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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 3, 2024 2:15am-3:01am MSK

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perform a protective function on the entire surface of the children's mucous membrane, i wonder protection from what? from pathogens, because a child is a sweet pie for all the microbes in the world, bad microbes fly around us, which only dream of a small child, and the number of children’s inflammatory, intestinal necrotizing colitis, colic, and so on, it’s like times when kids scream is creepy, and what about conditionally good microbes. whatever this means, they help against the bad ones, that is , first of all, one of their main mechanisms protection is acidity, they secrete acid, they have a very interesting process, they eat the third largest component of mother's breast milk, called breast milk oligosaccharides, again a person cannot digest, these are three sugar molecules or more, a person cannot digest them, this everything goes to the microbes, and the microbes produce that same lactic acid... which reduces
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the acidity level, well, for example , our blood is 7.4 ph, a healthy vagina is 4.5, a small child, well, probably 5-6 should be ph, in this phshe, that is, with such increased acidity, pathogens, that is , bad microbes do not multiply, but it’s hard for them, but it’s like that, the good ones like it to be sour, the bad ones, i honestly don’t know why that's how it works, but it's universal. the law of our world, and you and i know it very well from sauerkraut, because there are the same fermented milk microbes that create an acidic environment around this cabbage, it does not spoil, that is , it does not settle in it, no one settles in, the one who can eat it the one who can eat it yes, yes, yes, it’s safe for us to eat it throughout the winter, this is how our ancestors survived, in fact, when they didn’t have enough food in the winter, they stored it, fermented it in the fall, but this protection with the help of acidity is basic mechanism and jars
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of cabbage from a small child in kefir, by the way, yes, the same thing, fermented milk products, that is, it is not the bacteria themselves that are important , you just need the food to be sour, that’s enough, in this sense, bacteria are this biotechnological engine to create the first stage of protection, of course, in our intestines, during evolution, our immune system gets used to the fact that these microbes should live there, when it does not see them, it seems to be very surprised... systems, it is also very important, when a child does not have normal microbes, then the immune the system begins, that is, a signal that a piece of our good microbe comes into contact with an immune cell , so we control that everything is in order in the intestines, what you say turns out. well, as i
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imagine, people lived there, i don’t know, 10 thousand years ago, these were very segmented small groups, everyone ate what was around, some cacti, some i don’t know, rotten herring or some other carnage, like tamos, for example, and so on, each of them had their own private microbes, which they probably received from the same food, it’s not like they were from their mother, it’s because the lifestyle itself gave birth to some characteristic microbes that were associated with a person, it’s probably called a microbiome, here, but, but now we live differently, we have a different one, we, yes, we have a germ-free race and two diverse food, but so, we cannot say that this has made us live worse, if we compare, in different periods of life, how similar we are to what is in our mother’s intestines, in our intestines, then the first 5 years are 30-50% of my mother’s inheritance, by the age of 30 up to 20%, that is, really. with age, our
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food washes away or our way of life, our environment, if we look at ancient people, and there were hunters and gatherers, it turns out that they the variety of food is actually higher, yes, because despite the fact that we have a lot of different food in the supermarket, we buy a very meager set, yes, and the ancient man, he came walking through the forest field, he collected everything because he wanted to eat indeed, yes, and he ate leaves, and roots, and chewed twigs, and picked berries, and mushrooms. and so on and so forth in his diet per year there are 400-500 plants, a modern person has 10-15 plants per week, well, maybe he reaches a hundred in a year, but why is this important, after all in my opinion, prehistoric people lived brightly, but briefly, yes, now we live in a different paradigm, well, they ate their grass, and they had some kind of microbes, that is, we should feel sorry for them about these microbes, this is some kind of that lost heritage that could have been for us... again, here
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statistics come to our aid, which shows that a modern person has the more diverse microbiome, that is, the more different microbes. for many millions of years she has become accustomed to the fact that there must be many different microbes they give her different signals, in this meager variety, the immune system switches to inflammation mode, and this inflammation, well, at the moment, as one of the theories of aging, inflamaging in russian is
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inflammation, but this kind of inflammation caused by the paucity of our microbiome, it seems that exists , at least we see this in statistics. well, we are called bad from dietary supplements, but there are also probiotics, as i understand it, these are some bacteria that someone said were good, and we can take them, well, apparently for increasing the diversity of our microbiome, but as far as i understand you, this is a completely pointless thing, because if we don’t also change our diet accordingly, then those additional bacteria that we took will simply not take root, but they won’t take root for many reasons, and for most probio...
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care periodically. this is the badden baden podcast. we discuss the role of the microbiome in human health. our diet should contain a sufficient amount of indigestible, roughage food, dietary fiber, fiber, and so on. probiotics are interesting because most of the microbes that are used for probiotics are taken from some, they are also intestinal healthy people, yes, that is. everyone got sick with diarrhea, but this person didn’t have it, let’s see what he has in his microbiome that is opposed, so to understand the procedure, it should not be the most pleasant, feces are taken, apparently from this person, i understand correctly, from this feces are removed, well, in laboratory conditions, microbes are cultivated on petri dishes, and then this microbe
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declared useful in quantities at the factory and then offered to us in tablets, yes in tablets, in liquids, a very interesting or instructive story, it’s about one of the microbes in mother’s milk, there was this little man of ecuadorian origin in the eighties, he worked in a pharmaceutical company, he realized that there must be beneficial microbes in breast milk, probably here in america breast milk has become worse, he went to his home in ecuador and found such a beneficial microbe in breast milk, today it is...
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researchers looked at the acidity of children feces in studies from 1900 to 2000, and he saw that acidity. yes, that is, it became more alkaline by a whole pasha unit, and the maximum changes, in the publications of the pediatricians of this pasha, took place in the seventies, eighties in european countries, that is, at the time of the appearance of the formula, supermarkets, formulas, and so on and so forth, and then on a practical level,
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it means that i understand correctly that since you are a microbiologist and bioinformatician, then you do not look at the microbes themselves, that is, you take a sample, in this case a stool sample and somehow... all that microbial population that is present there and which somehow signals what is really in the intestines, you translate into numbers, and then you look at who is living there, who is there lives, yes. and this is interesting, because for a very long time microbiology was sowing something on cups, but then it turned out at the turn of the 20th century that outside the cups there are still a huge number of microbes that we cannot grow on cups, even for several years such a thing existed concept, dark matter of the microbial world, then it became clear that we cannot grow a lot of things, technologies for reading dna appeared, without digging up...
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what microbes live there, and someone is lucky, he will have a variety of microbes, as i understand it, each of them will have a stool analysis and then we’ll see, i want them to be varied, for some they will be less varied. therefore, i suspect that, generally speaking, what comes out depends greatly, for
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example, in particular on diet, nutrition here now, that is, what i ate yesterday, that is , it may very well be that the composition generally changes from day to day, and are there any practical recommendations in this regard, what to do, given that, as far as i understand, in the case of probiotics, as a kind of mechanism for restoring diversity, if we assume that this is necessary, then probiotics, as a rule, are only a very narrow set of some kind of microbe. not really reflecting all the diversity that exists, but you see, yes, here - most likely this is the analysis for each individual very much a muscovite, he is rather fun, yes, rather useless, but what we see in the statistics, yes, we see that, for example, those muscovites who on average eat more different vegetables will have greater variety, well, if talk again about baht, badanbadan, if you can’t eat your amount of vegetables, try it. find fiber, yes, as a source, at least fiber, and this, well, it’s much easier there, there’s
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a spoon, you just need to eat 30-35 g of fiber a day, and this is the norm, in fact, at least eat 10 g of this at help additional fiber, and this again, from my point of view, this is not bata, it’s just a piece of food that was pulled out in production, this is also very funny, if we imagine siberian fiber, it’s basically wheat husk, that is, they do a lot for us soft. bread, the husk of the wheat is removed, and we chew it with a crumb, it is very tasty, then we go separately and buy this husk from this wheat in order to restore the deficiency that arose due to the fact that we love very soft bread, that is, it turns out that the solution to the problem is not microbial, in fact, yes, the change is systematic, a change in diet for a wide range of the population, especially if it is associated, for example, with aging, but then it is not scientific if all this has already been shown. all that remains is to simply introduce some appropriate measures, well, here is a standard example, we use whole grain flour, in particular for bread,
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because back at the beginning of the 20th century it turned out that a lot of problems with the thyroid gland and so on were associated with the fact that some people living far from the sea simply did not have enough iodine, but this was decided once and for all, now yes, absolutely, it seems exactly the same for the benefit of people, it is necessary to do this with food, add it to mass consumer products, fiber is the first deficiency. history, that is, it can be added to cutlets, yoghurts, well , it can be added to a large number of food products , you speak conventionally as a scientist, or is it some kind of, well, it would seem, if this is really a health problem, then we probably have all these recommendations, good question, in general,
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the microbes that live inside us are important, they should be varied, and we can help them become diverse, and therefore ourselves, by eating pasture in the forest, which we don’t want to do, no, well, by simply eating varied, even just trying to diversify our diet as much as possible, for example, artificial consumption
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probiotics, rather as such a supportive measure, will not work only if you have some kind of... serious microflora disturbance in connection with antibiotic therapy or something like that, well, we see different applications of modern probiotics, firstly, antibiotic therapy, 95% of all probiotics in our country are consumed precisely after antibiotics, yes, the doctor prescribes probiotics, and this is a large part of the consumption of this multi-billion dollar, several tens of billions of rubles market, fermentation is a very very small component, preventive use probiotics so far, too, well , people don’t really understand this. yes, although, for example, before the cold season, yes, before viral diseases, like flu, like covid, probiotics are indicated, yes, in certain research, has such effectiveness, and here it’s also very cool to understand that even if we didn’t drink probiotics, but got sick with a high fever, viral particles multiplied on our mucous membrane in the intestines and
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lungs, here are the probiotics, well, or there’s a diverse microbiome in the first place the queue is also. with protection during the covid period, it was basically shown that low diversity is a good predictor that a person will have problems in the intensive care unit with a disease to, as you say, in increased inflammatory reactions, then this is relatively speaking natural, that against the background of general inflammation you have problems, this is some kind of complex interaction between the virus, the person and the microbiome that exists there. that is, after we have been sick, we should also think about supporting our microbiota with fermented foods, again feeding our microbes, restoring the mucous membrane, using probiotics, for this this is a justified story, and seasonal allergies are also related to what is happening with us in the intestines, then there is a way to reduce your inflammatory background by taking, preventively taking
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probiotics or supporting yourself with fermented foods, a good strategy if you... we are a doctor of evidence-based medicine, he will suggest it, look, therapist, this is our responsibility, we have and podcast, generally speaking, it is his responsibility to study current research, and he can make his own decisions.
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that question of life of death, what is used? well then we'll probably end with the fact that time will tell, because the verdict is not yet rendered, that is, all this is probably very encouraging, but on a large scale, in standard medicine, this is not generally accepted practice. the only thing that once again, perhaps i did not emphasize, in modern clinical recommendations, is to use probiotics after antibiotics, this is present, but no one argues with this anymore, so a doctor in a regular clinic can prescribe this for you. thank you very much, thank you, this was the banden baden podcast about evidence-based medicine, we spoke today with dmitry alekseev, microbiologist and bioinformatician about the role of microbes in the development of diseases about the role of microbes in the healthy life of each of us.
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hello everyone, this is a free program podcast, i’m maxim tronkov, our guest is the best figure skater of our country, evgeniy semenenko. hi max, glad we finally got to see each other. yes, indeed, i have been waiting for you to visit us for a very long time, and now you have finally reached us in your difficult schedule between studies and training. well, my first question is, of course, proxel 4 turns, this is now such a mainstream in figure skating. i did a good triple axel with a lot of margin, i warmed up my quadruples, i also felt, well, how easy it is to do, and i decided
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to try it naturally, first on a fishing rod, because to go straight away, well, it’s a huge risk, plus emotionally, it’s like that - still, there is in my head that i can get injured, there can be serious consequences, but as if i tried it on a fishing rod for the first time, well, i asked you to support me first. so that there was a reserve, support, landed, normally, then with each time less, less, less, well, there were a few attempts here and there, the last one already, i already asked to just make an imitation of me jumping as if on a fishing rod, but not to support me, everything was done by stepout, so happy, like okay, i go to the first one already without a fishing rod, a successful attempt, i’m done, i go up to alexy nikolaevich, i say:
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this is such a push for you to learn this most difficult jump, even the presence of the most difficult elements does not guarantee victory in competitions, you can do a difficult one element at the beginning, but then break down the rest of the program on simpler elements, you know, since i commented on your performances many times, i watched warm-ups, and it happened that, for example, your warm-up didn’t work out very well, but nevertheless you somehow put together himself and going to the start showed his maximum at the moment. "tell me the secret of how you get so tuned in, maybe you listen to some music like your rival, five bean man, or maybe you watch your favorite naruto, quickly in locker room series, depends on the starting
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number, if i skate at the beginning, then there is no time after six minutes, just drive up to the coaches, hear their parting words and then go skate the program, and if i skate, for example, the final one, then i don’t know, i just rest ". that is, there are no secrets, the music just started playing, you turn off your head and go. i’m already entering the competition, naturally, i want to show my maximum capabilities, you always have a very different style, from season to season, you don’t stick to just one, that is, you have just been baptized there, k-pop is king, as you immediately skate romeo juliet or a clown, like this year’s wonderful short program. le clone est fatigué de faire le clown ce soir et il a
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passez de masquer son regard, il a trop fairit des hommes et des enfants qui viennent l'applaudir. do you somehow come up with images yourself or do you listen to your team, which offers them to you? it happens in different ways, someday the coaching staff will propose an idea, if i like it, i agree, we start the production, it happens when i heard something interesting, some i propose a composition, we stage programs only if the athlete likes the coach, i generally just like figure skating, i try to always find something new. different athlete of any genre, come on, how did you come to this, because for me, when you first appeared on our figure skating horizon, that is, yes, a good boy, stable, took your chance
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when it was given to you, yes, then i mean , i think i got to the world championships there , i showed myself, i didn’t get confused, that is, this i grabbed the bird of happiness by the tail and flew on based on the results, that is, you can’t say that your career is somehow stagnating, it’s really developing for you, but at that time... i, for example, didn’t really like that you were skating programs, which aleksei nikolaevich’s star student already skated with, how did you come to the conclusion that you need to move away from this and still do something of your own and that zhenya semenenko has his own self, they directly compared you, i say, here’s zhenya plushenko, now again zhenya semenenko, what a coincidence, i had a program to the composition of igor kornelyuk banditsky petersburg, and then it was not a debut. i skated from this program at a younger age, but i kind of liked it, it was an unusual composition, unpopular for figure skating, so i thought, why
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not, but you also had albinoni. well, this is already the next season, and this is also evgeniy’s program again, well, such coincidences happen, the most important thing is that all this worked only to your advantage, and you now continue to develop as an independent unit, let’s talk a little about yours legendary trainers, i cannot separate tatyana nikolaevna from alexey nikolaevich, because i know that tatyana nikolaevna also put a lot of work into you, tell me a little how you divide these two super-specialists.
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nikolaevna didn’t seem to recommend it, she ’s afraid for me, maybe women are just wiser, so they don’t want to take such risks, well, alexey nikolaevich, as he told me, doesn’t want to stop the impulse when an athlete wants to jump, as if to strive for the best, and no matter how, even considering that fall, i... that i entered, made some conclusions for myself and no matter how much i regret it, i will try further, but what do you think, tatyana nikolaevna said, i told you, no need, no, why, it happens, you can get injured at any jump, as it were, even on a triple jump, and not even from jumps, i’ll say more, i still can’t help but touch on this topic, well, for me it’s really
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unique in modern figure skating. peter gumennik, also with the st. petersburgers, that is, from the children's st. petersburg competitions, now you are on the podium at the russian championship together, why is it unique for me that you have reached such a level since childhood, the three of us, that is, no one fell off, did not finish skating, did not lose motivation, well, there are many factors when i don’t live up to it. figure skaters to such a level, here you three are now competing as a trio and are all trying out the quadruple axel , all of you are jumping quadruple jumps, probably, but each of you can jump the whole set of quadruples, that is, what is your secret, you can somehow tell each other be motivated, pushed to achieve achievements, looking at competitors, you naturally also want to move forward, you don’t want to give in,
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one thinks so, then one moved forward. then the second one also looks at the first one, well , just like that, one by one, well, naturally, we move each other forward, there are young guys from moscow, their confrontation is already being called legendary, that these are almost the new plushenko and yagudin, i’m saying of course about arseny fedotov and ilva lazarev, don’t you feel like your elders are stepping on your heels, no, well, of course, you also need to take the adult into account. career period, not only junior, life shows me, some had a junior career, but the adult one was not successful, some did not have a junior career at all, for example, i was 2 years old and was completely injured, although - in my youth i i only performed a triple axel and sometimes a quadruple axel, but luckily as an adult i was able to shoot and seem to still be holding
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the bar. i hope the guys will be able to, as if everything will work out normally for them, now you have won everything, all the tournaments, yes, which ones are coming, what’s next, what is the motivation, where do you get it to move further, you draw, because uh, for example, at some point, i got bored at competitions, because when you are an olympic champion, there are those, like , say, the same zhenya plushenko, who wants more, then.. i am an olympic champion, i want to go through this path again, to win the olympics again, there is this type of athletes, and there are people like me who won the olympics and do not find the strength to continue working again, because why am i already there at the top. , i already took it, achieved it and i didn’t have any motivation to move on, now it turns out that we have the russian championship and the final of the russian grand prix - these are the two most important tournaments, and you have won the russian championship twice already, there is such a negative
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point that we are not available... all possible starts, as it was before, but don’t despair, first of all i like figure skating, as long as i can skate, naturally i will continue to do it. and first of all to please myself, the fans, my real loyal fans, coaches, in our country figure skating is popular, people watch it, so well you really have more and more fans every year, we see this from various banners in the stands, and channel one in its broadcasts very often showed a banner where a girl was holding an invitation to coffee, did you go to coffee with any of the fans? no, i didn’t go, but of course it’s cool to see these banners, but i’ve never been there on social networks, it was me, it was i who held this, they didn’t write to you, but i don’t know yet, i rarely appear on social networks, because alexey nikolaevich doesn’t
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allow it or i’m busy, no, i'm pleased of course, attention, well, how would i mind my own business, my own business - what is it, this is your student life, you’re a little bit... a little bit of a first-aid student, and it takes, i understand how much time, how do you even combine training, it’s so energy-intensive with a huge number of quadruples, exactly the same energy-intensive training, one of the most difficult educations, i think, is medicine, i’m already used to this schedule, it was very difficult in the first year, now i’m in the third year, also difficult, but that’s probably all - after all under the load, the first one was still heavier, i have almost no free time since... that usually on saturday evening you can take a break, it seems to me that this also came out as a plus for the sport, because i initially set difficult conditions for myself, as it were, first i run to the university, then i go to the skating rink, and after
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ice training i go home in parallel on the subway, reading the notes for the next lesson, and i come home, there i literally... sat down, ate and rested there for about 15 minutes and went to study the next one topic for the next lesson, as if thanks to the fact that i set the most difficult conditions for myself, uh, firstly, discipline appeared, as i even talked to someone and mentioned that the more free time you have, the more useless you spend it, having already put yourself in such difficult conditions, it... it becomes easier for me to perform at competitions, because when i come, i think, oh, well, at least i’ll take a break, at competitions you don’t read notes, not at competitions, no, i’m completely concentrated, but from studying, concentrating
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only competitions, at performances, opened a secret for the goon now, because in my opinion he studies his mathematics all the time, you gain new knowledge in anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, does this help you in training? process, because perhaps you already know your body much better than any other athlete? no, well, yes, of course, i find some points that i can link to sports, even with injuries, i already roughly understand how long recovery can take, how to behave in case of injuries, what can be done, what is contraindicated, well so far the same i haven’t yet graduated from the university, have you already had an internship at the university, and practice of course takes place after... each course, well, i was in intensive care, i put in ivs, restored peripheral catheters, well, that’s what i’m doing at the moment i like surgery and - diagnostics, uh, the same mri, ct,
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x-rays, i see myself in this regard, your mother is also a doctor, yes, your mother is an endocrinologist, a doctor of functional diagnostics, functional diagnostics is a very real option, we have already started here's propaedeutics to undergo an ecg. recently the cycle of the circulatory system has ended, so i liked it, and does your mother help you with your studies? if there are moments that are incomprehensible to me , i can always turn to him, my mother will always help, uh, zakhar andreevich, how about you, let’s put it into the frame, your son is a convicted person, you yourself understand what a shadow it casts, i think that love - this is joy, what is this happiness, what is this, you’d better teach me how to ride, it’s in vain that the cheremis came back here, that’s bad, things are bad, she’s driving me crazy, leave these thoughts, you’re a stranger to us, don’t be offended, please, tosya, you come tomorrow, listen, i don’t want you to communicate with him, you’re made to only spoil
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people’s fate, tosya, wait, two shores, the premiere of a serial film, tomorrow after the program time, i’m glad to guide you, father, we have nothing to talk about talk to you. evgeny semenenko. and how does your mother feel about
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you combining such two complex professions, yes, that is, a doctor, an athlete, because she understands, like no one else, how difficult it is, how much it overloads the body. honestly, i can’t imagine my life now if this is me i don’t run from university to anniversary, from anniversary to university, and so on. it’s hard for me to imagine, because i seem to already be in this dynamic, and it seems to me that if i leave... this comfort zone for myself, then my sports results may worsen, i also take this option into account, so since the process is ongoing it’s smooth, then i won’t change anything, i read in one of your interviews that it takes you almost an hour and a half to travel between studies and training, is that true? yes, that’s right, in terms of discipline, i even take into account here the moment that... while i i’m on my way home from the university or
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home from the ice skating rink, i always try not to waste time and go through notes on the next topic or prepare for an exam, but you don’t have a hitch in the subway, you don’t do stretching , there’s no cool down, i still have a cool down on the anniversary, otherwise it was it would be interesting, i’ll catch glances, classmates, professors at your university , do they know what you are? you do it in your spare time, well, some know, some don’t, not like your classmates of course know, i’m glad that i have such a positive atmosphere in my group, we always help each other, we support you, they ask you for tickets to shows for competitions, it happens, but they go, well, i saw that they went, i saw a banner on some of you and you had your first honey for semenenko or something, of course, but it happened that zhen, please get me a ticket for the show, and i’ll let you change your ticket during the exam, no, this
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course, the second, the beginning of the third, how hard it was, it’s a pity, of course, i remember the first one, but at the same time, how many positive moments i have, how many once i came out happy after passing the test, well, there were also negative aspects, but positive prevail, of course, it’s hard, but now i look back, and what was negative when you didn’t know something, of course, when you didn’t know something, it’s especially offensive when you were preparing, let’s say some difficult question came up, but often re'? but no, now it’s not, well, i still understand, i evaluate my preparation, and i understand whether i’ll pass, what grade i’ll pass, as if i’m already figuring it out in advance, naturally i won’t risk it if i’m not ready, but the feelings are comparable from a perfectly executed free program, well listen, yes i i thought about this moment, i think that both the feelings are similar, now you get good money, you win competitions, right, you have cool prize money? you ride in people's shows, also receiving good fees compared,
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probably, with a doctor, and with your future profession, how do you set priorities, how do you set priorities in life? no, well , of course i’m studying at such a difficult university for a reason, naturally i want to work in the future in the specialty that i choose after the sixth year, as if, well, listen, if we are talking at the moment, naturally, in financial terms , sports activities predominate. but what will happen when i finish skating, this is the second question, in the future, how would i still plan to be a doctor, of course, and it doesn’t bother you that the average doctor in russia receives a month like your one appearance at an ice show, or even less, well, i say, it’s all temporary, everyone sooner or later ends their sports careers and i can’t find myself in the future, and i kind of already i was thinking after... finishing the eleventh grade, what will i do then, after
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finishing my sports career as a coach, i don’t see myself, i was thinking, i realized the subjects that i like, more precisely biology and chemistry, what, where should i go with such a set, mom , also a doctor, well, i somehow decided, i didn’t know how events would develop, but as time shows, the choice was right, i’m very glad that i did it then, that is, you are sincerely interested. yes, of course, i do things that bring me pleasure. alexey nikolaevich mishin, also sitting opposite me in this studio, said that during the training camp, it seems to me that you helped him in his coaching work, and he said that you, you have very good coaching talent, that you could become a good coach. yes, i had a little experience,
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alexey nikolaevich suggested that i work out with certain athletes, i worked out, and they showed positive changes. let's talk about international competitions, do you follow them, now we are forced to watch them on tv all together, have you watched the european championship, the championship world, do you know the results and in general what is happening there on the international stage, yes , i usually look at printouts of athletes, the results of their performances, but the video, yes i... i didn’t watch the european championships at all, at the world championships i watched the men’s singles, the podium, yes, the guys are already showing, one might say, an exorbitant level of figure skating, but i think in russia, too , the level of men’s singles has definitely increased, in
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all types, we also have a very high level, and for which disciplines, except for men’s singles, for example, in our country are you still in the country are you following what interests you? we all, by the way, yes, well, of course, you even watch the dances, even the dances, well, i’m friends with the guys, it’s interesting to watch their careers, and how things will turn out in the off-season, a certain number of training camps, it’s incredible alexei nikolaevich, in my opinion, every year, you go everywhere, well, now you’re more focused on your studies, because all the important starts have already passed, to pass the exam. necessary, well, then i’ll look at the schedule to see which training camps i’ll be able to go to, which ones i won’t, and if you can’t go to some training camps you’re going, that you continue to study or on vacation, maybe, oh, in terms of vacation, yes, it’s good that i mentioned it, i really want to go on vacation, especially at sea, i haven’t been able to find the time for three years now, because
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the schedule is tight, but in this off-season i will definitely find time, such a season... and an intriguing, difficult, study, third year, well , i have to go and relax, finally, well, it seems to me that you already deserve it, there’s just no other way you say, you deserve it, you deserve it, you need time, dear fans, evgenia semenenko, look for your wife on beaches of the world, of course, there he definitely won’t refuse you to drink coffee, let me tell you a cool story, come on, okay, i’m rarely offered this, off we go.
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minutes i put my suitcase under control, my backpack under control, i get out, but still 15 minutes and i ask the controller which platform to get out on, after all, it’s not unusual for leningrad, she said, well, there’s a board there, go and look, i looked, i look , and the fifth way, okay, took the suitcase, went up the stairs, there was such a corridor, went down, everything was in place, looked at the carriage, i gave my passport, went through control, sat down, i looked, well, before departure, well, if you... it was 23:13, the time was about 08, and that’s it, i ’ve already changed clothes, put on my pajamas, something like that i looked at my phone, answered someone, then i saw that there wasn’t enough charge on the phone, i need to put it on charge, i saw, second floor, there was no backpack, i saw,


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