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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  July 3, 2024 4:05pm-5:00pm MSK

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indeed, she ended up in that place, about the patients, she cared like a mother, she said, treat the patient as your closest relative, and she treated the employees with care. natalya petrovna was the first in our country to propose the method of implanted electrodes for the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses. we recorded various physiological parameters. when we begin to intervene with animated electrodes, miracles are expected of us. so we are trying our best to arrange some kind of miracle for the centenary of his birth natalia bekhtereva, premiere on sunday on the first. i am probably happy when my children are next to me. my
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relatives, parents should have a good upbringing themselves, they should pass it on to their children. a father must raise his son by leading by example. being a mother is work, it is daily work, caring for children. mom, dad, brother and i, great family. 3 years old already, and we are already reading books at that age. happiness is when there is calm, peace, prosperity at home, when everything is in order with people. so that the younger brother is good, healthy, happy, the parents are the same, respect each other, love and appreciate every moment spent together, so that everyone lives well with faith, with hope, everything will be fine.
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very nice, my name is alexander antonina, this is for you or your daughter. thank you, alexander, it’s a pleasure, thank you. alexander, 39 years old, a security guard, a native muscovite, listens to classical music and cooks a wide variety of colors, is proud of his black belt in jeu jitsu, dreams of patenting his signature fighting style, they warn that he likes to give girls teddy bears. in 10 years of marriage , alexander never spent the night with his wife, when she refused him a joint vacation, he considered it pointless to maintain the relationship, hoping that antonina would give herself to him completely, great, guys, hello, is this some kind of marriage? you are defective, as it has been for 10 years, as they say, the children slept while lying, and there were children, the guest was constantly at work, she was in business, because she lived in st. petersburg. and you are in moscow, yes very much
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it was difficult, because i had a job directly in moscow, and she was in st. petersburg, well, that suited you, and it suited us both, because she couldn’t find a job in moscow, she lived with me in moscow for a year, she didn’t like it, like a bone marriage, what is it in general, a guest marriage is when you do not live in the same apartment, that is, he lives in his apartment, she lives in hers, they come to her there, there is no such thing, tell me, is the risk high in your profession?
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she went on vacation, although she could have stayed, she went on vacation every year, i didn’t have such an opportunity, because i work and carried everything myself, i understand correctly that you were in bed, i was in a military hospital, and she was resting at that time, she said, i have another rest, i probably i’m going to go on vacation, i left it, it turns out to be bread and two packs of sour cream, there were only two close friends with me, how is this, well, just like that, it’s absolutely terrible. well, i don’t give names, i’m a man of skin, you know, i don’t respect, i despise with all my heart, what can you think about if your wife, even a guest marriage, okay, she goes alone, on vacation, every year, so this is not a relationship between them, which means i don’t know what you’ll demonstrate, i know your black belt is on the move, please demonstrate yours, yes, of course, we ’ll see about that , come on, sasha, wait. yes,
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it’s interesting, it’s not my dancing in squats, you still need to be able to dance like you.
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yeah, ready, ready, ready, ah, performance, here it is love, cool, san, come on, but
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guys, men. the river, the river is deep, don’t overwhelm yourself, it has become a bereshka, the storm clouds are hiding, i wish i could fly, but i don’t have wings, i’m standing, no matter how many nights it is, beating with my hoof, looking for a sitter, your shore has been pushed away, the house has turned around. borislanna, this is constant love, we while away a very long, unloved, unloved, word, thank you,
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my friends, thank you. and what are we, what are we , what are we standing for, come on, let the bride choose, we’re all ready, well, except for me, of course, i, of course, i’m like that, let’s go here already, as they say, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, well, i’ll advise budina, let her choose, come on, with whom sing, come on, whoever you stay with, the rest ...
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she’s been in her child for 12 years, she ’s never been interested in her, she left her when she was one year and 7 months old, she has a child support debt of almost one and a half million, so what? is she talking about you? bad grandma, sonya is dressed like a grandma, this grandma is worth one and a half million no 730.
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good afternoon! feelings are different. today we will look at the case when maternal feelings, it turns out, can not only harm children in some way, but also fall under administrative criminal liability. yeah, and the main thing is that they are canned. today in our studio is tatyana vasilievna,
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the grandmother of thirteen-year-old sofia. the fact is that sophie’s mother has been deprived of parental rights, but has been pursuing you for a year and a half. this is true? yes. what's happened? why is she following you? well, i think it's probably not paying child support. our main problem is alimony. she has a child support debt of almost 1.5 million. yes, well, of course, she faces criminal liability, right , millions, yes, most likely she started all this, but what did she start? well, it's following us on social networks, haunts the child, then she herself, then the relatives, and what they write, well, just how to talk and chat there, but the child seems to have no desire, she left her when i... was a year and 7 months, she abandoned her, abandoned her according to notes, got ready, what does according to notes mean?
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she put notes, i am such and such, i am leaving the child to be raised by my own father and my own grandmother, to you, yes, with respect, tatyana, then after some time they found a second note, and the fact that it transfers all rights you, yes, there was this note written in advance, so neat, here's the second one. squeak, when she was already running away, i heard the door slam, and we were on the first floor, i opened the window, asked, tanya, where are you going, she turned in the right direction, i said, and sonya left it for you, since then she hasn’t seen her mother , after, no, well, as a child, she was still like, you know, she understood, saw that it was her mother, so she recognized her, we were on the first floor, and her friend lived on the second floor, she visited this friend to visit, she lived there, are you kidding, that is, she walked past the child to to her friend like this on the wall, she
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went up to the second floor, she was with this friend, she never came in, no, well , you didn’t interfere, no, no, we met, then we went for a walk with sonya, she saw her, she she was walking drunk with beer and a man next to her, sonya says: mom, she came up, kind of hugged her, oh, sonya, yes, i ’ll take you, i say, get up, where will you take her, but she didn’t have any kind of housing anymore , well, you have rights to the child, in fact there are no rights, except for some piece of paper, a piece of paper, i went to guardianship with these pieces of paper, and you turn out to be tatyana’s mother-in-law, that is, you are a grandmother by your father, by your father, and by your father, well , under guardianship they gave me to collect all these documents, it’s like listen, why, if dad stayed, dad didn’t, but there is no father in the documents, that is, he is not included, he is not, that is, they were not married, and it was also a surprise for him that she ran away like that, that is
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, he also did not expect, he did not expect, he saw how she ran, he stopped her, and then after some time sonya had already grown up there, that’s all, and we met her in kindergarten, you understand, she passed by us, passed by me, sonya and i, every day she took someone else’s child to kindergarten, and i took her child, i... she passed by every day, she didn’t even say anything , nothing at all, but what kind of child is she in kindergarten, she lived with a man, he had a child, you are talking seriously, that is, this man with whom she lived had a child, there was a child, the same girl of the same age as sonya , and we went to first grade at the lyceum together, she took the girl, and i took sonya, and we we met almost every day, then she began to avoid meeting, what a nightmare, then we somehow leave... this school, and she’s like, hello, i say, well, hello, if you’re not kidding, sonya asks me, woman ,
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who is this, you worked together, i say, yes, we worked, well, i won’t tell a child so quickly with a blow to the head that it’s your mother, so what does she want now: to communicate with her daughter or to have her debt removed , well, most likely a debt, because she has a big debt, well, in short, one and a half million, roughly speaking, she there he does all sorts of streams, films, and they pour such dirt on us. what a bad grandma you are, sonya, take a piece, here she is my beauty, already a head taller than my grandmother, well done, the assistant is growing up, when sonya’s mother
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left her, she was seven years old, she could walk, but she talked very... not bad, now she’s already finishing seventh grade, we got two c’s in the third quarter, now we ’re getting no c’s, algebra, geometry, well , it’s hard, but i’m still trying, sonya has her own room, a separate room, a child she lives separately, she chose this wallpaper herself, here she is with us even for the next year and you see, all the notebooks we have here are dresses, t-shirts, t-shirts, she has everything... she wanted a child right now i liked these, i ’ll show you now, i wouldn’t wear these, here’s how you can wear them, she bought these pants, but she likes to wear them, i don’t mind, he has back problems, we bought a special horizontal bar for the child to hang , from birth she has a heart threshold and headaches, she has to
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constantly buy these pills, she most likely my mother knows, but she has never... not once inquired about her health, what our mother wants now, what she wants to achieve in general, she is 12 years old for her child, she has never inquired, sonia and i live very well, anything can happen, it’s hard, but we can cope, we help each other, yes sonya, yes, i love my child, i ’ll rip anyone’s throat out for her, i won’t give her any offense. that is, the mother knew that the child had a heart threshold and never asked, most likely, because everything is written on the card, we have such a card there, her, well, since birth, these oval windows haven’t been closed, she still doesn’t have them closed. tatyana vasilievna, what do you live on now, i receive a pension, dad helps
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us, pays money for sonya, your son, yes, yes, but he takes care of the child? of course, when was the last time you saw tatyana? last time, 3 years ago. you know that she paradoxically agreed to come to this program. tatyana, come to us, tatyana vasilyevna, you’re not ashamed, no, you’re an adult, yes, completely, already an elderly person, you’re like that dirt, such meanness, such, such lies, you are now telling.
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perhaps he has grown up for this, the last time i didn’t show up, you haven’t been to the bailiff for five years, no, look for 2 years , partial payment was 6.0 rubles, you understand that you are facing prison, a real sentence, i understand this perfectly, that’s why you announced in their daughter’s life now, no, not... but why? i just want to see my daughter, i want to communicate with her. did you ask your daughter? does she even want to communicate with you? she wants to communicate with me. a why then doesn’t he communicate? i know this very well, why then doesn’t he communicate? because we met in a cafe, she wanted to communicate with me, because this woman poured dirt into her ears, just all sorts of lies, but what kind
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of dirt did she pour? i don’t know what, that she blocked me on social networks, revelation. former us secretary of state hillary clinton, especially for our program. this concerns the upcoming us elections. you need to go on the offensive. i am doing everything i can to re-elect president biden. we just they are used to saying that, well, hillary, yes, they are downed pilots, and her husband, and also a downed pilot, they are puppeteers, they believe her, they give her money on her word, she will win, we will do all this, you are already going to die well, that's what she said. the main threat is trump. not hillary clinton, but one of the republicans, then the matter would be decided that they are striking a blow to american democracy, in the districts of the establishment, they say:
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god forbid criticizing her, it’s a bad omen, they are really afraid of her, a vanavan and a lexus show, premiere, today at the first, in fact, you brought her under the article, it’s a fact, she fell into this trap, girl, personal greetings, god, oh, frost, frost,
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fantastic, on friday at the first, what life circumstances forced you to abandon your child at one and seven years old and to return to her life when she had already become a teenager, it was impossible in this family... it was impossible to live anymore, it was impossible, these are the constant reproaches of this woman that i don’t work, although the child is one and seven years old, where will i go work, you understand, is good, so you are unbearable to you, his son evgeniy, he himself didn’t work, he constantly demanded money, because he plays, bets on sports, also drinks, that’s all, that’s all clear, you could no longer live in this family, you got up, took the child, there was nowhere to go.
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but your child has disappeared, listen to him, i had such a situation, my mother died, who was disabled and whom i carried in my arms to the toilet, she
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is dying, at that time i had a friend visiting me, she offers to for your mother to go and take the child with you so that the child can get some fresh air, literally a day or two, maybe three. she's driving around and i don't see her anymore, are you kidding me now or what? i’m seriously saying, here’s your friend, some stranger’s aunt, she took the child, took her somewhere, you go to the police, write a statement, my child was stolen, i gave her the child myself, gave her documents so that she could take her for a visit, well, okay, they didn’t return your child, you write, then guardianship came and i was simply deprived of parental support . how long until guardianship came to you, in about a week? maybe two, you were immediately deprived of parental rights, almost immediately, that’s not the case it happens, but it also does not happen that people who stole children are then given custody of these children, this also does not happen, i say again,
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i don’t know how it happened and i know how, but it turned out the way it happened, yes, in the simplest way, they gave away one child, and then they gave away a second, and then they gave birth to a third, angelina, at least she lives with you now. lives with me, let's see how we live here, we rent a room, admittedly in a communal apartment, but the room is small, in principle we have everything, we sleep here on there’s just two of us on one sofa, basically there’s enough space, this is my youngest daughter, angelinochka, this is her work desk, she sculpts and draws here, she studies well, yes, i also want to become a cook, yes, she helps me very often in the kitchen, her scrambled eggs are
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a masterpiece. eat, eat, mm, yummy, fashionable, i have her, she likes to dress, what she likes, naturally, is bought for her, for the new year i bought her a beautiful dress, such a fashionable girl... i had the most beautiful one in the class, the child has everything, if something is missing, she comes up to me and says: mom, it’s necessary, mom is necessary, don’t, unfasten it, as if i never hid from my youngest daughter that she has two sisters, that her sister is older, i would really like to see nastya and sonya, i hope that we will
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communicate , i i wanted. hug, explain the whole situation, how it happened, what happened, that i really, i didn’t leave them, well, it turned out the way it turned out. tatyana, of course, is a paradoxical person, because she tells us here that she doesn’t need anything, just to communicate with her daughters, but in our studio also godmother sofia, ksenia. hello. ksenia, is it true that the mother really wants to see the child? according to her, she says so, i cannot say whether this is true or not, i can just say that in the twenty -first year, on the eve of march 8, tatyana had a unique opportunity to see her daughter, we wrote to tatyana, discussed the meeting place, and it was a sunny day in the cafe, and when she and i stood near the cafe and decided to go in, she stopped and said: i’m so scared, i said: well, don’t worry, i’m
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with you, here we go, she stops me by the hand and says: what should i call her? i say: well, what do you want? well, she pulled her eyebrows together like a house and felt so guilty before me like this: mom, i say: well, no matter what you call her, we will never judge you for this, we will support any of your decisions in communication regarding communication between angelina and well, tanya’s mothers, let’s just say we came, they came a little later, well, we all... well, be positive with our toys, things that are small, i will passed, wants to communicate, you won’t believe it, she came, started collecting all her notebooks, everyone helps her with her homework, i will help her study, sisters, yes, i tell her, i say, tan, my schedule is floating, well, i say, i she’s still sick, so we ’re talking, well, figuratively, when we’ll see each other, and i ask her a question like this, i say, you know, sonya wants to pack her things, notebooks, help angelina with her homework, as it were,
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and we can should you come to visit? to which tatyana answers me: i’ll think about it, i write to her, yulia, i write to her, i say: if if you want, we can meet on my territory, to which tatyana reads my message , ignores me, and i no longer understand what i should tell the child, i write to her, i say: tanya, we can call you tomorrow by video call, to which tanya answers me , ksyusha, my number will be blocked tomorrow, but i can’t hang it up yet, i say: okay, let’s do it today. we will call each other in half an hour via video call.
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well, how can i say it firmly for such a girl, it turns out that after adding the network, well, these social networks, the newspaper went from their side, they went to the newspaper, yes, then in this stream there were such words, you also know, sonya is dressed like a grandmother, this grandmother is standing. sonya, tatan, what, now 15, the second, yes, 15, i’m standing, cutting a cucumber in the kitchen, you won’t believe it, i’m listening, i’m thinking, lord, my god, the child turns 14 on september 12, this is a lie, a complete lie , where i stood with
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which friend? hit the stream, the stream was an accident, let's record it, well, well, well, let's at least try to reach people, in fact, here you had a chance. i think i'll fix the situation, and if it really happened at least a little bit of feelings, at least a little bit, at least a small deposit of some kind of empathy and some kind of this maternal instinct, you had a chance to improve relations with at least sofia, you had this chance, and the girl was drawn to you, but you yourself missed it, now let’s talk about that daughter who was stolen by a friend, and how long ago did you see her, your eldest, that ’s how she was stolen, she never saw her again, you want to see it? how is your eldest daughter living now with her friend whom i stole? if you want, let’s see, like this when she was a little over two years old, i took her, she was so small, she practically didn’t speak, there were
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some inarticulate sounds, well, now you can see for yourself what a beauty she is, she grew up with us. look how many clothes i have, depending on my mood, everything was somehow bought, well, i really like to dress up, everything was bought thanks to my family, and i’m studying economics, but in general i want to become a lawyer in the future, i’m taking gradual steps towards this, and my family supports me in everything, one of my favorite photos of anastasia is very i loved driving cars, but years later... dreams are starting to turn into reality, i
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studied at a driving school for three months, and soon i will be driving cars on my own. you know, in this situation, where we suffered so many nerves, there is one big positive side, we managed to get to know everyone, we found each other, i hope that we will never part with you again. we have a request to tatyana anatolyevna novikova, please leave us alone, neither we nor the children need you anymore, and never did, do so that we forget about you forever. everyone , attention, we’re working, i think they told me that i would help in solving important cases, but we don’t have unimportant cases, they are simply divided according to
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severity, and i heard that your beauty came to work again, they said that you i connected the fortune teller to the coffee goofy, so the bolts are developing a lot, huh? survived, they weren’t taught to knock, lesha and i decided to get married, we’ll wait and see, where were you, feeding the squirrels in the park, uh-huh, fortune teller, today on the first, we’ll wait and see, this ok in general, everything. don’t touch my mother, don’t touch, the most grandiose event in modern russia, traditions and advanced technologies, the greatest achievements and discoveries,
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all corners of the country, all spheres of life, 247 days, 89. regions, more than 17 million visitors, we have something to be surprised by, we have something to be proud of, the ceremonial closing of the russia exhibition is on july 6, at the first, well, shall we go to our homeland, edgarova, education? why are you surprised? does the candidate of science actually clean the twenty-fifth house? don't understand, don't understand, no, not to say, well, well, police major, colonel vladimir sergeevich, was one of the three most
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promising investigators in the country, and why are you following her? i wish i could find a husband, everything will be fine, we’ll live as before, citizen edgarova, i see everyone is looking for courage, well, look! look, maybe you’ll find someone, zafara has two sons, already adults, excuse me, what’s your last name, columba, who i haven’t called yet, only interpol remains, i didn’t give him my sweatshirt, what ’s going on with the registration? ? stand, police, can you show me the gun? and in our yard from july 7 to sunday on the first. anastasia, who raised. your daughter has been coming to our studio all these years. did i
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steal your daughter? yes, you stole my daughter, you called me personally and said: come and take it, on the condition that you give me the child with all the documents, with a medical book, insurance policy and birth certificate, i said only this time with all the documents i i’ll take it away from you forever, you told me: okay, so i’ll tell you... about how i stole it from you, but apparently, you had neither a mobile phone, nor friends, nor a pen, you just had to call 0.2, if you don’t know where to go, what to do, call and say, hello, police, my legs gave out, pens don’t write to me, tell me what to do, a woman who rented an apartment, a room, a friend from me, i let her child go with her for 2-3 days, and she took her to nowhere in a certain direction, i said exactly the same most of all, explain... how it was that you rented a room, you said, no, you
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said this time, but why this time, that means there was another time, yes, more than once, in 2006 i rented a room from her, i had just moved into her apartment when her child, the eldest anastasia, in fact, why did i decide to save her, but was taken away in an ambulance with starvation exhaustion, and how old was the child ? i can't listen to this don't listen close your ears, i will tell people who are ready to listen to me, the medical book clearly states that urgent hospitalization is necessary to save the mother, she has no money to feed the child , the child is artificial, there was no milk , nothing, this is how she was just born. months after birth, let's say, when did you
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take her? tatyana signed a power of attorney for your daughter under what circumstances? no, this is a paper, which means it turns out that in march i moved out, in april tatyana gave it to me completely, she called you herself, she called me herself i called, that is, before that she will pick me up there, bring it to me, or rather, i will pick it up and give it to me, that’s when i told her that i would take it along with the documents and everything else, and i took her to karasuk for the reason that i needed was to leave. business trip when i called her, i said, tan, i need an official document from you confirming that you don’t mind that the child will live with us in karasuk, she says, no problem, only i’m sick with a hangover, i say, this is definitely not a problem, i bought her a glass and a half of beer and we went to the notary, she wrote the notary has a statement, that’s it, when it happened, it was august 2008, since april 2008 she hasn’t seen the child even once, tell me, this is what you get for the money, and the guardianship department filed
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a statement of claim in court, which we ask in connection with the fact that the mother of a minor girl , anastasia novikova, is selling an apartment, we ask you to take into account the interests of the child when selling the apartment, the financial resources were transferred to an account controlled by the guardianship, what they were spent on, the child has his own home. that's it, i can't listen to this, i don't i can listen to this, i can’t listen to this anymore, please tell me, nastya lived in your family all her life, how can you, she didn’t know that she was an adopted child, no, but how did it happen that she found out, they started her on vkontakte stalk, started writing, well , different people, what...
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where did you tell us what kind of creatures we are there, a friend stole my daughter, why didn’t you go to the police, because now you can’t even say a word of truth, listen, let’s do this about the word of truth, silence. now tell us the truth, how did your child find out about that he lives in a foster family, my brother calls me and says that selyutina, who used to be selyutina, called him and there she is almost hysterical, that nastya found some documents and is interested in who
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her real mother is , so it was like this , that is, you think that nastya... found the documents herself, that i will read them, my brother told me this, that is, all of your friends, girlfriends, acquaintances did not write to nastya on social networks, oh that there is important information, you didn’t ask anyone, but maybe someone did it just voluntarily, like out of good intentions, one of your friends could have done this, i don’t have any friends, stream, acquaintances, this is my good friend, she helped me at least to figure it out.
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will abandon the child, wait, other people told me that tatyana has a child, that is, the fortune needs to be taken away, because she drinks there and so on and so forth, i speak from the words that people said, we began to check this information, but when i found her, i met her completely differently than you describe, so please, sit down, how tatiana was deceived with her eldest
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daughter, anastasia at that time lived in tatiana’s apartment, that is , she rented a bed from tatiana... there was such a case, but her mother died, she was in such a terrible state, but she there were problems there, anastasia, the eldest daughter, anastasia offered to take her to the village for 3-4 days, we listened to this version from tatyana’s mouth, which means you know her from ustyan, i know her, because it’s true, tatyana called her anastasia, are you kidding me that when you arrive, no, i’m not kidding, she’s telling her i called when you would arrive, what did i answer? but we have weather conditions, there are no tickets, okay, in 3-4 days we will arrive, then i just don’t want to listen anymore, did you see the documents on the screen, no, look at the date, the child has been living with another woman since march, and this is 15 august, and this is 1508 2008,
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who wrote these letters to anastasia, with the fact that i will now tell you a terrible secret, who wrote this, my daughter wrote this to find anastasia, tatyana’s eldest daughter, so that somehow you know that this is a criminal offense, this is an article, yes, i understand, how old is my daughter, i understand, 20, well, she already bears full criminal liability, fits all the laws of the country in which she lives, now listen to what happened to the child after she found out this information, tell us, please, anastasy, when the child told us that someone was writing to her with some important information, we had to sit the child down with the whole family, sit at the dinner table and tell the child the truth at the age of 18, yes, roughly speaking, the child found out that the real mom and dad are not mom at all, dad, that some aunt showed up with her, who calls herself a biological mother, and the child is stressed, finding herself studying at
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the university, studying for a driver’s license and the child, she could not attend school, could not drive on a license, because she had thoughts. you really need to be punished for this, but for my part, i am personally ready to help you, after the transfer we will exchange contacts on how to protect, i, as far as i understand, you are still being persecuted by these people, not realizing that they are violating our laws, and we definitely with the public, in novosibirsk there are friends, comrades, acquaintances who will make this public, so that these people no longer even have the intention and thought of pestering you, that ’s the only way... eh, zakhar andreevich, what about you , let's get into the frame, into the frame, your son is a convicted person, do you understand what kind of person he is? casts a shadow, i thought that love was joy, that it was happiness, but that’s what i’m doing, you’d better
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teach me to ride a horse, it’s a shame that the cheremis came back here, brother, things are bad, she’s driving me crazy, leave these thoughts, she's a stranger to us don’t be offended, please, tosya, you will come tomorrow, listen, i don’t want you to communicate with him, you are made to only cripple the fate of people, tosya, tosya, wait, two shores. premiere of a serial film. watch the time after the program. i'm glad to see you, father. we have nothing to talk to you about. leave. at the entrance to the legendary bam village of zvezdny we are greeted by this wedge heel. 50 years ago, the pioneers got here on it, and they landed there on the banks of the tayura river. at that time there was neither a bridge nor roads, one continuous, impassable taiga. and in the cold, at 50, and at 53.
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you are wanted, there are references to you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or
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later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well-thought-out option for escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find on... hello, colonel kostenko, the prime minister’s confrontation according to the legendary book
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yuliana semyonova. now let’s find out from opeke what chances there are to return to our beloved children. this citizen came to the attention of the guardianship authorities twice. the first time was due to the fact that she left the child in care. these persons did not appear, did not care for, did not support the child, and in the second case in 2012, this citizen also left the child in the care of third parties, also did not care, but moreover, the case materials contain information that she herself filed a statement about considering the case without her participation, where she agreed to the deprivation of her parental rights, the central district court satisfied the appeal of the guardianship authorities and deprived her. ski rights. throughout this entire time, the citizen had the opportunity to contact the guardianship authorities to assist in the restoration of
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parental rights, this is allowed. in the city of novosibirsk there are also organizations that assist in the restoration of parental rights, but she did not contact either the guardianship authorities or this organization. the eldest girl reached at the age of majority, she has the right to make her own decision whether to communicate with her mother or not to communicate. and in relation to the younger girl. since she has not yet reached 18 years of age, the mother does not have the right to insist on meeting the child. in accordance with the law, a mother deprived of parental rights does not have the right to communicate with the child, but she is obliged to provide financial support. parents have the right to restore parental rights at any time if the circumstances of its deprivation no longer exist. but from the age of 10, the child’s opinion must be taken into account by the court. if the child wants to communicate and for the mother to recover in the birth.
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once again it was now we find out, because despite everything, nastya and sofia, sofia, nastya is still an adult, sofia is younger, but nevertheless we have a psychologist in the studio, the girls wanted to go to this studio too, say what they think, yes, thank you
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for raising us, thank you for giving birth to us and thank you very much. for quitting. nastya, how did you find out that you were being raised in a foster family? it all started with what started to happen to me on social networks, some girl started writing, writing that i have important information for you, we need to meet with you, i ’ll tell you everything, well, everything like that. then, well, i told my family about it, we sat down at the dining table, and they told me everything about... well, later, a couple of days later, i met this anastasia, who wrote to me, she started telling me that my fourteen-year-old sister is looking for me, so you can record a video message, that i want to see this sister there, what i want to see my mother, i say that i don’t want to do this, later she wrote to me, well , when the whole meeting was over, she
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wrote to me: just don’t tell anyone about this meeting, that is, this whole story is that you some... documents were found and they started asking some questions, this is all naturally a lie, of course a lie, uh-huh, sofia, and do you remember that moment when you met your mother in a cafe, met your little sister, well, this yes, i remember, well, when we saw our biological mother, so then at that meeting in the cafe, something stirred inside, no, but they were glad to meet my sister, but i had plans. communicate with my sister, only my sister, but as i understand it, there were no more meetings, there weren’t, now we would like to communicate, no, anastasia, no, why, because i have my own life, my own family, in fact, well, this woman well, i absolutely didn’t know, i didn’t even know about her existence, especially
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speaking about angelina, well, i also don’t want to communicate, because it will be from tatyana. through angelina, sonya, how is life with your grandmother good, but dad is often with you, yes, he helps, comes to us, but you also don’t want to communicate with your mother and angelina, no, i don’t want to, why are you, it’s insulting, to whom, to my mother, yes, for what, for leaving her, despite this, you still offered to meet her one day, and what she answered, i don’t know, i’ll think about when it was, 3 years ago, i communicated.


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