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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  July 3, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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i, in turn, want to say a compliment to you, thank you for recognizing lana’s talent, for being able to inspire her, and i am sure that this spark that is in her will flare up into a bright flame and heal everyone around her. it's time to see our heroine in her third look, lana on the runway, wow, wow!
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that large accessories do not suit plus-size girls, a good point was emphasized, this is exactly what i wanted to say, precisely due to the fact that this object is light, perhaps this flower would suit many other people, but in front of us is a plus-size lady , and in very feminine forms, and it would seem that this flower should compete with the roundness that her body gives to the viewer, but he does not do that, and this is already connected with the individual.
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it’s not like that with you, let the flower be smaller so that its size doesn’t compete with your head, because not every woman will be able to bring out just such a dramatic situation, our heroine is extravagant, brave and wants to be outrageous, you know , that's what for her necessary. lady kaketka, well, friends, beautiful friends, congratulate lan. lana, we applaud your new look, the fashion verdict gives you all three looks. wear with
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pleasure, live in pleasure! and if you, like our today’s heroine lana, want to take part in the fashion sentence program, then fill out the form on the channel one website. the first channel presents. where are you, golden curls, soon there will be no bald people, clinical recommendations for the treatment of baldness include shampoos containing two substances, which, we will tell you in the program, live healthy, so, dear friends.
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a number of women also think that their hair is falling out, so today we will talk about baldness and of course we will tell you where to find these hair products.
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scientific studies have been published that it says that local consumption of minoxyl improves the amount of growth of oxen in the area of ​​the frontotemporal and upper parts of the head during the first year of use , a long study over 5 years observed men, they used external means, changing to sits, it turned out, that the first year is the most effective, hair grows here, here, here, these are the very places that...
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of course, it is sold absolutely freely, i just want to say something else, that it turned out that if a person with menoxidil lubricates his head with hair that has already fallen out, for example, vyger where the follicles have died, will not work, it is also clear that in order
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for these drugs to work, there must remain follicles, living follicles, which is why this drug is intended for people who are now... losing hair hair therefore only in the first year of use in those who are going bald can they stop the hair loss and actually reverse the process. elena vasilyevna, maybe we will conduct an experiment on me in the near future, i honestly think that yes, i just want to say about phenosteride, because research has also been devoted to it, it turned out that what it does, it basically blocks, blocks transition.
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they produce those dead cells that die later and form hair, that’s the joy our men experienced today, discussing this problem. so, once again, all this is for sale, you need to read the composition, it must contain at least 2% menoxidil, at least two, and preferably five, this is an emulsion that is applied to this emulsion, but it doesn’t matter, here by the way, it says so, stimulant lotion .
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but nevertheless it is very interesting, why is it interesting to us as doctors? because clinical studies have appeared, and the most important thing is that dermatologists have included this in the treatment protocols, in principle, a drug that is not a medicine, that is, it is a shampoo that is produced, it is simply there an ingredient that was a medicine. i want to show one more thing, in order to finally put everything in perspective, these are the types of baldness, baldness.
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yes, no question, i wanted to say that in the usa there is phenosteride in tablets, we also
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have it in russia, no, there is 5 mg for the prostate, 1 mg for hair growth, we tried it, i haven’t tried it, it calls, it causes impotence, i’d rather be bald, so it’s better externally, then there won’t be any effect on potency, not for long. let's take a break and then continue, set some pepper, prepare mexican is it true that chili soup is against cancer and helps with joint pain? here’s a new twist, diverticula in the intestines, how dangerous is the invisible disease, a sick fantasy, a notebook was found at school: students with scary stories about their classmates, how
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could such a thing be born in a child’s head, how dangerous he is for other children. eh, zakhar andreevich, why don’t you, let’s go into the frame, into the frame, your son is convicted, you yourself understand what a shadow it casts, i thought that love is joy, that this is happiness, but what is this? ride me, it’s no use the cheremis came back here, that brother, things are bad, she’s driving me crazy, leave these thoughts, she’s a stranger to us, don’t be offended, please, tosya, you’ll come tomorrow, listen, i don’t want you to communicate with him, you’re screwed together, you can only cripple the fate of people , tosya, tosya, wait, two shores, the premiere of a multi-part film, watch after the program time, i’m glad to see you, father, on... there’s nothing to talk about with you, go away,
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the most grandiose event in modern russia, traditions and advanced technologies , greatest achievements and discoveries, all corners of the country, all spheres of life, 247 days, 89 regions, more than 17 million visitors, we have something to be surprised at, we have something to be proud of, the opening of the russia exhibition on july 6th at the first, the pressure is normal, for now, what does that mean for now, single men don’t live long, you heard, you know, i’m coping, food is being prepared , i wash the floors myself, well, what does the floors have to do with it, twice a week,
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at least, well, once, but regularly, and in our yard... from july 7 on sundays on the first, that you became nervous, maybe you too i need it twice a week, why? well, the doctor says, twice a week, that’s it, this program is to live healthy, dear friends, from an optimistic topic, that there will be no more bald people, we move on to an equally optimistic one.
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chili, at least it’s called chili soup, but it’s such a thick thing that it doesn’t look like soup, if it sits for a little while, like this one, it generally thickens, because the coarse fiber is in the women, manuel, how normal, tasty, pepper, pepper, pepper, you cooked it, yes, of course,
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yes, yes, most importantly, you need to put the beans 24 hours earlier, in the water all night, globally, this is bean soup, beans, tomatoes, pepper, chili, of course, onions, red pepper, paprika and garlic, manuel, how many years have you been in russia, 15 years, well, manuel, tell us, from your mexican point of view, what ’s good about chili soup, is it poor people’s food or food of the rich? there is no meat here, but the ingredients that are used are often more expensive than the meat itself, now people still prefer to eat such products without meat, realizing that it is more healthy,
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healthy food, it is not so cheap, it used to be food of the poor, now there is no and... well well, the main ingredient is beans, beans contain protein, but the main benefit for us is the rough indigestible fiber that helps us lower cholesterol, remove toxins, toxins, bad stuff, cholesterol, all of that gets mixed up in the intestines if there's not. ..
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are they good or for women? both. for men, of course, tomatoes are healthier than for women, because they fight prostate cancer, but they also contain substances that fight eye problems. well, the fact is that our eye is designed this way, so you see, here is the retina, and they say: the fundus, we will now look at the fundus, this is the retina, there are vessels and nerves in the retina. cells, this lycopene, it is a natural antioxidant, protects cells from the harmful effects of free radicals, so yes...
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soup, i just love it, i have a question for manuel, have you tried russian food for 15 years, jellied meat, borzh, blini , caviar, i really liked the caviar, caviar, i liked the caviar, especially the black one, who cooks at home, myself, let’s show you how the soup is prepared, i’ll quickly i’ll tell you, and manuel will correct you, if anything is wrong, then red beans, corn, chop onions, tomatoes, add vegetables, boiled beans, if
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you want, corn and olive oil, garlic, paprika, cumin, coriander, simmer over low heat for an hour and a half, stirring, then crush the garlic and also add to this mixture, i must say that this mixture is boiled down to... the state of porridge, that's right, manuel, in my opinion there are no such thin soups as in russia in mexico, that's how delicious it turns out, guys , chili soup, it's a bean soup, thick like porridge soup, try it, super useful for health. our program continues, now it’s time for me to go to the medical site, oddly enough, the kitchen theme, beans, echoes the problem that we will talk about. and the problem in medical language is called diverticulosis, pockets, protrusion in the large intestine. i invite our
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guest today. i want you to tell us your story, come here to me. this means that i have been experiencing pain in my intestines for two months. about five years ago i was diagnosed. verticulosis, but i broke it diet, ate nuts, and i think that after that i started having pain, i was diagnosed by accident, nothing hurt, no, well, before that i was also a little sick, but i took the medicine, it seemed like everything went away, now i broke the diet and more, as it were, resumed, so i took antibiotics and antispasmodics and antivirals and the pain continued. but for two months now, what kind of pain is this, where does it hurt? it doesn’t hurt from the stomach, yeah, but it’s like a whining, this is a whining,
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i just stop taking antispasmodics, they are more are intensifying, that is, you are on antispasmodics, well , of course, i want to invite our guest expert, a wonderful doctor, gastroenterologist, head of the gastroenterology clinic in the united states of america here in moscow, igor vladimirovich. gorodokina, come to us, so, diverticulosis, what is it, igor vladimirovich? diverticulosis is a pouch-shaped formation of the intestinal wall, it’s like a deformation of the intestinal wall, it’s not even a neoplasm like a tumor, but it’s just a protrusion of the intestinal wall, it looks like the inside, it looks some kind. so i’m showing you, from the outside it looks like a bag like this, like a pocket like this, yes, here’s the view from the outside, the view from the inside, like
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this we’ll put it here, like this in the intestines instead of the normal wall like this, what’s the threat, why our patient says that she broke her diet, so tragic deverticulosis in itself is not dangerous in principle, but sometimes deberticulosis... affects, in my opinion, if i ’m not mistaken, 80% of people over 70, this is an age-related phenomenon, but we are not must be an ancient old woman for this, i saw twenty-four year old, but the older we get, the more often we see it, but you can say it, anything, arthritis, heart, cancer, anything, hypertension, diabetes, everything becomes more common than, than as you get older, why it is dangerous, the fact that in a few people perforation occurs, microperforation of this sac is manifested, she was admitted with speritonitis, maintenance of the colon, holonoscopy
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a couple of years ago, yes, or a year and a half ago, yes, but then it was possible, because she had no symptoms, with acute diverticulitis colonoscopy is relatively contraindicated, because you can make a macroperforation from a microperforation, you can pierce the small intestine without that, which means again, these are these pouches in the intestinal wall that actually have a cavity inside, i now want to show a picture of how it looks from the inside in a real person . it means , look, you see, on the left you can see such pockets, bags, you can see, here they are, yes, here they are, here they are, you can just see it perfectly, on the outside they are like pawns, on the inside like such a cave, the entrance to the cave, when you see this like this with your own eyes, then you understand that some kind of food can get stuck there, when patients say, i ate nuts and i got inflammation, you even begin to believe in it, is it true or not, that there is food that gets stuck there , and we prepared the food
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with rough.
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big differences, it is very important to figure out what’s wrong with you, there is only one symptom, pain in the lower abdomen, unfortunately, the disease can actually end in an abscess and peritonitis, with the removal of the intestines and so on, or it can flow smoothly and well, so the diagnosis is important, thank you very much , sick fantasy, at school they found a student’s notebook with scary stories about their classmates, how
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could such a thing be born in a child’s head , how dangerous is he for other children? first channel celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of baikal on the amurdian mainline. just bravo, if only all our drivers were like this, trains run smoothly. field of miracles on friday on the first. neurophysiology is a young science, and many discoveries were made within the walls of this institute under the leadership of natalia petrovna bekhtereva. the brain can solve the same problem with a variety of different systems; it seems to try to
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all the most difficult situations. all my life i saw how my mother sat at the table and wrote, wrote, wrote, it was all connected with treatment, her task was to determine the disease, i remember when i told one... with pride that i said that it was a tumor in that place, and she really ended up in that place, she cared for the patients like a mother, she said, treat the patient as your closest relative, and she treated the employees with care. natalya petrovna was the first in our country to propose the method of implanted electrodes for the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses, we recorded various physiological parameters, intervene with live electrodes, miracles are expected from us, so we are trying our best to arrange some kind of miracle, for the centenary of the birth of natalia bekhtereva, premiere on sunday on the first, in
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the first season of the new season, a woman is killed, and we’re talking about the devil and our hearts haven’t broken, do you know how she’s torn, the shoulder just gives and the elbow pulls, well, okay. let's speculate, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are targets for you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, of course, i would run in that will pick out the moles, that's the question, be careful, i'm always careful. mayer, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man had a stutter
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suddenly he speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. this program is great to live, friends, in our truba pravda studio. it features a woman who is the mother of a nine-year-old child. in this girl’s class, the following story happened: a notebook accidentally came home, where some terrible sexual semi-pornographic stories were described by one of the girls, who
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studies in this class, the stories are wild and the parents don’t know what to do, all the parents have already discussed this with each other, everyone thinks that this girl should be shown to a psychiatrist, but her mother doesn’t want to, in short this is... so fourth grade, 9 years old , tell us a story, my daughter studies in a decent school, well, i mean, all the children are from good, wealthy families, just the other day she literally brought home a notebook that wasn’t hers, someone else’s, and where, frankly speaking, my hair stood on end, that’s what -i don’t even know how to choose a word, but perverted...
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well, i can’t imagine, but i contacted other parents so that maybe someone would recognize their child by his handwriting or maybe, i don’t know, someone just knows that the child likes to write things like that, and we found the child quickly enough, this a girl, actually a girl from our class, an excellent student, decent behavior, had never been noticed in any dubious ways.
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so informed in terms of sex and everything you want on this internet, because you have no idea what they see there and how they are with whom they are communicate, maybe she communicates more with older children, maybe she communicates with someone on the internet, and these are fantasies, most likely from there, maybe show her, if we talk about...
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such good schools in a good sense, not in
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the sense that for the rich, in the sense that they have really good children, good parents, it seems to me that we are confused ourselves, no, it is important to understand how those parents relate to the situation, if this situation continues, they treat it deliberately calm down, this is a reason to be seriously worried, let me remind you you that in our studio there is always in such programs... a psychiatrist, this is a professor and doctor of medical sciences, lev olegovich perezhogin. lev olegovich, well, our minds boiled over the fact that the child himself could be exposed. sexual violence, to the point that maybe it is some kind of disease or something, something, how to navigate, what is the way to understand what is happening? well, i didn’t have a clear opinion on this case, i also carefully read the title card in which all this is written, it was very striking that, firstly, the heroes
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these vulgar stories are almost always the same children, and secondly, the stories themselves are based on their plot. well , it’s extremely primitive, there’s no plot as such, neither sexual nor development, it’s just a set of offensive expressions addressed to other children, that’s why i assume that most likely, well , it seems to me, that it’s about some pedophile who enlightened a child not about that, we are not talking here, because otherwise the situation would be much more subtle and sophisticated, the child most likely does not even have normative information sexually. here is another very important point, it seems to me that the only clue was given, the girl is plump, she is probably exposed to some kind of negative influence from her peers, well, they laugh, tease, as such a hyper-defensive reaction
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, a retaliatory insult, she is put on, i guess, of course, i didn’t just leave this notebook behind, i thought she gave it to me to read. but this is an assumption, i am not ready to say that everything happens exactly like this, the situation alarmed me in the sense that most likely, the child who created this notebook is in some kind of critical situation, and of course, attention must be paid to his condition first of all, so i would be happy to look at this... if the parents would agree that concerns other children in the class, you need to look at their reaction, if their reaction is completely innocent, well, they read, laughed, forgot, then you need to take it calmly, well done guys, it didn’t hurt them, they just took it as a ridiculous incident,
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in any case this little girl should not be subjected to it under any circumstances, this is a child,
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9 years old, it was said, there is mutual trust, then they usually talk about such cases themselves, i understand correctly that from your point of view you do not see any gross psychiatric pathology, well, at least that the information that was presented does not allow me to draw such conclusions, maybe there is something there, but it remained behind the scenes, well, the fact remains a fact, parents.
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not fathers, mothers, they live very friendly, usually in classes, in these good schools, directly in the sense of the word good, what kind of relationship do you have with this girl’s mother, well... we all have quite friendly relations, in the sense that the reaction was really quick, when i started a riot, tried to find out who was
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the author of the notebook, literally in half a day we we found a person, well, in the sense that this is a girl, which all the parents themselves confirmed, yes, this is ours, that is, the relationship is good, well, yes, so it can be said that you had a conversation with a psychiatrist, consulted about your daughter in.. . situations and the doctor believes that the girl has some kind of critical situation, i think i need to talk to my daughter, talk to your daughter, me to mine, and she to hers, that’s right, well, for starters, at least this way, but to start with this, well, this is such a strange story, something unexpected for us, a decision was made to talk to the children. without asking what it means, and why who gave birth? good with trust, good with trust
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trustful, like what happens in the classroom, in my opinion, this is correct, because eternal love is only for children, and they enter into this life is difficult, filled with all sorts of stupid information that is difficult for us to cope with, and simply impossible for them, we had a good time. may you live healthy, hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, this program will be shown in the studio by ruslan astashko and olesya loseva. well, the united states. made a bet on war. yesterday it became known that washington intends to announce the allocation of an arms package to ukraine worth
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$2,300 million, this is what the head of the pentagon said, loi dostin. i am proud that the united states will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance to ukraine. this package will provide more air defense interceptors, anti-tank weapons and other critical munitions.
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it is important to recall here that at the beginning of last month the americans gave themselves permission to use ukrainian hands to attack our territory with their own american weapons. and yesterday , pentagon press secretary patrick ryder said that washington considers it acceptable the use of american weapons for attacks on crimea. our policy regarding the use of long-range missiles against russia has not changed. once again, our policy is to supply long-range missiles to ukraine in order to use them on ukrainian territory. crimea is part of ukraine. that is, they can use them in crimea. this is part of ukraine, that’s right. this pentagon statement sounds especially cynical after the recent attack on the beach in sevastopol, when an american missile was used. we would like to remind you that four people died, including two children. 153 people were injured, the first casualties.


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