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tv   Dva berega  1TV  July 2, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm MSK

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that, as the collective farm gave up, she disgraced our family, dad, we are all for the front, for you, so that it would be easier for you there, we plowed on ourselves instead of horses, did not spare ourselves, which means that everything that was ours has now gone to society, this is what we had, everything was requisitioned anyway, under the ermakovs, it means it caved in. “ this will never happen, tomorrow you will write a statement that you are leaving this booth, no, dad, even though you fought heroically, you don’t understand anything, only you can survive together, you’ve become independent, you’ll contradict your father, but i ’ve changed, and now i’m on my own i make a decision
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it’s okay nazarka will come back, he will explain to you about independence. attention, says moscow. on may 8, 1945, in berlin , representatives of the german high command signed an act of unconditional surrender of the german armed forces.
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let's celebrate, let's set the tables, oh, it's a pity, there's no one to play the harmonica, so i 'll bring the typhon, ir, it's a matter of what's new, but for such an occasion everything is there, and you all carry what you can, let's in our yard, so olga can also participate, bring it, bring it, put it here, yes wait, i need to finish the report in the region, sowing is going on, but where are you going, tomorrow you will be in charge, and today is a holiday, dads, will you come with us to the river, i don’t know, mom won’t let me go, we need to help, we’re not like that now will call, i hung, come in
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, we survived, my dears, we won, and now your men will return to you, eternal memory, and to my misha, and sasha belikov, to your peter, to your nikolai anastasia, eternal
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memory, eternal memory, and now let's drink to our hero, to platon evdakimovich, to everyone who fought and is alive will return home to you.
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and why? don't like me? you're old, then when you serve, i'll only be 14. well, varka, nazar will return, how will we divide it? ira, stop, don’t drink anymore, don’t tell me what’s going on, i ’m talking like a welder, i’m not holding him, well, just like that, you’ll take him and give him the man from the farm, you’ll sleep alone in bed, the bear won’t return you.
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how famous artists confess their love to their other halves, we will talk about this in our studio, it was some kind of impulse, the first one confessed her love, told him that i i love him, but he hung up for a while and asked me why?
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you had a very serious accident, it was ira, the person who brought you back, yes ira brought you back, i had...
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he seemed to be trying to help in all the most difficult situations, all my life i saw my mother sitting at the table and writing, wrote and wrote, it was all related to treatment, her task was to determine the disease, i remember when she told home with pride that i said that the tumor was in that place, and indeed it turned out to be in that place, oh she cared for the sick like a mother, she said, treat the patient as your closest relative. and she treated her employees with care. natalya petrovna was the first in our country to propose the method of implanted electrodes for the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses. we recorded various physiological parameters, when we begin to intervene with live electrodes, miracles are expected from us.
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so we are trying our best to arrange some kind of miracle. to the centenary of the birth of natalia bekhtereva, premiere. on sunday on the first one, it’s beautiful, it suits you, no, masha is better, hmm, yeah, masha is better, your denis suits me. then it doesn’t, you’re some fool, don’t pay attention, i can’t wait until they call you, uh-huh, okay, girls, let’s go for a swim, anton, the water is cold, well, i bet i’ll take a dip, it’s not enough to take a dip,
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swim for about five minutes, ok, if i can stand it for 5 minutes, kiss me, what else, hmm, maxi, break it. well , that's it, where are you going, i bet i can stand it too. why even look at you, chilly, come on, come on, yes, come on, what are you doing, it hurts, hold on to me. anton, what do you have there, maxim, what it happened, my leg cramped, we’ll row it out now
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, don’t be afraid, row harder, row to the left, turn, maxim, hold on, hold on, help, help, i’m now, come on, tosya, i ran for help, hold on, hold on, uncle, please help, there the boys are drowning, there they are, there. now now help, now, now , now, hold on, come on, come on, come on, ah... and here, come on, thank you, well
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, well, oh, you almost drowned, you’re stupid, stupid, why even get into the water let's climb, oh, leave me alone, everything is fine, where is it normal, zadenka, zadenka, just don’t tell anyone that they’ll scold us after home, hold on! yes, please don’t tell me, their mother is strict, okay, i won’t tell you, but you also promise me that you won’t swim in this weather, it’s not time yet, thank you, who are you, whose will you be, ermakovs, ermakovs, yes, ermakovs , and my mother’s name is not olga, but what, what? anton and maxim,
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so, yeah, who are you, uncle? grandfather, i am yours, zakhar, do you remember me? ah, 4 years is like half your life for you.
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no matter what, that’s it, that’s it, let go, what are you looking at, i didn’t expect to come back, yes what do i have, live! thanks for permission? i haven’t forgotten anything, zakhar, i mean,
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you won’t live well. we have another petitioner, you’re not ashamed, father, i prayed for you too, let’s go, then we’ll talk, hello, zakhar, with the check, the documents are in order, there is permission for worship, the decree for the opening of the temple, let’s go, i’ll show you , then, go,
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come on, go, they have blossomed here, am i afana? i wanted to ask about the steppe, i heard, the peasant, is he alive, i heard that your stepan is alive, he won back, he was forced into combat due to injury, now in he lives in a monastery, he is righteous in his thoughts, he wants to enter a seminary, dedicate himself to god, which seminary, they were closed a long time ago, but here they say they will open it next year, i don’t understand. it’s strange for you, you keep doubting, but with god’s help we defeated the enemy, we are not screwed without your god, just think about it, after all, we retreated for 2 years, city after city was given up, when the turning point came, when all the people went to church,
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yes i said a prayer to god, started up my organ again, well, what should i say? it’s okay, i don’t want to know him. oh, you've gotten fed up with hospital grub he became smooth, even though you jumped ahead of me on one leg, you were the first to come home, but i didn’t
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write to you from the hospital, go ahead, yes! am i some kind of sugar or something? and he is the one, and what is he? in zordinok, all justice, mom, mom, grandfather egor has arrived, toast, what’s mom, well, let’s go home, come on, let’s go for a snack and then we’ll talk, well, beauty, sweat, huh? so, here you are wearing a compass, this is for denis, tos, well, how do you like to cry? yes, thank you, oh, look at this beauty, we’ll hang a wall, well, what the hell is this?
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barometer, ignoramus, find out the weather now. our hard-working breed is growing, you heard the news, but we are now collective farmers, what a friend, and edrik is to your left, well , why brother, the names are changing, he and the orders returned as heroes, zakharka has one medal, you know that we’ll become activists,
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we’ll bring this collective farm under our belt, and now we’ll use the honor and respect. you need to do it wisely. varvara, you’re great, you did everything right. revelation by former us secretary of state hillary clinton, especially for our program. this concerns the upcoming us elections. you need to go on the offensive. i am doing everything i can to re-elect president biden. we are just used to saying that, well, hillary, yes, they are downed pilots. and the front sights, and also a downed pilot. they, “i know he’s a very bad guy, has a personal hatred for trump because he did this in the elections, if a similar recording had appeared with the participation of not hillary clinton, but
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one of the republicans, they would have decided would be the case that they are striking an american democracy, in the districts of the establishment, they say: “god forbid anyone criticize it.” the omen is bad, they are really afraid of it. the show of vavan and lexus, premiere, tomorrow on... you actually brought her under the article, it’s a fact, she fell into this trap, for zhanna frisky’s anniversary, the little girl was born from twins, but her brother left the next day, she was very small , i was born this way, mom, here is your artist, we gave 50 concerts a month, but we already joked that if we get married, it will be somewhere on the plane, so what? happened to me and what ’s happening to me, i’m talking about it...
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it’s necessary, no, it’s necessary, i want, i want it to work out for me, despite the fact that there are some men there, great performers there, and she’s so small, fragile, it turned out to be more powerful than anyone else, she’s great, the premiere is on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman is killed, and we’re talking the devil about what and our hearts didn’t break, what are you saying? you know? as it breaks, the shoulder just gives and the elbow pulls. okay, let's think about it, let's say you're a mole, you're in there are searches and targets for you in all
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parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well of course i would run in, that he will choose the moles, that’s the question. "be careful, i am always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man was a stutterer suddenly he speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us”? you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko,
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the confrontation of the prime minister according to the legendary book by yulian semyonov, this is from the nazor, read, come on! hello, my beloved, darling, soon i will squeeze you so that your bones will crunch, i’ve been waiting for this for 4 years, but not where he is in berlin, he signed on the rexsag, yes
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, you know that during the war he took full responsibility for the affairs. my daughter-in-law, olga ermakova, shouldered the collective farm burden, well, yes, she can’t be here, but she asked me to tell you. so that you release her from this duty, and rightly, rightly, she is seriously ill, well, rightly, you vote for olga to relinquish her authority, we vote, well , that means we need to elect a new chairman, and we’ll elect you, but why? let's go for zahara, what else, i propose
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plato, my brother, as chairman. although he is a new person on the collective farm, he is a hero, he lost a leg in battles for his homeland, he did not repair his life, look, he is covered in awards all over his chest, his homeland highly appreciated his feat, and he showed what he was capable of, and your zakhar only rested in hospitals until the infirmary, it’s not good, it’s measured by glory, everyone fought as best they could,
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well, okay, thank you for your trust, comrades, then we’ll discuss our plans, nothing, brother , we ’ll make him jump, it’ll be hard for him as a chairman.
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then it’s harder to get up, but i’ve come for something, i want to decide where you’ll send me to work, and which one? you have a job, you’re disabled,
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since you joined the collective farm, you have to work, i’m a fool, i’m not used to sitting, i’m a night watchman if you go to the barn, i’ll go. “var, forgive me, we saw the circus earlier, lord, bitter, what’s there?
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how can it be, they’re already winning. i don’t know how to tell toya, she fell in love so much, irka was rolling on the ground, oh, lord, my face scratched her, how the demon possessed her, tell me, my dear, what is tormenting you, well, ease your soul, our god is merciful, he
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will forgive your foolishness, there is no god, yes, he exists, you felt it in your soul, you’re still lying. .he is not there, and if he was, he would not have allowed it, i prayed so, i asked so, 4 years of bowing, they still killed, but you spoke with all the will of god, it means that nazar was killed by his will, aren’t you ashamed to deceive people, dad is right in what he says, you are just fools...
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toska, it’s too early to lift the mourning, aunt ir, 4 months have already passed, before it was supposed to be a year, it’s good that i met you, here’s the candy, thank you. she looks so much like her father, everyone says she looks like her mother, no, like her father, petrovna, you have a letter, the sky was already breathing in autumn,
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the sun was shining less often, the days were getting shorter, the mysterious canopy of the forests, for... ma, what is it canopy? there is no such word, it’s a shadow, perhaps you’re reading it wrong? no, that's right, canopy is when it covers something, leaves on trees cover, cover, some kind of nonsense, why so many words if they mean the same thing? anton, look who's there. anton, who, some uncle,
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is alive! liberated from one camp to another, you surrendered to the germans, but did not surrender. he was wounded unconscious,
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it’s a shame, everyone’s father is a hero, ours, it would be better if he really died. don’t you dare say that, why? it’s okay, they’ll tease us with you, now, maxi, you'll have to fight.
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that’s why i couldn’t, i had no memory, i already came to them. it was scary, scary, son, i was very upset, i tried to escape, they caught me, they hounded me with dogs, i barely survived, and my mother was sick, she was killed in her sleep. she hasn’t
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walked for a long time, 4 years, there she is, the girl who was kidnapped, my granddaughter. when katenka and i went to kindergarten, you always go to one another, and back to the same one, there is a connection between these abductions, fortune teller, tomorrow on the first day, yeah, they decided on the number, yes, the eleventh, the most grandiose event in modern... russia, traditions and advanced
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technologies, the greatest achievements and discoveries, all corners of the country, all spheres of life, 247 days, 89 regions, more than 17 million visitors, we have something to be surprised by, there is something to be proud of, the ceremonial closing of the exhibition russia, 6 july, on the first, here's denis well done, he was sent to sergeant's school, he won't be a fool, he'll become a good man, write to him that he didn't come back here after the army, let him stay in the city, who will i transfer the farm to?
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okay, it hurts, i'm sorry. it hurts, my heart hurts, you
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you’re crying, well, we need to talk, besh, we need to decide something, i received you today, i understand, you ’ve been without women for 4 years, but no more, i ask you, i, i’m just out of the habit, the war itself , you understand, i don’t do anything i feel like you don’t need such a wife at all, what are you talking about, we need to break up. why, because i am disabled,
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a burden, because you love someone else, she loves you too, nazar is no more, no one stands between you. here he has come to our place. me too.
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my eyes were wide open, i thought, there is no need for me to live anymore without you, there is such happiness here, if only if it weren’t for you, i wouldn’t have survived there, i thought about you so that i could kiss you again, kiss you! varya, for my sake, son, i once had a dream there in the camp, as if you and i had a son, really, as if i had a dream, yes, but what? you
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don’t know, you and i had a son, mesh, the boy who died in childbirth was from you, but why were you silent while cooking, but what was there to say when you brought olga and married her, so you were already at the nazar, so i would have left him, and we would have run away together, yes, what can i say now, wait, wait, i’m now i won’t let you go anywhere, wait, that’s all, that’s all, what are you talking about, about us, i couldn’t resist, i wanted to hug you at least one last time,
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we can’t see each other anymore, this is not good, why, what did you make up, but oli, you thought about her, she herself told me to leave, she doesn’t want to keep me. she doesn’t want it out of pride, is it really not clear, she knows that we love each other, we do, but think about how i can accept this sacrifice of hers, because of me she is bedridden, if it weren’t for olya, then this tree if it fell on me, no i can do this, mish, cooking, wait, i don’t love olga, why should we all suffer, because it’s not humanly possible? you know how, we will blame ourselves all our lives, my dear!
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that’s it, we’ll say goodbye here, we won’t go any further, go forward, and i’ll follow you, kiss me one last time.
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at the entrance to the legendary bamon village of zvezdna we are greeted by this wedge heel 50 years on... five left, another year from these thirteen there are only two of us left, once we get used to this road, get used to the steepness, like a doll, i saw what it is earthquake, water right in the mug.
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i cooked the koshchi myself, i have to work, thank you, go home, why, i need to return the plate, this is the custom , but in our yard from july 7 to sunday on the first.
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i love our country for its power, for its history, for the fact that it provides all opportunities to any person who wants to receive them, i am proud of russian composers, because they have brought great benefits to world culture and music. our favorite place. family in the foothills of laganaki in the republic of adiget lived his entire adult life on north, now i have been living in sevastopol for the last 20 years, the best city, in a lifetime a person cannot get around all our corners of our greatest and most beautiful country, thunderclouds and silence on lakes, oh russia, russia, you are so alone.
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why kill, the war is over, brother, he came from the camp, let him return there, that’s true, but how? you have to think, you’ll hand it over to the dairy, yeah, you’ll sign the invoice, give it to the office, i understand, in the area they promised to give me a lorry and a half. you’ll take courses, you’ll be a driver, i’ll be happy to, i love technology, well, let's go, son, let's go,
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come back quickly, you'll make another move, yeah, what do you want? i need sugar, soda, 10 packs of matches, a little over a kilogram, will you take it or give it away, i’ll give it to you, come on, what... 17:20
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i’ve already taken it and forgot to say that the mahurka is over, but it’s okay, take it, i’ll wait, that’s all, keep it , to you, i have salt and i have 10 packs until the christening. i don’t know where you got so much, i don’t know, my father told me, he says, in our basement the darkness has cleared up, apparently there is something to gnaw on, otherwise everything is getting poor, chairman, let’s go, or something, you go, i’ll come later, uh-huh, thanks. and you're home i didn’t hear anything, but what should i hear, about my father? and your mother? no, nothing, well then, okay, no, finish the conversation already, but i
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heard that your father wants to go to your mother. so what now? probably my father will be yours now. anton, that's all for now, i have no time, rope, son of a coward, son of a traitor, son of a traitor, your father actually surrendered to the germans, a shame, what did you say, who said what did you say? show him, he’s bleeding, it’s fine, you don’t have to hold him anymore, what do you say at home, he tripped, maxim is also teasing him, uh-huh, tell me father, let him give us a good hand, what are you saying, you can’t tell him, get upset, and
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keep quiet. okay, don’t think so, he’s still a hero, i don’t think so, of course he’s a hero, okay, i have to go, otherwise my grandfather will get angry, bye, come on. young boy, egorsha, as soon as he realized it, god sent mishka’s boy, he bought me off, it dawned on me. so,
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good afternoon, collective farm, we know labor, milk plus, open, banner of labor, banner of labor. but don’t worry about the milk, now they’ll take samples for analysis, and while we talk,
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look for yourself, in all the milk cans rat poison detected. explain to me how he got there? i, i don't know, honestly. i receive already closed cans and take them to the dairy plant. and you don’t add anything from them? no. how many times have you done this already? ah, bitch, who gave you the task? you've decided to poison soviet people, you're a fascist henchman. you don't dare say that. i fought, was wounded near moscow, keep quiet, you were recruited in captivity, yes, i’m not guilty of anything, i don’t know where food ended up in the milk, okay, convoy, take him away, let him sit and think, stand up, i’m sure i heard it myself,
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they arrested him, but it’s nonsense, he couldn’t do it all, bear, his son recently bought rat poison, a lot, packs of 10 or 20, he also said, his father ordered it, but maybe it’s true, it’s true, bear ermakov was arrested, he’s a pest, he poisoned the milk, this can’t be true, are you crazy, what?
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oh, the captive camp is behind us, what good can we expect from him, but shut up, it’s not his fault, who’s to blame? they loaded him with good milk, but he brought it poisoned, here, take it, solve the problem, or he ask for toast, let her solve it, yes, come on, solve it, zakhar, y what, you set up my son for nothing, that he was beaten by a disabled person, you also want to go to trial, you want, i know that you did it, damn tribe, but i can’t prove it. when they forced him to jump off a cliff, there was no way to undermine you either, don’t slander honest people, we did not spare our lives for our homeland at the front, and you don’t
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hide behind your merits at the front, but get out of here, go, go, what? well, you are silent, varvara, you also believe that the bear is a pest, right? killed him, one family of the same roots, find mikhail zakharovich ermakov guilty of committing crime under part eight of article 58 of the criminal code of the union of soviet socialist republics, sentence him to imprisonment for a term of 15 years; the court's verdict is final and not subject to appeal.
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there's a big game on the air. do russians want war? vladimir putin recently gave a comprehensive answer on this matter. he said: considering how much the united states and other nato countries spend on military purposes, and russia spends 3.5%, although i think it's starting to increase. and what does he say to putin? i mean it ratio.
11:00 pm
and it seems to me that in moscow, politicians and analysts and government officials are increasingly coming to the conclusion that the collective west does not just support ukraine, but is a direct and maybe even the main participant in this war. let's listen to what presidential press secretary dmitry peskov recently said about this. we hear. there are a lot of militant statements, this is nothing more than provoking something new.


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