupor, just yesterday , during a patrol, i saw people who swam far, in principle, towards the shipping channel , in parallel, the ship was moving in the opposite direction, we kind of notified the navigator that there was a man and escorted people to the shore, patrols rarely go on wild beaches, so if you see... remember a similar sign, in case why can’t we expect help from anyone, everyone is swimming, but if, as i understand it, if there are children, then they are here on the shore, well, in general, the sign doesn’t really work for anyone, i don’t know of any cases where something happened here happened, and this is a big misconception, literally today three people drowned in moscow, one of them in the silver bar, but this is a very popular place for a beach holiday, almost 800 people have already drowned throughout the country in the first month of summer alone, including 145 children.
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the concept of selfie injury appeared, a man standing on the edge of a bridge, a cliff, there, on some bank, films himself on his phone, takes one or two steps back, without looking back, yes, because the angle will be better, yes, then he flies, and even if you have been coming to rest for many years swimming in the same place, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since last season, it’s worth checking whether the beach is still safe by going to the rospotrebnadzor website, because it’s not just about buoys and a smooth bottom, a red flag is raised when the water is too much. ..
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rospotrebnadzor department specialists on a permanent basis carry out water sampling for all types of indicators, these are escherichia coli, generalized coliform bacteria, enterococci, vibrio cholerae and other indicators that characterize the biological safety of water, if necessary. if the water does not meet hygienic standards, the reservoir is declared unsuitable for swimming. for example, in moscow , out of 133 public beaches, according to the decision of rospotrebnadzor, completely safe, only five now remain: lake beloye, recreation areas in troparevo and mishchersky park, the large city pond lake chernoye in zelenograd, and so that after a fun holiday you don’t have to take sick leave, it’s better to avoid bodies of water with a tarnished reputation . olga pautova, boris leonov, mikhail kunitsin, pavel romanov and vladimir alkhovsky, channel one. in such heat, special attention goes to the inhabitants of the moscow zoo. some species of animals feel great, but
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there are those who find it more difficult to tolerate high temperatures. equipped with air conditioning, irrigation systems, snow cannons, special treats, cute and sociable capybaras will appreciate healthy ice cream, these are pieces of ice with vegetables, salads and fruits, they are very happy and absorb this delicacy with great appetite, such asorbet would be useful for humans too. passengers on an american boeing flight from spain to uruguay found themselves in an extremely dangerous situation and were forced to make an emergency landing. in brazil. this time the incident is not related to the technical problems that have recently plagued this company. the airliner entered a zone of turbulence and began to descend sharply. those people who were not wearing seat belts, 40 people, received serious injuries. they actually flew around the cabin and some even pierced the inner lining with their heads. and one of the victims ended up in the luggage rack and needed the help of other passengers to get out. as
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a result, the plane landed safely, everyone who needed help from... new space horizons are opening for russia roscosmos is preparing to implement a large-scale project, which was approved today. we will have a new orbital the station will become a platform for advanced developments. the creation of the station will make it possible not to interrupt the cycle when russia leaves the iss program, which is already outdated and does not have the necessary technological conditions to perform fundamentally new tasks. in addition, the necessary ones are missing. people's agreement. the first scientific and energy module of the russian orbital station will be launched in 2027, and all work will be completed by the thirty-third, and this is truly a matter of national security. well, colleagues, as you understand, this is not ordinary event, we are really starting to scale up such large-scale work related to
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the creation of the russian orbital station, the work is complex. it involves a huge amount of cooperation, it’s not just the creation of stations, it’s the ground infrastructure, it’s timely preparation for the launch of all the necessary launch vehicles and much more, so it should work like a good orchestra. the days of vietnamese culture, which are taking place this week in moscow and st. petersburg, were solemnly opened in the zaryady concert hall. in the program, except concerts, a photo exhibition about the nature and traditions of the socialist republic, as well as shows in vietnam.
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fund - 15 million rubles. the tournament became one of the most grandmaster vladislav artemev. the total prize money for popular chess competitions in recent years, and not only in russia. famous state masters from different countries and future champions, rising stars of this intellectual game, loved all over the world. the tournament is quite representative in composition, all are titled, all are masters. a representative of iran and a representative of india came to us, the tournament was
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international. naturally, winning such a representative tournament is a pleasure. quite significant, but i tried, that is , i had the motivation, i wanted, i wanted to become a winner again, this tournament in itself is very interesting, because it is currently the strongest tournament in russia in which we compete with very strong foreigners, and this is also a separate wonderful festival for children, and most importantly, children have the opportunity to communicate with city masters, this is also very important. that's all, watch the time stay. in the know, a new episode of the film two shores is now on air on channel one.
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a quick victory. misha’s sons, anton and maxim eromakov, also grew up early. we fell in love with girls from the other side, tosya skolchina and her friend masha. and everyone
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was waiting for the same end of the war. fight back, you can, yes, you are a hero grandfather, okay, why are we standing here, i cooked cabbage soup, let’s go and feed you, hello, dad,
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welcome back, i’m proud of you, dad, so hang on, cut some more lard, we’ve got a lot of stuff on purpose save it for such an occasion, sit down, don’t rush around, she’ll just do it herself, let’s have a better drink, well, tell me that how the collective farm gave up,
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she disgraced our family, dad, we’re all for the front, for you, so that it would be easier for you there, we plowed on ourselves instead of horses, we didn’t spare ourselves, that means , everything that was ours. now it’s gone to society, this is what we had, everything was taken over, under the ermakovs, which means it has caved in, this will never happen, tomorrow you will write a statement that you are leaving this booth, no, dad, even though you fought heroically, but you don’t understand anything, only together we can survive, became independent.


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